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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 18, 2024 2:30pm-2:55pm MSK

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it’s a very expensive car, i can’t leave it here, i’m renting another apartment where there’s a garage, because it’s constantly being damaged and scratched, but to be honest, a lot of these tickets come in as fines, ticket after ticket, but i throw them away because that he apparently pays for them, that’s a lot, that means he drives, the neighbors are attentive, they know everything, he says, be friends with your neighbors, these are your future adoptees. he is his own person, well, a coach, but he also speaks very highly of him, i don’t miss him, he’s a really good person, i don’t i know what must be going on inside a person who has such a terrible accident behind him, but still, your program is now for the whole of russia, but maybe he will somehow dare, here is alexander, now you see us , you hear, well, contact the country of the victims, well, talk like a human being, we are all people, everything happens, well, just further, he is in his interview, let’s see the results of our investigation.
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this is also confirmed by his common-law wife; he allegedly returned in the morning wounded in inadequate condition. we can assume that here, under the light of the lanterns, he discovered that the license plate of his car was lost, he returned to the scene of the accident in order to pick it up, thereby hiding the traces of his presence, but seeing people there, he turns around even then drives towards the city of kirzhach, where he abandons his car, possibly trying to stage a theft or robbery.
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the body of nikita kryukov was discovered here at three o’clock in the morning by drivers of passing cars, they called rescuers and they began witnessed a strange picture of a certain car moving in this direction with high beams, but seeing a cluster of cars, it turned around with a loud grinding sound characteristic of a damaged car and drove off in the opposite direction. well, friends, the time for the program is ending, i know that you wanted to contact me.
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catch a fish, big or small, well , in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count muzzles, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can they be tasty?
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can make your diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts your mood, that’s for sure, the formula for eating on saturday, nр. hello, dear friends and comrades, your favorite program 60 minutes in hot pursuit is live. let's start with.
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the situation for the vso in volchansk, after attempts to counterattack russian positions in the city, enemy units were blocked in high-rise urban buildings, all attempts to break through to their own through the so-called gray zone were unsuccessful, they were stopped by russian fighters, while ukrainian propaganda continues to lie that it is the ukrainian armed forces that have achieved some success in the kharkov direction. under hourly yar, the russian army continues to occupy enemy strongholds north of the city. in the avdeevsky direction , the movement of russian troops is aimed at occupying the city of pokrovsk. in addition, our offensive is making progress in the yasnobrodovka area, as
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well as just south of novoprokopovsky. look what's at the front. abrams tanks today protect the eastern front line of ukraine near the russian border. supplies of american weapons are again coming to ukraine the troops tell us that they are arriving just in time. us weapons supplies, including these tanks, are finally reaching the front lines after long delays, and this is critical. but the tank commander tells us he is concerned about pressure on ukraine to make a deal with russia. everyone in the west must understand that if we cede new territories to russia, they will not stop. the ukrainians also have a more pressing problem: russian technological innovation, the so-called glide bombs. russia has a huge number of old-style bombs and by attaching wings and a basic guidance system to them,
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russia was not only able to increase their range, but also turn them into precision weapons that ukraine is unlikely to be able to handle. the russians are pushing forward with huge forces, over the past few days they have retaken several villages in eastern ukraine, there is heavy fighting here, but the ukrainians continue to defend their country. you know, if we give up these territories, it certainly won’t bring back those who have already been killed.
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that it is possible there will be an assault, but the russians are hitting not only in terms of military positions, the russian army often covers front-line cities, in particular, they are looking for areas where military personnel are concentrated. in just one month they fire more than 3,000 guided bombs across ukrainian territories. the other day, one of the guided bombs hit a house where military personnel lived. as a result of enemy aircraft entering the concentration area , property such as vehicles with which we moved to the area of ​​​​combat missions was destroyed. also the atv that we used to evacuate the wounded from the standpoint, in general, property was destroyed , according to my calculations, about one and a half million. the threat of drones: during the day , drones are cheaper, during the day there are more of them , it is easier to control them, the same with eagles,
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supercams, hall drones, they constantly fly, constantly. that is why, due to the dominance of enemy drones in the sky, darkness is a situational ally of our soldiers, although...
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carefully, carefully, the leg, what’s on your arm, what’s wrong with your arm, burns, burns on your face, i don’t remember half of it at all, in general , take off your hat, that's it, that's it, that's it, let him go, we'll take it away we, we take two times a night, it happened three times, it’s a pity for the boys, it’s a pity for the boys, they take out the wounded boys from there, various wounds, sometimes they take out two hundred , sometimes they take out two hundred, it seems. for zelensky, the situation at the front is only a poll; in ukraine , the number of supporters
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of ending the war with russia on the basis of compromises is rapidly growing. only 58% of respondents said that the ukrainian government should not compromise in negotiations with moscow and should continue to fight as long as possible. in may of twenty-two there were 80% of them. but that is, the ranks of bandera’s supporters have thinned out a little in 2 and a half years. we don't agree with this. hey, sending troops to ukraine could lead to war with russia. nothing good,
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the continuation of the germans' shares of the ryan metal concern, whose management wanted to make extra money from the war with us, began to fall sharply. over the past 2 weeks, shares of the leopard print manufacturer have fallen by about 30%. depreciate the once valuable securities of a german defense concern.
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nato pilots, then quickly recovered. we will proceed from the fact that the reservation is not
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freud, although in the current situation anything is really possible. there is an air base in southwestern france where ukrainian military personnel are trained to become fighter pilots. this ukrainian soldier is only 21 years old. he has been here for 3 months, he will be flying with a french instructor in this alpha fighter jet, identical to those used by the patrol aerobatic team the france. before takeoff , the pilot inspects the aircraft together with his mechanic. these are all the security checks we need to complete before departure, which are mandatory . 10 ukrainian pilots undergoing
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training were asked not to talk to them. their internship will last 6 months instead of the usual eighteen. kiev needs new pilots, as
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the mirage 2000 was one of the first aviation flagships, which entered service with the french army in 1984, so it is already 40 years old, in 40 years there have been many modernizations and adaptations, and here the president of the country says 2000, when it entered service in early 2000,
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it was a very fast plane, its speed exceeds two machs, it is single-seat, it... has its own tasks. mirage 2000 also has different variations. the mirage 2000 is here, while for example the mirage 2000d is more about ground targets and the newest rafale is both. this is the peculiarity of the mirage 2000, which has been modernized in terms of cockpit and electronics, and is also equipped with a radar with a slightly longer range. i would like to ask you to explain why this aircraft is superior in its capabilities the one that ukraine has today. specifically, it is an aircraft with an extremely powerful radar that can fire missiles without even thinking about them. in other words, you can fire a missile without having to illuminate the target with radar, so you can maneuver away from the target. from a tactical point of view this is very important. are there any ukrainian pilots who are undergoing training? france, but in
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reality they were supposed to fly f-16s. this will take about 6 months. i will repeat once again that the twenty-fifth year is a turning point in militarily. in the twenty-fourth year we just need to survive, in the twenty-fifth year we should have some tactical opportunities. france each time agrees to supply what it previously refused outright. this is the soap opera that we have been watching for the last 2 years, the french tanks a year and a half ago, and now the mirage 2000, which paris considered unsuitable just a few weeks ago. why unsuitable? because ukraine primarily expects american f-16s. the netherlands and denmark promised about sixty, norway and belgium about 30 more . the first aircraft should arrive this summer after several months of training for ukrainian pilots, since kiev also has old russian sukhoi and mig-29 aircraft, not to say soviet, adding new weapons systems and new pilot training cycles to the already wide
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arsenal seems inappropriately complex, because france does not have dozens of fighters in reserve, which... sold their aircraft, in particular qatar is mentioned. mirage-2000r especially well suited for air defense, which is a big problem for ukraine at the moment, considering. putin today is on a working visit to the coldest region of russia, yakutia, in the coldest literally
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sense of the word, the day before in the village of saskilah, anabarsky district of yakutia, look, a snowstorm came, the footage shows that there is waist-deep snow, however, for the locals this is only summer traditional anomaly. the local ministry of emergency situations said that people, of course. yakutia was still in mid-january, and just then the weather conditions did not allow us to do this. now there is already a ball in the capital of the region. this can be seen in the footage of air force one arriving at yakutsk airport.
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we are, as you understand, probably about the usa. let me remind you that putin visited russia-friendly korea only once, 24 years ago, in 2000, when the president met with the previous one. white house coordinator john kirby has already said that the biden administration is monitoring the trip and is concerned about the deepening of relations between the countries. cbs-news
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articulated us concerns even more harshly. putin and kim will conclude new agreements about armaments, within the framework of which phinyan will provide moscow with ammunition and ballistic missiles in exchange for economic assistance and the transfer of its own. including space technologies. bloomberg writes that north korea has already sent about 5 million artillery shells to russia by rail alone. by the way, look, there’s even a map included. satellite images. cnn is worried that putin's visit to north korea will further strengthen relations between two powers hostile to the united states. putin's assistant ushakov. stated the day before that putin and kim they really plan to sign a new strategic partnership agreement, but the ones who are most worried about the visit of the russian president to
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the dprk are propagandists from the british sky news channel, as it turned out, they have literally just started broadcasting putin’s visit to the dprk live and are even talking about a new axis of evil , really good, as we talk about moscow, pyongyang, tehran and beijing. there is a small nuance. the british, well, they just got yakutsk and pyongyang confused; they are seriously reporting live for the british public, allegedly from north korea, showing footage of putin’s arrival in yakutsk. in general, zadornov was right. he spoke stupid things about them. what does the west expect from a visit to the dprk, where putin will arrive only in the evening? look. north korea's capital, phinyang, is preparing for a grand socialist reception. they will receive
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russian president vladimir putin, kimchenyn's invulnerable comrade in arms. north korean propaganda praises putin's first visit in 24 years. he met with qityxia's father a few months after he became president. was still a teenager. on today, relations between the two countries are the strongest since the end of the cold war. seaul and washington talk about a serious growing threat. they accuse kim of supplying putin's army with weapons for the war in ukraine in exchange for advanced and military technologies. experts say kim may be increasing his efforts to build spy satellite ballistic missiles, which could make kim's growing nuclear arsenal even more accurate. for years , north korea has made threats. use nuclear weapons against the united states in case of war. in april state media quoted kim as saying: now himself.


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