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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 15, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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were preparing to fly to the moon, but after two accidents of the n1 rocket, the program was closed. in 1971 , leonov was appointed commander of the crew consisting of valery kubasov and pyotr kolodin to work at the salyut station. but during the last medical examination, kubasov was found to have a darkening in his lung. the crew was replaced by backups, georgy dobrovolsky, vladislav volkov and viktor patsaev. when returning to earth, the backups died. valery kubasov insisted on rechecking his diagnosis. it turned out that the darkening was a defect in the x-ray. ilionov with kubasov began to prepare for docking with the american spacecraft apollo. the expedition
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was successful. in the summer of 1991, major general of aviation alexei leonov was tipped for the post of head of the cosmonaut training center. the former boss, cosmonaut shatalov, was retiring. the position is high, and leonov had to undergo an interview with...
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hello, you are among friends, here, if they remember, then about good things, if they joke, then in a kind way, if they laugh, then from the heart, this is a program about people and their pets . let's begin. just imagine the situation,
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a person came to the nursery to choose a kitten for himself, or not even to the nursery, even if he came to the shelter, who is he looking for, the cutest, the most beautiful, the most charming, of course, but it turns out that it happens differently, my guest today was looking for the most the ugly, sickest, most hopeless kitten, what came of it, you will see right now, please,
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i talked about how you chose this cat, it’s hard to imagine that this is the same sick, unfortunate cat, what a beauty, she really has become a beauty, just a star when i picked her up from the shelter. her color in the city was called blue-cream, and i called her bald, because she looked really bald, believe me, me too, i adore cats, life is not the same without a cat, and i also dream of an abesinian, a briton, and so on and so forth further, but what to do with such people, it’s impossible, and i came to the shelter, there were beautiful cats there, we all came together as a family, but i saw this one and i realized that she had no chance, it was a mangy kitten with a swollen belly and i, when i pulled my hand into the cage like that, she immediately began to climb into it, how could i not take her when i brought her home, she was so afraid, she hid in the bathroom, she lay all the time, and i came up and quietly scratched
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her belly, and now this pose, when she exposes her belly, is her favorite pose, all i want to say to our viewers right now, please pay attention to the fact that love? makes even the most hopeless animal, how great it is, and this applies not only to cats, by the way, to say, yes, well, how is life with you, how is life with us, daria, who is our sweet kitty, who is our sweet kitty, this is dasha, dasha, i think it’s very good, very good, recently the cats bought a tv, and that’s what i call an aquarium with fish , live broadcast daily, we have a video on this topic, let's take a look. we fed the fish, and now we’ll change the color, so i see my son, i don’t see dasha, at that moment dasha was removed from the aquarium, well, this is the same aquarium that the shrimp in the aquarium is looking at, the shrimp, and in the most visible place, there’s the shrimp in the most visible place , here
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the fish are already with food, that’s what they have in their house here, let’s figure out who they started the aquarium for, for their son or for dasha? it turned out for dad, because he turned out to be the main aquarist, that is, of course, his son asked for the fish, and they were presented to him for the new year, but the main fan, besides dasha, naturally, turned out to be my husband, and you know this, because he can’t refuse, the same thing happened in my family, that is, first an aquarium and fish are bought for the child, then the aquarium starts to get dirty, and who will wash it, not i, not i, not i, means i, do, it will be dad, why, because it’s a pity for the fish, that’s true, that’s true, really, i’m more. i’ll tell you that caring for fish is much more difficult than caring for a cat, you constantly need to change the water, you constantly need to clean the aquarium, know who eats what, who should not be combined with whom, you have snails, we had a snail, it’s a whole story , my beloved friend, actress katya klimova, was on her way from filming, she called me and said that there was
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such a problem, in a beauty salon, these snails were being filmed, two of them, they are now being assembled throw them away, naturally, she takes them, at that time my daughter was in the car. having heard this, she said: “mom, we are also taking the snail.” in short, katya and i became related, she has one snail left, and i have a second. sonya named julitta tony in honor of iron man. tony stark, the main character of the film iron man. and you know, whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float. bulletproof? he lived such a long, snail-like life, he lived for six years. wow, not bad. achatina? achatina. well, 5 years, it seems to me. 6 years old, great, not only that, he was attacked by this peaceful beauty, who pretends that she is an angel, one day i return home, and i see that the aquarium in which our snail, tony, lived, has been carefully plundered with a rake, and i
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tell the nanny, what a great fellow you are, you have become soggy, she says, i didn’t do anything, and i understand that this beautiful fields is everywhere. the snail didn’t dig it up and now it looks like a japanese garden, yes, like a japanese garden, but not only did she not dig it up, not only did he survive, he then gave birth to 50 pieces, and not a hermaphrodite, listen, this was a discovery for me quite recently, it turns out that achatina snails can be a boy or a girl, depending on the situation, when it’s more convenient, i ’ll tell you more than that, if the two of them, yeah, they can get pregnant that one, that’s the thing, this happened to us once, but i don’t know, about 20 were born in our country, probably, and you have about 20 in ours. 50 and what’s more, i became related, in my opinion, to half of moscow from the whole school, sonya, for sure, because my friend also said, why are you messing with them, it’s like cabbage leaves, these snails, just throw them all away, i say, no, of course, they were born in my house, i am responsible for them, i am responsible for those who tamed whom, and sonya and i with my
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daughter everyone, everyone, all the snails were distributed, well, in general, i understand that in any situation you will not be found and will not disappear, what about the cat, what about the snails, what about the fish? tell me now, please, about your work, the series is all your own, on this set it was just some kind of huge gift for me, because every autumn i go mushroom hunting, so natural. this usually ends in nothing, because autumn is also a time of always a lot of work, everything came together here, yeah, filming in the forest near st. petersburg, there were so many mushrooms, they seemed to rush at people, just differently, i can’t say, and i really just took two steps out of the take and found these huge white ones, not only that, i infected the whole group, they all also started picking mushrooms, and i periodically went home from filming. with onions, what could be simpler, oh my god,
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fried potatoes with mushrooms and onions, i recognize a belarusian from you, i love the same thing, i also have buckwheat, and in general in any form, soup, okay, let's get back to the topic of our program, i have a little strange question, probably now, how are you doing with goats, with goats, first of all, i haven’t acted in films more than once, so tell me, no, no, i’m not talking about my partners, all my partners are cats, i have acted with real goats, listen, in fact, they are peaceful animals , i even have it somewhere in some movie, just when i’m surrounded by goats, god forgive me, and nothing, you know, they played in the frame, they stood on point, something that some actors don’t like, i know that not so long ago you even visited a farm, a farm, right? and oh, on the farm, it was just wonderful, first we were taken to the cheese shop, or rather
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the dairy, in which alexander categorically did not like it, then to the bread shops, where alexander categorically liked it, because they gave bread there, and then we were taken to these calves, what you see now is a nursery, these are newborn babies, there is also a kindergarten there, which already houses a six-month-old calf, at the company they told us a story about him, that he is so smart, they are fed milk in kindergarten. yeah, and then they are transported to the next group, where they are already fed grass, and he realized where to improve, decided to stay in the if, he ran away three times, three, he ran away three times and returned there, until finally they spat and said, okay , live here, in this kindergarten among the little calves there is such an overgrown one, remember how in the film the wire and the calf, daddy, of course, he is the smartest, the most affectionate, he comes up all the time begs for something. well, in general, i must
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say that goats, as it turns out, are very smart animals, we tested this , including as part of our program, especially for you, and today we invited konstantin aschulov and his pet named, you won’t believe it, mukhtar, please meet. come to me, to me. hello. hello. well, you’ll probably show us something first, right? come here, give a bow, bow, well done, bravo, no dog needs such a mukhtar, fly, fly, give me a paw, well done, well done, bow again, come on, hold on, well done, but to serve, and to serve, smart girl, to rob?
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a breed of african origin, yes, yes, it is african, it is 75% cameroonian and 25%
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alpine, i understand correctly that this is not a kid, it is already an adult, it is an adult kid, well, he is a year old, he will no longer grow, he will get stronger , grow a beard and swear, oh, it’s wonderful how it occurred to you to train him, everything happened by itself, he immediately showed how smart he was, it wasn’t even like he showed you somehow, i told you the multiplication table. very cunning, very witty, if he needs something, he will definitely find a way to get it, yeah, he can wait for a long time, rehearse, hone the plan, and then he will get his way, and he very quickly. i understood how to get a lot of goodies, listen, i understand correctly that mukhtar lives in your apartment, what is it like to live with a kid in an apartment, well, it’s hard, harder than with dogs, what conditions should be created for him to make it comfortable for everyone, for example, how now, well, all the time, when he is not under close supervision, he is in a separate enclosure, yeah, because he can
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eat something wrong, well, our mukhtar just peed, he also pees at home, yes, yes, yes? he tries to tolerate peeing on the street, now, with the second process it is already uncontrollable, you have accustomed him to a patch, he has a large enclosure where the bedding is washed down, which changes regularly, and goes outside, tries to tolerate it, that’s how interesting, let’s look at everyday life mukhtara, here is a home video, konstantin sent us, very i’m curious, you’ll swing with me, swing more, lord, go crazy,
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bravo, but i can’t help but ask how mukhtar gets along with dogs, excellent, even walking with him on the street. many dog ​​lovers are afraid to approach, dogs are very afraid to be afraid, and people keep their distance, i always suggest everyone to come up, introduce him to dogs, because he grew up with them, yeah, he knows what kind of animal it is, he plays with dogs, and dogs agree with him nothing, yes, yes, they perceive his bad luck as also an element of the game, so they also begin to fall on paws run up to him, and at that moment he deftly dodges, it seems easier for animals to find a common language among themselves than with a person, i saw... that you bathe him, yes, this is so that there is no smell in the apartment, yes, yes, once a week he always takes a shower with shampoo, yes, or laundry soap, shampoo, a luxurious life, i must say from the mukhtar, probably yes, there is a stereotype that goats are very stubborn, this is absolutely true, that is, if he doesn’t wants to follow a command, you can’t force him, but how to appease him, with treats,
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now he wants something tasty and you can’t convince him otherwise. ok, but if ekaterina offers to give him a paw, or rather give him a paw, will he agree? it all depends on how accustomed he is, on the number of tasty treats, no, he identifies people and also has a different attitude towards them, you can try, there is a tasty treat in one hand, you extend the other hand and ask for a paw, mukhtar, paw, no, first paw, then taste, in the morning money, in the evening, paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, now... so, mukhtar, give me a paw, give me a paw, paw, give me, give me a paw, give me a paw, paw, paw, here's a paw, yes, a stranger, yes, a stranger, a stranger's woman, no faith, yes, well done, you're great, that's absolute trust, bravo, now i want to try too, you can, i adore all this, yes, oh-oh-oh, hello, my dear, i
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’ll take two slices for you right away, so, fly, give me your paw! no, no, no, wait, well , it’s always like this with me, i gave away some goodies and nothing, so, mukhtar, give me your paw, give me your paws, my sweet, well done, well done, my good one, thank you very much for being we stopped by showed this amazing creature with whom you are friends and the most interesting thing with whom you live, ekaterina, thank you very much, thank you, thank you for the amazing story with dasha, this is of course very inspiring, thank you, gifts for all my guests, please bring them soon to the studio. oh, more gifts, all for mukhtar, so, this is for mukhtar, and this is for you, thank you very much, applause to my guests, we will continue, thank you, in our studio there are people who can’t imagine their life without a vegetable garden, at their dachas, grace,
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they gave us six acres, so do what you want. while your wife is in the hospital, nothing stops you from staying with me all night, my husband finds himself in trouble and says there’s no time, right
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now we need to have an operation, where can we find that kind of money in a moment, it’s for our sake, i’m off with my return then, more for you, but i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife? spring of change, sunday on rtr. we go to the doctor , we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when i seriously need to go. forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, health. we dispel myths and help you find out. true: how to act? in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what should you pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for
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help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. it takes two decades from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. most important information from the most competent sources. take care of everything in your body in a comprehensive manner, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important thing, from monday to friday, on rtr, you don’t understand, they will go to the end, they will always hunt for that kind of money, the premiere on rtr, what happened, happened, yes, something terrible happened, you don’t think this accident is strange at all, it’s nonsense, you just couldn’t handle it.
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the truck was bought under seal from monday on rtr, today in the section i want to get a hardworking, affectionate shepherd dog, some say that it can be confused with a sheep, others with a mop. let 's not listen to spiteful critics, but let's get to know each other. the hungarian shepherd puli named shimi arrived to us today with his owner maria krylova, please meet him. maria krylova - dog breeder, breed, hungarian shepherd puli, member of the national breed club, advocates for the preservation of the reflected breed type. in standard, hello, hello, good afternoon, i am very glad that you came, we are too, please, thank you, this is a breed from which it is simply
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impossible to take your eyes off, as it happened - your meeting with this breed, my husband came up with this idea, to get a puli at home, and so we got our first puli shepherd dog - tsofa, and then another girl came to her, gray... puli oinda, and so here we go we have been working with this breed for more than 10 years, let's go through all the standard questions that are asked about this breed, well, firstly, probably every day you hear a stupid joke, it’s not clear where the front is and where the back is, well, yes, especially if the dog is lying down, but they also very often ask, do dogs see, and they see very well, they guard sheep very well, another one of the most common questions, how? we make these cords, how does such a hairstyle appear, let's quickly answer right now how this happens, you make these dreadlocks, every morning, no, of course not, in
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fact, puli puppies look like broadtail sheep, such small, small sheep with wavy hair, at first these are, in general, quite ordinary puppies, around the age of 8-11 months they begin... first of all, to understand that puli is a breed in which is historically predetermined - the formation of cords, it will not be a huge tangle, yes, it will still be disassembled
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over time. wool on cords of a certain thickness, this is of course not like with people when they comb dreadlocks, but because they form on their own, and this hair grows throughout the dog’s life, we trim, shape only, well, trim a little near the muzzle on the paws so that it looks carefully, i must admit that this is a breed that you endlessly want to touch, but listen, what about bathing if you bathe a dog wash it, it will take 2 days to dry, well... that’s not entirely true, it will dry faster, it will depend on how well you initially wring it out, yeah, that is, jokes about a mop are not accidental, no, no, that is, when you washed the dog, you need to take it with your hands just like a rag, like a mop, wring it out, of course, we won’t dry in 2 hours, but today we washed, the next day we can calmly go for a walk, well, that’s wonderful, you know , i would like to ask a few more important questions about this breed,
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unique case: that’s why i now want to invite an expert from our program to this studio, this is dog handler anton davidov, please, applause, welcome him. anton davydov, dog handler, expert on the working qualities of dogs, general training instructor, assistant judge in the protective section according to the international standard igp protective guard service. hello, nice to meet you, mutually, so, well, we have bullets here, right? anton, such an unusual breed, tell us how it appeared, this breed is quite ancient, it was formed in 900 ad, the tibetan interiors are considered the ancestors, and people practically did not participate in the formation of this breed, that is, it itself was formed in this way, and people simply thanked nature and used them for their intended purpose, this is a herding dog, yes, yes, yes, yes, it
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is. and wool protects bullets from both heat and frost, listen, what happens if you cut it? that's how they cut them - straight cut, like you, like me, yes, it's short, you can cut it over time, it will grow back, there will be fluff again, there will be the initial formation of cords, she will be comfortable, if she is bald, this will be some kind of stress for the dog, of course, she will experience discomfort, if i had such dreadlocks, i would also experience it. i dreamed about threads like this five years ago, i ’m just like, well, what’s so and so? anton, what are the features of raising this dog, how to build a relationship with them? since this is also part of the shepherd group there, that is, in general , they are perfectly trainable, they are very active and you need to work with them, because since they are shepherds, they are very they move a lot, so they need to be given good activity, but how long do you walk every day? i walk
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my dogs every day for... an hour in the morning, an hour in the evening, and okay, what are the health features of this breed? yes, there are no special features, they are perfect, everything is fine with them, the more a dog is used for its intended purpose, the less other blood flows into it, the stronger, healthier they are, immunity, genes, that is, this is as a rule on the contrary , healthier, stronger dogs that do not they require special care, are less whimsical, and they generally find contact with a person, because they understand why they live here. it’s very interesting, i’m very glad to meet you, however, this is a unique opportunity for me, i would like the viewers of our program to also be able to see with their own eyes what the varieties of this breed of pulli are. well, with your permission, let's start our fashion show, and the first to be here, you won't believe it, are roosevelt and churchell, please, so, roosevelt, strict black color,
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look, it emphasizes courage. and the seriousness of this dog’s intentions, the stern look is covered with dense bangs on the face, what can i say, a classic, and of course the cherchel is a handsome fawn-colored, characteristic black-and-red coat with an accent belt on the spine, the image is completed by a black mask on the muzzle, adding to the dog’s mystery, amazing color, you just can’t take your eyes off it, amazing, so now shime, we are very familiar with him, purity of play, exquisite white color, only real aristocrats can afford. so bor, young champion of russia, young grand champion of russia, young champion of the rkf, young winner of eurasia and i’m tired of listing all his achievements, in general, right, this is a real champion in our studio, now barca and bayan are joining us, again.


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