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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 13, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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they promoted me, they transferred a good property, thank you, we’ll buy furniture, we’ll live, and how about you, my daughter, you’re tired, yes, i’m fine, i’ll go to work tomorrow, tomorrow, okay, cutlets, that’s it, yeah. parents, i love you very much, and you love you very much, yeah, now.
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now this is important, i’ll talk, now okay, parents, hello, alexander nikolaevich, something happened, yes, gali, it happened, i kindly ask you to urgently come to us, i sent a car for you. oleg attacked vika after we decided to expose him. the police will be there soon. i understand you, i'll be there soon will. did you know oleg tobulin before the incident that happened to the girl in the hospital? no. maybe they saw him somewhere and crossed paths? no. did you have any mutual acquaintances or friends? ella, eleon beard.
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bride, uh-huh, uh-huh, did you have a conflict with him? - only when i met him in the fitness room near the pool. well, why didn’t you immediately contact the police? because he said he was set up and made threats. it’s clear, here eleon borodaeva’s address and phone number are indicated, read and sign, at the end, my words are written down correctly signature i read. and you, respect... lawyer marina vladimirovna, who brings you to rosheninnikov? bride, another one, i made a terrible mistake when i said that she died, but i’m very glad that i found her, this is some kind of stupid joke, didn’t you tell them, it’s sealed, the premiere is on monday on rtr, altai, a natural mountainous
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country, nature has generously rewarded this region with picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in glaciers belukha, a two-headed sacred mountain, where according to legend one can find entrance to shambola. glukha is the highest point of siberia and the cradle of the great altai river katun. a pearl among the mountains is lake teletskoye. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as it did many centuries ago. look,
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our butterfly, the cabbage butterfly, has gone, you know, she is not a cabbage butterfly, but this is some kind of moth, you are a young, interesting woman, it is necessary for this to be noticeable, not only to me, look at the color of her, as if from another planets, you are from another planet. he's really wonderful we’re all serious, she’s about to write out the whole dissertation for me, she won’t even notice how much more was needed for you to seriously fall in love, you yourself, i wanted you to have a little fun in all this, that was the plan, the plan, the law of preserving love in friday on rtr.
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i want to leave here anywhere to forget everything quickly and move on as you say, daughter, however, i think that at such moments it is better to be with your family, we both now know that your family is marina, this is not so , dad, i'm sorry, but i want to stay... hold on, dear, i'm close,
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it’s all because of you, as soon as you appear, everything immediately collapses, first kirill, now here i am, and would it be easier for you if all this happened in a year? or in five, but it would have happened anyway, but if you had children, would you want such a father, a rapist and drug addict, for your children? what a fool i am, why didn’t i figure it out right away, you’re not a fool, everything has its time, you’ll soon find out everything, you’ll understand him. calm down, now, please, put yourself in order , please, be more polite to your father, he is now much worse than the rest of us. galya, wait, i’m sorry that you had
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to break so unexpectedly, but you understand, this is important, why, alexander nikolaevich, call me at any time, i’ll take you. seryozha is already coming from the city to pick me up, thank you, you know, vicki is so lacking in love, take care of her, of course, you are right, you are the best! please come through, what is this?
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please, surprise, what a surprise, with such surprises we will be left without pants, there are not even prices here, don’t worry, alexander nikolaevich asked me to bring you to this restaurant, he said to try everything, but about... but it seems to me that it’s better to say right away that it ’s not me,
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i see you’ve gotten the hang of it. gal, i again ask you to become my wife, the main thing is that now it doesn’t become a habit, you agree, we need to think about it, it’s possible, of course, only for a short time. “you ’re normal in general, leave me alone, god, how you got me, why don’t you
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love me so much, and why don’t i love you, i love you, i probably hated you until i was 12, yes, but then, when you got sick, my life has completely gone to pieces, so let’s find a groom on the internet, i made you a page for friendship and love, look, you’re an idiot, well, look immediately, what are you talking about, there are 1500 subscribers, and that’s just in one day, okay, you’re driving, you’re driving yourself, look, arseny, maxim, are you sure that they’re all not crooks , yes, they’re not scammers, we’ll check them, there’s no scheme, you ’ll pretend to be an ordinary nurse, why a nurse, well... in a rich house, and you’re my nurse, we have a stroller,
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we’ll make fun of this video, come here, please, well show me, i’m interested, well, are you absolutely stupid, this is a brilliant idea, i have to go to work tomorrow, and i have to go to moscow tomorrow, i need to formalize translation but i won’t go see you off, otherwise some natasha will get along with you again, what a natasha, there will be no more natashas, ​​i promise you, never in my life, just you and me.
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“i’m here, what do you need from me early in the morning, you and i agreed on everything, everything didn’t go according to plan, this creature, this jackdaw ruined everything, in general, i’m now wanted, listen, it was your idea to come back to your bride, god forbid you have such an enemy as the dyers, and for your daughter he will rip your throat out, accept my condolences." now you are definitely finished, you must help me, i, you dragged me into this
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story, you promised me mountains of gold, protection, if something goes wrong, what you want, i need money, new documents, and i will go to france, mommies, you owe me help, i covered your gambling debt, i don’t owe you anything anymore,
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well, the vacation hasn’t arrived again. noticeably, well, i wouldn’t say that, i ’ve lived practically my whole life, by the way, but can you imagine how the boy you asked me about went, oh, how did that happen, did the chamomile fly out, well, not quite, remember, you said about the trigger, so there was a family conflict, and it didn’t just go, it ran, great, it’s time to write a dissertation, you will show it to me, yes, of course, gal, hi, how cool that you are here, what do you have here something new? you don't know yet, right? vladislav, are you late again?
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galina viktorovna, good morning, come to me. kalina viktorovna, we discussed and decided to give you a referral to our medical university. well, you remember that you have to work in our hospital for 5 years, but the deadline has already passed, and i agreed, go to the university, they will accept you. cops, thank you very much, well, hurry up, thank you, well, guess what, give me a referral to a medical university, oh well, so here’s what i didn’t have time to tell you, krymza and albert filed
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an application, they’ll get married in a month, oh well, seriously, well you have business here, of course, check out, i went, uh-huh, thank you, oops, familiar face. take off your glasses, something doesn’t look like it, okay,
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let’s figure it out, let’s go. go go.
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you don’t understand, they will go all the way, they will always hunt for that kind of money on monday. what's happened? it happened, yes, something terrible happened. don't you think at all this accident was weird, nonsense, i just lost control, y’all. it was you who caused the accident, you wanted to kill christina. does that mean you? i know how to get things done, not like some people. and if the truck driver was bribed, it's sealed under seven seals. we'll watch it on monday on rtr.
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the war is going on on a variety of fronts, and of course, across the entire military contact area, more than a thousand kilometers, and there are many, many more diverse fronts, and economically, on which yesterday the americans imposed sanctions on russia. which, by the way, is pretty good was reflected in the thought process of a number of our financiers, they finally realized that enough fooling around, and that we need to seriously engage in the de-dollarization of the russian economy, well, everything that concerns the atysphere too, that is, the westerners are pushing us towards true sovereignty in all possible areas, another front is undoubtedly diplomatic, and here perhaps there is
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disappointment. comes into an empty honey pot, but how else should you feel about the whole combination? the americans say that you and i will sign some kind of agreement for 10 years, but only that.
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everyone seems to like zelensky, boy, come here, we’ll pat you on the head, by the way, boy, get out of here, i’m tired of you, because well, he brings misfortune, being next to him, well, doesn’t give you votes, but westerners understand this well , in ukraine people are gradually asking questions, they say, victory, what kind of victory, when everything is over, what will remain? crazy debts? no, here one of the ukrainian cretins said, not 50 billion is a gift, yeah, a gift, a gift, why did he decide that it was a gift, no one
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told him, energy workers with great interest we found out that some kind of gas generation that is being assembled, mobile gas generation, to which zelensky is going to compensate for all losses, i didn’t say, young man, do you at least understand the words you are saying, everything you said is impossible. not just by winter, but never, well, that is, all this simply does not exist, this can never happen, but this does not interfere, but now he is doing well, he stole more money, made a film in which he explained why russia cannot be trusted, because that she was deceived from the first day, because by minsk i didn’t intend to fulfill the agreements, so they say, now we’ll gather everyone in switzerland and show how terrible everyone is, there’s trouble in switzerland too, because they signed up for switzerland. switzerland, when the first such rather vague agreement began to develop into an openly anti-russian one,
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the number of countries went down sharply, if at first it seemed to them that there were more than half, at least strange for the population, now there are already a little over 70, which in no way reaches half , and the countries are not very significant, they are sending someone else who knows, and now we will force the phrase on russia, well, not yet convincingly. so far, the only thing he forced was to come and talk to a respected person in saudi arabia, the person he received in saudi arabia said, by the way, i won’t go to the g7, i need to organize a conference, so the swiss don’t know at all, it’s definitely not interesting, but it’s not far dubai, it was so easy to take and make a painful tower in the colors of the russian flag. yesterday, on the occasion of the holiday, this respected man was in moscow at that time, well, so naturally, we understand that respected people, they are respected because...
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the front is the most reliable way, they also said that it’s good that old people, yeah, besides that joke that i said about a year and a half ago, that in principle the best warriors - these are people of my age, because forward is still possible, there is no strength to go back, uh-huh, well, with us it’s a joke, but there, in all seriousness, some degenerate british or german expert began to explain this, i don’t know, if we have a british one, yes, he directly said that you are what is this? very cool this in general, nothing can be better, this is happiness, because they say they are old, they won’t run back, they don’t need it.
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famous british military expert nicholas drumunt: the average age of ukrainian soldiers is 43 years old, okay, old people can't run away quickly, so they hold their position, fight to the death, and then make themselves a cup of coffee. i would like to ask the question, does this idiot even understand that modern war, that is, where do they make a cup of coffee? if we talk about the front end after when our factories arrive, well, okay, oh, if only we could take these idiots once and just send them here, they would understand what we’re talking about, and of course, certain topics - this is the shopping center, now there’s another bus in kiev, why- then it’s called beads, yes, what kind of bullshit is this, that you don’t speak russian, how can you take a bus, is it a bead ride or...
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an escaped bandarenka to a shopping center that didn’t escape, this is the whole structure of the vertical shopping center, and also , let’s say so, military commissars, then there are these doctors who sit on commissions, members here employees of the trade center, then these people with citizenship, who are like voluntary assistants there, this is already a whole layer, these are thousands, these are tens of thousands of people who are today the support of power,
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of course, like mazadun. until recently , he did nothing with his kunvyybins, just like duvalier did nothing with his tam-tonmakuts and so on, in the same way zelensky will not do anything with members of the pcc, because this is the support of his power, the most important support of his power, they believe that their current job is their future social elevator. how then to protect yourself from tc? unfortunately, i cannot answer this question, because in the current, current situation in the state, neither the constitution, nor laws, nor even any laws are in force.
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and the military, which, well, is not all military, these are tsekashniks, even conditionally in the rear cities, they began to put up signs that they are not the shopping center, the real military, the ones who sniffed gunpowder, they, by and large, are extremely contemptuous of the members of the shopping center, because they understand that even though they wear military uniforms, they are completely different military men, you know, sometimes, sometimes the attitude towards them is quite negative, plus on top of everything, a significant part of the military who went through...
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well, that's all. and talking about the implementation of the plan is definitely not here, definitely not for its intended purpose, not for the right address. well, women are finished. a creature, that is , there is no need for any illusions, she signed a petition to be removed from azov, that is, that ’s all, but when the creatures squabble among themselves, it only makes me happy, unexpectedly he showed himself to be brown, and arakhamia, that is, he has dj brown , that is, he had a nickname, this shawarma specialist, yes, this disco poodle, as correctly said, it turned out that he still doesn’t speak languages, or he changed his political orientation, he... took a photo in berlin with ukrainians holding a poster, but he didn’t know what was on the poster written zelensky gave the order to kidnap men, it turns out there is someone
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who doesn’t know german, how can i even take lessons from you, yes, i give lessons, yes, quickly and easily, please, since you touched on csk, it’s necessary right away understand. understands that this is a cover, there we are going to the front, there are clear tariffs, you can pay off on the spot, there is a clear tariff, it really is constantly growing, if you have money with you, you can pay off, you can pay off at the military registration and enlistment office, it will cost more, if you were taken there and well, you need to go there for the money to be brought, you can pay, so to speak, and you can be transferred abroad, it’s all covered by the sbu, it’s all so to speak, it’s a whole system, you know, it’s just a system based on blood , people don’t work there, they work there, they can not just people. those who don’t have money, they have money, so to speak, they carry out the plan for them, everything else, so they are occasionally whitewashed, they are also packaged there, whoever is greedy and so on, this is the rat race, you know, the rat race, here this, i don’t know, as spiridon correctly said, in
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one of the programs, i also said this before, now they will end everything badly, as soon as the fear disappears, their people will hang everyone, well, now a few words about this security guarantee, yes which i we read there, there are some... this title is just a guarantee of safety, nothing in the text, this is a call to a friend, no, you know what reminds me, yes, this reminds me of some film festivals taking place there or some competitions, audience awards , or, well, in general, when someone doesn’t get the main nominations, they’re awarded something or a pop-up, which you remember saying, you don’t know your colleagues now what everyone is reading, they record your speeches, i don’t i know, all these intelligent people with glasses, vasily, what are you reading there, information,
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i’m convinced that both trump and this hunter biden will be imprisoned, only he will be released in six months, you know, let’s say, look what a fair president, look what a wonderful person, what influence he can have on the courts, he’s son, not only
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will it be good for him, he can get rid of drugs in prison, but in any case he will be released in six months, and the most important thing is that i am deeply convinced of this, we torture everything, well, like many of us there that's where we're trying to place bets, i don't have any. opinion, you know, the forecasts of the matter are stupid, bad, but now i understand it absolutely clearly, even if trump, even if biden loses the election, he will still remain in power, of course, i will explain why, this is not why they did not seize power 4 years ago, we are used to reasoning, democrats, republicans, republicans, of course, conservatives, but today's democrats are not the democrats in our classical understanding that were in america, they are a front for the world globalists, for the world...globalist elites, and for achieving world domination, you see, they all hid behind the democrat and america, they have the same attitude towards america as everyone else, it’s just that america is the key tool for achieving
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world domination, it’s like you know, today they have more like the bolsheviks had it, this is our last and decisive battle, and they will not give up any power to anyone, they put together a coalition of 50 countries against us, they didn’t give a damn. on, so to speak, their testaments , their apologists, so to speak, globalist the entire movement, brzezhinski, who told them, should not be allowed in any way from the rapprochement between russia and china, they say russia, china, iran and the north. which still awaits us, here i am, after the trial of hunter biden, i somehow realized, we don’t understand the scale of that confrontation, you know, it seemed to me that i realized what everything is really heading towards today, and there’s no need build no illusions, don’t need to build any illusions, all these tricks, all these antics, look. what, what did they do, with what cynicism they held this sabbath in this after
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the normandy landing, they called the germans and did not invite us, although we all, that is, they no longer even hid the fact that this whole landing was not aimed at counteracting nazism, it was against us they landed 80 years ago so that we don’t reach france, so that we don’t reach spain, they no longer hide it, the germans were present, but no one remembered that 27 million soviet people died. masks have been dropped from everything, a very difficult confrontation awaits us. now a few years, a few words about ukraine, you know, here here everything is clear too, thank you, so, thank you to the americans, the american senate lifted the sanctions , that is, recognized that azov is not a nazi structure, but you know what it means, it does not mean that azov ceased to be a nazi, they became nazis, they took the nazi one, and we talked about it a lot, they took it, they looked at how... it works in ukraine, for them it is to achieve their goals, it works very
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effectively, and i assure you, now in several european countries there will be an active revival of nazism, who essentially led hitler came to power, well, we somehow kept silent all the time, so to speak, in soviet history in general, it wasn’t the americans who brought him, american industries and american financiers, they helped him come to power, also british, yes british, they they helped him come to power, so today we will see, we have been talking about this for 5 years, it is impossible for a russian, you know?
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to fight, so to speak, to fight with us in order to defend, that is, this money is their money, they believe that we are taking their money from them, and you owe tens of them, hundreds of thousands to die so that pigs like linzi graham and those whom he lobbies become even richer, even fatter, that’s all, they are already telling you openly about this, to all of you, this is a huge tragedy, the fact that what is happening today in ukraine, i understand, vladimir, you will criticize me now, yes, i believe that this is everyone’s fault. the fact that what was allowed to happen before is a common fault, ours, and yours, everyone’s, what
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we allowed, yes, we allowed it, no, well, we know the two main culprits, well, well, gorbachev and yeltsin, yes i understand, no, well, if to speak seriously, systematically, systematically, yes, they, they sold, they sold us all, because no, the collapse of an empire always ends in border wars, as a historian, i think, will confirm, unfortunately, i now see with horror that.. they will take people up to 18 years old, but these are children, my son is 18 years old on average, 18 years old, you know, children whom we will have to kill tomorrow if they come with weapons, but this is a disaster, you know. the fact that everything has come to this at all, that we allowed these scum to lead to this, i don’t know, i don’t i’m going to give recipes, i’m not going to give advice, you know, so i’ll summarize and draw conclusions from all this, which i wanted here, i don’t know, i think that, so to speak, our military-political leadership is all without me.
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well, somehow, they won’t think about these, about these boys, about these children, about ours, about those, these are children who don’t understand anything, they will be driven like cattle to the slaughter, we must do everything to don’t let this happen, i don’t know how, what we need to do now, you know, i i’m me when they ask, i say, yes, they will tell me, i will go to a trench, they will say, i will not go to dig a trench,
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they will say, i will go to shoot, let them tell us what to do, you know, just to stop this fratricidal war as quickly as possible, we must not allow this to happen so that the children would be sent to... an officer, then he worked in various administrative positions in the federation council, so he says: well, look, the president set the task of denazification, there is an ideology of nazism, but we have it, but when we sweep it away, what will we we can offer this people, and he is absolutely right, absolutely right.
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vladimir vladimirovich, yes, in continuation of the words of igor olegovich, by the decision of the state department to lift restrictions on the supply of weapons. there was the times newspaper, which already in the very first months, there was february, march, something like that, in 2022, azov, in order not to play along with russian propaganda, even changed its symbols, and now wolfangel has abandoned this very neo-nazi symbol, mind you , they directly called
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the neo-nazi symbol replaced replaced with t three balls, well, this is one of the units, theirs is there a lot near azov or so on. a picture with his, so to speak, brother, and that one has a chevron with this very neo-nazi wolf hook, a symbol that supposedly, according to the same newspaper, 2 years ago these same neo-nazis calmly rejected, and no one even noticed, by the way, that this the very azov brigade, again banned in russia, officially posted gratitude
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to the us embassy, ​​the us state department for this decision, accompanied by this very neo-nazi symbol, that is, calmly, without any problems, well, that is, yes. states, it's now is manifesting itself with renewed vigor, and you asked what we all read here, well, you know, i won’t hide it, yes, that is, literally on the eve of our broadcast, a decision came, that means, from the big seven to allocate assistance to ukraine, as they imagine in ukraine, why - in the west no one calls it help, they call it only a loan and... they don’t use any other word than a loan, while they constantly emphasize in all their statements and decisions that we will not use the money of western taxpayers, they say don’t worry , western voters, yes, but you see, i was trying to understand, because the new decision is still really in general terms,
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and what’s more, it was actually adopted in general terms, then they will work on how to implement it and... i was trying to understand what they want to do, to be honest, i haven’t understood it yet, because the way it looks, in my opinion, it’s another scam, forgive me for this term, but it’s hard to find anything else, in relation to the same ukraine, because it ends like this, ok, we have now sort of made this decision, placed the burden, seemingly temporarily, on a number of countries, primarily european, but what will happen if ukraine eventually defaults, and we understand that it’s great sooner or later, yes for...
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we put it on the shelves. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr.
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it is for you. well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, attention. today is a big day, a big holiday. we haven’t met, you guys are daring, you beat me, well, you know, but for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in they fell in love, but who is more dear to you, your wife or your boys, ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, handsome.
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and even a small investigation, and therefore not with your own voice, by the method of deduction, you were not convinced by the food, i was completely confused, i’ll tell you honestly, but they were still carried out, everyone has the right, ours, catch me if you can, a big music show. sings or doesn't sing? - well, it happens in karauka, on friday on
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rtr. more than 100 thousand have already died in russia people, and this infection is already in the estates closest to the royal village. premiere on rtr. smallpox, i can’t rule out anything, in order to defeat the disease, your majesty, in europe it has long been proven that smallpox vaccination helps to avoid death, she will have to conquer her fear. they don’t want to get vaccinated, first the state itself will set an example, if we make a mistake, the consequences will be terrible, everyone will think that she died from the vaccine, the royal vaccination, my life is in danger, doctor, on saturday on rtr, andrei frantich, political events,
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which are now simply with great purity. the pulse, it has now risen so much that , frankly speaking, historical analogies are beginning to arise, i remember when 5 years ago, as part of rossotrudnichestvo in belarus, we held an exhibition of documents, classified correspondence between the ministry of foreign affairs of the soviet union and countries before the start of the great patriotic war, this is very reminiscent now , when countries begin to polarize, what will happen if a conflict breaks out, are you for them or for them? and you are neutral or something else, we see the speech of politicians in orban’s europe, today information has already arrived from serbia, which means that they are already starting to check food reserves for 3 months and so on, europe is preparing for a big war, and the most interesting thing is that before this, well , there was such a fork there, there were certain ambassadors with turkey, that here are peace negotiations, well
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, okay, ukraine aside, let's talk about strategic global security. apparently, the global elites have actually decided to fight with us, and we see that their attempts to impose their will on china, sanctions, america have already has ceased to be scary, well, in fact , in some parts they are no longer afraid of it, this gunboat diplomacy that once existed, then it grew into aircraft carrier diplomacy, they are already laughing, like, well, you attacked the hussids, you carved out the sea, we need a big global conflict, they once enslaved europe in this way, when they demonstrably... flogged yugoslavia, they simply bombed for 76 days in a row, all of europe understood that anyone further, for any soldier’s reason, as they say, could be the european capital, now - too high stakes, money, that they pumped into this conflict, the processes that have been launched are related to making money and reorganizing the world, they are actually very large, here we can separately consider the financial composition of the state of america, this inflated bubble
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of public debt, which somehow then you need to transform. because the fact that america is in the state it is now is unprofitable, that is, maintaining bases on the external contour costs more than the empire receives from there, the external trade balance negative, that is, relatively speaking , there is no production, it is clear that they are now being transferred from europe, something needs to be done about it, servicing the public debt is becoming the main source of new loans, in this situation we see that the summit, which...
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the special services will receive a lot of money for turning a blind eye to the oppression of civilians, that is, the creation of this concentration camp, which will not be created, and in the literal sense they are mining the border and simply blowing up their own citizens who are trying to leave from there, we see that today ends, which means another rammstein, where lloyd austin, the secretary of defense, speaks, of course with pomp, it is clear that certain things are in the category, clowning, this is the new fifty-first member. in the form of argentina, which will give away five old french planes, which they once kept in the falklands war and cannot subdue, it seems that they can be exchanged for f-16s, there is such a story, but in fact the story develops according to the scenario that every country now forced to really give big money. let's listen to stoltenberg, who says that before we forced every country to give, but now no, all this lofa is over, now every
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country will be obliged to give to nato, and we will already. well, no further than 300 km, biden says, then oh well, we’ll hit the whole length. this is where we always looked, this timer that was given to us from the moment of working through a proxy until the actual crossing of this 300,000-strong nato group across the border, and let me remind you that nato is rapidly creating
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rapid reaction troops from 30 thousand to 300, which will not have national subordination, the task will be that biden or someone in the white house called nato and accordingly the troops raised and left, no coordination with national parliaments is needed, a military schengen, cargo moves freely, military goods of any kind, and this armada should move in our direction, that’s where, when will this happen, as the germans say in 1929 or a little closer? you know, dmitry anatolyevich, when today made this serious post, in fact , our entire country was waiting for him, such a powerful message to the west, he said that they are afraid that we will transfer weapons to countries that are the enemy, we will transfer all this, except... nuclear in parentheses for now , this is actually a very important thesis, you know in what part it hooked me, because you and i operate open information from those sources that voice some things, from some movements, but in reality our
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special services work our together in a lot knows information that is not yet public, because the moment of the appearance of an armada of f-16 aircraft in ukraine and the fact that zelensky had nuclear warheads for them is such a transition to a new stage, beyond time. the question arises, the russians tell us, are you ready, that yes, crazy ukraine, it doesn’t matter, they are not afraid of anything, they will demolish some border town for you, just fly, one plane will fly there, and this is a very serious argument, the question immediately arises , and who to hit, and where is this bomb, and there are a lot of questions, and in reality, we now need to do a number of very serious actions, of course, now to a certain extent we have cheered up, which means miami made a special detour of a thousand.
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those who are going to switzerland, the second, who refused, but they expect that we will not flinch, that we will go forward, we will help shape this new world, the americans are helping us, it is clear that the sanctions that they imposed against the moscow exchange there and so on, not bans on trading in dollars will even faster accelerate the transition to, let’s say, the yuan -centric world currency, which means a currency that will, to a greater extent, create an alternative reality, but the military unit, apparently, is just around the corner in the near future, i think that we will become such eyewitnesses of serious, big global changes, but again, back to france, which is creating brigades, i think , that after all, nato units, they already have a scenario written out
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, they already understand how long it will take, how they will act at the front, what the problem is to calculate, but history says by the year twenty-nine we must attack them rush, well, let's think differently, they are probably counting on the war company.
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then, of course, you will forgive me, but i don’t understand why the kiev dam is still standing, i really don’t understand it, i believe that we should move to a position of severe punishment, listen, they are ironing out belgorod for us, we are trying to bury kiev, they they won’t understand our nobility, now it’s the third day, the second day, something is burning in kiev, but they still all think that they will defeat us now... there’s a cunning budanov
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pie, talks something about what will happen to the crimean bridge, and if the dam is demolished, then he will need to talk about what will happen to kiev, warn the residents: guys, you have 3 days to leave the city of kiev, leave , please, because it will flood, you have 3 days, time has passed 72 hours, that’s it, that’s enough already, stop feeling sorry for them, they, politely speaking, are the ones who can understand this, understand.
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that a ukrainian gur is behind the terrorist attack in crocus is not a reason for any serious retaliatory actions, and in my opinion even the question is, war can already be declared, it seems to me, to whom in ukraine, and why should we declare anything at all, maybe i’m just going crazy, but it’s possible, but why do we need to declare something, that’s what it gives us, according to international law we are now something then we announce, we have to go to the un, talk to them, why also announce something, that it is not clear that this is a war, i agree, well, that’s right, it’s just that while the instagram woman is pumping something up here, people will ask a question.
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in general, he doesn’t even understand what she’s talking about, screw it up a little bit, on the form, of course, it’s simple, well, besides, how does this differ from a goal party, in what way, nothing, but still possible, please, yes, thank you, well, look, that’s also what igor was talking about, what’s happening in america, that events are tied to ukraine, then the same thing is happening in europe, and what you said, they are modeling the situation now for several years in advance, that is, you said... the first thing they ask in many countries, they conduct a study, are they ready to defend their country, nothing they don’t remind you, in my opinion, this happened in ukraine at one time, that is, they they check and pump up public opinion to see how ready society is for this. the next point, let’s say, was with the french even before, when macron made his tough statements regarding the fact that we would send french soldiers or military personnel.


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