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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  June 14, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

9:30 am
there was a huge traffic jam due to a completely flooded road, the streets in the center turned into impassable rivers, water was flooding cars, regular buses, look, passengers were driving at first and even chuckled at the fact that the cabin was filling with water, but of course such a pool on wheels couldn’t get far maybe another bus flooded above the waterline, the transport became passengers. i had to urgently evacuate; there was no shelter from the elements in the metro either. relts at bagardionovskaya station disappeared under water. traffic on the filyovskaya line was temporary block. and this is the capital's zigzag shopping center. there are powerful waterfalls on the stairs. retail workers, some with a mop, some with a dustpan, some with something, are trying to drive water away from their goods. at the same time, not only shopping centers, but also apartment buildings got wet. houses,
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this is an underground parking, residential complex, dmitrovsky park, cars are flooded along the roof, their owners walk chest-deep in water, while the lights are on, that is , a short circuit can occur at any moment, they are flooded not only in the basements, in the apartments there is the same flow, people share creepy things in reality, footage, water pours from under suspended ceilings, a miniature fountain shoots right out of... for generations they have been happily swimming in the streets of the megalopolis, these people cannot be defeated, look at the moscow tropical downpour, or as it is called, the king of june rain. now, in short, let’s swim,
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how do you like it! there was a new river left, yeah, but now all my boots are wet, mazilovsky rod, pioneer metro.
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solaris begins to float, floats away, it cannot be saved, the second level, that first level, the coming showers, which are already happened, they are of an unusual, extraordinary nature; their most important feature is their rate of fire, that is, they literally shed 20-30 mm of precipitation per square meter of moscow streets in 30-40 minutes, that is, two or three buckets of rainwater per square meter , well, you yourself understand that this instantly leads to flooding in low-lying landforms, we have seen these numerous videos of sunken cars, even passenger buses are hidden almost with a roof.
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serious enemy forces, what now happens, where is it hard? yes, good evening, ol, indeed, the enemy in the kharkov direction is carrying out frantic attempts at a counter-offensive, so that for the summit, the so-called summit in switzerland, peaceful, which zelensky is trying with all his might to organize at least some of his successes at the front, but nothing they are not succeeding, there were attempts... to counterattack in the deep area - this is next to the lindens, it was not possible to dislodge our ba from there, our fighters were quite firmly entrenched in these positions, in the area of ​​​​the heights north of liptsy directly and are holding the defense there now, and the same thing in volchansk, volchansk there are battles
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in the city itself, moreover, our fighters managed to achieve certain tactical successes in the area of ​​​​the aggregate plant, this is in the center in the northern part of ... in the center of the city there is a plant, they are now establishing a foothold there, but it’s practically too early to say whether this one is entirely under our control, but nevertheless there are successes there and most of the plant is behind us, moreover, in the eastern parts, from the eastern part of volchansk there are also small advances, our fighters are also gaining a foothold there, there are tactical successes, in general the situation in the kharkov direction is like this. stably intense, let's say, that is, the battles are intense, but the front is stabilized, it is not moving, what can you say about the hour of fiar, today there is a rather ominous message from sirsky, an order to die heroically, but not to let the russian landing force pass, are they holding our blow? well, yes,
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sirsky’s order to hold the landing force is doomed to failure to fulfill this order, because the russian landing force is not ... impossible to hold, our fighters are proving this, now there is a serious advance directly in the canal microdistrict, that is, they are being pushed to the western outskirts of this canal, our heroic fighters are now ukronazis, moreover, there is data already confirmed that some units of the ukranazis are already being transferred to the western bank of the seversky donetsk canal donbass, that is, is already moving into the central part of the city, but for now we will also wait... in order to declare the entire kanal microdistrict ours, there are still battles going on there, but the fact that there is enough we have had serious successes, this is true, the soldiers of the volunteer corps in the kalinovka region are now pressing from the northeast, they are also pressing on the enemy from the village
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of krasnoe or ivanovskaya, it is called, they are also pressing from the southern part, that is, pincers are around the yar clock gradually shrink. thank you very much, war correspondent pavel.
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it doesn’t work, an attempt to prevent raw materials from russia is actually an increase in prices for raw materials and an increase in inflation, that is, there is no economic logic for the united states the states and the west are not in this, but of course there is a political logic, but yesterday everyone was not primarily discussing these sanctions, the issue is related to the fact that the moscow exchange fell under sanctions, which means restrictions, yes, well, there is nothing surprising either, st. petersburg has already i got it. moscow exchange, but such a panic, such a discussion, it was largely due to the fact that for decades the impression was created that our liberal economists had built their entire economic policy around the exchange, there would be an exchange that trades dollars
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and euros, everything will be fine, there will be no stock exchange, everything will be bad, there’s nothing terrible, but by the way, the bankers acted very ugly and generally cynically, who yesterday inflated the rate, and he... the state bank set the rate based on purchasing power, the number currencies that existed, and 2/3 of payments were made in rubles, transferable rubles of the north, because it was created. payment system, which in principle is a prototype of a possible
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future brix payment system, we must strive for this, without any exchanges we are at war they won, they flew into space, they created an industry and provided free housing, so the panic that was spreading does not correspond to economic realities and in this regard we need to understand very clearly that the task of the state is to develop its production. become attached to these currencies, because the west is really pursuing a predatory policy, you showed this gathering, yes, well, in fact, thieves who are trying to appropriate our property for themselves, i think that this will not work, because here indeed, we have the opportunity to respond, that is, to take action, but on the other hand, we must understand that in fact, in addition to this economic policy, which changes...
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two very difficult moments, the first moment, when the soviet union was destroyed, the americans believed that in 7 months they will be able to establish a puppet regime in cuba, a difficult economic situation, return to the times of the dictator batista, and what was cuba like under the pro- american dictator batista, in fact a gambling zone, a brothel and a place for rest of the bakhateev and the united states and the west, of course, the cuban people, despite the difficulties,
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calm, confidence, follow the sovereign path, sovereignty is the most important thing in all
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spheres of life, we hope we have already understood this, this sovereignty must be strengthened, in terms of the presence of nuclear weapons it has been officially stated that he is not on board, according to the ministry of defense of the russian federation, but we know very well that in the year sixty-two, when the missiles were delivered to cuba as part of the secret operation onadare. americans were also not warned about this in advance, so let them worry now, but we are following the pentagon’s statement, keeping our finger on the pulse, we have everything under control, it’s okay. how seriously do you take the arrival of the russian flotilla in havana and the upcoming exercises in the caribbean? we have been monitoring the russian plans in this regard, this is not a surprise to us, we have seen them make similar calls to ports before, and do you know?
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and sanctions are introduced on russia day and are declared to be as painful as possible for us, and there are many others, of course, coincidences occur. looking ahead a little, i would like to give answer. for those analysts, people , including those well-known in the past government activities of the united states, what is happening, in the logic of symbolism, they can perceive the entry of our ships and submarine as actually such an episode associated with the brix sports games that are taking place in kazan, since the submarine is also called kazan, yes, within the framework of symbolism they can enjoy one
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of the disciplines of these same games, but this is what is called humor, but in essence, of course, we... see that the very context of the discussion is on this meeting, as it was called, yes, that’s what concerns the provision of financial or this or that assistance to the kiev regime, here, of course, there is an attempt, here again self-justifying, that is, we will do some completely obvious nasty thing, and we believe that for there should be no consequences, it will not lead to escalation, we will commit an absolutely obvious thieves’ act, and beyond any...
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washington is not the one to intervene, but here we are certainly seeing, against the backdrop of their election campaign, such an attempt to create there is a certain belief among voters that we have the right, but we are implementing, including at the g7 site, that same rules-based order, in fact, we often hear this phrase, but we don’t know what’s inside, what they they mean, and this is a fairly clearly described ideological model, it on... for example, contains postulates that in that very rule-based order, lavrov said yes, that these are thieves’ concepts, yes, very close, yes, germany and japan must always limit themselves, that is, they always in second place, because such are our thieves’ concepts, so we decided that these are somewhere in the country, yes, as they say, on parcels, and this is that very
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order, it absolutely devalues ​​all the achievements of international rights. all the agreements and contracts, well, now they are trying to prove to us, yes, this is how criminals actually do it, that you are a frak, you don’t know our concepts, yes, and you violated them , therefore you are guilty, so we will act like this according to ours, according to our thieves laws, and not according to the laws of the state, in this logic we accordingly clearly affirm our commitment to respect sovereignty, we show that for us sovereignty and its protection is one of the most important topics, and we are ready to... demonstrate this even to those who doubt that we have nuclear weapons, that they are operational, it’s bad that they don’t hear the president, the president formulates this quite clearly and clearly, but apparently they need additional actions, and here is this cunning about what to do action or start discussing it, that this is not the beginning of any escalation, there will be no
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consequences, but this is also a very well -defined trap for them, they know that after... there will be consequences and the consequences will be unpleasant, but as for those sanctions, yes, which were quite actively discussed in the expert community, that now you and i will all stand in line at the exchanger, exchangers will appear again and we will all stand there together, this is not news for experts, to these restrictions and to the national clearing center for the stock exchange, well, we have been preparing for 2 years, yes, so i think that we will, of course , see some speculative activity, but in general, this is all for this situation, we are definitely completely sure. we are ready so that they don’t write about it in various financial times, but today vtb and sberbank reported that to date they have not recorded any action regarding the moscow exchange to sanctions. well, not on russia day, the next day, that is, today the once great state of britain joined the american sanctions. ask!
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well, speaking of which, let's really say right away, everyone mentioned the visit of our warships to cuba. and very often today you could hear how it was vomiting or not vomiting, in particular, the woman there with dirty hair also said that most likely it was a bluff and there were no weapons there and what if. if russia wins in ukraine, it will not hesitate to continue its expansion around the world. well, first of all, i will say that russia does not need the whole world, russia does not need either europe or the united states. we never started wars, we always ended them most often victory. eh, about the ships, yes, a boat defiantly came in, a frigate defiantly came in, but don’t discount them, other boats that patrol the water area underwater, they definitely have nuclear weapons, so is it a bluff or... not vomiting this approach, well , let's say, the grandmother said in two, and america still really has something to be afraid of, you know, america is its ally, we are a peaceful
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country, we, i repeat, do not need the whole world, but you know, if you pull the mustache, even a domestic and kind tiger, it’s all the same it will end in tragedy if you continue to do this, even if he won’t come to you or he’s very good friends with you, so you shouldn’t pull russia’s mustache either if... who were supposed to take off at european airfields, actually make an approach landing and emitting that this is a takeoff from ukrainian territory, but by doing so they will make these airfields on the territory of the european union legal targets in any case. so this is also double standards, that is, they can do this, we can’t to do this, we cannot approach their borders, we cannot, therefore, make military visits with combat forces, with the forces of
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warships to cuba, and so on. today , the nato center for strategic studies is completely cynical, and this has probably never been said before, they said that they view ukraine solely as a training ground, because the time has come to study tactics. any serious conflict between nato and russia will likely be a protracted war. we have seen a protracted war in ukraine. we know that it looks like nato still has a lot of work to do
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this front. how did we come to this conclusion? ukraine is a testing ground for new possibilities, and not only is ukraine adapting, but so is russia. usa and period. we'll be back. so, well, we're all here. let's finally get to know each other. i'm
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glad to see you all. i hope to get to know you better. premiere on rtr. and who are you? christina, your younger sister. a stranger, among relatives. where did you even come from? a? excuse me, who are you? who am i? who is this you? "i would be glad you have another sister, a rich heiress, i’m transferring all my property to you, now the division in the factory will begin, they will decide who is in charge, i don’t understand what ’s going on, come on, hit me again, you want this, brother, yes, yes, a captive in a house full of scary family secrets, it’s impossible, but i couldn’t commit suicide, you ’ll arrest her, who, christina, is sealed for the family?” from monday on rtr.


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