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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  June 13, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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as on the line of confrontation between enemy agents, naturally, the poles, lithuanians and germans are now on their toes in order to understand from which facilities the troops are coming with nuclear warheads, what are the time parameters for their installation, on the same iskanders or on belarusian aircraft carriers, space, technical, electronic intelligence is working, agents are working, and , accordingly, the countermeasure that is carried out through military counterintelligence is also very important and responsible. tasks, so we wish the success of russia and belarus in working out these tasks, which insure us against any force majeure. we'll be back in a minute. you don’t understand, they will come to the end, they will always hunt for that kind of money. premiere on rtr. what's happened? it happened, yes, something terrible happened. i know how to get things done, and
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if a truck driver was bribed with seven seals from monday on rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, we’ve been warned, that means armed, anyone. the means have a reverse side with the most necessary knowledge of health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, therefore.
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the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. forget about your complex body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important thing, from monday to friday. on arter. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds. but they have one thing in common. sincerely. strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy one, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes, oh you are good, to caress the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his claws like that, to tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray , a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder. stars
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ready to do anything for the sake of your beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance , you are in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. so , did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, pay attention a moment. today is a big day, a big holiday. likhi, it's been a while since we've seen each other. derzhskie. bela, you know, for every cool fighter there is an even cooler one. they fell in love. yes, who is good for you, your wife or your boys. don't ask stupid questions now. they are still loved today. you are responsible for
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my words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero from his time, beauty, rapping, the whole team, just look at the platform, people gathered in our studio who...
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pregnant, so will you be torn between me and my wife? what, what, what's wrong with the legs? she’s with me... disappointing, and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i’ll somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing’s stopping you from staying with me all night, my husband is in trouble, and he says, there’s no time, so right now we need to have an operation, where can we find such money in a moment, this is for our sake, with a friend jumped in when she returned, more for you, and i want you to...
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our soldiers are constantly honing night control, so that the enemy’s equipment is stopped from the first hit, by the active actions of units of the western group of forces, the liberated settlements of artyomovka, lugansk people's republic and timkovka kharkov region, what else is at
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the front, look, the arrival of a high-explosive aerial bomb on the positions of militants in volchansk is recorded by the action cameras of vysushnik with the call sign kozok. the shock wave throws bandera back several meters, with the shelves interrupt his hand. brothers dig out a shell-shocked soldier from a pile of rubble. and this is the footage. from the neighboring liptsy, three surviving
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ukrainians, stumbling in sipats, one after another , race to escape from the stronghold. in the area there is a nursery, soldiers of the north group of troops burn it with the help of lancet. the pride of german engineering, the most advanced self-propelled howitzer of the ptskh-2000 alliance. now it ’s mostly mortars, factories are being launched, and cannon artillery is working. attempts by the russians to move forward, west of volchansk in the very city ​​and east of the ukrainian border regional center have not gone away. we now see a negative trend for us. it burns with chips, artillery, and mortars. by a concentration of enemy infantry. in the kharkov region, the russian aerospace forces worked on gliding rbk-500s with a cluster warhead. the affected area of ​​such ammunition is 15 hectares or almost 20 football fields. in these frames , product 55 eliminates the bmw-21 podslatin, hitting the platform exactly. another ukrainian
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city was destroyed by a direct hit from a msta sm2 self-propelled gun. and here the american bmp bradley is immediately overtaken by two russian fpv drones. the first one stopped the car, the second one finishes off a stationary target, hitting the side exactly. guys, get vaccinated, guys, say hello. are we going to positions, where is the fighting spirit? everything we find, we take, but very quickly, i roll a hundred to the green. yeah, plus, come on, the nazis’ combat exit from the forbidden convoy is filmed by a militant with the call sign ensign. having discussed the assault plan, a squad of the armed forces of ukraine attacks the dugout of the 752nd motorized rifle regiment of the russian army, consisting of six people, two are killed, the operators, the commander are captured, a couple more would be there.
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moves around the city in the easternmost district of chasotyar, and also raises the first russian flags. these shots show the testing of the first of its kind unmanned tank t-72 amt. russian soldiers are conducting final checks of the prometheus hardware and software complex, assessing operation under radio interference conditions, and testing the fire control system. the forty-ton machine is controlled using a remote control and fpv. according to tradition, the tank with tail number 707 has already been given the name vasya,
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in both clashes with the no less legendary king-mangal, the surviving american mercenary is divided under krasnogorsk. the first day we were doing a night air reconnaissance rotation, i was lying there just watching my secret, and the guy on the radio, our commander, said you guys need to check the direction to the right. i watched. i scanned the field there and saw only a lot of smoke after the artillery work, i was so confused, damn it, i didn’t even understand what was happening, and then he said that a massive tank breakthrough was now beginning, and the russians will try to make their way to our landing through the field, these were their turtle tanks, they had such plumes of smoke from the back, probably to hide the heat signature, allowing attacks by western weapons on russian territory will not change the situation in ... the war, but it might lead to serious escalation, writes responsible statecraft. according to analysts of the publication, such a measure indicates
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a catastrophic shortage of manpower and firepower of the armed forces of ukraine. the new $225 million military aid package promised by biden will not help zelensky. it is noteworthy that in addition to the usual jewellery, stingers, artillery ammunition and missiles for seasonal air defense systems on the list, there are no long-range attacks on cnn. they believe that washington is simply playing for time in this way, since the wzo literally has no prospects at all. president biden has allocated another $255 million for ammunition, and this is truly what the ukrainians need. of course, this package includes other important things. in addition to ammunition, these are missiles for air defense systems, artillery shells and much more. for the ukrainian armed forces, such supplies are very important so that win the war and turn the tide of events. however, it doesn't look like they will be able to do this. in foreseeable future. in kharkov, the tetsekashnik was not afraid to hit a woman in the face who
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was defending her own son from being sent to the front. in kiev, zelensky’s locals train new recruits under police supervision. only in this case is detention with the use of force considered legal in ukraine. secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security kostenko boasts that in may the country captured more conscripts than in the previous months of the twenty -fourth combined. won't the quality of their training suffer due to their large number?
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nice, representatives of the american lgbt community asked why, if she is allowed, then transgender people are not allowed to participate in the competition, conservative texas is also taught to be inclusive, look at the local gatherings there, democrat, biden supporters have not come up with anything better than inviting drak queen. the man said that
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the main thing for the lgbt community in america today is the protection of trans children, they are with every more and more every year. especially the protection of those who are subjected to misunderstanding or even violence at school, as happened now in minnesota, where a transgender teenager was beaten right in the school girls’ restroom, a tooth was knocked out, and his jaw was broken in other places. this has become a national scandal; the administration, the school and the police are now required to resort to the most brutal measures, to imprison schoolchildren who raised their hands against the reformed person.
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i was hit in the jaw, he broke one of my teeth, there were fragments in my mouth, then it turned out that my jaw was broken in two places, here and here, here i had a big bruise for a long time, and also here was a tooth at the top, a molar, only fragments remained of it, the tooth itself lay in my mouth, sorry for laughing, i'm just a little nervous, did you tell me more about your injuries?
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it was the last school week at school, the students left classes early, but not so that their holidays could begin sooner, but in order to unite. the minnesota institute for family equality and transformation gathered its supporters in front of hopkins high school in support of cobalt. well, belous came straight from a closed meeting with the minister of defense in our studio. alexander sladkov, our legendary military correspondent, alexander valerievich, what is happening? there was a meeting, it was yesterday, here. well, we can say that first, the minister answered all the questions, although there were a huge number of them, the questions were shameless,
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they directly asked about all the trenches, we are like stalkers in the world of big politics, here we are saturated with some kind of needs and negative emotions at times, so all this is the minister wrote everything down. said two main things: the first thing is the need to develop the corps of war correspondents, the second thing is that we will meet regularly. then, that means, he determined a day, very soon, on which there would be a big analysis of all the claims that we outlined, although we not only presented claims and some things that were interesting to him, i really liked it.
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of the highest category, a person who knows how economics is done in russia, knows classical economics, he will quickly understand the war budget, economics war, and money for war is the main and resource, of course, which equals, money, goods, money, the hard truth is heard, perceived, mistakes are corrected, ready, understands that everything is not simple, well, i’m there from the fact that.. absolutely, if there are any, firstly, for each appeal there was a comment, a very interesting comment,
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and an unusual minister spoke and proposed a completely unusual solution, which we communicated before and after, well , at least to us, the reporter. a community that can't... press, but this is some kind of fear that is familiar to us or an uncomfortable state that is familiar to us, but we, like these
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wolves, you can’t call us, if the name is worse, it means we feel when a person is weakening, and we tease him, tease him, this situation, of course, did not happen, but everything is smooth, a person looks into the eyes, hears, is absolutely adequate, respectful, knows everyone with whom he speaks,
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this is the case, but what we are talking about is about expanding the front, a distracting maneuver, real offensive, but we expanded that line by
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which we operate at the expense of - a section of the sumy region, we have everything in krynki, and it’s not the ukrainian marines who ran away, they were finished off in krynki, there are not only krynki in the kherson direction, but i wouldn’t want to say, because i’m not authorized, let the ministry of defense, lately, when the ministry of defense has already seen that everything that they say is close to...
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we killed everyone there, cleaned up, well , cleaned up, neutralized, so to speak, and maybe a summer without a general battle, maybe, of course, but why not, and what is it then what is happening now from a military point of view is squeezing out, pushing out, promoting, today there is an adaptation of that sector of the economy, which in my opinion, i’m just puffing out my chest.
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to stop shooting them down on your own means we need a built-in system of electronic warfare against our air defense, electronic reconnaissance, who is flying ours, who is not ours? and so we, no, it doesn’t seem to be ours, but there’s a little pressure there, that’s why - it’s also important here, we knock down our own, sometimes we interfere, which means striking with
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using their copters. because we have brigade to brigade next to each other, they have such air defense and such an electronic warfare system, this brigade has this, and this, the war changes every day, the frequencies change, the range of use changes, you know, then communication needs to be done, we have no communications, we have no communications in the armed forces, it’s normal, we have communications like a gypsy blanket, here are the baofenki, here... this very granite here , something else there, terik, the radio stations are all quite good, but we need to somehow adapt them so that there was everyone, but the enemy has established communication, the enemy has established, but in general then in this war, if you steal from them, you can expropriate, you can defeat nato on points, this is the eternal question, we are alone, there are 31 of them, how many states are there already, well, russia and you will have to shy away.
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well, well, in the end, russia, well, olya, russia is not the level in the world ranking of states to win on points, by knockout, by knockout, well, that means we’ll establish a connection, and by knockout, we’ll establish a lot of things, and the minister is now doing this, in fact , come on, give me god, let's go back, i'll think about it, they don't have legs right away. i'm tired of being afraid. premiere on rtr. in addition to treatment, there is another way to combat the disease, for example, vaccination. philip yankovsky. it was decided to invite the english doctor dimsdeev. are you ready to get started? sergey marin. it’s stupidity, all this, to poison a healthy person with an infection. where is this seen? me people.
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tsar's vaccination, your majesty, you are ready to start, i'm ready, on saturday on rtr, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there's no need to think, here that's all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that's it. there can’t be two opinions, because we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously,
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this is flirting, obviously, only let's go have a look, it must be edible, of course i had in mind the bear when such a stinking little one spoke, the hint is just the best... team, if 100,000 is not available, zhenya will add his own, then what do they use many, the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, oops, five-on -one on saturdays on rtr, look who you brought, vitya, hello, there’s always one extra in a triangle, i fell in love, and she fell in love with mine... friend, he is the husband, she is the wife, but which of them should leave? investigator korolov, you must come with us, you are accused of rape, he thinks that you were framed, and who could possibly need this, marry me, but what can you think, a handsome
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businessman, he loves you all his life, he’s ready for anything to do to be with you, well i don't want to let me in, i found ilya’s letter in your jacket pocket, you don’t want to explain anything to me, the third one must leave. on saturday nart. those who want to stay informed can watch the week's news, a program for advanced people. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr. i am the daughter of krosheninnikov and tatyana. jackdaw. why? she didn’t tell me anything, i wish you happiness, thank you, kalda, wait, i dreamed of becoming a daughter, dear mother, today i almost told my father that i was his daughter, that she was talking about me or something, but she became an easy prey, but how are you
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you think where is your nurse goliner, there is no time, you need some kind of plan, well, she, she is either here or has disappeared, help and to the rescue! jackdaw - the final episode. today on rtr. this year, these days, vasily makarovich, his beloved woman, vasily shukshin, would have been 95 years old. what did he say about his childhood? it was very difficult for me, i walked around in boots, with an overcoat, at first, for the first time, openly about problems in the family. at some point i find out that my mother transferred her... share of the inheritance to maria. lidya nikolaevna, why did you do that? honest word, i don’t remember, i don’t know. masha and i haven’t seen each other for 10 years. i periodically knock on her door, her heart. masha holds some kind of grudge. what happened, how did it happen? they
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loved each other so much. neither one nor the other meets halfway. i’m so ashamed, in front of him, in front of his memory, i say, i imagine him all the time. he would have lined up the three of us like this in front of him, and would have taken off this strap, and just like that. he was found guilty of three counts of lying about being a drug addict and for buying and burying firearms, drug addicts are prohibited from purchasing weapons. now, if biden does not pardon the prodigal son, he could be
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fined $750,000 and sent to 25 years in prison. the jury in the hunter biden case returned a negative verdict after 3 hours of deliberation and two wasted days. they considered him guilty of all three counts of the conviction related to the purchase of the revalier in 2018. the prosecution argued that the president's son lied when he said he wasn't using drugs when he bought the gun. on over the past week, jurors have heard testimony from witnesses, including hunter's ex-girlfriend and his brother, about his drug use. the latter claimed that the hunter threw the gun into the trash can at the grocery store.
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the sitting president's son is declared guilty after 3 hours of jury deliberation. for all three charges, he faces different punishments: for each of the first two, 10 years, and for the third charge, a maximum sentence of 5 years. a few words about the situation in the camp of those whom we are going to defeat by knockout. more statistics come from europe. regarding the elections to the european parliament, it is still
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an important event, europeans look at this opinion poll from different angles, from regional, demographic, there are interesting facts, for example, that in germany the east voted almost entirely for an alternative for germany, and the west voted for the right centrists, well, scholz, as we know, took only a shameful third place, and only in three countries was the ruling party... the third place was taken by belgium, germany and estonia, by the way, the situation in poland very similar, the country is also split, politically and geographically, this is also visible on the electoral map, it coincides with the geographical map of poland. again, i don’t want any gloomy prophecies, but nevertheless i remember the famous map of ukraine, which even elon musk cited on his social networks last year, i mean voting in the second round for...
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exceptions for tymoshenko, second geographically, half of them clearly voted for yanukovych, i don’t know what this will lead to in germany and poland, but nevertheless political conflicts are becoming increasingly divisive within european countries. gender analysis, demographic analysis, well , in this case, age analysis shows, even from gender for now, okay, let’s avoid it, age analysis shows that young people have stopped voting for the greens, many european analysts are watching this with alarm, but i will only be glad, if european youth come to their senses and stop voting for freaks, fanatics with an absolutely insane economic agenda, who... will lead europe into a hole, this is a very characteristic
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the news that i read regarding the greens in france, the greens in one of the rivers decided to hold such an action to show the important green agenda, they released some kind of green liquid, after which all the fish in this river died, but attracted attention to the greens, this is very typical of the greens, who pour soup on paintings, they hold some crazy... performances, the girl greta, by the way, is already fighting for palestine, and not for the green agenda, so it’s good that the europeans are starting to come to their senses, well, i i hope, at least by the way, oh in france, we discussed yesterday, they said that macron is trying, as it were , to carry out such a trick, and many, by the way, analysts also write that he is trying to consolidate the nation against the right-wing threat, that now the parliamentary elections are coming, the right will win. they will eat you together with putin, but there is another
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version, by the way, an original one, that macron is trying to give part of the power to the right so that they have time to make a mess before the presidential elections, well, because france, in fact, in a political science sense, is a parliamentary-presidential republic, and there parliament forms the government, and there is a prime minister, and it’s also interesting how it will look, i still think that the right will win the parliamentary elections - because we know that you often laugh at the prime minister of france, well, even just recently last week, biden flew to france for the famous celebration, and he was met at the ramp by a boy. i think that tv viewers do not all understand who it is, the secretary general of the pioneer organization of france or who, but this is prime minister otal, but the right-wingers there is also an even younger candidate for the post of prime minister, but as a rule we do not laugh at his age, well, yes, i agree, but in fact , again, there are talented people in their youth, but what he does is not even a question
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of why you laugh, i laugh at someone else, i laugh at someone else, because unfortunately, he is absolutely incompetent. his husband is also young, also in the government, we are very worried, of course, i am more worried, i am more worried that he is absolutely incompetent in economic matters, and no one has a husband, in my opinion understanding, this is a more terrible thing, in general, let's see, we'll see, he says through the bed, from here it is incompetent, exactly, this is true, when decisions are actually made through the way you said, and not through professionalism, this is a terrible thing, well and literally two words about oil, an interesting event just happened with... saudi arabia terminated the famous deal, the so-called oil-dollar deal. for 50 years, saudi arabia sold oil exclusively for dollars, but now the saudis are talking about that they will diversify their supplies. this does not mean that the dollar will collapse tomorrow, that is, there is no need to draw rapid conclusions, but nevertheless, the united states
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, through its actions, is forcing other states to destroy this system, brick by brick, in their own interests and that of us. so, well, we're all here, let's finally get to know each other, i'm glad to see you all, i hope to get to know you better, the premiere is on rtr, who are you? christina, your younger sister,
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a stranger among your family, where did you even come from, but excuse me, but who are you? who am i? this who are you? happy? if you had another sister, a rich scoundrel, i’ll transfer all my property to you, now the division in the factory will begin, they will decide who is in charge, i don’t understand what’s going on, come on, hit me again, that’s what you want , brother, yes, yes, a prisoner in a house full of terrible family secrets, but this is impossible, but i could not commit suicide, you will arrest her, who, christina, is under seven seals, from monday on rtr. catch, jerk, big or small? well, in general, have you chosen the right place? have you ever wondered why
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do people consider proteins, fats, carbohydrates? this is where my question begins. can something tasty be healthy? let's try. but also useful, and it lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula, on saturday on rtr, this is
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for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, that’s it. dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, sovereign, well, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, yes, who’s good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they’re still loved , you are responsible for my words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, the whole brigade, just look at the platform. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s
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a folk one, we love traditions, we honor our history. “we value family, strong relationships , we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, i have good news, yes, i’m pregnant, so will you be torn between me and my wife, what’s wrong with my legs? " " "it's disappointing to me, and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i will somehow cope while
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my wife is in the hospital, nothing prevents you from staying with me all night, my husband finds himself in trouble and says, there is no time, right now i need to have an operation, where can i find that kind of money in a moment, this is for us, welcome back, with a jump"? more for you, but i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife, spring of change, on sunday on rtr, you are the one singing, so i just feel that this is our voice , really, i can’t live without you, i’m done
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with the joke of the day from zelensky in berlin . stated that it turns out that he takes a sober view of mobilization. the country, as he put it, someone must defend, which means that all means for conscription are now good, this is a direct result.
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look, in odessa they came up with a new cunning way to catch conscripts, the military registration and enlistment office, they called an ambulance, when the brigade arrived, the military commissars took the felchers hostage and offered them to the front to help their colleagues. other teams arrived with flashing lights and literally stormed the military registration and enlistment office. the situation in the city is critical, staff. odessa is resigning, thus may be left without directors at all, but the news in this regard is of the last minutes, the ukrainian building reports for 20 minutes that kiev is considering the beginning of mobilization among those under 25 years old.
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can you repeat again what happened? an ambulance crew was called to the address , they were arrested, they went into the shopping mall, they were closed and they weren’t letting them out for 4 hours, and someone became ill at the military registration and enlistment office, well, they called an ambulance and they called, yes, but we don’t know, at the moment right now we have workers who are subject to reservation, which. need to book roughly speaking, at our substation, the fourth, there are 22 people, that is, if they are all taken en masse to the front now, soon
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the substation will simply stop working, i think that the situation is similar at other substations. let's move to germany. eugene schmidt, member of the bundestag from the alternative for germany party, is in direct contact with us. evgeniy, hello, delensky and his associates, the team are complaining that you did not come to listen to zelensky in the bundestag today. why such a demarche, why did they ignore the ukrainian former president. yes indeed, today in the bundestag.
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for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, for stopping the supply of weapons, supporting ukrainian officials, these corrupt ones, because all the money that comes from germany is unknown where it ends up, and we see how ukrainians abroad buy yachts, build, build at home there and so on, so we will not continue, we will continue not to support
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the policies of the current government. thank you very much, evgeniy shmid, deputy. no, then it would be a big loss for america, because america is invisible to i got hooked on all these stories, you know perfectly well, you worked in america, that america is a country where there is an overproduction of journalists, an overproduction of lawyers, a lot of political strategists, entire armies, hunter biden is the recipient and breadwinner, and i don’t
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even mention about the audience, a very very large audience. therefore, american politics today is unthinkable without biden jr., just as it is unthinkable without biden sr. this is a very interesting plot, you see, all these people from different workshops, when something happens to him, find out that where he is there, he smoked something, somewhere he dived, with whom he lay down, with whom he woke up, here are some, this.
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military contact, but i urge everyone to look again at what is on the other side of the barricades, in fact, from my point of view, what we are seeing these days is already... from swiss chocolate, this is a conference, and the so-called peace conference, and somewhere there was a joke about a joke, you know, i looked carefully at what was said today,
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in general there is an anecdote on an anecdote and a lot of funny things, yes, well, for example, you know, here scholz, yes, i don’t know whether they saw it or not, scholz told the swiss peace conference that this is a plant that needs to be watered. and a garden will grow from it, i thought a plant is something that doesn’t have a brain, which means the swiss conference doesn’t, and then there is already one barel’s garden, you understand, there is, there will be a second garden, you understand, how many of these gardens there are, you see, look , again, he’s tired of being a liverwurst, he wants to be a gardener without irony, you know, well, very often they remember zelensky’s past, what is this ninety-fifth quarter actor and so on, but here's what i need. this reminds, in fact, if we look at all these events, then zelensky has turned into the director of this theater, who wanders from country to country, these are all actors, look, the same
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scholz, today he performed in berlin, then he together with zelensky he will move to the seven, and then from there they will go to switzerland together, they cannot get tired of each other, because this is the director, he needs these... but it has been proven that smallpox vaccination helps to avoid death, she will have to overcome her fear, people don’t want to be vaccinated, first the empress herself will set an example, if we make a mistake,
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the consequences will be terrible, everyone will think that she died from the vaccination, the royal vaccination, my life is in danger, doctor, on saturday rtr. you look 100 to one, what is our task, open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with preparation, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7,8, 7,8,8, whatever, who is on work, talk a lot and loudly.
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look, look, look, you want to look , look, let's look, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for two times, sign, look, look, maybe we can come to me ? just watch a movie, i said, i want a white cat, here he comes , oh you’re good, he likes to grab his voice there, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready
10:57 am
to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry hey guys, i need to feed the hamster, you're in the circle friends, with friends, program for the whole family on saturday. on rtr, i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here is this. that’s it, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, here there are questions about how everything is running , wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible , i meant, of course, a bear, when that one said... that stinking little one,
10:58 am
a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, which many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five- on-one program, and oops, five on one on saturdays on rtr, well, remember that you are a woman, and a woman should captivate, flirt, but i don’t know how, i need to find a man who can fix this, i strongly recommend that you pay attention to your colleague, even the most unlucky caterpillars, you tell me like you a lot, turn into butterflies, come to me, no one has surrounded me with such care and... the main thing is not
10:59 am
to burn your wings. i went to edik, but he was nowhere to be found. i think he's leading you on for us. if you love, let go, if it’s yours, it will definitely come back, and if not, then it was never yours. the law of conservation of love, friday on rtr. we work in the interests of our country.
11:00 am
they are looking for waves and this is just a rehearsal, the rain will end, just imagine, on thursday it will rain for a day and a half, weather forecasters call this phenomenon a tropical megashower, lead now it was 60 minutes, bye. on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov hosts in the studio. hello. the main thing for this hour. the headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine, where the meeting of the command staff was held, was destroyed. how the reconnaissance and videoconferencing operation took place in the zaporozhye region. and reports from our military officers from two directions of the special operation at once.


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