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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  June 13, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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i'm ready. on saturday on rtr. this year, these days would have been 95 years. to vasily makarovich, beloved woman, vasily shukshina. what did he say about his childhood? it was very difficult for me, i walked in shineri boots, at first, for the first time, openly about problems in the family. at some point i find out that my mother has her share of the inheritance. gave it to her. lidya nikolaevna,
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why did you do that? honestly, i don’t remember, i don’t know. masha and i haven’t seen each other for 10 years. i periodically knock on her door, her heart. masha holds some kind of grudge. what happened, how it happened, not so loved each other. neither one nor the other meets halfway. it’s so embarrassing, in front of him, in front of his memory, i say, i imagine him all the time, he would have lined up the three of us like this in front of him, he would have taken off the strap, and so nicely, one, two, three.
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the russian prince referred to the obligations associated with monitoring the organization of the hajj, that is, the annual pilgrimage of muslims to the holy places of mecca. the series of refusals caused complete hysteria, allegedly the russians were not allowing world leaders to attend the conference. the stench is to crush everything so that there is less of it they will do everything to ensure that there are as few leaders as possible, they will do everything to ensure that the summit has as much legitimacy as possible due to the fact that they were not invited.
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tagu in austin announced a new aid package to ukraine, it will include air defense systems, armored vehicles, artillery, and anti-tank weapons. canadian defense minister bill behr promised kiev 2,300 aircraft- based unguided missiles, crv7. his german colleague pistorios the third patriot pvv system, but will give it to the banderaites only after the completion of the training of the ukrainian fighters. new handouts to the kiev regime are announced en masse at a meeting of the heads of the nato defense ministries in brissel. the chairman of...
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the g7 summit is a meeting of the united states with its own, as dmitry anatolyevich said, let’s say, let’s listen to them, as he said, here are new american sanctions, soon there will be new european ones, is it necessary to respond to them, like no matter what, their number is already measured in tens of thousands, we have learned to live and develop with them, on the other hand it is necessary, because they, the usa, their fucking allies, announced in a war without rules, how to react must be tried every day. maximum
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harm to those countries that brought these restrictions against our country, all our citizens, harm in everything that can be harmed, harm to their economies, their institutions, their rulers, for this we must continue to look for the critical vulnerabilities of their economies and hit them in all spheres, cause damage in all places, paralyzing the work of their companies and government agencies, find problems in their most important technologies, mercilessly attack them, literally destroy them energy, industry, transport, banking and social services, instill fear of the inevitable collapse of all critical infrastructure, they are afraid of transferring our weapons to the enemies of the western world, we must transfer to them all possible types of weapons, except nuclear, while they are afraid of anarchy and an explosion of crime in large cities, we need help in disorganizing their municipal government; they are afraid of war in space. that means they will receive it too, let them tremble in their cozy homes, let them shake under the blankets and no rules in in relation to the enemy, let him receive everything in full for harming russia and as painfully as possible, everyone can make their contribution, beautiful, yes, well, in general, but you need to understand that this is basically , despite all the other political connections there,
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this is an economic event , an event that was initially structured around how americans would build the globalization of the economic system. together with their allies for themselves, for themselves, with those same ones, and with them with drans, and allies, while we see that at the summit, judging by everything, the main topic will once again be ukraine, arms supplies to ukraine, the possibility of using russian assets stolen to help ukraine in one form or another. what does this tell us? that ukraine, in this sense, is a key factor, it turns out, of the international economy today for americans, why is this possible, yes, perhaps president putin is right when he says that the system of global capitalism
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in the american way is in crisis, they see a way out this crisis through the ukrainian case, through the building of a military economy, classical. scheme, if nothing works for you, pump up the military-industrial complex, your own, yes, the only way to pump it up now in full is ukraine, it’s somehow no longer fashionable to fight terrorists, yes, it seems the terrorists haven’t gone away, last time, when there was a similar crisis, the west americans fought terrorists in afghanistan, now they are fighting us in ukraine, a very convenient model, by the way, in this sense , russia does not bring any special profits from this and...
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the main patron of muslims, that’s how it is for them it is written, in fact, yes, the custodian of the shrine and so on, in no case can and should not go to the summit, regarding pistorius and his statements regarding preparations for war, well , this is also part of that very pumping up of the war economy, a way out that the americans used, let me remind you, to get out of the great depression by pumping up their economy for the second world war. and they did it many times both after and before this, as they say, so they have no other options, so we cannot and do not need to fall into this trap, yes, of course, we will also play this card and play it, now it is stupid to say that we are not putting our military industry on
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track, without making it a driver of economic development, yes, but we need to look at the volume, we need to look at the demographics, we need to look at the long term cycles, in a long cycle this is not very profitable for us. our ntv colleagues are reporting alarming news, three of our employees, this is a message from the ntv television company. three of our employees were injured in the dpr by a correspondent. alexey ivliev and two other tv channel employees were wounded during performing professional duties in the village of galmovsky. they were taken to the hospital. we are waiting for details and of course for lyosha’s colleagues to recover. we'll be back. so, are we all here? let's finally get to know each other. i'm glad to see you all. i hope to get to know you. premiere on rtr, who are you? christina, your
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younger sister, is a stranger among your family. where did you even come from, huh? excuse me, who are you? who am i? who is this you? i would be glad that you have another sister, a rich wife. i transfer all my property to you. now the business in the factory will begin. they will decide who is in charge there. i didn't understand what was going on. let's. this is what you want, brother, right? a prisoner in a house full of terrible family secrets, this is impossible, but i could not commit suicide, you will arrest her, who? christina, under seven seals. from monday on rtr. we go to the doctor and borrow. he spends a lot of time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go,
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forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health, we dispel myths we help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what to pay attention to, each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body: two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing - from monday to friday on rtr. look who you brought. vitya, hello, there is always one extra in a triangle, i fell in love,
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and she fell in love with my friend, he is the husband, she is the wife, but which of them should leave? investigator korolov, you must come with us, you are accused of rape, he thinks he was framed, and who could possibly need this, marry me, but what can you think, a handsome businessman, loves you all his life, is ready to do anything to to be with you, well, i don’t want to let you in, i found a letter. lead weeks without the noise of dust, put them on the shelves, lead weeks with dmitry kiselyov sunday on rtr. i have good news, i’m pregnant, so you’ll be torn
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between me and my wife, what’s wrong with your legs? she is disappointing to me, and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i will somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing prevents you from staying with me all night. sleeps in trouble, and says, there’s no time, right now we need to have an operation, where can we find that kind of money in a moment, it’s for our sake, a friend jumped in on his return, more for you, and i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will be yours wife, spring of change, in sunday on rtr.
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no, and therefore not with my own voice, by the method of deduction, uh-huh, you weren’t convinced by the food, i ’m completely confused, i’ll tell you honestly,
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naimushin, hello, so today that very meeting will take place: biden, zelensky, and the security treaty, what else? hello, evgeny, the main emphasis is on the security agreement, since it is even on the schedule at 20:45 moscow time, it is planned to be signed, it is expected that this will be the culmination of long-term, lengthy negotiations between kiev and washington, biden signs it. together with zelensky, despite the fact that, as you and i understand, zelensky no longer has the status of president, but washington continues to consider him as such, but on the other hand, this agreement can be canceled by future american administrations, although it was intended for 10 years, the agreement is very framework, it does not contain specific amounts of money that are planned to be allocated to kiev, it does not contain
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any obligations, at least based on the preliminary statements that we heard about the sending of american troops to ukraine. rather, it contains assurances that the us administration will continue to work in congress to meet kiev's long-term needs and work with its allies to ensure that it receives all the necessary means of self-defense, as it is called, and will also discuss today the issue of providing kiev received a loan of $50 billion through the use of sovereign russian assets, it was not possible to reach an agreement with the states to prevent the withdrawal of russian money, europe opposed. and not only europe, so they settled on using interest from them, so it is expected that by the end of this year kiev will receive about 50 billion, which will be allocated by each specific country signing such an agreement, based on the size of its economy, and interest they will repay precisely from the income received from russian assets. in general, this is the agenda for ukraine for now
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, and we do not expect any additional significant statements or announcements. negotiations begin. only it is possible that in the coming day we will hear something new, since tomorrow biden , after a couple of meetings, is heading back to the united states. igor, as for the sanctions that the united states imposed on russia day, it is clear that this is a restriction of access to it technologies, software, here, in principle, everything is clear, but from the point of view of limiting trade in the dollar, what is the goal and whether it has been achieved in the opinion of the americans . after all, americans love to throw dust in the eyes and say that everything that they do it, it brings results, although their own journalists continue to tell them that these sanctions have not achieved any significant effects, but the american administration continues to assure that all this is long-term, and then one day someday there will be an effect from what they are doing, and
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as for sanctions against the russian financial infrastructure, regarding trade in foreign... but they themselves are sawing the branch on which they are sitting, so this is another step that confirms that de-dulerization and refusal to link to american currency, in fact, the process is inevitable, and there should be less and less trust in it, washington’s statement here is unequivocal, they say that this is aimed at combating the financing of the russian military-industrial complex, but you and i understand perfectly well that all this is just another blow by population by business environment, or rather, an attempt to do so, which, again, based on 2 years of sanctions, has not yet brought any results, the russian economy not only continues to grow, but is also growing at a much faster pace, than the american economy. thank you very much, riya news correspondent in washington, igor naymushen is with us in direct communication from the usa, this is indeed a very strange measure, that is , if you limit trade in dollars, you
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basically prohibit payment for your currency, goods and services, at the same time. the flow of the same dollars to russia is not decreasing, even, unfortunately, unfortunately, it is growing, yes, that is, in this sense, we are certainly overcoming the dependence on freely convertible currencies in the past, but the flow of dollars is growing, but it seems like trading them on the exchange it’s impossible, well, okay, we won’t be on the stock exchange, what difference does it make to us, please, i would like to dwell on the visit of a detachment of warships of the northern fleet, once again... to cuba, here the footage showed that after our newest multi-purpose frigate a russian multi-purpose nuclear submarine also entered one of the cuban ports...
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these are a set of tasks for striking enemy territory. cuba is a very important country. cuba is control over all of north
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and central america. this is the key point. this is a country that, since 59, since the victory cuban revolution. led by fidel castro, his no less outstanding brother, living today, raul castro, has been under sanctions since 1959. since the times of kennedy and khrushchev, all this american western power has not been able to crush the small but proud island of freedom. we left cuba at one time, having made a big political, i believe, military mistake, the time has come to return, the main thing is to prepare the necessary political conditions, will the current generation of cuban leaders be ready, will they be ready to build relations with us under new conditions, then... cuba is still under sanctions, well, it’s holding on, it’s not breaking, and the americans cannot tear down the regime. why is cuba important? well, firstly, i believe that in practical
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terms, we, of course, need to resume our intelligence presence in lourdes, because purely geography means that we can cover the entire western hemisphere with the electronic cover of our intelligence, and electronic intelligence. we must go back. at the main directorate of the general staff, well, there was a department there that dealt with this, it is still doing this today, we need to go back, sign the corresponding intergovernmental agreement, then it is important for us to ensure the permanent basing of russian nuclear submarines in cuba, for example, perhaps vegas, all this is possible, the question is a political decision, is cuba ready to resume, in principle we after all, we can... options for interaction with cuba, for example, to place iskander operational-tactical missile systems in cuba, which formally will be, well, in the ranks of the missile
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brigade of the revolutionary armed forces of cuba, and look, perhaps, maybe, in terms of ensuring the security of cuba, place there a storage facility for special combat weapons under russian control, that is, look at the mechanism for protecting belarus, this is how the exercises are going on now, it can be implemented in... cuba or not, well, conclusion, military cuban intelligence and the cuban intelligence services in general even recruited american ambassadors; it is necessary to sign a test agreement between russian military intelligence, the russian foreign intelligence service and cuban intelligence. cubans can even get documents from the white house and from the state department, this is a key country for development opportunity. we'll be back. i think from the bosses they don’t have legs right away. i'm tired of being afraid.
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you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a problem. what character
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from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, whatever, whoever is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would chop oak, not pluck, problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else.
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gentlemen, just a minute, attention, we have today big day, big holiday, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, the sovereigns, well, you know, for every cool fighter they’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who’s good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they’re loved until now, you are responsible for... words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look, this year these days would have been 95 years old, beloved woman. shin, what he
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told about his childhood, well, it was very difficult, he walked in boots with an overcoat at first, for the first time, openly about problems in the family. at some point i find out that my mother transferred her share of the inheritance to maria. lidya nikolaevna, why did you do that? honestly, i don’t remember, i don’t know. masha and i haven’t seen each other for 10 years. i periodically knock on her door, her heart. masha holds some kind of grudge. what's happened? how did this happen, they loved each other so much, neither one nor the other would meet halfway, it’s so embarrassing in front of him, in front of the memory, i say, i imagine him all the time, he would have lined up the three of us like this in front of him, i would like to take off the strap and give one, two and three a good look, girls, are you crazy, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, i am the daughter of krashennikov and tatyana, jackdaw, why do
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i need her? i didn’t say anything, i wish you happiness , thank you, kalda, wait, i dreamed of becoming a daughter, dear mother, today i almost told my father that i was his daughter, is she talking about me, or something, but i became an easy prey, what do you think , where is your nurse, golin, there is no time, you need some kind of plan, well, she, she is either here or has disappeared, help, to the rescue! galka - the final episode, today on rtr. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth, our job is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. over the whole of moscow
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, a wall of rain in the north of the capital flooded the streets, an emergency warning was again announced in the city due to the predicted downpour with thunderstorms and hail, look, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye. on the russia channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. in the mtr shelled donetsk and gorlovka. ntv journalists were injured. they are hospitalized. we will try to find out the details on the spot. training of nuclear non-
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strategic forces. the russian belarusian armed forces are practicing joint actions on land and in water. moscow was flooded, a bus in the north of the city went under water almost entirely, there were real waterfalls in shops, in the entrances of houses and even in apartments, some metro stations were closed until the end of the linden. the temple duck summit opened in italy, why vonderleen and michel were divorced family photos in different angles, and owner jen miloni pushed the ukrainian theme into the background, several gold medals at once. already among russian athletes at the brix games. athletes from almost 100 countries compete in kazan. so, the russian armed forces
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delivered training and nuclear ammunition to the field storage points of the missile brigade of the operational airfield of the assault aviation. all these actions take place within the second stage. belarus plans to conduct combat duty with training nuclear weapons. together with belarusian colleagues carried out preparation and issuance. missiles in special equipment and suspension of aircraft positioning under carrier aircraft. currently, issues of ensuring combat duty with training nuclear ammunition are being worked out. based on the results of the exercise , the results of each training survey will be summed up,
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directions for further improvement of the training of non-strategic nuclear forces will be determined in order to guarantee the completion of tasks under various options for the development of the military-political situation. a earlier, russian missilemen conducted exercises during the exercise. the investigative committee of russia will establish the circumstances of the injury of ntv journalists in gorlovka, donetsk people's republic. today our colleagues, correspondent alexey ivliev and cameraman valery kozhin came under fire there. at the time of the strike, they were preparing
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another report in the village of golmovsky. the third victim is the escort officer. now all the victims are receiving assistance. from gorlovka. report by vitaly starushchenko. once again , the nikitovsky district of gorlovka came under the guns of militants. constantly information is being received about direct hits and casualties among the civilian population, today our colleagues, employees of the ntv channel, came under fire from the armed forces of ukraine, according to preliminary information , as a result of an attack by militants, correspondent alexey ivliev and his cameraman valery kozhin and another escort officer were seriously injured, details of that whether it was artillery shelling or a drop from an unmanned aerial vehicle, not yet, at the moment the victims have been taken to...
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the blood of russian journalists is not only on in the hands of the ukrainian armed forces militants, but on the conscience, if true, they still have it, international officials in vienna, geneva, paris, and let’s say even in new york. russian railways this
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year plan to achieve the maximum volume of passenger traffic in 15 years and even exceed the plan. almost 5 million people have already been transported to the black sea coast and caucasus resorts alone in 5 months of the year. we transported 90 million people, we will reach
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the maximum volume of transportation since 2009, but we will try to exceed this plan, this year we will transport more than 2,300 participants svo and members of their families along five routes, these are the cities of the great victory, malachite, to karelia, to the ulsky voyage and others, how the company is preparing for the summer season, but it is already on... the usa against the moscow exchange, due to which they were suspended trading in the dollar and euro will not affect the ruble in any way, as the central bank reported today, the exchange rate of the russian currency. official dollar and euro exchange rates
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will be set at 15:30 moscow time based on bank reporting data on the results of transactions on the over-the-counter market. the central bank explained that exchange trading itself is not affects the convertibility of the national currency and the circulation of foreign money. moreover, it is a palm tree. the state duma delegation visited
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the akuyu npp site in turkey, which is being built by rosatom. the deputies checked the progress of the largest project in the history of russian-turkish cooperation. they toured a giant construction site where four power units are being installed simultaneously. the first of them will be launched in test mode this year. our main task is the high-quality and timely construction of a nuclear power plant, while creating. comfortable conditions for working personnel, this is our priority, we devote a lot of time and attention to employees, members of their families, do not forget about local residents, we actively participate in the life of the region, conduct charity events, carry out cultural work, educational work, just at the opening brix games, russian elizaveta zhadkina took first place in weightlifting in the up to 49 kg weight category, having previously won two golds. our athletes won in synchronized swimming. today
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there will be competitions in three more events sports: sambo, artistic gymnastics and wushu. well, the day before there was a colorful and vibrant opening ceremony of the games from kazan: reporting by stanislav nazarov. the first finals of the games are already taking place today: synchronized swimming, sambo, wushu, weightlifting and artistic gymnastics. this is my first time in kazan, the organization of the games is impeccable, the participants live in a sports village.
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the fact that russia cannot be isolated is evident from the delegations of the participating countries, france, germany, european athletes stand side by side with competition participants from asian and african countries. participation a large number of athletes from all over the world - this is clear and compelling evidence that sport has no boundaries, beyond politics. in russia there is a real sports festival, about 5.00 athletes from 60 countries will compete in the international brix games these days. the olympic number of sports is 27 and a record number of participants. we are from india and have already fallen in love with kazan. this is our first time here and may the best man win. these international competitions are probably like a fresh breath of air for our guys. the energy charge is so crazy that well, only it now needs to be directed to
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show results. thousands of athletes from all over the world live in the universiade village during the games. we were with the team yesterday. we stopped by the universiade village, and today during training in the pool we exchanged emotions, everyone remembered that we missed these emotions so much, when different countries come, when different teams, different sports come, the opening of the competition was always held in the role of an athlete, now i play the role of an observer, yes you can say some comrade in arms who is ready to support, help with a kind word, i came here to also enjoy the atmosphere and support our team. the games are taking place in kazan.
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let's say in a couple of minutes, i am the daughter of krosheninnikov and tatyana, jackdaw, why didn't she tell me anything, i wish you happiness, thank you, kalda, wait, i dreamed of becoming a daughter, dear mother, today i almost told my father that i am his daughter, that she’s talking about me or something, but has become an easy prey, but where do you think your nurse is, you little bastard? there is no time, we need some kind of plan, well, she, she or here, or evaporated, help, to the rescue, jackdaw, final episode, today on rtr,
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catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, i chose the right place. have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can deliciousness be healthy? i try it, inflammation levels decrease, pain decreases, can healthy things be enjoyable, science fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, right? yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their own diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula on saturday
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on rtr, i have good news, yes, i’m pregnant, will you be torn between me and my wife? what's wrong with the legs? she’s disappointing for me, and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i ’ll somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing’s stopping you from staying with me all night, my husband is in trouble, and he says, there’s no time, i need it right now to undergo an operation, where can i find that kind of money in a moment? it was for our sake that he jumped off when he returned then more about you, but i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife? spring of change, on sunday on rtr, and tigers at your feet, you are singing, so i just
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feel that this is our city! the show sings does not sing - well, there is a carauke on
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friday on rtr, so we’re all here, let’s finally get to know each other, i’m glad to see you all, i hope to get to know you better, the premiere is on rtr, who are you? christina, your younger sister, a stranger among your family, where did you even come from, huh? excuse me, who are you? who am i? who is this you? i would be glad you have another sister appeared. rich heiress. i transfer all my property to you. now business will begin in the factory, they will decide who is in charge there. i didn't understand what was going on. come on , hit me again, that's what you want, brother, right? plinnitsa in a house full of terrible family secrets. this is impossible, and i could not commit suicide. will you arrest her? whom christina is under seal from monday on rtr.
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on the air, we continue our broadcast. about 2 hours ago, a missile strike was carried out on ukrainian armed forces facilities in dnepropetrovsk. local the media report the arrival of iskander. as the attack retaliates, a column of smoke rises. in the special operation zone, russian troops destroyed the headquarters of the ukrainian armed forces, where at that very moment a meeting of the command staff was taking place. the enemy was located in a building in the village of tsvitkovoe in the temporarily occupied part of the zaporozhye region. our reconnaissance determined the start time of the meeting. at the right moment , aviation struck the structure with several factories with control modules. drone operators disrupted the evacuation of the damaged german infantry fighting vehicle marta.
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about the work of our scouts in the surrounding area village of staromaiskoye, report by eduardava. contact is several kilometers, this section of open area needs to be passed as quickly as possible, there are many fpv drones in the sky that immediately attack any equipment, even if it is civilian. now we are in the positions of one of the most secret units, a reconnaissance company of the eastern group, the soldiers have just returned to the front line. the task was set, accordingly, to comb the forest regiment, check, that is, how many units we can place there, whether it is possible to enter technology, i knew every bush there, every stump and every... a hole so that in case of emergency it is possible to shelter personnel and equipment. now this rue works in the vicinity of the village of staromaiskoe. as a rule, in populated
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areas it is always more difficult than in forested areas, because every basement, every destroyed building represents, well, it can represent an enemy stronghold, but they must be found and hit in a timely manner. here are shots of objective control from staromayorsky. the work here has not yet been completed; the fighters are consistently clearing the outskirts of the village from sabotage groups. one of the main tasks of reconnaissance officers is to transmit the coordinates of potential targets for our artillery. scouts always work in tandem with a uav operator. essentially, these are the eyes of the entire group. the operator alerts the fighters to potential danger and, if necessary, provides fire support. these soldiers work in the most dangerous, red zone, and often they find themselves not even on the front line, but deep behind enemy lines. there is much less technology, but it is still present. as if you were destroying it, you destroy it, but they still pull it up a little bit. according to intelligence officers, the ukrainian armed forces have almost no combat vehicles left;
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the enemy mainly uses nato weapons. three axes, cluster shells, work both on our positions and on the civilian population, they even pour concrete, well , their rear positions are there, they are preparing to the maximum, at a distance of 350 m, i observed with my own eyes, complete. control of staromayorsky will speed up the liberation of harvest, which is now being followed by fierce fighting. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the g7 summit started in italy today; according to the building’s politician, the meeting can hardly be called a demonstration of the power of the west, but rather a gathering of lame ducks. and cnn clarifies that against the background of internal political problems and the failure of the ruling party in the elections to the european parliament, the g7 leaders are desperate. cling to power. the playful mood of the sunny
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resort of borgoo ignazii should not be misleading. even on... we will obviously talk about current crises, from ukraine and the middle east to the need to create reliable supply chains to solve perhaps the most difficult challenge of our time, namely the emergence of the generative. but in brussels they are now only talking about supporting ukraine. at the next meeting in the ramstein format, the us secretary of defense announced, to put it mildly, an impressive figure. since february of the year before last , nato countries have supplied weapons worth $98 billion, and they do not intend to stop. washington is preparing a new aid package, which will include interception equipment for air
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defense, armored vehicles and artillery systems. from tav they are transferred to kyiv. the first four of fifty announced lav-6 armored personnel carriers, which are produced in canada itself, and berlin promises small arms, anti-tank weapons and components for ammunition. at the same time, the head of the bundeswehr once again confirmed that germany does not have the opportunity to provide more than three petriot systems, which are already in the conflict zone, and there is still no talk of long-range tauras missiles. in ukraine. the entire team of the druzhba football club withdrew from the competition and refused transfer to the first league announced self-dissolution due to mobilization. the athletes did not receive a reservation and are simply afraid to come to training so as not to get caught by the military commissar. tcc employees track down conscripts on the streets, stand guard at the entrances on the beaches, and take away everyone they can catch. the condition of the candidate for the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine does not
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matter at all. in order to carry out the plan , they take away drunk people. and drug addicts, look, the morning zoo, we’re on our way to work, people were passing by, tsk stopped a guy, you see in what condition, in winter there are blackout periods light and heat in ukraine can reach 20 hours a day, the bbc writes about this, citing sources in ukrainian energy companies. kiev buys energy from the eu to cover its deficit, but this is not enough. the material notes that it will take years to repair a number of thermal and hydroelectric power plants, and some energy facilities may never resume their work. the publication also writes that there was no light in residential buildings for a long time, because people, when electricity appeared, turned on all their electrical appliances at the same time, and this led to overloads and even fires. and education, teaching children at school through active
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interaction with parents, they say today in pyatigorsk, is in the center of knowledge. there is an educational program for parents with knowledge, project participants activists from parent committees, class teachers, advisers to school directors, experts in the field of education, they discuss tools for organizing parent communities and forms of their communication with teachers, dialogue is very important, very important, so that the child himself does not become such a battlefield of two ideologies, the ideology of the parent and approaches to learning and... what they are told and taught at school, when the parent is a teacher and allies, then the process of education, the assimilation of norms, norms is much more effective values. dozens of tourists were locked in the cabins of the cable car on rosa khutor; they were literally floating in the sky for about an hour, it was not possible to quickly resume movement, the reason for the stop is still
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unknown, people remain locked at a height in stuffy cabins. in different parts of the city and region, the volley of rain provoked multiple flooding, leaks in residential buildings and in some places a traffic collapse, what is now happening on the streets, our correspondent, ainur, will tell you. heavy rain fell on the capital of the country with such force that an entire street turned into a river, this is the north
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of the capital region, klyazminskaya street, dozens of cars were driven away... drivers are trying their best to save their vehicles, but everything is even, floating nearby bus, the water had already reached his windows, he was the first to took the blow of the elements, 10 people were saved by the victims. no, klyazminskaya street is closed now. the consequences of the heavy rain have become serious. water is flooding underground parking lots, this is the dmitrovsky park residential complex, drivers will not be able to leave here today either. i tried, so i even walked a little on the train, until the water began to rise in my throat, i was already trying to somehow get to the car, but it was too fast there, everything went wrong, everyone just started to evacuate. the violence of the elements could not withstand the roof of one of the houses on the street eight hundredth anniversary. the situation in public transport is no better; a whole pool has formed there. due to the rain apocalypse,
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in some places it is easier to cross the road into a ford, the streets are like raging rivers, and somewhere many kilometers of traffic jams have formed. emergency crews are already working in the most problematic areas, but the rain doesn’t seem to stop, according to weather forecasters, it will last until... the instigator of the brawl fell and was no longer able to leave the hall on his own, he was carried away on a stretcher, now the opposition is demanding punishment participants in the group attack, representatives of the ruling party claim that
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no one beat the deputy, they punish him, they call him a malingerer. cosmonaut vyacheslav zudov, a participant in the extreme landing, passed away. the hero of the soviet union was 82 years old, making his only flight to the stars. zudov committed almost half a century ago together with valery rozhdestvensky. in orbit , the soyuz-23 spacecraft was about to dock with the salyut 5 station, but the systems failed. after the fuel ran out, the crew was ordered to return, but everything on the ground didn't go according to plan. the union landed in a non-standard area and ended up in an icy lake. it was impossible to get out of the ship on our own. moreover, the water also blocked the ventilation system. zudov and rozhdestvensky were saved at the very last moment; this was the only water landing in the history of russian cosmonautics that changed the training system; now crews are required to undergo training on
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water. vyacheslav zudov continued to work at the cosmonaut training center. for courage and heroism he was awarded a hero's star and order of lenin. after tonight's big news, don't miss the final episode. the closest attention of the american military is now focused on cuba; a detachment of ships of the northern fleet, led by the carrier of calibers and zircons, the frigate admiral gorshkov, arrived on liberty island for a visit...


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