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tv   Za semyu pechatyami  RUSSIA1  June 17, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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they took it, they say: no, it hasn’t grown in, it ’s not, this is, investments have reached their limit, this is what it means, here you can translate it into russian, that is, you come to the bank, they tell you: no, you understand, your investments have already reached your limit, so of course the cash is there, but the money belongs to the bank, because the bank doesn’t like you, jeanette, how could you live to such an advanced age so out of your mind, have you become like a grandfather or something? well, i understand when obama grabs biden by the hand and says: grandpa, let’s get out of here, quickly leave, you can’t look at this anymore , leave immediately, get out of here, look, obama turned around once, realized that it was hard for him, turned around a second time, was already afraid that someone would throw him a basketball, found everyone, and biden froze, and just think about it, yes, they take a person by the hand and lead him off the stage. that
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is, the grandfather is self-propelled, but guided, at the same time the grandfather comes to life, he has common sense only when he is offered ice cream, then his true character really appears, he loves ice cream, i heard that you like it ice cream, i love ice cream, i'd love for you to try my ice cream sometime, i'm the most boring president in america, people know me for my reuben glasses and chocolate chip ice cream.
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crime, found guilty of sexual assault and financial fraud. meanwhile, joe biden works, cuts health care costs, makes big corporations pay their fair share. in this election, you will choose between a convicted criminal, who only pursues their own interests, and a president, who fights for your family. i'm joe biden and i endorse this message. i, vladimir solov, also approve of this message. american. people, you have two self-propelled grandfathers fighting for power, one is a recognized criminal, well and good, a well-known corrupt official, american people, choose the right president, with arms in hand, go and fight for your rights, civil war, apparently, is inevitable, no, well, it’s simple and the main thing is logic, yes, these people, they are not afraid of the swedes, that they have been neutral for 200 years, the neutrality of the people has been preserved.
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a legless soldier in the ssu who said: “i know putin will go.” the swedes were so frightened that they said “that’s it.” well, is it clear why? because sweden's deputy prime minister, ebba busch. bush ruined everything. it's all bush's fault. i will never forget the words of a young ukrainian soldier whom i had the opportunity to meet in kiev. he served in the 79th air assault brigade at the front. he lost both legs. he had them amputated in just a few.
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no one is interested in the will of the people in crimea, zaporozhye, kherson region, donetsk, they are generally it doesn’t matter, there are no such words, they don’t talk about the people, suddenly it’s about the laws... what happened, westerners, you lying brutes, what happened to you? and by the way, don’t tell us more about the values, this is crying at the wall, how is this possible, please explain to me, in jerusalem the gay parade was held right next to the walls of the old city. for the scripture says: a man shall not lie with a man as with a woman, both shall be put to death, their blood shall be on them. if
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gay pride parades are now taking place in the holy land, then i have a question: by doing so, israel is signing on to the fact that foundation, the foundation itself. the existence of the israeli state on this very land is insignificant, because they decided to give this land to the jews, based on religious texts, and not international law, let me note that what you are doing, what you are doing, you are desecrating treasury religions in one go, yes, after which you want to say, you are asking about values, why we look at you like that, well, cherry on the cake, as i read from the dilitant’s notes, the pechersk court today awarded, canceled three goals of the romanian team, awarded the victory to the ukrainian team,
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because there is no other way, europeans, romanian fans, despite the position of official romania, are shouting this in the stands? they also brought the dpr flag, that is, they decided that this was the most offensive thing for the ukrainians, so they shout putin, putin, they brought the dpr flag, and they also pulled ukraine 3:0, beautiful, that is, such a little thing, but nice, that is, here really nice, and by the way, many people ask the question. but what about sirbs? well, in switzerland, i don’t understand why there was such a vote, that is, in my opinion, this is a big mistake, but the serbian fans did not let down in gelsen-kirchin, germany. before the match with england. i think we need
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to listen. and, of course, special words of gratitude. i think italy should tell the ukrainian translators, if someone doesn’t know, then the ukrainian translators have de facto declared war on behalf of italy to russia, i wonder, mrs. miloni, will she find the strength, you say protest, idiot patentaty, ukrainian, traditionalists and other vile people, listen. defend the system of rules in the world, it is important to unite all efforts to protect ukraine if russia does not agree with conditions, we will force them to surrender. we need to set the terms for this discussion. peace in ukraine does not mean that ukraine should surrender, as putin believes, it will not happen.
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here's what she actually said. defending ukraine means defending the system of rules. which unites the international community protects every nation, if ukraine could not count on our support, so it was forced to surrender, today we would not have gathered here to discuss the minimum terms of negotiations, we would only have discussed invasion of a sovereign state, we can all imagine the consequences, dear colleagues,
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when you look at this lady who says that someone will defeat someone, but she is a little realistic, i am generally surprised by these european leaders, to be honest, at what to hope for. but maybe the owner gave them some kind of security guarantees, but they definitely don’t care for their people, this is simply evident in fact, when we talk about escalation today, that the military is escalating, it is happening on all fronts, front, in economic, financial, this is happening everywhere, again some kind of package of sanctions, again some kind of bad panic, we have a dollar for 200 rubles bought by a crazy person , frankly speaking, there are also such , unfortunately. among my friends no, i even yes, i looked, well, 200, 200, we know
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something is not hotter, not colder by and large, and of course, when your money is stolen from you, well, today it’s we just have to take it as a given, for us, of course, on the one hand it’s a minus, well, it’s not pleasant, to be honest, on the other hand this is a plus, we can do the same thing, well , every challenge must have an answer, probably, and most importantly... the main thing is that today i am really looking forward to the autumn summit of our brix in kazan, at which i still very much hope , that a currency will appear in which the dollar will practically be of no use to us, this will be such a significant breakthrough, in my deep opinion, if you want, a victory, a victory, because then everything will play completely differently, and after all, today the people of the country are striving for brich , they are coming, someone already... the breeze has arrived, someone is running as a candidate, someone is planning to join, in the states and
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satellites, the world has not come to a close, the same does not happen in its essence, and the economic moment is probably just as key for today, like military victory on the battlefield, you can't escape it. the second point that, of course, should be noted today is the upcoming visit of our president to the korean people's democratic party. grateful to the leader of the korean people's democratic republic, we understand why and how, there are no small ones here
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no, we must give it to him, everyone is responsible for his word, i know, i was in primorye, that now interaction with the dprk is instantly developing, today railway lines are being modernized, ports are being modernized, even our children from primorye are going to go on vacation to a pioneer camp i went to the korean people's democratic party with pleasure, it was interesting. left, but i would interview the leader, it’s interesting, of course, that is, this moment is so key, therefore the vector of development that our president has given today is precisely in international relations, he is probably the most correct, and let’s colleagues without much squealing, noise and scale, however, yes, they were driving and driving in switzerland, the boss came out in the middle, laid out the whole thing in 3 minutes, everyone closed up like this, like standing ones, yes, well , it happened the same way, today at...
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a moment that today, during the conduct of hostilities, of course, must be resolved, these moments, third, well, we were talking about drones here, they really tried to cheerfully shout at us there this is a question, well look, meeting assistant head of administration alexei dyuminov yes, with the minister of defense, and the first question is what, drones,
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today this is not just a marker. it is coming at full speed and this is a threat, including to our heavy drones, such as orlantas, zala, everyone else, because they are not very fast, and we need to find a use for this, that is, there must be counteraction, we confidently knock down all these baba yagi with their drones, it works out very well, but the same path that classical aviation had classic aviation, but starting from the bookcase it went well, this moment
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is probably the most, probably today, well, frankly significant, because this is the fourth moment, here is leonid vladimirovich goronin, he is our permanent member of our defense committee, because he knows all the issues related to the defense budget by heart, we literally met there a week ago to make some adjustments. that is , he oversaw the ministry of finance’s regulation, he doesn’t just oversee it, he knows these numbers well, that’s what needs to be asked in response to any question instant answer, in numbers, in dates, in time, what, where, when, full understanding, this is it... the money has been decided, now she has a task more like this, it is complex, that is, what has already been given down down to every little detail, so that this business goes well, well, fifth, we probably need today, that ’s what we said, decentralization of supplies, remember, yes, after all, this must be achieved through a small nomenclature, what is especially in demand today, unmanned vehicles, thermal imagers, yes, sights, here’s the rap system, and here
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in transbaikalia our guys just a week ago we tested trench rap, we’ve already played it this way and that, well, for 200, closer than 200 m.
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turn on novitel, i beg you, it will be shown either somewhere near rostov -yaroslavsky or in the zhigulevsky mountains, well, definitely not there , where you are, during the st. petersburg forum i decided to run, it turned out that i ran away, ran from helsinki, finished in abi. yes, yes, yes, yes, it’s true, that is , the system works if desired, but today
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we need to get into the trench there, to finish this thing off . these are the moments i wanted to highlight today. at the same time it is interesting. what now, well, the enemy is pressing, the enemy is trying to do whatever they want, but i contacted our guys in the north, that is, of course, the baltic warriors work miracles, that is, they repulse attack after attack, they act resourcefully, smartly, with amazing will, but in general, of course, it should be noted that it is no coincidence that so many units received the rank of guards, that is, absolutely deservedly, absolutely, well... the legendary fifty- eighth and this and the 14th now 66th transbaikal regiment, that is, well, that is, they are simply handsome, i’m proud of the guys, i’m just proud i know almost everyone and... of course, it’s especially nice, you know, when it’s written in the phone book, yes, colonel, now you’re looking, hero of russia, major general, yes, it’s already done,
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yes, so polyana is great, by the way, i congratulate you on being awarded a high rank, from the bottom of my heart, please, i probably won’t say anything special about personnel changes in the ministry of defense, i’ve said everything, the only thing is that this is a completely obvious line. which has been visible for some time, is the formation of a generally new level, a new quality of military-civil relations, that is, this is the integration of the front and the rear, this is not a warring army and the people walking there, well , what is this called the rear in reslabon, but this is the integration of all this, and it seems to me that this is very important, this new quality must be understood and.. those who consider themselves to be part of the political class should also understand that this is a signal that a very serious struggle has really begun, a struggle for the future, and
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there is no such fundamental division, which, by the way, was felt very much at the beginning of the special military operation, this is it. it felt like everything were in favor, but this unity of the front and rear was very often lacking. they are not at all interested in the source of their sovereignty; in fact, they live in a world of imported sovereignty. so we laughed
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at this phrase, which regarding the overdue zelensky, they said that he is sovereign, while we are communicating with him, one of the westerners said, in my opinion, from the european union, so they are all like that, they consider themselves sovereign and there are not... one person, i don’t like him, but i have to say this, the only person who perceived this is these votes took it seriously, this is macron, but not
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because he is interested in the opinion of the people, he is not interested in the opinion of the people, because he saw in this situation the opportunity for another political technologist, nothing more, in this sense, this is without even ... .
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and further, it’s very important that the content of the article corresponds to the title, that in general putin is not losing and apparently will not lose, by the way, it’s interesting that they will not lose, ripen, this is an important story, but let’s convince him of that. that he will lose, well, here's elin for you, well, yes, we argued over money. yes, but let’s convince putin that we didn’t steal them and that it’s necessary, and then let’s convince sizempina that we didn’t steal his money, yes, and
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that’s what was intended, and... then there are a dozen and a half arab sheikhs, well yes, but in principle you can steal from them, because there will be some relative among the terrorists, and what was yours will become ours, and then we will convince fashion, and further down the list, well, that’s the whole story, but they're all like this, it's not grandma elin who's gone crazy, it's this is their real, this is the current mainstream, but i must say... to raise my voice in defense of barel, i will miss him, well, i will miss him, well, in rostov his apartment became vacant then, and here i am now i’ll tell you seriously, well, we laughed with him, so he said that fate, the fate of the world, well, he said about ukraine, actually, of course, he meant that the fate of the world and the fate of europe is decided on the battlefield, so tell me what he was wrong about, so i look
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at... here's a party in a swiss city, the name of which, sorry, i can’t pronounce, yes, but it was conceived as a huge mega-event, back in may they had a target of the presence of 150 states at a high political level, they declared it, so it didn’t work out? what we saw was a ship that was sailing, from which the captain, most of the crew, most of the servants had escaped, but he was working idle, why was he working idle, by the way, of course, an absolutely disgracefully prepared event, and of course, nobody you can’t apologize for this manipulation with the translation, because it’s authorized, well, listen, i also worked part-time
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as a translator. well, also because of your youth, and if you, well, it simply never occurred to you to make such a mistake, but if you made a mistake, this amendment is made within the next half hour or hour, a day has passed, they only now realized that they were fundamentally distorted statements, of course they will be wiped out, of course it’s possible.
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and before dmitry continues, you know what i wanted to draw attention to, literally 10 seconds before the advertisement, and what happened to the swiss, well, before they at least knew how to organize, now they mixed up the gender of the unfortunate prime minister, who did not speak when they said, and, by the way, the two parties have not signed yet, this is a technical error, i'll ask for a minute, advertising.
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my intuition fails. i felt like a big idiot only at school in physics class, the pressure was impossible to resist. as usual, i’m against it, but you always do it your own way, it’s possible, but they must make an accurate diagnosis, then none of our participants sings, you decide, and i’ll answer, catch me if you can, a big music show, if she sings, we’re the backup dancers, and if she doesn’t sing, then we’re the backup singers, on friday on rtr, where are you going on red, you’re the color you see, it’s not my fault, i was driving through a flashing yellow light, where
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there are scenes of jealousy, maybe you need help, i’m offering you a job, simple responsibilities, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, hourly pay, friendship can’t be bought, and love can’t be bought for sale, that's where all the normal men are, there's no love, there's nothing, deception and lies, i was in a hurry somewhere, solving a bunch of problems, what is now an intersection, what needs to be done, i need to act, on saturday on rtr.
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the united states relied on hitler and a radical solution. standard llc in new jersey invested $120 million in the third reich. general motors - 100 million. without foreign money, the war would not have lasted 6 years. unknown war. no matter what anyone says today, we know for sure that the liberation of the people of europe and the german people, including from the nazi infection, was brought by our soviet people. film by andrey medvedev. on saturday on rtr i died for the men, i died, go nuts, there would be no happiness, i predict
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that something very, very good will soon happen in your life, so good that you will grab your head, but the dress helped, so you will wear it your whole life will change, but i don’t know what to change, so... on rtr, please, no, still , i’ll take this minute, but the most interesting thing in this whole
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swiss shabby, in my opinion, were two episodes that were very shown in general the whole atmosphere, with the swiss, i really can’t, i have no explanation for what happened, because... this is a complete loss of organizational skills, but episode number one is the revocation of the signatures of iraq and jordan, which were not there, not my first reaction that the signatures were there in the morning, when i read this, there were signatures, but some apparently unpleasant conversation took place with salevan, and the guys said, oh, well, of course, that’s it... and this is an explainable story, it’s logical, but when i found out that there were no signatures, excuse me, this is frankly petty scam, and explain, they explained, they
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say, when we invited you, we automatically assume that you agree, and if you do not agree, we must say that we do not agree, and so we automatically assume that we are returning to the beginning of my speeches. in the dark, so that no one sees, so that, god forbid, no one asks the vice president, as it was said in one film of the united states of america takes the screws at the moment when, in fact , the final performance, the final cherry should be hers, what is this? happened, this despite the fact that kamala haris, as
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we all understand, herself does just this, just driving in the swiss mountains, she conveyed the donkey’s laughter to a citizen departing towards the airport, but she really laughs like ish, what happened there, that she was recalled from the washington regional committee from a higher party authority, why did she have to run away like that, in this sense, of course, there after this... the failure of this event is not easy, i say again, this is not just an event , this was the final such a bold, beautiful point in the formation of a new political context, i ’ll tell you this, i wouldn’t expect anything good for us, because when they failed in the political context, they didn’t form it, so they failed it, they will compensate by tightening supplies weapons, they will play... to strengthen, they will play to
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try to define, at least for us, new fronts, and i would not rule out that through some buffers, through some front organizations, they could come to very tough, such, i would say, sabotage and terrorist methods, but note, only 78 countries signed, already 70, no, 78, 78. after they called it, that is, the total number is 78, there they also tried to organize in the country, and the main thing was not able to get out of the country, but zelensky said that everything is fine, for the delay in general everything is fine, the main thing is not to be at home, at the beginning of the program you listed a lot of examples that demonstrate the hypocrisy and recklessness of the west, and this. .. only the tips of the iceberg, these examples can be
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to cite many, and we also know well that the west is cruel and cowardly, as psychiatrists say, that cowards always coexist with special cruelty, and what signifies the cowardice of the west, today i once again realized that the cowardice of the west is based, it is closely connected with fear of the truth, fear of the truth about the past, roots. of the present in which they lie, this is all clear, today at a press conference in tas, sergei evgenievich naryshkin, as the chairman of the russian historical society, spoke about how the victory dictation took place, for the sixth time took place in the history of our country, and not only our country, because more than 2 million people from 60 of one country took part in this event, and this is only the beginning of such a large-scale...
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by the way, throughout europe, they are afraid of this
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truth, and this is what they organize and do all over the world, including cyber attacks, for example, this is the continuation of the war by any means, and as for the events of this weekend, as the famous character from the film beware of the car said, at william’s, you know our there is shakespeare. a wonderful comedy, much ado about nothing, but in our case there is also a lot of noise, but this is not a comedy at all, it is actually noise against the backdrop of tragedy.
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we are approaching a global conflagration, while time is running out to resolve the climate crisis that could end everything, the nations, the ruling power, have committed themselves to war,
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what we have discovered about the peace conference in quotes switzerland is that it is essentially preparation. colombia, which found itself under serious pressure from the united states. yes, and the peace conference says in quotation marks, and that this is a platform for preparation for further war, this is very important, but it is true that in the west there are also journalists who are still familiar with journalism; they call this meeting a discussion.
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everything that happens on stage, yes, let’s take these gatherings, this is for uninitiated people, for those inexperienced in politics, but for those who understand, who understand trends , everything has long been clear to everyone, in particular, it is clear that without russia there are no questions of the future it is impossible to discuss, it is simply impossible, or rather they can be discussed, but there will be no effect and... by the way, it is very important that at a meeting with the leadership of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, the russian president noted that we live on the same continent, if we, by the way, remember the words of bismarck, and geography is a sentence, yes, here is putin i expanded this a little differently, so that we live on the same continent, no matter
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what happens, geography cannot be abolished, which means we will have to coexist and work together one way or another, and... speaking of the future, not only the ukrainian empire will also have to exist and work together, he meant, of course , ukraine, yes, yes, i understand, but there is no austravengerian empire, and ukraine , by the way, until the ninety-first year there was nothing as an independent state, yes, but europe , europe, yes, as a continent, nevertheless, peoples remain, and borders, borders can change this is why peoples remain.
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what is not, this is also true, so now we will say that they are cowardly, they are not cowardly, they constantly send here their
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instructors, troops, they constantly send their weapons, they are sure that we will not dare, they ruled the world with an iron fist for 500 years, cowards don’t behave like that, scumbags do, cowards no, yes, but i meant that they, they are afraid of the truth, that’s why they do everything, they are afraid, they believe that this is not the truth, well ... nothing like that, well, yes, therefore, if we continue to believe that they are weak, cowardly, will now fall apart, no, we are dealing with
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a brilliantly organized, systemic, brave, arrogant enemy, that is why victory will be so important brilliant, because no , we fight with weak, incompetent people, no, well, no, no, not weak, incompetent people, no, of course. a coward would did not supply a variety of their equipment, they are fighting with someone else’s hands, but because why do they need their own, this is not a category of cowardice, this is a calculation, when these end, then others will go, and in the end they will enter themselves, they think that they are the winners, and we exhausted, this is a calculation, they are fighting with the untermensch, those whom they do not feel sorry for, as they traditionally called them, they are in this regard. nothing has changed, yes, it’s probably not cowardice, it’s deceit, yes, deceit, no, they are insidious, that’s for sure, and you wanted to say about the fans, serbian
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fans are a completely special a social, even i would say, a political group, this is a very close-knit team that quite often decides many economic, financial and political issues, because this is a really serious force, but important... for us , what do we understand that this force is in all historical periods , here is recent history, yes, she was on the side of russia and now no, as if relying on this force, it can play a very important role at certain moments, and naturally, serbian fans will never accept the fact that serbia signed this communication, even if it doesn’t mean anything and so on, but i think that so...
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for yesterday’s film, i always watch with great pleasure the film from the front line, it reminds me of my army youth, guys,
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near the combat vehicle, apparently you expected , because your operator very skillfully removed the bore, i looked that the rifling of the gun was clean, the commander can see them there, but the car is the cleanest and no, no, these are simple-minded guys and no, simple-minded guys, but now there is the most severe discipline there, because that they... understand that their lives depend on how the equipment works, now the regulatory procedures are carried out in such a way that you can’t find fault with them, and of course they wait, naturally, so just in case everywhere, i liked how they told it very simply, how they knocked out this i'm delirious, you can't call her anything else, well done guys, good luck, success, first of all i would like to congratulate muslims on eid al-adha, it's... the second day, this is one of the main islamic holidays, wish all muslims peace happiness, health, prosperity, and muslims of russia
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make a worthy contribution to the development of the country and... now they are represented on the line of combat contact, a loud statement was made again by stalin, it turns out that the powerful, mighty estonian army decided to join the coalition of western countries and march in the red sea against the houthis. but it’s not a task, what do you think, how much force and means do they allocate, zero, no more, one, and they still haven’t determined who it is?
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heard that estonia is going to war with they wavered once again last week and launched drone missiles at an american destroyer and two ships. as a result, the destroyer was damaged, went towards dzhida, one of the ships seemed to be sunk, the second received serious damage. and where are the photographs of american bloggers shouting: you don’t know where the pentagon is looking, but what happened, why are there no photographs? but unlike us? very tough, which we should have done a long time ago in the territories adjacent to the line of combat contact. to date the houthi comrades created 60 transcendentals in the red sea, about 20 ships were damaged, last week the second one seemed to have already sank, the damage to the world economy is enormous,
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on average 30% of container traffic per year goes through the soviet canal, 15% of the world.
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only three entered there, but they mean nothing, they are known, i will not repeat them, the representative of kenya gave a very good slap on the cheek at this forum, he openly stated that the theft of russian assets is illegal, everyone who was sitting there was forced to this i agree, there are translators who probably translated it all as it was necessary, just like we did, so they translated it exactly as it was necessary, so this pill. everyone swallowed this, now as for macron’s statement that he also said there switzerland, nato is not waging a war with russia, well , makroshev’s brain is already starting to swim a little, how can he not, last week french high-wing aircraft flew again to black sea, why didn’t we shoot them down, but i don’t know, i have questions like this, question constantly, why don’t we shoot down their planes,
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drones, drown them? ships, if they work to guide nato weapons to strike our territory, to strike our territory, we must shoot them down and destroy them, and there’s no need to even think about it, here... we have another bold goal: rain metal and on a factory with german working engineers opened in ukraine, a missile strike should be carried out there immediately, find where, and let the german families, i express my condolences to them, but let them think where not they send their loved ones, first you need to check, maybe there is special misinformation, well, the germans have already said that it is, the germans have already said that the agreement has been signed.
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their opinion doesn’t matter, we said, the only legitimate government that can sign something is glad, it’s glad, yes, that’s all, that’s it, and by the way, they haven’t said anything like that yet, no, the speaker is happy just yesterday
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has already stated that he denies this, but he did not say that he is not a legitimate government, the only thing he did not say is that based on, that’s why he denies, denies, and leads with a sting, looks at the situation. the situation is changing for the better , the partisan detachment with the traitor, tezhera, the situation will not change for the better, it will only get worse, and what is most surprising is that women behave most aggressively in politics in the european union countries. madame fridrikson, prime minister of denmark, who recently authorized the next supply of self-propelled artillery guns to ukraine, minister of defense. netherlands gren, german foreign minister bern brock, kaya callas, your favorite, ursula fonder, and this list can be continued, it actually
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surprises me that they have something maternal at all, there is something like that, there’s probably nothing, after all, it’s them too, so that they don’t have anything paternal, now it’s like that time has passed, you no longer understand what they have, they bear exactly the same responsibility for tens of thousands of deaths in ukraine. olangrin visited recently. who remained there in ukraine. the west intends to tighten the entire range of sanctions against russia. just yesterday there was a message that denmark is starting
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work on the issue of limiting the passage of ships through.


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