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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  June 14, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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the performances for the show have been prepared for months; it will really be difficult for the star experts. i'm completely confused, i'll tell you honestly, the job is done. try to determine right now in front of your television screens whether this girl can sing? correct answer. tonight on a new episode of catch me if you can. at 21:30. news. the news is following developments. stay with us. the capital's prosecutor's office began an investigation after the balcony cladding fell on a passerby. the twenty-five-year-old girl was hospitalized. in serious condition
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a criminal case has been opened regarding versions of the possible causes of the incident artyom kuznetsov in the city center, prospekt mira, evening rush hour, quite a busy place, caught on a video surveillance camera at the moment of the emergency, a piece of concrete rapidly flies down and hits the girl. everything happened in this place, the balcony lining fell from the fifth floor, on the canopy of the pharmacy, you can even see the remains of plaster, in fact, if you look closely. then all the balconies in this house are in disrepair, there are huge holes and cracks. the scene of the incident is now surrounded by a fence. but in the stalinist house built in the forties there are many shops and pedestrians one way or another have to walk through a dangerous area. people walk around, look at shop windows, it’s also dangerous, our potential buyers, yes, it’s also scary. previously, they fell from the upper balconies to the lower ones, without reaching the ground, but this one is already the lowest one. i just happened upon this girl,
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now the elevators in the building are being replaced, the residents suggest that this could have caused the collapse of the balcony, but as i understand it, they are installing an elevator, there was work there, apparently they are there they started making a bumper and something probably fell off there, tidy up, we need to do the houses so that they stand, because this could have been a murder, i don’t know, god forbid that the person survives and that everything is fine without consequences in the future, twenty-five-year-old victim now in intensive care, the injuries are serious. she has a lot of fractures in her face and leg, and well , there are a lot of injuries, she is in serious condition, i can’t tell anyone else, after the tragedy , employees of the management company, according to the residents of the house, checked the condition of the balconies, major repairs of the facade were carried out a year ago, remstroyservice management company refused to answer our questions, we do not give a comment, we do not comment on anything, what caused the tragedy, now the investigation will find out, the case is already under the control of the capital’s prosecutor’s office,
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the prosecutor’s office has organized against the private manager company supervisory event. the prosecutor's office is in control of establishing the circumstances and causes of the incident, as well as the progress and results of the criminal investigation. a criminal case has been opened regarding the provision of services not meeting safety requirements. artyom kuznetsov, vladislav dubtsov and oleg dobin. news. there is an invasion of dangerous karakurt spiders in the ovstrakhan region. their bite causes severe anaphylactic shock. central nervous system. without emergency medical care, even death is possible . three astrakhan residents became victims of these poisonous creatures in one week; all of them were hospitalized. report by ksenia mozgunova. okhtubinsk, cherny yar, naremanovsky district. a week from here to the acute poisoning department of the kirovskaya three patients were admitted to hospitals in astrakhan after being bitten by karakurt. so the young man saw a spider on his little nephew, brushed it off, but it was an arthropod.
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its poison is very toxic, doctors say. and it affects not only the peripheral nervous system, but also the central nervous system. severe pain syndrome occurs. if this is, say, a bite in the leg, then the pain quickly increases and rises up to the lower back, to the chest. the venom of this spider causes anaphylactic shock. if you are bitten by a karakurt, you must immediately call an ambulance, and before her arrival, it is advisable to provide first aid to the victim. apply a damp, cool bandage to the bite site, you can use ice, and give antihistamines. it should also be remembered that the karakurt itself does not attack, but when a person invades its territory,
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it defends itself and bites, so shepherds in remote herds, as well as residents of rural areas, should be especially attentive. ksenia mozgunova, rima khokhlova, vesti astrakhan region. by the end of the year, the capital will re-mark more than 70 sections of roads. the traffic pattern on the garden ring has been changed and additional turns have appeared there. a huge hook, you won't have to do anything else. ilya filippov traveled along new routes. garden ring, heavy rain, heavy traffic, it's time to try new turning areas. they just opened with a representative from the traffic management center . the intersection of sadovoy with mira avenue with a rating, there is already a u-turn here, if you go from maykovskaya to sukharevskaya, this is how the road looked in the panoramas last year, you can see that
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there are no turns, now it has appeared, so here you go, it starts, an additional row begins, and we turn on the turn signal, we practically drive straight. women in large cars, the second category - those who like to rush around in the city for hundreds of hours, with the allowed sixty, and the third category is a motorcyclist, so why are new u-turns on the garden ring needed? there are several reasons: to optimize traffic in the center, to reduce so-called overruns by drivers, to make it possible to quickly leave the roundabout
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highway. they lead to the emergence of greater alternatives for traffic routes in the city center, not only from the point of view of turning around, but going straight and turning around. but first of all we are talking about the so-called possibility of an extended left turn, that is, if you need to go left, drive a little forward, find the nearest turn, which has now been launched, leave sadovoy, before there were much fewer such opportunities, remember the most difficult taganka circle or a long turn under the overpass near tsvetnoy boulevard and the puppet theater, and here in the side of mayakovskaya does not need to be pulled to the turn-out over the tunnel, everything works out much earlier, we cross krasnoproletarka with petrovka, a lane has been added, so... we can turn around before maloydmitrovka, great, and we can go back to the crackers, six turn-off areas in the garden open in june, five of them are already in operation, here is an example of a u-turn in front of the kursky station and at the intersection with pokrovka and old basmana, however,
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the markings will be optimized at seventy sections in the capital. ilya filippov, yuri zabolotnikov, oleg dobin, veronika tarasova, lead. moscow is recognized as the best region in the country for tourism development. in the application for. russian future tourism award, the city presented five projects: the historical festival of moscow estates, which opens this saturday, a hospitality school with free courses for tourism workers, as well as a new gastronomic project moscow tea party, excursions in the show moscow and moscow stories projects. in the finals, the capital competed with kaliningrad and the rostov region. employee findings the central postal customs house in the capital will add to the collection of the darwin museum. we are talking about stuffed red book birds and animals. they were removed from a package that was supposed to go to the united states. and now, after all the examinations and lengthy preparation, convescat has turned into an exhibit. igor roslavtsev, more details. loafs and owls in nature never even see each other. but then we met
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behind a cabinet in the storage room of the darwin museum, preparing to go into the storerooms. all this is a gift from the employees of the central postal customs services. the valuable cargo of stuffed two seals and six rare birds was tried. that it ended up at customs, it’s good that it ended up in our museum, so confiscated contraband turns into an exhibit that is used for scientific and educational purposes, for example, a black vulture, more than a meter high, a species close to the threshold of extinction, in a museum customs officers call regularly, but not everything is accepted into the storage facility, most often people bring monotonous souvenirs, there is no point in taking these exhibits to the museum and most often we we refuse, but sometimes there are interesting items. darwinovsky periodically hosts exhibitions of exhibits confiscated at customs. but before entering the exhibition, everyone must be examined by a taxidermist. this procedure is mandatory;
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you need to make sure that newcomers are safe for museum collections and are not infected with fungi or insects. we inspect them, see what requires restoration, what does not, but in any case they go through some kind of quarantine with us, we send them to the freezer at very low temperatures so as not to infect others, other exhibits. now those same stuffed animals are undergoing inspection and restoration. which were fished out from a parcel heading to the usa, which is why they are kept so unusually behind a closet until an expert is convinced of their safety. this bird's paws are a little cracked, that's why we 'll also putty the paws here, make them, one of her claws has fallen off, apparently we'll also glue them back during transportation. and some exhibits confiscated at the border occupy places in the permanent exhibition, for example, this nile crocodile by chance lost in a customs warehouse. you know, we accidentally found another stuffed crocodile in a temporary storage warehouse, well, bring it,
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we’ll accept it with gratitude, everything is wonderful, and that means a call, but we’re waiting for some young lady to come to us now with a little crocodile under her arm, like this it usually happens, a bull drives in , there are open back doors, the tail of this huge crocodile with a red flag attached sticks out from there, even if this is wildlife no longer alive, but for residents of megacities this is the most accessible way to get an idea about rare, endangered species and even about those that are no longer on the planet... left. igor roslovtsev, veronika tarasova, brisalnikov and maria rudakova. news. the summer mushroom season started ahead of schedule in the moscow region. in the forests you can already find boletus and boletus. warm weather and frequent rains contribute to their active growth. where is the best place to pick mushrooms, and which ones are not worth picking at all? alexander sanzhiev understood the intricacies. and here is a boletus, and it grew right on the path. the mushroom is there. the mushroom is here, my eyes widen, here are the chanterelles, they appeared like it’s supposed to be on a birch edge, a light
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birch edge after the rains. we can say with confidence that the quiet hunting season has begun in the moscow region, all thanks to the abundant rainfall and warm weather. we are walking through the forest with an avid mushroom picker, dmitry tikhomirov, he has his own secret places, here is an oak tree, on which a huge edible tinder fungus grows every year, enough for a whole a frying pan is enough, it cuts just like cheese. usually grows on such powerful oak trees, at the end of may and until mid-june, you can even find it, by the way, in moscow parks. mushrooms that appear at the beginning of summer are called herbal mushrooms, since they grow along with young greenery; most are completely safe, but it is better for beginners to go into the forest with an experienced mentor. you should always know the fungus by sight, because there are no exact signs by which you can distinguish between an edible mushroom and a poisonous one. there are even applications for recognizing them, but mushrooms and neural networks sometimes make mistakes. we have
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an experienced guide with us, so we’ll trust him. experts do not recommend picking mushrooms in bags are buckets, where the forest gifts wrinkle and rot, it is best to use, for example , a wicker basket like this, here the mushrooms do not break and breathe well. you also need to be well oriented in the forest and know under which trees this or that species lives. this time we collected almost half of the basket, so now. let's go cook, before frying we decided to boil the mushrooms, with this method of processing harmful substances accumulated by the mushrooms are released if they grow in an insufficiently favorable environmental environment, after cooking the tinder fungus became remotely resemble chicken meat, and the smell is kind of mushroom, well, the taste is simply amazing, according to mycologists, in the moscow region there are now very dangerous mushrooms, even if you boil and fry them, the poison will not... disappear anywhere. the greatest danger is represented by the fringed galerina, which is extremely similar to
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the summer honey fungus, which is already growing en masse, but containing very high concentrations of the ammonite toxin of the pale grebe. rospotrebnadzor recommends picking mushrooms outside the city, sorting them and cooking them on the same day. it is forbidden to pick mushrooms along automobile and railway tracks, because there in...
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and i am the power here, i am the power, bloody varynya and other historical series, only on the platform we watch, we watch, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes, oh you are good, he likes to grab there , voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready.
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“i strongly recommend that you pay attention to your colleague, even the most unlucky caterpillars, i really like you, they turn into butterflies, come to me, no one surrounded me with care and love, the main thing is not to burn your wings, what a crap, i i went to see edik, but he was nowhere to be found.
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sheena, that he talked about his childhood, but it was very difficult, walked in boots with overcoat, at first, for the first time, openly about problems in the family. at some point i find out that my mother transferred her share of the inheritance to maria. lidya nikolaevna, why did you do that? honestly , i don’t remember, i don’t know. masha and i haven’t seen each other for 10 years. i will periodically knock on the door of her heart. masha holds some kind of grudge. what happened to... how did it happen, they loved each other so much, neither one nor the other they don’t meet you halfway, it’s so embarrassing in front of him, in front of his memory, i say, i imagine him all the time, he would have lined up the three of us like this in front of him, he would have taken off the strap and given one, the second and the third a good look, girls, what are you doing? crazy, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr. i
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made a terrible mistake when i said she died, but i'm very glad that i found her. is this some kind of stupid prank? what didn't you tell them? behind seven seals. premiere. from monday on rtr. in yuzhno-sakhalinsk a festival of children's theater groups opened. young artists from moscow, murmansk, nizhny novgorod and other regions came to show their performances. report by natalia khoroshenkaya. first to the gala. at the opening ceremony of the second theater islands festival , representatives of the moscow inside theater studio take the stage. on the opening day, their performance set an example for hundreds of guests who came to yuzhno-sakhalinsk. and then the capital’s guests will become participants in competitive screenings along with the best school theater teams from several regions of the country. contestants will compete in a puppet theater, and there will be
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competitive shows of all nine teams. participants passed the first selection in absentia, out of 54 for...
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and they will help schoolchildren achieve new heights of excellence. natalia pretty, alexey ketchik, host sakharin kuriles. weave a bag from berista, and cut forks, spoons and knives from logs. the first festival of carpentry art was held in murmansk. and the nominations and secrets of the masters. report by karina glebova. andrey spent a long time choosing the product that... will be presented at the festival of carpentry craftsmanship, he settled on utitsa, he creates it in the image of a family heirloom, a salon, which his grandmother brought to murmonsk during the war. this is the only thing that
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the master has left in memory of anya yakovlevna. for about 100 years this duck was made in the tver region, because it came from there. it can be stored for a long time, forever. another 18 craftsmen from karelia decided to compete for the title of the most skilled carpenter. in just 4 hours, masters of their craft need to create a work using different techniques wood art. the competition is held in four categories: household utensils, household items, wooden toys or sculptures. all creators have different working techniques, but we managed to learn some of the secrets of their craft. good berista, it really is like leather, and it weaves, very pleasant, yes. we just lubricate it a little with oil, but if it’s very dry, it happens, of course, yes, it dries out over time, you can wash it a little in water. among the participants there are many who
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continue the family dynasty. and now i’m a pensioner, for the soul, i’m working out with my wife, i i can cut it out, make something, my wife can paint it. and how long have my wife and i lived together? we’ve been on tour together for 44 years. for participants, wood is a special material, and carving is a way to feel a connection with their ancestors.
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all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, we have everything by this time, goodbye, it’s time for you to get married, and what about the candidate husbands , the premiere on rtr, should i follow the dictates of my heart? marry count orlov, you must rule russia, i feel fever, pain in my body, dizziness,
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if orlov comes to power, you understand, sign, the royal vaccination on saturday on rtr, rtr planet, more than just. for television, this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet, the loudest premieres have flown, how i got hit hard, and you’re having a corporate party, or what? who are you, and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for murder based on cunning. what was that on the strip? i don’t know, dog, in my opinion, exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever doesn’t take risks
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will have no luck. we can do this, i will operate, i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but it exists, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, come on let's agree in advance, you are a coach, i am a player, breathtaking shows and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, i don’t even know, i want to read, please read. i can’t read, turn on the music, blogger, hope, russia relies on songs, in general russia is very a melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, i poured a basin of hot water on myself and said to my wife, i’m leaving, i looked around, she had already packed my things, meeting with the stars, and what’s more difficult is becoming
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was revived between olga and maria shukshina, this time the copyright to the legacy of vasily makarovich is at stake, but how happy this family was while shukshin was alive. vasily makarovich himself loved this film pechki lavochki very much, because they appeared on the screen with the whole family, together with both daughters masha and olya. who could have known then what's through.
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they accused that she got married again too quickly and did not take care of his memory, that she owed her success in cinema only to shukshin, the soul needs a holiday, a holiday, i’ve been waiting for it for a long time, oh, yegorushka, what, you’re really tired, like a skater, but even then, lady nikolaevna could not even imagine that in the future loud public scandals would hardly constantly accompany the life of their famous family, that’s what she said. for example, her daughter, olga shukshina, when she came to me in this studio, what he created literally split, god knows, i’m doing everything, i’m knocking on all doors, i’m trying to reach masha, my mother, but this is my own blood, after all, these are my father’s behests, a few years ago the whole country was discussing how shukshin’s heiress, we divided square meters of luxury real estate,
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then another apartment. 50 years, 50 years have already passed since vasily makarovich shakhshina passed away, and for you these 50 years, lezi nikolaevna, are like a huge life,
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or or it’s like yesterday, yesterday there was this terrible call, from the filming they fought for their homeland , like yes, like yesterday, or still a whole life has passed, like yesterday, but... some time has passed, but still my heart began to beat, began to beat, i physically don’t remember a lot of things, but i always feel the warmth and fatherly feeling in my heart, it ’s just like his hand always here somewhere next to me, his voice is...
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it’s already autumn, we had a free week, and he and i went to moscow, tried for a week, then it means - on september 21st we were leaving, i was planning something that’s it, i’m
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running late, which means that from afar i see a taxi standing, and vasili makaevich tells me nearby, i’m with i jump up with my apologies, and i see him in tears all over her... yes, i say, why are you, i can’t, he says, they jumped out, he’s talking about his daughters, i tell him, go away, then they jumped out onto the road, they say, there they stand, talking like two bayonets, all the way to the airport, he’s struggling with himself and nothing, that’s all, he keeps talking about his girls, this story is not about us, children are children, this is a story about him... state of mind and attitude towards these two still innocent angels, he was filled with these feelings, he has such phrase: i guard my tenderness militantly, you understand, he was ready, if they told him there, i don’t know, but it’s for
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the children, there for the homeland, for the mother, maybe not even for the wife, well, sort of to give his life, he would even have to say so, well, he really because... it was heard as if he had a presentiment that some kind of trouble, he had a presentiment, and what would happen if he was gone, when he was gone that discord may begin in his house, among you, that you will become, so he says, daughter, daughters, he feels that he might to each other, that’s right, boris, you’re reasoning correctly. his stories are filled with these heroes, they had a vision
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unambiguously, of course, he generally had a bleeding heart, such a bleeding heart, compassion is merciful, that’s what his heart was like, but at the same time he was an absolute warrior in armor, behind this armor. this compassionate heart and some kind of very worried about some kind of misfortune, injustice, his stories are filled with injustice, if a weirdo was offended there. the little man was deceived in store with these 50 rubles, you see, here he is, he was ready to intercede, ledinya nikolaevna, we started talking about these premonitions, you told me that when he was leaving, you didn’t have a premonition of bad things when he left for this filming, just imagine that this beautiful family of yours, a happy family, like in the movie stove-bench, where you are all together, that once this family...
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there was a little discord, well, in general, we should definitely move towards this, i think that they will definitely watch it like this and for this is why this site was chosen. ledia nikolaevna, like you all, i didn’t have the opportunity, you see, in recent years we haven’t seen you talk about this, discuss how you experienced all this, all these courts, because you soli were forced to sue masha, because of an apartment or because of property, as you experienced all this, this... everything is very difficult and god forbid, i can’t help anyone, i don’t want anyone,
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because even in a callous person something always arises, in connection with these are some kind of courts, some kind of discord, a person has devilry there cruel, heartless, still something skips a beat, and already oh, and what i have is that oh, no, excuse me, well, listen, this is the same thing, i wrote everything to everyone, everything to everyone, it was practically left, well, such a naked sticky, emboldened tree , which means that when you ask your mother why, how, why, it’s an absolutely useless conversation, because your mother, how can i say, doesn’t understand these documents, doesn’t understand anything, and so to speak, why, when, now she almost doesn’t even remember, what actually happened, we are the heirs of our father, the four of me,
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i conveyed everything to her, here, here is the fact, the fact of the transfer, an attempt to tell my mother, mother, there, why, why, this is absolutely all useless, because my mother does not remember the fact very well, it happened in the year nineteen, in the nineteenth year, in the nineteenth year, we have a trial now, my claim, it is that really, and you, and you, olya, and where were you then, you were no longer in the monastery, this happened before me, when i arrived, in fact, my mother already had... practically nothing, but when i arrived, there was no apartment in
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bachkova, she also rewrote it, well, we were somewhere in sergievny posad, in my opinion, i don’t remember, but in sergegievny posad, yes, although the apartment, as a matter of fact, i’m the owner there, but somehow i i don’t know, everything was so complicated, everything was complicated, they didn’t expect us there, let’s just say, well, i don’t want to remember all this, the main thing i repeat once again is that my mother rewrote her share of the author’s legacy, she rewrote it to masha when... i told my mother tried to prove with her fingers that mom, you understand that you are no longer an heiress, here she is this day he considers this as an insult, although i say, this is a legal fact, but you are not an heir, you understand? not the heir, when we already began to find out what was what, when this happened, well, mom, tell me, yes, she had some kind of conversation with masha - on the topic of what mash, well, you follow there, as it were, where the performance is staged, where the books are published, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, good, good, isn’t it going somewhere to the left, relatively speaking,
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are payments being made correctly, well , track this accounting department, so to speak so further, and at the same time something waved, well...
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well, these are numbers, these are numbers, and the main gratitude, endless gratitude to his work, so to speak, which, because he, his work is in demand, is staged with pleasure, you you know, i won’t even say how much on average, so to speak, the heirs receive per month, and then my mother lidia nikolaevna gave her entire share, her share is 20, yes, these 20%, she gave to masha, so masha it turned out to be 50, we have 30 each,
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but when you don’t need anything, here it is for me i like it, thinking about how to make money, i don’t, i just think about feeding my family, so that they are clean, pretty, smart, this is it, this was it, no, well, it’s so unfair, it was unfair to hand over, and i say, this is to my mother, now i say openly, it’s unfair, this is money. this is his legacy, it should be shared equally, equally, you understand, but our attempts to negotiate peacefully with masha were met with a completely completely closed wall, such a cold wall, no, nothing, she peacefully, well, literally one of these days there will be an attempt, because the judge, an amazing
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person, the judge, the wisest one said at the meeting, she said something there, one side, our side, we seem to have claims to each other, she... she said, yes, no matter what, you are still a family, she is the one who goes to the defendant, that is, two sisters, you know, they are going to court with each other, that ’s why we, we tried to get through, indeed, we tried, but how no, no, masha is not ready and doesn’t seem to want to, so i can say i’m dissatisfied, but masha was at the trial, no, no, no, there was her representative, she is not, she is not, unfortunately, no, nikolaevna, well, just trying. to understand why you did this then, masha is somehow there, well, she takes care of you, maybe she helps somehow, or why you did this, i don’t remember this moment at all, what it was, i don’t remember, here i give my word, well, what should i, what should i be cunning to deceive, i don’t like it at all, well, i don’t know where it came from, where it came from, well, i think
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they took advantage of her condition, well, the percentages are not very clear, we’re talking about well oh royalties, about real amounts and... we’re not talking, indeed, for some time even masha began to take a receipt, she really delivers, i can’t say that she ran away, she rang the doorbell and said: just about there, please accept , this will help you.
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i, how to say, periodically knock on her door, her heart, through the phone or in some other way, yes, you won’t be nice to someone who is forced, there is such a saying, of course, she is unhappy that olya comes out and publicly starts to shake this underwear , which one is yours the last conversation was with masha, the last conversation was with masha, we asked, my mother called me, she doesn’t talk, i ’m standing on her phone in the block, she says: masha, come on, please, come on anyway let's sit, talk, business.
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it’s also not simple, so to speak, and i think she worries and suffers because of this, that’s for sure, but guys, there is, lord, what, we can’t take a step into our apartment, into our house, so , i’m just shocked, why, you know, i look at these photographs, i understand that it’s not always the same it was like now, at what moment, what do you think happened, why? something broke in your family, i can’t remember, so i remember, i even talked about this topic with salt, what happened, how somehow, somehow
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it happened, i can’t remember, because such love, they loved each other so much friend, girls, i mean, and there was such happiness when watching them, living for them, and that now it’s simple, neither one nor the other meets halfway, masha, i ask you. yes, olya, here he is, something about olya, olya, please, what is masha doing there, not answering the phone, no, doesn’t want to talk, doesn’t want to explain himself at all, in general, all this is very difficult for me, well, it hurts, it hurts, and we thought that leaving this amazing life, after all , i’m 85 years old, i have a wonderful life, difficult, difficult, but i lived a wonderful life, i had wonderful wonderful...
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well, how long i have left, god knows, but maybe today i’m here, and tomorrow maybe i’ll fall asleep and not wake up, everything can be, well , mom, olya, you remember where, how this breakdown happened, you know, i have my own version about the split in our family, i i call it 2013, do you remember the episode when vasya came with friends
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that came from the monastery, they began to threaten him, they, well, mom, basically, uh, i believe her, she still says that well if it had, well, gotten out of her control, let ’s just say, well, to be honest, this is very painful for my mother to remember, it’s true, it’s true, this decade from 1913 to the present day, and there were still many ugly episodes revealed, it was at this time that some things were signed there. and shares, and my mother rewrote her apartment, this one shukshinskaya apartment, she also has her share of the apartment, but i didn’t understand, but masha had something to do with it,
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in that situation, and also an incomprehensible situation when we were in ivanovo, masha always. i was nearby, well, not physically, but as if anechka was nearby, it was all there, as he said, yes, you might think that tuli came and destroyed all this kingdom of theirs, please say so, but i came to my father to the house, i came to my house, my grandson came to his house, and some strangers said out of here, this video is still somewhere on the internet, out of here, now for you.
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who is no longer a friend, but who turned out to be, well, in my opinion, a fraudster, such a serious one, there were also some people there, here they are, i don’t know what it is in general, it’s a terrible story, but that’s what they are they took the curse upon themselves, driving little vassenka out of the monastery who came to moscow, to his grandfather’s house and to his grandmother’s, that’s all, and life ordered us this way right away. i understand that masha didn’t say anything to you personally at that time, you talked to her later, after unfortunately, no, she locked herself away after this incident, because her daughter, anya, apparently took part in it, and somehow she was still on her daughter’s side, but i would really like her to talk about this particular situation, with from that moment it all started, because you explained yourself back then, you didn’t explain yourself, you didn’t explain yourself, and you haven’t explained yourself to this day,
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there’s been no connection since then, there’s been no connection since then, yes, uh-huh, uh... that’s the tragedy when you lived with your son in the monastery, were you in touch with masha? well, they came there once a year, once a for six months, that is, we lived there permanently, they came on big holidays, and my mother came and loved to come there on big holidays, new year, christmas, easter, yes, there were, there were such calm ones, everything it suited them, it suited them that we lived there, no matter how it may sound, but we returned, and we returned, and i believe that this... my father called us and he called me into this situation, because and first of all he me put me to serve my mother, now, it’s true, i have a lot of questions for masha, a lot, i would really like to be with her i really wanted to sit down and talk, but here we are confessing, so to speak, in front of the whole country, but i repeat once again, let this be a byword, let people look at our history as if they were themselves, correct it
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and look at ours.. . i may have insomnia because of this , and what is really hidden behind the enmity of the shukshenny sisters? this is the last attempt to reach masha, it’s all my fault, i apologize, forgive me for god’s sake, look in a few minutes, you don’t understand, they will go to the end, for such they will always hunt for days, premiere on
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rtr, what happened, happened? yes, a terrible thing happened, you don’t think this accident is strange at all, it’s nonsense, you just couldn’t control everything, it was you who caused the accident, you wanted to kill christina, there are people all around, that means you, i know how to bring things to an end, and if the truck driver was bribed sealed, from monday on rtr, altai, majestic mountainous country. nature has generously rewarded this region with picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in glaciers belukha, a two-headed sacred mountain, where according to legend one can find the entrance to shamvala, belukha
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is the highest. point of siberia and the cradle of the great altai river katun. a pearl among the mountains is lake teletskoye. altai has always been a source of legends and myths, and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people just as it did many centuries ago. look who you brought, vitya, hello, into the triangle.
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you don’t want to explain anything to me, the third one should leave, on saturday on rtr, and the tigers are at your feet, you’re singing, so i just feel that this is our voice, however, i don’t i can live without myself,
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me, if you can, a big music show, he sings, he doesn’t sing, well, it happens at karaoke, today on rtr, i have good news, yes, i did, everyone has the right to make a mistake, if you’re pregnant, you’ll be torn between me and my wife, what's wrong with my legs? “she brings me comfort, but the prognosis is even worse, disability, i’ll somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing prevents you
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from staying with me all night, my husband is in trouble, he says there’s no time, i need it right now perform the operation wherever possible at the moment finding that kind of money is for our sake, welcome back co'. more for you, but i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife, spring of change, on sunday on rtr.
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very bad relationship, because she, they deteriorated, i gave her my apartment in leningrad, she tells me, i’m going to get into the restaurant business, i say, what happiness, because i bought a leningrad apartment here, i’m giving you this apartment, anya stayed for a while, then said, she won’t study, she’s not interested in all this, restaurants, business and... took without my consent, without my information, took, sold my apartment, everything that was in this apartment for 10 years, right down to, well, everything, right down to
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the tights, i don’t know, well, that’s all , i was left without anything at all, not only did i sell the apartment, not a penny to me, not a penny given to me, it’s true, in general i’m already so tired, it’s very painful, i just wanted it for my lover. i perceive it very adequately, they are right, the viewer is right, this is true, this is a shame, that is, i really want to correct this situation, very much, and by the way, my mother and i are doing this now, so we found the strength in ourselves, i say, we are a little different, so to speak, in the direction of interests, but you see, she can’t live without me, and i can’t live without this service i can’t leave this, well, how can i leave the way of the cross, i understand that this is given to us from above, but simply taking it and turning away is not the way, this is...
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and you said that you, you would like to ask masha many questions, and what questions? surely they can hear her by the way now? uh, first of all, about this episode, yes, why were you, uh, where were you, why did you call me on that the moment is not, why didn’t you support your nephew vasya at that moment, some old aunts kicked him out of our father’s apartment? there was a story with her grandson, in my opinion, too, and here she also has some grievances against me. because the girl who came on television to give birth to masha’s son, so to speak, masha was very unhappy with this publicity, but - well, how would i support this girl, that is, well, at least someone should support her, there between other than that , our grandfather's blood really flows my father and my father, no matter how it was, well, that is, to turn away so that the girl was standing, aunt, aunt cat, peeking cat, now masha’s grandson ended up with his father, he
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was taken from his mother lady nikolaevna, this, this, by the way, looks like something about what happened with your eldest daughter, nastya, no, i don’t know , maybe it reminds me, but now nothing reminds me, i’m tired of today, of these, and incomprehensibility, and well, is a person at this age, so to speak, well... i was honored, look how good everything is it began, but this is such a lost paradise, one might say, a lost paradise, lady nikolaevna, you are a wise person, after all , you have lived your life, you think your daughters have a chance to reconcile, well, god, it’s me, maybe i already have , insomnia came from this, because i just think about it, i just think about how they are like little kids, walking now.
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let him take it upon himself, i beg your pardon, forgive me for my sake, for god’s sake, forgive me, no one blames my mother, but i, in turn, also want to uh, how good tell masha, find the strength to forgive me, because i, if you think that i was somehow wrong in front of you, i ask for your forgiveness, please, i’m really waiting for you, my heart is waiting for you, that’s all . lady
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nikolaevna, and you and masha are connected, you call her, it doesn’t work, she doesn’t answer the phone, wait, she doesn’t talk to you either, well, she doesn’t answer the phone, i don’t know, even i have something to do with it, yes , in general, no matter what happens, i still accept myself as a whole, i’m to blame for everything, it’s not my fault, no one blames you, mine, that’s how it was mom’s gullibility is childlike, so to speak, directly, that they were in general... and to this day she doesn’t see the difference between the names of documents and so on, that is, i’ll tell you this, for me mom is tanya from a picture of a girl of her own age, if you remember, there was such a picture of a girl of her own age, their mother was very young there too, there were three girls like that, let’s watch the video. put it,
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girl, sveta, inconvenient, keep quiet, crammed the unfortunate thing, girl, count our losses, well, the rain is over, i have 5 rubles, who more, i have three, put away your change, change it, girl, my folder gave me this for finishing school, light, well, you’ve definitely decided where to go next, hurry, hurry, girl, please, 93.20, thank you, that’s it, i’m already i’ve decided, i just don’t want to talk. why? will you be jealous? okay, give me your cloak. there, her heroine was so pure, fresh, absolutely forget-me-not, you know, the audience loves this movie and loves her heroine, of course, they were all three different, but she was absolutely perfect, and for some reason it seemed to me, i think, maybe this is it
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the state of my mother’s soul, this is how she is, maybe vasily makarovich saw in her this completely virgin canvas, like an artist, on which then... on this canvas he painted her roles, red knees, stoves, benches, because, well, he well, we love him, we understand, he is great, talented, that he saw in her, i think, this purity, this purity of this, this flower, among the asphalt, among these dangers, he generally, so to speak, left us all, so to speak, defenseless - before this world, therefore, perhaps these forces are evil, they did everything by dividing.
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if it hurts her bad, i have to, that’s mine , well, i shouldn’t, i shouldn’t, i don’t know, it seems to me, i should, so i have to come to her, it’s my sister’s duty, if she doesn’t feel it, i come to me, i’m your sister , you should, you don’t , i think, feels that it’s bothering her, i don’t know,
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you know, i’m so surprised, i sometimes come across some posts on social networks, mariina, masha, she writes so much about that: to say something like this audience in general, a conversation about morality and really - well, i don’t want to accuse her of some kind of hypocrisy and slyness, let’s say so, but this path is there for us, the path is open, is there at least a chance for peace in the shuksheny family,
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we’ll continue in a couple of minutes, look further at what the shukshin family repents, well , effectively i...
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rule out nothing in order to defeat the disease, your majesty, in europe it has long been proven that smallpox vaccination helps to avoid death, she will have to overcome her fear, people do not want to be vaccinated, first the empress herself will set an example if make a mistake, consequences will be terrible, everyone will think that she died from the vaccination, the royal vaccination, my life is in danger, doctor, on saturday. on rtr. i think that here everything is more serious, you sit and think. there’s no need to think about it here, that’s all here. to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions,
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because we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, here there are questions about how everything is running, i i really want to check it out, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be it was edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said something like that... a very small hint, in general, the most passionate team, if 1000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five- on-one program, oops, five-on-one on saturdays on rtr. this is for you, well, get some sleep,
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gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, daring, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in they fell in love, yes who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions, now they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look. the woman gave up her children to orphanages and immediately gave birth to new ones, only to abandon them again. now
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the abandoned people, scattered all over the world, are looking not only for each other, but also want to look into the eyes of their own mother, who so easily got rid of them. live broadcast today on rtr. well, remember that you are a woman, and a woman should captivate, flirt, but i don’t know how, i need to find a man who can... fix this, i strongly recommend that you pay attention to your colleague, even the most unlucky caterpillars, i really like you, turn into butterflies. sonya, come to me, no one has surrounded me like that, with care and love, the main thing is not to burn your wings, what a bastard, i... went to edik, but he’s nowhere to be found, in my opinion,
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he’s leading you on for us, if you love , let go, if it’s yours, it will definitely come back, and if not, then it was never yours. law saving love, today on rtr. the fate of a person, the fate of heirs, vasily shukhshin. vasily makarovich, how did he remember his childhood in general, how they lived, what did he tell about his poor, poor childhood? childhood, my favorite, the fact that my mother was left alone with two children, it was such a difficult time, it was hard for her, he very often, he loved madly. he was always ready to help his crazy mother and his sister natasha
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, who also remained a widow with two children, well, he also put his life on this in this i mean, that he published books, the first thing he said was to send money to mom and natasha, sometimes mom even complained, why am i sending you money? i also give her my money, and that she both me and her, well, you have to , she always seemed to take care of us, and he says, no, it will be like this, everything will be distributed, really in order to to go to moscow to study, send him to study, his mother sold the cow, yes, yes, that’s how it was, yes, no, but well, for him it was the main thing to study, study, study, what’s his name? accepted, as he recalled? well, well, like moscow, he came to moscow no older, he
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worked in the moscow region in different professions, in these different cities of ours. small towns, there are his books, in books, his whole life, you need to read his books, you can learn from this man from these books, learn from these books, yes, in the geek, how he was accepted into the geek, well, it was difficult, we were too, we it was very difficult, he seems to have come from a siberian village, of course - mostly muscovites studied, but nevertheless, two names were on the course with mikhailovich rom from the teacher, and this it was tarkovsky shukshin, everyone was talking about it, this northerner who came here, such a strong man, walked in boots,
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coats, first he walked with his wife, and then in boots, everyone loved him. his first film, there lives such a guy, in which he starred his classmate, leonid kuravlyov, made his fate with this, put it, the wife must feel, many thinkers have dealt with this issue, so thinkers, and what’s wrong, right, right, what kind of wife is this, you know, who is insensitive, we eat if i come with work, so tired, dirty, then that’s it, the first thing i should do is meet my energetic wife, i say to her, for example, hello, marusya, she’s cheerful to me, hello, pavlik, are you tired? uh-huh, she'll wear herself out in a whole day, but where does she get her fun from, it doesn't matter what it is, so if she's sad and sour, then, i
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tell her, make a house and i'll be drawn to others, but what if she will attract others, how is it? like this? well, we are never sad, but how did he remember this picture and their friendship? were they friends with koravlev later? we lenya and i were very friendly, then for some time we were very, very close friends, he had a family, it was wonderful. why didn’t kuravlev film in his stove-benches, he wanted to make noise, do you know why? because he met kuravlev. on a mass film and says: lenya, i wrote the script, you will play the main role, like, like, like, there lives this guy, lenya said: “vasya, i have so much work, they offer me so much, no, thank you very much, let’s go.” next picture together, he was very offended that
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very bad, he says, well, i wrote about you, so..." unfortunately, it’s fortunate for us that he refused and shukshyr played the stove of the holavochka, he played brilliantly with your whole family in this film, you lidya nikolaevna, how did he offer to star in this film, because he wanted in this role, but he was filming mardukov, no, he, i came to his hospital, he said, i wrote the script, i began to read, he says, no, you can read it at home, i read it, came home, put the girls to bed, started... reading, was shocked, i told him i called the hospital, he said, because the manager even allowed him to sit in the office with the phone, i say: vasya, and this is nyusya, nyurata, it’s me, he says, of course, it’s you, i say, our village man, he says, and you who, i say, i’m from leningrad, if you’re
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a villager, i will be, and it was very easy for me, because it was so on... it was written, as if it was all about me and for me, so everything was wonderful, everything was wonderful, oh, lord, how much could it be, how much would we go through, how much would we learn in applications he had a lot in his soul, oh, he really wanted to live, olya, when you watched, they fought for their homeland, the last film with dad, when they started showing it, we started... watching it every year they show it on victory day continue to this day for almost half a century, this is, of course, a unique picture for all times and that’s why viewers love it so much, because in fact, it’s like the role of vasily makarovich is pyotr lopakhin, the image of a russian soldier, it was bandarchuk,
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you know, who found and gave it, that's what it was like hit, because we... but when sergei fedovich said: vasya, you will get razin, i will do everything so that you will, you filmed razin, here he is, for this reason he agreed to appear in this film, for this reason, because his letters in the central committee, vasily mokarovich, his trips to the central committee about razin, oh, the picture is expensive, there will be so many millions, they didn’t need razin. not needed, they were afraid, well, so as not to have an uprising, well, all this in general, he dreamed about this razin all his life, that’s why, you know, that’s why he agreed with
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manarchuk knew what to catch him with, yes, yeah, then, when he had already read sholokhov, he said, no, well, this needs to be done for bandarchuk, who gave me his word that he would do everything that i would film. narazin and before his death he received a letter from vasil makhorovich when they were still filming there , it was already the last day of filming, he received a letter from the state cinema and allowed the production of stepan razin , everything like that and then he was gone, yes, we have a tape recording of how he lays you down with masha you probably can't sleep remember. you are very little, but he recorded it on tape, put it on, lie down, olya, i ’ll turn off the light, i’ll come in, no, we’ve already
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kissed, why aren’t you sleeping, why aren’t you sleeping, masha, and why aren’t you sleeping, olya, come on, tell me, get down and we’ll tell you another fairy tale, yes, well, i’ll tell you, girl, girl, yes, maybe, yes, ulenka, daddy will come, yes, come on, together with paraly, move here.
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oh, sorry, yes, olya, if dad asked you today about how it happened that everything he built was, uh, destroyed, i’m talking about his house now, what would you answer him, i said, dad, calmly, calmly, that’s his style, now we’re doing everything so that, yes, we’re wrong.
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now, when i have one foot standing there, the other here on the shore, of course, i judge myself very much in many ways, there are some moments, i admit, i don’t want to express it, talk about it, well, uh, i can’t spare myself , we don’t judge mom, we don’t judge publicly, well, so, so the lord ordered, i recently told my mom, i say, mom, i’m so ashamed in front of him, in front of the memory, i say, here, here i am all the time i can imagine him, now here is the court, shares, money, apartments, so he would
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line up the three of us like this, as they say, in front of him, just like that, he would take off this strap and so nicely, one second and three, girls, what are you are you crazy, are you stunned like this, as they say, this kind of behavior is happening all over the country, you know, that’s how everything would be fine, that’s how it would be, well , of course, we’re already such adults, he’s still like that. with us and still this is the father, we need to hear his order inside, like what words, good ones, i want to turn to to this audience, dear, dear, thank you very much for coming, for listening to us, thank you for, thank you, thank you, sincerely, god bless you all, god bless you with a happy life, and think that life is still wonderful, amazing, she’s beautiful, what can i do, well , someone is helping her, someone is helping her, thank you.
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thank you, the fate of a person, the fate of the shukhshin family, thank you, you get caught somewhere, sometimes at a gas station, sometimes in the corridor, where to go and what to do, you don’t have to ask anyone at all, beg, humiliate yourself and hands hold out, they will have to join us with... so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique, how much time you devote to a special operation, for us this is fate, it is a matter of life, death, we will be the first to know about it. what do you like more, herring under a fur coat or olevye? look what's over. alexander grigorievich, well, hello, let him in, there are no forces that could hold him back, this is impressive, your hello,
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hello, partisan. my interview , many new questions arose, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i say, from first person, volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 am, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr. on the russia vesti channel in the studio tatyana remizova, hello, the main thing for this hour. a military airfield in the khmelnitsky region has become the target of high-precision russian missiles. a pontoon crossing in the kharkov region was destroyed. about the work of the rszz grad near artyomovsk. report from the front line. the summit
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is big. in italy, the usa and ukraine signed security agreement. what guarantees does washington give to kiev for the next 10 years? after the russian fleet arrived in havana, the united states sent a nuclear submarine to the shores of cuba, and trump attacked biden. we don't want to see russian ships in front of florida. powerful flooding at armageddon. after the hurricane, nizhny novgorod and dagestan are recovering. scarlet and sails have been spotted in the waters of st. petersburg. you and i have a completely exclusive opportunity. we 'll board now. what will the route be this year and what is actually managed? legendary sailing ship. the supply of electronic warfare equipment to the drone front needs to be streamlined. this was discussed
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jointly. ukraine suffered a new blow with long-range precision weapons. the target of missiles and drones was the starokonstantinov military airfield in the khmelnitsky region. explosions also occurred in kharkov and zaporozhye. in the kharkov region, russian aviation destroyed a pontoon crossing across the pecheneg reservoir with a high-precision missile strike. as a result, the ukrainian armed forces lost another supply route for their group. on in the same direction, lancet operators found and knocked out a ukrainian t-64 tank. in kherson.
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area on the right bank of the dnieper, the landing force burned the enemy’s command post and equipment. aerial reconnaissance discovered a concentration of ukrainian armed forces in abandoned houses. the targets were then struck by attack drones. near artyomovsk, the advance of the assault detachments of the southern group of forces is supported by crews of multiple launch rocket systems. footage of artillerymen's combat work. in a report by military correspondent alexei baranov. this calculation of the multiple launch rocket system is hail. having just worked at the firing line, the vehicle returned to the shelter, which is located in a forest belt; it takes no more than 15 minutes to replenish the ammunition. and now rszzo, the city of the southern military district, is again at full speed, moving towards the place of combat work. to avoid wasting time, the coordinates of the target are obtained while on the road. rszzo grad is constantly changing positions,
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as the line of combat contact advances, new ones, convenient for the combat work of rocket artillery and districts, appear, but first there...
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news of donetsk and lugansk people republic, line of combat contact. due to the arbitrariness of military commissars , there is a shortage of workers in ukraine. the shortage of workers in the construction sector has reached 40%. because of this , developers began to attract migrants from other countries to work. construction workers are hired from pakistan, nepal, india, bangladesh, the philippines and african countries. the degree of confrontation between ordinary ukrainians and military commissars is growing. in odessa, another tsk car was burned. at night they threw molotov cocktails. the phenomenon has become so widespread that other military personnel are now they massively mark their cars with special leaflets to make it clear that this car is not used to kidnap conscripts. the biden zelensky agreement risks not
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lasting even a year, politicians predict today following the g7 summit in italy, where washington provided kiev with security guarantees for the next 10 years. the publication emphasizes that this gesture was a clear attempt. demonstrate long-term support for ukraine ahead of the us presidential election, but the vote itself could call future aid into question. reportage anastasia popova. nato is rushing to the rescue amid pan-european fears about the possibility of trump coming to power in the upcoming us elections, and the north atlantic alliance is trying to guarantee long-term funding for ukraine. the states will continue to direct, providing half the amount, the remaining half from... the united states and ukraine, as well as the fact that european allies and canada are providing ukraine with significant additional
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support. how exactly this is expressed is not yet entirely clear; out of the promised five dozen, canada sent only four armored personnel carriers. germany no longer wants to hear about taurus. we have already provided three patri systems, which is a quarter of our capacity, we do not have the opportunity to provide more, other partners must provide assistance. others also don’t want to share; poland also refused to provide the american air defense system to kiev; they themselves need it more. a separate question is where to get money for new military supplies. proceeds from frozen russian assets cannot be used for weapons. this was one of the conditions. agreements g7 countries, rarely has the annual meeting of the world's leading economies been so overshadowed by the political vulnerabilities of almost all of its members, questions are being raised about how...
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until its needs are met, and then we fulfill the obligations we have made to other countries . the first is the just-signed bilateral security agreement, the second is the historic agreement to provide ukraine with $50 billion in the value of russian sovereign assets. and thirdly, agreement on sanctions against third countries that supply russian military forces. this will increase pressure on the russian economy. however, the journalists were not interested in zelensky, who was standing nearby. and the verdict of biden's son hunter for forging documents for the purchase
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of weapons and the situation in the gas sector. biden clearly tried to get the conversation back on track. i'd like you guys to play by the rules a little, i'm here to talk about the critical situation in ukraine, you 're asking me something else. an agreement that does not really oblige the united states to anything. the document was signed for 10 years, but it contains neither financial guarantees nor an obligation to use force to...
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send them further into this terrible kiev-regime meat grinder just for this. the western press is wondering where the planes promised to kiev went. defense news recalls that at last year’s nato summit in vilnius, 11 countries pledged to train ukrainian pilots and provide f-16s, but the deadlines for sending american fighters are constantly shifting, and the quality of military training leaves much to be desired. moreover, it became known that washington makes good money on packages. supplied aid , the report of an independent pentagon inspector
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shows that the us department of defense inflated the cost of some weapons by almost $2 billion. the united states today sent the fast nuclear submarine helena to the shores of cuba, which entered guantanamo bay in the area of ​​the american military base located there. the southern command insists that this is a planned visit to the port, but the transition itself coincided with the arrival of the russian fleet in havana. as the press notes, washington in any case, he is nervous and perceives the visit as a challenge to moscow in the us sphere of influence. donald trump used this fact to criticize joe biden, noting that he would not have allowed such a thing. we want to see that our armed forces are powerful and that money is not wasted around the world. we don't want to see russian ships off the coast of florida, where they are now, it's unthinkable. in lithuania, it was allowed to move the burial of soviet soldiers; the corresponding
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amendments to the laws were approved by the deputies of the seimas. none of the parliamentarians voted against. now the memorials to the fallen red army soldiers in lithuania are no longer protected, as required by international agreements. therefore, you can do whatever the local authorities want with graves and cemeteries, up to and including their complete elimination. almost 100 natural fires are currently burning in different parts of russia, their total area is approximately 100.2000 hectares. in two dozen regions there is a high risk of large outbreaks. the most tense situation is in yakutia, where the situation is aggravated by dry and hot weather. about the battle with fire, vitaly prokopyev. behind in a matter of minutes, the amphibian fills its tanks with tons of water. the b200 aircraft operates in the tamponsky region. only in the first half of the day did the air from polina manage to complete. thrown onto the eastern edge of the largest fire in yakutia,
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45 cubic meters of liquid were needed to cool the ardor of the fires. meanwhile, the regiment of paratroopers is constantly there. arrives in the region, they sent over 120 more people, all in order to quickly stabilize the difficult forest fire situation. it is necessary to get to the fires on foot; in a day, the fighters of the security air forest can walk 10 km through the taiga, swamp and dense thickets. to localize a large fire, an aircraft firefighter goes around its edge and lays a detonating cord. a method that has been proven over the years, explosives work flawlessly.
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the situation in yakutia is tense, and the heat, wind and thunderstorms only make it worse. under the scorching yakut sun, trees dry out so much and quickly that the bark can be torn off and crumbled with bare hands, and given the high thunderstorm activity in the region, one lightning strike is enough to start a large forest fire. tamponsky, aldansky, neryungrisky, kabyaisky and alekminsky districts suffer the most from natural fires; specialists from the operational headquarters monitor the situation around the clock.
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russian graduation, the holiday of ala and sails will be celebrated at the end of the month, residents and guests of the city can already admire the large white sailboat. the ship's crew is actively training so that on the main evening everything goes perfectly by five points. you are not from the water area, the crew of the brig russia. salema zarif. these days , residents of st. petersburg have a rare opportunity see brik russia in daylight and not with such a large crowd of people on the embankments. and with you and me. the opportunity is completely exclusive, now we will climb aboard the sailing ship, how this environment suits it, the austere palaces and granite embankments harmoniously echo the geometry of the masts and yards, during the day the sailors put the brick in order, straighten the taquilash, check the integrity of the sails, ready, and then lay they are fastened by storm,
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that is, they are fastened with ropes in the gloomy wind, in order to unravel them at night and rehearse the passage under the bridges. our the task is to bring everything to automation. to sharpen it all down to, let’s say, up to a second, we must get into the phonogram, all key points must pass, well, with a minimum gap in time, that’s the goal of the rehearsal is to ensure that everything is accurate, clearly beautiful. this year’s route is different, the brik goes under both the troitsky bridge and the palace bridge, here the speed is about eight knots. in fact, during the holiday the brik does not move with the help of sails; sailing on the neva is in principle prohibited, they use an engine, so this... failure is also not needed, there are two important levers, this first thruster, with its help the ship can be completely turned around, what happens at the palace bridge, here is another small, small joystick, this is actually speaking, and there is a rudder, when there is a lot of noise and smoke, navigation becomes more difficult,
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because the smoke obscures visibility, we have a forward looking person who, if anything corrects us, there is a vosman on board, the crew these days has to literally live on at work, on the bride... like a stage until the all-russian graduation is 2 weeks away and while brik russia is showing off in the water area, both for st. petersburg residents and for guests of the city, this is a holiday, anticipation of the holiday. salemazarev, alexey sasyrin, dmitry lukashevich and alexandra kalkova. news: northwestern bureau. next in the program: a powerful hurricane swept through dagestan. the coast of the caspian sea was covered by a strong tsunami in a matter of minutes. not all vacationers managed to get out of the water. we are waiting for a report from makhachkala. kaspiysk, immediately after a short advertisement. so, well, we is everyone here? let's finally get to know each other. i am glad to see you all, i hope to get to know you better. premiere on rtr. and who are you? christina, your younger sister. a stranger, among relatives.
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where did you even come from, huh? excuse me, who are you? who am i? who is this you? i would be glad you have another sister. rich heiress, i’m transferring all my property to you, now business will begin in the factory, they will decide who is in charge, i don’t understand what ’s going on, come on and hit me, is that what you want to take? lennitsa in a house full of scary things family secrets, it’s impossible, but she couldn’t commit suicide, you’ll arrest her, who? christina, under seven seals, from monday on rtr. altai, majestic mountain. nature has generously rewarded this region with picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, snow-white
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peaks and glaciers, especially rich in glaciers belukha, a two-headed sacred mountain, where according to legend one can find the entrance to shambhala, beluga whale on... the highest point of siberia and the cradle of the great altai river katun. a pearl among the mountains is lake teletskoye. altai has always been source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as it did many centuries ago. look who you brought? vitya,
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hello! there is always one extra in a triangle. i fell in love, and she fell in love with my friend. he is the husband, she is the wife. but which one should go? investigator korlov, you must come with us, you are accused of rape. he thinks he was set up. who would need this anyway? marry me, but what is there to think? handsome businessman? loves you all his life, is ready to do anything to be with you? well, i don’t want to let you go, i found ilya’s letter in your jacket pocket, don’t you want to explain anything to me? the third should leave on saturday on rtr.
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and therefore, not with your own voice, by the method of deduction, you were not convinced by the sequins, i was completely confused, i’ll tell you honestly, but they were still carried out, everyone has the right to make a mistake, catch me if you can, a big musical show, sings, doesn’t sing, well , it happens in karaoke, today... on rtr, i have good news, i’m pregnant, so you’ll be
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torn between me and my wife, what’s wrong with your legs, she gives me comfort, but the prognosis is even worse, disability, i’ll somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing stops you from staying with me all night, my husband... hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air 60 minutes, 60 minutes, today
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on rt. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. several airliners were detained in kamchatka due to weather conditions. it's raining on the peninsula, gustingly. the wind, and in the vladimir and ivanovo regions due to a thunderstorm thousands of people were left without power, sang, and this is already stavropolia, where there is heavy rain. led to massive flooding, roads, yards, fields and vegetable gardens were under water. traffic on the section of the caucasus federal highway in kabardini in balkaria is difficult; mud flows are gushing through the highway. utilities are cleaning up the damage. the same picture is in nizhny novgorod. the storm swept away advertising structures and knocked down trees. after a sudden hurricane , dagestan also comes to its senses. the airport has returned to normal operations,
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but the storm warning has been extended until saturday. footage of the disaster and its consequences sarkara magomedov. it's like something out of a movie about the apocalypse. while in one of the city's districts a construction crane collapses from the coast, like an eclipse, black skies cover makhachkala and kaspiysk. what 's happening to the sky? what kind of clouds are these? the hurricane that rose in a matter of minutes instantly drove away the vacationers, trying to overturn the gazebos. people, some, like these mothers with strollers, ran for cover, boys, oh-oh , look, tsunami, boys, tsunami, others were not released to the shore by the waves, carrying them further and further into the sea. in the first half hour the lifeguard the ministry of emergency situations saved up to a dozen people from death, some needed medical attention. the vacationers said that they didn’t find another
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girl, it was already getting dark, but they took her with them. a large lantern floated, in pitch darkness, one might say, we found this girl, illuminating our way with a lantern, we found her, we delivered her safely too, it got worse when a downpour came after the hurricane, and to go crazy, this is what happened to makhachkala, the most the problematic streets of makhachkala immediately turned into rivers, preventing drivers from passing, and giving young people a reason to play and funny videos, come on, come on!
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operational division of the russian guard, which bears the name of the founder of the cheka. the head of the department, viktor zolotov, presented the unit with the order of suvorov, and the soldiers who showed courage and dedication in the performance of military duty received medals for services to the fatherland and for courage. in novosibirsk , doctors performed a complex operation and restored the patient’s skull using an implant printed on a 3d printer. lyudmila tamilova almost underwent extensive triponation. 12 cm in diameter, surgeons they removed the hematoma, saved the woman’s life, and after rehabilitation, to protect the brain , they created an individual implant, the plate is based on a titanium alloy, it weighs only 60 g. novosibirsk specialists have extensive experience in using 3d technology after the removal of brain tumors and traumatic brain injuries. about 30 such operations are performed annually. a rare
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guest for kamchatka was spotted in... in achinsk bay a morsh sailed there. local residents captured the animal resting serenely in the sun. as zoologists suggest, morsh comes from chukotka, the largest population of its relatives lives there. this means that in search of a new home, the pinniped traveler traveled more than 2,000 km. tricking the stars to make a million is not an easy task, but the participants of the show “catch me”, if you can, are serious. tonight the stage will go on at three.
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viewers of our channel will perform in front of the star team with their favorite songs, among them there are both truly talented singers and those whose ears were stepped on by the bear. this is a real musical detective story, that's all. participants initially sing to a soundtrack. and the star team will have to determine who really knows how to sing and who is just pretending. i understand that marconi will confuse us today, all the participants in this program will be confused. and do really difficult things, because how can you not look into a person’s mouth, my sense of smell works well, and very often in life, when i don’t listen to it and think that it seemed...
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smallpox, i can’t rule out anything in order to win disease, your majesty, in europe it has long been proven that smallpox vaccination helps to avoid death, she will have to overcome her fear, people
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don’t want to be vaccinated, first the state itself will set an example, if we make a mistake, the consequences will be terrible, everyone will think that she died from the vaccine, the royal vaccine, my life is in danger, saturday on rtr . for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national holiday. we love traditions. we honor our history. we value family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead, fall in love with the country
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more at the exhibition russia, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, just look, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, let's sign up, look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, a woman gave up her children to... orphanages and immediately gave birth to new ones, only to abandon them again. now the abandoned people, scattered all over the world, are looking not only for each other, but also want to look into the eyes of their own mother, who is so i got rid of them easily. larisa belyanchikova
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is looking for biological parents, her adopted son, we meet. find relatives for the boy who was taken from the orphanage, why did they wait so long? initially, of course, there was no such thought that a baby appeared at home and we suddenly had to look for his blood relatives, naturally we didn’t think about it, and then gradually, when the children grew up, our youngest child, he is very bright, very emotional, he looked at me and said: “mom, you don’t look like me, you have gray eyes, and i have black ones, mom, why do i have black hair and you don’t, it’s..."
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our work, our life, because we are afraid of making, of course, all sorts of mistakes , it’s so difficult, because here he is growing, he needs to form a correct understanding of himself, his space, his future, some expectations must be formed, at the same time he must learn to withstand this constant blow from the world, yes, so we are forced, of course, to talk to him, explain ourselves, we we are looking for relatives of our children in... different ways reasons, but first of all, of course, there is the usual material basis for any request, these children, our son semyon, his siblings have a common living space, the living space in which they are registered, sooner or later they will have to figure out how they will continue to live in in adulthood, this time, there is a second point, there is maternal capital, which goes to orphans if there are no parents at the moment. this is also
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a tangible amount, the child has the right to it, that is, this is a question of real estate and money, real estate and money, if very important third question, he needs to live a big and long life, this child will meet with someone, communicate with someone, talk to someone, we don’t feel this a little on our own, but we have grandparents, classmates , my mother’s neighbor, an aunt who lives in kaliningrad, we have a village of affection, our adopted children turn out to be this... in our family we are lucky, my children were accepted by our relatives, they know that we have children, they smile, they are congratulated happy birthday toys, today you have four adopted children, all adopted, yes, you know, what ’s surprising is that about this attachment, you talk about it in the third place, in the first place it’s still material, well, i won’t be able to provide an apartment for the child, no matter how hard i try, it’s already i don’t have time to earn money, especially as a muscovite boy, he has the right to live where his mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother lived. since you say, the child needs
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an apartment, i won’t have time to earn money, but why did you take him then, because you understood that the child would need to be provided for, so that he would not need anything, so that he would have living space, but he didn’t need anything, he now has living space, but i’m thinking about his future, firstly, for starters, and secondly, yes, our plans have changed, yes, our economic situation has changed, yes , for the sake of this child, i was forced to close my publishing house and quit my job. and leave, in fact, to live on benefits, because his health did not allow me to get up to go to work, he was in such a state that, in fact, for the first 5 years i did not sleep, we were, we were forced to there was no other way to schedule the schedule with my husband in such a way as to pass it from hand to hand. larisai and i went to the same orphanage from where 8 years ago she took the little one into her family.
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of the most serious problems, only vision remained, his real passport name is sergei, already at home, i began to call him senya, semyon, it was easier for me to get used to him, that is, he was sergei at birth, but with you he remained sergei, we call him semyon, we will continue to call him, and then he will decide what he likes the name better, sergei rosolovich sokolov, that is, his father, we are now finding out who this is very important.
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he will be so happy about these relatives, since he lives by this, that he will go to them, they will forbid you to communicate with your adopted son, it’s so easy to try to influence our situation, no one will succeed, this is a strict legal form, it is justified, maybe , if a blood father suddenly materialized and proved the blood relationship, i know cases where they really are the blood father, since you showed sasha the documents, in our middle name is rasulovich, but... i spent the whole day with you, your adopted son, let's see, you are my sunshine, semyon, you came from school, little bunny, now we'll go for a little walk with you, yes, hurray,
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we saw tim , what we did at school today, seeds, i accidentally got two because of vanya, he somehow ... made me laugh, so much so that i started laughing. senya is a hurricane, he runs very fast, a lot, he can’t walk 30 thousand steps behind us, we walk all day long, yes, because otherwise semyon won’t sleep. where are you do you go for walks more often with your dad? eh, we're walking on the moon, on the moon, well done, with mom, of course, next to the house, mom doesn't go far, that is , he has enough energy to kind of wind up everyone around him. just maybe, semyon, why did you untie the dog? i’m holding, i’m holding, senya, i shouldn’t have untied the dog, i didn’t untie him, who untied him, he himself won’t get untied, he has paws, sit, give me a paw, my, my, smart girl, there were times when my parents called me from kindergarten, from school and
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they said that we are not responsible for our children to rehabilitate your orphan, look for another place, move to another kindergarten, well, the boy was born in moscow, why should he? be somewhere else, aren't you afraid that he will forget you when he sees his family? the child has been living with me for 9 years, he has grown into our family, everything he says about his blood relatives is his kind of imaginary world at the moment, all adopted children have this imaginary world, that somewhere there is a very good blood family doesn’t prohibit... what, he allows not to go to school, feeds with morning to evening with chocolate, why break this fairy tale when he is nine, at 18 it will be too late, the fact is that at 18 they will no longer form any relationship with either brother or sister, the sooner the children meet, the more hope there is, that they will
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at least have some kind of goodwill towards each other. we began our own investigation and found a girl whose story is exactly like yours. the orphanage, which was located on the next street from the orphanage where you took your boy. attention, this is an orphanage building, adopted son, this girl was adopted from where i was actually taken, by my little parents, this is my first time here, i ’ve never come here before, how old were you when i was taken in 2003, it was 2 years. it turns out that this is my first day, as soon as they took me, dad said we won’t wait, as i dreamed, we’ll go straight to the zoo, and then i’ll teach me how to ride a bike, i only learned to ride when i was 14 years old, dad still taught me , i forced my mother to tie this bandage for me, my mother barely did it, because i don’t have any hair
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it happened, here my mother prepared charlotte, when my mother was preparing pancakes, i sat down and i just put one piece in one cheek, the second in the second, the third in the middle and sat trying to chew, because i was from an orphanage... we didn’t have that, the fact that we have a table, take what you want, i was weaned from this habit for a very long time, i was very afraid of cars, well, because i was afraid that they would take me back to the orphanage, my mother also loved to make all sorts of albums for my birthdays, what a wonderful day today is for my rita, day birth, and i’m not at all lazy to tell you words of love, congratulations, how did you find out that you were adopted, i remember, i was in elementary school, it was the first grade, it was the second, and i already knew. that is, i knew very well that i was adopted, i knew that i had a biological mother there, my mother was already there, my mother never hid this from me, that is, it was always an open topic, this is a birth certificate in electronic form, i carry it with me everywhere on purpose, muravykh margarita yulievna
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now, but who is listed here as your my father’s mother, my adoptive parents, well, parents, that’s what i call them, if only they gave you paint? the canvas would be asked to draw this what your mother looks like, well, i imagine young, beautiful, the only one, and, well, quite sad. that’s all that i could imagine, there would definitely be no bright colors, for some reason i imagine dark hair, i don’t think she was fair after all, i was always interested in even finding a biological mother not just to chat , find out how what, i just always wanted to just look at a person, even from afar, what he looks like, what kind of physique, that is, when i was smaller, i was very afraid that suddenly i’m like my mother there, i’ll get fat there, for example, that is, some thoughts like that were constantly. this girl, margarita murovykh, is also looking for her biological relatives, and today she came
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to our program, let’s meet, good afternoon, i’m interested in asking larisa first, when did you watch the story, that’s when they showed small photos of margarita, a copy of semyon, it seems to me very similar, you even have a voice you're trembling... the feeling is very strong, of course, quiet, quiet, quiet, well, we've been thinking about this for 9 years, who our boy looks like, but show me, let's show a photo of your little son, rit, but the cheeks are the same, but well well, what do you feel, yes, it’s me, little one, this is larisa’s adopted son, you really look alike,
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he just moved from one place to another,
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so you, perhaps, with your biological, supposed brother, were in the same orphanage, according to our assumptions, biological orphanage where your son and you were, your parents also live somewhere in this area, but we won’t rush, the most important thing is that everyone took a dna test and we need to wait for its results, now they are just getting ready, and soon we will find out whether your adopted son is your biological brother. rit, but you call your adoptive parents dad and mom, you don’t use the word adopted at all, no, in general, this is where you grew up, in any case, you grew up there again and they gave you everything in love, that’s how it should be , how did you tell the adoptive parents what you want to look for? my own family, my biological family, well, i didn’t say so directly, when we looked at the documents together with my mother, we were looking for some relatives, i once talked to my mother about it, but somehow it didn’t end very well, because..
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you weren’t happy when your daughter said that she wanted to find biological parents, when you take a child from an orphanage, you are ready for this right away, anyone wants to know where he is from, who he is? the only thing that i was very worried about was because it seemed to me that the family was not very prosperous and so that she would not be hurt by what she finds out, she decided that she should grow up, and then... she would be able to find her biological ones . larisa is opposite you, she is raising an adopted child,
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who may be your rita’s biological brother, she honestly told us, she wants to find, well, firstly, relatives so that the child can communicate, but also for the sake of material resources, an apartment, maternity capital, i didn’t understand, you didn’t have such a goal, no, you know, we now want show you one photograph that was. taken about 20 years ago, do you recognize anyone in this photo? reed, you see, this girl with glasses, small in the foreground, is you, this young woman who is hugging you, beautiful, this is your mother, you always wanted to see her to understand if her hair is black, well, dark , you look at this
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photograph, describe this woman, well, basically, as i probably described. well, dark hair, well, she’s not fair, i can’t say anything about her eyes, she’s thin, well, basically everything is as i imagined, even approximately, it coincides, but what kind of mother do you think she is, because she hugs you so tenderly, it’s not for me to judge, i don’t know, but for you, what do you feel now, well, relief it’s just that at least i finally saw what a person looks like. well, i imagined it worse, i’ll be honest, but i’m actually surprised that it’s so good, that’s it, you were afraid that you would be fat like her, so you don’t have to worry about it, she’s slim, but larisa, you understand, what if dna test confirms the relationship, then now you are looking, perhaps at
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your semyon’s biological mother, and rita, where do you think we got this photo? the thing is that all these years this photo was kept very carefully close to his heart by a man named rasul, i understand that you are shocked, after the advertisement this man will appear in our studio and answer all your questions, moreover, he passed a dna test , be sure to wait. you don’t understand, they will go all the way, they will always hunt for that kind of money. premiere on rtr. what's happened? it happened, yes it happened scary. don’t you think this accident is strange at all, it’s nonsense, you just couldn’t control everything. you caused the accident, you wanted to kill christian. our people are all around.
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so you, i know how to get things done. and if the truck driver was bribed, seals for the family. from monday on rtr. halve, fish, big or small? well, in general , i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats , carbohydrates? this is where my question begins. can tasty foods be healthy? i'll try. inflammation levels are reduced. pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant, science fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, m, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region
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of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also useful. and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the formula for food on saturday on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, some pressure.
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the whole brigade, just looking at the platform, lyuzhi, yes, i would rather say yes, yes, no, doesn’t sing, female yes, against male, no, whose will it take, no, i’m not changing, catch me if you can, big music show, you’re probably fooling us again, today on etre. look, our cabbage butterfly has gone, you know, she ’s not a cabbage butterfly, but it’s some kind of moth, you’re
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a young, interesting woman, it needs to be noticeable, not just to me, look at the color of her, as if from another planet , you’re from another planet, he’s really wonderful, everything is serious with us, she’s about to write out my entire dissertation without even noticing. it wasn’t enough for you to seriously fall in love, you yourself, i wanted you to have a little fun, that’s all, that was the plan, the plan, the law of preserving love, today on rtr. russia tv channel, live broadcast, a woman gave up her children to orphanages and immediately gave birth to new ones, only to abandon them again. now the refuseniks scattered all over the world are looking for each other. dna tests are ahead. we continue. your mom's ex-husband. rasul
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magomedov. let's meet. good afternoon. all these years you have carefully kept this photo. it's your ex-wife. and girl, yes, there you go what do you know about this girl, well, i know that she has a daughter, she told me that she was deprived of her parental rights, her name was rita, it’s you, yes, yes, very nice rassul, there are some familiar features with yours ex-wife, eyes, smile, facial expressions, is, is, is, is, and how are they similar. well, you must agree, yes, yes, the daughter is beautiful, beautiful, tatyana is beautiful,
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tell margarita about mother tatyana, a good, kind, sensitive woman, beautiful, you can see from the photo, at home in sunny dagestan you shared memories of a whirlwind romance with your ex. wife tatyana, attention, i remember how we met, i came to visit a friend for his birthday, well, there we met on his birthday, we got to know each other, we went for walks, why not, like everyone else, in the evenings, i came, you walked, walked, there was a cafe nearby, there was also a cafe nearby, tatyana told me that she had a daughter. naturally, she showed me this photo, as she said, he drank heavily, he was a constant drinker, he beat her, as
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if tatyana, somehow deprived them of their parents right, the child was taken away, that’s it, when she said that she was pregnant, to tell the truth, i didn’t want to, then i wasn’t ready, such a serious responsibility, she wanted to name ruslan, let it be ruslan. why not, yes, i didn’t ask her, why do you need a second child, as if, naturally, everything helped there, well, what was needed, and for newborns they bought these things there, but i remember when ruslan was born, i called with hospital, she said that this is how the boy was, she was not a good mother, naturally for ruslan, his small squeak there, she immediately i flew up there to feed him, well, one might say, i didn’t sleep that night.
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good, kind, what a mother can be for a son, for a child, you know, she can be strict, keep a vest in her sleeves, she is a good, kind, gentle woman, somewhere there are hooligans, somehow the children are all, they seem hooliganism, sometimes he allows it, sometimes he scolds, not without it, larisa, you understand that now it’s possible that your semyon has a brother in dagestan, remind me what the middle name is for your adopted child, and we have a child. rasulovich, that is, you have another son, as far as i i know, no, because for some reason your wife signed it up for rasul, it works out for you.


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