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tv   Nochnaya fialka  RUSSIA1  June 16, 2024 4:30am-6:03am MSK

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what we won’t see on the monitor, well, that is , slowly and smoothly, but slowly and smoothly, can i help with something? yes, please, yes, the melody stands absolutely calm, fortunately, she doesn’t even shift from foot to foot, and this gives us the opportunity to carry out the study, in principle, she is a controlled horse, and these procedures are generally routine and...
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the monitor displays , if you look for a long time when they explain, then the readings on the monitor become completely incomprehensible to the uninitiated, what is understandable, but in principle this, of course, teaches people separately, this is a separate science, and so, if you just go and look there, then it’s impossible to see anything except some little lines of dark stripes there; if a horse has a torn tendon, then on the monitor you will see... black dots in the places of the rupture , the larger this point, the greater the damage to the tendon, so we begin to see the ligament, here is the ligament, yes, here it is, yes, here it goes, that is , we the ligament goes like this, we examine this way, we examine the state of the ligament, let’s put it this way, the scar, here comes the scar itself, the scar remains after the injury, it was a partial tear of the ligament, now the ligament seems to be fine, the tear will even be visible. without ultrasound, that is
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, we have a large ligament here, that is, it is quite thick, that’s all the ligament, buzzard, that is, when, let’s say, the ligament breaks, it’s very, very bad, melody, calm down, it’s all interesting , go ahead and have fun, she is very sociable, that is, she treats her with kindness and she also treats you with kindness, but everything should be in moderation, because... to fall in love with an animal it’s also kind of impossible, because then they sit on your neck and then start riding you, not you on them, but they on you. melody is acting up and won’t let her finish the ultrasound examination; we need to give her time to calm down a little.
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we have already visited the office premises of the minsk zoo, where a small nursery for breeding snakes is located, when we were determining the sex of the royal python. now the same procedure needs to be carried out, pay attention to the anaconda, you are not afraid, we’ll see, well, i ’m counting on you, i i'm afraid now too. anacondas are not the longest, but they are record-breakingly massive snakes. the maximum officially recorded weight of this south american snake is 97.5 kg. in horror films about anacondas devouring people, their capabilities are slightly exaggerated, but large individuals can lie in wait near the water to catch a capybara, a caiman or a baby tapir; cases of attacks by large anaconas have even been recorded. on children, although more often anacondas
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hunt agoutis, iguanas, turtles and waterfowl, but all these are mainly pro-giant anacondas, our ward paraguayan anaconda, the maximum weight of such snakes is only 35 kg, but anacondas are famous for their bad character, and bad character, but i want to tell you, our anaconda is calm, i think sergei is already fighting there somewhere, veterinary filsher sergei. mozhul wins the battle, as a result, the head of the anaconda is in his hand, the snake itself is on the table. we secured the snake so that it would not bite us, because nanoconda is famous for its aggressiveness. safety is paramount. you always need to fix your head, this is the first thing i should know if there is a herpetologist or livestock specialist working on a group of reptiles, because there are times when the animal is calm, but... somewhere you
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did something wrong, yes, you will get a bite in response. although nacondas, both giant and paraguayan , are non-venomous, they cannot cope with the consequences of their bite on their own. yes, doctors will have to make some efforts, if these injuries are inflicted by large animals, they are quite problematic, because these are wounds that, due to the peculiarities of the snake’s zur apparatus, are practically not sewn, that is, there is enough complicated, subplastic surgery is required, they are not so dangerous in terms of infection, but in terms of injury they are quite problematic, take vaseline and...
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an animal, we now know that this is a female , we will look for a male for her. to engage in breeding manokont, you need to have a good understanding of the biology of snakes and reptiles, which, by the way, appeared on our planet much earlier than people, they began to crawl on the earth about 60 million years ago, and we
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have been walking on it, according to various estimates, for about 120-150 years years. by the way, this female is still very young, she only 3 years. rolls around smooth, shines, yes, she is sick, she will be yes, if you look at the sun or the light is more so, she has such overflows, as if, yeah , shiny, nimble, and most importantly, a healthy snake is resting on the table, soon she will go for
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a walk, i really want to see how the scales of a south american reptile glisten under the belarusian sun. the modern range of the european roe deer is almost all of europe and western asia; these small deer are found in russia and the republic of belarus. although in nature this species quite common, it is protected and listed in the red book. a small group of roe deer lives in the minsk zoo. and recently, livestock specialists noted the strange behavior of one of the males. the roe is behaving, let’s say, unusually, we still
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don’t understand why, but we need to examine it, see, yes, it has become boring, it is often applied, well, it feels like its stomach hurts, we will examine it with a painkiller injection. antibiotic, well, in principle, we can inspect what we can inspect, if he manages to inspect us at all, well, catching, that’s how since catching and fixing roe deer is always a bit of a tense manipulation, because we had such a thing that a male roe deer jumped out of the window, and cut himself in the process, his nose was cut, an extremely dangerous animal on the one hand, dangerous on the other hand. .. very timid and generally react very poorly to any slightest stress, so that’s why i don’t like to go to someone, this is a kosyuda, but we’ll have to go in, we’ll look, they’re very fragile and very fragile, when you fix them, their legs fly in all directions and like scythes, hooves, it’s clear, well, that is, you and i
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so i understand, come in without me, without cameras, but it’s quite dangerous here, so we’ll minimize this risk both for us and for him, well, roe deer in general, despite the fact that they are so tiny, the male has horns when he’s scared in a panic , a panicky start-reaction rushes, i can’t figure out where with the sharp horns, and if he’s in a closed room, he’s out of fear... in general he does something incomprehensible, i put a portable camera on alexey so that it records the process of catching the examination and treatment of the male casuli and leggings will protect the doctor’s hands during fixation a violent and therefore dangerous patient is not scary, no, but you still don’t know what to be afraid of, so it’s not scary, this is the job of a veterinarian, you should n’t be afraid, so alexey carefully enters the house in which all the other participants in the process have already gathered. and most importantly , the victim himself, i have good news, and
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i’m pregnant, so you’ll be torn between me and my wife, what’s wrong with my legs? she is disappointing to me, and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i will somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing prevents you from staying with me all night. "the husband gets to know in trouble, and says, there is no time, right now we need to have an operation, where can we find that kind of money in a moment, it’s for our sake, he jumped in when we returned, more for you, and i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife , spring of change, today is nart.
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you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the help, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much will it be 7,8, 7,8,8? how many people talk a lot and loudly at work, if you answer then with humor, i cut oak, don’t pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now beep if you win , then hurray, great. today on rtr you are looking much
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brighter, you can distinguish colors, it’s not my fault, i was driving when the yellow light was flashing, where is the scene of jealousy, maybe you... need help? i offer you a job, simple duties, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, hourly pay. friendship cannot be bought. i'm deceiving you, i'm a bastard, but take your suitcase and leave. and love is not for sale. where are all the normal men? there is no love, there is nothing. deception and lies. i was in a hurry to get somewhere, solving a bunch of problems. what now? crossroads. what do we have to do? you need to act on saturday on rtr. those who want to stay
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informed are watching the week's program, a program for advanced people. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr. i made a terrible mistake when i said that she... died, but i’m very glad that i found her, this is some kind of stupid prank, didn’t you tell them, it’s sealed, the premiere with monday on rtr.
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steller's eagles at the minsk zoo live in the same enclosure with common pheasants. this is a strange juxtaposition of predators and chickens, and pheasants, representatives of this glorious order, turned out to be very successful. pheasants, although they can fly, do not like to do this; in this case, they rather prudently stay closer to the ground. orlana, mostly. prefer to view their enclosure from above, it should be noted that in the wild, predators usually do not touch the living creatures that settle next to their nests; in the zoo they are also... fed regularly, so pheasants do not have to fear for their lives and calmly peck whatever they are pecking on the ground. to begin with, we will probably already cut the watermelon in half, and the goal of all these manipulations is the goal of all manipulations, we will need to put rats here, rat, rats, in the watermelon, in the watermelon, in the zoo we have eagles themselves
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for a long time, we are males... we were waiting from vladivostok, this is a girl from olda, and we brought her a boy, the boy is already 4 years old, and when he understands that there is a rat, he will see it, he will see it, it’s like a watermelon itself. bright is coming, the rat itself is also coming, birds of prey, just like all other representatives of birds, have truly colored vision, that is, they can see colors and can see even more colors than you and i, due to the fact that what else do they have... in addition to everything else, it is possible to perceive reflected ultraviolet radiation. so, we cut a bright watermelon in half and take out the most delicious thing from it - the juicy pulp, while a family pair of steller's sea eagles sits on the roof. they naturally prefer to sit higher. these birds build nests on tree trunks at a height of 6 to 25 m
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or on rocky ledges at a height of up to 120 m. artyom. you’ve been working with them for a long time, i ’ve been working with them since i was sixteen, when i came to the zoo i’m constantly working here in this group, why with birds, not everyone likes birds, well, it just so happened, somehow i liked them from the very beginning, when i came with the raptors namely, both a predatory and waterfowl galliform, completely birds and artyom’s favorite, former circus, now zoo vulture grisha, with whom we have already introduced you. so with eagles you can’t communicate, they are not tame at all, we all get them from old, and the male, they are all natural, that is, they are not artificially raised, they are all from nature, and this is our program animal, we are part of the steller’s breeding program eagles. in russia, steller's sea eagles are listed in the red book with the status of "vulnerable species". the reason is
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mass unorganized tourism, which threatens the original nesting sites of these. to the ground, a sower gesture, we call it, yeah, that’s it, now they will come, there is, we don’t need to retreat to sideways, so that, well, we will need to get out of here, and move away so that they can move, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, the eagle from old and the nameless young male flew even higher
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, right under the very mesh of the enclosure, by the way, not so long ago they family relationships led to the appearance of the first egg, though... unfertilized, but artyom hopes that on the second try the birds will succeed, here is the nest, whose nest is this, this is an artificial nest, above the artificial one, these are our ainasts, this storks, we have two nests on our territory zoo, these are the only storks that breed within the city, let me remind you that the white stork is the symbol of the minsk zoo, these... beauties made one nest at the service entrance, the second one is right above the heads of the birds of prey. maybe they think it’s safer this way? i don’t know, in general there are many people in the north near the polar owl’s nest who nest nearby, because she doesn’t hunt there, and at the same time they will never let the arctic fox in for her . i think it's time to leave, let's leave. the pheasants
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are still walking past the thrown pieces of watermelon. to the ground, and steller's sea eagles remained sitting upstairs, they need more time to adapt to the changed situation, because they are not poultry, all that remains is to wait. the sports horse melody seems tired of standing or just bored. there are, let’s say, nuances in the work, that is, she, let’s say, doesn’t like to work for a long time, she doesn’t want to show off for a long time, because then everything starts for her, i don’t want to, i won’t,
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we stopped about halfway through , and now we continue the ultrasound examination, comparing the resulting picture with illustrations in a scientific journal, here look, here we have a deep digital flexor, here it goes, then it goes, if you look at the picture, it goes...
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for a long time. the evolution of horses began about 55 million years ago in north america. their ancestor was a forest animal, herocoterium, about 20 cm high. it had four toes on its front legs and three on its hind legs. climate change meant that the ancestors of horses were forced to adapt to life in open spaces. this required running fast to escape predators, therefore, the size of... ungulates gradually increased, they, like many runners, had a decrease in the number of fingers and a protective hoof was formed. about 3.5 million
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years ago, modern horses appeared with only one toe left on their limbs. thanks to artificial selection, the ability of horses to run quickly and for a long time was significantly developed. domestic horses are more resilient than their wild relatives. to run for a long time, you need to have developed lungs and a big heart. horses have a lung volume of about 50 liters, their weight is almost one and a half percent of body weight. by comparison, in humans, the lungs account for less than one percent of a person's weight. the relative weight of the heart in horses is also 1.5%. in addition, horses' hooves take part in pumping blood. in resort they ensure the return of venous blood from.
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tomite, tell me, is everything okay? yes, of course, gradually, you can exercise, you can work, take physical activity, even jump? yes, sure. the ultrasound machine today showed the physiological norm, that is, the ligaments are in normal condition, not inflamed, that is everything is as it should be. the procedure is completed, the melody has calmed down. over the past six months, it is unlikely that she forgot her former owner, but it is obvious that the horse managed to get to the minsk zoo. to get used to the people who look after her, to the trainer alena, to the veterinarian artyom, how did you get to such a life at home, how did i get to such a life, i
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have been practicing for more than eight years, i’ve been working with horses for the second year now , my practice began in college, that is, i graduated from podminsky college, after that i i entered the grodno state agrarian university at the correspondence department of veterinary medicine and i am still working today as a veterinarian, in about a month artyom will conduct a second ultrasound, now the horse can be released, the veterinarian’s verdict, nothing bad happened to masya’s ligaments and tendons, he just needs to carry out regular monitoring.
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sergei and i are carrying the anaconda onto the lawn, the walk won’t be long, today in minsk it’s +21, it’s almost cool for this snake, but be that as it may, a motivating sunbathing, terrarium animals are necessary, you can take it and put it on a hook, but now i’ll take it better, now a second, since they are in a small terrarium, movement... it’s best for them to move their muscles apart, so to speak, that’s what they’ll do feel comfortable and move around, at least once every two days. the homeland of anaconta, there are four of them, including the giant one, is in the south american tropics. in nature, these boas lead a predominantly aquatic lifestyle; they also hunt in water, but on the belarusian mountain ash, the snake senses himself, seemingly quite confident. the main thing
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is that she doesn’t...jump, she won’t jump, well, she can try to go down or up, that is, as she likes it, as it is comfortable for her, the giant anacondo tries not to crawl ashore at all, she does this only to take sunny days baths, sometimes during mating, the paraguayan anaconda is a species close to it, they can climb onto the lower branches of trees located above the water, they can crawl quite far from the reservoir and in general they feel quite comfortable on land.
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crawled very quickly, demonstrating a muscular body with a beautiful coloration, elongated stripes and checkerboard spots. an anacondo crawling across the belarusian soil is, of course, a partly surreal sight, considering where this snake comes from, well, you need to walk them, they need vitamin d, well, this means that such surrealism happens from time to time, so they crawl for so long, crawl, then ... sliding between the fallen leaves they actively explore the environment with their forked tongue, as befits snakes, it catches it the surface of the molecule of the street smell that is new to her. all this looks fascinating, but sergei thinks it’s time to end the walk. well, there is a certain amount
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of time, depending on the temperature, depending. from the weather, that is , what the weather is like now, now you can, well, 10 minutes maximum, then, but then that’s it, then there will be a network in terrariums, maybe put it on the ground, i’ll put it here under a light bulb, and under a warm lamp, it seems that the snake liked the exercise, it doesn’t want to climb back into... the container, however, if sergey is sure that it it’s time to go under the lamp, so that’s how it is. although artyom and i left the eagle enclosure a long time ago.
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and pheasants, everything about it is unchanged: the watermelon pulp was still lying on the ground, and two halves of a watermelon with rats, sprinkled with hay to camouflage, stand on the stumps untouched. watermelons, as if for them , are generally a new object, we have never practiced like this, we took pumpkins, a rabbit, that is, they could calmly approach, a watermelon for them is, well, such a slightly new thing, well, i don’t know, i think, i hope they come down. after all, we will see, we waited for at least an hour and common pheasants began to peck the leaves of some plant unknown to me, the steller's eagles are still at the top, and the food is below, what's the matter? birds of prey, even in natural conditions, actually do not eat so often, this is often not even an everyday occurrence for them, that’s what they call eating, so let’s say, in such constant daily food, many predators
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do not... we left a portable camera, if you watch the recording on rewind, you can only see chaotic movement pheasants, but neither orlan from old nor her husband ever went down to the delicious watermelon. the eagles were not fed for 2 days. porlans in zoos, in principle, do not spend much energy, they sit all the time, so in principle they even need less food than in natural conditions, where they have very intense food. energy loss is precisely due to constant flight, but here they ate, then they can sit for a long time without eating anything. we returned to arlan the next day to offer them fish, which were still free. they mainly feed on it, suddenly
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something changes in their behavior. i release carp into the pool, but we will put the most delicious thing inside the watermelon. now the eagles will have a choice of three dishes. take a watermelon and fill it with fish, half of it. yes, so, a watermelon with fish is, well , let’s see, an experiment, the flesh goes to the galliformes, we put delicious salmon steaks in the resulting container, i certainly wouldn’t refuse it if i were the eagles, but how the birds will behave is still unknown, well, in principle, not for them eating there an extra day is not scary at all, but... they eat twice as much tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and i don’t know what they will eat, but nevertheless, we still have some hope of seeing feasting eagles, we decide to put the watermelons higher up on the roof of the house, where the predators
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are calmer, and now they don’t have to go down to the ground, we leave, we go out, and, by the way, one of the eagles was watching us from above all this time. it’s unclear whether it’s from olda or her husband, because the females and males of these birds look the same, except that the female is larger than the partner, and practice is needed, to differentiate them. in many bird species , the males are brighter in color than the females. this phenomenon is called sexual demorphism, bright paint informs females that they have a good, healthy potential partner in front of them, and signals to other males that they have a strong competitor in front of them. the first option is most pronounced in polygamous bird species. male birds belonging to such species mate with a large number of females and do not participate in caring for the offspring. the second option is more common in seasonal monogamous species.
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the male forms a pair with the female for one season and can take part in building the nest and caring for the chicks. in many, especially large species of birds, such as steller's sea eagles, sexual dimorphism... in plumage color is not expressed, but males and females differ significantly in size: males weigh no more than six kg, and the largest females weigh more than nine. they form a pair for a long period of time; connections are maintained not only during the breeding season, but during other periods of the year. sometimes such couples can live together all their lives. about steller's sea eagles and the male and female take care of the offspring, jointly building a nest and incubating.
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the pheasants that run there, so for this couple, well, okay, they put fish here, well, nothing like that, whatever it was, the eagles sat at the very top next to the stork’s nest, so they sit there, we did everything we could, the birds do whatever they consider necessary. as alexey assumed, the male kasuli
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categorically did not want to be caught, he tried to run away, and if we were there, he would have, well, definitely panicked, and he would hit someone with these horns, which - actually not round, like a deer's. yes, they have such sharp edges, they can hurt very badly, despite their small size. but alexey still managed to catch a roe deer, one might say, a lot of it. doctor. fixes the animal while ulyana gives an anesthetic injection, there is some kind of rumble, apparently this is not easy. the task was very difficult, because this male, he has very sharp hooves, he has very sharp horns, the task was not to break him yet, because despite everything, he is very, very fragile. sounds like a rodeo. please give me a stethoscope.
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joined a group of his relatives, but he, it seems, has not yet come to his senses after fixation and examination, the small deer looks around in fear, it is interesting that he did not even think of using antlers in the process of defense, almost all deer have antlers, and only males have antlers, but the exception in this case is only reindeer, in which the males and females have antlers, so here only males, but sometimes it is very rare to find females with such slightly ugly... antlers, this may happen, but this a great rarity, they do not particularly
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use their horns for protection, roe deer prefer, in case of danger, to escape from running and not to engage in any fights or interactions, and even if they need to engage, they mainly use their hooves for protection and listened, and they looked, they injected, in general , they recorded no particular damage, somehow it turned out, thank god, without injuries, they heard something, or yes, of course, it was mild. clean, but why was he sad, something hurts, most likely, after all, the intestines, most likely it’s there will be either gastritis or an3, so for now we’ve been injected with a painkiller antibiotic, well, we’ll watch his behavior, i’m used to them, at least i feel like taking off my gloves, most likely we’ll do an ultrasound, but we’ll see his condition tomorrow, if there are no changes, yes there there will be more detailed examinations, painkillers have started. act, the male confidently moves on all four
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limbs. the procedure went smoothly, without injury, both to the animal and to the people helping it. in the evening after ultrasound melody and other horses released. take a walk in livada, next to dinosaurs, ungulates nibble grass, and mechanical models of extinct relatives of birds, hyplodocus, move their long necks. watermelons with salmon inside lie on the roof, steller's sea eagles look at them, but are not going to approach them. don't worry, after a while they will calm down and eat. and i’m still impressed by the walk with anokonda. this doesn't happen every day. agree, it was a surreal
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picture, but very beautiful. the male roe deer will only get an ultrasound tomorrow, i'm sure this one the patient will be fine. hello, we again have the main stories that happened nearby, my name is yaroslav krasienko, this is a week in the city and this is how our correspondents saw it. they go into a tailspin, why do light aircraft crash in the moscow region? where we have nowhere to sit if the engine fails. and how to avoid
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an emergency landing? dmitry blinnikov dodges the propeller. after which, according to eyewitnesses, it began to decline sharply. so they hammered in the pegs and told me to move the fence. now there is construction here. how privatize the water protection zone? there will be a helipad, there will be restaurants, cafes. and who is taking away the beaches from the residents of the moscow region? investigation of anna balan. it will only be accessible. residents of an elite village, fire on their own, where why the fireworks season did not end, woke up from this terrible bang and how... to deal with amateur pyrotechnicians, denis voskovsky returns silence. the firecrackers were launched from apartment number 200 on the 2nd ground floor. so,
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the largest children's hospital not only in moscow, but in all of russia, morozovskaya, is now will be able to accept even more young patients, and they will receive help. provide even faster and more efficiently. after a radical restructuring and reconstruction, the clinic opened a new emergency department. absolutely everything has changed there, and it now works in accordance with the new moscow standard of emergency care, when a minimum amount of time passes from the patient’s arrival to the start of the operation, a matter of minutes, or that is, seconds. how did you manage to achieve this and what else has changed in the work of the hospital? the scale of medical changes appreciated by maxim aparin. the department of the children's morozov hospital is truly unrecognizable, only the walls remain from the previous premises, now there will be no more queues in these spacious corridors, thanks to the separation of flows, the time spent here will be noticeably reduced. previously, all patients entered through one entrance, it was possible to lose the time necessary for diagnosis and treatment of patients,
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there was a long wait for medical care, now all this has been accelerated and everything will be at the highest level. medical care here from now on they provide care in a new way, as in many adult hospitals in morozovskaya the principle of medical triage has been introduced, that is , dividing all incoming patients into three groups: mild, moderate or severe condition. of course, this gives a different speed, and the implementation of medical technologies, respectively, making a decision on the need to treat a patient directly in a hospital or the ability to send him home, other diagnostic capabilities and of course... a different comfort of stay for the convenience of distributing patients there are three lines on the floor: red, yellow and green. the severity of the patient is determined immediately upon admission. from here it is clearly visible that from the place where the ambulances enter the emergency department, to the room where first aid will be provided to the patient, there are literally a few steps to go, this is
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already an anti-shock ward, patients in serious condition are admitted here and they are given first aid if the patient is admitted in a state... of clinical death, this device allows us for quite a long time and perform indirect cardiac massage and at the same time use some other therapeutic options, such as artificial ventilation of the lungs, placement of a central catheter, treatment here will be based on the doctor-to-patient principle, that is, the patient will not be transported to a gurney from one room in another, all research will be carried out right at the bedside. now, in connection with the optimization of the work of the emergency department, clinically... doctors understand in a shorter time, determine the indications for conducting research, and there are certain sorting of patients, we now better and faster understand which patients should undergo certain studies in the first place. upon admission, each patient will be given an individual electronic bracelet, through which a qr code can be used to read the medical history and enter the medical
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record. this year alone we completed the reconstruction of nine large clinics, and here is one of these emergency departments. the tragedies are often the same: youth, alcohol and a powerful car. in mazhaisk near moscow, a drunken reckless sports car on a huge speeded into a bus stop and hit the children standing there. one is dead, the other is now in intensive care. the child’s condition is extremely serious; it all started out fun for the racer, a dacha, get-togethers with friends and an insatiable desire
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for thrills. what awaits the killer driver now? will he be able to save the teenager who fell under the wheels? the entire chronology of this.
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suffered, stood a little further away, nine-year-old danya is now in intensive care, because of a strong blow he lost part of his leg. yesterday we had a second operation, yesterday i was conscious, today i haven’t seen him yet, it’s already 15 o’clock, i have to skip intensive care today. after the collision, the car itself flew across the field for several hundred meters, even a stone pillar did not stop the maserati, it was simply uprooted, despite the fact that the car turned into a pile of rubbish, those who were in the cabin were practically not injured. there were three people in the car. damn, well, i saw three, and my sister saw three, one, but one went into the field, that’s for sure, well, the passenger was certainly more cheerful, and the driver was walking and walking around the car, then he came straight
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i sat down right here, this is how sergei looked right after the accident, by the way, racing is nothing new to him, there are a lot of videos on social networks, he holds the steering wheel with one hand, the speedometer needle just goes off scale, now he apologizes to his mother, i really regret that i did, i apologize, and this is another one of those who was in the car during... the accident: i am still in a state of effect, i am shaking, when i close my eyes for a second, i imagine this picture, i imagine this, this cannot be described, this is impossible, now the driver a charge was brought under the article of violation of traffic rules, which negligently resulted in the death of a minor, the man admitted guilt in committing the crimes and repented of his deeds, today the investigation is petitioning... the court to select a preventive measure against him in the form of detention, but he has repented sergei asked to be placed under
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house arrest, but he will spend the next 2 months while these investigations are underway in a pre-trial detention center. anastasia makhina, nikita shchuchkin and oleg dobin. news. moscow for the last few days the power of real tropical downpours. the abysses of heaven opened up, this is just about such cases. moreover, the weather changes instantly, only the sun was shining already... the next minute tons of water fall on the city, float, float away, drown everything, city streets, parks, apartments, car parks and underground passages, buses, shopping centers, in some areas in an hour to an hour and a half, the monthly norm of precipitation fell, all this was accompanied by a thunderstorm and deafening rumbles of thunder, a natural apocalypse no less, and to an enormous extent many cars did not survive the grief of their owners, they simply drowned, went to the bottom of the rivers, into which... city avenues turned into, weather forecasters are predicting new downpours. and in the moscow region
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, the bank of another river suddenly turned into a giant construction site, where, by law, it was only possible to plant fruit-bearing gardens. but what kind of garden can bring in as much income as the sale of mansions in a cottage community? this is exactly what we began to build to the horror of all the local residents. they are in shock, where until recently complete natural idyllic, now they are making noise. trucks and excavators, is there a chance to stop this invasion, who managed to privatize such a tasty piece of land, our anna balan is already conducting her environmental investigation. heavy construction equipment arrived , moved all the soil to the river bank, destroyed the vegetation layer, look, there is unscorched land here, just some kind of mars, but it was not aliens who descended on the picturesque bank of the lopasne river, but self-confident businessmen. these fields in the stupensky urban district were not privatized and now they are going to build a business-class cottage community here the size of a densely populated
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moscow microdistrict. mass construction of a cottage at 3.00, where there will be a helipad, there will be restaurants, cafes. this is what the building plan looks like. the future riverpark village occupies 50 hectares. all 3.00 plots have long been delimited by 10-12 acres. those near the water are the most expensive and prestigious, costing 17-20 acres. well, judging by the plan, this is a private beach, and only residents of an elite village will have access to it. we were informed about this in the sales department of the developer greenwood development, where we called under the guise of buyers. will the area be closed? of course, the territory will be closed, guarded, the beaches will be private, where no one will be allowed. of course, your own, there will be no other people there. the entire coastal zone and even the holy spring, if there is a resident of the mine, became the property of the entrepreneurs. they promise to leave access to neighboring villages, then soon it will be impossible to approach the river. it was established that 11 agricultural land plots
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cross the borders of the coastal strip and river waters. the stupino city court sent statements of claim demanding the confiscation of parts of the land plots, but despite this, the plots are actively being sold, meadows are being dug up, sewer pipes go straight into the river. this sewer system, which will drain from 3.00 plots, yes, it will go, naturally, straight into the lapasny without treatment facilities, and the blades are some kind of tributary, the length of the blades is more than 100 kilos. with good rain, all this will wash away and go into this river, the river will become shallow, naturally, but it will become nicer the bottom rises, and the bottom rises, it will flood this entire territory, it is also unclear how
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they are going to build anything at all on agricultural lands intended only for gardening? many requests either disappeared altogether or were answered with replies, the fact that there are settlements nearby is not even indicated on the reverb plan, the developer ignores such a neighborhood, the boundaries of the future cottage community run right along the plots of the residents of the village of lapina, so they hammered in the pegs they told me to move the fence because it... all the violations were obvious, while our film crew was on site, construction stopped, but as soon as we left, the equipment began to rumble again. anna balan, andrey lapidus, pavel letnikov and victoria makarova, news! the capital's judges recently drew another line under the dashing nineties; not all heroes, or rather anti-heroes of that time,
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crime bosses and leaders of criminal gangs received what they deserved. one of these is oleg medvedev, known in criminal world under the name shishkan, traded in ramenskoye near moscow, was engaged in banditry and extortion, and those who did not comply with his demands were killed without hesitation, but justice finally overtook him, what sentence was passed on the authoritative businessman, why for a long time they could not find someone for the trial oath. journalists were able to see the participants in this high-profile trial only once, only at the very end. all sessions that the second western district military court held outside the walls of the most city court were closed. of course, the jurors were working, and there were odious personalities in the dock. the main character of this performance is without a doubt oleg
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medvedev. in certain circles it is known as shishkan. except shishkan. there were 17 more people in the dock; they showed up to the announcement of the verdict, taking the latest press, but the accused were of little interest in news and journalism, the paper well covered their faces from journalists, oleg medvedev himself chose to use a t-shirt, which he pulled over his head, and sat there until the announcement deadlines. collected by the investigator the committee found the evidence sufficient by the court to convict oleg medvedev, also known as shishkanov, and the seventeen participants he led. guilty of committing grave and especially grave crimes on the territory of the moscow region. living in luxury and a certain dependence on the role of everyone, they are recognized as craving for social events, mr. medvedev introduced himself to all businessmen, but he earned money for his beautiful life by depriving the lives of others. he members of the group he created extorted money from entrepreneurs of the ramensky district of the moscow
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region, their houses were set on fire to intimidate them, and they were subjected to violence. those who were especially persistent were simply killed. one of the most notorious crimes committed by the group is the terrible massacre of the general director of the ramenskaya breeding plant, a local government deputy, tatyana sidorova and members of her family. several lives in exchange for breeding lands . investigators found the remains of the victims only 7 years after the murder in 2019. this happened a few months after detention of oleg medvedev. trial of oleg medvedev, who was also called oleg ramensky, started in november last year, the accused then himself demanded a jury trial, but potential assessors, having learned that they would have to sort out the case of such an authoritative businessman, refused to participate in the hearings. nevertheless, they still managed to form a panel, albeit only from the fifth time; the persons of the people’s judges became one of the main secrets in shishkan’s criminal case. as a result, the jury found
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the defendants guilty on most counts. the leader of the criminal community oleg medvedev. sentenced to life imprisonment with serving the sentence in a special regime colony, the same fate befell three of shishkanov’s closest associates, the rest of the participants in the process received long , large sentences... notes for the president one after another and the most discussed speech, another peace proposal, how to negotiate those with brains will understand that hope dies last,
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only with us exclusive comments will think 10 times whether it’s worth waiting for when the conditions will deteriorate even further, because we saw everything ourselves, it’s very important. the tension of other events. unnoticed by others, but at every event, we love you and this week we will also see we will show more than others everything, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we are looking at rtr today.
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich. we are talking about all issues, in a hurry, to place nuclear weapons, i have already demanded, return nuclear weapons to me, as things are at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places,
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the guys are acting confidently, commanders acts confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight from the equipment, and we have damodi olesa, the second tank flew off in kropsky. the hero of russia will be on the tour. we are all with you. let's go to the end. what is his image of victory for you? this means there is also a gang in the head with zelensky. yana is a rag. there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by facts. watch twice a day. see you. for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we
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love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships. and we admire how the country is blossoming. ahead, more awaits us more achievements. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. you don't understand, they will go to the end. there will always be a hunt for that kind of money. premiere on rtr. what 's happened? it happened, yes, something terrible happened. you don't think this accident is strange at all. nonsense, i just couldn't control it. that's it, you caused the accident, you wanted to kill christina, our people are all around, that means you, i know how to get things done, and if the truck driver was bribed under seven seals, from monday on rtr, this is a week in the city,
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the main stories that happened nearby, another echo 9. shooting on the streets and in courtyards, and these are not always criminal showdowns, now shooting occurs much more often at weddings, the direct participants have fun, those around them are, at best, extremely uncomfortable. at worst it’s scary, but why aren’t such shooters detained in a matter of minutes? they often manage to drive motorcades along busy roads, continuing to shoot there too. recently, residents had the pleasure of watching such a performance with shooting and dancing. balashikha near moscow. who the troublemakers were and how their wedding celebrations ended , our alexander karpov met the armed newlyweds. residents
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of balashikha, awakened by the fiery rhythms under their windows, at first underestimated the temperament of the newlyweds, but the dancing turned out to be only a prelude to the celebration of love. yesterday we had lisginka dancing here, shooting from pistols, we were very scared yesterday, they were right in front of our door, they got into cars, drove off and shot into the sky like that, how many children in the neighborhood choked on porridge at this moment connection.
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are you sure they are single? well yes, why? well, combat soldiers don’t shoot like that, would they explode firecrackers? well, instead of firecrackers, it’s better to shoot with canvas and attract attention, but without this, the wedding isn’t a wedding? yes, the newlyweds did not make it to the restaurant in moscow; instead of festive tables, they were seated directly with the guests in the bullpen. it was established that a wedding procession was moving along the moscow-nizhny novgorod highway, several shots were fired from one car in the air from an object structurally similar to a weapon, in fact of a gross violation public order, a criminal case was initiated under article 213 of the criminal code of the russian federation for hooliganism. an epidemic of shooting weddings raged in the capital about 10 years ago. the first was a procession on tverskaya, where the ferrari driver snipered a neighboring car. then the police calmed down the hot newlyweds in marina and sokolniki; academician anokhin was detained in as many as five firing squads.
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letnikov, message. in the moscow region, it’s time to talk about a real plane crash. small single-engine aircraft are falling from sky, almost every week. the other day one of these made an emergency landing and landed right on a busy highway. how the pilot did not kill himself and did not kill anyone on the ground is still unclear. an incredible and happy coincidence for everyone. this rarely happens. well, what is actually happening on earth in heaven? why airplanes? they don’t make it to the airfield and land almost on the heads of ground transport drivers. dmitry blinnikov studied all the features of domestic small aviation with passion. disasters are a miracle managed to avoid it by landing on the roadway, the plane drove off the road and stopped literally a few centimeters from the forest belt. it would hardly have survived a collision with trees. his landing is so easy. at about one o'clock in the afternoon, the light-engine piper took off from a private sports club. towards
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letkarin, flew 5 km, after which, according to eyewitnesses, it began to descend sharply, the pilot circled over the turaevskoe highway for some time, after which he decided to land. the pilot, mikhail, was on board at that moment. bodrozhan, and as they say, there were two more passengers with him. in conditions of woody terrain and dense buildings, he landed the plane on a highway. not only those in the cabin were on the verge of death, but also motorists who were driving along a busy road at that very moment. the plane is clean. this is what the situation looked like: a piper model aircraft popular with russian aviators, there are many of them in the moscow region and most are based on... what happened on turaevskoye highway is now being sorted out consequence. the pilot himself stated that at an altitude of 1 km his engine suddenly stopped. the investigation's main version of what happened is a technical malfunction of the aircraft in the form of an engine failure. if
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a violation of federal legislation is detected, the prosecutor's office will issue an exhaustive set of prosecutorial penalties. reports of emergencies involving light aircraft in the capital region occur regularly in litkar itself. this is not the first time, in june a plane crashed in the forest, there were two people on board, and a year earlier , tv presenter alexander koltovoi died in a plane crash due to engine malfunction. according to experts, the main reason is that the cars are old; new ones are expensive , about 50 million rubles. they are being brought from the usa and europe, decommissioned and have long since exhausted their service life, and the pilots fly at their own peril and risk. now we are flying over the area where we would be in the event of an engine failure. another common reason is insufficient skill, pilots get lost in extreme situations, if he is not trained, this pilot, then in this in a case, it can be anything you want, even a bird or some kind of fright that arose, i saw such disasters right at the airfield,
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the plane was intact, the pilot was sitting there safe, well, he was killed by the fact that there was just a blow, and more the question of fuel, there are several types of it, it is very important that it is suitable for the engine, but sometimes they refuel more than necessary and also... fortunately there were no casualties, but as experts say, this is the exception rather than the rule. dmitry blinnikov, arthur normakhomedov, pavel glazunov, lika dzhevakhishvili, news. for many residents in the districts of moscow and the moscow region, the season of deafening night fireworks is by no means limited to the new year holidays, but continues all year round, and in the summer , individual windows manage to arrange pyrotechnics. the neighborhood is a real shooting range, and living there is like living near a military training ground, with constant sleepless nights and pets going crazy. is there a way to stop such fire shows and bring shooters, amateur pyrotechnicians, and awakened neighbors to justice,
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our denis voskovsky was looking for. in the middle of the night the first nogatino passage was illuminated by flashes. multi-colored comets flew out of the window of a residential building, and neighbors, awakened by the roar, asked to stop the disgrace. but the threat's requests only provoked the bully. the firecrackers were launched from apartment number 200 on the twenty-first floor. it was not possible to find out what exactly the restless iron was celebrating; no one opened the door for us. a real epidemic of night fireworks swept across moscow and the moscow region, here is a multi-charged one. at the beginning of midnight, batteries are pouring without interruption on the outskirts of mytishchi, and this is a sleepless night in balashikha. no more than others the residents of ozernaya street in lyubertsy are lucky.
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i woke up from this terrible bang and didn’t sleep until 2:00 am. violators of public order periodically, as if mockingly, threw some homemade firecrackers out of the window. when on the ground. such a bright, dangerous woman falls, suddenly it would fall on someone, together with nadezhda kosareva and her two-year-old son vanya, after a sleepless night we are trying to find out the address of the hooligans. hello, film crew of the russia tv channel, we are going through the apartments floor by floor about the explosion of firecrackers. by the way, the police according to nadezhda, despite numerous calls, for some reason they did not come to the place, although in this case it is petty hooliganism, the punishment for which can be a large fine and even arrest for 15 days. inevitability.
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number 200 to answer denis voskovsky, vladislav dubtsov, oleg dobin, eva golyanova, on the central streets of moscow a real time machine started working again, in an instant. anyone can find themselves in the 19th century, 16th, 16th or even earlier, all the way to
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antiquity and see the best of what is there there were imperial balls, victorious battles of the russian army, the village life of our ancestors, with the effect of complete immersion. the traditional summer festival of times and eras is in full swing and this is one of the most unusual, spectacular and impressive street performances, and you don’t have to go anywhere far, and you don’t need tickets. where all this happens and controls this movement through the centuries , alexey knor has just returned from an epoch-making journey. if we entered this kind of subway, this arch, we would find ourselves in a park. recognizable streets, familiar facades moscow, the beginning of the fateful forties, is still almost deserted. now props are being delivered to the site to recreate the atmosphere of the period of the defense of moscow in 1941; military equipment and anti-aircraft systems have already been delivered, and tomorrow there will be reenactors on these fake streets. will begin the battle for the city of dubno. this battle is also called the battle of the fords. in a tank battle, the fascist troops
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received serious resistance for the first time. the multi-purpose playground, part of mostkino park in new moscow, will be for the first time this year one of the locations of the large-scale festival "times and epochs". this year, out of twelve of our already completed venues, two will host the festival. this is cowboy town and the streets of moscow and the forties. the koboy town will be shown at a unique venue. everything connected with the life of the wild west. colorful reconstructions in augmented reality format, guest participants not only from all over the country, but from all over the world. i am very impressed by the park, because it really gives the impression of being completely immersed in the historical eras that are here presented, there is a feeling that you can live through those events, live through the times that surround you here. well, the main events, of course, will take place in the very center of the capital. the boulevard ring, for example, will turn into a time portal. which will take guests through times and eras, from antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century. visitors will be able to look into the depths of history,
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get acquainted with the life of the past and learn how our ancestors lived and worked. the festival will last until june 16. alexey knur, maxim gavrilets, ignatiy sokolov, pavel letnikov, lead. all eras are good, choose according to your taste. it 's been a week in the city, we'll be back in exactly 7 days to tell the stories that happened near us. see you.
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this is what power and greatness look like, a nature that does not tolerate compromise and requires only unquestioning respect and admiration. perhaps it is no coincidence that the people here are the same, uncompromising, strong-willed, but able to give beauty. and joy! good morning, i'm in dagestan! the republic of dagestan is the largest subject of the north caucasus federal district, extending from the coast of the caspian sea to the mountains of the greater caucasus. as much as this land is rich in diverse landscapes and landscapes, it is also rich in people. dagestan is the most multinational region of russia. on its territory live representatives of about. 120 nationalities, including many outstanding athletes, musicians, and craftsmen.
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there are professions that seem to be about craft, but are actually about human souls. for example, i personally know several hairdressers and manicurists, whom i come to as a psychotherapist. and that's it, it’s probably not so much about profession as it is about talent. the talent is to hear and listen. hello, hello, i went out and bought you some strawberries, wow, wow, and you think i’m talking halambul, this is magomed isupaev, and it seems like everyone in kizlyar knows him. he has been working in this small workshop in the local market for more than 30 years;
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he says he chose a job so that he could always reflect on life and not rush anywhere. well, you actually surprised me, why? well because i think they are coming to you mending shoes, and are you treating me to strawberries? and what kind of shoes do they bring to you? i look, they brought everything, the slippers are even being repaired, what is being done? do you have clients who constantly return? wow, there are so many of them, there’s nowhere to even put them, i help people, they respect me, uh-huh, they’re happy, say hello, that’s all, and what more does life need?
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doesn’t say which places in dagestan you would recommend visiting first, here are your favorites, where i live, this place is the best for me, when you don’t live in your homeland, and he doesn’t understand a piece of life, he just exists, and there’s no home where i wouldn’t be in new york, yes, you know, but there’s no one there, i ’ll be bored there, i don’t want to be there when he already knows you, knows you, knows someone else, that’s good with life, that’s it i communicate back and forth, it’s more fun for me, i need it.
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yes, proud people, that’s what they say about the inhabitants of the caucasus, well... how can you not be proud, this salta gorge with an underground waterfall, a natural monument, is the great pride of all dagestan, well, kizlyar is the birthplace of prince bagration, the impetuous and indomitable general has always been respected here, some busts bogration in small kizlyar there are four of them: at the station, in the museum, at the cognac factory... where is this one in the park, oh, i almost forgot, the kizlyar regional museum is also named after bagartion, literate people are like the sun, illiterate like the black night , so they say in dagestan, this is aulchokh, and here at all times
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the passion for education was valued in people, it is in this ... school, from here that many scientists, thinkers came out, about 300 doctors and candidates of sciences alone. in general, each village is like a small state with with its traditions, rules and one thing in life for everyone. welcome to the village where the first rope walker in dagestan opened its doors in the mountain village. you ’re telling me correctly, breathe, because i’m looking at the place where you’re going to walk on a tightrope, and i can’t imagine that this is possible, it’s an abyss over a mountain river, like, well , considering where i walked, i’m walking a trifle, seriously, and where you walked everywhere and walked 150
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in height, here the maximum can reach 30. somehow it’s standing, let’s go, and there’s a breeze, i’m here i’m standing there, it’s windy, and he’s like, oh, hold on, hold on, oh, a handsome idiot, like from a picture, such concentration, he decided to sway some more, oh-oh-oh, kamel, don’t scare him, what’s he doing, lay down, rest ,
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yes, cheers, bravo, bravo, it's simple. incredible, amazing performance, kamil, well done, but what is difficult, the height or the length of this distance, the length is more difficult, you quickly get used to the height, huh? that is, it’s no longer scary at all, fear, it’s always there, yeah, everyone should have it, but you’re already starting to control it, no matter how many years you’ve been walking on a tightrope, i’ve been walking on a tightrope since i was 6 years old, since i was 6 years old, well, yes, like a mother letting a little child go on a tightrope, no, we have a subject in school about tightrope walking, even so, even so, i’m a sixth generation tightrope walker, wow , so when you stood on the rope at the age of 6, your parents weren’t even surprised, it was normal, right?
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who does it better, men or women? to be honest, for women, the secret here is probably that the more you relax, yeah, maybe the better you walk, you tense up, he throws it off,
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female, more like that, relaxed, oh, me i would really like to try, but, but not here, to be honest, i might not have risked it at all if it weren’t for camille’s charming students, what a great girl, “the clever girls gave me the strength of self-confidence, try to put your hands above your shoulders and you may not be there.” i have to look all the way, about two meters away from myself, but i don’t even really want to look down, you take your leg off, it immediately shakes, it doesn’t work out normally, let’s turn around, so how to turn around, jump, no, no, well, almost, that’s it, now let me go on my own?” “come on, i’ll be like this, yudochka, almost, wow, how can i, i moved away altogether, but there was a step,
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there was a step, half a step, oh, that’s it, in general, horse walkers, if they’re not born, they become only as a result of long, hard training, but..." you know what, there is one activity in which i train hard every program. today we will prepare our dagestan national dish, which is called kurze. yeah, what is this, what does it look like? in composition, in principle, they are similar to ordinary dumplings, but their modeling is radically different. is different. yes. let's start making the first kurze in my life from dough. for which you will need flour, water and salt. by the way, magomed cooked his first kurze when he was only 9, then you were fired up with the desire
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to become a cook, your mother, grandmothers, sat with them in the kitchen, they showed me, explained, i also tried to help like that, they often kicked me out of the kitchen, we constantly talked about the idea of ​​cooking as an unmanly thing, but how friends reacted to it, initially there was a misunderstanding, of course, everyone went. ran, played football, yes, all sorts of shooting games, all that, sat at the computer, of course, how did you not go out of your way, i liked it, i like to eat, and cook, eat, then we add water, our water is special , mountain, oh, mountain dagestan, you buy kurze somewhere, but if they don’t come with this water, then consider it’s not the same, that’s it, i think, let’s start kneading enough, let’s do it... you’re so cunning, of course, as they say, i ’m not afraid of flour, having kneaded the dough properly, we move on to the filling: take minced beef
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lamb, add spices, egg, water and finely chopped onion, are you from here, yes, i am, but i never wanted to leave, no, i love my city, my city with just my soul and heart, honestly, our people are very good, in general, in dagestan they come and not... visitors, you can come to anyone, you will be treated to tea, and fresh bread, yeah, and kurze, kurze, by the way, come with different fillings, we also prepare two types of them: with meat. for the second filling , chop parsley, dill and spinach and add salt, black pepper and egg, well now we roll out the dough into one large flat cake, cut out circles from it and move on to the most important part - highly artistic modeling, fold one edge, start pinching, interesting and...
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it turned out i agree, the last one is just super, normal, and now we send my entire evolutionary chain from kurze crookedly flattened to kurze, lying directly in a pan, cook in salted water, meat kurze for 7 minutes, and kurze with herbs for about five, ready, mm, this is
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such a dumpling. with such cool dough, very tasty meat, just so natural natural, so juicy, juicy, now i have to try the greenfinch, delicious, friends, come to dagestan, tasty, satisfying, natural, in dagestan they are traditionally proud of their strength. that’s why i wasn’t at all surprised that one of russia’s main record-breaking strongmen lives right here, but i still have to be surprised, because to see a living person before your eyes, no, i won’t say anything, it’s better to see for yourself, here she is, what happened, you’ve probably never been given
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such hearts, this is just amazing, omar, listen, it’s not in vain that it took me so long to get to you, it seems to me that if i hadn’t seen this now with my own eyes, i simply wouldn’t have believed that this was possible, can i, you know, not only touch this, but my hands your ordinary hands, doesn’t it really hurt you? and you somehow, i don’t know, harden them, rub them with something, you train every day, they usually turn out like this, you’re serious, wow, number one, and you’re number one, well, me,
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but no, how is it not, maybe it’s not necessary, amar khanapiev is 58 years old, and 42 of them, he puts one world record after another, how many records do you have? 64 world records, 64, the largest ship, 800 tons sank with teeth onto the shore 17 m, trains, planes, well, everything that can...


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