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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  June 12, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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most importantly, they were the first to really manage to stage vampilov for millions, when vitaly melnikov returned to this author after 4 years and took a vacation in september based on the play duck hunt. it wasn't so easy for him anymore. melnikov's next film based on vampilov was shelved for 8 years and only shown in the late eighties. during vampilov's lifetime. then they wanted to reason with him, they said that his plays were petty topics, but what can you say? and now it’s clear that with these words, perhaps, they unknowingly gave him a compliment, which is how this story lives, here the eldest son, it would seem, soviet cinema from another time, there’s even a washstand hanging on the street, a lot of things that people don’t understand, but what kind of tribute is this, what is it? says
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what kind of room is this, what kind of furniture is this, what kind of clothes are these, what kind of relationships are these, and people are looking, here we should think about figuring it out in vitaly melnikov’s film, because today we live in such a cynical, material, uh, greedy time, greedy not for life, but for materialism, a period that is somehow... not perceived, there is no faith in that a man came, knocked on the door and without asking for water, became his own son, who appeared somewhere at some time, and the man believed in it, today it is so far away, so today it would seem incomprehensible, and we look at in the end, when the title sequence occurs, the end of the film, we leave believing that this could have happened, that this could happen and... it’s all normal,
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congratulate me, i was late for the train, the irkutsk drama theater afforded its eldest son’s first production. the premiere took place in november 1969. alexander vampilov was afraid to go inside the building. he didn’t know whether it was a triumph or a failure, he was sitting with his friends in a park nearby. he was nervous, then he said: “they are having a banquet there, now let’s go on reconnaissance.” in the theater , khamelnov’s visit to vampilov seemed inappropriate. they hinted to him about this. vampilov burst into dust, oh, we’re not covered here. he left the banquet table, bought cheap wine and went to celebrate the premiere with his comrades in the park. who would have known that even after half a century this play would not leave the theater repertoire, it would still be just as poignant. look
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the film based on it is as if time does not exist. good evening everyone, your favorite show song from the heart is on air, june 12. russia day, today we celebrate this holiday at our round table in the circle of our friends, your favorite performers, our guests, friends,
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mother, this is how it has been done for a long time with us, joy in our chest or anxiety, at the table in a difficult hour, we it’s simply impossible without a song, once the crane is filled with sadness, and the heart is filled with separation, it bends over the river, the king’s ringing somewhere is ruined. eh, our song
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russian, oh, bird, but in the sky it’s sick, snowy and sad, these are nastya’s words. rostolnaya, slovka, feast, how good you are, our russian song, oh, russian, soul. it’s easy for us to go through life with her, we endlessly love to listen to the song, home. at work and on the road, our souls heal our hearts, a pack of three will rush with you, a daisy will shine on the onion, and the frosty dimushka will bring summer warmth to us in winter, this is
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a song, our russian bone, and free and tender in the sky. and sad, this is like a word of peace, ringing, drinking, how good you are, our russian song, this is the russian soul. it will float away like a river day after day, our children
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will grow up to be grandchildren, we will not go back and will not return, but there will be no separation from the song. on a moonlit night, along a long road, it will take us somewhere again, and it will not meter the weeds, in the heart it will again roll like a hammer, a song, our russian, kindred, and in the sky, free, tender and sad, the proverbial net ringing.
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andryusha, what a wonderful day we have gathered today, it’s so great, all the girls are so beautiful, young, yur, you are the best, and you know that everyone has their own homeland, you all probably came, it’s all great family, this whole family... in one word they call beautiful russia, i, for example, am from ryazan, i am fit for my homeland, and what is the most favorite song in ryazan, well, my favorite, i started with the ryazan choir, a song by a great
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russian composer , which he wrote for lyudmila gerkina, is noisy overhead, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, can i get up, can i just a little bit, otherwise... the ryazan forest is noisy above my head, the small strawberries of the plowed earth, not the swiss galubiz on the weight, and under the naked. gosy piramash davoli serty lovely lands, ryazan, ryazan, nightingale's rumbles, green in the birch
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snow. i can’t live apart from you, well, in our music room. map of russia sverdlovsk region, village of shamary, group ivan chai with a song about his small homeland village.
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in the hustle and bustle i get lost in vain, dissolving in business, worries, the years run into nowhere. but my soul lacks something, at night, when the city sleeps, i remember my village, my heart keeps the memory of it, i will not forget my native land, my dear village, the ancient love sits with us to the full. the king of the endless fields of dawn and early
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fog, who will sing the sulfur to me! the russian spirit hovers there, there is purity and strength in the skies, my ears are at rest, the people are bright, kind, truthful, they do not hide their souls in concrete walls, which is often the case. to freedom, there freedom is given by god, there the soul does not scream in
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pain, the village, my dear, old will satiate, giving love to the full, scorching, endless early dawns. solze will not break me with fog. i am grateful to you, country, for the villages, yours, your
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deep ones, who raised you with warmth, taught you to be strong and strong, and it doesn’t matter where i would be, even though times are different now, you keep the orthodox faith, you are the village, the soul russia. my dear old village will satiate, giving plenty of love, praising, boundless dawn and early fog, who will destroy me!
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good evening, your duet is called ivan tea, why tell me, two ivans, i came up with such a pattern that this is ivan tea, such a drink, it invigorates someone, it puts someone to sleep, someone likes it, who - he’s indifferent to him, but someone is a little crazy about him, probably in the same way as with our
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songs, with our creativity. shamars, yes, well, let's move to your native places and let's look at your friendship. this is the sverlovsk region, shalinsky district. i moved here 2 years ago. this is a beautiful land, this is a place of power. i came here to visit, for the first time i saw the mountains and rocks, my eyes almost fell out. at the family council. decided that we would stay here, the most important thing is that people unexpectedly met my friend, father ioan, blessed is our god, the most blessed of all ages, but i won’t let you kiss my hand, i found out that a temple was being built here, father ivan said that we need hands, that’s how we met him, today we are painting the temple,
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it won’t work like that, wear a jacket, you’ll get dirty, well, the priest’s lot, it’s like that, it’s always like this... things, i came with everything, we joke, we even tease each other somewhere, i keep up with the bachuka, i’m not in a hurry, hurry up, you’ll make the priest laugh, i’ve been here for six years now, i’ve been serving about my youth, well, i lived an ordinary boy’s life, had fun with friends, walked, fought, there was no joy as such, so i realized that it’s as if without god i can’t do anything in this life, i entered the seminary, i was ordained and i became a clergyman, this life is more joyful. because you understand that you are doing a good deed, you are bringing benefit, you have inspired a friend’s path, something sank in your chest, you decided this year to enter the ekaterinburg theological seminary, so that in the future, as god willing, you can serve god, people, and advance father, yes, no, don’t move father, well, we became friends with ivan, because we also have common musical tastes, we love rock very much,
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so we are rockers, rockers, you shouldn’t do that, that is, he was seething, listened to alice from time to time, when we have a free minute, we get together with our families, the children play, we communicate, each of us has four children, all of the same year, but the priest and i did not agree. all these seemingly little things, we connect with nature, what god essentially gave us, this is the main value, that we have faith, family, friends , our homeland, the sky of the slavs boils in our veins, this is our land, all this is us, but the married woman is ready
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to become a mate? yes, i’m ready, my wife said: i’m behind my husband, since i’m behind my husband, i’m ready for anything, but you there is a construction site there, this is your future church, yes, yes, there are a lot of parishioners, there were 100 people at easter, we served for the first time at easter with the blessing of the metropolitan, we asked, the church is not finished yet, but we can already serve, so let’s sing today at our festive table, the sky is above the water, come on! the sky above the water, above the river, there is white smoke,
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horses are walking, and early in the morning there is light from the sky. the stars are reflected in the water, but we are the grass of the oh nasty race, i will take the land with you as a guest, let it save me in a foreign country, in god’s temple i will pray for that candle. for russia, for mine, sergey trafimov is visiting us for the first time today, how do you like it? father rockers, you have fun, fun, yes, how do you like father rockers, well done, and i have the same ones, to be
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honest, i also listened to sergei trofimov, for 15 years, well, more rock versions like this, because i was interested like an autobiography, a story about what you spent in the monastery, but this time, i didn’t go to church yet, i only came to church at the age of 23, well, that’s how it happened in my life, too, roughly, and what songs do you like ? maybe i'll stay maybe i’ll meet old age if i stop living somehow, i forgot what it’s called, i don’t remember it myself, maybe i’ll stay, maybe i’ll meet old age if i stop living somehow, i’ll understand one day how important it was to bring anger to the earth , first step. the first step, i naturally in a sermon, in a sermon i use this, this phrase, the first step, what we need to take to the church is the first step to take the first step to god, this is from there,
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you don’t mind from your creativity, plagiarism , some, here at the end of your song the bells sounded, these are not our bells, but the ringing of bells, this topic is close to you, yes, i have a set in my car. bell ringing, absolutely different, vanka’s son, he’s a drummer, a professional, when services are going on in the village, well , easter, christmas, he’s in the bell tower, i just asked him not to play that same metallica there, and so everything else, i was told that your grandmothers graduated from the institute of noble maidens, great-grandmothers, great-grandmothers, look what breed, what braids, this is a great-grandmother’s photo, and here it is, incredible. they say before that all the strength was in the braids, sergei definitely didn’t take after his grandmother, but the song, why did i immediately sing this song, this is
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also one of your iconic songs for me, sergei, this is it, maybe i’ll stay in some moment she helped me a lot when i was in some kind of complete discord in life, somehow this song about my homeland and i suddenly did something in me , i also spent... a lot of deserts there, so today is a huge gift for me, well, a gift for everyone today both sergei and oleg gazmanov are people's artists of russia, who joined us so quietly. was your family musical? what songs were played in your house? well, at the table, of course, my mother’s favorite songs, i’ll show you now, but it’s somehow inconvenient, because it’s for women, we rode on a boat.
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yes, listen to the guitar, today on the bunk, i’m sad alone, a varied repertoire with you, with us,
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in our yard there lived such an uncle vitya eremeev, he was rarely free, but when he was, we had a duet, he guitar and i sing they gave us so much candy, in general, i sang with a pair of malak, i’m running on the mown grass, above me. the blue sky is high, i’m still
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a boy of about five years old, and my joy sings, my happiness flies, my grandmother’s tales about love and courage, where there is goodness and... true white light on the shore, my grandfathers darted for berlin, for prague, and the spring holiday fireworks , king, i know that we are all people together, my happiness flies, and my joy sings, this is all my
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dear, this is somewhere deep, this is the most sacred thing that remains in me, this protects and heals us, like god’s grace, this is something you can't buy and not take it away. indifferent time will pass around the area, crossing out the addresses that are dear to me, we will know the calculation of profits, but in each other, we will stop seeing heaven. and when it gets
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hard for me, i will tell myself again, in spite of all times, this is all my family, this is somewhere in the depths, this is the most sacred thing that remains in me. this protects and heals us, like god’s grace, this is something that cannot be bought and cannot be taken away, this is something that cannot be bought and cannot be taken away.
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after the advertisement, we will continue to celebrate russia day, friends, let’s do it ourselves, what remains in me, it protects and heals us, like god grace is what is not. to buy and not to take away, this is something that cannot be bought, so, well, we’re all gathered, let’s finally get to know each other, i’m glad to see you all, i hope to get to know you better, the premiere is on rtr, and
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who are you? christina, your younger sister. a stranger among your family, where did you even come from, but excuse me, but who are you? who am i? who is this you? i would be happy, you have another sister, a rich heiress, all my property, i’m transferring it to you, now the division in the factory will begin, they will decide who is in charge, i don’t understand what’s going on, come on hit me again, you want it, a captive in a house full of scary people. family secrets, it’s impossible, but i couldn’t commit suicide, you’ll arrest her, who, kristina, behind seven seals, june 17 on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power,
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beauty and history, conquering. the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, my eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. it is for you. well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen,
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just a moment, attention. today is a big day, a big holiday. it's been a while since we've been with you. they were daring, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who’s good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, just look at the platform. a new twist in the case of nastya novoselova from
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the novosibirsk region. 2 years ago , a local major, the nephew of the head of the village vadim yarmanov, was accused of murdering the girl, and today nastya’s ex-boyfriend, kirill panomariov, is in the dock. why did the girl's best friend cheat?
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once again, good evening everyone, yours is on the air favorite folk show songs from the bottom of our hearts, we continue to celebrate russia day, different generations, different nationalities, different languages, different customs, different faiths, but we are all united by the love of our native land. and our program is continued by vasily from bashkiria, a participant in the special military operation, with the song “native land”.
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land, beloved, land, my cherished land, the land that i call my native land, only returning to your open spaces, i know that i have returned home, here again, as in childhood, i look at your huge dawn. my sorrows go away again i say, with excitement and love i say, let's see, dear, dear, native land,
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hills and frames, forests and fields, you are kind by fate, happiness is given, you are the only one in the world. by fate, happiness is long ago, you are alone in the world and alone in your heart, as i love the earth, your meadows are steep and cherished, the light shines through the darkness and the generous summer.
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there are many countries in this world, where there are countless invisible miracles, there are many countries in the world, but i know that i am happy only here, that i can only be happy here, here. dear, dear, dear land, hills and
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plains, fox and scorch, you are a good fate, happiness is given, you are alone in the world and alone in your heart, dear, dear, dear land, waves and plains, fox and fields, you are kind by fate. there is only one happiness, you are alone in the world and one in your heart, dear, dear, native land, chrome and plains, forests and fields, and by good fate, happiness is given, you are alone in the world and that’s all.
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on vacation, that’s right, you’re from bashkiria, a village guy, as they call it, yes, i come from bashkiria, from the fedorovsky district, the village of fedorovka, i’m very glad, of course, every vacation to be, well, with your family, because you’re definitely going somewhere, to where you are they’re waiting, that’s how they reacted that you were called to the show, oh, you know, i actually wanted to hide, every vacation that i come, i can’t hide the fact that i’m going home, well as if yes, well , because every month that i am there,
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they reacted very heartily, of course, they are waiting, they are worried and i try to support them as much as possible, well, there is a connection, because my grandmother is 85 years old, she is already in such an age that anxiety is of course, well, undesirable for her, yes, well, let's let's look at your homeland, pay attention, let's get off the hill. i guess he came down, my darling is coming, he’s wearing a tunic, it’s driving me crazy, my house, the last time i was on vacation was six months ago, these are my favorite people, grandma, oh, sons, my dear, ekaterina petrovna, i’m 85 years old, you can’t drag me out of the garden, this is my beloved mother.
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i'm worried. when he arrives, i’m happy, i’m already home, i try to spend as much time as possible with my beloved grandmother, because she’s always waiting for me, always supports me, but doesn’t sleep much because i’ll calm down a little when he leaves, i’m worried about him again, son, i wish this would all be over and he’d return home alive, we’ll be waiting for you alive and well, time passes quickly, it’s still a short vacation, i’m trying
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to do as much as possible around the house, do you need help, i think that by the end of this vacation i will completely block it. so little by little, little by little, and our house is being sheathed, now while my son is working, i ’ll flood his bathhouse, for this visit, we thought with my grandmother and decided to give him a surprise, we bought this bathhouse, it’s already all collected there was, come in and wash, it’s good, it’s good, the bathhouse. when vasya goes on vacation, we begin to prepare, we set the table, we invite guests, in our village they always see off like this and are greeted by one good company, we are so glad that you came, alive, healthy, son, this is our product, let’s welcome you to the long-awaited meeting, these
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are all my relatives, my friends, my colleague came on vacation with him, almost 2 years already, all of us are there... oops, oops, and you disappeared, sadness, the technology is sad, dusk, oh, how my, russia is good, and you walk around the city and cheer your soul, well
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whom do you congratulate on the holiday, on russia day, use this opportunity here today, i would like to initially... give you a gift, our people know how, we generally have fedorov’s people, they are multinational, tatars, bashshkirs, chuvash russians live there , mar2, here i am a representative of mar2, and shumbrat, shumbrat, shumbrachi, and of course i didn’t bring a mordovian folk dish, but i brought tatar sweets chak-chak, this is from our region. thank you very much, oleg mikhailovich also treats you, please, please, if you want, you can try it, it’s very tasty and very tasty, and it’s probably been soaked, it’s always in great shape, you know, that’s why it needs to be slipped, so yes, it’s slipped, but it doesn’t work, it doesn’t come out, it all comes out there, well
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, congratulations, if there is such an opportunity to say hello, of course, i would also like to say hello to my colleagues, my boys, here are the boys, a big hello to you, that’s how they watch the federal, mother, grandmother, you wanted to see me on the channel, of course, i can't help but miss it mother and grandmother, because they are still waiting on the federal channel, i’m here, thank you very much for the gifts, well, now we will have caucasus connections, friends, our guest, whose song was watched by 150 million people on the internet, islam tlyashev with a song for to all brothers, salam alaikum!
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it became a tavlu for you and in short, it became a friendly session for you, a small salam the whole odyk region, they will be loved and pure, ornates fly quietly in the skies, my city’s extreme homeland russia, forward i and my allah. assalamu alaikum to the brothers from dagestan, salamu
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alaikum to proud chechnya, large hall to the heirs of molag, i love you, my obkhasia, salaam alaikum to all my loved ones, salam to you dear yaborda, we will hear our friendship again. zam to you on the yayskaya orna, just pure, arnali let’s go to heaven, my years of the land of my homeland russia, i am my my alah,
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oleg mikhailovich, it seems to me that everyone learned to do somersaults in your early numbers, well done, they really rocked it, in general.
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after my heart, yes, let's try, stse, yes, sing it a little, i just learned to play the guitar a month ago, i'll try to play it for you, i see everything, i see you this year corrupted, didn’t let someone else’s hands touch my heart, mom, let me see how my daughter is in love, just like once... she loved her father, she, when the evening comes, let go of her braids
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, the young one runs to me, she’s my height heart, so that she could sharpen her claws easier, falling in love under the moon, did you recognize this beautiful girl at our table? tatyana kortukova, too, mother earth, now unites all the inhabitants of our country, from sakhalin to kaliningrad. let's see how people fell in love with tanya's song. light for me. mother earth, white birch tree, for me, holy russia, for the carcass, the earth, the white
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birch tree, for me, holy, well, today we remember the place of power, what remains before your eyes, i was born in the city of khabarovsk, in the khabarovsk territory, but of course, of my small homeland i... i think the city of penza, since i grew up there, my parents and i moved there in early childhood, this is me and my mother, little, now you see the handkerchiefs already, from an early age, yes, even from an early age, this is my beautiful mother, well, you i was four years old on the stage and also grew up listening to the songs of oleg gazmanov, i sang as a sailor - sea, she sang different songs,
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she said, and today i will sing a new song, just on your program, well, let’s mother earth, a verse, we’ll unite everyone on the table so that our video will also be in the feed of those who know, sing or the guys know, wildflowers, wines, matins blossoms, nightingales , wings, wings forward, howls of throats, listen to silence. along the field along the paths into the dense forest, half a treasury to the state widow about him and about love, mother earth, white birch tree, for me holy russia, for others a pain, mother earth, white birch tree, for me holy russia,
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a thorn for others. well, the premiere of the song, tatyana kurtukova, daisies, vaselki, and on the tap, with bare feet, sneaking a drink of water, bare palms, lying around until dawn. to chat with your girlfriends in the cornflower pole, and to drink the girl’s share in the early morning,
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to drink water with your deep legs, naked dear. girlfriends will lie until dawn in the cornflower pole , chat with girlfriends, and the girls' share will fall until dawn, in the cornflower pole, chat with girlfriends, and the girls' little things, oh cornflower daisy, cornflower daisy, fell in love strong. plow, oh, daisy, cornflower, cornflower, daisy, red order of the nobility, white shirt, groovy blond, gentle, fussy, anyone, my dear,
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strong. nimble, when he speaks, as the darling sings, he will kiss the dupyan, the little head will spin, when he speaks, as the trap sings, tomorrow the lupyad, the little head will curl up, the cornflower daisy, the daisy cornflower, has fallen in love with the strong one. to plow, oh daisy, cornflower, cornflower, daisy, red ordina, on the city, white shirt, oh daisy, vasileva, oh daisy vasileva.
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eh, chamomile, cornflower, cornflower, chamomile, fell in love with the strong, open heart, es chamomile, cornflower, cornflower chamomile, red order on the city, white shirt.
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last chance, change your mind, no, i'm not changing, catch me if you can, big music show, you're probably fooling us again, on friday. to this: look who you brought, vitya, hi, there is always one
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extra in a triangle, i fell in love, and she fell in love with my friend, he is the husband, she is the wife, but which of them should leave? investigator korlov, you must come with us, you are accused of rape, he thinks you set him up. who would need this anyway? marry me, what is there to think? handsome businessman, loves you all his life, is ready to do anything to be with you, well, i don’t want to let you in, i found ilya’s letter in your jacket pocket, don’t you want to explain anything to me? the third should leave on saturday on rtr.
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in our studio there were people who couldn’t imagine their life without a vegetable garden, at the dacha there was grace, they gave us a hundred square meters, that’s what you want, one time. andrey malakhov's evening show on saturday on rtl. oleg, but seriously think about switching to civil aviation. everything suits me. igor petrenko, maria mironova. soshnikov, come down from heaven, why are you ruining everything? why is this syria, this is death, death is not the worst thing that can happen to you, heaven, today on rtr,
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good evening everyone again, in the studio of the program songs from the bottom of our hearts, we continue to celebrate russia day and talk about our native places, and continues. our evening, people's artist of russia, oleg gazmanov with the song forward russia, that’s how it was. in russia since ancient times, the higher pressure, the stronger the python, and if danger threatens the power, the homeland becomes like
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a monolith, in the crucible of victory, today like old times, the smooth steel is again tempered, russia, russia, in this word brazil, in this word, in chorus and strength, in this word , victory flame, we raise the banner of russia, let time carry us like a stormy stream, russia is behind us, the people are behind us, traditions are sacred and thousands of years old, our chronicle will continue.
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victories, and if the enemy flies like a crow again , the fatherland will meet mine, russia, russia, in this word, atom and strength, in this word, victories flame, raise russia, banner, russia, russia. in this word there is orno and strength, in this word of victory there is a flame, we raise the banner of russia , forward, russia, forward, russia, forward, russia, forward, russia, forward, russia, forward, russia, forward, russia, forward, russia. in that word, the source of strength, we repeat
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forward race, russia, russia, in this word, and only strength, in this word, the flame of victory, we raise the banner of russia, russia, russia, in this word, then... strength in this word victory flame, we raise the banner of russia, we have peace and strength there, in this word victory flame. let's raise brazil, russia,
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russia, in this word there is strength, in this word, the flame is victorious, we raise russia's banner, thank you, what kind of company you have, we need to take you with us on tour, just, thank you. you better come to us, you know that this song is being taught in schools now during music lessons, students and schoolchildren sing it, well, let them sing, it’s a good song about the side, and what songs did you sing at school, lenin is always young, no, cheerful wind, well, i was actually born in...


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