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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 18, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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most likely yes, but what is she like? it seems to me that she wants a beautiful and easy life, well, this is obvious to me. are you in a close relationship? no, why? well, it wasn’t a very pretty story, to put it briefly as a setup. why are you here? my mother is worried about her. hello hello! hi,
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i didn’t think you were here already, what are you doing? this is not for me, i was talking to liliya yesterday, they have a very delicate problem, so delicate that everyone knows about it, although maybe safonov shouldn’t be prolific, kristina. i don't have you i mean, hi, hi, how are you getting used to it, you have to, you asked to come, and i, yes, here, it’s for medical expenses, take it, but, no, i can’t. “take it, take it, please,
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really, really, are you sure, yes, yes, yes, thank you, i, exactly, i, yes, ah, and where is sonya, eh?” "she went to the workshop with valentina petrovna, but what if i find her and we go for a walk? yes, of course, thank you, we are working in the interests of...
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holy shit, there would be no happiness, i predict something will happen in your life soon very, very good, so good, what are you for you’ll grab your head, but the dress helped, when you wear it, your whole life will change, but i don’t know what to change, you are an amazing woman, a woman of dreams, a woman of mystery, i actually went through some kind of strange streak, first this artist, then a man on the beach, maybe if... she started it, it seems to me
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that i have roman, who are you, roman, at your age, well, sashka, one, two, three, third who, dress the color of the sea, premiere, do n’t get me started, do you want to come back on saturday to rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, just kidding, he’ll come to your house himself, let’s start, always will help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to a helmet, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings, or a frying pan of lard potatoes , i sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, well...
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i don’t recommend doing this, a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well , i can’t guarantee happiness, but for sure... it will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov on sunday on rtr, potapych, what’s there now, now, now, now, now, great, great, glory, or maybe an autograph, and so, an autograph, when we finish the work, we’ll do it, we’ll do it, glory. sandwich production has almost been restored, look, come on, oh, beautiful, are you on time, hello, patapich, start the line, i’m listening,
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the christmas tree is on fire, you look like a little one, honestly, i’d like to see the cones from this christmas tree, in fact, we already had a trial yesterday the batch has been made, artich, call... forgive me, please, potapych, this is a victory, souls, but how far is it to that stop, 200 meters,
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probably to that store, which one, to that, well, up to 100 meters, sonechka, wait, i ’ll be there in a minute. what did she want? just imagine, there is enough for everything here. i'm so glad you agreed. yes, i just heard your conversation yesterday, and i just need money. wait, it's naiko. you agreed. you want me to pay my money to donors who will completely screw you over. this is sonya, sonya, slav, i’m not very comfortable saying this,
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but julia won’t listen to me. it won't. i'm talking about her blog. people whisper behind my back that i’m hurting the child. yes, i understand, you understand, yulin’s block is her personal business. i i understand that you won’t go against your wife, but i don’t want to fight either, i want to make friends. you know, it’s impossible to win a championship with a broken leg. yes, lilila told me about your leg, what do the doctors say? yes, what do they say? they say you need to go to germany and have an operation there. i can try to help, you better help yurka, he will return the money to me, the operation will be enough there, no, thank you, i’m not talking about money now, just now, now.
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kristinochka, my dear, how glad i am to hear from you, forgive me, please, i didn’t understand, but that’s okay, but tell me, remember, you said that you have a classmate, a great surgeon, an orthopedist, yes, alik, my friend has problems with... on his feet, maybe he can see it, please, let him send off the documents, we’ll send it to alik, thank you, wait, two words, tell me how you are, how is sonechka, i miss you so much, we’re fine, i ’ll call you back later, it’s good that grisha is with
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you, it makes me feel better, grisha, he came to see you, oh, i’m sorry, they’re calling me here on the second line, from the hospital, i need to run, that’s it, kiss, kiss. what's happened? doesn't matter, good doctor. and ours in st. petersburg, it seems, you’ll send the documents to the post office, i’ll send you the address now, thank you very much, i’ll talk to yulka about the blog, thank you, that’s it, bye, bye, bye, what did he want from you, yes i i wanted to help him with the operation, christian, these people don’t understand human relations, i ’ve seen anya try for so many years, i’m not anya. so you think you can do it? now, grisha, stop
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calling me, kristin, sonya is with me. what does sonya mean to you? will you come back? come on, oh, cool, don't, don't, but this is turbulence, i i say and joke, emergency landing, so let's go quickly, christina, listen to me! please, this is sonya, sonya, why did you close, i’ll explain everything, you deceived me that you were leaving, slandered me in a stupid blog, sonya somehow ended up here, she came herself, yes, i came myself, hello, yes, lil, sonya, you can’t lock yourself in, calm down, yes, in the hotel, grisha came running to her, yes, sonya, everything is fine, everything is fine, i ’ll talk to you later, christina, about the blog, yulia got it all wrong, she re-edited it, i didn’t i know what game you're playing, but it's obvious. against me, why did you stay? sonya asked me to be at her birthday party? yes, i
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asked him myself, are you turning her against me? i didn’t even think about it, don’t even dare come close to my daughter, understand? no, you can't, let's go, let's go! sonechka, you’re still little, don’t you understand much? i want to go to grandma's house? we are now going to our new home. i don't want it, i want better grisha! i won’t let you see him anymore, i hate you, tomorrow, i think, this is a family council, in this state , it will probably be difficult for you to manage the factory, i decided to take over management, what papers i won’t sign, one thought haunts me, this accident couldn’t have happened just like that, i thought of staying here overnight so as not to leave you here alone, it seems to me that your girlfriend won’t like it, i want to end our relationship,
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well, okay, western media, but in ukraine they say that something went wrong, that in fact the conference failed. it’s somehow awkward, and kiev is trying to announce a new summit, but no one believes it anymore, and what’s there to talk about? the arrogant demands are window dressing, everyone is tired of what to do with ukraine, well, in general, like a suitcase without a handle, they seem to have taken on a bunch of obligations, no, of course, you can steal a little more money in ukraine, but apparently the proportions began to irritate the westerners, they established a whole commission, which... to see that they take the initiative, well, to go crazy didn’t go, the sponsors are worried, they’re worried, not
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for ukraine, but for their own money. according to western analysts, kiev is on the verge of default, and this is interesting, because in addition to the audit council, it suddenly turns out that, which was created, that private investors are not they want to get involved with the kiev varyugs, and those who should have waited, written off, they say: with what joy, and why should we... forgive you, to be honest, all the guys are not poor, turning to the authorities, they say , and it is clear that here, by the way, this topic is running in the background, true, not true, about the purchase of hotels with casinos in greece, well, who knows, true, not true, the purchase of a considerable number of houses in the uk, in italy, but people they look around and ask simple questions, where did the former minister of defense go? ukraine, surfaced with a lot of money in... the states feels good, and where did he get the money, he was already a quiet, shabby,
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lvov lawyer, that is , where did the money come from, on the tyrel, on the balls, excuse me, in particular, but they say that in ukraine there is a problem with eggs, there are eggs , the former defense minister has eggs, so steal, oh, what eggs are needed, steel ones, yes, samantha paur, the truth is, she doesn’t share it. since our partnership is not going anywhere, we remain with you and the ukrainian people, but we spend a lot time to attract investment from the private sector.
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ukraine is becoming the afghanistan of europe, what do i mean? i mean, afghanistan has been at war for decades, it 's been destroyed, its civic culture has been destroyed, its economy has been destroyed, its state organization has been destroyed, its infrastructure has been destroyed, that's the american way, we were there,
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we were there the whole time, everything, what we wanted was our place there, our position. what saves them is that they themselves are so greedy, like zelensky, ermak, all this other hustle, by the way, here i am so worried about ursula fundryan, because if god forbid they don’t re-arrange her now, they will start investigating her corruption crimes, but they will imprison a woman gynecologist, they can’t, an honest friend will come to replace her, although i agree, the chances
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are slim, but that would be funny, by the way, the former adviser to president leonid kuchum, oleg suzkin, is a moron. but nevertheless , zelensky and ermak say quite funny things, his power of servants of the people is not on the rise, they are rushing down, this is a chronicle of a diving a bomber performing a loop, no longer able to get out of this loop, i would describe it to you this way, so as i understand it, there will be no meetings, because they are useless, they are absolutely. moreover , there is also the question of how much money was spent by the ukrainian authorities on this infighting from the state budget of ukraine, how much the country is bankrupt, the country is in default, in fact, the country is constantly begging for money and allows the government to carry out such expensive
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measures. the question is how much money was did ukraine spend them? collecting all this from our budget, our hard-earned money, that is , where zelensky, all the other umerovs and others should be now, they should be at the front, but where are they, they travel around switzerland, having fun, imagine, with zero results, well why zero, aristovich said exactly, the point of it all was to create the illusion of legitimacy, zelensky conducts the funeral of the world. which confirms his legitimacy, his benefit was there, he was told a lot of good words personally, he had seen biden the day before, and so on and so on, this is how it shows the legitimacy of the international point of view is beyond doubt, and kmis immediately publishes today, which means that 70% of ukrainians until the end of the war consider zelensky a legitimate president, so we have a rating of 70 and there is
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a third of the current composition there, he, who confirmed the legitimacy of zelensky, did not challenge him, and shook hands. he does not understand that he is not the third, not 70%, has nothing at all to do with understanding, with the very term legitimacy, that’s just nothing.
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says, boy, who are you, you signed with your grandfather biden, i don’t care what you signed, who are you anyway, that’s all, that’s all these arguments, but in switzerland, he kissed my grandfather on the forehead, they don’t work anymore, it’s not all about whether it’s a pity for them or not, well you just need to understand, oh, of course, mosiychuk formulated it exactly, over the years this moron, the fatter he gets... his common sense returns, mastyachuk was first fat and fat, then he became thin and thin, now he becomes fat and fat again, the day before the summit putin his technology, they made
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him the main newsmaker of this product, he put forward an ultimatum in ukraine and to everyone...
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but at the same time, if measures are not taken, everything will remain at the level of the shadow push, steal, run, then putin’s next ultimatum will be even tougher and even harder, so now these are the liquidators of our statehood and the utilization of the nation, the green ones, they are for...
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you know, i would like to start with this so-called summit, or rather with the statement of the president, when i heard it, i just heard it, i didn’t count it, i’ll tell you honestly,
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i have a chill inside ran, but when i i read it, when i listened, when i understood everything, when i understood everything, yes, because i immediately grasped it, when they told me that this was the same thing, there was a peace initiative, to be honest, it faltered, but then i read it, and then when i saw , how it all ended... i assure you, we don’t even understand what titanic work of our diplomacy and all other services is behind the result that happened there today, that we got, i can’t even imagine, i’ll be viktorovich second star hero yes you understand that in this particular case, american diplomacy and i did what they usually do with the main character in german films for adults, they were crazy, i’m sure they were crazy, they were crazy about what happened there, not only that, they tried there... countries, countries came there, then refused to sign, and some who were supposedly signed also withdrew their signatures, you understand what a humiliation this is, we can’t even
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imagine what happened today. where russia will be, let's see if there will be a second one samit or not, the only thing i want to say is that this is a beautiful combination. of course, we have put ourselves in a situation in which our next step must be decisive and tough. we have no other options. we can no longer limit ourselves to any, so to speak, statements. that is, we must now be very tough, it was a beautiful blitz, but now in general the game is moving into a blitz, as i understand it, if i may, so to speak, that now the development of events will accelerate, and i think that, so to speak,
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well, i'm sure these are all.
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he exposed us, and if they are a couple, well, if they are a couple, let him go, they have one, yes, why not expose him, you know, he reminds me, you also have such a degenerate in russia, gary kasparov, who teaches there he’s teaching everyone how to live now, and i accidentally ended up with him in cyprus about 25 years ago in the same hotel, he’s not in russia, well, he hasn’t already escaped, yes, but he’s trying everyone, well, at least he was, he can be a brilliant chess player, but his mother, i later found out, i was just curious, i was just in the same hotel lived, led him by the hand, he couldn’t
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, well... put a plate for himself, determine what he could eat and what he couldn’t, but he taught everyone, she really led him by the hand, i was just wondering, i’ve never i’m lying, i can remain silent, but i won’t go home in the evening, i’m home with my mother, i’m cold, that’s exactly what happened, he may be a brilliant chess player, he’s a complete degenerate in all other matters, and today he’s telling everyone how to live, little one modest jewish, yes, his mother led him by the hand, for real, that is without her, he steps there to this to this there. you can come here, you can’t come here, i saw it all with my own eyes, i saw a lot of things, i just can’t tell you everything here, oh, how i understand you, yes, as for the second one, yes, that’s what they actually collected. this sabbath, the so-called peace summit, it was like this, the americans wanted it, this was the american system, these are the countries that were represented by the first or second persons, you need to understand that these are countries completely, so to speak, controlled by the americans, so how many of them there are 50, we must
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understand that that’s it... it’s the americans who decided to build their own there, so to speak , to close ranks and close ranks to keep the line, it’s the americans who decided to show and scare us all what a powerful coalition they are, so to speak. collected, but really, well, it’s clear, i think that now it’s still there after this clownery that happened there, many many will become bolder, so to speak , they will slowly, little by little, get out of this whole situation, from all this subordination, you we, as always, well, the fate of russia is like this, you know, this is ours, well, it’s like a mission, probably, in this world, to break all this evil through, this is not the first time this has happened, you read history there, this is it, that’s it our fate is really, so to speak, and the lord, so to speak, is actually on our side, because they wanted it all, look, everything that they haven’t been doing lately, everything is turning against them, it would seem, no matter how they tried, no matter what they did, this summit was supposed to unite the whole world,
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giving us... an ultimatum, what happened in the end? in the end, they showed their inconsistency, this is the glory of ukraine, these screams at the end, this is the level, yes, i understand that, several people shouted, that’s why.
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the country has withdrawn the signatures who have already withdrawn three signatures rwanda today yes no matter no matter the countries just well i can’t say live what it’s called what are they doing with american diplomacy yes in a perverted form it’s called in a perverted way the main thing is interesting voting methods you should no i have to say that you are against it and otherwise it is considered that you are for it, but it should have been you, well, at events of this level it should have been just of course. that is , how much the level has fallen that they cannot even organize a basic conference, and they are amateurs, well, in conclusion, with great hope i still wait for now, as it were, for us to make a move, as far as i understand, after their refusal,
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so to speak, i hope , that now our actions will be tougher, decisive and uncompromising, i don’t know, talk here but talk there not with anyone, and not about anything.
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i got great pleasure from this summit, i smelled something very nostalgic, so familiar and well-known, i understood what, well, this is a party congress, when they gathered, it’s already good that they will accept, it doesn’t matter, they will accept some another resolution, but then it can be outlined, forced to be studied, so to speak, put into practice and so on, and, well, listen, well, really in the best traditions of late soviet times, because the secretary general was supposed to come and to make some kind of speech, already this...
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by us, this is obvious, and not by chance, indeed, on the sidelines they almost all discussed what vladimir vladimirovich said, that is, some real, concrete, normal, politically tangible things, which we can talk about, because everything else is a demonstration, i repeat, i liked it, the only thing is, of course, there was a lot of talk about why it failed, why the chinese comrades failed, zelensky is generally firmly convinced that china... and we they did it all, yes indeed, i must admit, igor is right, this is indeed our huge work, but on the other hand, listen, well, the place still let them down, this is switzerland, these are our old stirlitz places, you know, as if somewhere there is still probably i heard, well
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, i heard, yes, i heard it, so to speak, the knocking of sticks, which means, probably, so to speak, somewhere else there are still those places where stirlets wrote telegrams, took them to the post office, and it’s not by chance - right away after the summit , both scholz and kuleba suddenly started talking about the next summit should definitely take place somehow with the participation of russia, probably somewhere there , some flower pots gave them the encryption, these people...
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of the changing world, well, that is, it’s like , well, what i’ve always said , yes, it’s very simple, this is an extra demonstration of the next thing, well , it’s unpleasant for these people when they encounter the real world, because the easiest way is to live in the world of your illusions, your ideas, to create this world, and how, for example, in ukraine this is done with the help of one television channel , in america, probably somehow in other ways, but this television channel does not work, poroshenko was accused of...
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working in russia before she got into this difficult life situation, somehow earning money there, and half, counting that they were about to leave, was going to go to work in russia, because they understood that in this country, in ukraine, yes, it was not economically profitable for them to stay, and not to mention the fact that this is in prison, of course the thing is, no one hates politics, as they say, excuse the simplicity of speech, but nevertheless less was the full consciousness that... their life is economically connected primarily with russia, and this country
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cannot give them anything, now these people, who, i assume that those who were also my neighbors, they are great they understand that not only can she not give them, she is ready to take everything from them, including their lives. advertising. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay down on me from above, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, someone was hungry, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry, but she’s carrying this kurba, shelters, she says, baby, feed the dogs, to lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that
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we needed to take the guys in, i came across such caring people, support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, monday to thursday on rtr. where are you going on red, you can distinguish colors, “it’s not my fault, i was driving on a flashing yellow, where is the scene of jealousy, maybe you need help, i’m offering you a job, simple duties, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, payment scratchy, friendship can’t be bought, i’m deceiving you, take your suitcase
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and leave, but love isn’t for sale, that’s where everyone is normal”? there is no love, there is nothing, deception and lies, i was in a hurry somewhere, solving a bunch of problems, what is now an intersection, what needs to be done, i need to act on saturday on rtr 20 june 2, exactly at 4:00 am. on the day of remembrance and sorrow, someday coming, how soon, in response to what pain, you see, the proudest came out
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to meet you, it seems to me, sometimes, that soldiers, black... black stone, why are you silent, black stone, did you really want this, did you once dream of becoming a tombstone for the grave of an unknown soldier, remember, through the centuries, through the years. remember about those who will never come again, remember, this is the main and only testament to us from them, those who were gone in the first hour of this very terrible war, hour of remembrance, june 22 at 4 am
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on rtr. vladimir vladimirovich, well, if you read the western press about the results of this summit, in principle, in some places it is more moderate, in others more openly, but mostly they admit failure, in others it is a failure, in others it is a failure, they use different terms, because no one really hid before, and does not hide now, that the main task, the super task of this event was to attract as many global countries as possible.
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they will ask, i supported the children, yes, that’s it, i supported the ukrainian children, and accordingly, yes, there’s a grain deal, lord, who is interested in a grain deal at all now? in ukraine , representatives of farmers are now complaining that they don’t have enough grain for themselves to mow until the next harvest - to make flour, and, accordingly, to ensure the food security of ukraine, because they took away all the combine workers and tractor drivers, and the tractor drivers are hiding because... laid the basis for this summit, so it is clear in the west that they are not very happy with these results, while zelensky is happy, and in principle,
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one can argue with aristovich about as he formulated, but in any case, in some ways, even if he is not uneducated, not literate, he is right in the sense that zelensky is satisfied that the leaders of the west have shown that they still recognize him as legitimate, he believes, that this is enough for him, now, here, he didn’t even miss this, as igor olegovich correctly noted, he didn’t even understand that ermak is now treated on an equal footing with zelensky, this is his appearance in the center of the photograph, yes, when the vice president of the united states, and mind you, i specifically looked at the protocol, she was listed as the head of state, well , the vice president after all, yes, that means they still pushed her behind his shoulder, behind ermak’s shoulder, that is...
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he seems to be married, but no, well, without without spouses, they were going so no, well, if without spouses but with the heads of the administration, well, ermak, except for ermak, no one else , well, why were the americans both salem.
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britain, canada, possibly japan, she said. that's very interesting, why? because, excuse me, how do these countries that are not part of the european union, in general, theoretically can dispose of interest from assets frozen in the european union, mainly in belgium, right? but no one talks about this either, i’m interested in what will happen next with this scheme, but in ukraine, of course, they’ve already taken credit for this 50 billion, they’re already dividing it up, they’re very surprised that...
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then we’ll share something with you we’ll still get you money, lands, resources, it doesn’t matter, but, but for now no one will write off this debt for you, moreover, we’ll now add more to you, supposedly at the expense of russian assets, which russia, of course, will never acknowledges this robbery, in this regard, of course, the gratitude of ukrainians to their benefactors knows no bounds, today an appearance in the times newspaper, a statement there by an activist from the verkhovna rada, who stated that ... accused the united states of deliberately delaying the training of ukrainian pilots in this
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f-16, that is, the americans, it turns out, caused sabotage against ukraine by delaying training, in the end ukraine will have fewer pilots than these very f-16s, that is , imagine what a grateful country, the west still has to find out who they contacted and who they decided to support, by the way, when the ukrainian team returned. into the locker room after the shameful defeat of the romanian national team, the army officers were already waiting for them, they were all of military age there, vladimirovich, you saw, you saw the dancing of ukrainian fans in germany, those who were at the race, then the muscovites, there were a whole lot of units galloping, yes and they are not afraid of the german ttc, and i have never seen piglets jumping so high, that is, you see, but nevertheless, there are so many, but they are all such heroes hilyayants with front end turns out. it was necessary to send the technologists there for a summit so that they could see how it works, well, let us remember in general where this idea
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of ​​holding a forum came from and what it actually consisted of, look? many more countries would have come, and if we are talking about the role of russian diplomacy, of course it exists, but the main key task in this matter was solved by the russian army, these are these fortifications, first a hard line of defense, then the initiative is in the hands of the russian army, then a slow, but offensive, this all turned around the entire stage of preparation for this
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forum, including the agenda of this forum. i ’ll just remind you that, in fact, the forum was gathering around zelensky’s formula, which presupposes an ultimatum to russia, but even in this situation, the americans understood that it was impossible to go there with this peace formula, it would be a disgrace and would scare away even those participants who gave his consent, but well , it’s impossible against the backdrop of obvious defeat and put forward some kind of ultimatum to russia there with indemnities there with the tribunals and everything for the rest, well, this is nonsense, they’re just you...
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regarding legitimacy, a good version, it explains a lot, only at the time of negotiations everyone will want to look, but in general, this person, is he authorized to negotiate or not, these are normal conditions, and you you know, you can’t put trudeau’s strong handshake there, along with the handshake of even biden himself, but it’s difficult to put it there, there is a difference between legality and legitimacy, its legitimacy can be recognized by those who
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themselves live by some rules that they understandable. and people who live according to the laws will look and say, who exactly is this? well, for example, i don’t understand how you can, in principle, sit down at the negotiating table with a person, let alone recognizing him as illegitimate, a person of questionable legitimacy, well, it’s just, well, what’s the point in sitting down at the negotiating table, i think, i think that by that time everything in ukraine will have to be brought into compliance with the constitution, so... whether someone likes it or not, how will this happen? and they can appoint are you happy with zelensky as speaker? no, zelensky is not zelensky, neither zelensky, nor ermak, they cannot appoint speaker of parliament, they are not deputies, ermak’s only opportunity to get elected may be, no, he cannot get elected, because in order to get elected, martial law must be lifted,
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if martial law is lifted, then elections must be held as a whole. this is also a scheme, the only option for who ermak can become is the current verkhovna rada, which can elect him as prime minister, again, you remember, we have probably already forgotten the scheme of collective government that they proposed, but it doesn’t fit into the constitution in any way, but it doesn’t fit in there, if you remember, involve the prime minister, the speaker of parliament, the secretary of the national security council and there’s someone else there, i don’t remember, there are four figures there already, but that doesn’t fit in either.
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a future summit may and will take place, perhaps with the participation of russia, but the issue of peace war is not resolved at summits, of course, it is possible there discuss anything, but the finalization of this whole process will require elections in ukraine, the formation of a new government that will be legitimate under the law on the territory of ukraine, it will be possible to sign some documents with it, i don’t see any other way out, dubious people, dubious signatures , dubious documents will not lead to anything good. one of the greats said yes, that the rifle determines, the rifle gives birth to power , the rifle gives birth to power, let it be there, i ’m hinting, no, i understand, that’s how it is, we don’t
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we can say in what form, but this should happen in ukraine, i think that the option there is very simple, i think there will be a coup, i think that someone like zaluzhny will come to power, who is careful, he is close to poroshenko or someone there he is now. with the british, we probably, no, no, to us, we are important from the rada, some faction, that is, there will be some faction from the rada, the zaluzhnye, who demanded the leader of the faction , were appointed head of the parliament, the zaluzhnye will say that, what are we fighting for, you with yours idiots lost half a million people, we don’t need that, we always wanted to get rid of the south-east, they are alien to us, we ourselves will build our own national state, as bandera bequeathed to him, and will quietly say that let them go,
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it will change when the situation on earth is changing, then the people, then there will be new conditions, legitimacy is determined by the people, and not through various express polls, but by observing legal procedures, right, of course, well, it’s always like that, but you can’t decide, you can say, i’m elected the pope of our district, i have a public opinion poll, no, there is always a certain one.
9:00 pm
it will take its toll, ukrainian society is now experiencing, well, how there is a serious deep split in several directions, what you just talked about, here are the materials, i’ll just monitor after the summit how much the overwhelming majority of information is really negative about the summit at ukraine, plus ukrainian sources and publicists say that there is a split in some directions: first, this is within society, this...
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will not happen, the winter will be terrible, moreover, apparently, there will be famine, because ukraine managed to be left without grain, i agree with you, and here it is in the context the conversation has been going on for several months, i really absolutely agree, again with the opinion of experts that this is until september before the first cold weather, because the energy sector is at its limit, that’s it, probably after this there will be social consequences, that is, a deterioration in the economic situation , will entail very serious social consequences, this is a different model of behavior. this
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is not a model of adaptation, this is a model of survival, the model of survival provides for a different pattern of relationships, and so on, you can go further. the question in ukraine, people ask themselves, what are we fighting for? this question, it still stands, but it is not relevant, you know, such dullness from war occurs, well, yes, but dullness from war asks the question, this is what we are fighting for, this is what we are fighting for, i think that is critical the mass, my personal opinion, yes it is impossible measure, i agree, now sociological methods will not work there, i believe that... is present among a significant number of people, even those who are not supporters of russia, look what those people say, i’m not talking about supporters of russia, i need to be our supporters, but just ask the question, what are we fighting for? they believe that now more and more of these are the ones who are fighting, they seem to have no prospects, because it is impossible to win this war now, that’s why the number of people who want negotiations or some compromises, in fact there are more of them, but again i emphasize that we cannot do this in numbers. they ask the question: do we want
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to live with donbass and lugansk in one state? no, i think that this question, if the situation arises, i emphasize as one of the options, which is still unlikely, that if there is a search for a compromise, then of course there can be no talk about donbass and lugansk, because what are they fighting for? well, they were told only one thing, but you get it all out of there, vladimir rudolfovich, that’s right igor said, they don’t ask them about this now, fight, they can quietly ask the question, but what should we go for? no, these questions are asked, listen, we read a lot of things, it’s still the global information space, it allows information to leak, even from the front line, which there is absolutely not very favorable for the ukrainian authorities, but let’s be honest , there are very harsh statements there regarding the authorities, but this does not yet solve the political consequences, that’s when the political consequences will come, when some kind of solution will come, i think so, and this issue will be raised by the economy, this will raise disappointment, who can become this center of consolidation.
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