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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 17, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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well, heartfelt words from our president, putin addressed all participants of the north military district and said: “we love you and consider you all members of our big family.” and when bullets fly and you risk your life, we think about you, because the future of the country depends on you. thank you for watching 60 minutes, good bye, bye. the russia tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i am maria seridel. hello. today is exactly 10 years since the death of our colleagues in donbass, vgtrk correspondent igor kornelyuk and sound engineer anton voloshin. during a special military operation
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, the enemy was thrown back more than 100 km from here, this is already a rear area. bro, don't stop! footage of our assault coastal detachments entering staromaiskoe, and there was also a landing on tanks. specifically, there were four attack aircraft sitting on my car. the task now is to gain a foothold in the village. for them, any weather is suitable for flying. the final is in novosibirsk. tests before being sent to the front line. the pilots came, they are already my children in age, you try very hard to, well, convey everything that can. well, the workshops are in full swing with work, state defense orders. this is what the middle part of the fuselage looks like from the inside. the sand from here in the seventies reached the azure berwick of france. today is world day to combat desertification. for kalmykia, where there are sands and dunes, there is never snow in winter. does not happen, this
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day has a special significance, there is no water here, no, this is drinking water, the june weather is full of variety, snow fell in the northern regions of yakutia, and a hurricane swept through ufa, the brix games, which started in kazan, gather more russians in front of their televisions than matches euro-24, then this is a breath of fresh air even for me, because firstly, i have something to compare with, i’ve been to a lot of places. the situation in the special operation zone, providing the troops with everything necessary, interaction with defense industry enterprises and training of officers, were discussed during today's inspection of the ground forces control center by andrei belousov. the minister of defense heard the report.
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a dozen temporary deployment points for ukrainian fighters and foreign mercenaries, as well as 17 strongholds. the ukrainian armed forces lost 370 neo-nazis, two infantry fighting vehicles and a maxpro armored vehicle. this is footage of her being eliminated with the help of a russian attack drone. and this is the destruction of another leopard in the donetsk direction. our soldiers first immobilized a german tank using a drone, and then finished off krasnopol with a high-precision projectile. this is how
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a unit of our sun-kissers destroyed the enemy’s manpower under solidarity. attacks on the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces were carried out using thermoboric shells. but this is the work of a russian front-line bomber on a neo-nazi stronghold in kherson direction. four guided bombs hit the target and disabled equipment and manpower. today is june 17, the day of remembrance of our colleagues, vgtrk reporters anton voloshin and igor kornelyuk. they died 10 years ago near lugansk. the film crew came under mortar fire from the ukrainian armed forces. colleagues, friends, relatives and loved ones gathered this morning to honor their memory at the troekurovsky cemetery in the capital. we shared our memories with words of encouragement. anton voloshin was 26 years old. and kornelyuk is 37. for him, this was his first
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and last business trip to a hot spot. i i often review the chronicle of that day and feel it. “we are alive as long as we are in ogtrk, the guys will always be with us. for the courage and heroism shown during the performance of their professional duty, vladimir putin awarded the journalists the order of courage posthumously. the murder of journalists was condemned by
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the united nations and other international, non-governmental and human rights organizations special words today, of course, came from our military officers, who have been working on the front lines every day for the past 10 years . many of the same criminal attacks, the departure of the guys was such an absolute shock, only then we probably realized how serious and scary everything was, how there were no rules in this war, after these 10 years you probably understand that everything was not in vain , the guys then in their fourteenth year...
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are no longer with us, i hope that all this will definitely end. a memorial plaque was installed at the entrance to the building of the all-russian state television and radio company, and since then there have always been fresh flowers there. the feat of our colleagues is remembered in donbass. at school, in the village metal worker in the lugansk people's republic appropriated the names of dead journalists. they also opened... a museum of war correspondents, a memorial sign was installed on the highway where our guys died, flowers were laid at the site of the tragedy together with the residents of the lugansk people's republic, our correspondent, nikolai dolgachev. a heavy stone cross was installed at the site of the tragedy for the tenth anniversary,
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it is like a symbol, the years go by, it doesn’t get any easier, today they are bringing flowers here, exactly 10 years ago ukrainian militants struck our fellow civilians who they tried... from the danger zone, the front line was literally very close, now, during a special military operation, the enemy has been thrown back more than 100 km from here, this is already the rear area. igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin were caring and sincere, that’s how we remember them. the guys couldn’t stay away when the fire broke out in the donbass. the young and smiling went to tell the truth about the fighting. the place where our colleagues died is a strategically important route. in june. 2014 ukrainian formations tried here break into lugansk, the militia defended the city. the aidar battalion launched an attack on lugansk, wanted to occupy it, fired at the village of metalist, and hit journalists. the shooting was not accidental; this was determined during
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the investigation. a ukrainian spotter was working and pointed it at civilians. that morning, it seemed like they managed to come to an agreement not to shoot, so that unarmed people could leave the village of metalist for lugansk. our guys came to talk with the refugees; at 11:30, when people left, a ukrainian mortar started firing. this footage was taken by the group's cameraman viktor denisov, he was the only one who survived, sound engineer anton voloshin died on the spot, correspondent igor kornelyuk was taken to the hospital, but they could not save him. the truth is the most important thing, so of course, professional journalists are to get this truth, sometimes at the cost of their lives, unfortunately. great to everyone, everyone, everyone. thank you for carrying on the memory of our guys so carefully for 10 years. irina voloshina, who then lost her husband, is today at the site of his death. and at a school near the village of metalist. this is the school named after igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin. there is a museum of military commanders, personal belongings, photographs, certificates. here
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it becomes a little clearer that the real, brave igor and anton lived their entire lives in such a way that their family and friends were never ashamed of them. they came to people... to help. kornelyuk himself, originally from zaporozhye, took the event very seriously. his friend voloshin, a cheerful kvn player from the moscow region, also could not stay in the country, for the sake of others. there are people who come out of such terrible situations. situation and not a scratch, i think they just sacrificed themselves to save the people who stayed there, well, perhaps it ’s necessary, on one of the stands in the museum , the text of the message that anton voloshin’s mother sent him after the news of the tragedy did not believe, and we, his colleagues, did not believe it either, this was the first loss in the journalistic corps , who worked in donbass. igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin were awarded the order of courage, posthumously. always tell the truth, no matter what. this was their work, which our colleagues are now continuing, including in memory
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of those killed on june 17, 2014. nikolay dolgachev, magomed bashir aliev, roman smagli, alexander khvastov, lead lugansk. two more countries refused to join the final communication after the conference on ukraine, which ended the day before in switzerland. iraq and jordan withdrew their signatures. thus, there are already 13 states on the list, most of them. belongs to the global south, these are brazil, india, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, south africa, which sent only diplomats to the summit, and the vatican did not support the declaration. as the foreign press notes, everyone unanimously believes that a peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine is impossible without dialogue with moscow, which they decided not to invite and blame behind its back. at the closing ceremony, zelensky habitually said that he does not have enough weapons to help him, and president putin will not withdraw his troops. it must be stopped in any way, while it was repeatedly emphasized that the summit is peaceful. china,
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which boycotted the meeting, writes that it was obvious to foreign media dignitaries in attendance that the conference was not as successful as the west had made it out to be. introduce. the exclusion of russia, a key player in the region, the absence of china and us president joe biden overshadowed the significance of the summit, the global times said. well, the german develt noted that for russia the demands of the last conference are unrealistic, and the approach to ukraine will not change until kiev and its supporters accept moscow’s previously put forward conditions. they promised to invite our country to the next summit, which should take place before the us presidential elections. the global majority is for a multipolar world. this topic is being discussed today on international forum in vladivostok. which was organized by united russia. the platform brought together more than 150 representatives of leading political
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forces from 32 countries. these are delegations from the brix, osian, cis countries, as well as the international conference of asian political parties. state duma deputies and senators are participating. on the agenda: strengthening ties between countries and in the economic sphere. and global security issues. the world majority today considers the substance, probably the key. the question is a global question security, but how to ensure it? and for there to be fundamental global security, it is natural to respect each other, it is necessary not to interfere in each other’s internal affairs, it is necessary to observe the principles of peaceful existence, and the most important thing is justice, this justice, it is precisely ensured by the sovereign equality of states. well , today united russia officially nominated dmitry demeshin as a candidate for the early elections of the governor of khabarovsk. by presidential decree a month ago he was appointed acting head of the region, and previously demeshin served as
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deputy prosecutor general. you look at the news, these are the topics next in our program. the ministry of defense has received a new batch of su-34 front-line bombers and will soon be sent to the front line. in ukraine , residents will now be fined for generators that are too noisy. well, let's talk about the brix games that have started. bought under seven seals, today on rtr,
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please, acquaintance and roll call, without postralia, i’m very glad that you came to to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in the white look, and i begin, then mark anatolyevich zakharov leaves, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i am like a man’s hunter on women, i like to attack, dad we imagined... that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more is there to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, i fell in love with someone else, nat. i’m leaving for
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her, get out, get out of my life, on friday, positive, efficient people should work in the service sector, and not such a dull amoeba like you, dad, i’m pregnant, mine arrived, you know each other, crossed paths, by chance. by the way, there are no coincidences in life. if you need my help, promise to call me. you are not indifferent to her, dad, the flower queen needs to be conquered, isn’t it, who should win you too? you are my light. you are my light. on friday on rtr. we
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gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let's say so, my trophy, we were hungry, and here comes grandma, hungry herself, but she carries this chicken to the drive and says: baby, feed, machik, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys to myself, i came across such people, who are not indifferent, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your you wouldn’t have survived, only ours can,
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honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, on thursday on rtr, i died for the men, i died, awesome, there would be no happiness, i predict, in your life soon something very, very good will happen, so good that you will grab your head, but the dress helped, when you wear it , your whole life will change, but i don’t know what to change, an amazing woman, a dream woman, a mystery woman , i actually went through some kind of strange streak, first this artist, then a man on the beach, maybe you have turned yourself into a man, it seems to me that i have roman, who is yours, roman, at your age, well, sasha, one, two, three, third who, dress
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the color of the sea, premiere, give me a chance, do you want to come back on saturday? on rtr. you watch the news and we continue the release. versatile, maneuverable, supersonic. the novosibirsk aviation plant named after chkalov today handed over to the ministry of defense a new batch of multifunctional front-line fighter-bombers su-34. all cars are equipped with modern systems navigation and communications, and the control system allows you to carry. it was developed by the dnepr group of troops. the drone is capable of lifting a weight of up to 200 kg, which means it can deliver a fighter with full equipment, heavy
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weapons, or food to the front line. in ukraine they found a new way. find funds to maintain the armed forces of ukraine. now residents will be fined for generators that are too noisy. the amounts are quite significant, and in case of repeated violations, the unit is subject to confiscation. considering the state of the country’s energy networks, almost everyone is subject to fines. the owner of the store, but mass raids have not yet been carried out on them, which cannot be said about those subject to mobilization. on the weekend that coincided with the peace summit in switzerland , new outrages by military commissars were recorded. these shots were filmed in kharkov, lvov, and the vinnettsk region. conscripts are kept on guard in a field after a picnic, in a busy center.
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nato countries are holding consultations on deploying a large number of nuclear weapons and bringing them to a state of combat readiness. the secretary general of the alliance stated this in an interview with the daily telegraph. according to stoltenberg, only if the bloc has a nuclear arsenal will the world be completely safe. in the face of the russian-chinese threat, while the internal split regarding assistance to kiev is intensifying, trump promises to reconsider the volume of the trench in the event of his victory in the us elections. he
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intends to crush his opponent biden at the debate by highlighting his failures. report by dmitry melnikov. from southern italy straight to the west coast of the united states, president biden preferred a short flight to switzerland for a conference on ukraine a ten-hour voyage through. tickets range from two hundred to tens of thousands of dollars from guests george clooney, julia roberts and barbara strasen. the biden campaign is counting on raising a record $30 million that evening, but the price for this is yet another public embarrassment for the president. to the sounds of the final chords of the evening, joe biden traditionally hangs in front of the audience. and barack obama, who realized it too late.
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on donald trump's 78th birthday was the forecast published the day before by the economist magazine. according to the mathematical model, based on national polls, biden’s chances of winning the election in the fall of twenty -four are one in three, while trump’s this figure is already twice as high . and there are less than two weeks left until the main political show of the season, the biden trump election debate, standing on the podium for 90 minutes with two. advertising, recordings and cheat sheets are allowed, but teleprompters are not. america will have to see its candidates in what is called natural conditions.
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dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. in moscow, the state news agency tas held a press conference dedicated to the results of the victory dictation. the international historical event is being held for the sixth time. this year, more than 2 million people from 61 countries took part in it. for questions. residents of new russian regions responded successfully, as the head of the russian historical society sergei naryshkin emphasized, the fact that there are many young people among the winners causes special pride. the results of the dictation indicate that the history of the great russians know the patriotic war very, very well. it is especially pleasant that half of those who scored... the maximum 25 points are young people, schoolchildren, and students. and the news of the last minutes,
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to manage the activities. become directly subordinate to the head of state. the corresponding decree was signed today by vladimir putin. the russian team is leading the medal standings at the brix games in kazan by a large margin. over the course of 4 days, our athletes’ treasury was replenished with 111 gold, 80 silver and 48 bronze medals; on the second belarus is in third place, china is in third place. the competition will last until june 24, with about 500 athletes from more than 90 countries participating, with a total of 387 sets of medals being awarded. meanwhile, at the european football championship, the key issue is safety. it is not yet possible to provide it. a group of serbian fans were taken to police stations after a fight with the british.
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a criminal case was opened against one of them for assault. injury to an english fan. this despite the fact that, according to numerous eyewitnesses, in german gelsen-kirkhine, it was the british who initiated the fight. they were the first to burst into the bar of the resting serbs and began to throw whatever they could at them. other provocations were also noticed, for example, the albanian flag, which was literally torn to pieces by the crowd. the serbs unfurled their banners, among them were russian ones, including those with the inscriptions “belgorod” and “same colors” and “true faith”. however, in the current euro, our country is popular among not the most friendly public. according to western social networks now the video match of 2008 russia-holland is different. the video has already received 3 million
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views. in the comments on... nicks are nostalgic for the times when russian athletes were not blocked on the international stage, but were accepted as the elite. today, immediately after the evening news , there is a premiere on our channel, a new detective melodrama with seven seals. having survived the death of her parents, the heroine ends up in an orphanage, and her older sister becomes the head of a large wealthy family. their meeting years later will change things.
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there was this family, and as soon as people they understand, they suddenly become strong, this meeting is not just an attempt to beg for forgiveness, but anna’s new move in the game against the large safonov family, where everyone hopes to receive an inheritance, and will stop at nothing for this. i won’t budge until i throw this impostor out of our house. fate again throws tests at christina; she has to take over the family business and find out what secrets are hidden behind
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the walls of the luxurious mansion. and which of her relatives, but such strangers, can she trust, why is it so difficult, she still dear sister, i don’t know, but with such relatives you don’t need enemies, a series in which truth and lies, love and betrayal go hand in hand, each episode holds tension, the film is full of intrigue and mysteries, famous actors, alena bobenko, vladislav vetrov, sofia senitsina and sergei ostakhov. why do you need it?


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