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tv   Pesni ot vsei dushi  RUSSIA1  June 16, 2024 5:50pm-8:00pm MSK

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economic forum, where the high activity of non-western participants in itself became another additional indicator of trends in global finance. the volume of the american economy is shrinking, their fundamental foundations are cracking from time to time, i mean not only their debt, which is off the charts, but also the fact that they do not always cope with the inflation targets they set for themselves, so they have set inflation targets.
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finance, this was reflected in the surge in popularity of the brix economic association, which just this year saw five members join new countries, egypt, iran, ethiopia, the united arab emirates and saudi arabia, and over forty more countries submitted applications. the organization is gradually transforming itself into a cutting-edge institution that will eventually offer the world a new global trading currency, challenging the dollar, this goal is no secret, and it is getting closer to fruition. in his opening speech in st. petersburg. economic forum, president vladimir putin directly mentioned the trading currency brix, although without a direct reference to the bloc. putin explained that russia needs to develop transport payments infrastructure to allow exporters and importers to finance trade transactions bypassing the dollar. brix bank was created with headquarters in shanghai; a year ago , brazilian president lula da silva visited it during his chinese trip, the slogan of which was officially called the liberation of developing countries from oppression.
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another blow to the dollar was the increasingly frequent switching on of the printing press. unlike all other countries, the us has always been able to easily print money, spreading the money supply around the world and without thereby causing the collapse of the national currency. in the sixties, de gaulle called this the exorbitant privilege of america, but now this reserve is running out. during the pandemic, trillions of money, trillions of dollars were printed, and not only america, now they are also printing a lot. the money supply in the united states of america grows like this. some components of this money supply were classified in 2008 and are no longer published. so there is a pumping of unsecured money in the world economy. but since everyone is very scared to say that the king is naked, gold is inconvenient, the fortress is not stable. they haven’t launched it yet, so the dollar is still alive. do you know how it is?
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how long does a criminal live? yes, until you shoot him, he will live that long. although russia was forced to go through the path of abandoning the dollar under a super-accelerated program, it was successful, having decided to freeze assets by imposing sanctions, the west assured that it would tear the russian economy to klochia in a few months, that was in the twenty-second year. current us sanctions against the moscow exchange, a stop on this site trading in dollars did not lead to anything fatal, but only became a symbol of less and less influence. for anything in american currency. alexander khristenko, tatyana koroleva, kirill vyachin, lead the week. this is the news of the week. next in the program. reports from the front line. evgeny podubny about stubborn battles near kharkov. how is the peace conference on ukraine at the swiss resort quite meaningless without russia. how our frigate admiral gorshkov
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met the nuclear submarine kazan in cuba and whether they were clearly visible from the coast american florida. “i made a terrible mistake when i said that she died, but i’m very glad that i found her, this is some kind of stupid prank, didn’t you tell them, behind seven seals, premiere on monday on rtr, the only one in recent history collisions should show everyone that it is germany that will rule the world in the next thousand years, deciding the fate of countries, peoples and civilizations, with the help of foreign states, hitler would not have been able to explore this topic in germany until the last moment. great britain did not give up its hopes
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of finding some kind of compromise with the nazis; secret anglo-german negotiations were conducted. the united states relied on hitler and a radical solution. jersey invested 120 million dollars in the third reich, gene motors - 100 million. without foreign money, the war would not have lasted 6 years. the great, unknown war. no matter what anyone says today, we know for sure that our soviet people brought liberation to the people of europe and the german people, including from the nazi infection. film by andrey medvedev. on saturday on rtr. with us, if sports, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, honor our
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history, value family, strong relationships, and admire. the way the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when, my fighters come running , they me...
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to you, hello, dear soldier, and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do, it’s just amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, where are you going on red, you can distinguish colors, it’s not my fault, i was driving on a flashing yellow, where the scene of jealousy is, maybe you need help, i’m offering you a job, the duties are simple, friendly support, phone calls,
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decent salary, hourly pay, friendship can’t be bought, i’m deceiving you, i’m a bastard, but take your suitcase and leave, but love doesn’t sell. this is where all the normal men are, there is no love, there is nothing, deception and lies, i was in a hurry somewhere, solving a bunch of problems, what now intersection, what needs to be done, you need to act, on saturday on rtr, june 22, at exactly 4:00 am. day of remembrance and sorrow. once upon a time, soon, in response
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to what kind of pain, you see, the proudest ones came out to meet you, it seems to me, sometimes. that the soldiers are a black black stone, why are you silent! black stone, did you really want this, did you once dream of becoming a tombstone for the grave of the unknown soldier, remember, through the centuries, through the years, remember, and for those who will never come again, remember, this is the main one.
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the enemy continues to transfer to the kharkov direction has the most modern western-made weapons systems and is losing them. our troops are fighting heavy battles in the kharkov direction. our military correspondent evgeniy poddubny is monitoring the fighting on the spot. russian troops continue to destroy personnel and equipment. the formation of the kiev regime is attacking the enemy on a daily basis in the kharkov direction. serious losses, entire units are deprived of combat effectiveness as a result of the successful combat work of our
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troops. on enemy forces in the volchansk area and leptsov, the fighters of the north group exert constant fire pressure, the enemy loses only here, every day hundreds of militants are killed and wounded. russian operational-tactical aviation is operating in the sky, the pilots are using a landmine. air bombs with planning and correction modules. our artillery and loitering ammunition are constantly firing, reconnaissance officers are destroying the most modern western -made weapons systems, and the enemy has transferred sub-kharks, all the best that the armed forces of ukraine have at their disposal. this is footage of destruction 155mm self-propelled artillery mount made in germany. the militants of the kiev regime did not even have time to open fire. ammunition. burned through the armor and provoked the detonation of the sau's ammunition, and this is how
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the american-made counter-battery counter station (ittpq50) was hit, a crew that was trying to calculate the coordinates of our artillery firing positions. the enemy here is losing dozens of pieces of heavy equipment every day. the battle between uavs and electronic warfare specialists continues in the sky. our mobile stations rap are intercepting and...
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regime were stopped by soldiers of the russian army, the strengthening of the kharkov group, which held command in the armed forces of ukraine, did not bring any results to the enemy, the initiative is still in the hands of the russian army. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news week, kharkov direction. on friday, immediately after the landmark speech in mead, the president went to the moscow region. solnechnogorsk, at the senizh workshop management base, vladimir putin
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met with veterans of the northern military district, participants in the time of heroes educational program. about how the heroes of a special operation become highly qualified managers, how they see their future and what they talked about with the president, polina yarmalaeva. from private to general in full dress uniform with the brilliance of military awards. there are a lot of people and a lot of talented people, but among all those who exist, among the talented, there are also those who do not spare their lives and health, serve their homeland in the most dangerous conditions, from dugouts in the classroom, the time of heroes, the presidential personnel program, from 21 thousand applications selected 83, only the best
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one of the best, hero of russia, military doctor daria svetyash went through all the hot spots of the special operation, including gostomel. one day they brought us a wounded man, we didn’t know who he was, where he was from, he was missing more than half of his face, he couldn’t breathe, his leg was injured, but there was absolutely no time for that, we fought for his life, i found out that this soldier covered up his commander and comrade, this is not an isolated case that you just talked about when... a soldier covered up his commander, but there are many cases when comrades simply cover up everything. i guess, that this is not typical for all nations that find themselves in a situation like ours. not everywhere there are people who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their neighbor.
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i am very glad that this fighter of ours remained alive and not just alive. i hope that he has a normal life, nikolai sokolov has three orders of courage and a gold hero star on his chest, would you like to connect your future life with the armed forces, or do you see yourself somewhere in civilian life? this will definitely be a public service, after all, i i took the oath, why am i asking, this concerns everyone, it’s just that now each of you can decide whether he wants to remain in military service? or devote yourself to serving the fatherland in civilian life, this choice is yours, i will do as you decide for yourself. the president quotes the philosopher ilyin. as for the goals of life, this is a complex question, there are many different formulas, and one of
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them is this: you must live for the sake of what you can... die for. colonel gosparyan, in turn, recalls the words of vladimir putin. special military operation zone, kherson direction. and we hear your speech. and you say: “i am a lak, i am a chechen, i am an ossetian. i had enough strength to complete the assigned tasks, but even more has increased. we love you and consider you members of our big family. and this is absolutely normal, just when you are fighting there , when bullets whistle, well , when life is under threat, it means, well, who thinks about it, and we think about it every minute, because the future of russia depends on you, and the future of heroes begins right here now,
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experience and knowledge are shared by oreshkin, sobyanin, manturov, medvedev, lavrov, part of the first... russia, this is how russia goes through this ice , breaking everything in its path, and this icebreaker simply breaks, and people are leading it, i never thought, that at the age of 49 i will be a student, i have one goal - to serve my homeland, serve my people, and continue the work of my son. the heroes tell the president about their military exploits. about how studying works here during the “time of heroes” program. vladimir putin is shown new halls, classrooms, and a library. there is a residential building, there is an educational building, every day here begins with mandatory exercises, classes start at 9:00 in the morning and continue until late in the evening, only weekends, family days. and while there is a meeting with private volunteer detachment bars-6 konstantin
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yashin from orenburg. my wife and three daughters are driving. the middle daughter was the most worried. when i was leaving back from vacation , we are expecting two more this year, later konstantin will meet his girls with flowers, margarit, vika and sonya in t-shirts with the inscription daddy's leopard, this is from the name of daddy's squad bars, just now i was looking at the speedometer, we drove 2.0 km, and it seems to me that we are all heroes, each in our own way, all together, because if it weren’t for the two of us together, there wouldn’t be these beautiful kids, there wouldn’t be... basically the concept of family and heroism is beautiful and rich , our homeland, guys, for a long time, i’m at least in the villages and in any race.
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there were some vivid impressions, well, that’s it, nothing so special - the person doesn’t, doesn’t remember, but the love for mom remains, why? because on a subconscious level we carry unconditional a mother’s love for her children, and this is an important function, but now i also want to say a very important thing: the masculine principle in raising children is extremely important on weekends on the banks of the senizh, a picnic in nature, adults play volleyball, children draw, sculpt from clay, but on monday there will be no concessions, the fighters will return to class, and although
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the first part of the program has not yet been completed, the president is already making a career offer, evgeny pervyshov volunteered for the northern military district, being a deputy of the state duma, and previously was the mayor of krasnodar, and was the mayor krasnodar. i will have a proposal for you, now i just don’t want to talk publicly, the camera is still working, but i’ll find out something there, i wasn’t joking, there are some ideas there. the heroes still have two more academic weeks of june ahead, the next educational module will take place in the fall, but there will hardly be a vacation, many were planning to return to the front, the president adjusted these plans. i think it is necessary.
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another type of activity, but you need to complete this preparation, well, go through it fully, don’t stop halfway, because what is now is only half the road, but you need to complete it as a whole, and you will choose the most suitable vector of development for you in the future. polina ermalaeva, yana streblyanskaya, anton musyakyan, mikhail arenkov, yulia brileva and andrey netreba, lead the week. on russia day in the kremlin, the president traditionally presented gold medals to heroes of labor and state awards for 2023. read more about the
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award ceremony and other events of the presidential week in the zaruben telegram channel in the moscow, kremlin-putin program immediately after the news weeks. fragment. right now, every movement is perfected, everything is thought out long before the ceremony, the award is checked, everything is secured, this is because the awards are on a tray, and the tray is tilted at the most important moment. arkhangelsk region, everything is in its place. putin described how they prepare for the ceremonies by studying the biographies of the laureates.
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they talk with love about the business to which they devoted their whole life, there is nothing more beautiful than a rich wheat field for bathing, only atomic ones, i’ll tell you what can be beautiful.
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when the heart starts beating, yes, that's for sure, young sculptors working hand in hand and experiencing hand in hand. each of those awarded that day was always surrounded by people who believed in the future of russia; when you get acquainted with the results of your work, this faith increases many times over and becomes stronger. where do you get so much strength, so many years? do this with shining eyes, children help, children both, i suspect, both, yes, both, yes, i, as a father of many children, want to tell you that i have fulfilled the demographic plan, oh, i , you know, i wanted, i wanted to say, that one of the awardees said that he had already completed the task, but it seems to me that today’s award ceremony is only a stage in the overall work, so everyone needs to work, and be guided by everyone, i agree,
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i agree. the president congratulates the laureates with champagne, seeing that one of the recipients does not have a glass at that moment. congratulations to mikhail kovalchuk and his colleagues, who continued the traditions of world-famous soviet nuclear scientists. in fact, the foundations have been laid for a fundamentally new green nuclear energy system cycle. we were able to do this only because we relied on depth. a very large experience of domestic science, i want to remind you that takomak is the basis of the underlying russian word as a companion, and we will defeat everyone, as we have always won, thank you very much, once again, in switzerland at the elite mountain resort of bürgenstock, the so-called peace conference on ukraine, rather meaningless, because russia was not invited.
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the meeting was practically ignored by the countries of the world majority; un head guterres refused to go to switzerland. so what about we talked in switzerland, the head of our european bureau, mikhail antonov. switzerland is a hotel resort on the high shore of lake lucerne, an excellent holiday destination for wealthy people, not very suitable for global political decisions, not due to the conditions of the event, but according to its concept. what the west is thinking about.
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organization of the conference. the swiss foreign minister admitted this directly. the point of this action was to demonstrate flag forests in more or less recognizable ways. in a group photo, in the center of which both on the side of the swiss president are zelensky and the head of his office, iermac, through whom the west governs ukraine. all this was supposed to push russia to the emotional wall, as if the whole world was demanding, but from the very beginning something went wrong. the dates of the event were postponed five times, both in asia and globally. what remains is nuclear food security and prisoner exchange. for the sake of mass participation, they even decided to come to terms with the need to listen to something that does not fit into their current coordinate system. this summit could have been more effective if
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a second country, russia, were present in the hall. it is very important that the international community encourages any possible steps towards resolving the conflict, even if this requires some compromises, which is why russia's participation in the summit is also necessary. of the 92 national delegations, only 57, that is, the united states, their henchmen, were represented at the level of the first second persons, and these persons tried their best to neutralize the effect of calling on russia to listen. russia is the aggressor, the ukrainian people are victims, they convinced president of france. spanish: the world community must be with ukraine, called upon. in world war ii, russia attacked finland and took 10% of the country’s territory along with the land of my grandfather, finnish president stoop revealed the roots of his own russophobia. before the war in ukraine, there was a war in georgia, recalled the georgian president, french citizen zurabeshvili, without going into details, however, of how that war began.
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russia simply must capitulate and disintegrate. indeed, peace in ukraine cannot be achieved without russia's participation. but let's not forget that at this moment russia continues to relentlessly wage its brutal war. we all know that russia can end this war today or at any other moment, as soon as it stops its offensive and withdraws its troops from ukraine. to date, russia has refused to heed our collective call for peace based on international law and. the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from four russian regions, the neutral status of ukraine. and let
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nothing about the end of this war be decided without ukraine. however, yesterday putin, on the contrary put forward a proposal, but we must tell the truth, he does not call for negotiations. he calls for surrender. america stands on ukraine's side not out of charity, but because it is in our strategic interests. it was revealing. america pushed ukraine into war because it was in its strategic interests. it was necessary to extract such recognition from the collective west , and it was received. on the other hand, putin’s words were addressed to the hesitant participants of the event in switzerland, those who came, yielding to pressure, persuasion reasons of diplomacy. all.
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the hostess of the summit greeted guests in an oversized pink outfit, which the press compared to curtains. however, from the point of view of political stability, miloni in this company was the least deserving of ridicule. six lame ducks and miloni. meet the g7 leaders of the class of 2024. this g7 summit is more like a last supper than a show of western power. the g7 summit will be perhaps the weakest gathering of politicians in many years. not everyone except milo. leaders the g7 itself is quite weak. trudeau is unlikely to win the next election. biden faces a difficult election race. scholz is weakened, macron is weakened. sunok is the walking dead. kishida also has serious problems within the country. the politico publication forgot
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to mention charles michel and fondelaien, senior eu officials who, after the elections to the european parliament, are also in limbo . true, in any state they sincerely hate each other. he was hanging around somewhere behind the stage at that moment. he had business with biden, he and the us president were going to conclude an agreement on security guarantees for 10 years. at the beginning of the week, nato secretary general stoltenberg said that in order to join nato, ukraine, at a minimum, must defeat russia, and since this is impossible, the western masters sign all sorts of papers with kiev, which, firstly, do not oblige anyone to anything, and secondly, it depends on the political longevity of those who provide these guarantees, in this case the biden administration. lasting peace for ukraine must be underpinned by ukraine's own ability to defend itself now and to contain future aggression at any time in the future. the united states is going to help ensure that ukraine can do
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both, not by sending american troops to fight in ukraine, but by providing weapons and ammunition, expanding intelligence sharing, and continuing to train brave ukrainian soldiers at bases in europe and the united states. as a result of the summit , the seven are trying to strengthen.
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which supply the russian military forces. the scheme looks like this: the americans give kiev a loan of 50 billion dollars, and russian assets frozen in europe - about 260 billion, transferred to the status of financial security. interest on the loan will be repaid from the income from their reinvestment. in this scheme , the americans are left with the money, because it will go to their military-industrial complex, and europe takes all the risks and suffers reputational losses. somewhere, the prime minister of belgium, dro, is crying. there are russian
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billions in the belgian depository. before the g7 summit , political publications, without naming a name, quoted a european diplomat saying that the americans take us for fools, but we are not like that, but no, we are fools it turns out. this is a clear sign to the russian president that he cannot just sit back and hope that he will be able to win this war at some point because of the financial problems in some countries in the world that are currently supporting ukraine. "we have agreed a new loan to ukraine of $50 billion, and it will be repaid not at the expense of our taxpayers, but at the expense of emergency proceeds that come from frozen russian assets in europe and around the world, this is fair and right. sunok is here." will lose the british elections. macron is excluded from international politics; he can talk about almost nothing except early parliamentary elections. biden, this one is downright bad. arthritis is called."
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confessed quickly without repentance, which is called sakaziya. in the background, the camera caught at that moment the face of argentine president meley, zelensky's competitor in the fight for western loans, an expression as if he had seen something indecent. did francis let go ...
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did not have to return to kiev in the interval between the end of the anniversary celebrations in normandy and the beginning of the g7 summit in italy. the pause was filled with a conference on the restoration of ukraine. however, as scholz himself said, before talking about restoration, the war must be ended, so everything resulted in the distribution of yet another, previously impossible promises. when we talk about the restoration of ukraine, we are talking about the restoration of a new future member of the european union. the head of the european commission, who was present for respectability, immediately
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promised that negotiations on ukraine’s accession to the eu would begin before the end of this month, which means before the start of hungary’s presidency of the european union, which will certainly try to block any moves in this direction. the topic of restoring ukraine came down to promises of regular deliveries of weapons and ammunition, but the german side slowed down with the complexes. but germany has already allocated two, a third is on the way, that ’s all for now, we don’t have enough ourselves, but the ministry of defense is preparing the country for war, the head of the department, pistorius, repeated this week. that russia will be able to attack one of the nato countries in 29. the bundeswehr needs in urgent replenishment. on central television they launched a special news program for people with perception difficulties, almost a fifth of them in germany, but among them there may be recruits. the bundeswehr
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is looking for young people to become soldiers. that's why the bundeswehr advertises in germany. germany needs a trained reserve so that there will be someone to fight with russia if the ukrainians end by the twenty-ninth year. zelensky received a standing ovation in the bundestag, which he has not heard for a long time, and probably will not hear in his homeland. the government factions applauded, and the opposition cdu,
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germany's largest party, applauded, confirming the suspicion that even if the country does hold early elections, a new government will be formed around christians. democrats as a whole will not change their policy towards russia, but this means only one thing: the cdu will observe the flow of its own electorate to the alternative and to the alliance of sarah wackengnecht. representatives of these factions, by the way, were not present at zelensky’s speeches. ukrainian president zelensky moment speaks in the bundestag. this is certainly some kind of sophisticated event, a circus performance with the aim of receiving german money. the germans know how to count, especially money, especially their own, the fact that the scholz government has stopped counting them is annoying, but despite the defeat, the chancellor expects to serve until the end of his term, until the autumn of 25, apparently just to
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save face, but this is still the case the problem is that there are local elections in september this year, and just where the social democrats have little chance. in the east brandenburg, thuringia and saxony. the coalition is unlikely to survive another defeat. the political storm that began after the elections to the european parliament is still far from over, but it can already be stated that the european elites failed to present russia as the source of all troubles and consolidate public opinion around this idea. scholz, sunok and macron may hope to tolerate russia, but it is fundamentally impossible to tolerate their own voters. mikhail antonov, anaasiya barkovskaya, gleb naara and andrey putro, lead the week. at the beginning of the week summed up the final results of the elections to the european parliament. the centre-right european people's party, which was nominated, again won a majority of 185 seats. at the same time, right-wing
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and ultra-right forces have noticeably improved their positions. european conservatives and reformists, identity and democracy. in total they received 131 seats, but this is only a technical result: in france, for example, for macron, the last vote became a political disaster, about why our correspondent in france, anastasia popova. france is shaking, sudden parliamentary elections potentially opening the way to the far right, against which the old methods of demonization, to the surprise of the presidential entourage, seem to no longer work.
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the statement by the leader of the republican party blew it up from the inside, about seventy people supported it, the rest created a scandal , tried to hastily punish him, and expelled him. party and canceled his pass, he publicly called it an attempt to seize power and challenged the decision through the court, which temporarily restored his rights while
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the case was being considered, at this time enough to nominate joint candidates together with the national association, registration ends in the evening. the left has its own discord, internal squabbles and struggle for promotion, which, however, did not prevent serious differences from being overcome to create a common new popular front. they quickly agreed on a program that, in brief, boils down to the following: either they are the extreme right, or we are. general panic and confusion brought long- forgotten names to the surface. former head of state francois hollande is trying to return to politics. who, in addition to his love affairs , is remembered for being the most unpopular french president in the last two centuries, with a rating of 11%. i accepted it. decision only because he felt that the situation was more serious than ever: the far right is the biggest danger, macron has a higher rating, but
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the bet is on demonizing the national front, flexing muscles on the ukrainian front, a massive media campaign and personal unspoken participation in the election campaign alienates the french. he goes to obank too arrogant, says another former president and still an influential figure in the republican ranks, nicolas sarkozy. for the french, the right to vote to justify dissolution is a curious argument, since that's what more than 25 million french people just did in an election. we give the french a voice when they haven't spoken out for years, the risk is that they will confirm their anger rather than deny it. macron was busy with other issues, issues of his greatness, europe, ukraine, lebanon, worried about israel, about the sector gas. french affairs were going badly at this time. national debt. in the first quarter of this year exceeded 80% of gdp. the international agency snp downgraded france's credit rating from
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2a to 2a minus against the backdrop of a budget deficit and negative economic forecasts. there was a need for austerity. macron pushed through pension reform with force. prices continue to rise, living standards fall. the situation is reminiscent of 97. then they also talked about pension reform. social crisis after the abolition of some benefits and... won during the early elections eighty-eight, then chirac was prime minister and meteran’s rival in the presidential elections, having lost, he
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resigned. miteran, instead of appointing a new prime minister from among the right, dissolved parliament and, according to the voting results , ended up winning. the same thing happened to charles degaulle in may '68. france is not left or right, it is all of us. all together in 1968 they staged red may. at that time, france lost the fight. for colonial algeria. an attempt was made on degol's life. economic the situation was difficult. the student protests grew into a general strike, in which up to 10 million people took part. a fifth of the total population of france. general de gaulle managed to find a common language with the trade unions, suppressed the uprising, and then announced early elections. i received a letter from mr. president. mr. chairman, i have the honor to inform you that. pursuant to article 12 of the constitution, after the necessary consultations, i proclaim the dissolution of the national assembly,
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signed charles degaulle. his party, having won, became a counterbalance to the chaos of anarchy. today the left is again trying to sow chaos and anarchy on the streets of french cities. hooligans broke windows and knocked down the doors of establishments that... in their opinion, they provided a platform for the far right. the police tried to disperse the rioters, generously using tear gas and batons. in nantes, left-wing protesters for some reason tore the french flag from the balcony of one of the residents and shouted obscenities at the right-wingers. a general protest march took place on saturday. the unions pulled out a couple of hundred thousand people. they called the possibility of victory right in the elections organized by macron. nothing fatal happened, i trust our fellow citizens, i am sure that the french are smart, they see everything, they understand the difference between
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expressing anger and creating serious ones. called all together against the far right. the french want radical changes; every third person is ready to vote for national unification. fourth for the left and only 17% still believe emmanuel macron. anastasia popov leo bernatsky denis lesitsin. news of the week, european bureau. on monday , at a meeting of the prime minister with deputy prime ministers discussed important initiatives of vladimir putin at the st. petersburg economic forum. in particular, we talked about social proposals. and it is also necessary
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to organize. by order of the head of state , from february 1 next year. indexation of pensions for working citizens has been resumed; today there are over 7,800 of them; they will be paid wages and pensions, taking into account annual indexation, as well as those who have retired. another task is to further increase the minimum wage, starting next year mrod will add another 15% and will be more than 22 thousand rubles per month. for them, from july 1, it is necessary to provide preferences for the purchase of housing in small towns and regions where the volume of construction in this sector is still insufficient, parents there will be able to take advantage of a family mortgage at 6%,
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regardless of the age of the children, but the main thing is that although if only one... the nuclear submarine kazan was met in cuba and were they clearly visible from the coast of american florida? the election campaign in iran has begun, our vitaly karmazin is already place, his first report on the life of the ancient country. it’s mysterious to you what secrets the palace of ancient lhasa keeps, what the local monks told grigory ddobin about.
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big politics on the other side, notes for the president, one after another, and the most discussed thing, a speech, another peace proposal, how to negotiate, let those with brains understand that hope dies to the last, only we have exclusive comments.
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news of the week, i fell in love with someone else, natasha, i 'm leaving for her, get out, get out of my life, on friday, in the service sector they must the people who work are positive, efficient, and not a dull amoeba like you, dad, i'm pregnant. mine have arrived, do you know each other? we crossed paths by chance. by the way, there are no coincidences in life. if you need my help, promise to call me. you are not indifferent to her, dad. the flower queen needs to be conquered,
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right? who am i you? you are my light. you are my light. on friday on rtr. we go to the doctor and take a lot of his time with... any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? all you need is. five ingredients that will benefit the entire body; two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent
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sources: take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. let me subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation, the first podcasts we watch, i
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’m dead for the bugs, dead, awesome, there would be no happiness, i predict that something very, very good will happen in your life soon, so good that you you'll grab your head. the dress helped, once you wear it, your whole life will change, but i don’t know what to change, you are an amazing woman, a dream woman, a mystery woman, i have some kind of strange the streak started, first this artist, then the man on the beach, maybe you ’ve turned yourself into a man, it seems to me that i have roman, who do you have, roman, at your age, well, sashka, one, two, three, third who? sea-colored dress, premiere, let me fuck, do you want to come back? on saturday on rtr.
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the sign of today's times is ugliness. the most important thing is that even enjoying this ugliness is pharisaism, hiding behind the words tolerance. multiculturalism, the entire world culture and east west, it was all based on the search for meaning, like this could degrade with such speed, to dostoevsky, where there is no god, everything is permitted, and when everything is permitted, then what if you don’t fight it, if you don’t expose this vileness, then this is how it all turns out, voluntarily and involuntarily, this is it. .. does not work to split our society, does anyone have questions in whose interests this slow incitement and split is taking place. besagon tv on monday on rtr. i made a terrible
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mistake when i said she died, but i'm very glad that i found her. is this some kind of stupid prank? what didn't you tell them? behind seven seals. premiere. from monday. on rtr. on tuesday, the ministry of defense announced the start of the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces, where russia and belarus jointly worked out preparations for the combat use of tactical nuclear weapons. so, they released it from the warehouse. and hung the missiles under the carrier aircraft. such carriers could be mig-31 fighters and tu-22 long-range missile carriers. in addition, the personnel of the leningrad military district unit worked out
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the tasks of secretly moving the iskander missile system to the designated opposition area and conducted electronic missile launches at simulated enemy targets. at the same time, russia is conducting naval exercises in the caribbean sea. on june 12 , the nuclear submarine kazan, equipped with zircon hypersonic missiles, and the frigate admiral gorshkov, also capable of carrying zircons, arrived in cuba. tanker academician pashin rescue tug nikolay chikker. from havana to the coast of american florida is less than 200 km. report by alexey petrov. ancient tiled roofs, against which a modern russian submarine kazan. it has st. andrew's flag and the flag of cuba on it. residents lined up in advance on the embankment, from the walls of the medieval fort in honor of the russian sailors, the cannon battery of the 12 apostles salutes. but past the ancient fortress
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of elmore, at low speed , a frigate of the first rank, admiral of the fleet of the soviet union gorshkov, one of the most modern domestic warships, sedately enters the port. russia means a lot to us, this is a holiday for us, this is a huge reason for joy, there are many people here who want share this joy with us, and we will always be united. for us, this is a chance to see in real life what we could only see.
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this is not the first visit of this kind. in july 2023, the russian navy training ship perekop arrived in govanna with more than a hundred guards sailors, who were also received with characteristic warmth by the cuban people. meanwhile, the crew is analyzing past exercises. the frigate and the submarine practiced simulated strikes with long-range precision weapons against the ships of a potential enemy. this is how the exercises went gorshkov. surface target number one is peling at 300°. pre-launch preparation is completed, the launch cycle has begun, launch, there is a launch, the lid is open, there is a product entry, here is the combat alert on a nuclear submarine, zircons capable of reaching speeds nine times the speed of sound, commander, the submarine is ready for battle, missile weapons to battle, commander2, launch, there is a launch, dots the commander has begun the launch cycle, there is launch one, there is launch two, there is a launch of torpedo tube number 10. each such
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campaign requires clarity from the team coherence, but this ship’s crews are already called unique, because military equipment was immediately tested in the northern, temperate tropical latitudes, here you can check the weapons and technical equipment, tactical and technical characteristics, and their possibility of use in any corner of the world. there are a total of four ships in the russian navy detachment. the main striking force is the multi-purpose frigate, admiral gorshkov. it was accepted into the fleet in 2018, its autonomous navigation range is 4,500 miles. the frigate can be armed with all modern russian missiles, including calibers, supersonic onyxes and hypersonic zircons. below the surface of the ocean , the submarine kazan, the latest fourth-generation nuclear submarine belonging to the yasen m project, performs its tasks. when submerged, it can travel at a speed of 31 knots, that is, 57 km/h. capable of diving to 500 m, autonomy 100 days. armed. submarine
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with thirty-two newest zircons, professionals call kazan the most secretive submarine in the world. in addition, the detachment includes escort ships: rescue tugboat nikolay chikker and tanker akademik pashin. the route of the northern fleet ships also attracts attention. it was as if they deliberately passed as close as possible to the us coast, 50 km from the coast of florida, considering that the range of zircons is almost 1.00 km, almost everything is in the affected area.
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i think from the point of view of the bad guys, our president is incompetent, weak, i think our allies are very concerned that america will not come to the rescue when they need it. of course, both russia and cuba have emphasized more than once that the visit is friendly, everything according to international rules, moreover, russian sailors did not even turn off
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transponders in an area where civilian shipping is especially active. the pentagon pretends that everything is under control. we continually monitor any foreign vessels operating near u.s. territorial waters. we, of course, take this seriously, but these exercises do not pose a threat to the united states. despite the restrained rhetoric, the united states immediately sent the fast-attack submarine hiliena, belonging to the los angeles project, to guantanama bay. far from new, released in 1986. rare announcement from the us navy. just 24 hours after the russian submarine arrived in cuba, southern command announced that its fast attack submarine helena had arrived in guantanamo bay.
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the ships entered the port of havana, bringing back memories of the 1962 cuban missile crisis. this was the closest thing to a nuclear war between the two countries. and now cnn’s own correspondent in cuba. he gets on board himself. after we left the ship, we were all counted so that no one was left behind. ship and did not learn the secrets of the frigate, located only 90 miles from the us coast. the long-distance voyage of the russian fleet is in the spotlight and latin america.
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emergency presidential elections to be held on june 28, the elections were called after the tragic death of president ibrahim risi on may 19 in a plane crash. on monday , iran's election committee approved a list of six candidates whose names will appear on the ballot. in total , 80 people put forward their candidacies, but the remaining 74 applicants could not pass selection of the council. iran is an influential player in the middle east region. russia and iran have close allied relations. that is why we are very closely monitoring the progress of the election campaign there. from iran, our correspondent, vitaly karmazin. although he
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is young, he sings about the old times when he was next to his beloved, like a shadow, but fate separated them. mahamad riza dedicates this sad song about love to his country. iran, iran, because i love this country, this is my homeland. while young people delight visitors to the bazaar, mr. zamani calmly waiting for his client. he has been selling istibriz carpets for 50 years, he knows there is no hurry. under the ceiling of his shop, between a light bulb and a fan, is a dusty rug in the shape of a hundred dollars, as a symbol of old american sanctions. the sanctions are not 100%, we have exports, we can export, the market is not completely closed to us. despite the almost forty-five years of sanctions, the iranian market is alive as never before in tehran, almost any central street is one continuous bazaar and they sell everything here, from fruits, clothes, building materials, garden tools, various office supplies, even children's toys, and if the client is tired
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and wants to refresh himself, he can always drink freshly squeezed fruit juice. and next to it is shawarma, which they call here. you have to drag a cart a little here to transfer at least a little money home; from 8 to 10 in the evening it invites picky iranian women to choose sunglasses for themselves. for any
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country elections are important, the country must have a president, the people must participate in elections, in the heat, where the asphalt melts, for a long time iranian pride has melted away, they are happy to see those who came to visit them and do not want to give their country to strangers, after the tragic death of president ibrahim raisi during a helicopter crash in may , the election race began in iran this week. candidates, including four women, which was the first time, the council of guardians of the constitution selected six main contenders. interest in the presidential elections in iran can be evidenced by the situation at a press conference of one of the candidates. there are only more television microphones here twenty. the final preparations are now underway, and soon the candidate will begin answering questions from journalists. local reporters spent almost half an hour deciding whose microphone should be in the center. eventually.
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we interact within the framework of brix and the sco, but we must conclude a mutual strategic agreement so that this translates into agreements between our private enterprises, especially in the high-tech sector. the president in iran is at least the second person after supreme leader aetala ali khaminiya, but many issues are within his competence. and this is a meeting with people in the mosque of the probable leader of the presidential race, mahamad bagher galikbaf. he was a deputy for many years and is now the speaker of the local parliament. there is no crowd in the hall, some are fanning themselves with the flag like... a lark, some are taking selfies, some are with their shoes in a bag, everyone must take off their shoes, they are looking for an empty
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seat, men are sitting on the carpets, women are here , but behind a partition. in the islamic republic and at political shows they do not forget religion, first they read dhikr, then the koran for chant, then after three speeches by their comrades the candidate comes out. his program includes everything: missiles for enemies, economic reforms, family policy, and even the fight against theft. we must fight corruption, because corruption is the shadow of a tree whose name is weakness. in addition, we are spending tens of billions of dollars unwisely, this needs to stop. and as soon as he finished his speech, the crowd poured to the podium. let's try to ask the candidate a question now. if it works out, of course. of course, it didn’t work out, he was taken in a circle of guards to the very street that was in iran in independence from political passions, lives in its own rhythm.
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brazil, russia, india, china, south africa, and a new five have been added this year: egypt, iran, united arab emirates, saudi arabia and ethiopia. presides over brix, now russia. in october we have a summit of the organization in kazan. brix now represents the world majority, and after kazan it will still
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constitute it. the brix countries' gross national product is already higher than that of the g7. the prospects are stunning. president putin welcomed the competition participants. the 2-week competition will bring together more than 3,000 athletes from almost 100 countries around the world. and i’m sure this is a large-scale sports one. the visual festival will demonstrate the triumph of the universal values ​​of sport, equal opportunities and fair, uncompromising struggle. all this fully reflects the spirit and character of brix itself, an association of sovereign countries that are dynamically developing, preserving their identity, together solve large-scale problems, set an example of truly partnership and equal relations based on trust, strong friendship and respect for each other's interests. it is interesting that
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countries of very different cultures united in brih on the basis of these values. the west is now pushing away, and brix, as if smeared with honey, is growing rapidly, there are already two dozen candidate countries, we expect more in the fall, but what is the secret, modern philosophers and professor alexander dugin talk about this. therefore, the most important message of the brix countries, in my opinion, the cultural basis of the brix dialogue, is to be able to understand the other.
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i agree with us, this is a different problem, and brix should offer a completely different philosophy interaction, here is our proposal to the west to leave humanity alone, but it cannot, because it does not know what the other is, and so these days we are having the brix sports games in russia, these are the first such competitions, so far for some it may even look naive, but no one took the first olympics at the beginning of the last... century very seriously either, for example, they tell how the salesman of some local shop, the main candidate for gold in the marathon, was not released from work, saying there was nothing run, it’s not clear where? sure games brix will grow faster than the olympic games in their time, because, unlike modern olympics, everything is honest without
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politics, about the first historical brix sports games. from kazan stanislav nazarov. the fact that russia is safe, there are no shootings on the streets here, and +35 in early june is normal weather. many athletes did not know and were pleasantly surprised. we thought it was very cold in russia, we took a lot of clothes, i have 15 sets of warm clothes. of course, we were worried about the safety here. russia - a beautiful country, no one shoots here, everything is peaceful, people are friendly, not at all like they show on the screens. the games in kazan take place during the year of russia's brix presidency ahead of a political summit to be held in the capital of tatarstan this fall. the participation of a large number of athletes from all over the world is clear and
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convincing evidence that sports. russia is open and ready for cooperation, armenia, azerbaijan, israel, switzerland, germany, serbia, representatives of countries with very different political positions in kazan are a big sport. we are from different cities in serbia and, of course, russia is close to us, we are happy to be in our native russia. russia and serbia have always been close friends, we feel it here and are glad that... athletes from all over the world came to russia, despite political differences. when the russian flags are brought out at the opening of the games, the hall literally explodes with applause. russian federation. russian federation. for the first time in several years, we are hosting international competitions, our athletes for the first time in
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for a long time they have been receiving medals during the anthem of our country. let's support our girls' gold medals. i feel incredible pride when we were just now standing at the awards ceremony playing the russian gi, that is, i understand that at this moment i am happy, happy that it’s all over, happy that everything is fine, these international competitions are like a fresh breath of air, probably for our guys, the charge of energy is so crazy that it just needs to be channeled into showing results.
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today at training in the pool exchanged emotions, everyone remembered that we so missed these emotions when different countries come, when different teams, different sports come. and it's my first time. in kazan, the organization of the games is impeccable, the participants live in a sports village, everything is organized at the olympic level. it is symbolic that this is where the athletes of the world summer universiade lived 11 years ago. in the coming days , participants from european countries will come to the sports village. this is our first time in russia and we are truly happy, today we earned our first medals. on joint excursions, athletes get to know russia and tatarstan.
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there were no stereotypes about russia, this is not my first time here, and for the arab emirates it is a country close in spirit. we see something very important in kazan, christians and muslims live in friendship and peace. churches and mosques stand next to each other. on the eve of the political summit, russia hosts. the city of lhasa, the capital of tibet, this is how it looks in the early morning, if you climb onto the roof in the center, the height above sea level is 3,650
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m, and this is without taking into account the roof, of course, a beautiful palace, we climbed in to look at it, this is the very center of the city, but the outskirts are also interesting, high-rise buildings are being built there at an accelerated pace, it’s hard to imagine, but a few years ago there were fields here where vegetables were grown and cattle grazed, now... this a modern area of ​​a dynamically developing large city, construction projects of varying degrees of globality are now taking place throughout lhasa, and the chinese side hosting our delegation very actively emphasizes that all this is not just that, but is very high-tech. quantity there are so many servers here that an industrial air conditioner is required to cool them, millions of billions of trillions of terabytes, a figure that is somehow unimaginable, this is where artificial intelligence lives. the main purpose of this is...
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zero carbon emissions and high efficiency of large data centers, and convert the abundance of clean electricity of shizan into the cheapest computing power in the country. it is no coincidence that our interlocutor says shizan, as tibet is called the official language today chinese office work. and if we are in russia... we can say the tibetan autonomous region, then any chinese official will definitely emphasize that this is the xijiang autonomous region, and tibet is history and religion, where this toponym is considered
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appropriate, one of the main shrines of tibet, the potala palace and one of its main historical architectural complexes, it is incredibly difficult to get here, since there are significantly fewer tickets than there are applicants. if you move a little to the side, you can see the non-front side of the palace, here ceilings, which... have clearly been preserved since ancient pre-ancient times, some utility rooms, the purpose of which can only be guessed at, it is interesting that researchers of the palace still have different points of view on the question of how many rooms there are in the palace, period there is a point of view that there are 999 of them, there is a point of view that there are 1.00 of them, there is a point of view that there are more than a thousand of them, these premises are apparently somehow included in this number, it’s official... years ago, they began to build a palace on the mountain in the seeming incredible year 645, now the residence is empty, a red palace,
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the main shrines are located in it, they are very careful to ensure that no one removes anything inside, there are still the graves of lamas who died, their ancestors rest here, and in general this room is where everything is connected with dalaima, here he lived, worked, received visitors, here the entire internal economic order of the premises is still maintained by the monks, well...
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just an incredible surprise, judging by the noise it is difficult to imagine what is happening here, religious disclos are taking place here, and a kind of memorization of tablets with sayings, the monks thus test each other how accurately they can reproduce ancient wisdom. let us take advantage of this completely unique opportunity to consider what is happening in all the details. this happens very rarely, filming, including filming on video, is usually an atypical situation, when monks can be strictly prohibited from doing this, special police services are monitoring this, and here we are actually close to them, maybe even contact them. in fact,
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if you delve into what we completely unexpectedly witness, this is a kind of exam. if the responder states everything correctly, and the receiver continues to listen to him, then he claps something like this, and if something goes wrong, the emitter answers incorrectly, then the clapping hands are folded like this, this means an incorrect answer. if the wrong answers come one after another, and the receiver claps his back like this several times, then he also... here are the shots of what happens next, the receiver moves the rosary in a circle over the head of the test taker, and that means everything is a young man, come for a retake, he didn’t pass, so on one of the streets a tibetan monk approached us on his own initiative with a request to take a photo, which ended, of course, with a strong handshake, a surprise for a friend.
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here is the weaving cooperative in the city of shannan, this is still the khasi, all this is what is called preserving the intangible heritage of tibet, but at the same time it is also a business. our products are sold domestically and abroad, which makes them different from the previous products.
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generations? a significant improvement in terms of workmanship and materials, look, this is a buddhist monk's robe, a more modern style of clothing, as well as fabrics dyed with plant and mineral pigments, this is a white cashmere product from the nagari mountain region. i also had a chance to try the old tibetan method of spinning yarn, and as my mentor reported based on the results, it was not a hopeless case that they could very well take me on for an internship in a team of tibetan seamers, although the work is delicate and...
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gradually we climb the mountains serpentines from the previous shooting point to the next, higher and higher, now the yaks grazing on the picturesque slopes come into the frame, in the end we find ourselves at the highest point of all where we have been before. this mountain peak is one of the real himalayan seven-thousanders, from here the mountain can be seen in every detail. we are located at an altitude of approximately 500 m; it is believed that the very center of tibet is located here. having spent some time in this place, then it becomes difficult to say exactly how much time has passed. this is the high mountain lake yamdroktso. it is believed that the color of the water in it constantly changes and never repeats. this is one of the sacred tibetan lakes. if it dries up, tibet will disappear, says legend. but obviously there is nothing to worry about right now. the lake is full-flowing, beautiful, and
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truly has an indescribable color of water. grigory vdovin and ivan lavrikov, vesti nedeli, tibet, sedzian autonomous region, china. this is the news of the week. we'll be back after commercials. is it worth waiting for conditions to deteriorate even further, because we have seen everything ourselves, it is very important that, the stress of other events, invisible to others, but at every
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event we love you, this week too, we will see more than others that moscow, the kremlin, putin are watching immediately after the news of the week.
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where are you going on red, you can distinguish colors, it’s not my fault, i was driving towards the flashing yellow, where the scene of jealousy is, maybe you need help, i’m offering you a job. simple duties, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, hourly pay. friendship can't be bought, i'm deceiving you, i'm a bastard, but take your suitcase and leave, but love is not for sale,
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this is where all the normal men are, there is no love, there is nothing, deception and lies, i was in a hurry somewhere, solving a bunch of problems, that now there is a crossroads, what needs to be done, we need to act. on saturday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirich, let's talk about all the issues. rushing to deploy nuclear weapons. i have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy.
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there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by fact, look twice at day, see you, so, well, we're all here, let's finally get to know each other, i'm glad to see you all, i hope to get to know you better, the premiere is on rtr, who are you? christina, your younger sister, a stranger among your family, where did you even come from, huh? excuse me, who are you? who am i? who is this you? i would be glad you have another sister. rich heiress. i transfer all my property to you. now. business will start in the factory, they will decide who is in charge, i don’t understand what
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’s going on, come on and hit me, you’re doing it if you want, brother, yes, a prisoner in a house full of terrible family secrets, it’s impossible, but i couldn’t commit suicide, you arrest her, who, christina, is under seven seals, from monday on rtr, the only one in the recent history of a collision. had to show everyone that it was germany, the third roy , who would rule the world in the next thousand years, deciding the fate of countries, peoples and civilization. without the help of foreign countries, hitler would not have been able to sort it out; this topic is taboo in germany. until the last moment, great britain did not give up its hopes of finding with the nazis some kind of compromise, secret anglo-german negotiations were conducted. the united states relied on hitler and a radical solution.
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tomorrow , the legendary dzerzhinsky operational division of the russian national guard will celebrate 100 years since its founding. our correspondent mikhail fedotov met with commanders and ordinary soldiers. one of the tasks of the russian guard is the fight against terrorism and this task. personnel are now performing in ukraine, protecting
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civilians from kiev militants from the first days of the special operation. checks at checkpoints, cleaning up liberated settlements, searching for caches of weapons that nationalists can use for terrorist attacks, these are just part of the operations carried out by the national guard. i found the second one, i found the second one. and at the forefront of the national guard troops are the servicemen of the separate operational division named after dzerzhinsky. these days the connection is celebrated. by this date , by decree of the supreme commander-in-chief, the unit was awarded the order of suvorogo, which is awarded for outstanding services in battles to defend the fatherland. 33 military personnel received high ranks of hero of the soviet union and russia, including two officers, divisions awarded gold stars for their exploits during a special military operation, where zerzhin residents from the first days actively took part, bringing our victory closer. a monument was unveiled in the park in front of the unit where the derzhintsy are stationed.
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remove from the line of fire only after that provide medical assistance, now
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we will prepare an iv for him, put him on a stretcher and prepare for evacuation, we will evacuate, all this is the everyday life of the russian guard soldiers, who , according to the motto, at any time in any place i can handle any task. mikhail fedotov and oleg dubinin, news of the week. suzdal, the ancient russian city, will celebrate a big date this year - the millennium since its foundation. the countdown is underway. from the first mention of the city in chronicles. for the holiday , a large exhibition “russian phoenix” opened in suzdal, suzdal land, to which more than a hundred exhibits were delivered from the moscow kremlin alone. suzdal today is a real open-air museum city, a living city, monuments where you can touch the history of ancient russia with your hands literally at every step. marina gromova will continue the topic. immersed in greenery, shimmering with gold domes,
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meandering, once full-flowing, but today with a small, winding kamenka river, a city, having visited, where one day you promise yourself that you will definitely return. created too rich to be put into one sentence, well , firstly, the great russian ethnic group came from here, secondly, here is the zero kilometer of modern russian statehood, suzdal was the first capital of russia, when under yuri dolgoruky the independent principality of suzdyl appeared, well, the whole russian history went on from here. the cradle of russian history, suzdyl, celebrates its millennium; as a gift to the city’s anniversary , there is a grandiose exhibition of two museums of the moscow kremlin and vladimir-suzdal.
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its main value is always new historical knowledge, and these are precisely the objects that indicate that the suzdal people were engaged in fishing, these are sinkers for nets. suzdol preserves its originality, returns what was lost , the abbot’s garden, a place usually hidden from the eyes of parishioners, is preparing to welcome tourists,
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saved the efiminov monastery, which is inactive, today there is a museum here, this is the most sacred part of the monastery garden, here behind me is... one of the main symbols is the tree of salvation, in our case, it is a maple, so we tried to convey this an atmosphere of unity, a continuation of prayer service, the berso galleries will soon be covered with foliage, a restored gazebo, a floral parterre, its patterns repeating the paintings on the walls of the transfiguration cathedral. the soaring prayer spreads throughout the temple. rises to the male choir saved the vaults of the efimeev monastery, the voice of suzdal. suzdal is famous for the fact that people want to return here, when you drive into the city, time stops, you drive along these ancient roads, you pass by these ancient monasteries and temples, you understand that some people walked along these paths at the same time holy people, and the same
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ifimi of suzdol. yulia came to susdali from st. petersburg on one or two business trips, and she realized that she wanted to do more than just work here. live now is restoring a late 19th century house, where the art center of the vladimir school of painting will be located. the city bit me, as i call it, when they ask me, yulia, what do you like? air is very important for me, it has some kind of density, the ability to see the perspective, it is clear that in st. petersburg there is the expanse of the neva, the gulf of finland, that’s all, but here there is this feeling of distance from the observation deck near the eifime monastery, there is a view of space, especially at sunset, the steep bank of the kamenko river, on which the efimiev monastery stands like a fortress, perhaps the main observation deck of the city, the centuries-old walls attract both guests and residents of suzdul, a place of power, the views from which are dizzying. suzdul looks completely different from the river. kamenka divides it into
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two parts: one bank is steep and hilly, the other is flat, with endless expanses stretching across it. it’s also important to walk around suzdul. feel it under your feet and even allow yourself to get lost, walking along suzdal goat paths or walking through houses with cut-out platbands. many houses in suzdal are decorated with wood craftsmanship. anatoly privezentsev. he himself lived in this house, there was a workshop in the basement, it was all dad, and his sketches, and carvings, this was his favorite thing, such a pavement was taken to france, our museum at one time, but this created the face of the city, of course, most importantly, a city that is changing, developing, but retains the main thing, the legacy of great history and the charm of everyday life, marina gromova, mikhail vikulin, valeria popova and andrei senyagin, lead the week, well, that’s all for today. goodbye, all the best and see you next sunday, a little later, sunday evening with vladimir solovyov, right now
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, moscow, the kremlin, putin, everything, and now the most exciting political program begins, the nuances of big politics, and the most discussed, topic of the week, another peace proposal, only for viewers of our program, the best personnel and new ones the most important comments. we love you. good evening, ukraine must completely withdraw its troops from the new russian territories, recognize their real status and abandon plans to join nato. vladimir putin made an important statement at a meeting with the eid leadership named specific conditions for ending the conflict in ukraine.
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russia is only getting stronger, the president noted. hello, but the most discussed topic of the week was, of course, the president’s peace proposals for ukraine; we now have a lot of new details on this matter. another concrete, real peace proposal, we are not talking about freezing the conflict, but about its
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final end, and i will say again, as soon as kiev agrees to a similar course of events, they agree to the complete withdrawal of their troops from the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions, and this process will actually begin, we are ready to begin negotiations without delaying them, did anyone know that today... the president would make such theses? i didn’t know, what about others? i, i am the chairman of one person. president putin's peace plan immediately became world news number one. if in kiev in the western capitals they also refuse it, as before, then in the end, it is their business, their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of bloodshed. obviously, the realities on earth will continue to change, not in favor kyiv regime. and the conditions for starting negotiations will be different, dozens of pages of text with russia’s proposals, but what to do
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at lavov’s press conference, every square centimeter is occupied. western journalists ask questions one after another in english.
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we see how the countries of the collective west, the united states, france, and other european countries are tireless, escalating tension, provoking tension.
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and we immediately told him: troops, get out of there, it will all end there. putin says something he has never said before events in february-march twenty-second . the war might not have happened if the kiev authorities, who had mocked donetsk and lugansk for years, had simply withdrawn their armed forces. as a result, russian troops reached kiev. various proposals on options for our possible further actions, but no political decision about the storming of a city of three million, no matter what anyone said, did not speculate? there was no, in fact, it was nothing more than an operation to force the ukrainian regime to peace, push the ukrainian side to negotiations and thereby stop the war. for the first time publicly, putin talks about the details of his personal meeting with an authoritative foreign politician on march 5, 22 . during the conversation, our foreign guest asked about an interesting episode: if you are helping donbass, then why
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are russian troops in the south of ukraine, including the cherson and zaporozhye regions?
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a meeting during which we discussed all these problems that the president spoke about in detail today. assistant to the president for foreign policy yuri ushakov participates in almost all presidential meetings with foreign leaders and politicians. this week he is in the kremlin for negotiations with the turkish foreign minister. a few words before putin enters. so ushakov sees details that only a few people in the country know about. in ukraine, the services of a western mediator were not accepted; on the contrary, they accused him of... taking pro-russian positions, well, in a rather harsh form. now the situation has changed radically; residents of the kherson region and zaporozhye expressed their position during referendums. kherson and zaporozhye regions, as well as donetsk and lugansk people's republic became part of the russian federation. the issue is forever closed and is no longer discussed. putin for the first time publicly voices the conditions for possible
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negotiations with the kiev regime, full conclusion. the work continues, of course, until we secure shchebekin, the belgorod region, and our other regions from such barbaric shelling, of course, this work will not stop, everything else, this was not discussed today, the neutral, non-aligned, nuclear-free status of ukraine, its demilitarization and denazification, as soon as kiev will declare that they are ready for such a decision and will begin a real withdrawal of troops from these
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regions, as well as officially notify. about our abandonment of plans to join nato immediately, literally at the same minute, an order will follow to cease fire and begin negotiations. what are we counting on? the fact that at some point we will still have to once again believe agreements even on paper, about which the president has said more than once that they are agreements on paper - this is the fruit of very complex expert negotiations, this is a balance interests and, of course, taking into account the realities on earth. and it will be so this time too, but you can trust these agreements in the future, we already have rich experience, there is a system of guarantees, this is a guarantee in the field of security and guarantees on all other issues. a very complex system, to develop this system of guarantees in order to ensure the implementation of agreements, but nevertheless, if the kiev regime somehow shows sobriety, then this will have to be done. naturally, this
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also presupposes the lifting of all western sanctions against russia. i believe that russia offers an option that will make it possible to actually end the war in ukraine, and, albeit difficult, gradually, step by step, to begin to restore relations of trust and good neighborliness between russia and ukraine. in europe as a whole, and the main thing is that we are ready for this, ready to normalize relations with europe, ready for equal negotiations, and not what the west and the kiev authorities want now, it looks simply idiotic, on the one hand they are prohibited from negotiating with us , they call us to negotiate and also hint that we refuse negotiations, some kind of nonsense, we the swiss are not invited to this conference, as we have heard many times, but this is our position now on the eve of this conference, discuss it. look, the swiss conference itself will not talk about peace, there will be no search for a peaceful settlement taking into account the interests of all parties, there will be no talk about peace there, that ’s the point, but here we are talking about the peace
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initiative of president putin, i have no doubt that it will be considered very carefully, and even if politicians like zelensky try publicly to dismiss such an initiative, even...
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streb-like europeans, this is understandable, they need to continue to fight with russia with the hands of ukrainians, to the last ukrainian. now , in reality, the kiev regime, the illegitimate zelensky, and it is very important to understand that the president today has finally drawn a line under the thesis of zelensky’s illegitimacy, they have a chance to consider putin’s peace initiative, taking into account the current realities on the fronts, to stop the war and move on to...
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conditions on earth, each time they get worse for ukraine. current dynamics of the situation on the fronts it clearly demonstrates to us that it will only continue to get worse for the ukrainians. well, probably, a politician who puts the interests of his homeland above his own and even above his masters would think about such a proposal. let's see what happens. i repeat once again, this is not an ultimatum. this is precisely a peaceful initiative, which was made taking into account the reality on earth. the president, as you said, drew a line regarding zelensky, does this mean that zelensky is not considered at all in any form for us, as who can participate in these negotiations? this is not the person with whom
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you can record an agreement in writing, because this fixation would be illegitimate, but nevertheless putin does not reject anything, he does not reject the possibility of negotiations, he says that there are legitimate bodies there in accordance with the constitution of the country. as for the kharkov direction, we are now forced to push back the front line in the direction of kharkov. in order to
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reduce, in fact, terrorist attacks on belgorod and other populated areas, it is clear that the depth there is 10, 15, 17 km, does not deprive the enemy of the opportunity to strike with longer-range weapons, but still gradually moves this threat away from our large populated areas, soon there will be fighters, i don’t know what else they can give, fighting with all of nato, we are able to cope with them, well, i’ll tell you so...
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that more than a thousand years, a thousand years, and, of course, culture, traditions and history, everything is so mixed up that we have really become into one people, this is our strength, we value and we will cherish and be invincible, here i am standing in front of you, and the city will be part of your team, we will not let you down, words from people who have gone through the most difficult trials. “you and i walked, we are walking and we will go to the end. how putin feels about such words, he made it clear back in december at one of the many meetings with participants in the special operation. and you and i, including me, we will get through everything defending the interests of the country to the end. vladimir vladimirovich, we can and should film about each of those sitting here . films, write books. here is the story of three siblings, everyone is fighting, putin found out about this. that
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after all, at least one of the brothers should be somewhere far away from the combat zone , i told the chief of the general staff, i say, take him away from there, suddenly he reports to me, he doesn’t leave, i say, just like he doesn’t leave, he doesn’t want to, i say, what does it mean, he doesn’t want to, my brother is fighting, he says that i should be here too, i should fight, after that i said, find him for me, i’ll talk to him on the phone, i started talking to him, he no, i can’t, i should be here, i say comrade major, are you listening okay? i hear you well, this is an order, understand? i understand, do it, i obey. i still had to listen to the supreme commander, right? well, yes, yes, i didn’t tell the supreme commander, the choice fell on my older brother, dimitri, and within a month he was next to us, we are confident that the supreme commander will definitely understand him, and we...
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relatives people to thank your mother and other russian mothers who raise such sons, his look a second later, it seemed to me that you had tears in your eyes at the moment when the president turned to your mother, yes, there really were tears in his eyes, because he remembered his childhood mother and so... how my mother
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gave everything of herself to raise me and my sister as worthy people, so they are, if not for such people like these to rely on, then on whom? current and future elite? the best countries can come to public service or continue to serve the fatherland in the armed forces, the decision about what he will do next in his life, this choice is yours, i will do as you decide for yourself, okay, career take-off, you some of them happened here in a matter of seconds, they talked about their path in life, about their last place of work, when suddenly, in my opinion, they stayed too long, as the supreme commander-in-chief would say? in peaceful life they are both railway workers and metal workers, this is an important detail that became clear during another dialogue: they were the mayor of krasnodar.


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