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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 13, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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in kiev i watched their parade in honor of independence day, the symbols on their flags are controversial, the battalion itself claims that they are simply combined english letters, ai and n, which denotes the idea of ​​a nation, but experts view this emblem as a symbol of nazism. the official symbol of azov is a version of the wool emblem, which was one of the ss divisions during the time.
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welcome our ukrainian friends and guests. ladies and gentlemen, we can say with confidence that... ukrainians have chosen the path of democracy and freedom, they have chosen the path that leads to europe, and we will walk this path with you, dear vladimir. that is why we continue to work today here in berlin to restore a strong, free european ukraine.
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thank you, thank you, olaf, olaf, i want to thank you, ursula, all our friends who support us, i want to thank germany, all your people for everything you have done for ukraine. hasn’t the moment come for our partners to give us all those weapons so that we can push back the russians ? regarding mobilization, i i look at this absolutely honestly, since we have been mobilizing because of martial law, because of the state of war, since the first day. i see that this question exists in society, and in marriage, insanely, not
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the first day of war, not the first day of war, but if we want to preserve, we have the mind of violence. we know that countries are struggling in this conflict. russia is fighting to end ukraine's existence. ukraine is fighting to end the war. russia is fighting for the past. ukraine for a bright future. russia
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destroys, ukraine defends itself. exactly at in kharkov one can observe this contrast. putin wants to destroy the city, the will to freedom and life. therefore, ukraine and kharkov need all our help. this is what brought us to berlin: putin must lose, ukraine must win, and we must help ukraine rise from the ashes to determine its own future. the conference participants wanted to make it clear that support for ukraine continues, that ukraine is by no means left alone. we heard this from those who spoke from the podium today, from scholz, from the head of the european commission, ursula vonderleen, from the foreign ministers of several countries. once again, the signal is extremely clear, support continues, the assistance should not decrease. the only thing is that it is not yet clear how large this support will be. frozen assets of russia. let's be more ambitious, more courageous. let's find a solution so that russia pays, so that
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russia actually pays and pays with real money. and please, believe in the entrepreneurial spirit of ukrainians, we know how to do it. business. nemechchina road. divided europe was never peaceful. dear germany. a divided europe was never peaceful, and a divided germany was never happy. and you know everything without me. you know yourselves.
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the screen shows a completely empty podium. in the usa. hillary clinton no longer knows how to campaign for biden. today she said that the elections of the 20th year will be for...
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and now we will tell you about the leader of the free world who celebrates a fictitious juneteenth holiday. of course, again he did not understand what was happening. "we're not trying to manipulate
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with these shots and create the image of the president looking completely lost and confused, it's just joe biden doing it himself, and as you might guess, when he got up to dance, the situation didn't change." what is he doing with his hands? these shots - it’s not manipulation, it’s not footage generated by artificial intelligence, it’s not fake, it’s just that the leader of the free world doesn’t fully understand what kind of bearded dude in a dress with sequins is dancing next to kamle haris’s husband. let’s look at this again! did they see him dancing? they brought the wrong biden, they brought
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cryogenic biden. someone who can't move. is not it so? i know that us hard workers are often criticized for dancing, and this is completely justified. unless, of course, someone dances poorly, but at least we try. look at this, that guy on the left in the frame. there's a guy standing there in a dress. it seems to me that perhaps biden noticed him, which is why he reacted the way he did. president biden has lost 30% of the african american electorate compared to the 2020 election. why did that happen? but look at the economic situation. trump, on the contrary, scored 15 points during this time. congressman from south carolina james clydeburn decided to do the math himself and stated the following. i don't understand why black voters have left the field. i don't know what's going on with the polls being done here, how the polls can do this.
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yes, yes, this is the same person who promised the americans the most transparent administration in history, now we are talking not so much about the president, but about the press service within the white one.
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once again, the verdict is not final: they offered to meet next time, the meeting is taking place literally at these minutes. hunter is accused of hiding the fact of his drug addiction when he bought a colt in 2018. the fact is that drug addicts cannot buy or possess firearms and for their offense, not only can they be fined 750.
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they can avoid punishment, even if they are found guilty, they may not be
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convicted. the trial is being held as loyal as possible to the first family of delaware. well, if they accuse hunter of her, dad will in accordance with american law , he can always understand, forgive and pardon his son, this is literally the news of the last minutes, the jury has reached a decision on the verdict in the case against the son of the american president, but the verdict is unknown. today, it is in the hands of a jury of six men and six women to decide the fate of hunter biden, the first child of a sitting american president to face criminal charges. many members of the presidential family were present in the courtroom during
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the hearings. this is not proof - he said in his closing statement, prosecutor leo weiss. this is not proof, he said , adding that no one is above the law. a special counsel accuses the president's son of making false statements during a federal background check. in the questionnaire , he answered affirmatively to the question that he was not a drug addict. at the time of the gun permit application, prosecutors used data from hunter's laptop and interviewed 10 witnesses, many of whom spoke about hunter biden's frequent drug use. every 20 minutes. this evidence is stated that hunter smoked craig and almost dated him around the same time, it is immediate, it is exhaustive and it is disgusting, leo weiss told
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the jury, and it was absolutely necessary, he added. but lawyer abi lowel said investigators were placing too much emphasis on his four-year history of drug addiction and added that no one actually saw hunter using or purchasing drugs. during the period when he acquired weapons. the jury was given the day off before reaching its decision in the hunter biden case. today's discussions did not end with a verdict. tomorrow morning they will return to their discussions and decide whether hunter is guilty? he could face up to 25 years in prison. almost the entire biden family came out today to support hunter. first lady jue biden is the president's brother and sister. president biden himself was not there, the media and democrats believe that he did everything right. the us president has withdrawn himself from this process. his position is clear,
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consistent and honest. he doesn't want to interfere with justice. imagine yourself in his place, at least for a millisecond. in the shoes of a parent whose child is going through what he is going through. it's complicated. it's not easy and it's painful. i'm glad that when the president was asked about this. drug addicts on the day of acquiring a weapon, as a rule, they easily do this in other cases, but this is a businessman, this is his personal theft, and the jury is friendly to him, and
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as we said during the trial in the trump case, one juror may be enough, and we remember how it was during jury selection, each juror said: yes , i know at least one person who is addicted to drugs or alcohol, so they can sympathize with him. before us are the most shameless and immoral people in america, the bidens, many of their associates and the media like to point out that the hunter case is a vivid example, that even a member of the biden family, but in reality the hunter case is a vivid example of what our government is ready to do for ...
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are patrons dressed heterosexually? homosexuals are prohibited from entering the bar . transgender people are prohibited from entering the bar in general.
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one of the stations in the greenlage area of ​​manhattan will be renamed in honor of the stonewall riots of 69, this is a significant moment in the history of the movement in defense of the rights of sexual minorities, when young people, after a raid in gaybar stone in, came into conflict with law enforcement officers. the renaming of the metro station was supported by the new york state legislature and submitted to the governor for signature.
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incident in which a woman was injured, she was attacked in the evening in the parkslope area by an unknown person who turned out to be banker, investor and millionaire jonathan kay. the incident was caught on video on social networks, the footage shows how the banker hits a woman in the face, after which she falls, leaving, he screams that the woman doused him, a wet spot is visible on his back. a comment on the video states that the woman has a broken nose and another.
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of course, i thought, this is hollywood and this is america, this is a traditional thing for america, to celebrate with parades. and here we are in the middle of hollywood and we behave american style. i've been gay all my life. by the way, here is my husband, we are officially married. wait, let me run around. nice to see you, idiot. you have been married for several years now, for 15 years now. 15 years you
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call it? this means that he is more popular than ever, and he is already 87 years old, he continues to be active, he does just a million things, he loves life, and we love it together, as husband and husband, boss, you took this position in march, you have already participated in a chinese parade where a large crowd has gathered, but when you look at this, what comes to your mind? this is a great crowd, it's huge, i'm glad i'm here, this is a great opportunity to show off our police department, our law enforcement partners, our inclusivity, our diversity. with us here are our colleagues from the fire department and sheriffs, colleagues from the prosecutor's office, all the guys from the law enforcement unit from the public security sector. this.


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