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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:50pm MSK

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era, don’t be gutted, do you want to come back? on saturday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes. tomorrow on the taxiway. president putin puts forward a peace plan and warns that things will no longer be the same. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. good evening, watch now. like our frigate admiral gorshkov and atomic.
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residents for their sympathy for the russian army. parade of temple ducks in italy. biden hangs as usual. vonderleen and charlie micheli were placed in the corners. and macron was angry and trembling at the prospects early elections in france. the beginning of the election campaign in iran. despite almost forty-five years of sanctions, the iranian market is as vibrant as ever. our vitaly karmazin is already here and his first report on the life of the ancient country. we are located at an altitude
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of about 500 meters, it is believed that the very center of tibet is here, mysterious tibet, what secrets does the palace of ancient lhasa keep, what did the local monks tell grigory vdovin about, and what is the thousand-year-old secret of local fabrics?
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because it feels like the president sketched it out, wrote it himself, it not only traces a characteristic, recognizable intonation, but deepens and details the entire logic of rejection of the predatory violence of the west, which it was putin who revealed in the international arena in recent decades, at first alone. so, now everything has been formulated in... to outline the conditions for the cessation of hostilities on the fronts of the northern military district, in general, to propose a new security architecture in eurasia. at the same time , putin called the actions of the west impudent and noted the collapse of the euro-atlantic security system, which is today.
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for all eurasian countries that wish to take part in its creation, for everyone this means that european and nato countries , of course, too. we live on the same continent, no matter what happens, we cannot change the geography, we will have to coexist and work together one way or another. the appeal to the european nato countries came unexpectedly, it would seem, who already takes them into account and wants to talk at all, we are shooting down british and french missiles, we are burning leopards, that’s actually all the relations, here putin holds out. hand and tells it like it is. the danger to europe does not come from russia. the main threat for europeans is their critical, ever-increasing, almost total dependence on the united states in the military, political, technological, ideological
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and information spheres. and europe is increasingly being pushed to the margins of global economic development, plunging into the chaos of migration and other acute problems. problems, are deprived of international subjectivity and cultural identity. if europe wants to maintain itself as one of the independent centers of global development of the cultural and civilizational fields of the planet, it certainly needs to be in good, kind relations with russia, and the main thing is that we are ready for this. as a third principle, putin calls for intensifying dialogue between existing multilateral ones in eurasia.
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an important part of the eurasian system of security and development should certainly be issues of economics, social well-being, integration and mutually beneficial cooperation, solving such common problems as overcoming poverty, inequality, climate, ecology, developing mechanisms to respond to the threat of pandemic crises in the global economy, everything is important. each of the above is a huge topic, get involved. russia and china as the core.
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our idea of ​​beauty in the vastness of eurasia, putin already fits into this design our specific peace initiative on the conditions for the cessation of hostilities in ukraine, but unlike fundamental initiatives in eurasia, these proposals need urgent consideration. they have a short shelf life because they are made under the conditions of a specific situation on the fronts, since the situation there is fluid, then our initiative may expire, that is, in a sense, we are dealing with a perishable product, but while it is fresh and bright, these are our conditions for immediate cessation of hostilities,
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the start of negotiations, there are only two of them: the first is the withdrawal of the ukrainian armed forces from our territory, and these conditions are very simple, ukrainian troops must... be completely withdrawn from the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions, and i draw your attention specifically from the entire territory of these regions, within their administrative boundaries that existed at the time of their entry into ukraine. the second is refusal to join nato. as soon as they declare in kiev that they are ready for such a decision, they will begin a real withdrawal of troops from these regions, as well. will officially notify us of the abandonment of plans to join nato, from our side immediately, literally at the same minute , an order will follow to cease fire and begin negotiations. i repeat, we will do this immediately. naturally, at the same time we guarantee the unhindered and safe
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withdrawal of ukrainian units and formations. actually, this is already peace, peace as the absence of hostilities, but putin goes further, russia needs it. not a suspension of fire, but a final end to the conflict. that's the goal. today we are doing another concrete, real peaceful thing. setting up fire, as the west wants, in order to restore losses, rearm the kiev
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regime, prepare it for a new offensive, i repeat, we are not talking about freezing the conflict, but about its final end, these are the fundamental conditions, i repeat, our fundamental position is the following: neutral, non-aligned, nuclear-free status of ukraine. its demilitarization and densification, especially since everyone generally agreed with these parameters during the istanbul negotiations in 2022, everything about demilitarization was clear there, everything was spelled out, the number of tanks of this and that, everything was agreed upon, of course, the rights, freedoms and interests of russian-speaking citizens in ukraine must be fully ensured. new territorial realities: the status of crimea, sevastopol, donetsk,
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lugansk people's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions as subjects of the russian federation. in the future, all these basic fundamental provisions should be recorded in the form of fundamental international agreements. naturally, this also presupposes the lifting of all western sanctions against russia. the interesting thing is that ukraine remains as an independent state. subject of international law, yes, a neutral country, well, great, yes, with some losses, but i still got off well after such troubles, there is a future and, most importantly, peace. this is what putin proposes. i believe that russia is offering an option that will make it possible to actually end the war in ukraine, that is, we call for turning the tragic page of history and, albeit difficult, step by step, but beginning to restore relations of trust and good neighborliness between russia and ukraine, and
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in in europe in general. russia has always wanted and now wants peace. serious proposals follow from all our previous experience interaction with kiev, when ukraine was still part of the ussr, disproportionately more was pumped into it than into other republics from. russia continues economic cooperation with ukraine and in parallel subsidizes it directly and indirectly with hundreds of billions of dollars. the west is seducing kiev with maidans and promises. the orange revolution and...
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putin says something he never said before. today i will say more, about another important fact, which also had not been publicly announced before, namely, literally at the same hours, on february 21, it took place on the initiative of the american hand, then talk with my american counterpart. the point was this: the american leader unequivocally supported the kiev agreement with the opposition authorities, moreover, he called it a real breakthrough, a chance for the ukrainian people so that the violence that broke out
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did not cross all conceivable boundaries. and then , during the conversations, we jointly actually developed the following formula: russia will try to convince the then-current president of ukraine to behave with maximum restraint, not to use the army or law enforcement agencies against the protesters. in the usa, accordingly, it was said that they would call on the opposition, as they say. order, to vacate administrative buildings, to ensure that the street calms down. all this was supposed to create conditions for life in the country to return to normal, to the constitutional and legal order.
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it is this war that russia dreams of ending. in the west, the thesis is now constantly heard that russia started the war, but as part of a special military operation, that it is the aggressor, therefore, including attacks on its territory can be carried out using western systems weapons. ukraine is supposedly defending itself and can do it. i want it again. russia did not start the war, it is the kiev regime, i repeat, after the inhabitants of part of ukraine, in accordance with international law, declared their independence, began hostilities and continues them, this is aggression if we recognize the right of these peoples living in these territories declare their independence, but how, and what then is this,
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this is aggression, and those who all the past years have helped the war machines of the kiev regime. these are accomplices of the aggressor. we are not the ones who invaded military force into donbass, but russia , without yet sending troops there, helped donbass push back the ukrainian armed forces and supported the minsk peace agreements. as it turned out later, the only one who did it sincerely. everyone else, the kiev regime, france, and germany, later admitted that they supported the peace agreements in the hope of shamelessly gaining time so that... in parallel, the united states and nato were developing the territory of ukraine, realizing that russia would definitely not give up ukraine to them with peace. on december 21, russia offered the west in writing equal security and refusal to accept ukraine in nato. answer: no. the shelling of donbass is increasing. a new war is literally on the horizon.
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the minsk process is buried, but then russia did.
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the troops were there in order to push the ukrainian side to negotiations, try to find acceptable solutions, and thereby end the war unleashed by kiev against donbass back in 2014, resolve issues that pose a threat to the security of our country, to the security of russia, and no matter how strangely, as a result, we actually managed to reach agreements that, in principle, arranged by both moscow and kyiv. these agreements were put on paper and initialed in istanbul by the head of the ukrainian negotiating delegation, which means that the kiev authorities were satisfied with such a solution to the issue. putin keeps returning to the istanbul agreements, before the russian president’s speech at mfa, the text of this agreement was not published anywhere, remained secret, although
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russia sent it to our then partners in berlin and paris, just yesterday the new york times published the text, it turns out, the istanbul agreements are a book as thick as a finger, where everything is explained and calculated in detail. right down to the tank in ukraine, like the depth of demilitarization and denazification laws. the document was called an agreement on permanent neutrality and security guarantees for ukraine. it was of a compromise nature, but its key points were in line with our fundamental demands. they solved problems that were stated as basic, even at the start of a special military operation. including, as strange as it may seem, i point out.
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do not enter into military alliances, do not allow themselves foreign military bases, do not host them and contingents, do not conduct military exercises on their territory, everything is written on paper. for its part, russia also made compromises. we, for our part, also, understanding ukraine’s concerns related to security, agreed that ukraine, formally, without joining nato, would receive almost identical guarantees.
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on march 29 , 2022, we withdrew our troops from kiev, because we were assured that it was necessary to create the necessary conditions to complete political negotiation process, to complete this process, and that it is impossible for one of the parties to sign such agreements, as our western colleagues said, with a gun to their head, okay, they agreed to this, but immediately...
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then the british prime minister played a fatal role the times of boris johnson, who came to kiev with a cartoonishly long light green tie and literally forbade zelensky from any agreements with russia, because later, we have to fight, now the west will help, the negotiating positions for ukraine will become much better. divorce. johnson is no more, just like the lost world is no longer there. here's another one. an attempt at a peace agreement between russia and another version of the compromise that russia was ready to accept, putin talks about the visit
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of the then israeli prime minister navtali bennett to russia. now i would like to make perhaps one more episode public in this audience; i also haven’t spoken about this publicly before, but some of those present know about it. how the russian army occupied part of the kherson and zaporozhye regions, its mediation in a peaceful end to the conflict was proposed by many western politicians, one of them was on a working visit to moscow on march 5 , 1922, on march 5, and we accepted his mediation efforts, especially since during the conversation he referred to having secured the support of german leaders and france, as well as high-ranking... us representatives. during the conversation, our foreign guest inquired. a curious episode. he said if you help
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donbass. then why are russian troops in the south of ukraine, including sherson and zaporozhye region? the answer was that, on our part, this was the decision of the russian general staff to plan the operation, and today i will add that the plan was to bypass part of the fortified areas that the ukrainian authorities had built in the donbass over 8 years, and primarily for the liberation mariupol. that’s when a clarification came from a foreign colleague.
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the crimean peninsula through the kherson region and russia's right of access to the zaporozhye region was legally formalized. this is a major political decision. and of course, naturally, in the final version, it would not be adopted individually, but only after consultation with the security council and other structures. of course, after discussion with citizens, the public of our country and, above all, with residents of the kherson and zaporozhye regions. ultimately, we did this, asked the opinion of the people themselves, and held referendums, acted as the people decided, including in the kherson and zaporozhye regions, in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, but this was only later, after this peaceful the plan was rejected kiev and those who rule it in the west, the prime minister of naftali bennett then in kiev
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was almost russian. said that in the future he was going to go to kiev to continue the conversation, now with colleagues in the ukrainian capital, we welcomed this as an overall attempt to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict, because every day of fighting meant new casualties , losses, and... however, in ukraine, as we later learned, the services of a western mediator were not accepted; on the contrary, as we learned, they accused him of borrowing pro-russian positions, well, in a fairly harsh form, i must say, but these are already details, now, as i already said, the state of affairs has changed radically, it happens, missed opportunities are lost forever, now a new russian peace plan is on the table. as we
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have already said, the product is perishable, since the situation is developing quickly and not in favor of the bandera regime. the russian proposal is still fresh, and should not be neglected, because this proposal, with all its rigidity , may seem like cotton candy compared to the next one. well, what about us? news from the fronts, from our military commanders, alexander sladkov and andrei grigoriev. near avdievka, american bombs are burning again, one was hit by a krasnopol guided missile, the second was destroyed by two russian kamikaze drones, this is the ninth and tenth confirmed case, russian t-80s are attacking. progress is underway here, that is, there are already plantings, fields, it’s all practically destroyed, there’s nowhere to hide, it’s hard without rap. artyomovka in the lpr and timkovka in the kharkov region were liberated. temkovka 20 km
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east of. kupinsk. control over this village will allow us to secure the flanks of the formations attacking this city. artyomovka is located on the banks of the zherebets river, along which the ukrainian armed forces have built a defense line. from these positions, our troops can move further to the stary oskol river. our main task is to help the infantry. guys, keep going so that the progress doesn’t stop. russian intelligence officers in the kharkov direction. here there are battles for volchansk. our troops are trying with all their might to disrupt the rotation .
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he is a traitor to me, we are definitely on opposite sides of the barricades, and if we met on battlefield, then always before my eyes are pictures from the film taras bulba, only i am a cossack, and he is with the poles, footage of the attack by russian drones on the dolnitsev military airfield, as soon as the tanker departs from the su-25, the plane immediately explodes, obviously with full ammunition, takeoff this is not the first time that the strip has become a target; in 9 months , at least four flanges have been knocked out in dolnitsev.
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this is on the vremevsky ledge at the junction of the dpr and the zaporozhye region, where a year ago the ssu sent its best forces on a counteroffensive. here there are heavy battles for a productive, not boring, large new settlement. the eastern ones are advancing at novgorodsky, kalinovo and karlovka. two american bradley infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed there. a ukrainian armed forces soldier, in order to surrender, swims across the dnieper on a raft made from empty plastic bottles.
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let me tell you that ukraine already looks very progressive in the context of implementing gender- oriented reforms in the security and defense sector. we have already tested all the elements of women's ammunition in frontline conditions. they even tried to mobilize doctors
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ambulance crews in odessa are now afraid to respond to calls. we do not have any reservations; no one promises to make this reservation at the moment. local resistance is already forming. you are residents of this village, what are you waiting for? are you waiting for the svelami to come to you? patrols do not allow military commissars to approach residential buildings, at night their cars are simply burned, they insist on such a barbaric form of mobilization in the west, they also officially allowed the ukrainian armed forces to attack russian territory, ukrainian artillery immediately increased several times the intensity of these shellings, in shebekino , ukrainian strikes destroyed the entire entrance of a residential high-rise building; in gurlovka , a film crew from the ntv television company became victims of shelling in the ssu. cameraman valery kozhin was killed, correspondent alexey ivliev was seriously injured. i have no hands, well, we lived normally, we cope. in this footage, after the landing, the mechanic-driver of a russian armored personnel carrier, which was hit by an enemy drone, escapes from the chase at speed, knocking out the flames from the burning car. retaliatory strikes of the russian army in
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the poltava region iskander hit a whole division of the ukrainian s-300 anti-aircraft missile system. you can see how the launchers explode, and then a second detonation, and also the entire stock of missiles. andrey grigoriev. there are 10 hot destinations in the nwo zone from the black sea of ​​kherson to kharkov kupinsk. this is the donetsk front, a grouping of the central military district, people have been fighting for three years, this is already a large system. people get tired of fighting or people get tired of sitting, that's what, how does it happen? as they say, here it is in our art. under the artilleryman he saves the blood of the infantry, therefore, we work 24/7 at any time of the day and the intensity has now increased much and the personnel are happy with this, so when , for example, they are in a waiting position, the time
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on duty lasts longer, and so on, when they are all happy about the work, sometimes it sometimes happens , that , for example, they shot a little while on duty, then they say, why didn’t we work, when will we work, when will we lay down bags again. when we put the bags in, yes, we’ll put them together now, well, that’s it, we’ve finished shooting, holy...
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feedback from you. humanitarian assistance is one of the pillars of our combat capability. we had a separate order for snipers, then there was an order for six of these thermal imagers. only these two fragile girls, katya and valya, collect and supply troops, walkie-talkies, drones, means of transport and electronic warfare worth billions of rubles. well, this is how it works out for us, during all this time fate has given us these people who simply don’t even give us anything, so take ours. one of the very large donors of kirill, he cannot be stopped, no joke about this
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month i tell him, kirill, that’s enough, really, that’s enough, he’s already personally spent up to 10 million, i say, let’s go there next, he says, that ’s it, we’ll do this, and we also introduced him to some commanders, he says , well, this is for him, how can i not do it to him, i say, well, wait, let’s go there next month, that is, in fact, we are just lucky with our environment, of course , this month our sewing workshop worked in advanced positions, here not shown yet... that’s it, our girls and boys gave 1.100 sets of underwear, we just have one car that has already gone to another direction , a five-tonner, we are sewing underwear, pofts , syusha, hello, girls and boys, when the forty-second division urgently needed to make copters, because tomorrow is the offensive when we they said yes, and valya said to me, why did you say yes, where can we get that amount in a day and a half? she says:
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we’re picking up now, we have very good relations with suppliers, we’re picking up now, we’ll bring it back, then we’ll sort it out, so by the way we sorted it out by the evening and by the way with including your help. small business producing copters, small funds. rap ​​does not undergo military approval, responds to the needs of the front instantly, produces what is needed today, not yesterday, the shot is provided by the state. northern military district globally, for example, we fire shells produced already this month at the front, and in reserve, shot, shot, dugout on the left, wait, dugout, ours, ours, according to the figures of the general staff, at our assembly points throughout the country for participation up to 1,400 volunteers come to the northern military district.
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you stayed, traitors are waiting for you and they need to be
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against. this is an order from the higher leadership to shoot civilians, that is, everyone, yes, all movements, shoot everyone, we were warned that the civilian population was in cahoots with the russians, at the slightest notice that something could be mixed into the food, shoot, shoot at the slightest suspicion of hostiles, uh-huh, well, we thought that there was a civilian in the basement.
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on russia day, the us treasury prepared a gift for us, announced the expansion of the sanctions list, which included the moscow exchange national clearing center, this made it impossible trading on the russian stock exchange in dollars and euros. the calculation of the americans is clear, they thought that we would have a panic, the dollar would rise to 200, otherwise... more rubles, discontent of the population, a blow to imports, and so on, but none of this happened, trading on the moscow exchange was stopped, but exchange rates fluctuated the dollar and euro turned out to be insignificant and there was no panic. the central bank prepared for
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this scenario back in 2022: alexander khristenko on the fate of the dollar. the news that the us. biden insisted that the loan to kyiv begin issue right now. and another nonsense: under normal conditions, not a single bank would agree to such loan collateral, because the eu extends the freeze on russian assets
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every six months, and this requires the consent of all 27 member states, in case something goes wrong or is needed.
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venezuela's reserves were confiscated and given to higuaido. listen, but this is nonsense. the economic consequences of such treacherous political decisions were not long in coming. the imf is forced to admit that the us dollar continues to lose ground, as said, to non-traditional currencies. according to the latest data, the structure of the imf's official foreign exchange reserves shows a continuing gradual decline in the share of the us dollar in the distributed foreign exchange reserves of central banks and states. it is surprising that the reduction in the role of the dollar with the united states over the past two decades has not been accompanied by an increase in the shares of the other four major currencies: the euro, the japanese yen, and the british pound. rather, this was accompanied by an increase in the share of so-called non-traditional reserve currencies, including the australian dollar, canadian dollar, chinese yuan, south korean won, singapore dollar , scandinavian currencies.
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vladimir putin said that while trying to maintain dominance at any cost, the united states with its own hands is undermining the pillars of the global financial system, including the position of the dollar, speaking at... at the end of may, india, without widely announcing it, exported more than 100 tons
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of its gold from the uk , moving the metal to their internal storage facilities. the decision according to the official version was made for logistical reasons and diversification of storage. but saudi arabia has long been thinking about diversifying species currencies in which the world's main commodity - oil - is sold. that erriad intends to dilute the dollar, for example, with chinese ones. yuannem wrote to the wall street journal 2 years ago. there was active discussion on social networks this week that the kingdom had decided to put an end to the so -called petrodollar, a rigid link between fuel and the dollar. and although there was no official confirmation of this, everything is moving in this direction. the emergence of new reserve currencies and a global restructuring of world finance is just around the corner, which even a dollar fan has to admit, professor new york university and nobel laureate in economics, paul krugman. no matter who wins the us presidential race, we are seeing the end of an era that my political scientist friends call hegemonic stability.
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we had a big stage of very smooth globalization, everything worked out because america was number one, there was an order based on rules and so on. and it always seemed like a hypothetical question, what would happen if this no longer happened. so that's it, it's gone. while there was the us and the euro zone, we looked at many things the same way, but now this. the us and china are two big players, and now anything is possible. this does not mean that global trade will collapse immediately, but none of the rules that everyone has relied on for decades can now be relied upon. confidence is all that the dollar has held together since the united states decoupled it from gold backing in 1974. at that moment, the bratenwood system died, it was replaced by the so-called jamaican system, but this resource of trust was exhausted.
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according to the data that is publicly available, the united states conditionally owes the world economy 54.3 trillion dollars, of which 12.6 trillion is what is in the hands of individuals outside the united states. american companies took another 10 trillion, this is almost 23 trillion that are not backed by anything, the rest is what citizens of other countries invested in american companies, whose reliability in the end is also...
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and the fact that they do not always cope with the given requirements themselves with inflation targets, they have set inflation targets of 2%, they fly out, as was the case quite recently during the pandemic, for 7.8%, which undermines trust in the american economy, but how is it secured if it is still shrinking, nothing, and this is a problem, this is an absolute problem for all holders of the dollar supply, this is... an absolutely natural movement.


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