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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  June 19, 2024 9:30am-9:55am MSK

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transport during rush hour. there is abnormal heat in the south of russia and the volga region. on the black sea coast the air temperature is already 36°. in the samara, saratov, and orenburg regions , the thermometer reached 37°. almost throughout the volga region, this temperature can last until the end of the month. the volgograd region breaks records, it’s +43. it's hot and sunny in usually cloudy st. petersburg. an accident in this regard: a girl, who was unaccustomed to sunbathing for too long on the gulf of finland, was in serious condition in intensive care with burns to 60% of her body. doctors they brought her delirious and virtually unconscious from overheating, and is now fighting for her life. in moscow, as always, summer is over; right now the capital is covered by a new tropical mega-downpour. the day before there was a flood. in the west, southwest of the capital. in 3 hours, 60%
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of the monthly precipitation fell, in one of the houses, literally, look, the roof was leaking, floating cars, people, flooded apartments, blocked streets, all the consequences of the raging bad weather on your screens, and these apocalyptic footage from lyubleno, there due to wind and rain, it arrived ahead of schedule night, the whole sky was covered with black thunderclouds, in the opal water near moscow and... a real storm passed, he swam, wow, it’s not damir for sure, he looks very much like nadamira, oh my god, he’s a maci under water in general, moscow, people are still drowning, cars are drowning.
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well, right now we are transported to pyongyang, north korea on a direct link, where air force one is scheduled to land any minute, president putin is on the road from yakutia to the dprk, our political commentator alexey is on a direct link. the pyongyangs are deft at
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understanding the night. alexey, hello, to you word. yes, hello, colleagues, i greet you from pyongyang, the capital of the democratic people's republic of korea. we are russian journalists, we arrived here at noon today, we spent the whole day filming in pkhenya, working in the city and filming how the city was preparing for the arrival of the russian president, we are waiting for the russian president at the international airport, he is flying here from yakutsk. indeed, it will probably be a bright event, we know how in korea, in north korea they know how to receive guests, and in general it must be said that the city is unique prepared for this event, i personally made many visits, but i didn’t see such invective, because from the airport to the city center, russian and north korean flags hang literally every 10 m, portraits of vladimir putin hang, and different portraits, but on each written: north korea warmly welcomes friend, comrade. vladimir
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vladimirovich putin. indeed, a lot of attention is paid here to this visit. russia is an ally, it is a partner of north korea. we know that we are here together with the president has arrived, will arrive. more precisely, we expect an impressive delegation to arrive, this is the minister of foreign affairs, and the minister of defense, and the first deputy prime minister and sectoral vice-premiers and ministers, there will also be several governors who will fly here, this is, of course, the governor, the governor of primorye, the region , which borders north korea, in general, it is obvious that they will talk about the full range of cooperation, from defense to cross-border and tourism, because there will be people here... who they will also discuss the development of the railway network , north korea is opening up to russia, we know that it’s already quite easy to get here, for example, tourists, having flown in from vladivostok and bought a ticket, can take a walk around pyongyang, enjoy all these sights, as well as go skiing, we know that
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russia cooperates with north korea in the field of transportation, we have a lot of north korean students studying here, and several tens of thousands of north koreans work here in russia every year. there are generally two workers countries from this alliance, from this neighborhood receive a common profit, a common good, well, it must be said that north korea is close to russia on foreign policy issues, just today an article by vladimir putin was published in one of the korean newspapers, it can be found on the website , it says that vladimir putin thanks kimchenung for the fact that north korea supports russia in the ukrainian issue and that se... more than anyone knows how dangerous it is to trust western countries, because how many times have the north korean rulers, since kimchen-ira tried to somehow come to an agreement with the west so that sanctions would be lifted from them, saying that we are open, check, we don’t have any prohibited weapons,
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there is no prohibited production, but one way or another, under various pretexts, the united states pursued its line, and north korea still remains under heavy long-term sanctions, of course, it’s easier to overcome such sanctions together, probably vladimir putin and kim jong-un will also talk about this, well, briefly about tomorrow’s program, first there will be a ceremonial meeting on the name square kimersen, this is the largest square in north korea, then negotiations will take place in an expanded format, there will be statements for the press, there will be signed documents, there will be a gala reception, a concert, in general, a big big program has been prepared for the dear russian guest here in pyongyang, and so on. we will be waiting for her. together with you, colleagues, thank you very much, alexey glovko, our political commentator, works in finjan, is following the high-level visit of vladimir putin to north korea, which is about to begin, there are reports that the president’s plane is already in the air and heading from yakutsk to
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pyongyang, a lot of issues need to be resolved by the leaders, it is clear that in the current conditions there will be episodes, there will be topics, results of negotiations, which... we won’t know, the western media are there they will write everything again, how many shells, how many missiles, and so on and so forth, but there are absolutely everyday stories that need to be discussed, that need to be resolved between pyongyang and moscow, for example, to announce an agreement on strategic cooperation between moscow and pyongyang, but we, excuse me, do not have a road between our countries, that is , there is a khasan station, there is a railway bridge. we remember the armored train, and it has already traveled from pyongyang to moscow several times, but there is no automobile train. this agreement is also quite possible to be reached in pyongyang at the highest level, so there are strategic issues, there are issues of
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cross-border cooperation, but naturally, the whole west is talking about bombs, nuclear weapons, missiles about how kimchin helps. well , maybe it helps to wage war, leonid ivanovich, hmm, let them figure it out, we have to do it right, you said it, we may not say what the conversation was about, we actually had a shaigu minister of defense there back then, for a reason, and i, for one, am glad about that, and i’m not going to, you’re a correct person, you say you’re half-justifying, i’m not going to, we’re making excuses, we have nothing to justify. i told the program when they started supplying high-precision weapons and even before the permission they gave to attack russia, yes, i mean nato members and america, i told you then, let it not be me, but peskov or
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masha, then, is foreign ministry’s press secretary, that we also have the right to supply the same weapons, for example, to the houthis, we not only have it, but we must do it, we must. maybe because it’s one thing i’m talking about an irresponsible politician, i don’t want you there now, i don’t want you there in any way, you said that you were joking, because today you didn’t have any jokes, you only have these ones there today.. . guest workers, water, drowning, then i usually come to you, i’ll tell you jokes there, the gays will do something again, you miss the gays about it. lgbt, and today you are showing, let’s go back, here is a holiday, here is a holiday that you correctly told your wife about, your telegram, by the way , i read with pleasure, your telegram is vladivostok, it’s nearby, i don’t remember the numbers there, now, i'm resilient too.
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china, communist or vietnam, where cuba is a communist country, but proud, or putin will head next, is also communist. i am proud and proud of them that they do not turn away in bad times, not in difficult times for themselves, nor in difficult times for russia, this is what is necessary, this is you have to be proud, and what connects, it would seem, i say, we abandoned cuba in the nineties with this capitalism, but they were not offended, we abandoned them, remember, sugar in exchange for food.
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so we are coming out, they are trying to come out to us, they are trying to tell us all the time, you from,
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the security council supported it, tell me, hungary, for example, now does not support sanctions against us, they are in nato, they are in the european union, they have not come from anywhere, they didn’t come out of nowhere, there is another, another nuance associated with nuclear weapons with their non-proliferation, okay, let's put this aside, these sanctions on people who work on food exchanges, you said correctly, there is no way, so far, let's not link them, they, what, what did they do, exactly they are also strangling a population of millions, and they were talking all the time about the leaders, about his father, about him, we will strangle them, and they leave them without medicine, in cuba, here, so it seems to me that putin is bold, it seems to me, judging by how it was in the midfield, where i was present at active, yes, not just hints, he said directly, do you think that you are here, i just watched this nuclear armageddon in this
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movie, well, putin directly said, listen, calm down, even if we start fighting with you tactically weapons, we have several times more of them, firstly more, and secondly, america will not stand up for you 100%, i also understand why it won’t stand up, but because it doesn’t need these things that you can launch everything here, just a few nuclear submarines that we invented, there they are already around, probably in america. i work as a foreman at the voz automobile plant, remember, maybe you don’t remember, i’ll remind you, well
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, some young people certainly don’t remember how we shot down a south korean boeing over the soviet union, they are only afraid of a firm hand, this south korean boeing was flying over our territory, our fighters , that means the navigation services were talking to him and saying: sit down, sit down, you don’t have to, we need ours, like paur, they tried to talk to him, he doesn’t answer. says, you are scoundrels, you shot down, you, tapalya, nothing, didn’t leave, so and we worked, we installed manipulators, everyone calmed down, because they saw that russia would not stand on ceremony, and here we must, well , i already see from the visit itself, i see that the whole world will understand, we will not stand on ceremony, even, i would even say , before cooperation in the nuclear field, why not, they are a nuclear country,
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you’ll think, well, okay, you didn’t expand, you didn’t introduce something? nations, we made a mistake, russia, by supporting these sanctions in the security council, we must say, we made a mistake in libya at one time, and what did they do with libya, you remember, we were mistaken, we can admit, even if we refrained from watering, yes we abstained, then we allowed them to create a flightless sky, they bombed it, it happens that they are mistaken in public policy, here we are too... we were mistaken by supporting these sanctions, we must say now, but we ourselves got caught and now we understand, that’s it, nothing, we will cancel all sanctions, then we will decide what to do next, including in the nuclear, food sector, railway, we have coal there , there is what to exchange, they are not like that the poor, it seems, they were just locked up and only china helped them, we really also
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really say that there is nothing, there is nothing to help, china, well, it’s true we also helped, but it’s a little bit too quiet, if now we this... from the quiet guy, this is on the one hand good, but bad, we must show everyone openly, we support all our friends, tsiran, we cooperate, at one time, i remember, under these because of these sanctions they gave us the money has already been paid, but we didn’t deliver the s300, we promised, we didn’t deliver, because we didn’t either then we looked at this west, well , now they’re already giving us nuclear bombs, we’ll compensate with the s-400 systems, everything is needed, but it’s free, and this too, no, that’s enough for free, wait, they’re making it difficult for us.
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friend, then we had to work, i spoke many times in the civil sector, with student journalists, and we give them gas, discounts on gas, discounts on gas, we work with these differently, they are our neighbors, if they always come to us with an open soul, then we should also with an open soul. north korea 26 million people, 1 million army - these are not only workers, but potential soldiers, but this is the very weapon that we, of course, can do ourselves, but it’s better when not only ourselves, there are helpers. in this regard, endless satellite images, we ritually, as people who are decent at the official level, do not refute, do not confirm, we are not aware of the images, well , supposedly there are even routes for the supply of weapons, if all this is true, then thanks to the dprk, right in 24x7 supply of weapons, bloomberg,
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we read, there is about missiles, putin visited north korea when they held a meeting in russia in september last year. satellite the pictures show that after this , arms supplies from north korea to russia went up. north korea maintains some of the largest stockpiles of ammunition spare parts that are compatible with weapons in russian service in ukraine. the two countries can trade virtually freely via rail across their borders or through nearby ports between which ships can sail without leaving either country's territorial waters. if the volume of arms supplies... grows, russia will likely send more military technology, which will increase the north korean threat in the region. increased supplies of north korean weapons to russia will increase ukraine's need for military assistance from the united states and europe. ask. well, of course, the asian visit of our president, north korea, vietnam, if we take it conceptually as a whole, this is, of course, a new stage in the materialization
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of the course of turning to the east, and what putin said at the meeting. one small one, there will still be many, many other steps, as if to materialize the eurasian system security in the korean-vietnamese segment, but if we talk specifically about tomorrow’s negotiations on russian-north korean bilateral relations, then we can clearly see four priorities, which naturally will be discussed tomorrow and filled in in a contractual format, but i would highlight in first place, this, of course , let’s put it this way... the state-political dimension, partly even ideological, that is, look, in 2 years there was first a rapid rapprochement between russia and northern korea. and in fact, well, we remember, north korea recognized all the time, the lpr fully supports all the main steps within the framework of the north military district and the fight against the kiev regime in henian, that is, there is
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belarus and there is north korea, which, within the framework of the northern military district, actually act as a united front, then there is a de facto, i emphasize, non-dejura, but a de facto is our ally, de facto. deura is a strategic partner . tomorrow, within the framework of a bilateral agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership , the corresponding agreement will be signed. self-sufficiency, this is subjectivity, this this is a complex concept, this is independence, this is toughness, and individual elements, they, of course, echo putin’s ideas, which he voiced one way or another, that is, this segment is state-political, it is very important, the second is, of course, military-technical cooperation, we have already... you noted that the line here is partially closed, but absolutely, there is military-technical cooperation, there is, apparently, a space component, kimchinin’s september visit to port
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vostochny, i think, will be naval a component is also cooperation; it would be a sin not to take advantage of north korea’s advantageous position, and so on. the third is what you quite rightly said, zhenya, these are transport and infrastructure areas, not only. hassan, look, it’s coming, i think there will be an unfreezing of this so -called mothballed tumangan transport project, which used to be in a five-sided format, now japan, south korea have been unfrozen, china is catching up, the river is foggy, and this is also additional corridor, and the fourth is trade, yes, tourism and so on, if we sum it all up , of course, two external factors arise, one regional, one positive chinese, i don’t think china is jealous, china is irritated, but... and a special relationship with mkhninyan - these are european allies, they extended the allied one, these are lips and teeth, that’s what they say in china, this is a separate big topic, now i just won’t disclose it, the american
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factor of influence is negative, this is absolutely an enemy, an adversary, and we can not to say that russia, china and north korea are forming some kind of alliance, but this is a deterrent factor for the united states and its allies japan and south korea, so if we put all these four dimensions together, an image appears ... a little historically, but he just can’t get me out of my head, this is the image of the founder of the korean people’s democratic republic, the grandfather of the current leader of north korea, the great kamersen, a huge monument, a huge image, it feels like he is turning to his citizens and saying: i love you i hug everyone, with bright rays of light, as for the importance of the moment, the first here, of course, were to welcome putin to the dprk on sky news, in the live broadcast footage, which
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is noteworthy, sky news is broadcasting putin’s visit to kandre live, despite the fact that putin is still not in the dprk, they managed to say, they say the footage is terrible, historical, a new axis of evil is being formed before your eyes and look how prettier it has become. russia and north korea are two of the four countries that the west is accustomed to calling aggressors; in addition to them, this list includes china and iran. aggressive north korean
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yakutsk, according to sky news, we will return for nothing, consider this a family council, in this state it will probably be difficult for you to manage the factory, i decided to take it. directing myself, i won’t sign the papers, the premiere is on rtr, one thought haunts me, this accident couldn’t have happened just like that, i was thinking of staying here overnight so as not to leave you here alone, it seems to me that your girlfriend won’t like it, i want to end our relationship, i fell in love for real, though for my family stamps, today on rtr, no need to contact him. sign up, it’s a joke, he’ll come to the house himself, so let’s get started.


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