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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  June 14, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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i am glad to see you all, i hope to get to know you better. premiere on rtr. and who are you? christina, your younger sister, is a stranger among your family. where did you even come from, huh? excuse me, who are you? who am i? who is this you? i would be glad you have another sister. rich heiress. i transfer all my property to you. now the business in the factory will begin. will. decide who's in charge, i don't understand what 's going on, come on and hit me, that's what you want, brother, yes, a prisoner in a house full of terrible family secrets, it's impossible, but i couldn’t commit suicide, you’ll arrest her, who, kristina, under seven seals, from monday on rtr. you are looking at 100 to
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one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underbos, the name of which character from pushkin’s works, everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who at work, talks a lot and loudly if you answer. with humor, i cut oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, god forbid now if to win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on prt. it is for you?
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well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, pay attention a moment. today is a big day, a big holiday. we haven't seen each other. daring. you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one. fell in love with them, but who is dearer to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, reppin, the whole brigade, we only look at the platform. in that
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vasily makarovich, the beloved woman of vasily shukshin, would have been 95 years old these days. what did he say about his childhood? it was very difficult for us, we walked in boots, with an overcoat at first. for the first time, openly about problems in the family. at some point i find out that my mother transferred her share of the inheritance to maria. lidiya nikolaevna, why did you do that? honestly, i don’t remember, i don’t know, masha and i haven’t seen each other for 10 years, i periodically knock on her door, her heart, masha holds some kind of grudge, what happened, how it happened, we didn’t love each other that much, neither, neither other nor they’re coming forward, it’s so embarrassing in front of him, in front of his memory, i say, i imagine him all the time, he would have lined up the three of us like this in front of him, he would have taken three of the bag off and given it such a good look to one, the second to the third, girls, what are you doing? crazy, the fate of man. with
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boris korchevnikov, today on rtr, i have good news, i’m pregnant, you’ll be torn between me and my wife, there’s something wrong with my legs, she’s not comforting me, and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i ’ll manage somehow, while your wife is in the hospital, nothing to you doesn't interfere. stay with me all night, my husband finds himself in trouble, and says, there is no time, right now we need to have an operation, where can we find that kind of money in a moment, it’s for our sake, a friend jumped in when she returned, more for you, but i want you remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife, the spring of change. on sunday on rtr,
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it’s caught everywhere, either at a gas station, or in the corridor, where to go and what to do, you don’t have to ask anyone, beg, humiliate yourself or your hands. reaches out, they will have to reckon with us, so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique, how much time do you devote to the course of a special military operation, for us this is fate, this is a matter of life and death, we will be the first to know about it, ruby’s hooliganism, what do you like more, a herring under a fur coat or olive, look what’s snacking, alexander grigorievich, but hello, let him in, there are no forces that could hold him back. this is impressive, your greetings, hello, after your interview many new questions arose, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what what am i saying in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will show people more than others,
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thank you very much, come back on sunday on rtr, attention on the screen, like this. looks like the courage of a russian soldier, a fighter of the second taman division is storming a stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine in the kupinsky direction, he was a little behind the group, already near the forest belt, the enemy hit the early fighter in the leg with a covid-drone, but he begins to shoot back and crawls away under trees, the enemy makes two more attempts, but our warrior destroyed both drones, simply shot them down with well-aimed machine gun shots, in the pokrovsk direction,
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i shoot, i fly, there was a disaster with the drones, right, everything shoots, everything flies, with drones in general it’s a real disaster, because all the logistics on the front line here in the ugledar direction are simply disrupted, due to the fact that there is a mass, simply a mass of enemy fviditrons, they fly by literally every 3-5 minutes and you can’t even walk here. the most powerful strikes of russian iskanders are recorded objective control drone. two
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ballistic missiles destroy a ukrainian air defense missile system-300 battery near mirgorod, 145 km from the border. the combat control vehicle and two launchers were destroyed. another arrival of iskander took place at... the largest military airfield in the poltava region, several su-27 fighters of the ukrainian air force were disabled by a fragmentation warhead. the enemy tried to destroy us with three fpv drones and two rpgs, one missed, the second hit us with a mine. and this is first-person footage of a tank battle in the kupinsky direction, the advance of the assault troops is covered by the crew of the t90 a vladimir. the vehicle is covered with a camouflage net, blending perfectly with the landscape for indirect fire . on the path of the pumping tank every now and then
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there are damaged enemy vehicles. now we were working with a closed firing position on enemy machine-gun points and also mortar crews. the enemy machine gun crew was hit. our firepower can simply create such miracles and it terrifies the ukrainian appearances. this footage shows the disruption of the rotation of ukrainian militants in a high-rise building in clock time. the driver of a thirteen-ton maxpro armored car, fleeing from drops from a uav, skids into the entrance of a residential building. here, a group of ukrainian militants eliminates the operator of an anti-tank complex to a target at a distance of 2 km from...
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trade center workers are increasingly camouflaging their own cars in their yards, fearing reprisals from local residents. zelensky’s butchers tear off the chevrons and insignia of his own military uniform, posing as vacationers walking by. owners of minibuses famous throughout the country, or, as people say, beads, stick the inscription “not tck” on the body of the car. do you like it or not, and hide behind the fact that we are at war?
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zelensky is on an unannounced visit to saudi arabia, no lavish receptions, no red carpets for the ukrainian delegation, at a meeting with crown prince salman al-saud, zze is trying to promote his own crazy formula for war in the middle east. according to biden's national security advisor, salvon, security guarantees between kiev and washington will be signed at the italy summit. usa supports the people of ukraine, that we stand in solidarity with them, and that
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we will continue to help kiev meet its security needs, not only tomorrow, but in the future. everything will be reflected in the agreement that we will present to all of you at the end of this week. by signing this agreement, we will also send a signal to russia of our resolve. general secretary. promises that all nato countries will supply zelensky with weapons, there can be no exceptions, the commander-in-chief of the alliance’s joint forces in europe volunteered to take the issue into account, christopher kawole. to the journalist’s question that in this way nato is dragging all participating countries into world war iii, the norwegian could not answer; he said that the more weapons reach ukraine, the sooner the war will end. the purpose of all this is to make it possible to end the war, because...
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the netherlands confirmed that they are ready to send three complexes and 24 f-16 fighters, but after the summer, all in order to defeat putin. sweden and finland did not promise anything, but stated that... russia's victory in the war is an unacceptable result for nato.
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he said that ukraine could attack targets on russian territory with western weapons, but this, according to stoltenberg, is not escalation, this is self-defense, so the allies have nothing to do with it. ukraine has the right to self-defense, and the right to self-defense also includes striking legitimate military targets. defense is a right enshrined in the un charter, and we have the right to help ukraine defend this right, and by doing this, ponat’s allies do not become a party to the conflict. on behalf of canada, i announce that atava will provide ukraine with 2,300 aircraft and crv-7 unguided missiles, which were previously used by the royal canadian air force
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on tsf-18 aircraft. we've been testing these missiles for the last few months to make sure.
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that he naturally respects veterans, but the interview was so important that he could not stay at the event, as a result, an attempt to raise tory’s ratings came out, now he is also considered a hypocrite. the rishi was asked how he could understand the problems of the common people if he was richer than the king himself? the prime minister
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responded that these are the problems of ordinary englishmen.
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this prime minister is the youngest person to hold this position in the last 200 years, not to mention the fact that he is also the richest prime minister in history, when you are richer than the king himself, what do you do, maybe even do every day in order to keep abreast of the problems ordinary people face. yes, i want to say that i come from an immigrant family that came here with not much capital, so i was raised accordingly, i was taught to work hard. what did you miss as a child? a lot of things, my parents were focused exclusively on our education, they spent all their money on it, such were their priorities. what things had to be sacrificed? with many different things, like others as a child, i also wanted something that i didn’t have, for example, satellite television, we definitely didn’t have that as a child. cost of living at its peak sunok understands that people have to go without even more important
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things, but he denies the fact that the blame for it is carried by his conservative party. tell. people are mistaken when they say that life in britain today is worse than in 2010, i can’t judge it so quickly, in fact, i personally don’t think so, sunok’s comment about satellite television caused a flurry of indignation, it really hurt people who are forced to deny themselves many things, including food, all this in the context of the prime minister’s statements. i think that we should probably pay attention to the complete incompetence of reshisunok in politics, his inability to be a politician. does wealth have any effect on this? no, people need to understand that this is not the point, the main thing is that he has a lot of shortcomings in real functioning as a democratic politician, he is not able to interact on... he went to a fee-paying school, but he decided not to talk about this, but about how his parents had to sacrifice other things to pay for school fees, and yes, because of
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this he did not have satellite tv, also he poor thing, he read books on the weekends because he was forced parents, but they never made him think about the lack of money, and this is a very important thought, especially in the midst of a cost of living crisis, this man has never lacked for anything. konstantin. of course, this wonderful experiment, apparently, is coming to an end, when a representative of formerly colonized india suddenly found himself in the role of prime minister, it turned out that mere descent from a conquered people does not at all guarantee popularity, even in modern britain, where everything changed places, but in fact, the end weeks. the next few days will be very active in foreign policy terms, we know that the seven is taking place in italy, then
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without a break, as our popular tv commentator said, the 42nd minute of the match ended, the forty-third began immediately, this is what will happen in the near future . in bürgenstock, due to a misunderstanding, it is called a peace conference, but in fact it is a war conference, because it is impossible to imagine peace when all those who do not want to see another participant at this table gather together, this is a gathering, an attempt to gather the coalition is trying to take advantage of this gathering in order to then actually, distorting everything that is happening, assert that we are... on behalf of all our citizens gathered in switzerland, demanding some kind of behavior from russia. this is all according to orwell. peace is war. the conference
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dedicated to peace is, in fact, an attempt to put together a propaganda picture in order to put pressure on russia on everyone else who did not participate there. it is quite obvious, it has already been said many times, i think the president will say it tomorrow. the most anecdotal example is the minister for disabled people, who will represent australia in deciding the fate of peace and war, but
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other countries that are under pressure from the west, from the united states, are trying to somehow reduce the level of their participation, the new president of argentina at first he refused, then he agreed, now it turned out that he would take part there on the first day, then... he would quickly leave there, in general, this whole action unfolds in parallel with endless conversations and with promises of military assistance to ukraine, which is in itself unnatural, they are preparing for a peace conference, and it is at this moment, on the eve of this conference, that they are conspiring to supply as many weapons as possible to ukraine. i think that it would be wrong for us to take lightly attempts to increase the flow of weapons that goes to ukraine, and we must draw our own conclusions, and we have already said about this that we will draw these conclusions, including through armament those
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countries or those organizations that are fighting this western world, just like today nato declares, the usa declares that we are not participating in the war, but we will do everything to ensure that russia does not win, ukraine wins, we supply weapons, in the same way we can... we could already undertake a truly record-breaking package in terms of weapons on the eve of summit of the so-called world 50 billion ext
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is a loan to ukraine. they take from our money, that is, from stolen assets, they have already begun to slowly develop them, out of 300 they will take from their money, but they are going to repay themselves, yes, well, of course, that’s exactly me i mean, as for the participants, 78 countries will be at the so-called peace summit, in fact, the war summit was originally planned by 190, but if there are 78, it will probably be a victory for russian diplomacy.
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vaccination is useful, i consider it a shameful weakness not to start oneself. royal graft. your majesty. are you ready to get started? i'm ready. on saturday on rtr. altai. majestic mountainous
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country. nature has generously rewarded this region: picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in belukha glaciers, the two-headed a sacred mountain where, according to legend, one can find the entrance to shambhala. belukha is the highest point. siberia and the cradle of the great altai river katun. a pearl among the mountains, lake teletskoe. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as it did many centuries ago.
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look who you brought? vitya. hello. there is always one extra in a triangle. i fell in love, and she fell in love with my friend. he is the husband, she is the wife. but which one should go? investigator korlov, you must come with us. you are accused of rape. he thinks that you framed. who would need this anyway? “marry me, what’s there to think about, a handsome businessman, he loves you all his life, he’s ready to do anything to be with you, well, i don’t want to, i found ilya’s letter in your jacket pocket, you don’t want to explain anything to me , the third must leave, on saturday at rtr people gathered in our studio who
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cannot imagine their life without a garden, at the dacha they gave grace to this, “i strongly recommend that you pay attention to your colleague, even the most unlucky caterpillars, you. i really like you turn into butterflies, sleepyhead, come to me,
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no one has surrounded me with such care and love, the main thing is not to burn your wings, what a bastard, i went to edik, but he is nowhere." no, in my opinion, he leads you for us, if you love , let go, if it’s yours, it will definitely come back, and if not, then it was never yours, the law of preservation of love, today on rtr, you’re singing, so i just feel that this is your voice, really, i can’t live without you , i... did not draw parallels, analogies, the right kormukhina is too good, too kormukhina, and even a small investigation, and therefore not
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in my own voice, using the method of deduction, you weren’t convinced by the food, i’m completely confused, i’ll tell you honestly, the roads are flooded , cars and passenger buses went under water,
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several shopping centers and apartment buildings were flooded at once, underground parking lots turned literally into deep-sea traps, get out of flooded basements will not work on your own. flooded. an emergency warning, but not for moscow couriers; in these shots, a food delivery man with a backpack swims into a puddle in the capital. solaris begins to float and floats away. it's not him save, these are the storage rooms of the first entrance,
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here now there is only water, the second level, that first level, this has never happened, yeah. to the second tier, how quickly everything happened, that’s how long it took the entire parking lot to flood, well, about 30 minutes and there was water here, i’m good, it’s normal, right? moscow today has not only exceeded the monthly plan for heavenly moisture, but we have already calculated 130% of the allotted amount for the entire june, i assure you, this is
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not the limit. well, near kiev, they have not been able to put out the fire at the vasilkov airbase for two days. in on the night of june 11-12, the russian aerospace forces struck. the publication reports that russia has already modernized these missiles four times. defens express warhead was increased from 400 to 800 kg, this is of course a separate annoyance for kiev. the fact is that the protective structures for all energy facilities were designed for missiles with a four-hundred-kilogram warhead, here 800, well, that is, everything is absolutely in vain. the russians have used it for strikes on ukraine, the russians have now used it for the second time for strikes against ukraine. another modification of its x-101 rocket,
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which is quite, in fact, very problematic, because the previous two had a warhead of 450 kg, that is, they had one level of destructive influence, and the third modification, which was used during attacks on the energy system, had a warhead weighing a total of 800 kg. now the fourth modification of the x101 is when one of the warheads has cluster ammunition.
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which no soldier has ever done, in the current war, in the modern war, in the kherson direction, in principle, after we cleared our coast from presence of the enemy, we are now continuing to take control of the islands in the dnieper, in the zaporozhye direction, battles also continue in the area of ​​​​the settlement of raboti on verbovoye, but there is more of a position there, in the southern donetsk direction in the direction of velikaya novoselka, we have taken almost complete control.
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the neighboring village of staromarskaya, which is located in the east , is productive, we also went in and almost half took control of this village, further in the direction of novomikhailovka, in the direction of konstantinovka we have advancement, but again not the city, namely the village of konstantinovka, also from marinenka we took control of georgievka, well, over the last period, in the donetsk direction we have had progress, including today there was progress towards... well, in the city within the city limits is located in this direction, but in the kharkov direction there are now more there - let’s just say, there is no movement on our side, since the enemy has transferred a large number of reserves there , according to various sources, about 70,000 personnel, that’s why there are now more positional battles, however, you need to understand that... despite some such local
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successes at the front, the enemy is still capable of attacking, that is, the enemy is preparing for offensive actions and according to various sources, that is, the enemy is preparing both in the kharkov direction for offensive actions and and well, to such serious ones in the lugansk direction, this is some kind of trained , pre-prepared public or what they are now catching to understand what now, well, what they usually catch is happening in the last one and a half years. the mobilized are fighting for them, this is wrong,
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it’s the same thing, it’s wrong to navigate, thinking about our victory, to navigate only by the strength of the enemy’s assets in the form of the ukrainian armed forces, you need to understand that ukraine is just the advanced infantry of nato, these are the main forces of nato’s assets, they haven’t been introduced, but we need to understand that the ukrainians will end, the poles, balts, rums and the like will begin, so we don’t need to relax, we need to gain momentum, but the command understands perfectly well, we also have problems, of course, now such a period when the number of tanks does not matter, that is, we have 100 tanks there, and the enemy has 100 tanks. this will not affect anything at all, because the enemy has more, for example, attack drones, the enemy has a larger range of drones, and the enemy has more attack drones, but that includes the range, the enemy has been developing unmanned aircraft since 2014, this is what is needed understand, the same drone, which is called the playful woman ega yes, yes, this is such a large quadrocopter that is capable of at least four
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mines 82 to carry bombs, they are now making it armored, it has caused us a lot of damage over the past... several years, they have a very wide variety of these drones, you also need to understand, for example, we now have fpv drones , we, in terms of the number of fpv drones, managed to convey this information to belaus, of course, of course, that’s all, he seems to know it himself, at the meeting we were pleasantly surprised that the new minister of defense, he knows everything in detail, that is, all the problems which he analyzed in detail all the questions that were raised, answered, he understands everything perfectly. therefore, there seems to be hope, well , that is, the conversation that the economist does not understand military matters, we were very surprised that he understands very well, in fact he understands military issues, so i don’t know, maybe he has been following this for many years and even just tried to figure it out for himself, i don’t
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know, regardless of his position, because in a short time it’s possible to study the material, let’s say, that relates to the current obligations, well, it’s hard to imagine such a thing, but he succeeded, that is , he really knows in detail , down to what the pifedron consists of, how many basic details can be said, what is missing, what you have reached agreement on, but he understands perfectly well that we need, let’s say, some successful tactics of the enemy, do not hesitate to adopt for ourselves, because it used to be like this, it’s all american, it’s all ukrainian, we need our own and so on, but if what - tactics are successful tactics, successful tactics of using the same drones, for example, that is, the enemy, again , i repeat, they do not, but drones are not news, there is something else, no, so this is the question of tactics of use, that is you can simply send a drone fpv, or you can equip it, for example, with several repeater drones,
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a reconnaissance drone that will perform target designation, and the drone can also be programmed with machine vision, and this is a completely different story, and it is already flying to for example, not at 8, but at 20 km, that’s why. the so-called machine vision, they will no longer be affected by radio-electronic electronic warfare systems, so every tank, well, or every piece of equipment will have to be equipped with some kind of mobile air defense systems, and well, some kind of turrets, that ’s what we saw in science fiction films, this is, in principle, now we need
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to equip the equipment with all this, somehow , and the main thing is that the minister understands all this, and this is terrible. ivan prikhodko reports that one of the ntv journalists who was injured in the shelling ukrainian armed forces, we are talking about striking a populated area bordering gorlovka, cameraman valery kozhen died in the hospital, the fight for the life of an ntv correspondent continues. right at these moments there is terrible tragic news, it is clear that it is impossible to help here with condolences, but nevertheless, sincere, deep condolences to all the relatives. we'll be back in a minute. to spend weeks without the noise of dust,
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put it on shelves. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, sunday on rt.
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so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday. nikhili, we haven't seen each other for a long time. dyarskie. bela, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one. they fell in love. yes, who is good to you, your wife or your boys? don't ask stupid questions now. loves them. until now, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty,
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rapping, the whole team, just look at the platform, i said, i want a white cat. fits oh you're good, he likes to grab there count, why so, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you’re in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends, program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, i have good news, yes, i’m pregnant, so you’ll be torn between me and my wife, what’s wrong with your legs? she
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is disappointing to me, and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i will somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing prevents you from staying with me all night, my husband will know trouble, says time... no, right now we need to have an operation, where can we find that kind of money in a moment? it’s for our sake, i’m glad you returned, more for you, but i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife? spring of change, on sunday on rtr, this year on these days it would be. vasily makarovich's beloved woman, vasily shukshin, is 5 years old. what did he say about his childhood? well, it was very difficult,
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at first i wore boots and an overcoat. for the first time, openly about problems in the family. at some point i find out that my mother has her share of the inheritance she gave it to maria. lidya nikolaevna, why did you do that? honestly, i don’t remember, i don’t know. masha and i haven’t seen each other for 10 years, i periodically knock on her door. now look how the hegemon, aka the leader of the free world, aka us president joe
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biden, appeared at the g7 meeting in italy. biden awkwardly hobbled to the table, made a strange face, put his hand to his empty head, giving a military salute to his ally. and this is how the hostess of the event herself greeted the distinguished guests, everyone was greeted with warm handshakes, especially with... look at comrade rishisunok with his british colleague george meloni hugged, kissed him on the cheek, and then laughed for a long time at some joke, zelensky’s handshake made the italian look strange, look, she literally warped. the leaders of the g7 countries have already agreed to provide ukraine with a loan of $50 billion, which
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will be secured by proceeds from €300 billion of frozen russian assets. president of ukraine vladimir zelensky also said that he is going to sign a bilateral agreement security agreement for a period of 10 years with the united states, which provides for the training of the ukrainian armed forces. now the g7 foreign minister, delegates and diplomats are going to iron out all the details of this decision. there is a feeling that the agreement will be signed quickly enough, and ukraine will receive these 50 billion by the end of this year. this will certainly help their war effort, especially after such frequent delays from the us.
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has long turned into a competition to see who can feed whom better, but with this, as we understand, italy has no problems and will not, in exchange for gifts, which meloni dealt with personally, choosing ties, leather bags, indeed, judging by the latest news that came the night before, the biggest gift, a cash jackpot, can be hit by vladimir zelensky, after all let's wait for the final document, because, as we
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understand, a week ago at the financial group. so the ministers did not agree on anything, but here the sherpas worked for 3 days, coming up with an elegant legal formulation, this is essentially robbery, there is no other way can’t be named, because the 60 billion that are allocated is essentially the group of seven in this case, as we say, the bank is not using its own money, and how this money is divided, 50 billion is given by the usa, 5 billion is given by canada, 2 billion is allocated japan, this is profit, and here the japanese have a strict formulation, they... argue that the money should go exclusively not to weapons, but to the budget, because the japanese constitution prohibits this, in general, this is still a division on the part of overseas comrades, how will it end question in europe, because speech this will come up, no matter what macron says, but in general, returning again to the results of the elections to the european parliament, what is the price now for his words, so, no matter what macron says, europe
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will have to return to this issue, in general then vote too. for the same action, for robbery, for theft, and here we know who can vote against, naturally, the first, the veto can be cast by hungary, which has its own exceptional, very, exceptional position on this issue, because to create a precedent to go to this action, undermining the credibility of the eurozone, of those people who have been shouting for years to invest in europe, invest, and then so gracefully, they simply became completely confused. they are taking this money, in general, let’s wait for the final document, this is the news for now, well , of course, zelensky is also trying, of course, to squeeze everything he can out of this summit from biden at this summit, although judging by how difficult it is biden climbed these three steps, all the journalists watched with bated breath, three down, three up, it was really very difficult,
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we all saw how they helped him - with a cap from a felt-tip pen, in general, they took care of him as best they could, but zelensky, of course, will squeeze out everything he can, because his task is to sign a ten-year agreement, and to manage in such a way that, if if trump wins the election in november, he did not cancel this agreement, how can this be done if this agreement does not even have to be ratified by congress, that is, he can easily just throw it in the trash -
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which created such debts before us, and this the last attempt, in fact, to hold on russia in this dollar world. why did they introduce sanctions against the moscow exchange so late at all
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? one-time income, but we lose complete financial leverage over a huge country. on the russian federation, which, let me remind you, for almost 30 years before this, was building its own piece of a small dollar economy, these 300 billion are our payment, in fact , the tinder of generations of our people who were stupefied in these dollars, which turned out to not belong to us, which simply turned out to be not our property in one day, if it were possible , the material gold that would lie in the holdings of our national bank and simply in storage, this...
10:54 am
i am glad to see you all, i hope to get to know you better. premiere on rtr. and who are you? christina, your younger sister, is a stranger among your family. where did you even come from, huh? excuse me, who are you? who am i? who is this you? i would be glad you have another sister. rich woman of the world. i transfer all my property to you. now the business will begin. factories, they will decide who is in charge, i don’t understand what ’s going on, come on, hit me again, that’s what you want, brother, yes, a prisoner in a house full of terrible family secrets, it’s impossible, but i
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couldn’t commit suicide, you will arrest her, who, christina, under seven seals, from monday on rtr. altai is a majestic mountainous country. nature has generously rewarded this region with picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers. especially rich in glaciers, beluga whale, the two-headed sacred mountain, where. belukha is the highest point in siberia and the cradle of the great altai river kotumi. a pearl among the mountains: lake teletskoye.
10:56 am
altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates. people, just like many centuries ago, look who you brought, vitya, hello, there is always one extra in a triangle, i fell in love, and she fell in love with my friend, he is the husband, she is the wife, but which of them should leave, investigator.
10:57 am
i just feel like it’s your voice, right? they drew parallels and analogies. right kormukhina is too good, too kormukhina. and even a little investigation. and therefore not with your own voice, by the method of deduction. are you not convinced by the food? i'm confused. finally,
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i’ll tell you honestly, but they were still carried out, everyone has the right to make a mistake, catch me if you can, a big music show, he sings, he doesn’t sing, well, it happens in the carauke, today on rtr, well, remember that you are a woman, and a woman should captivate. flirt, but i don’t know how, i have to find a man who can fix this, i strongly recommend that you pay attention to your colleague, even the most unlucky caterpillars, i really like you, turn into butterflies, sleepyhead, come to me, no one has surrounded me with care and love like that.
10:59 am
the main thing is not to burn your wings, here is gadyumash, i went to edik, but he is nowhere to be found, in my opinion, he is leading you on our behalf, if you love him, let him go, if it is yours, it will definitely come back, and if not, then it will never be yours was, the law of conservation of love, today on rtr. in the hospital ntv cameraman valery kozhin, wounded today in gorlovka, died. doctors saved him for several hours, but his injuries turned out to be incompatible with life. valery was 46 years old. he began working for ntv in 2006, first as a sound engineer, then as a television cameraman, he repeatedly worked in hot spots, in syria in the donetsk and lugansk republics, spent several months a year on business trips, we offer our deepest condolences to his family.
11:00 am
on the russia vesti channel in the studio tatyana remezova, hello, the main thing for this hour. a military airfield in the khmelnitsky region has become the target of high-precision russian missiles. the fonton crossing was destroyed in the kharkov region. about the work of the rszz grad near artyomovsk. report from the front line. at the g7 summit in italy, the united states and ukraine signed a security agreement.


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