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tv   Sto k odnomu  RUSSIA1  June 16, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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it is a great credit to both the mosque staff and the city services of the moscow government that over the years the moscow cathedral mosque has become an example of how such religious celebrations should be held; this is a high standard for holding eid al-adha and kurban bayram. ونستغفره ونؤمن به ونتوكل عليه ونعوذ بالله من شرور انفسنا ومن سيئات please
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contact all rights reserved. all the best and most importantly, take care of yourself farit asadulin was at the festive service. rtr-planet is more than just television, it is a piece of russia on every screen of the planet. flew away, the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and you’re having a corporate party or something, who are you, and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for murder using cunning, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, the dog is foul, exciting series , we are gathering an orchestra, we will...
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unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder is visible, nor i am scared, as if i were not me, to the connection between the murders, but there is one, and we we will find her, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, breathtaking shows and the best music, and do you spend most of your life on your feet or? on my head, even i don’t know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music, blogger, hope, it rests on the song of russia, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, basin i poured some hot water over myself and went to my wife, i said, i’m leaving, i looked back, she i’ve already packed my things, peek-a-boo, meeting
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the stars, what’s more difficult: becoming a good person or staying? the question is certainly interesting, both difficult and different, you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends. when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens, live: the story of a mysterious disappearance, the whole studio discusses the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law do not communicate. 5 years, cutting-edge documentary, the flag of the russian federation is already rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. current news, political investigations, impartial analytics. live program 60 minutes. the news goes on air. hello. key events, what will this day be remembered for when the whole world calls it black. white, we choose
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the truth, vladimir putin is sitting in this chair , he, as you and i remember, enters the hall through these doors, everything without which one cannot imagine . russia only on the rtr planeta channel. some physicists are held in high esteem, while some lyricists are held in high esteem. in 1959, the poet slutsky believed that logarithms are more important than rhymes. the physicist became the most popular hero. this is the time of the creation of atomic weapons of space rockets. that's just it. films, books that glorified physicists were created by lyricists and people of art. hello, mikhail zhebrak is still with you. the dispute about the contribution of different professions to the struggle for the future of humanity, in the sixties they used such
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terms, captured the country, they wrote that pushkin’s bronze horseman is more powerful than the cosmic rockets. then they calmed down, different people are needed, different people are important. today we are going to the forge of personnel, as they would say before, to higher educational institutions, where they train either physicists or lyricists. on foot, the oldest technical university in moscow is
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baumanka, the bauman technical university in 1826, the 19th century was somewhat changed by the architect kekushev. giliardi's main building and side wings were connected by a low gallery, and kekushev extended the gallery to the level of the roofs. i received the publication from the same height.
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domenic agilardi rebuilt for technical school, the palace burned down in 1812. the school did not need a main hall, two-height, with a bay window overlooking the garden. and gillardi divided this main hall into two levels: at the bottom he made an assembly hall, here we are in it, at the top there is a house church. after the revolution , the last time a house church was opened was twenty.
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it was called the russian method and was introduced in different european countries to the usa. what is special about the russian method? the training is similar to factory practice. there were all the necessary tools, materials, machines, teaching theoretical disciplines at the university level, constant communication between the school and industry. and today a third of the university’s teachers are part-time teachers from the real sector of the economy. many people don't know. why in soviet times the school was named after bauman. bauman did not study here, he is a professional revolutionary, he died during the revolutionary unrest in 1905 nearby, and his body was brought here, and then , with a large cross section of people, there were working students, the coffin was taken to the cemetery. in the 19th century
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, engineers, respectable, well-paid people, well, they cooked... in this old auditorium under an oak ceiling. after the revolution of 1917, revolutionaries, workers, border guards began to be educated to become technically educated. people were treated with some suspicion by specialists. well, in the middle of the 20th century, a new hero appeared, young, scientist, he can dance the twist, be well dressed and at the same time devoted to science and his homeland. our physicists received their first nobel prizes in 1958, 1962, 1964. science cities are being built, but the lyricists create a film, 9 days of one year, about physicists and nuclear scientists.
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the level of an educational institution is determined by the success of its graduates; the legendary engineer shukhov graduated from a technical school like this.
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artisans and factory artists, in different years it was called workshops, an institute, after the revolution of the seventeenth year it was merged with the moscow school of painting, howl of non-art, in 1945 it was revived as an independent institute. after a long war , the country needed specialists to restore destroyed cities. damaged material and artistic values. in 1956... this beautiful, huge building was built. baumanka
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held on to the well-deserved name of school for a long time, but nevertheless became a university. here is stroganovka, now the stroganov art and technical university. the author of the building, architect zheltovsky, created a surprisingly cozy and at the same time majestic space, and over the decades, all the rooms were filled with works of art, works of students. in the same hall and library, stucco chandeliers have been preserved fifties. in the history of architecture, he
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drew views, sections and plans of all the buildings he talked about with chalk on a blackboard. later he published his educational works in watercolors in the form of a separate album. the division into physicists and lyricists is arbitrary; it is believed that physicists create, and lyricists operate mainly with words, while physicists can work with invisible objects, and artists with material ones. we came. to the department of monumental and decorative painting. here students copy famous works,
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make projects, say, stations, subways, and draw from life. here in the corner is a series of mutual portraits, students drawing each other in the style of renaissance murals. stroganov graduates decorate the city, which is why we see their works more often on the streets, in interiors, than in museum halls. we can still admire the works of the artist nevinsky. painted many historical buildings, in particular the mitropol hotel. muscovites. planner sculptors are well known; as they say here, a graduate and then teacher of the andreev college made monuments to gogol and ostrovsky. 20 years the sculpture department was headed by motavilov, but he decorated many moscow metro stations with bas-reliefs and sculptures. they say here that stroganka was always slightly
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left-wing and loved the avant-garde. the avant-garde is felt in the works of sidur, frangulyan, burganov. works unusually with form, while planing shcherbakov is quite a classic, granny, i will take care of you... his grandmother died in the hospital, they came to us from the guardianship authorities, i won’t go to my grandfather, you’ll live with us, come to your senses, and this is not according to the law, but humanly speaking, i will save you from painful choice between a husband and some homeless child, goodbye, spring of change,
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today on rtr.
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i died for the gods, i died, go crazy, there would be no happiness, i predict that something very, very good will soon happen in your life, so good that you will grab your head, but the dress helped, when you wear it, your whole life will change , yes, i don’t know what to change, you are amazing... a dream woman, a mystery woman, i’ve actually gone through some kind of strange streak, first this artist, then a man on the beach, maybe you’re a man started, it seems to me, i have roman, who do you have, roman, at your age, well, sasha, one, second, third, third who, dress
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the color of the sea, premiere, give me a chance, do you want to come back, on saturday ... a big music show, on friday on rtr, you don’t understand, they will go to the end, that on days like these they will always hunt, premiere on rtr, what happened, happened, yes, it happened
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terrible, don’t you think this accident is strange at all, nonsense, i just couldn’t control it, it was you who caused the accident, you wanted to kill christina, our people are all around, that means you, i know how to get things done, and if the truck driver was bribed, behind seven seals, from monday on rtr, design, monumental decorative art and restoration are the three pillars on which modern stroganov stands, and restoration students study on specific objects , they work in churches, they made new stoves in the kant museum, right here in the corridor. century, this is the school of stepan polubes, and only if you look at the back of the shard, it is clear where the tiles are authentic and where they were made in the stroganovka workshop. some years back. stroganovka students restored mosaics, paintings, bridges, residential modules, and the famous barrels on the seashore in the orlyonok children's camp.
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the central part of the building is occupied by the assembly hall, majestic, like everything at zheltovsky, the difference between this university and the technical ones is that here the students’ work spilled out into the corridors, halls, onto the stairs, so that the chemists would splash out like that, the whole institute looks like a giant exhibition , i found a review from a person who came here to the museum, there is a museum here where samples for
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copying the study of applied arts, but did not make it to the museum; the works of art in the corridors were enough for him. on foot, roads in russia at our distances
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are greater than roads, so the first institute of railway engineers was opened in st. petersburg in the capital already at the beginning of the 19th century, but the speed of construction of railways outstripped the speed of training specialists and additionally an engineer was opened in moscow in 1896 . school. in september, before the start of the first school year, the railway allocated two second class carriages and took all 60 students for 5 days to nizhny novgorod to inspect the all-russian exhibition. the building for the school was built quickly, in just a year. here, 350 masons worked on the masonry. from the outside it is clearly visible that the top floor was built on during soviet times; it is very interesting that there are different windows in the wings. with one. on the side is the educational part, there are workshops, laboratories, auditoriums, large windows, on the other side, there is a residential part, there are smaller windows.
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these are not all modern publications of the university of transport; it all started with one such building with internal yards. its author, architect kitner, lived and worked in st. petersburg. he built a lot, was the chairman of the society of architects and an employee of the ministry of railways. he taught architecture as an engineer and received an order for such an educational building. on one side we have a high educational part, there are classrooms, laboratories, workshops, on the other side there is a four-story residential part, with low
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ceilings, on the ground floor there was a dining room for 300 people with a separate entrance, an infirmary with eight beds, a doctor’s waiting room and a pharmacy, and above are three floors of a dormitory designed for 113 nonresident students, well, in the central part there is such an assembly hall and a house church. i wish the roads were far and the routes were not easy, the bards sang. today we remember the sixtieth road key concept. that time. gagarin paved the way to space. komsomol members went to develop virgin lands, laid bam. and graduates of the institute
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of transport were involved in all the most important things. russian university of transport in brackets miit. you and i are in the library in the books of garin mikhailovsky, and this writer is a certified traveler, participated in the construction of railways and port facilities. so in the descriptions of garin mikhailovsky, a railway engineer is, at the same time, a walking encyclopedia, a foreman, a shield operator, an accountant, a geologist, a demolition worker, a hunter, and, well, a designer.
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made the main character of his novel “the mysterious island” a railway specialist who can build a completely successful civilization on an uninhabited island. currently , more than 30,000 students are studying at the university of transport, 5.00 specialists graduate annually; in total , 350 thousand engineers have been trained here throughout history. on foot. the first higher courses for women opened in st. petersburg in 1870. before this, russian women could only obtain higher education abroad. in moscow, women's courses opened a little later in 1872. the girls trained in different parts of moscow only at the beginning. centuries
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, the courses received their own home, several buildings were built on deviche pole, we are in front of the most spectacular classroom, completed in 1912 by the architect solovyov, rarely doric columns found on the streets of moscow are a direct reference to the first building of moscow university. the architecture emphasizes the continuity of these educational institutions. the moscow higher women's courses were founded by
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a professor. history of moscow university vladimir gerye, here is a monument to the founder of the work of the sculptor lomov. at the beginning of the 20th century , women's rights courses were equated to universities; there were three faculties, including medicine, its premises are located to my right. physics and mathematics, its building on the left, historical and philological on the fourth there was no law department, which is usually found in all-male universities. after the revolution the courses were named. the second moscow state university, in 1930, having lost its physics, chemistry and medicine departments, the educational institution became the lenin pedagogical institute, its high name emphasizing the level of the institution.
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a symmetrical frontal composition, common for a russian educational institution. here it was replaced by a corner scheme, a rotunda under a dome was placed on a fairly sharp corner of the streets, it contains the main staircase, the main entrance at the top is a round meeting room of the academic council, between the two side wings a vast atrium courtyard was formed, it was glazed by the famous engineer shukhov, and the auditoriums, three auditoriums, and a large one, could accommodate 1,100 people. the female students had their own entrance from the courtyard with a locker room; it seems to me that before the construction of the main building of moscow state university on varbiev hills, it was the most beautiful educational building in moscow.
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now the ancient building is occupied by the moscow pedagogical state university. this round hall is what students call doggie, dog run. there is a legend that there was once a cloakroom here
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where female students deposited their pets. but this is a legend. someone just came up with a funny name, since the main entrance was almost always closed, there were tables for classes, a tennis table, and a wall newspaper hanging " at the institute, under the arches of the stairs, obsessed with the thirst to create, we wanted to write a song, as a souvenir of moscow to give, student ada yakusheva wrote here. there were different periods in the history of the institute, today we are. we remember the dispute between physicists and lyricists, and so the pedagogical lyricist produced lyricists on an industrial scale, excellent lyricists studied here, kim, visbor, dolino,
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ryashentsev, who wrote songs for 70 films and performances, it was not for nothing that the mpi was deciphered as the moscow singing institute. i first saw this building 40 years ago, it was stunning in its scale, but after the last reconstruction, which ended in 2022, the masterpiece began to shine. in this large lenin auditorium, the old round lampshades were restored, many were broken, the high soviet podium, they left soviet marble on the walls, it’s beautiful, i was shocked that in the whole building, in all the corridors...
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people are coming for money, running away from resentment, from melancholy, but i’m going, and i’m going after dreams, others have come times and now on the websites of universities they proudly write what salaries graduates receive, and since universities are technical, salaries are growing exponentially, now physicists with lyricists seem to be financial terms, well , with physicists it’s clear, and lyricists are obviously those who make transactions with turkey , we are with you examined. four old universities, in total there are 150 state universities and 750,000 students in moscow, new buildings, new dormitories are constantly being built, anyone who wants to study all the higher educational institutions of moscow will become an eternal
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student. see you in a week. my zero has arrived, good morning, hello, how were the night lessons, everything went well, otherwise i was worried all night, can you imagine, forgive me, my phone was dead, the thing is that fedya had a haircut, my grandmother was in the hospital,
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the child himself decided to spend the night, i had to listen, grandma, this, this is a very important point, seryozhenka, you drank, you’re peeing, yes, you drank, not zero, let’s finish all this right now, i won’t bother you, live, we’ll divorce quietly and live as you want. the earth still looks sad, the earth still looks sad, fedenka, you and i went out into the street to... well , to feel this poem, well, listen, the air is already breathing in spring, the air
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is already breathing in spring, nina alexandrovna, wait, i’ll tell you i forgot to give the money, oh, now, yeah, what’s wrong, what’s wrong with you, that’s it okay, everything is fine, i’ll sit for a while, here’s striglov, nina aleksandrovna wastes her time, nerves and health on slackers like you, as if everything is fine. yes, thank you, elena valerievna, thank you. well, fet, shall we continue? now try to see the beauty of nature awakening after winter. nature has not yet woken up. through her thinning sleep, she sensed spring. she smiled involuntarily. soul, soul, slept and you
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see, everything is fine, who’s next, me, come in, hello, hello, hello, what are you, are you kind of related, yes, i’ve been waiting for you, yes, seriously, uh-huh, what happened, i have good news, let's come in, yes, i'm coming, i'm coming, lord, that's it, that's it, yes, come on, listen carefully, well, your poor student, striglov,
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probably not i know, i already got an a, no, so what? i think i did it, i'm pregnant. no, i bought a test, it doesn’t show anything yet, but nausea, not from the stomach, no, come here, come here, sit down, my dear, sit down, sit down, come on! give me a pen, no, do you trust me, in short, of course, which of you is a gynecologist, you or me, well, i could have made a mistake with diagnosis, no, well, you know everything perfectly well, you have infertility due to pain, we were treated with medication, it didn’t work, i agreed to have surgery, well, you can’t, you never can, you have the olympics here, eg, well... what's in this little room, she's still with the children, it's hot today, we'll bribe her,
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we'll buy a good apartment, my brother and sister and i grew up in a one-room apartment in moscow, well , that's it, that's it, that's it, why are you so upset, that's why your symptoms, your bad guys brought it on, don’t talk about them like that, you’re strangers don’t take the problem on yourself, yes, what is it, i remember exactly that i put it here, no, well, let’s go already, why are you digging, come on, tomorrow is the nerdy anniversary, we collected money for a bouquet, i have to buy it today, i can’t i mean , you can’t find an envelope with money, they probably would have stolen your money. so what, they will never stoop to theft?
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i probably lost it somewhere myself. well , it’s okay, i have a little salary left, it should be enough. i mean, what’s left, are you planning to spend yours? listen, everyone knows, some russian, why do you even need money? trust? well, who else? everyone has their own business. wait, again? got caught, took up the old ones again, i would pay, honestly, tell the police, wait, are you going to take a child to the police from one apple, me myself? i’ll pay him, if only he had an apple last week, he brought out a chicken under his jacket, the cameras recorded it, let him go, please, i’m fedya’s teacher, i promise you, i’ll take him under personal control, well, are you hungry, no, i just wanted an apple, no ,
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why did i take it for my grandmother, but i have money. yours, i'm only there for a little while i took the medicine, and share it with this head teacher, she doesn’t need your flowers, they make her snot, so calm down, this is not a reason, the flowers will rot, and i have a granny, she’s on a diet, she needs medicine, and those are discounted they don’t help, do you know how much the medicines cost now, dear, calm down, what about grandma, does she have diabetes? with complications, and i said, bah, stop working two jobs, being a dishwasher and a cook, and we’ll live like that, and she’s done, now she can’t work, bed rest, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, you’ll forgive me, but she’s got , there is no one but me, now you have me,
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let's go, where, to the store? so bah, we have noodles, cereal and chicken, i’ll make chicken soup with meatballs, don’t you mind, where did you get all this from, the teacher bought it, what a teacher, little russian, and she also gave money for medicine yesterday, huh.. . find out, you steal, you will be like your mother, you will go to prison, what are you doing, what will i not do, if you don’t believe me, you can call on the phone, and anyone can answer the phone, i want to look at her, i’m very interested in what. this is for
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a person who spends money on strangers, okay, bah, that’s it, calm down, she’s kind. “oh , it’s not without reason that such kindness happens, nina aleksandrovna, let me help, thank you, why don’t you go home, but my grandmother was angry with me, why does she think i’m stealing, but you told her, i bought some groceries, i said, she doesn’t believe me , says that i should come with the teacher." well, i’ll have to visit your grandmother, but i can’t do it today, my husband has to come pick me up, of course, well, i’ll come, i’ll definitely come, don’t be afraid of her, she’s of course strict, but good, i’ll definitely come, i’ll
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wait. so that you stand in front of them the whole lesson, seryozhenka, well, you just underestimate them, you know, i remember, one of my students ksyusha samoilova wrote in an essay, and ksenia, even in the most difficult moments of her life, could not lie, because she considered lying to be spiritual ugliness, as accurately
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noted, from the internet as accurately noticed, serezhenka, you just don’t know them, i know, but... on the other hand, they come to me at the age of 16 already on board, where she ran, somehow they didn’t fly in , my little one, i was scared, you’re all in labor, come here, what are you doing? and how pretty you are, let’s take her, no, wait , let’s take her, let’s see, but there’s a capsule, that means it’s a club capsule, let’s... let’s take it, no, we can’t take it, but she has it there are already owners, they will worry, look, um,
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really, how smart you are, let’s go already, come on, what, what, what, so, i don’t know, you didn’t accidentally hit yourself when we were slowing down, well, uh something clicked in my back and it hurts you, that’s it, you’ll go, reclining, let’s be careful, be careful, now the door i’ll open it, quietly, quietly, quietly, oops, that’s it, sesh, i love you. i love you too, let's sit down, thank you, ah, comfortable position, take it, yes, yes, what, yes, i remember the address, quiet street two, drop one private house, yes, yes, i understand, i'll be there soon, well, well, yes , let's? i haven’t fed her yet, oh well, she’ll feed her at home, what are you, you rest, it’s better, lie down more, that’s it, seryozha, i
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washed the overalls there. hello, hello, well, actually, here it is intact, zhuzha, thank you,
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thank you, my dear, please tell me how much i owe you, oh, come on what, you don’t owe me anything, thank god i was found, but no, no, well, i can’t just let you go, you saved my... juzhu, and maybe at least coffee, well, as a small reward, coffee , yeah, coffee is wonderful, fed. i'm so glad to see you, come in! hello, nina aleksandrovna, as you said at school,
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you are sick, your back, your back is bad, if anything, i can help you, go to the store, get an injection, clean up, well, no, you definitely don’t need to clean up, an injection , i'm afraid, but you know, if you stay. i will have lunch with me very nice, you’ll stay, okay, well, well, i guess i’ll go, thanks for the coffee, well wait, you haven’t tried my sweets, you know, but i can’t live without sweets, after all, chocolate is mine passion, and also cars. can you imagine how my beautiful engine sounds, like this, i have no doubt that
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i will have a chance to listen to it, oh, wait, something like that, my heart started beating, it’s from the coffee, i have to. leave you from work, you know, yeah, ah, yes, i completely forgot, i have to return your overalls, already, ah, yes, you will allow me to visit you again, of course, certainly, wonderful, and i will accompany you, thank you, fetenka, why don’t you eat, honestly, your memory of the elements
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is excellent. scald, but i’m not very good at cooking, i admit, i have problems with this, if you want, i’ll teach you, my grandmother told me so many recipes, guess how many potato dishes i know, 23, my grandmother taught me a lot of things, and my mother, my mother you can’t see far from here, grandma and i are fine together, okay, nina aleksandrovna, grandma was waiting for me there, next time i’ll teach you. yes, yes, of course, wow, are these all poems? no, there are different works. give me something to read, something about adventure. okay, let's see now. here. i think
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you should like this book. thank you. and if anything happens, i’ll bring more books, okay, a fat girl from narabraz, somewhat similar to aunt dasha, left me in a long, darkened room in the corridor, left, said that she would be right back, i was in the locker room, she would kill my grandmother. you took so long, everything is fine, how is she, yes, who, baby, well, doggy, it’s just so cold outside, and you left without overalls, yes, exactly, by the way, where is it, in the bathroom, it’s already dry, you ’re going to eat it, i’ll be there, heat it up.
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hello, fedenka, there are some groceries here, we need to put something in the refrigerator. hello, maria semyonovna. well, hello! “hello, how is your health, with your prayers, then, gray-haired teacher, yes, in russian language and literature, by the way, i’ll leave books here for him, but take the books away, there’s no need to embarrass him with books, he’s only busy with readings, about i forgot everything,
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but he needs to read, i myself know what he needs, he needed it for the apartment yesterday.” to pay, but he was late, now penalties have to be paid, i understand, but he is a child, he needs to learn to dream, that’s just what was missing, and not deal with everyday problems, sorry, i knew they’d get in with their help, and then let’s teach life, take your literature and goodbye, well, well, see the teacher off. wonderful coffee, well, thank you,
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thank you very much. why not? no, i don’t often meet people who share my interests so sincerely. unfortunately, the interests of a very lonely woman. as i understand you, i’m very lonely too!
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i actually studied there and work for gynecologists in the region. what are you, a luminary in endocrinology? no, what are you saying, i’m the head of the police medical court. wow, wow, and that the boss gives out such cars there, the salary allows, let's say, this... hello, hello, you've been taking so long, i'm already starting to worry, listen, santa, can you imagine, my classmate, not 20 years old? we saw each other, well, 2 hours flew by, anton is
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the one who was predicted to have a career as a talented endocrinologist, yeah, the chief export officer they work in the police now, in the police, it’s a pity, why feel sorry, there’s no need to feel sorry, everything is just fine with him, what do you mean, no, why so naive? the police are a good place for kickbacks, and you can communicate with such a person, he turns out worse than criminals, god, today you talk to me with slogans, as if you were talking to your students, oh, is that blood, yes, when i was leveling in the morning, i cut myself, and the machine is broken, no, but our machine is broken all the time, and again the schoolboy for... crammed it in, well, oh well, well let me wash it with my hands, no need, i’ll wash it myself, yes, i forgot to say, we ’re going to a restaurant together for anton’s birthday, what
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, no, i won’t go, i don’t know what to talk about with this person, no, what are you you start, don’t be so principled, please do it for me, well, i need to keep in touch with him, he promised a job, wait, are you going to take bribes too? lord, what bribes, and not, well , just additional income, we want to live better, yes, a new compartment washing machine, oh, big, very big, all the school curtains peace, wash it off, so, well, we’re all here, let’s finally get to know each other, i’m glad to see you all, i hope... to get to know you better. premiere on rtr. and who are you? christina, your younger sister, is a stranger among your family. where did you even come from, huh? excuse me, who are you?
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who am i? who is this you? i would be glad you have another sister. rich heiress. i transfer all my property to you. now business will begin in the factory, they will decide who is in charge there. i didn't understand what was going on. come on hit me again, that's what you're doing if you want, brother, yes, a prisoner in a house full of terrible family secrets, this is impossible, but i could not commit suicide, you will arrest her, who, christina, with all our seals, from monday on rtr, we gathered in the first group about.
10:56 am
the decision that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people, caring, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do, it's just amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, i loved it the other one, natasha, i’m going to her, get out, get out of my life, on friday, positive,
10:57 am
efficient people should work in the service sector, and not such a sad amoeba like you, dad, i’m pregnant, my people have arrived, you know each other, crossed paths. by the way, there are no coincidences in life, if you need my help, promise that you will call me, you’re not indifferent to it, are you? dad, the flower queen needs to be conquered, doesn’t it, who am i you, you are my light, you are my light, on friday on rtr, your own love, today all our participants are doctors, perhaps, we selected the degree of emotions for you.
10:58 am
10:59 am
you are late again today, yes, until night, and what should you write about the examinations, when don’t forget to have lunch, that’s it, have a nice day, and bye to you, grandma, don’t worry, i ’ll pay for the rent, if you’re in pain, i won’t forget, grandma , granny, which bag should you put your things in for the hospital? you'll see to it there, you can't make a mess of eggs, i understand everything, boy, go away, grandma, i'll wait for you, grandma, grandma, maybe goodbye nina aleksandrovnaya
11:00 am
, goodbye girls, let's go there, let's go there , i bought some apples for grandma, she doesn't need these apples she's in the hospital oh my god you 're fine wait everything is fine everything will be fine i promise you. “everything is fine, come on, you know how we’ll do it, i’ll help you pack things for your grandmother in the hospital, and we’ll also go to the store and buy something sweet, because sweets really help with stress, but i don’t need anything, you’ll give me a book they promised about polar explorers, bring it, grandma is not here, you can read it,


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