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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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i thought this would be my place, i never thought that this place would be taken by someone so young, my beloved grandson, nikita, nikitushka, my beloved, sleep well, we all love you very much, we will try so that the truth will still prevail. and it wasn’t zryukin who was punished, why didn’t nikita just call a taxi, why did he go to the highway at night, there is some version of why he had a phone, and why didn’t he call, well, it’s dangerous, it’s any child knows that this is very dangerous, i do not condone not being sighted in any way, we understand indeed, the person could have called, but he did not have a mobile phone with him, which, well, he did not have with him. he
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only has a wi-fi connection, so to speak, he had it, and why are you even answering this question, this question in itself sounds strange, understanding, he could be there, he could be there, well, what does this have to do with it? the question is now being addressed to the mother, let me introduce you to alexander budakov, the goalkeeper of the football team, who has known alexander nikolo for 20 years, he joined us during advertising, what kind of character does he have...
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he has some kind of character there - he didn’t play leading roles, and these are football matches for bets, that’s right, as i understand it, no, on the contrary, the media league is that the content is filmed there people, all sorts of shows, i’m just trying to understand where, well, not the most famous football player in the country got such a fleet of cars, but i won’t answer this question for you, but in bebig he 100% did not earn that kind of money, because there the usual salaries are absolutely , there aren’t even salaries there, people there just get some kind of bonus to, well, purely symbolically pay for travel, people play in the media league, who have a main job and they just come there in the evening to play football, but this is just a more meditative question here, well, cars, it was surprising to you that it didn’t apologized, you know, now what will happen to efremov, because when efremov committed an accident, they came, did they come, so again,
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things that were on the road began to call ambulances on the side of the road, but we realized that the person was not showing signs of life , because there the body was very twisted, and how far his things were from the deceased himself, as if in his lane, where he was lying, in our lane there were some things lying around on the side of the road, and we began to slow down the cars that were driving towards us. with flashlights from their phones, because
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even when they drove up close, they didn’t understand that, because it was dark, they didn’t understand what was happening, when we already said that there was a person lying on the road, they seemed to be trying to slow down, when the ambulance arrived, the ambulance had its flashing lights on, and its headlights were on and yes, a car was driving, we didn’t see any kind of car , it’s just that from a distance we could see that something was driving with headlights and...
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they were published online, they were made after a tragic accident, that is, it turns out that if the events happened in the spring, in the summer people are completely let's calmly go on vacation, enjoy life and demonstrate it absolutely cynically. our correspondent went to the village of lesnye ozera, where alexander nezryukhin’s dacha is located, the guard still remembers that day on april 9, that’s what he told pavel. it is through this checkpoint that he went to tuzlo.
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the car was already issued, the car was issued, the car was issued, and it was issued even more , i’ll tell you more, there was a hereditary experiment, which was carried out again in august of that year, they gave it to him in a few, well , about 10 days to carry out the repairs, so that he would be his i could come to
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the scene of the accident on the fly to make a determination, then there’s nothing else to do, you know, so here the question is already, there , by the way, you can show the second part, i just didn’t want to, but for the sake of completeness, it’s his common-law wife. she is his eldest, there the car also has a lot of seats, pay attention. gulenko victoria vladimirovna. born in 1973. common-law wife alexander, cars cadillac escalate, hammer 3, crysler pity cruiser, bmw 750, mercedes-benz e-class, peugeot 307. real estate - two apartments in moscow. he is an individual entrepreneur. at the very beginning, here you are, the mother of the deceased. they told my son, they showed me a resolution to terminate the criminal case, and you said that the testimony of that driver contradicts the conclusions of the forensic examination, and it’s easy for me to understand, but if the forensic examination, well, your belief is fully confirmed by
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the guilt of this or that driver, yes, but why then did they issue a resolution to terminate the criminal case, if the examination is on your side in the refusal, very strange events began to happen from the very beginning. that is, we have a forensic doctor, who in the city of alexandrov, established that there are signs, that is, according to the damage, some kind of fact of a double collision, what is he talking about, that is, at first supposedly someone hit him, that is , ours - nezryukhin yes he was hit there, it turns out, and then some unidentified driver an unidentified car ran over him, so both one causes serious harm to health, and the other does, and accordingly it is impossible to determine who caused the death, thereby... it is impossible to hold someone accountable, this was one such option, apparently, blurring responsibility , after this another examination was carried out in aleksandrov, moscow experts described in great detail, clearly even down to primitive pictures they drew how the contact took place, they
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believe that there was only one car, they it is categorically ruled out that there was a collision with a second car of some kind, all bodily injuries are the mechanism of one accident. now the main question is who... joined us, and how did the team react to all these events? natalya, firstly, i offer my condolences, i worked with alexander for a short time, i joined the team a week before the championship, at first glance, alexander is a good coach, and he built the team, everyone was shocked when they heard about it at all, and well, you approached, shock-shock, you approached him, asked. what happened, maybe do something to help the family of the injured boy, maybe apologize, you asked,
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asked a question to this coach, and i mean, i don’t blame him for anything, just purely humanly, you know , in a christian way , in an orthodox way, whatever religion you want, purely humanly it turned out that when we saw this in the chat, we had a day off, a day off, the very next day he was suspended from training, you are now they came and said, i'm sorry. wanted to apologize, what really it’s gratifying to hear this from you, as a normal, decent person, well, you have telephones, your colleagues, your friends, this is a small town where all this is happening, the team is small, you are athletes, they are united athletes, they are in any in case they will always help, or am i wrong? nikolai osipov, former employer of nizryukhina, founder of the media football league, this is what he says about this situation, we are now at the moskvich stadium, on the field on which it is taking place. about 60% of the league match, including the team led by alexander took part in the accident that
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nezryukhin committed, we learned from the telegram channels that cover the media football league, and of course, we immediately made a decision, called the team representatives, the head of the bebigi club, and suspended both the league and in general - then the club's main activity is from working as an assistant coach. alexander's exclusion from the league is automatically confirmed. the fact that his appearance here cannot be perceived as meeting an old friend, he is naturally cold here meet, i am sure that many people will not even understand this appearance, some will not even shake hands. everyone understood that the person behind the wheel who committed this kind of offense would most likely be punished by going to prison. just a couple of days ago a photo came out about a tournament called the children's media league, where there is a bebegi team, but then a photo appeared with him as one of the coaches of this team, the presence of alexander with the children in the status of a mentor, it certainly,
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i think, will now force just get up hair on end, to allow, probably, the person who committed such a story to children, i think that this is probably an omission, first of all , the leadership of the league, i wouldn’t want to scold my colleagues, i’ll tell you honestly, i always agree very much with my colleagues, but this is a big omission, i am sure that the guys knew about this situation, because they follow our league, in which this case had the maximum resonance. donated blood and immediately issued a certificate stating that nezryukhin had a medical certificate derivatives of barbeturates were found in her blood, but later the substances were more accurate, that is, they were discovered to be psychotropic substances of a certain kind, that is, they are on the list and... and the expert, or rather the forensic medic who did this, he already assessed this
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as intoxication, that is, it was found in his blood exactly the day after he came to the police station; later, in the third interrogation, he explained that allegedly, having arrived after the accident in a state of shock, his wife i just gave him carvolol to drink, and it is unlikely that this particular medication was used, that is, it is possible. this is residual after, perhaps, i emphasize, after another day and a half of iv drips. let's listen to what alexander nezryukhin said when our editor-in-chief called him, and what did he promise her? hello, i would like to talk to you about an accident that happened last year? listen, well, i wouldn’t like to return to this issue at all, but there are some issues that exist now, an investigation is underway, as i understand it, resumed, did, closed. resumed regarding an accident that happened, all
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some requests from law enforcement agencies, everything on my part, that is, i sort of did, carried out everything, as well, as expected, as for the accident, it happened, you know, well, in the dark at the time of day, such a situation happened, where it happened that he crashed the guy, so... i can’t tell you anything more on this issue, it was very dark, i really didn’t see him, but the speed was normal, so unfortunately this is so the situation happened. it was very dark there, there was no populated area, there weren’t even any lights, but tell me, what about nikita, the dead boy, was he walking along the edge of the road or was he trying to somehow stop your car? oh, well, i just don’t want to comment on any moments now, if you have a desire to meet with me there, talk to me, or
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as for the authorities, do some kind of investigative work - an experiment or something, i don’t know, there’s always something there... then they redo it, they do it, that is, in principle i am open, but for this moment, that is, i just need to understand, it’s very difficult to talk in this regard, i honestly think this is already such a washed-out topic in media terms, i was driving, i was driving, that is, again, i am in no way from anyone i’m hiding and - even now i’m talking to you, i’ll call you back myself. you see, and of course, all the moments, i perfectly understand the state of the victims too, but don’t think, you know, that i’m the kind of person who doesn’t worry, doesn’t think about this situation, that is, start talking now, like that , so, let the investigation be sorted out, when
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there is some kind of finish, i’m already ready to apologize and talk, then i’m not going anywhere... i’m not going anywhere and so you don’t think that i ’ve disappeared somewhere, hiding from someone... then, i would like to record an interview with you just like a human being, yes, no problem, come on, when is the best time to do it, when you can, come on, i think, i don’t know, maybe by the end of the week on friday or saturday, the judge is 100%, it’s as if i’m not ready to go to the studio, i’ll drag you the interview live. in principle, i think this is real. so, did you keep yours? word from alexander nyuzryukhin, who currently works as a physical education teacher in one of the most elite schools in moscow, after the advertisement. are all the participants on stage doctors, or what? we
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selected it for you. the level of emotions increased. we are backup dancers, and if she doesn’t sing, then we are backup singers, on friday on rtr, i fell in love
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with someone else, natasha, i’m leaving for her, get out, you need my help, promise that you’ll call me, you’re not indifferent to her, dad , the flower queen needs to be conquered, isn't it, who am i you, you are my light, you are my light, in friday on rtr, i thought that everything here is kind of
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more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about playing and... not playing, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because that we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let’s go, this must be it was edible, i meant, of course, a bear when i said such a stinking little one. a hint at all, the most gambling team, if you don’t get 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for...
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i died for men, i died, awesome, there would be no happiness, i predict, in your life soon. something very, very good, so good that you’ll grab your head, but the dress helped, when you wear it , your whole life will change, but i don’t know what to change, you’re an amazing woman, a dream woman, a mystery woman, in general , some strange streak went through me, first this artist, then the man on the beach, maybe i i got myself a man, i think i’m having an affair, who are you having an affair with, at your age? well, sashka, one, two, three. and who is the third? sea color dress. premiere. give me a second chance. what, do you want to go back? on saturday on rtr. once
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again, good afternoon. ex-football player and former head coach of the run team, alexander nezryukhin, knocked down twenty-year-old nikita kryukov to death. in the vladimir region, when a young man was hit by a car, all his clothes were torn off, and his body was severely deformed; nezryukhin, who was driving, fled the place road accident. i would like to invite the coach and friends of the deceased nikita to our conversation; football coach yakov popov, vladislav barchevsky, anastasia leontyeva are joining us. hello. as a coach, what outrages you most about this story?
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impunity, he now confesses to the murder on audio and nothing happens, this is a question for the investigation, of course, because this is very strange, the man just confessed himself, firstly he admits it himself, secondly he says they are doing it, redoing it, he says , it's important here note, where is the law enforcement agency located? vladimir region, what are they doing, what will they change there, why are they not even considering this issue now, wait, i would like to say now the defense of the investigative authorities, even if they would probably spit on me there now, but nevertheless, if the investigative authorities, like here some suggest that they would be interested in getting someone off the hook, then i think the lawyer wouldn’t let them lie, no one would order this or that examination to be carried out in moscow, but the fact that the investigative committee trying to figure it out, that’s absolutely true, nastya, let’s come to you, you and nikita were friends.
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the story is that i had to get home alone, i live quite far from the place where we all usually spent time, and nikita was the only one of all the boys who volunteered to accompany me, and in principle, any girl, any of my friends, any girl from our group , nikita was always... the only one who went to see each of us off, each one, you knew nikita too, you grew up in the same city, right? yes, that's how you can describe it? yes, in in principle, the kid was purposeful, he had a lot of ideas and thoughts for life, of course he left early, and he was good to the football players, he was an excellent striker, he was always close to the boys, that is, he was not an emotional person, capable of any - those are crazy actions, there was no such thing that was preserved. school, where nikita is 11 years old. what is your name? nikita. nikita, how old are you? i'm 11. what kind of
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holiday are you celebrating today? well, today is fourth grade graduation. how are you? excellent. what are you planning to do next? well, i plan to have a very good time. your holiday and say goodbye to the guys, when you finish school, what do you want to become, now there is no, not even a job, we showed you how nezryukhin promises to give a personal interview, that’s what he said in an interview with our colleagues on a podcast about football, let’s see, alexander nezryukhin, our goalkeeper, uh, who brought us a point together with alexander budakov in the challenge, well, you say. accordingly, i think there shouldn’t be any questions about him, we’re just happy with him , one person almost killed this napoli
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they haven't taken him away on a stretcher yet. your own is not your own on the road, as they say, so it turned out, we have number ninety-eight, one, of course, i would like to resolve, probably there should be some luck, probably a little stronger with the players, so what positions, goalkeeper , but this one, after all, there’s a very interesting guy sitting there, but no, basically he’s not a bad person, he’s... such a cheerful boy, he ’s running a business somewhere , selling an apartment in lovna. zhanna khorkina, former friend nezryukhina, this is how she comments on the whole situation. well, we haven’t been friends now for a year or two. ah, i understand what issue you are calling me about, i also have a question for you, to raise this topic, the fact that this person is still working with children in schools,
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this is very strange. he has the main, well , car, yes, the main source of evidence, for some reason it remains on him, in his hands, let’s say, and what questions in general can be addressed to third parties, then you must contact the law enforcement agencies, which dealt with this issue, the main river dock is, roughly speaking, with the criminal, everything here seems to be objective, here it is necessary to deal initially with law enforcement agencies, and not with alexander sergeevich, yeah, i’ve known him for a long time, he’s a good person. he always drove the car perfectly, and this is a terrible glow of circumstances, but the fact that he disappeared, of course, changes things, he is the godfather of my child, so he was a fairly close person to me, yeah, well, i don’t want to give any comments because it's just that biased consequence, why would i now say something about sasha, if the screws are working here, that’s exactly what we were talking about, len, and what else do viewers write, in addition to those angry messages that come to us simply from
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viewers, there are some messages . from people who know alexander and his common-law wife, look what one of the neighbors wrote to us: hello, my name is vladimir, i am a neighbor of alexandra and victoria, i can say with confidence that alexander is a fan of driving, he also shoots bullets out of the yard always, we learned about happened to his wife not so long ago and is simply horrified, they drive expensive luxury cars, vacation abroad, feel great, i have never seen any remorse from him, and i believe that sasha could sell at least one of his cars to help the family of the deceased, it is better to recognize. after the ex-football players abruptly changed his mind about communicating in person with our program, we tried to find him, this is what came of it, attention, let's try to talk to him here, at his home, he lives in the west of moscow. hello, with alexandra
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can talk? victoria, we can talk to you, well, there is someone in the apartment, perhaps it is our common-law spouse, alexandra victoria, but however, she has stopped answering and generally reacting in some way to our requests. another address where alexander izryukhin may be located is this house on ya street. according to documents, the apartment belongs to his parents, well, there is no one at home now, we have the phone number of alexander nezryukhin’s father, let’s try to contact him, the subscriber is temporary unavailable, i'm keeping an eye on this one apartment nezryukhin, his name is alexander, young, i rarely see him, he rents out this
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apartment. he said that i have a very expensive car, i can’t leave it here, i’m renting another apartment, where there’s a garage, because it’s constantly being damaged and scratched, but to be honest, a lot of these tickets come in for fines, tickets after tickets, but i throw them away, because he apparently pays for them, this is a lot, which means he drives, attentive neighbors, they know everything, neighbors. ve he himself, he is on his own, well, a coach, but he also speaks very highly of him, i don’t i miss you, he’s a really good person, i don’t know what should be going on inside a person who has such a terrible accident behind him, but still, your program is now for the whole of russia, but maybe he will somehow dare , here is alexander, now you see us, hear us, well, contact the country of the victims, well, talk like humans, we are all people, everything happens, well, just move on with this.


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