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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 14, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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year, we offer our deepest condolences to the family, together with valery, ntv correspondent alexey ivliev was seriously wounded, he was operated on and is in a stable condition, we wish you recovery, good news! on the rossiya vesti channel, in tatyana remezov’s studio, hello, the main thing for this hour. a military airfield in the khmelnitsky region has become the target of high-precision russian missiles. a pontoon crossing in the kharkov region was destroyed. a report from the front line about the work of the rszz grad near artyomovsk. at the g7 summit in italy. usa and ukraine
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signed a security agreement. what guarantees does washington give kiev for the next 10 years? after the russian fleet arrived in havana, the united states sent a nuclear submarine to the shores of cuba, and trump attacked biden. we don't want to see russian ships off florida. powerful flooding in the stavropol region and armageddon. after the hurricane , nizhny novgorod and dagestan are recovering. scarlet and sails have been spotted in the waters of st. petersburg. you and i have a completely exclusive opportunity. we'll board now. what will the route be like this year and what will happen? in fact, the legendary sailing ship is being steered. the supply of electronic warfare equipment to the drone front needs to be streamlined. this was discussed at the joint meeting. defense andrei belousov
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presidential assistant alexei dyumin. the meeting took place at the national defense command centre. according to the military department , issues of interaction between regions in the development and production of unmanned systems and training operators to use them were discussed. as belousov noted, coordinating supplies from different entities will avoid confusion and increase efficiency of using drones and rep. damaged the military infrastructure of ukraine. a new strike with long-range precision weapons. the target of the drone missile was the starokonstantinov military airfield in the khmelnitsky region. explosions also occurred in kharkov and zaporozhye. in the kharkov region, russian aviation destroyed a pontoon crossing across the pecheneg reservoir with a high-precision missile strike. as a result, the ukrainian armed forces lost another supply route for their group. in the same direction, lancet operators found and knocked out a ukrainian t-64 tank. in the kherson region on the right. the dnieper landing force burned
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the enemy command post and equipment. the accumulation of ukrainian armed forces in abandoned houses was discovered by aerial reconnaissance, then the targets were hit by attack drones. near artyomovsk, the advance of the assault detachments of the southern group of forces is supported by crews of multiple launch rocket systems. footage of artillerymen's combat work. in a report by military correspondent alexei baranov. this calculation of the hail multiple launch rocket system has just worked out. on the firing line, car returned to the shelter, which is located in a forest belt; it takes no more than 15 minutes to replenish ammunition. and now rszzo, the city of the southern military district, is again moving at full speed to the place of combat work. to avoid wasting time, the coordinates of the target are obtained while on the road. khzo grad is constantly changing positions; as
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the line of combat contact advances, new ones convenient for the combat work of rocket artillery and area units appear, but first, of course, sappers from the southern group of forces operate there. the mine clearing combat vehicle is based on the t-90 tank, but of course, with enhanced armor protection, it is not afraid of not only anti-personnel mines, but also anti-tank mines. this is a wheeled mine. which the car is pushing in front of itself, ran into the so-called frogs, anti-personnel mines that the enemy literally scatters, remotely, using rocket artillery. demining the territories abandoned by the ukrainian military is a common thing and really low-risk, the commander of a combat mine clearance vehicle with the call sign owl tells us. work directly on the combat line contact, every time there is a risk to life. it’s more difficult in front of the front edge,
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the enemy is directly in front, the vehicle is not equipped with cannons, it only has a 12.7 caliber machine gun, so consider that you are practically going towards the enemy with your bare hands in order to... make a passage for our infantry or equipment , it turns out that you are the first to get hit , we leave in a car and pass first, fire comes at us from all weapons. the rszzo grad battery, meanwhile, continues to support the assault groups of the southern military districts operating in the artyomovsk direction. the infantry moves forward only after a massive artillery barrage. the weather also allows the enemy to work secretly, so there is more work. it's just a matter of practice, the more you shoot, as they say. conscientiously , he is already starting to think faster, there is no need to think for a long time, everything is already clear there, mainly area targets, since the gun itself is designed to work across areas, grad multiple launch rocket systems, without exaggeration, continuously move between firing lines and base locations, where quickly replenish their ammunition in order to
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immediately return to positions for the next strike. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev, lead the donets! and lugansk people's republics line of combat contact. due to the arbitrariness of military commissars , there is a shortage of workers in ukraine. the shortage of workers in the construction sector has reached 40%. because of this, developers began to attract migrants from other countries to work. construction workers are hired from pakistan, nepal, india, bangladesh, the philippines and african countries. the degree of confrontation between ordinary ukrainians and military commissars is growing. in odessa, another tsk car was burned. the car was abandoned at night. molotov cocktails. the phenomenon has become so widespread that other military personnel are now en masse marking their vehicles with special leaflets to make it clear that the vehicle is not being used to kidnap conscripts. the biden-zelensky agreement risks not lasting even a year,
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politicians predict today following the g7 summit in italy, where washington provided kiev security guarantees for the next 10 years. the publication emphasizes that this gesture was a clear attempt to demonstrate. urgent support for ukraine ahead of the us presidential election, but the vote itself could call into question future assistance. report by anastasia popova. nato is coming to the rescue. amid pan-european concerns about the possibility of trump coming to power in the upcoming us elections, the north atlantic alliance is trying to guarantee long-term funding for ukraine. the states will continue to manage, providing half of the amount. rest half of the 40 billion us and ukraine, as well as the fact that european allies and canada are providing significant additional support to ukraine. how exactly this is expressed
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is not yet entirely clear; out of the promised five dozen, canada sent only four armored personnel carriers to ukraine. germany no longer wants to hear about either taurus or patriots. we have already provided three patriot systems, which is a quarter of our capacity, we do not have the ability to provide more, other partners must provide assistance. others don't want to share either poland also refused to provide the american air defense system to kiev; they themselves need it more. a separate question is where to get money for new military supplies; income from frozen russian assets cannot be used for weapons. this was one of the conditions of the agreement between the countries. rarely has an annual meeting of the world's leading economies been so marred by the political vulnerabilities of almost all of its members. questions are being raised about how effective a free world steering committee can be. an even greater question arises for those who consider
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himself as the leader of this free world. joe biden at the g7 meeting, got lost again, turned his back and walked somewhere, greeting the empty field. italian prime minister miloni for the rights of the owner. the meeting had to quickly return the american president to reality, in which the united states announced new arms supplies to ukraine. everything we have will go to ukraine until its needs are met, and then we will fulfill our obligations to other countries. the first is the just signed bilateral security agreement, the second is a historic agreement to provide ukraine with $50 billion in the value of russian sovereign assets. third agreement on sanctions against third countries that supply russian military forces, this will increase pressure on the russian economy. however, the journalists were not interested in zelensky, who was standing nearby, but in the verdict of biden’s son hunter for forging documents for the purchase of weapons and the situation in the gas sector. biden
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clearly tried to get the conversation back on track. i'd like you guys to have a little played by the rules. i'm here to talk about the critical situation in ukraine. you are asking me about something else, an agreement that does not really oblige the united states to anything. the document was signed for 10 years, but it contains neither financial guarantees nor an obligation to use force to protect ukraine. training, exchange, intelligence data and arms supplies, while the agreement will not be ratified by congress, so it turns out that it is solid on paper, but in reality it is only zilch. anastasia popova lio bernatsky polina fedorova, european news bureau. and the russian foreign ministry has just commented on the ten-year agreement on security guarantees between the united states and ukraine. in an exclusive interview , maria zakharova noted that the prospects for the document are exactly the same as those of all similar gestures of western support for kiev... which cost nothing, you understand perfectly well what role these
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pieces of paper should play, they should appeal to the emotional, so to speak, component of the people in ukraine, in order to motivate them to this very implementation of the terrible mobilization law that was now adopted with a decrease in the level, so to speak , the age of mobilization, in order to somehow collect people and send them further. into this terrible kiev-speed meat grinder, just for this. the western press is wondering where the planes promised to kiev went. defense news recalls that at last year’s nato summit in vilnius, 11 countries pledged to train ukrainian pilots and provide f-16s, but the deadlines for sending american fighters are constantly shifting, and the quality of military training leaves much to be desired. moreover, it became it is known that washington makes good money on aid packages. from the report of an independent pentagon inspector, it follows that the us department of defense
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inflated the cost of some weapons by almost $2 billion. the united states today sent the fast nuclear submarine helena to the shores of cuba, which entered guantanamo bay in the area of ​​the american military base located there. the southern command insists that this is a planned visit to the port, but the transition itself coincided with the arrival of the russian fleet in havana. as the press notes, to move the burial of soviet soldiers, the corresponding amendments to the laws were approved by the sejm deputies, not a single parliamentarian
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voted against. now the memorials to the fallen red army soldiers in lithuania are no longer protected, as required by international agreements, so whatever the local authorities want can be done with the graves and cemeteries, up to and including their complete liquidation. almost 100 natural fires are currently burning in different parts of russia, their total area is approximately 120. in two dozen regions there is a high risk of large foci. the most tense situation is in yakutia, where the situation is aggravated by dry and hot weather. about the battle with fire, vitaly prokopyev. in a matter of minutes, the amphibian fills its tanks with tons of water. the b200 aircraft operates in the tamponsky region. in the first half of the day alone, the air force from polin managed to make seven drops to the eastern one. on the edge of the largest fire in yakutia, 45 cubic meters of liquid were needed to cool the ardor of the fires.
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meanwhile, the regiment of paratroopers is constantly arriving. more were sent to the region over 120 people, all in order to quickly stabilize the difficult forest fire situation. they have to walk to get to the fires ; in a day, avyalesookhrana fighters can walk 10 km through the taiga, swamps and dense thickets. to localize a large source, an aircraft firefighter goes around its edge and places it in a detonating cord. a method that has been proven over the years and explosives work flawlessly. are you on safe? the main thing before this is to make sure that the entire squad is at a safe distance, and after the explosion the specialists go straight to the fire with shovels and backpacks with water. a red fire means stopping its further movement so that
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it does not spread further, there are over 50 outbreaks on an area of ​​more than 100,000 hectares, the situation in yakutia is tense, and the heat, wind and thunderstorms only aggravate it. under the scorching yakut sun, trees dry out so much and quickly that the bark can be torn off and crumbled with bare hands, and given the high thunderstorm activity in the region, one lightning strike is enough to ignite a large forest fire. specialists the operational headquarters monitors the situation around the clock. active forest fires do not pose a threat. seven hundred people and dozens of pieces of equipment are fighting the fiery elements; aviation has a particularly important role; sounding planes continue to cause rain in the hottest spots, and the b-200 amphibian extinguishes local, but very dangerous outbreaks. vitaly prokopyev, alexander knyazyev, news: yakutia! in
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st. petersburg, preparations are underway for the all-russian release. residents and guests of the city can already admire the large white sailboat, the ship’s crew is actively training, so that on the main evening everything goes perfectly with five points. you are not from the waters, the crew of the brig russia, salema zarif. these days, residents of st. petersburg have a rare opportunity to see brik russia in daylight and not with such a large crowd of people on the embankments, but you and i have the opportunity at all. how does this environment suit him? the austere palaces and granite embankments harmoniously echo the geometry of the masts and yards; during the day, sailors put the brig in order, adjust the taquilash, and check the integrity of the sails. and then they are laid out stormy, that is, they are fastened with ropes in the gloomy wind, in order to
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unravel and rehearse the passage under the bridges at night. our task is to bring everything to automation, to hone it all. up to, let’s say, up to a second, we must get into the phonogram, all key points must pass, well, with a minimum gap in time, this is the goal of the rehearsal precisely to ensure that everything is accurate, clearly beautiful. this year’s route is different, the brik goes under both the troet bridge and the palace bridge, here the speed is about eight nodes in fact, during the holiday, brik does not move with the help of sails; sailing on the neva is in principle prohibited; they use an engine, which is why this curtain rod is also used. not needed, there are two important levers, this is the first thruster, with its help the ship can be completely turned around, which happens at the palace bridge, here is another small, small joystick, this, in fact, is the steering wheel when there is a lot of noise and smoke, navigation becomes more difficult because smoke obscures visibility, we have looking ahead, who
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will correct us if anything happens, there is a vosmong on board, the crew these days have to literally live at work, on the neva as a stage, until the all-russian graduation is 2 weeks away and while brick russia is showing off in the water area, both for st. petersburg residents and for guests city, this is a holiday, anticipation of a holiday. sale mazarev, alexey sasyrin, dmitry lukashevich and alexandra kalkova. news: northwestern bureau. next in the program: a powerful hurricane swept through dagestan. the coast of the caspian sea was covered by a strong tsunami in a matter of minutes, not all the vacationers managed to get out of the water. we are waiting for reports from makhachkala and kaspiysk. after a short advertisement, more than 100,000 people have already died in russia, and this infection is already in the estates near tsarskoye selo. premiere on rtr. smallpox, i can’t rule out anything to defeat the disease, your majesty. in europe , it has long been proven that smallpox vaccination
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helps avoid death. she will have to conquer her fear. people don’t want to get vaccinated, first the empress herself will set an example, if we make a mistake, the consequences will be terrible, everyone will think that she died from the vaccine, royal vaccination, my life is in danger, doctor, on saturday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code. because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here,
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taste it, oh, my eyes widen at how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing. this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, secretly to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday.
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beauty, rapping, the whole crew, just on the platform, look. the floor is shaking, the hay is shaking, big changes have come, a new season with new renovations, light movement. we are making three different functional zones out of this absolutely featureless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into art object, there will be plenty of surprises and
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a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear. and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, i have good news, yes, i’m pregnant, so will you be torn between me and my wife, is there something wrong with your legs? "she brings me comfort, but the prognosis is even worse, disability, i somehow i can handle it while my wife is in the hospital,
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there’s nothing stopping you from staying with me all night, my husband finds himself in trouble and says there’s no time, right now we need to have an operation, where can we find that kind of money in a moment, it’s for our sake, welcome back "missed"? you, and i want to remind you, who paid for the operation, who will become your wife? spring of change, sunday on rtr, i would rather say yes than, no, he doesn’t sing, yes, against the male. no, whose will take, last chance, change my mind, no, i'm not changing, catch me if you can, a big music show,
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you're probably fooling us again, today on air , we continue the broadcast, several airliners were detained in kamchatka due to weather conditions, it's raining and gusty on the peninsula. wind, and in the vladimir and ivanovo regions, due to a thunderstorm , thousands of people were left without power, stuck, and this is the stavropol region, where heavy rain with hail led to powerful flooding, roads, courtyards, fields and vegetable gardens were under water. traffic is difficult on a section of the caucasus federal highway in kabardino-balkaria, in mud flows poured into the highway, utility services are eliminating the consequences, the same picture is in nizhny novgorod, the elements swept away advertising. after a sudden hurricane , dagestan also comes to its senses. the airport has returned to normal operations, but the storm warning has been extended until saturday.
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sarkar magomedov's footage of the disaster and its consequences. as if in footage from a film about the apocalypse, while in one of the city’s districts a construction crane collapses from the coast, as if an eclipse covers makhachkala and kaspiysk with black skies. what's happening in the sky, what are these clouds that rose in just a few minutes, a hurricane instantly drove away the vacationers, trying to overturn gazebos and people, someone, like these mothers with strollers, ran for cover, boys, oh-oh, what is this, a tsunami, boys, tsunami, while others were not released onto the shore by the waves, carrying them further and further into the sea. in the first half hour, rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations saved up to a dozen people from death, some of whom needed medical attention. the vacationers said that they didn’t find another girl, it was already
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getting dark, but they took her with them. a large lantern floated in pitch darkness, you can to say, we found this girl, illuminating our way with a lantern, we found her, we delivered her safely too, it got worse when a downpour came after the hurricane, what’s wrong with makhachkala, the most problematic streets of makhachkala immediately turned into rivers, preventing drivers from passing , and giving young people a reason for games and comic videos, come on, come on! don't drown, just take it, it's not far away , you can take a boat there on the right. utilities have been put on high alert since the evening. these consequences, as it turned out, for the elements will also have to be eliminated these 50 tons mean absolutely nothing. a special commission has already studied the situation on the spot; now the only fear is that the weather may continue. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov and abdula magomedov, lead dagestan. a monument to felix derzhinsky was unveiled today in the moscow region in honor of
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the centenary. operational mission of the russian guard, which bears the name of the founder of the cheka. the head of the department, viktor zolotov, presented the formation with the order of suvorov, and the soldiers who showed courage and dedication in the performance of military duty received medals for services to the fatherland and for courage. in novosibirsk, doctors performed a complex operation and restored the patient’s skull using an implant printed on a 3d printer. lyudmila tamilova almost underwent extensive triponation. 12 cm in diameter, surgeons removed the hematoma, saved the woman’s life, and after rehabilitation, to protect the brain, they created an individual implant, the plate is based on a titanium alloy, it weighs only 60 g. novosibirsk specialists have extensive experience in using 3d technology after removing brain tumors and traumatic brain injuries, about 30 such operations are performed annually.
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guests noticed something rare for kamchatka in... achinsk bay , a walrus sailed there, the animal serenely resting in the sun was captured by local residents. zoologists suggest that the walrus comes from chukotka, where the largest population of its relatives lives. this means that in search of a new home, the pinniped traveler traveled more than 2.0 km. conning stars to make a million is not an easy task, but the participants of the show “catch me if you can” are serious. tonight the scene will be out at three. more performers, the jury will have to determine which of them can really sing. our correspondent anton demidov went behind the scenes and learned all the nuances of preparing the contestants and judges for the musical duel. in the new episode of the show "catch me if you can, anything is possible." three mikhail boyarskys, three olga kormukhins and three valery leontyevs on one stage.
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viewers of our channel will perform in front of the star team with their favorite songs, among them there are both truly talented singers and those whose ears were stepped on by the bear. this a real musical detective, all participants initially sing to the soundtrack. and the star team will have to determine who really knows how to sing and who is just pretending. i understand that marconi will confuse us today , all the participants in this program will be confused. and do something really difficult, because why can’t you look into a person’s mouth, my sense of smell works well, and very often in life, when i don’t listen to it and think that it seemed, it didn’t, but let’s check, you remember, we swam above, suddenly two stars went out, the numbers for the show had been prepared for months, it would really be hard for the star experts, i was confused,
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finally, i’ll tell you honestly, the job is done! try to determine right now in front of your television screens whether this girl can sing? correct answer: tonight on the new episode of catch me if you can at 9:30 p.m. anton demidov, georgy lyporev, lead. the news is following developments, stay tuned. the capital's prosecutor's office began an investigation after the balcony cladding fell on a passerby. a twenty-five-year-old girl was hospitalized in...


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