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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  June 13, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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representatives of the military registration and enlistment office. ukrainians set fire to their cars and commit other acts of disobedience. here are just a few examples. a shopping mall bus was set on fire in kremenchug. in kharkov , a man tried to set fire to the military registration and enlistment office building. in dnepropetrovsk, a ukrainian armed forces vehicle was doused with gasoline. in kiev, a minibus belonging to the military was set on fire. in odessa , a ukrainian armed forces car was set on fire. in khmelnitsky, one ccc employee was beaten in one day, and another was stabbed, it’s getting to the point of absurdity, the sushniks put the inscription “netsk” on their cars, this photo was taken in kiev, major alimov of the armed forces of ukraine said, that the military are once again trying not to wear uniforms in rear cities, so that they are not mistaken for military registration and enlistment office workers, well, an incident that definitely has not happened yet, in odessa there was a massive conflict between ambulance workers. central committee. the military commissars
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wanted to detain the doctor and felcher. many ambulances came to their aid. it turned out that doctors in ukraine, unlike circus clowns, do not have armor from the front. there is no zelensky regime without them. but you can easily do without doctors and ambulance drivers. in general, they will soon start sending to war and children.
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well, what the hell is this, but now they turn away from me, now they turn away from me, i get on the subway, i specifically go on the subway, and people turn away, they are afraid. the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence is considering the possibility of transferring the functions of the tsk to civilian bodies. this was stated by the deputy head of this committee, deputy yegor chernev. in particular, chernev mentioned a fight between ambulance workers and the tsk, which occurred on june 11.
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brain, but the military not only did not allow pick up the patient and forbid the team from leaving the premises, doctors said. the sports workers of tcc encouraged us. the employees of the territorial recruitment center refused to allow us to hospitalize him, arguing that their employee, that is, their doctor, having examined this victim, determined that he did not need hospitalization.
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wars with russia are beginning to turn germany into a cannonball. defense minister pestorius ordered an accelerated expansion of military production, preparing the country for the real thing. military reforms within efforts to curb putin's aggression. in short, the bund is facing a massive reorganization from top to bottom. pistorios wrote that this was an epoch-making reform. he noted that many of the changes were inspired by the experience of the war in ukraine. one of the key borrowings from... stale labor was the return of compulsory military service: every german burgher will have to serve for six months, and not only men, but also women will be mobilized. the date online newspaper writes that the vistorios faction demanded that equal rights be introduced into the troops
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merkel, kds, csu. in a future war, germany will no longer be able to differentiate between genders. at the same time, as politikova writes, 59% of young germans and nemag. they don’t want to fight with russia and are against such innovations. theoretically, berlin could withdraw from the game to avoid a direct clash with moscow. however, such development is not part of washington's plans. schneller, mehr rekruten. die bundeswehr versucht es. rectify the situation with the help of a new type of military service, in particular due to the threat from russia. if tomorrow, the day after tomorrow,
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in 3 years the war will begin, we will not be able to mobilize, because we will not know who we can even call up. we cannot accept this situation. history with therefore, in the future, all eighteen-year-old germans must register, boys will be required to fill out a form, otherwise they will have to pay a fine, for girls everything is voluntary, because the law does not yet stipulate that they are obliged to serve. every year in germany, almost 400 thousand young men turn 18, and it is they who defense minister pistorius wants to standardize ask whether they want to voluntarily serve in the bundesfer for six months. these 4,000 young people will receive questionnaires. guys will be required to fill them out, eighteen-year-old girls will also receive these forms, but will not have to fill them out, since the law does not yet oblige them to serve. previously, until military conscription was abolished in 2011, all eighteen-year-old boys had to
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undergo a medical examination, pistorius is now focusing on the swedish model, only those who check the box will be required to appear for the medical examination. ipistorius hopes that in this way the bundesfers. can attract an additional 5,000 recruits to its ranks every year. right now the german army has 180,000 soldiers and the goal in the long term is to at least double the size of the bundesweir, including reservists. epistorius is confident that the next german government will not go away; it will have to raise the issue of returning military conscription and introducing conscription for women. what it's like to be a soldier, to experience it firsthand. in hessen frankenberg, women and five-day accelerated courses for young fighters are offered. in this way, the bundeswehr wants to attract more women into the ranks of the bundeswehr. and this is now simply necessary - the former bundestag commissioner for military affairs baartels is convinced. moreover, he wants military conscription
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to be extended to women in the future. the return of military conscription in a modified form is the only chance for the bundeswehr if it wants to solve its personal problems once and for all. over the past two decades, the number of women in the bundeswehr has increased significantly, including in the twenty-third year there were more than 24 thousand, but in percentage terms there were still very few women in the ranks. the shortage of soldiers in the german army is still great, in the youth wing of the cdu, csu, so they are also calling for conscription to be introduced not only for men, but also for women. we must realize that the threat situation is completely different than it was a few years ago. russia has been waging a war against ukraine for 2 and a half years, practically violating international law. russia takes upon itself the right to attack, seize territory. this is a new threatening situation. the russian duma has significantly increased defense spending. russia is stockpiling weapons systems and has switched to a war economy.
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according to all international military experts, it should be assumed that russia will be able to carry out a military attack on a nato country or a neighboring state from 2029. clown. the number of participants in zelensky’s gathering in switzerland decreased from 93 to 78. this was reported by several eu diplomats. moreover, the list is not final and you may still lose weight. that is, we boldly say: bürgen-stock failed. russian diplomacy managed to ensure that the conference in switzerland received the label between ukraine and its ally. another undeniable result is the loss of switzerland's status as a neutral country. however, bergenstock was a failure. the west is trying to win back in italy today. in the apuli region. usa biden has already landed in italy, now
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he is expected to visit italian prime minister miloni, all other leaders, french president macron, and german chancellor scholz, the prime ministers of great britain, japan and canada, sunasisida and trudeau, also the heads of the european commission, well, where would we be without ursula fondel , who was suddenly overdue by ukrainian president zelensky, will naturally discuss the war with. russia now wants to fight with us at russian expense. western leaders want to agree on the allocation of assistance to ukraine in the amount of $50 billion from russian assets frozen in foreign banks. that is , supposedly democratic rule-of-law states carry out theft on a global scale, under the guise of noble goals to stop war. it is not very clear exactly how military support will continue. and kiev at the expense of our state employees, because it is the money
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of doctors and teachers frozen in europe and the usa that will help stop the fighting, but biden decided to add additional fuel to the fire here. after joint events , he will personally meet with zelensky to sign a kind of bilateral security agreement, which is already being called a step forward for ukraine towards nato. the fact is that for all participants. meetings, big problems at home, macron and sunok are both on the verge of resignation, trudet is also about to leave his post, scholz has not recovered from his victory in the far right in the elections to the european parliament. tishida and biden faced record low ratings ahead of the election. watch how outsiders from around the world are trying to influence geopolitics.
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president biden landed in italy today to attend a high-level summit. critical issue: the war in ukraine. the white house says biden will sign a bilateral agreement on security and defense cooperation. the g7 summit will bring together leading democracies. i think ukraine will be the focus not only of president biden, but also of a number of leaders of the seven largest economies in the world who have gathered here, they are united in their desire to show their unwavering commitment to ukraine, president zelensky is also going to come here to italy, he will meet with president biden today, they are going to sign a bilateral agreement. which obliges the united states to support the military with weapons and training of soldiers for more than 10 years.
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negotiations took months. the united states is not the first country to sign such an agreement; it is already the sixteenth. this will give zelensky more certainty that the united states will remain on ukraine's side as long as this war continues. this should also send a message to vladimir putin: the us is not going anywhere. this money brings in some income every year, 2-3 billion dollars, all these leaders are working to find a way to use this money to help ukraine. we cannot rely on annual tax revenues to build our defenses, we must build the resources of tomorrow to meet the needs of today. there is another
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way - to try to solve this problem, for example, using income from frozen assets. to use these revenues in order to attract a large amount through the financial mechanism to have the resources of tomorrow today , this is something that will also be discussed at the g7 meeting, of course this will be one of the most important decisions that will have to be made to the european union and our allies. president biden is stepping up his administration's efforts to stop russia's war in ukraine and is preparing 300 new sanctions for a group of people who promote the war as he attends the g7 summit in italy. these sanctions significantly increase the risks for foreign companies that cooperate with sanctioned russian organizations. this is an attempt to strengthen the sanctions regime against russia.
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president biden and a delegation from his administration are also expected to sign agreement with others. the united states passed legislation to use frozen russian assets for additional military aid to ukraine, but unfortunately, most of these funds, hundreds of millions of dollars, remain in europe. and it is up to european countries to decide how to use them for the benefit of ukraine. yes, we in ukraine were waiting for additional assistance
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that the united states promised, but in fact 10 years ago at the fortieth g7 summit, which was hasty. convened, all these leaders said they were no longer going to do business with russia, that they are going to impose sanctions against russia, what do we see? there are still many international deals made with russia, and russia is still not excluded from the world community, it still chairs the un security council, what ukraine has been waiting for so long is for the rest of the world to finally fulfill its promises, and this applies not only president biden, it 's about making sure the rest of the world understands. will not be safe if a country like russia is allowed to win. bloomberg melancholy notes that french markets and stocks have fallen and banks have suffered losses amid uncertainty over
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who will govern france following macron's decision to dissolve the lower house of parliament and appoint an early one. bloomberg columnist openly called the decision of the french president an adventure ; tectonic shifts, as german tagis spiegel describes, the situation in germany after the elections to the european parliament. judging by the article, early elections in germany have ceased to be a marginal topic, and the thought of collapse governments in the midst of crisis and conflict in europe, the germans are no longer afraid. on the contrary , the germans are waiting for the collapse of the so-called traffic light coalition, the death of which could happen.
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mistake, he assured the public that he had respect for veterans, but the interview was so important that he could not stay, that is, all his life the british media have adjusted to the top officials, and not vice versa, everything has changed here, the fact is that the sunok has land burning under our feet, the tory party is rapidly. popularity, which is why an urgent interview was formed, and respect for veterans went by the wayside. cynical, yes. however, an interview for it. it didn’t help sunak’s ratings to rise. but the discussion of the prime minister’s figure has clearly increased, albeit in a negative way. when asked by a journalist how to understand the problems of ordinary people when you are richer than the king himself. rishi shared that he
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very much understands the needs of ordinary english people. like, as a child, rishi himself refused a lot of things, for example, god, satellite television. and while pro-conservative people are trying to wash it off. "excuse me, but no, it’s not worth it, i think that it was an important visit, and i want to say that it was one of the most important events this year, given what is also happening in ukraine, this prime minister, the youngest
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person to hold this position in the last 200 years, did not speaking of the fact that he is also the richest prime minister in history, when you are richer than the king himself, what do you do, maybe even do every day , in order to keep your finger on the pulse in order to understand what problems ordinary people face , yes, i want to say that..." from a family of emigrants who came here with not a lot of capital, so they raised me accordingly, i was taught to work hard, what you lacked in childhood, a lot of things, my parents were focused exclusively on our education, they spent all their money on this, such they had priorities, what things had to be sacrificed, many different things, like others in childhood, i also wanted something that i did not have, for example, satellite television, we definitely did not have this in childhood. high cost of living sunok understands that people have to make do without even more important things, but he denies that his conservative party is to blame for this. tell me, are people
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wrong when they say that life in britain today is worse than in 2010? i can't judge this right away. actually, i personally don't think so. sunak's comment about satellite tv sparked outrage. this has greatly affected people who are forced to deny themselves many things, including food. and all this is in the context of a statement.
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it was very, very difficult for his family, so that yes, i deeply sympathize with him. but then he married a girl from a rich family, who is now a very very rich family, if you decide to count all his wife’s money, which is certainly dangerous for a journalist. he went to a paid school, but he decided not to talk about that, but about the fact that his parents had to sacrifice other things to pay for the tuition and yes, because of this he did not have satellite television, and he also read books on the weekends, poor thing because his parents forced him, but they never made him think about the lack of money. and this is a very important thought, especially in the midst of a cost of living crisis, this man has never lacked for anything. today, social networks are simply replete with jokes about satellite
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television. people laugh at the british prime minister and the way he chose to answer the question of how he understands ordinary people. the interview itself was also a difficult event for him, because it was part of the series: look, you have a lot of money, more than the king, so how do you know about ordinary people their problems? irisha replied: wait, you don’t know anything about my past. state debt grant, see $5,500 spent in may on thematic events in the czech city of brno. here we read queer
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children's literature for kids. organized a picnic for youth firms and a service in support of lgbtq people. plus it was conducted by a woman priest of the czechoslovak and husidian church. $15,000 was allocated for rainbow events in the bulgarian capital sofia, plus an additional $7,500 was allocated for holding a gay film festival in the country. on a similar events in portugal, films depicting incest and pedophilia were shown. 5 from to will go to australia, they will hold an lgbt conference on interaction with the government and transcultural warfare. the state debt also supports gay muslim writers in india, funds a ballroom dancing school for transgender youth in peru, and pays for theater productions for africans that explain lgbtq rights. and all this at the expense of american taxpayers.
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wherein. the usa itself, lgbt representatives everything they are more actively trying to penetrate into areas of life that are alien to themselves, for example, women’s beauty contests. in alabama, local queers were outraged that they were not allowed to participate in the national american miss pageant, where model sarah millican won. she was able to achieve victory only on the third attempt, and even then only after the criteria for contestants were introduced into the regulations. significantly rewritten, now this is a competition where physical disabilities, for example, excess weight, spots, crooked teeth with braces, are only an advantage, well, in murrayland with inclusive the agenda is even better, there bailey and kennedy were recognized as the main beauty of the state, there are several oddities here: firstly, the new miss murrayland is older than her competitors, she is 31 years old, secondly, she...
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became the first transgender person to win the competition and the remade a man, so kennedy is also a woman's beauty, and now he will compete for the crown at the miss america pageant. took first place.
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i've never competed in a pageant before, this is my first pageant and i 've been watching miss usa and miss universe my whole life and i never thought that one day i could be here and wear the proud title of miss maryland. i entered the miss marilynne usa pageant in hopes of spreading the idea of ​​beauty without limits, and that means the beauty of life, the beauty of motherhood, or if that's you, or the beauty of living my own childhood dream. have you thought about how this will affect other members of the transgender community, the queer community? oh, of course, throughout the last evening i constantly cried and hoped that if i i'll be in the top 20, i'll already make history because i'm one of the first to get there, and now that i've won the title, it's just amazing, and i just want it to be a good reflection of the lgbt community, what do you know? , we all come from different
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backgrounds... she's 31 years old, married to a military officer, she's asian american, she's a transgender woman. you see all the different kinds of these communities that she and her family are a part of, and also to remind all queers that we are here and that we belong, especially here in the united states, and we're all here, and we're not going anywhere. coronation, which found eight.
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won the top title at the national miss america pageant for a plus-size model - a significant moment that she has been working towards for 8 years, but winning the top prize is now overshadowed by a barrage of cruel comments online, some internet trolls criticize her
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for her size, saying that she is extremely unhealthy , question her beauty, call her a disgrace to the state of alabama. twenty-three year old the makeup artist boldly responded online, declaring: "what was said about me is truly disgusting." i can't understand how people think it's okay to say such things, the easiest thing to do would be to give up, i could hide my face, but instead i say: watch me win, watch me show all the haters why a plus size woman can and should be the owner of the title, beauty in american style, let's move to the zone of a special military operation, vladimir razin, military correspondent is in direct contact with us, volodya, hello, we are glad to welcome you, ukrainians and western media cannot understand what is happening on the line of combat contact in the sense that reports are coming that in volchansk, in leptsy, in other sectors of the front, our wars, our technical services
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have begun to build fortifications, is this how we fix the conquered territories and prepare for a counter-attack, what could this mean, or is this ordinary military regulations? evgeniy, good afternoon, yes, this is absolutely common practice, why? because how as soon as we enter new strongholds, new houses, new territories, this territory needs to be secured for ourselves, that is, those assault units, let’s say, yes, that took a strong point, a securing group comes to their aid, respectively, all services, who are part of this group, they are engaged in their immediate work, namely, securing positions on the ground in order to repel counterattacks. which immediately follow when we occupy certain points on the enemy side, immediately there, well in different cases on different terrain it happens in different ways, somewhere it can happen in small groups, 5.6 counterattacks per day
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can happen, somewhere it can happen with the use of armored vehicles depending on what the enemy is capable of in this terrain, so this is an absolutely normal practice, why are they surprised by the question yes...
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to lose those forces, the means that he had in reserve, now for precisely those maneuvers with which he is trying to hinder our advance, this is by throwing in an assault, very a large number, including untrained
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military personnel, including quite professional ones, who were in reserve in certain structures, so for him this could be a really big blow this summer, because... he is losing a very large number of forces in terms of quantity in qualitative terms, so everything is possible, but here... we lose contact with the front line, with the zone of the special military operation, vladimir razin, the military correspondent was in direct contact with us, in general, he managed to comprehensively talk about what is happening now in the special military operation zone, canada is reporting that it will provide ukraine with 2,300 aircraft-based unguided missiles, crv7, canadian defense minister bill blair announced on thursday, uk. will announce an additional package of sanctions today, of course,
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the day before there were thoughts about the american sanctions that fell on us from the north american continent and against the moscow exchange, now washington seems to have freed us from any rules that related to dollar trading, moreover, it technology, it products for enterprises are now illegal, although this was the case long ago for all these companies. did not leave, nevertheless , the white house announced this with pomp, although in fact, from the point of view of the market, from the point of view of the behavior of our corporate sector, they only grinned, because today’s stock exchange reports, and there’s a little bit of a stock exchange there, the moscow stock exchange itself prompted, but this will not change anything radically from the point of view of our interaction with foreign currencies, i emphasized once again that they themselves
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are decoupling the ruble from any control, from any observation of it, that is, we are turning into a country with a freely convertible currency, no rules, please, only the central bank, and the dollar does the same only in the opposite direction, that is , everything is already like that there... probably everyone connections, some
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financial strings that connected russia with that world order, which essentially goes back to the past with the very era that is gone, how the dollar exchange rate was determined, but in order to understand that essentially nothing has changed, you need switch to russian language, look, money is the same commodity, so when a russian citizen goes to an exchange office to buy, buy... some currency, the word change, it obscures the meaning, we buy with rubles, well, some currency, yuan , dollars, mongolian tugriks, it doesn’t matter, in order to carry out a purchase and sale operation, you need to determine the value of the goods, in fact, the exchange has a certain procedure that helped determine how many rubles some foreign currency is worth today, as a result, the americans banned these .. .bidding, but the value of the currency will be
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determined in the same way. the most important thing must be said here. the central bank is the largest financial institution in our country. and he has always in our history, always had the opportunity to set any value of our national currency or the value of foreign currency, to maintain this rate, this value, for any long time. why he does or doesn't do it is another matter. therefore, in the current situation. nothing changes; further, trading on the exchange will take place, for example, in yuan, and the relationship between the yuan and other international currencies, it also remains, and through it you can calculate the value in rubles of one or another currency in which the united states of america prohibits us from trading. the third thing i would like to say is that these are not the first sanctions in the financial sector, and probably not the last. well, as a matter of fact, at the very beginning of the special military operation, both the united states and the european union banned the transfer of cash dollars, cash euros to russia.
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the question is, did this somehow affect the average domestic citizen? no. cash dollars, euros, yuan, and so on and so forth, they have not disappeared from exchange offices at all. therefore, for the average russian citizen, nothing changes at all. foreign exchange earnings come to our country, prices for our exports are high and therefore there is no reduction in the amount of foreign currency that comes to russia. it won’t, the rate will be determined either through the trading that will take place on the stock exchange, and in addition to this, as the central bank wrote, on the over-the-counter market, that is, in essence... nothing changes at all, yes in principle, on the moscow exchange it is also possible to trade in dollars, if large corporate structures want to sell or buy a certain amount of foreign currency, nothing
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prevents the moscow exchange, which is already authorized from all sides, from continuing to trade in both the dollar and the euro. well, i would like to emphasize once again that there is no prohibition of course. not from russia, and even a ban from the united states does not in any way prevent one from owning foreign currency, selling, buying it, holding it accounts and so on, here you go, the dollar exchange rate as of now, yes, 12:30 is 3 minutes ago, 87.37, that is, it fell by 2 rubles in the morning, well, today is the first day of a new era, that’s why, but they wanted , so that there were 200, they wanted...
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“but there is nothing, there is just a desire for arbitrariness, with this understanding it will be very easy for us to understand what they are trying to do towards the big seven, by the way, they should probably stop calling it the big seven, just seven, just seven countries that rallied around the united states of america, what do they want to do, they walk around our frozen resources like a cat around sour cream, well, actually without 5 minutes of stolen resources, but pay attention. more than two years have passed, they have not confiscated the gold and foreign exchange reserves themselves, the part that is located there, and until now they were still thinking about how they could steal the interest, why? well, because the theft of funds invested in their securities, of course, will lead to the erosion of trust in them from
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all other world players, but look, they act like petty scammers, they do not they can simply say: we don’t like you, we like you. t in debt to ukraine, that is , they lent something that was not theirs at interest, well, listen, i don’t know, if i’m not a lawyer, what article is here, as they say, if someone did that, but in my opinion it’s just such a fraud in global scale, the next thing i want to say about this is that they will make this
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decision, they will do it, and russia, of course, must react to this accordingly, but they will not make... the decision to steal these frozen 240 billion. i’ll explain why. they don't have one motivation to give it to zelensky. the kiev regime is doomed, they know this very well. they will keep this money in order to later try to negotiate with us. and here we cannot follow their lead under any circumstances. that is, they are keeping this in order to offer us some way out of the situation. let's do what they tell us. and we will return to you what is yours, that is, they will again offer us to play with ours, we shouldn’t play these games if ukraine is returned, let ’s read what the central bank writes about the sanctions that have occurred, in connection with the introduction of restrictive measures by the united states against the moscow exchange group,
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exchange trading and settlements of deliverable instruments in us dollars and euros are suspended, while trading in all other exchange segments for exchange-traded instruments. in rubles and other currencies will be carried out as usual, transactions with the us dollar and euro will continue to be made on the over-the-counter market, to determine the official exchange rates of the us dollar and euro to the ruble, the bank of russia will use bank reporting information received from digital platforms outside of exchange trading. companies and individuals can continue to buy and sell us dollars and euros through russian banks. all funds in us dollars and euros in deposit accounts of citizens and companies remain safe. for deposits and accounts of citizens and organizations in us dollars and euros , the previous regime for issuing funds established by the bank of russia is maintained. calm, restrained, without panic, absolutely out of it.
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twenty-first year, if you remember, then there was a very popular nuclear agenda and what, for example, was actively discussed in december was how we could restrain the united states so that they would not try to help ukraine, and it was proposed to place missiles in the caribbean, that is, to play out the caribbean scenario 2:0. i suggested something else, i said, let’s not place this, but place a tracking station there, like an early warning system, and so that our ships and submarines can go there, well, in principle, it came true. the submarine ships are now coming in, but how are they coming in? we had a tracking station in cuba, i don’t know if it works was, it was dismantled, it was
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dismantled in an inoperative state, install new ones and even air defense systems, this is very good, but imagine, there are 400 standing in cuba, 400 km, this is part of the us coast exactly under control, disneyland falls into the action zone , yes, yes, a few more additional ones turned out to be a kind of shavanized air defense system, we must protect our partner. yes, and - against the background of this, how the boat passed, it passed along the atlantic side of cuba, yes, that is , between florida and cuba 180 these kilometers, she passed so that they did not find her, they, by the way, tried to look for her, very carefully, they sent surface drones, this is their latest development for searching for submarines, the program costs several tens of billions of dollars, it is included in the long-term development program . american fleet, they are going to create 1,200 units there, these newest drones came out to look for our
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submarine, they didn’t find it, in order to troll the americans with everyone, our boat surfaced and went, as they say, into port govans, well, as they say, they got what they wanted, and what to hide, and what to hide, and besides, she has 40 launchers there , which are zircons, and no one said that they will be nuclear-free zircons. against the background of this, we are continuing the second stage - our non-nuclear, no, not strategic nuclear weapons, which have produced electronic launches, what are electronic launches, this is when real missiles equipped with a special warhead are on launchers, but they are not launched , but they make electronic launches, demonstrate the tactical and technical characteristics of these complexes, i think, are pointless; we showed them perfectly in a non-nuclear position in the zone of a special military operation. therefore, but the distinctive point is that our belarusian allies took part in this, they also learned how to use
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those same tactical nuclear weapons, the warehouse that we recently built for them, if we draw parallels, then soon our cuban allies can also fully learn , not at all strategic exercises, but not strategic, they are not organized, but they we must defend ourselves from such northern ones, and finally free them. the us-occupied part of cuba to gantanomu, yes it is possible, why not, when bolton says, let’s do something else about nicaragua, venezuela, so that he thinks that there they will finally recognize how our best eyeliner works, we we will not go with them, we will do as we see fit, besides, our enterprise believed that this year we will receive several more submarines. and these are the same slow-moving boats, well, not slow-moving, inconspicuous, sorry,
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stealth submarines, and the 85m series will also continue, of which the kazan boat is its prominent representative, that is , our fleet will be strengthened and equipped, what is happening with the columbia boat, i have spoken about this more than once, they started in 2016 they are actively cutting it, you have the metal underneath it... in the best case, according to their plans and the updated doctrine, the boat will go to the us navy, probably in 2035, if not later, that is, we see such a confrontation between puffing out cheeks and one side and real action on our part, that is, as they say, feel the difference, while we are clearly aware of the events taking place, and most likely we will reconsider our nuclear doctrine, because how else can we curb such madness... who still have this kind of weaponry weapons, like nuclear weapons, they somehow need to be pacified, so we need to cut them off, this is the first trip, i think,
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not the last entry into cuba will be on... strategic submarines, for example, the boreans will go there, why not , our sailors sometimes need to come to resorts there, and cuba - let me remind you that the borei project, nuclear submarines, the flagship of this project, yuri dolnorukiy, is an absolutely modern, incredible boat in terms of technology and armament, these are carriers of the mace, and the bulava missiles, which is capable of demolishing the mace. large areas of the earth's surface, and all the warheads are based on our controlled hypersound technology, that is, no one will stop them, we'll come back, you don't understand, they will go to the end, they will always be hunting for such days, the premiere on rtr, what
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happened, happened, yes , happened country. a don’t you think this accident is strange at all, it’s nonsense, i just couldn’t control everything, it was you who caused the accident, you wanted to kill christina, our people are all around, that means you, i know how to bring things to an end, and if the truck driver was bribed, it’s under seven seals , from monday on rtr, altai, a majestic mountainous country. nature has generously rewarded this region: picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in belukha glaciers, the two-headed sacred mountain, where according to legend one can find entrance to shambhala. belukha is the highest point
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in siberia. and the cradle in the great altai river katun. a pearl among the mountains, lake teletskoe. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as it did many centuries ago. look, our cabbage butterfly has gone. you know, she’s not a cabbage weed, but she’s some kind of moth, you’re a young, interesting woman, it needs to be noticeable, not just to me, look at her color, as if from another planet, you’re from another planet, he's really wonderful we’re all serious, she ’s about to write out my entire dissertation, she won’t
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even notice how, it wasn’t enough for you to seriously fall in love, you yourself, i... wanted you to have a little fun, that’s all, that was the plan, the plan, the law preserving love, on friday on rtr, those who want to stay in the know, watch the program of the week, program for advanced people, broadcast the week with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr. i have good news, yes, i’m pregnant, so you’ll be torn between me and my wife, what’s wrong with my legs, she was disappointing, but the prognosis is even worse, disability, i will somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing prevents you from staying with me all night, my husband
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is in trouble. and he says, there’s no time, right now we need to have an operation, where can we find that kind of money in a moment, it’s for our sake, i miss you back home, more for you, and i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife, the spring of change , on sunday on rtr.
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deductions, you were not convinced by the food, i was completely confused, i’ll tell you honestly, but they were carried out anyway. everyone has the right to mistake, catch me if you can, big music show, sings, doesn’t sing, um, well, it happens at a karaoke, on friday on rtr. moscow exchange shares sank after washington imposed sanctions against it, and the national clearing center on the moscow exchange came under restrictive measures. today we decided to stop trading in currency pairs with the dollar, euro, and hong kong dollar, which is pegged to the american currency, especially since in may more than half of the transactions on the site were in the yuan. the bank of russia previously reported
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that assesses the risks of sanctions on the moscow exchange and has an action plan in this regard. we have been waiting for these sanctions for a very long time, how the dollar and euro will be traded, what will happen to the ruble after the new us sanctions. let's take a look at our economic observer. i welcome that this happened in general, and yesterday we saw in telegrams, they were selling a dollar for 200 somewhere, someone was throwing some kind of line into an exchanger in st. petersburg according to all telegrams, which in fact did not exist, that happened, what does this threaten us with? yes, man, really i actually read it yesterday. i was surprised when even our colleagues, who consider themselves to be in the patriotic camp, begin to disperse, excuse me, panic out of the blue, it is clear that partly this is done out of misunderstanding,
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partly from the point of view of promoting themselves, as they say, but in ours, after all i urge our colleagues to be more careful with headlines and so on, unless, of course, this applies primarily to some serious people, and not to those who deliberately do so to create panic. the currency may fall, i remind you that literally - not so long ago, really, you already said in the summary that the main volume on the exchange is the yuan, it is trading well, now the yuan has fallen below
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12 rubles, now it is balancing somewhere around the mark, this is a drop of 2% , this means that there is no demand for currency, i say again, the question is for the central bank to keep the ruble from excessively strengthening, at the moment, i mean. i’ll say later that i’m still waiting, but as for the question of exports and so on, we now understand that let’s take, let’s say trade with europe, and we already had data for the last 60-58% of trade with europe, although the volumes there fell three times compared to yes with all these things we do, but we still trade with europe, so that’s 60%, this is a ruble 58.5, this is a ruble. here, dear friends, you need to understand this, only - it’s less there, 30%, respectively, 28.5 is the dollar and the euro, and 13, it’s 12-13%, there as a share, if you don’t
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count, then these are friendly currencies, that is, the euro, well, the eurozone remains with us, well, i don’t take it there, of course china and other countries, but with america our trade is generally 5 billion dollars lower there, it’s generally pennies, there’s nothing to talk about at all, so in recent weeks the ruble has been strengthening because the demand for currency has been falling, this is, of course, due to the pressure on foreign banks that americans have recently time has sharply increased on our chinese partners, on turkish, on others, there are certain problems there, we talked about this a lot, but nevertheless we understand that now the main trade with china is carried out in ruks and yuan, there 80%, that's why to say that... that these sanctions that were introduced were really absolutely waiting for them, well, as usual, everything happens unexpectedly at a specific moment, this is a fact, because it seemed to me, for example, that they would do it a little later, closer by the fall, but apparently
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they feel very bad there and are scared because of our successes in ukraine, they are now this summit, this is not an unfinished summit in switzerland and it turns out that some action needs to be taken, the g7, as they used to call it , now i would call her just ordinary... seven, yes, these are still quite powerful economic countries, we must give credit here, but nevertheless they are no longer the largest, they are afraid that the brix will overtake them and hence the sudden movements a. these are not these chaotic movements that the united states is now undertaking, the pressure is coming in the military sphere, well, these are strikes deep into the country, the pressure is coming in the political sphere, they will try to organize this, well, this gathering in switzerland, and they are now trying to generally limit the conversations before this completely trade with russia, such congressmen, some violent expressed their position, but so far it has not come to this... thank god it hasn’t come to this, but if
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we return to sanctions, we will now go so far, to return to sanctions, then at the moment, yes, we have vaguely defined technical problems in the sense that it is not very clear how many banks will remain on the moscow exchange, what part of the banks will not trade, now, for example, some brokers, they do not withdraw money from their accounts, this is all due to the fact that you need to evaluate what measures... not the central bank, because it we need to decide how the interventions will be carried out, how the currency will be traded, it is clear that it will be done through banks and not through the stock exchange, i will remind you once again, we have a unique situation in the foreign exchange market, half of us were traded on the stock exchange, recently over-the-counter the market was larger than the foreign exchange market, i mean, we were moving towards this, of course, since 2022 we have been removing everything that could be affected by our input, literally we have only 30 seconds left for the ordinary citizen, what should we do? there, relatively speaking
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, a small entrepreneur goes on vacation there, how should the average entrepreneur, the majority of our citizens, look at what happened? you need to watch very calmly, no sudden movements, especially buy currency at some inflated, speculative rates, but you don’t need to run anywhere, you can buy currency, this can be done directly from banks, who needs it for a vacation and so on, please, but we have payments in international cards... economic russia 24 is in direct contact with us, please, you know, life, after sunak’s interview, i think, with the british the voter, of course, there will be a desire to hug him, to kind of cry over him, to connect, well, just for the sake of asking him quietly.
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between what the political elite declares and what is in demand in society, it leads to such political results, when you say that the temple ducks came to the g7, no, there are giorgia miloni and the seven temple drakes, yes, who arrived and in fact, people who have the lowest rating within their state, yes, that is, are not able to find a dialogue with their citizens, are trying.


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