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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 18, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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this war is not just brutal, it is imperialistic in nature. in the part of the world that i represent, russia is often called the prison of nations, and for good reason. because it is home to almost 200 ethnic groups who have become residents of russia because of the methods used in ukraine today. i know that russia is not usually perceived as a colonial power, my country, estonia , went through a process of colonization and occupation by russia lasting half a century, today in ukraine we continue to be witnesses to the ongoing russian imperialist stranglehold.
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macron, apparently, is already ready for armageddon, the summit in birkinstock, he arrived accompanied by an officer with a nuclear suitcase. nuclear powers are increasingly developing their arsenals as the geopolitical situation worsens, says a report by the stockholm international peace research institute. the number of weapons is growing and nato countries now rely solely on nuclear deterrence. as of january 2024 , there were approximately 12,121 warheads in the world. this
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almost 60% higher than estimates for january of the previous year. it seems that the geopolitical situation is close to critical. for example, president sirbi vucic believes that if not the third world war, then there are 3-4 months left before a large-scale conflict in europe. well, washington, it seems, has begun to warm up the public to the return of compulsory military service. the us house of representatives passed the defense bill automatically. registering men from 18 to 26 years old for conscription into the army. the law has not been enforced for more than half a century. militarization and social mobilization is taking place in scandinavia. the danish government has asked its citizens to prepare for an attack or other potential crisis. danes have been urged to keep a supply of water, food and iodine at home due to the growing threat from russia. they are working on something in the czech republic, where an explosion at... a military training ground killed one person
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and injured eight more. against this background, the ukrainians are adding fuel to the fire, as always, it became known that some f-16 fighters intended for ukraine are most likely will be stationed at nato air bases, which is an outright provocation, while the list of suitable airfields is extremely limited. the poles will be able to accommodate their ukrainian colleagues at the airfield at the twenty- third air base. minsk-mazovit. or at rzeszow airport. meanwhile, in switzerland , the problem with landing fighters was solved in an original way. they came up with the idea of ​​building roads so that, if necessary , they could be turned into runways. the idea is not new. bern carried out similar maneuvers in the seventies and eighties of the last century. modern aircraft training held for the first time. citizens who watched the exercise 50 years ago say it's like they're back. during the cold war era.
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if the cake itself is ready, then for us the exercise was a success, and if we can put that cherry on top, then it will be a huge success. similar exercises in the air force have been carried out many times before, but this was in a different era, the first time in 1970 in endinggen in the canton
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of solaturn at the height of the cold war. nine more exercises took place in 198, the last in november of the ninety-first year. a few weeks after they broke up.
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this is the area we are going to use tomorrow. the time has come to complete the main task - to dismantle the central fence on a road section of more than 2 km. more than a hundred soldiers will be involved in this. these soldiers are trained to do this kind of work, but night time makes the task more difficult. this section of the road was designed from the very beginning so that a plane could be landed on it, but this is only on paper, it...
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remains to be cleaned up a little, after all , the last check is a matter of safety, the runway must be simply flawless. first landing. the military said the best place to watch it was in front of the tv. the fall season is coming to an end, the planes have refueled and can return to base. passions
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continue to boil with the voyage of the northern fleet ship, and not only in the western hemisphere. today it was not the caribbean that began to boil, but even already. north sea. it turns out that the nuclear submarine kazan, on its way to cuba, stopped by the shores of scotland. this was reported by the british newspaper daily express. of course off the british coast, our submarine did not admire the beauties of scotland. kazan passed by the royal navy base, voslane, where all the british fleet's submarine nuclear ballistic missile carriers are moored. according to the daily express, the target is the russians. the british were able to discover kazan only after the anti-submarine maritime reconnaissance aircraft poseidon lowered buoys with sonars into the sea. at the same time,
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the british military does not say how long our submarine remained undetected, but apparently for a long time, since the incident was urgently reported even to premier song. right now kazan is in the port of havana and in order not to miss the submarine already off the coast of the united states, the americans sent their nuclear submarine helena to cuba, which. sent an official note of protest to washington for the minister of foreign affairs, carlos fernandoo-domingos, calling the presence of ships of hostile states on cuban territory, and the guantanamo - this is cuba , unacceptable. well, how military personnel from countries friendly to the people of cuba should behave was clearly demonstrated by the russians navy sailors and even held for thousands.
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and his film crew, look. several
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hundred cubans wait patiently under the scorching sun to inspect the russian warship . russian diplomats said the public would be allowed to board the ship. prigat admiral of the soviet union fleet, gashkov, is one of the most modern warships of the russian navy, capable of launching hypersonic missiles. which move at a speed of more than 10,000 km/h. this is the first of three days that the ship will receive visitors, a rare opportunity for people those here can see it up close. let's see if we can get on board? after almost 3 hours of waiting, we approach the ship. the police run my cuban resident id through the database and put me through metal detectors, and now we board gorshkov. the nuclear submarine kazan is located next to us. first. its history portcubes is accepted by a real atomoch. the pentagon closely monitors the ships'
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movements. we even see a sign in english. the main purpose of the frigate - combat operations against enemy surface ships and submarines. at the same time , not one of the ships currently carries nuclear weapons, stated the ministry of revolutionary armed forces of cuba. hello. hello. in broken russian on board the magnificent. another sailor shows me the missile defense system, and this gun, we are told, can shoot at targets... 23 km away. after a short excursion, it's time to go
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ashore. we say goodbye to the russians. this sailor lines everyone up one by one, counts us, vigilantly ensuring that no one remains on board and learns the secrets of the newest russian warship, because it is located only 150 km from the us coast. i've heard about submarines, but that's not possible in havana. this is evidenced by the number of people who have gathered here over the past few days to look at the frigates and the submarine; it’s cool. the russians allowed the cubans to board their top-of-the-line frigates, has anything like this ever happened before? no, in the 12 years that i've lived here, we've never seen anything like this. large convoy. this. cubans say they never remember a nuclear submarine coming here. this did not happen at
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the height of the cold war, that is, during the period of russian presence, there are 3 whole days of full-fledged excursions. hundreds of cubans lined up in a long line, all able to film the warship on their phones. i think this move sends a very strong signal to cuba about the intentions of vladimir putin, and also, of course, to the most important target audience here, which is throughout the west, the united states and the biden administration. and the signal this one is purely about the fact that if the west can... deliver deadly weapons to russia's very doorstep, well, it can do the same to us. i believe that this warship will be heading from cuba to venezuela, where we know the iranian navy is also present. there is also a joint operation with chinese participation. in many ways, these exercises can signal to latin american countries that your preferred maritime security partners are russia, china, and iran, not the united states.
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the united states is not able to ensure security within its own waters, let alone internationally. usa, so putin is once again making fun of the usa at all of us? it's just another part of his rhetorical nuclear balancing strategy. he knows that if he threatens the risk of nuclear war, the united
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states will respond to de-escalation efforts. this is why he conducts such exercises. as it appears. atomohot kazan is one of the most modern submarines of the russian fleet, only strengthens the message to the entire west of vladimir putin. when i was in the cia, our senior analyst told us about a technique called historical reference. you look at a foreign leader, cherry-picking the facts of his experiences that have shaped his approach. in the case of biden, it is obvious that he remembers the cuban missile crisis well. our president has referred to the cuban missile crisis many times and publicly said what he seeks to avoid. armagen or direct conflict with russia. vladimir putin, a former kgb spy, knows this very well, which is why he uses these facts are against our president. not a spy, but a scout. joe biden spent $50 million and shot just such an advertisement in a video that will be shown on us national television channels. starting today, donald
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trump is presented in the form of frozen photographs against a black background. the voiceover hurriedly lists what is haunting trump. on thirty-four articles, including financial fraud and sexual violence. in short, the worst criminal in modern america could become president. and here the black screen gives way to bright and colorful biden video. they say joe is the last chance for americans. jill biden rushed to save her self-propelled husband. he says that biden and trump are practically the same age. in general, due to his age and experience, biden is the most effective. 86% believe that eighty-one-year-old biden is too old for a second term, and joo himself daily confirms his mental frailty. the day before, at a campaign fundraiser in los angeles, biden
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froze again and was unable to find his way out of the stage on his own. in the end, barack obama grabbed it. joa was held by the hand and led in the right direction. however, the most exciting show, the whole world , is ahead. cnn releases confirmed terms for trump-biden debate. no prepared texts, no assistants, no spectators allowed, just a notepad, pen and water. only the candidate who is speaking will have a microphone on. the order of performances will be determined by lot. trump and biden will also have to pass. drug tests, meaning stimulants that biden allegedly uses. in general, an epic awaits us battle trump has already begun to practice bullying his competitor. first , he showed how to properly climb onto the plane. then, speaking in detroit, the former us president gave two more injections. first, he reminded the americans of
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biden’s embarrassment in italy and thanked giorgia meloni for, quote, turning the old fool around. secondly, trump called on joe biden to take the exact same cognitive test that donald himself took. and everything would be fine, but after talking about the sharpness of your mind, trump, who turned 78 on friday, forgot the name of the doctor who took the test. former white house doctor ronny jackson, now a congressman from texas, was confused with a certain ronnie johnson, whom he named. doc’s mistake, of course, is not god knows what, but for cnn and other democratic media, this is now almost the main news, they say, trump too. senility and dementia,
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actors josh clooney and julia roberts launched their star-studded campaign for biden on saturday night. i think everyone is interested in what we can do with it, choose me again. i want joe, you were the worst at school. only one microphone works, no cheat sheets or tips, and two commercial breaks. these are the rules of the first debate of the 2024 presidential election. between president biden and former president trump. cnn, where the debate will take place, is publishing details of the upcoming event and the rules that both candidates have adopted. the campaign cannot interact with either biden or trump. in the hall too.
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there will be no spectators, and after the answer to the question ends, they turn off your microphone, they want it to be an exciting spectacle, they turn off the microphone so that you cannot speak while the other one answers, maybe it’s good, let him speak, they assumed that i would say no, it's like the mafia, they made me an offer that i couldn't accept, well, i said take it. at the g7 summit, biden began wandering strangely during a parachute speech and had to be brought back by his fellow world leader. many people paid attention to this incident, and
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the new york post came out with the headline of the main vagrant. and then there was this strange episode when the president decided to have a closer face-to-face conversation with the pope . as our favorite publication babylon b enjoyed it, biden was upset after he realized that a large scoop of vanilla ice cream turned out to be the pope. as a rule, at g7 summits , the president of the united states, like other world leaders, is expected to conduct a whole series of meetings, this applies to biden. no, he missed dinner last night and honestly speaking, i'm going to title my article tomorrow: forget about the votes, my diplomatic sources at the summit tell me that they have not seen biden at his worst, that he is very bad, he is losing. attention at meetings, at some moments he is very clear, at others not at all, also the day before, footage appeared in which the us president loses his temper at one of
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the events in the white house, in support of influential bloggers. let's get a look. you are a typical journalist, you caught me right before the event, but maybe you are confident in one thing: i'll throw your phone far away, my hand is set, guy. i'll throw it a long way when you see our commander in chief behaving like this, this is the president of the united states, or at least the man who was once president and leader of the free world as we know it, is behaving so it seems like there's a president in the white house who's had a labotomy, it's a national disgrace, no matter what party you support, i think that the 14 days left before the debate are the last step for biden. you don't assume that if biden performs poorly at the debates, the democrats will start saying that it's time to change horses. yes, of course, i admit it. if he fails this debate,
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a lot of democrats will talk about it. a lot of democrats are already getting their pants wet because of everything that's going on with joe biden. therefore, if the debate fails, then conversations will begin. i'm on the edge of my seat with what's going on with biden. yes, i think, that they all pee their pants when they see him looking the other way during a group photo. so. then in the last couple of days there have been a lot of such incidents, i think he doesn’t even know what the word inflation means, i think he needs to pass the exam first, he needs to pass the mental ability test, like i did, i passed the test on mental abilities and i passed it with flying colors, this election is definitely not about age, joe and this other guy are essentially the same age, don’t be fooled, joe is one of the most effective presidents of our time.
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i'm the most boring president of the united states, i'm only famous for my reuben aviator glasses and chocolate chip ice cream. well, against the backdrop of advancing dementia, as you just saw, there are more and more rumors that there will be a replacement on the democratic team. florida congresswoman anna polina luna said that biden would be replaced by someone younger, such as california gov. gavin newsam, as well. the names of michelle obama, us vice president kamala harris and minister us transport pitt buttigieg. the latter, apparently, will be biden's best successor, the current us secretary of transportation, an openly gay lgbt activist. he has already become the first homosexual minister in america, and having occupied the oval office, he will take american inclusivity to new heights, but the first in
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this... the americans will not, they have already been ahead of progressive latvia, which is so far the only country in the world with an open president, gay renkiewicz . by the way, buttigieg already nominated himself for the presidency 4 years ago, so he has experience there is. the cbs television channel, in its final sunday morning program, diligently promotes buttigieg, praising him as an experienced politician who...
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managed to maintain good relationships, helps him raise his previous children, in general, the true president of the free world. at 42 years old, pete buttigieg has already held a number of important positions, mayor, presidential candidate for the last 3 years, minister of transportation. and as jonathan vegliotte discovered, he recently acquired a new title, dad, when it comes to having a couple of kids, pete buttigieg, outwardly deadpan minister of transport, looks a little confused, what do the kids call you, oh i'm daddy, i'm daddy, which one of you is a good cop, which one is a bad cop, i don't know
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if we have a difference between a good bad cop? the good cop and his husband, chasten buttigieg , are raising their 2-year-old twins, penelope and gus, in traverse city, michigan. oh yes, you are fine, sand and dirt. they recently moved here from washington to be closer to family. their journey to parenthood began 9 years ago. our first here. and first date after the wedding, well you brought it up on our first date, i was still just thinking about dating dots when we had our first date, it wasn't just my first date with cheston, it was my first date with a guy, really , yes, they married in 2018, the schoolteacher and dynamic harvard graduate, rotz scholar, navy veteran and mayor of south bend, indiana, a year later at the age of 37, he launched his historic
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campaign for office. president. i proud son of south bend, indiana, and i'm running for president of the united states. i think the presidential campaign aged our marriage by 5 years, so by the time he was done we were ready. i think we both really knew we were ready to start a family. they chose adoption, which in itself was also an election campaign for themselves. like many foster parents, there have been failed attempts and broken hearts. what do you mean by failed attempts and broken hearts? sometimes they call you, but turns out it wasn't that call, there were a couple of times where we went to bed thinking maybe the next day we would become parents and then the phone rang and they chose another family or something else happened, i think about five times, five times, yes, and then the bell rang, god, i feel such emotions, every time...


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