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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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how do you even live without a brain? because we could laugh at this, but this once again proves to us how far the political elites are from the problems of their peoples. this applies not only to britain, this applies to the european union as well, this applies to the leaders of the european commission, all sorts of ursul fondeen and so on, who absolutely do not understand the mood of their voters, this is a defeat for traditional political parties, well, that is, contradictory. between what the political elite declares and what is in demand in society, it leads to such political results, when you say that lame ducks came to the g7, no, there is george miloni and seven lame drakes, yes, who arrived and in fact people who have the lowest rating within their state, yes , that is, they are not able to find a dialogue with their citizens, they are trying to rule the whole world and teach the whole world how it really needs to be done correctly.
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then the americans gave the ukrainians money, that’s what we see tsk, yes, this chaos tsk, they, of course, can do as much as they want to tell you that all this was filmed at mosfilm, even if it was filmed at mostfilm, i should just bow my head to karanomovich and say what a job the actors did, you know, how they did it all, the doctors, the technical students, it’s just beautiful the picture, and the locations are so beautiful, kiev, kiev locations, there are dnepropetrovsk locations. kirovograd
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locations, how he does this, i don’t understand, but in fact, this conflict, i think it’s still just at the start, the burned cars are just the beginning of the process, i think that’s all these tcc employees will actually end up very poorly, but they perform a very important function, they will, in fact, discredit the ukrainian army, which until recently had a very high rating within ukrainian society, even if it’s a mortgage. today, thanks to the efforts of such employees with persons not gifted with intelligence, they are actually solving the issue of simply destroying the rating in so as such, well, let them do it, if the authorities need it and demand it, no, i understand why they are doing all this, they need to fulfill their obligations at any cost, by the way, well, our military correspondents, all analysts, experts confirm that a large number of people, i am not sure that a decision will be made politically. about lowering the age to 18
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years, but such cases will become more frequent in ukraine, how this all happens is called gray mobilization, relatively speaking, people not endowed with intelligence can grab any guy aged 20-22 years old, drag him to the military registration and enlistment office, it’s not written on his face how old he is, drag him to the military registration and enlistment office, force him to sign it statement, and it turns out to be an absolutely legal situation, he is a volunteer, that’s the point. you see, and even if his relatives come to somehow defend him, they will say, well, we have a document, he signed it, that’s it, he’s going to the front. training and nuclear ammunition were delivered to the security points of the position area of ​​the airfield brigade of assault aviation, the russian ministry of defense reports. the military of the russian federation of belarus is working on issues of ensuring combat duty with training and nuclear ammunition. the training of non-strategic nuclear forces will be determined direction of future training russia and belarus.
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i’ll shoot everything while flying, there ’s a disaster with the drones, the police here shoot everything, everything flies, with the drones in general it’s a real disaster, because all the logistics on the front line here in the ugledar direction are simply disrupted, due to the fact that the mass, just the mass of enemy five-trons, they they fly by literally every 3-5 minutes and even on foot. it’s almost impossible to walk here, well,
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it’s almost impossible. the most powerful strikes of russian iskanders are recorded by an objective control drone. two ballistic missiles sweep away the batteries of the ukrainian as-300 air defense system near mirgorod, 145 km from the border. the combat control vehicle and two launchers were destroyed. another arrival of iskander took place at the largest military airfield in the poltava region; several su-27 fighters of the ukrainian air force were disabled by a fragmentation warhead. the enemy tried to destroy us with three drones and two, one missed, the second hit us in the mine. and this is
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first-person footage of a tank battle in the kupinsky direction, the advance of the assault troops is covered by the crew of the t90 a vladimir. the car is covered with camouflage. fleeing from drops from a uav, it skids into the entrance of a residential building. here, a group of ukrainian militants eliminates the operator of an anti-tank complex, a guided missile
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reaches a target 2.5 km away in 10 seconds, an afu airborne combat vehicle, soldiers of the 98th airborne division are burned using an attack drone. an overpass on the t-0504 highway, 3 km from the center of chasovo yar. the russians are near these bridges. they are currently also trying to advance to kalinovka and bogdanovka in the north and to kleshcheevka in the south. failing the counterattack of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov direction is recorded by the russian.
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retail center workers are increasingly camouflaging their own cars in their yards, fearing reprisals from local residents. zelensky’s butchers tear off the chevrons and insignia of his own military uniform, posing as vacationers walking by. the owners
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of minibuses, famous throughout the country, or as people say buses, stick the inscription “not tsk” on the body of the car. the russian fleet can land thousands of marines anywhere on the coast. own crazy formula for war on neighbors in the east, according to biden's national security adviser salevan, a security guarantee between kiev and washington will be signed in italy at the g7 summit. they promise to talk about specific details later. our goal here is simple, we want to demonstrate
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that the united states stands with the people of ukraine, that we stand in solidarity with them, and that we will continue to help kiev meet its security needs, not just tomorrow, but into the future. will be reflected in the agreement that we will present to you all at the end of this week. by signing this agreement, we will also give a signal to russia of our determination. nato secretary general stoltenberg promises. declare that we are ready for long-term
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when we can very clearly and decisively multi-year military operations, then the likelihood that he will understand will increase, so the longer we are ready to help ukraine, the faster the war will end. russian rocket scientists carried out electronic launches during the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces. navy crews went out to sea to conduct patrols. moscow. and minsk worked out joint training of nuclear weapons. as part of the exercise, nuclear weapons were delivered to field storage points. then the russian military, together with their belarusian colleagues, prepared the missiles with special equipment and suspended their carrier aircraft. currently, issues of ensuring combat duty with training nuclear weapons are being worked out. the presidents of the russian federation and the republic of belarus made a decision. conducting the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces. during this activities, including working out issues
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of joint training of belarusian combat units and russian nuclear support units. in the course of carrying out the tasks, the mobile formation of the twelfth main directorate ensured the delivery of training nuclear ammunition to field storage points, the position area of ​​the missile brigade of the operational airfield of the assault aviation. implemented jointly with belarusian colleagues. preparation and delivery of missiles in special equipment and suspension of aviation equipment under the carrier aircraft. in the issues of ensuring combat duty with training nuclear ammunition are currently being worked out. as a result of the exercise , the results of each training survey will be summed up and directions for further improvement of the training of non-strategic nuclear forces will be determined in order to guarantee the completion of tasks under various options for the development of the military-political. synchronously with the arrival of a detachment of ships from our northern fleet in gamana, the head of
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the cuban foreign ministry, parili, flew to moscow. at a meeting with lavrov, he announced plans for an island of freedom together with russia strengthen a just world order. cuba has expressed a desire to join brix, said brazilian foreign minister maura viera. according to him , venezuela and nigeria also want to become members of the organization. in general, the west is unable to isolate russia and spoil moscow’s relations with the global south. eloquent. niger also expressed a desire to see a russian military base in the country, this was stated by the honorary consul of russia in the republic addo iro. he emphasized that niomey wants to work with the russians to counter the terrorist threat. the americans did nothing for this. allows terrorists to wreak havoc, kill people and burn cities, the prime minister of niger says bluntly. in this regard, it is not
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surprising that the us military, following the former colonialists from france, was shown the door by niger. this is not what the us wanted, but niger authorities seem happy to say goodbye to us troops. the officers gathered on the tarmac at niama airport in what was an apparently awkward ceremony to mark the...
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march, the united states warned niger against selling the country's resources to iran and against any military union. russia is now present in niger, mali, burkina fasso and the central african republic. the united states is struggling to maintain its status as a reliable superpower in the region. with the latest departure of american soldiers in niger, the winds of change seem to be blowing in russia's favor. fine. well, this is all a link
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in one chain, it seems to me, because... if suddenly the american base were suddenly destroyed by someone, and there it could be completely destroyed, that is, there are nuances, so the americans understand everything they do, we are all friends, keep in mind that we are leaving, but we are in my heart with you, it would be good if they did this everywhere, and it would be good for all of us all over the world, well , two words, what i wanted to say, you know, this holiday that we celebrated yesterday, russia day, in my opinion, it filled with a completely different meaning, we used to call it independence day, everyone still giggled a little there like, well, from whom is independence, yes, now it’s very interesting that right now russia has begun
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its path of gaining sovereignty in the new world, new under new conditions... the rule, here this reflection was all over the country yesterday, it was felt, it was directly felt, you know, that is, congratulations on this holiday have a completely different meaning, i think that it is felt not only, not only we feel, but it is felt all over the world, this is obvious, so this is the summit that they are going to hold there in switzerland, this sabbath on zelensky, well, i don’t know what they will succeed there. there for god's sake there he flew to saudi arabia yesterday, met with the prince there and as a result of this meeting he did not is going neither to the samite nor to the g7, just in case, that is, it’s very interesting, probably, out of the ten points that zelensky tried to push through at this summit, all that will remain is a friendly pat on
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the shoulder, there and then in a glove, that’s right, yes , and not with your bare hand, so as not to touch. all sorts of crap, that’s why they, of course, want to force us into negotiations, but the situation when negotiations begin, look, it’s an interesting moment, when either one or the other side is exhausted, or both are exhausted, but we are not exhausted, united the staff is also not depleted, so talk about some kind of peace summits, about negotiations, they have no basis, there is nothing there, yes, we are ready, we say, we are ready for negotiations, but even today, please, the question of the terms of these negotiations, they, of course, have nothing to do with us in any way from the point of view of the fact that we are now liberating some territories, listen, well, this is simply not even serious, so they are doing an aggravation phase, and this
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aggravation phase, it is of course not easy, says zametelelberg : that all nato countries are no longer obliged to supply weapons to kiev, any weapons, everything, it should be noted that they are preparing this blow, a fist, of course, they are preparing to prepare, to say that they have exhausted all the resources there, this is far from the case, of course , we understand perfectly well, let’s take the biggest one, well, we knocked out a million people from them, well, well, according to various estimates, 500, but i think a million. taking into account the wounded there and so on, those who left, yes, those who left there and so on, and how many were mobilized for the great patriotic war it was, with approximately the same population, 7 million were mobilized, seven, that is, left, well , let another million leave, well, let two leave, but they have potential there, 2-3 million really, here are the ethics officers, but they discredit them, but
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they are coming, they are recruiting and cannon fodder is being sent to the front steadily. but they have people, they do, and i say that they have them, that is, to put weapons there, that they are now going, if earlier they thought, yes, we’ll put them there, we won’t put them there, maybe we’ll put this there, then tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow, now they understand everything, they will now concentrate a huge amount of weapons, well, let’s say, not in ukraine, maybe, but in the zone... we are now like this, this is their hop, well, it doesn’t work out, you know, for various reasons, but it doesn’t work out, so we must clearly understand that we
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can drag this out for a long time, but they can drag it out for a long time, although everyone is talking about analytics, but for some reason, i don’t know, for example, i didn’t hold back this, that this summer or the beginning of autumn will be key for everyone, well, i don’t know what could be key there, i for example, i don’t see such people, that is, if we... concentrated a million-strong group, for example, in belarus, i’m not saying now how, in my opinion, this can be done enough, a million-strong group in belarus and another 1 million there near the baltic states , this would stress them out, because now the west has started to play strategic things, not tactics, they realized that let’s counterattack, let’s do it quickly, no, it won’t work, that’s it, they went into strategy, they are creating problems for us all over cont. armenia, that means, even starting from simple bites, they from the fid suspended our participation, we created this
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organization, they suspended participation in chess there, from such small ones, let’s rush to shake the regime, in that, no, return us to chess, it’s funny on the one hand , on the other side. tension flows along the entire line in general, and they have put everything on the line, they will put everything on the line, and they will continue to do so, so i say, from such small ones, ending with the possibility of using nuclear weapons, so they have chosen this spectrum, they are stopping are not going to we must also understand that we cannot stop, otherwise we simply will not survive in this world, we will survive in this world, without any doubt. we must have decisiveness here, the concentration of everything, yes, the country is changing, this is all wonderful, but we must understand that we must change with everyone, as they say, this is still all
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for the front, all for victory, this is very important, so here to tell, well, either oil or guns, no, nothing like that, you need both, but he also says that no, that’s it, we don’t have any resource there, including mobilization, otherwise there are no it people there, everyone will run away, well, listen, take a country like... vietnam, how many armies do they have? how many? 5.5 million, this is not a country at war, just in case, but they got burned once, of course, that’s it, but nevertheless, their gdp is growing or falling, i wanted to understand, 5.5%, so nothing , well, more than five more precisely, so we must clearly understand that we have huge challenges, we must mobilize, we must accept all possible mechanisms, today this is not the case, but we must... approach this, and we must understand that the countries that are at war with us, they say: but we are not at war, in the second world war they did this: a non-belligerent power,
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it is not neutral, it is non-belligerent, but when it stands there is a million-strong army on the border with poland, then planes will take off from there or they won’t, that’s a great thing to talk about there, oh well, we’ll see there now, that’s when it’s standing here. i think they won’t, you know, it doesn’t matter what it does, this army of a million will be trained there, but they all understand everything perfectly well, if we only tell them there that we are here, and what did they do, well, they conducted training, but now they will conduct their own training, even more than ours, they have weapons there , not only here, only in belarus, and they have it there , not only in belarus, i would not be surprised that they have already brought it to poland, i would not be surprised at all. we understand that our western borders are under threat today, and we are obliged to respond to this, well, somehow. agreement between the united states and ukraine on
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security agreement, which plans to sign on the sidelines of the group of seven summit in italy, will not provide for specific monetary assistance from the united states, for some reason cnn reports, well , in order to anticipate and disavow all expectations in advance, in fact. nato is likely to be outgoing dutch prime minister mark rutty. the name of the next head of the north atlantic alliance was announced by the president of finland alexander stub. we'll be back. i am the daughter of krosheninnikov and tatyana. jackdaw. why didn't she tell me anything? i wish you happiness. thank you. kalda, wait. i dreamed of becoming a daughter, dear mother, today i almost told my father that i am his daughter, are you talking about me, or what? but she became an easy prey, but where do you think your nurse is?
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there is no time, we need some kind of plan, well, yes, she is either here or has disappeared, help, to the rescue, daw, final episode, today on rtr, i thought that everything is more serious here, you sit and think, it’s not worth thinking about, here that’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because there are five of us, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to seriously check, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, this must be
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it was edible. i meant, of course, the bear when i said, such a stinking, small one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000, zhenya adds his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the program five on one, five on one on saturdays on rtr. this is for you, well what, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday. we haven't seen each other. daring. they fell in love. yours, don’t ask stupid questions
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now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, rapper, the whole brigade, only look at the platform. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room absolutely without faces, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we we want to turn the radiator into an art tam, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, the plans
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are changing before our eyes. into projects, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday,
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irina pegova , we need to set an example that vaccination is useful, i consider it a shameful weakness not to start yourself. royal graft. your name? are you ready to get started? i ready. on saturday. on rtr. this year, these days, vasily makarovich, his beloved woman, vasily shukshin, would have been 95 years old. what did he say about his childhood? it was very difficult for me, i walked around in boots with overcoat, at first for the first time, openly about problems in the family. at some point i find out that my mother transferred her share of the inheritance to maria. lidiya nikolaevna, why did you do that? honestly.


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