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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 19, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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allies, what's really going to make a difference is this whole system that you see here, this system has the same interface as on the f-16. in these photographs taken at the beginning of the conflict, you see ukrainian pilots, many of them were killed or wounded, the stakes are extremely high for the ukrainian army, new ones need to be trained and quickly. what we have today is finally training in the basics of fighter aviation. in the future, they will be able to pilot any military aircraft. and still these basics will remain. the task is to give them the opportunity to be at the level of the tactical operations they will encounter once they graduate. ukrainian soldiers will complete their training in another ally country, and pilots will enter service by the end of the year. france each time agrees to supply what it previously refused outright. this is a soap opera that we have been watching for the last two years, french tanks a year and a half ago, and now the mirage-200, which paris considered unusable for a few more years. the netherlands and denmark
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promised about 60, norway and belgium more about thirty. the first planes should arrive this summer after several months of training for ukrainian pilots, as kiev also has old russian sukhoi and mig-29 aircraft, not to mention soviet ones, adding new weapons systems and new pilot training cycles to an already wide arsenal.
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defense, which is a big one especially well suited to the air defense problem for ukraine at the moment, given the scale of the russian offensive. taiwan reported air border violation planes and ships of china. the united states launched new missile strikes on yemen, the reason for the kussites in recent days has been that missiles and drones have begun to hit western ships very accurately, it’s interesting to know where all of a sudden such accuracy comes from? the question is rhetorical: financeal times writes that nato defense concerns are hiring at the fastest pace since the end of the cold war. the number of military orders has reached a record level, we are talking about hiring not hundreds, but tens of thousands of people in 20 large mid-sized defense aerospace companies in the united states and europe. among these are the three largest american contractors:
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well, the role of nuclear weapons is growing as geopolitical relations worsen, the sipri research institute states in its annual report. the alarming trends are that there are now 12,000 nuclear warheads in the world, most of which, about 90%, belong to russia and the united states, but this is not the main thing, almost 400... warheads in the arsenal of all nuclear powers, warheads are ready for use , more than half of them are on high alert. the latest survey of american and european sociologists showed that more than half of the population of the united states and great britain believes that world war is possible in the next 5-10 years. in the usa only 22% are optimists, in the uk 31%. well, where would we be without a conspiracy theory?
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who prophesies a new world war, was joined by the indian psychic kushal-kumar. the indian nostradamus named the date of the beginning of the third world war as june 18. he bases his predictions on astrological calculations. of course, you shouldn’t trust magicians and sorcerers, but without them it’s clear that the approach to the point of no return in the west is progressing by leaps and bounds. according to him, this is the only way to counter the growing nuclear threat from russia, china and the dprk. more and more nuclear warheads around the world are being put on combat readiness, and in the world nuclear weapons are being given increasing importance, to this conclusion.
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submarines, strategic bombers or missile bases can be deployed at short notice around the world, and this number is much higher than last year. distrust between nuclear powers is growing, says security expert christian möhling. according to him , the nuclear world and order are becoming increasingly unstable. the main rule in the field
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of nuclear weapons is to do everything very slowly and very carefully, because any thoughtless movement can be misinterpreted , which in turn can lead to. to nuclear war, there are now even more nuclear powers, they all must behave much more carefully, but after the last decades of caution, the nuclear arms race only continues to gain momentum rpm china's nuclear capabilities, for example, have grown by 20% in a year, for the first time beijing keeps nuclear weapons on high alert. india, pakistan and north korea are pursuing advanced programs and developing their missiles to carry multiple warheads, which is significant. increases their destructive power, at the same time israel, which does not officially admit the existence of nuclear weapons, is modernizing its plutonium production plant, several countries are now focusing on developing smaller tactical nuclear weapons, with north korea currently possessing approximately 50
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tactical nuclear weapons. russia recently conducted a large-scale exercise on the use of tactical nuclear weapons near the border with ukraine. reconnaissance satellites will detect the launch of a russian intercontinental ballistic missile, for example, in the south of russia, and the us president will be immediately informed about this. american submarines with nuclear warheads on board will immediately head to the shores of russia, and us combat submarines will begin searching for
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russian submarines to destroy them all. meanwhile, the russian missile reaches its target in western europe. the us president gives the order to launch a retaliation strike, immediately a nuclear retaliation strike on major russian cities. great britain also inflicts. moscow, in turn, gives the final order to launch a massive nuclear strike. as soon as russian intercontinental ballistic missiles take off, the americans' numerous air defense systems will take over. they will also take off into the sky from airfields to help them. us air force interceptor fighters. according to preliminary estimates, they will be able to shoot down 56% of russian ballistic missiles, but less than half of russia's deadly nuclear missiles will still reach their target. however, at the same time. order to activate the air defense system, the us president will also order a massive nuclear strike on russia, missiles will be launched from underground mines in the mid-west, strategic bombers will fly to the launch points of ballistic missiles, us submarines with nuclear weapons on board will rise to the surface for launching rockets. russian po systems
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will also start working, but most american missiles will still reach their targets. ukraine needs to join nato. the restructuring of the $20 billion debt sounds like a partnership. moreover, the imf has already stated that all this will lead to the failure to fulfill key debt obligations. at the same time , the imf does not specify how much money ukraine should pay off its debts with; apparently,
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it is necessary to take out a new loan. the european union has less and less confidence in ukrainian corrupt officials; now brussels is creating a commission to combat theft for assistance to kiev, the commission will work until 2028, that is, we conclude that ukraine’s defeat will happen within the next 3 years, and then... it’s just delaying time to prepare for a clash with russia. copenhagen reported today that denmark wants to close the straits to the russian fleet. to understand, the danish straits are actually the gateway to the baltic sea, which the alliance obviously wants to make its internal lake; it is no longer possible to exclude military components in the implementation of these plans. right now nato is conducting the largest baltops exercise off the coast of kaliningrad. if you look at the map, it becomes clear what tasks
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the alliance sets itself in the baltic, almost 90% of the coastal territories of hostile russia, so the real task of the west is to practice maneuvers to completely close the baltic to the russian navy. in other words, they want to lock the baltic fleet at bases and block russia’s access to the northern sea route. right now nato. american units are training. quite a long time at this training ground only 400 members
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of the swedish armed forces increased their combat readiness. stockholm, however, decided to build up its military potential. in the next couple of years, therefore , another 4,500 troops will be transferred to gotland. various international exercises will be held on the island almost every day. to the port of visyu. meanwhile, another few hundred american soldiers arrived on one of the nato ships. in the next couple of days, they will conduct joint exercises with swedish units.
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usa, the top of the american democratic party can secretly prepare a plan to intimidate biden's elimination. him from the presidential election, the daily mail writes about this. they say the behavior of old man joe causes serious concern among his associates. last chance for the so-called leader of the free world to prove to them that he is not a moron is debating with trump. if biden loses, he will be replaced by a younger candidate. who exactly can replace the elderly joo is still a mystery.
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one of the options is barack obama, who has already taken over biden’s patronage, helping the us president who was hanging out in los angeles. leave the stage. joe’s gaze was focused on the hollywood actor for a long time, and biden’s former boss obama, who sang along to help, was able to somehow smooth out the embarrassment. by the way, on the social networks of the trump campaign headquarters, in response to biden’s behavior , they published a post with the words “the lights are on, but no one is home.” biden is crazy. the white house disagrees. biden's press secretary, karine jeanpierre, literally began screaming at reporters and getting angry. claims that all the videos in which biden hangs out and looks lost are fake, they say these are deep fakes that are distributed by republicans, but although i wouldn’t say that they are filmed at mosfilm. in any case, the white house treats american voters as idiots, literally urging them not to believe their own eyes. karine jeanpierre
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also said that the white house hired disinformation experts and supposedly these were the experts. to living eyes, in general, everything is according to orwell, the party ordered not to believe, this is its final, most important order. there are a number of videos in which the president looks weak and lost, and the white house is concerned about this.
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yes, i think both you and we call it equally, cheap fakes, that's what they are, these are cheap fake videos, they are made with malicious intent, and some of your news organizations, i emphasize that those who criticize the president are not very believed, because they have been caught more than once with disinformation , and we see what you call cheap false disinformation, i will quote the washington publication.
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asked? first, let me talk about the most recent incident, saturday. president obama's office released a statement saying this did not happen, including they did it themselves, or someone else did it about the meaning that some saw in it, which was incorrectly conveyed to the media. let
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's not forget that president obama and president biden are close, not friends. what about miloni? i have nothing to say about miloni, about the fact that he wandered around parachuting during the performance.
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and his wonderful teams, because how to win elections despite dementia. you shouldn’t try to warm up an electorate that is already disappointed in you, you just need to bring in a new one, and from somewhere far away, from china, vietnam, venezuela, peru, colombia or mexico, most importantly, there are a lot of new people to crush the number of dissatisfied fellow citizens. right now, about 11 million illegal immigrants live in the united states, almost seven million of them entered the country after biden’s weakening of migration policy. well , now that joe nizhnizsky has received ratings, he
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has decided to provide legal status to hundreds of thousands of his illegal immigrants. the change is unprecedented, to understand; previously, illegal immigrants could not, under any circumstances, apply for a green card. the consequences of this policy are already making themselves felt in the crime rate. grows inexorably from the latter. the new york post reported a blatant attack on a 13-year-old girl by a migrant. in the middle of the day, a man approached two teenagers in a park, tied their hands and committed violent acts against the child, after which he took the victim’s phone and disappeared, ordering them to stand still for 20 minutes. in the end he turned out to be a criminal. a migrant from ecuador who entered the country just after biden took office. illegal immigrants from all over the world are making their way into mexico, in order to then get on the famous
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el bestia freight train and ride it to the american border, where passports have recently been distributed if the new owner is ready to support grandfather as president. a freight train is a beast heading north to the usa, people are about to jump on it, in the dark night of central mexico they catch up with the slowing train and climb onto the roof as it stops. they don't have a lot going for them, but they need to get there. the beast is very dangerous, but migrants from all over the world despair.
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some of them refuse to leave the train and gather in the last two carriages of the 1.5 km long train. they shout to the immigration officers to be allowed to continue their journey. the train continues to move with many migrants on board, 1,500 km remain to the us border. despite the horrific difficulties of this incredible journey, the migrants continue their efforts and endure further interventions by mexican authorities to stop their inexorable advance north. this is
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a high speed freight train.
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have lived in the united states for at least 10 years and are married to a us citizen. the plan would change existing laws that prevented illegal immigrants from obtaining green cards. meanwhile, the new york post reports that agencies in 49 states are providing registration forms to migrant voters without requiring proof of citizenship. migrants can receive welfare benefits and even mail voter registration jars. while in 19 states and washington, federal law allows.
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organs, and also those of us who can reach street, having received powers under the immigration and nationality laws , section 287, which allows us to detain those who have committed a crime here or are here illegally. right now i'm visiting my son in florida, i 've been to restaurants, i've been to walmart, i've been to grocery stores and i've been surrounded by the wrong people, they're not legal they've overrun the country, my whole trip here as i've been passing through louisiana, alabama and missions. while democrats talk about foreign interference in elections and accuse republicans, guess what, the democrats themselves literally import people for the specific purpose of actually influencing elections,
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they do it. officially, it's happening before our eyes, they are trying to register voters in our nation's capital in oakland, san francisco and new york. what do you think of president biden? why do you love biden? because we love biden. why do you love him so much? well, perhaps the most terrible footage of the day: a girl was carried away into the open sea in sochi, she could not be found for the third day, june 16 a twenty-year-old woman went out to riviera beach with a friend when a storm was raging in the sea, young people went waist-deep into the water, but only a guy came out of the sea, the girl literally disappeared, what is happening on the beaches now that the sea has calmed down, watch the video kabardinsky krasnodar region, the beaches are filled with vacationers, like traffic at
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rush hour. but. there is an abnormal heat in the south of russia and the volga region, on the black sea coast the air temperature is already 36°, in the samara, saratov, and orenburg regions the thermometer has reached 37°. practically throughout the volga region, this temperature may last until the end of the month. the volgograd region breaks records, it’s +43. it's hot and sunny in the usually cloudy st. petersburg. there are also accidents in this regard. a girl who was unaccustomed to sunbathing for too long on the gulf of finland was in serious condition and ended up in intensive care with burns to 60% of her body. they brought her to the doctors delirious and virtually unconscious from overheating, and is now fighting for her life. in moscow, as always, summer is over; right now the capital is covered by a new tropical mega-downpour. there was a flood the day before west, southwest of the capital, beyond.


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