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tv   Za semyu pechatyami  RUSSIA1  June 18, 2024 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

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accepts so well why such a kind attitude, but because there they study history, they study history as it was, and if the soviet union provided assistance and played a huge role in forty-five, in fifty, fifty-three , and for a long time we supported, because our real failure only occurred when these liberal ministers of ours came and said that everything, north korea, so to speak, was an ideological yes. they orientate that russia is a friend, you see, there is no revision of the whole history, there is no, so to speak, substitution of concepts, so for them the arrival of our president and for them, so to speak, relations with russia are relations in any case with a friendly country, they can be offended by us, that’s how it was in 2017 of course, it was understandable to say this. but in principle, in
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a deep, so to speak, respect, it is us, the key, natural ally of north korea, they understand this, and i think we will soon see the results of this understanding, this visit, advertising, consider this a family council, in this state, it will probably be difficult for you to manage the factory, i decided to take control myself, what papers i will not sign, the premiere on rtr haunts me. well, this accident couldn’t have happened just like that, i thought i’d stay here overnight so as not to leave you here alone, it seems to me that your girlfriend won’t like it, i want to end our relationship, i fell in love for real, however, behind seven seals, tomorrow on rtr, selections from the old days,
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“wow, there would be no happiness, i predict that something very big will happen in your life soon, very good, so good that you ’ll fall in love with your head, but the dress helped, if you wear it, your whole life will change, but i don’t know what to change, you are an amazing woman, a woman of dreams, a woman of mystery, i’m actually kind of strange the streak started, first this artist, then the man on the beach, maybe you turned yourself into a man"? it seems to me that i have roman, who do you have, roman, at your age, well, sashka, one, two, three, and who is the third, sea-colored dress, premiere, give me a chance, do you want to come back to rtr on saturday?
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sports, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, honor our history, value family, admire strong relationships. hello dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, tomorrow nart. dmitry, well, i’ll
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probably start with the internal affairs of the united states, just so that it’s, well, i ’ll tell you my point of view on why not michelle obama, why this. it doesn’t matter at all, as in 1916, in fact, the personality of the candidate is of secondary importance in general, they said a lot then, by the way speaking about the fact that trump is the only candidate that hillary can outplay, or vice versa, that hillary is the only candidate that trump can outplay. trump became president - in the sixteenth year, or rather, he was elected president in the sixteenth year, and in general this whole magic story started brewing. make america great again not because trump is such a great orator or so to speak he is such an outstanding political leader that this has not happened history has not known and so on no not therefore because there is - serious internal tensions in the united states, serious disagreement between one half
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of america and the other half of america, and one of the americas was so repressed, so repressed, and yet had the resources, that it needed a leader. it’s quite difficult to become an opposition leader, but if a very sick person could then utter the words that trump said then, even while in a chair, so to speak, disabled, as in his time, so to speak, roosevel moved quite for a long time, he would still have had a good chance
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of winning, in this sense, the candidates in the elections of 24 are also not very important in themselves, why is it necessary to change biden, biden is just personally he is simply the embodiment of this... these are our mistakes led to the fact that trump, so to speak, is who you are calling, you can’t sell an elephant, yes, but as if i were selling, to whom do they owe all this that you named, well, of course, to voters who did not join and, most importantly, to money-grubbing groups who are ready to put it on the track,
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for this reindustrialization there and so on and to say that we will do it better than, so to speak, than these so to speak, as they call them racists, fascists and everything else, it needs to be done like this. everything else does not change the situation at all, it is clear that this entrenched bureaucracy around biden now believes that if there is not just a replacement there with kamela haris, there i don’t know susan rice, with michelle obama, michelle obama, by the way, no, well, obviously the replacement will be the governor of california, well gaiman newson, again he is, so to speak, while pilosi is still alive there, she can support him. the chinese watched him, they liked him. okay, the point here is that he should not come to demolish a significant part of the administration, blaming it for all the failures of recent times, including foreign policy, it’s like, so to speak, there is such a thing, well, the administration always leaves with the president , in which, you know, when the same party, no, what about
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biden, obama’s works for biden administration, half of the clinton administration worked for obama, no, well, now when it has to, it’s still not difficult to demolish, but there are just those who will have to be demolished, precisely those who don’t want to leave. everything pushes him forward, that’s actually the basis of the internal american conflict - it’s not even trump and biden; there will be debates or not, it’s this bureaucracy, it will decide to change or not, if it decides to change, the civil war is postponed if they don’t will be decided, there will be a civil war, no need changes, one question, do you think that on august 19 there will be a riot within the democratic party right at the congress, i think that it will not be a riot, they will try to solve everything behind the scenes, just like they decided all matters before in a democratic way... the party will not try to organize a rebellion, it will quickly be suppressed by the leftists in relation to israel of all this, make some noise as always, the leftists will always make some noise, the elite groups must decide, and what will comrade sanders say, comrade sanders has already said that he will lead this rebellion, so to speak, anti-israel, well
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, anti-netanyahu, he doesn’t want to say that he is anti-israel, he is an anti-netanyahu rebellion, that’s actually the only thing, there’s no way the obama guys will agree with the clinton guys, that’s all...
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the states in the object that we now we are studying, yes, which is very important for argentina too.
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as if they don’t see the world that way, probably, and in an odd non-resident yes, but but how do they see it,
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so to speak, the last political class of the united states, well, at least there, probably for about 40 years, they saw that in general all the processes that take place in the world, all the processes, these are the processes that take place in the american empire, they may not have called it that, the world built on rules is actually translated in our american empire, in the world that we built, we wrote for him trading norms. and most importantly, yes, jurisdiction is there, yes, but at the same time it is also very important, they also prescribed moral and ethical standards for everyone, all this talk, so to speak, about diversity, so to speak, this is multi-gender all sorts of other things, it was all written down by them, you understand, why is this question, wait, i’m a practical norm, that is, it’s just like in horror films, yes, when your head is towards the pope and so the soul of the pope .
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ready to be friends with us, let's call them democracies, a significant part of the countries will say that they were so far candidates, yes, as if for members of the party, here are democratic sciences, yes democratic, candidates, they are candidates for members of democracies, that's all, we will also rank them according to climate , there will already be two dimensions, as it were, and there are two the problems are russia and china, which in fact cannot be friends with them, but regarding the climate, it is probably possible to interact, but so to speak, this also needs to be done in such a way that there is also deception there. yes, that’s why the word de-escalation was invented with them, which was first heard before the putin-biden summit, a system was invented , that’s all, the problem is that in this administration, if they followed this path, i suspect that at the end of the twenty-first year it was even possible to reach an agreement, so to speak, the extreme loss of competence
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of this administration, so to speak, and the extreme disunity of precisely these very elite groups that brought down trump, so to speak. with the help of the us postal service, led to the fact that there were a huge number of people who believe that they know what is best, and this is where, in fact, everything fell apart for them, in this sense, in fact, they had hope for a slow, controlled retreat from the position of a very large empire into a slightly smaller empire that would let me live, so to speak , i didn’t see one sign of this, but in the twenty- first year you can just put it, yes you can put it, it’s there, what’s more, here. western europe. and this conflict, this conflict that is now taking place there during the collapse, so to speak, of an empire, during a civil war in a disintegrating empire, in my opinion, represents the essence
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of this moment. therefore, no matter who we enter into relations with now, which can really be based on... yes, mikhail mikhailovich, an important place in the course of during the visit of russian president vladimir putin to the democratic people's republic of korea , issues of military-technical cooperation will certainly be occupied. this part of the visit, of course, will be closed, and here we can only assume something in the form of versions, value judgments, opinions, nothing more, since the list
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of questions, timing, and volumes will be unclear, but if, again, something... that.
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what he could be thinking about, but the leader of the dprk is also thinking about this purely, secondly, about his experience, this is extremely important, for no reason money cannot buy it, so perhaps, as an assumption and hypothetically, yes, absolutely absolutely, i have , for example, certain types of weapons of military equipment, it seems that they show very good results in exercises, but in battle again, they are not tested, that is, by the main exam. my weapons, he might think, haven’t given up yet, that is, well, purely as a hypothesis, he could think about these things, but then how will it all be on...
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decidedly him, so sometimes you think, what, in fact, a golden age has arrived, an era of some kind of mercy, someone agreed on this once, if you take an animated video, the borders of europe, well, starting with the great migration of peoples and ending, say, with the 21st century, in for a short time to see how they changed on the european continent, and even after helsinki 1975, how many border changes there were, that is, this is literally a brownian movement, again, what the classics of geopolitics tell us, starting with klaus hofer, that the state is generally living
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organisms, and state borders are constantly in motion, so to immediately assert that this absolutely cannot happen in the 21st century, because in principle it cannot happen at all, here you will inevitably remember the expression of nicolas machiavell and... the third decade of titus libya, well, it’s as if the sun stopped setting in the east, so in fact, this is a completely normal proposal in this regard, and it’s not clear why they say it with such fervor, with such categoricalness, since it could have been proposed in principle, yes it is a completely, completely normal move in this regard, again, well, as for world history, well, you can even say with a certain note of chagrin, well, did they fight, are they fighting? and they will fight, and these problems will be solved in the same way as they were solved over the past 5,000 years, and no, and no one voluntarily - like this, on the basis of
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consultation and agreement, well, of course i would like it to be, but before that , unfortunately, far away, that is, the war, as it was, remains so, a link in the universe. now what as for the ukrainian political elite, which immediately rejected these peaceful initiatives, well, what can we say, it doesn’t hurt. this means that you don’t feel such pain yet, which means you probably need to do something more painful, this is not because i am a supporter of some kind of copious bloodletting there or some kind of severe destruction, well, since you are not ready for this, that means it probably doesn’t hurt yet, again, what are your pain points, the energy system is practically already destroyed, i think they will finish it off in the next few months, then the question arises hydrotectic structures on the dnieper. other rivers, but since it doesn’t hurt you, it means you don’t need them, the question can be formulated this way, and third, i’m only listing the painful points, after all
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, ukraine’s mobilization resource is not as great as it seems, perhaps, to some politicians in kiev, and further continuation of the armed conflict can lead, and we have talked about this more than once, but to the most painful consequences for the demography of ukraine, the scenario, yes, yes, if you intend to continue the armed conflict struggle, then who will build then? a free democratic ukraine a member of the european union and so on. let’s just imagine for a minute, and this has also been said more than once, that as soon as, for example, this armed conflict ends, and the restrictions imposed by the ukrainian leadership on crossing the state border are lifted, so, will the ukrainian men really go to demining, restoration of destroyed villages and cities, and not everyone will rush there in droves. plumbers either to ireland or denmark, and in general, then such a project as ukraine may be completely closed, in place of this state, well, some kind of gray
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zone unnecessary to anyone will be formed, so the price of the issue is exactly that, so when they wave sabers there in kiev, they immediately reject any peaceful proposals of our political leadership, so you think about this, what could happen as a result of your... directness, fair, alexandrovich, i just can’t get rid of this picture with paratroopers and joe biden, i’m just here i remembered these wonderful poems, look in the airplane, someone is flying across the sky, this is a kind man, this is a kind man, this is a doctor aibalit, apparently mr. biden thought that a doctor aibalit was flying towards him, but this whole story with the parachutist, melonie, who there showed him where to look, then we, with dad’s advice, made me reconsider the chronicle of js7, when dad was brought there on a gurney, if no one saw him, i recommend looking, it’s on the internet, he’s being taken
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stands behind him all the time, that is, she moves like the mistress of this entire forum, she is nearby all the time, then trudeau appeared, then someone else is there, and he is healthy with everyone, he gives them all his left hand, this is not by chance, dad blesses with his right hand, he blesses his left hand served to a number of european politicians, only once did i see him not just extend his right hand, he did something...
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it’s just very interesting to watch, because all this, to a certain extent, of course, reveals the interests of the pope, i want remind you that the least number of catholics is in the vatican, only a thousand, and the rest of the number of catholics is in other countries, including india, a little bit 17 million, this is almost the same as in germany, so this passage of the pope for one and a half, one and a half billion is not so much , well, in general, yes, but the philippines is the largest catholic country. in the philippines is the largest, but this, this is generally the interest, of course, of the vatican, this explains it, so there is no need to make hasty conclusions that he came for, i repeat again, for the sake of ukraine, in order to provide assistance, this has nothing to do with this at all, the purposes of his trip were different, it was officially announced in general, his speech about artificial intelligence, and nothing more, well, this is on the seven, on the seven,
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yes, i’m still talking about the seven, of course
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, explain, that is, they mean that her dad, who was a major figure, a trade unionist, in my opinion, a figure, he was at one time, so he made a career ladder, now this is happening to her, she is following in her father's footsteps, and of course, she is now being promoted there as the most such a trump card against putin, everything goes against putin, and this is exactly this too, in connection with this
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, of course, it is interesting, interesting.
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therefore, today’s assessments regarding putin’s trip are very cautious, they are not so cheerful at all, but they will go there, they will agree, bombs, not bombs, no, very much with such a serious analytical approach, aimed specifically not at today, but what is this, what will it give tomorrow, what will it give next year , next years, i think that it makes sense to pay attention to this direction, in this direction the west can... think and can even move. that's all, see you tomorrow.
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aram, don’t worry, i have already transferred all the assets to the clean company, another 2 weeks and you will get them back. yes, everything is fine, don't worry, bye. hello, greetings, mikhail
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lbovich. yes, everything is great, the company was registered, the assets were transferred. we'll sign the contract tomorrow. by the way. send your lawyer at about 12 o'clock, yes, let the agreement be read, yes, everything is fine, goodbye, hello, yes, abdullah, i'm listening, of course, we can meet, just come to an agreement we can’t, how many times do we talk about this? in general, i’ll drive up in the evening,
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sorry, i didn’t see you leaving, well, it’s good that i didn’t see you. the day is starting, don’t even think about leaving, it’s great,
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chickens, that it was you who swung the crust, ship, and you’re driving, you don’t see that it’s me who’s crossing the road, i see, so what’s the problem then, well... i see the chicken is coming with with a sour expression, yes, i think i’ll crush you so that you don’t suffer, let’s sit down, i’ll give you a ride. well, okay, i went, where are you going, i didn’t tell you, i’m going to the airport, kostya is coming, what are you saying, i’m happy, masha, masha, it’s good that you didn’t have time to go far, by the way, i’m leaving now. uh, wait, wait, here, you know,
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there was a murder on alminsky, yes, it smells like an order, but i went, bye, people, people, wait, well, you let me go, well, well, he let me go, well, you want my driver will meet your son in the best possible way at the airport, and you come on, that means, doina alminsky, but i don’t need your driver, it’s unknown who was killed, and well, well done, that’s right, blow on alminsky. "dim, distiller lately someone hasn't been himself, i heard his wife left him, well that 's the point, not only that, someone else got married and went to live with him in lapin, what are you doing with a child , of course, this finn also has two children of his own, and you with '.
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didn’t invite you with me? me? lenechka, they don’t call me for a promotion, and i wouldn’t go for it. come on, hey, are you sitting on my jacket or something? come on, listen, i thought it was a massager, massager, support the king.
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okay, doctor, thank you, well, let’s meet sometime, let’s chat, tell us how you are doing here awardee, listen, maybe he can come with you, visit his native pinatas, why, i don’t know, i miss my service, breathe in, so to speak, the spirit of the internal organs, but let’s go, i wish you good health. good afternoon, hello, so , well, kurochkin, he didn’t move to the boss’s desk, but no, you quickly get used to good things, it’s better not to try, well, that’s right, okay, what’s yours, private investigation, but that sucks, my private investigation on... we worked according to the law, almost, yeah, but according to the law,
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naturally, it didn’t work out, but that’s not the point, we ourselves walk on the ground with our feet, half of the district departments are killing their competitors, and even during working hours at state expense, yeah, well, the bosses, the bosses along, where are you going now, hello, hello! i always appreciated it, well, look into it, that’s right, i’m lazy, i didn’t understand, did you, instead of, no, well , just persuade vosnetsov, he and i were still in the well promptly, for this koralev, i worked for you at times orb together, that is i understand that collecting things, well, i don’t know, i don’t know. how are you, kurochkin, a campaigning man? well, not to that extent? yes,
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yes, igor nikolaevich, i already have it, you see, kurochkin, i haven’t started work yet, but i’ve already laid down fresh stuff, so why are you happy? so, back in business. we don’t need money, give us a job, yeah, well, you’ll say that when you get your salary, but what’s your salary? “excited, i thought my mother was going to meet me, yes, she was going to, something happened at work again, so she promised, she promised, but to justify her i can say that until the last moment she was going to, now after her i barely had time to call on the plane, that is, you canceled all your business,
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meeting just for the sake of meeting me, well, yes, but what about, well, you know, i love yours very much." hello, where are you
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going to the investigative committee, and i think where the investigative committee is, there is a body, there is no investigative committee. has your identity been established? yes, there were documents let’s accept it, well, where did they pick up korablev, korablev, which korablev, the same one, yes, he’s with the chicken, and what is he doing here, well, he showed me the crusts, ugro, fresh crusts, i thought it was a fake, but i can’t check, here we go business, okay, so even the phone
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was very scared, i wrote down the number, but i left. i'll go, yes, thank you, thank you. intuition fails, i only felt like a big idiot at school during a physics lesson, the pressure is impossible to resist, i’m against it as usual, but you always do it your own way, it’s possible, but they must make an accurate diagnosis, which of our participants does not
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sing, you decide and i'll answer, catch me if you can, big music show, if she sings, we'll have backup dancers. and if he doesn’t sing, then we sing along, on friday on rtr, where are you going when you see the red, you can see the colors, it’s not my fault, i was going to flashing yellow. where are the scenes of jealousy? maybe you need help? i offer you a job, duties, simple, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, hourly pay. friendship can’t be bought, i’m deceiving you, i’m a bastard, but take your suitcase and leave, but love isn’t for sale,
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here where all the normal men are, there’s no love, there’s nothing, deception and lies, i’m still somewhere. give a porsche caen, my wife says, you don’t understand, you borscht horseradish, what have you done, how could you, taxi, taxi?
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morning mail with nikolai baskov, in sunday on rtr. okay, let's leave this conversation, we just haven't seen each other since christmas, and i haven't been home at all for six months, but what a good time we had in london, you, i, so i thought, i have it here in russia, or i was wrong again, well, you understood perfectly well what i mean, uh-huh, kostya, if you decide to study here, “we will be only glad, thank you for the invitation, here you are again
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turning everything inside out, well, why, well, okay, here come on, do you really think that your mom doesn't love you, i'm sorry me, it seems to me that this is childish, i don’t think anything, “well, come here, no, no, let them stand there, like this is the director, who then are dubrovtsy,
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stanislav grigorievich, and stas, he’s the owner, this is the land , buildings, fences, these are all his, i rented from him and do trade here, and you knew him well, of course, well, we were friends for many years, come here, listen, find these jackals who did this, and find, they should simply rot in prison, absolutely, that’s what you think, you probably want to help the investigation, yes, of course, what? need to be done? well, first of all, it is necessary to give evidence regarding the identity of the deceased, no problem, for this let's pass the investigative committee, uh, no, why the investigative committee, let's pass, i have an office, there is a cafe in the market, you can sit there, there is a cafe in the market a cafe, well , yes, but it’s not for everyone, of course, stas and i did it for ourselves, let’s go, it’ll be cozy there, well, let’s go, let’s go,
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business, well, what disagreements can there be between two good friends, we’ve got a lot going on it hasn't been so many years, yeah, but what about market, but what about the market - the contract suits you, i pay, but he doesn’t interfere in my affairs when your contract expires? yes, it never expires, well, the contract is just about to expire, no one wants to break it and it automatically expires for another year, so when is the contract expiring? so another 3 months, well, who do you think could be behind the murder of your
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friend, who could be behind the murder of your friend, who could be behind the shameful jackals, who else, and more specifically, you know, he wasn’t really involved in the market, he had his own business , i sold and bought companies there, i don’t know, you can look there, i bought, i sold companies, well, yes, well, i don’t understand this, i have oranges... tangerines, here are bananas, but finance, schminans are not my thing, friends, happily, come on, come on, come on, fedor, this is so camera, you actually watched the movie, yes you did, so i brought it for you, you can watch it too. a boring movie, no love, no aliens, no drama, no comedy, no cartoons, nothing, eloquently,
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what are you saying, a strong action movie? won’t show what kind of action movie, the cameraman there didn’t live up to the action movie, you can’t see anything at all, well , it’s clear that even the model of the car is not you can make out the faces, the faces, write it down in the protocol, the faces are not identified, listen, there isn’t a single camera here, or what? i’ll tell you this, the only camera with which we can at least understand something is installed, you know where, on the contrary, across the road, in the house , it’s built into an atm, you want to say that... the main character is the atm, exactly the atm, and why, besides the atm, no one is listed in the credits? koravlyov, you know how the barbarians treat the captions on tv now, like they cut it off. hello,
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meet, hello, kostya, finally you arrived, hello, let's pass, let's pass, so, how are you, come on, where's mom, mom is at work, she's delayed, they just didn't let her go, you know, let's hold the computer, undress, make yourself at home, what are you doing, everything's fine , i’m coming to see you, look, i’m giving you money, take some more, order yourself a pizza there, i don’t know what to... start the holiday, understand? i thought we were going somewhere, we will definitely go somewhere, my mother and i will join you in the evening, it’s clear, that’s it, i ran, i’m just in a hurry too, yes, be good girl, bye, so, at least you won’t leave me, no, i’ve been waiting for you all morning, let’s go, we’ll order pizza, hello, mash, well, i met you, everything’s
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fine, i took you home... i’m going to the office myself, yes masha, i know what i wanted to tell you, kostya was very upset when he didn’t see you at the airport, no, i understand that you’re busy, but please, explain it to him yourself, that’s it, i can’t, yet, i'm going to the office, bye, then you'll report, uh-huh, mash, oh, mash, marya sergeevna, yes, well, what's on alminsky, who was killed, the owner of rynets, y... something, but that they were supposed to kill someone else? no, no, no, no, yes, this is good news, you made me happy, you know, it’s good that you’re not a politician, but what difference does it make, a politician, not a politician, there was a murder, listen, march, that you’re with me like at a sub-meeting - then you’re talking, you yourself understand that they’ll kill some bigwig, then they start ringing my ears from the general office with calls, and from the city office i’m getting continuous checks, my dear, tell me, based on the results, you know, here are the results, but there are, here
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i’m just waiting for opirov’s report right now, oh priority investigative actions. oh, well , yes, but you know me, maria sergeevna, hello, hello, we know each other, you are coming to me, yes, on what issue, now, now. i probably forgot, forgive me, i ’m in a hurry, in general, i’m from the ubep, akhtubov, vadim konstantinovich, investigator, how can i help you, well, you sent us a request in the morning regarding dubrovtsev, stanislav grigorievich yes, that’s what i wanted about talk to you, let's go, yeah.
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i beg you, thank you, of course it’s impossible to make out anything on this recording, what do you mean it’s impossible, at least we now know what kind of car the criminals had, the license plates were printed, well , yes, they belong to one very evil guy, who is now writing a statement in the department at the market. in order to get numbers, he needs to go through the entire registration procedure again. where was his car? so there, not far from the market, in general, you know, the guys didn’t bother, as they say, they screwed around here, without leaving the cash register, in the evening, when they parked the car, they were still there, and in the morning everything, hello, traffic police troubles, traffic police troubles, not a lot, kurochkin, not thick, lazy, but what is the plan, the plan is this, we must try to find this lady with the child
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who wrote down the numbers, and then look for the car. where should i look now? besides without numbers? i think they bought it recently, it’s unlikely to be new, we know the color model, they most likely bought it in st. petersburg or in the region, do you suggest? come in, have a seat, thank you, well, who killed him, well, that’s what we’re trying to figure out, what we ’re doing in the investigative committee is that we’re investigating a murder, you know, i know, i just wanted to know, maybe they’ve already established it or there are some suspicions, and you’re definitely from behind, for sure, for sure, you can check, i just forgot my id, you know, i always forget it, now i also forgot the papers that i wanted to show you, but oh well, i remember everything perfectly well without it , exactly, dubrovtsev
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has been in our development for several years, in connection with which, illegal business, money laundering, illegal bankruptcy, fraud, in general, the list is long, why is he still walking free, a cunning scammer, cunning and competent, and also... he has a good team of lawyers, so good that you couldn't pin him down? that’s why the management threw their best forces into this direction, that is, me, and you were thrown into this direction a long time ago, 3 months ago, i’ve already gotten close enough to him, a little more, but two months of work and it would be possible to bring charges, so that there is an assumption about which of dubrovtsev’s companions could have wanted his death, no one, yes, well, yes, yes, yes, about the car, of course about... “listen, dear, you have an advertisement that yours has already been hanging for 3 weeks, but you just can’t make a car, from which i conclude that it’s not in such good condition as it’s written, yes, here i
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am, all the best, you’re an asshole, but you, little chicken, don’t know how to talk to car salesmen, listen, i actually suggested that you do this, i don’t have a car, i don’t have a horse, you’re our cowboy, and i, by the way, kurochkin took out my new cars on credit." did you find anything? well, found. in the last three weeks, two cars have been sold by proxy. i hope you are not new. i looked at the newspapers. listen, are you taking me for a fool? i took it from neighbors to search for vehicles. there, you know, so much of this junk has accumulated over the course of 3 years. so we need to get this through the mreo base. and you, by the way, said that i don’t know how to communicate with the owners. yes, i see that you can do it, you even need the wincodes. that's right, i can still do this. yes. so, of these two cars, one was registered, and one is still hanging around, when this one was sold, well, as i understand it, it was about
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three weeks ago, it’s time to register it, listen, here is the address of the previous owner, you should talk to him, lenechka, come on tomorrow, i have 10 more sellers to talk to today, come on, come on tomorrow, he ’s... like a lizard, it seems like you’re holding him in your hands, actually in fact, all that remains is the tail, which cannot be tied to the case, you know, you could check all his enterprises at once somehow, he has more than 200 of them, no one has enough people for this, how many? well , to be precise, as of yesterday he was affiliated with 237 companies, somewhere as a co-founder, somewhere as an owner, but in basically everything is done through dummies.


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