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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  June 19, 2024 11:20pm-2:06am MSK

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the survey did not really give anything, no one saw the moment of the attack, lavrentev was lying from the windows, three saw him, well, how long did he lie there, 15 minutes, no less, so what, in 15 minutes no one came out at all and they didn’t even call an ambulance, no, great, but where do people have a conscience? regarding conscience, in our country there is a universal remedy, this is what i thought the drunk man was called. well, to be honest, not much, but let's watch, come on, maybe some ice cream, come on, wow, who is this, and what's so interesting, just, hello. ok,
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see you tomorrow, bye, bye, nevermind, you can put it in its place, this is her brother, do you remember that no, but she has a brother, well, this is the one who is in london, he used to study at our school, though not did she find out or something, i only moved to this school in the fourth grade, i probably didn’t catch him, even i didn’t find out right away, but he didn’t care.
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well, it’s ready, marya sergeevna, go, look, here’s the gray-haired one, in the central cash register, now he’ll come up, this is lavrentik, here, a real anthill, pay attention to this one, this one, in the caps. which i just came up, i wanted to get through the queue, look, look further, they pushed me away, it’s better not to fight with pensioners in the queue, they ’re going to get away with anyone on their territory, well, maybe he just realized that there’s nothing good for him in the bank today, lenechka, well, show me the image again, with the camera above the exit, now, here, here he comes in 10 minutes earlier, yeah. as if
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he deliberately covered his face, not as if, exactly, here he comes out, look, marya sergeevna, carefully, our lavrentyev comes out first, right behind him is a young man in a cap, looking where lavrentiev went, looks, you see, uh-huh, and also goes out into the street, here is the recording from the surveillance cameras above the entrance, look, our guy came out of the bank in a cap, but didn’t follow the old man. if he had an accomplice, he didn’t have to move in one direction, he set everything straight. listen, you looked for the receipt that he crumpled up in the trash can, in the waste paper basket, i didn’t look, it’s bad, i should have, what are you suggesting that i now go back and the knight is in the trash, well, if i had thought of it right away, then the point is to go back could safely cross out, no, i would still have to go back, i have to. take down the coordinates, the woman who
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stood behind lavrentyev, i probably should n’t have come, why is this, well, everyone has work, everyone is busy, no one cares about me, but i, what about me, i miss you very much, well, with you we correspond every day on skype, well, that ’s not the same, on skype you can’t take me to the cinema after school, you have school, then homework, just don’t tell your mom that we went to the cinema, what are you saying, that i’m completely sick , both will fly in, we had to wait for summer. everyone would have more time and so you're at school, your friends are at school, mom and lugansky don't get out of work, well, anyway, it's better to be together than not to be together, well, yes, without you it would be completely sad, let's run away from here, no, no, no, how you call an ambulance.
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call mom, hurry up, go ahead, yes, honey, hello, wait, what happened... wait, where, wait, i'll be right there, no, i'll be there soon , soon i'll call myself, come on bye, what 's wrong, it's not far from our house, some old woman was hit on the head, her bag was taken away, it was the caller, yes, it was all in front of her eyes, kostya, let's go, i'll go with you, of course, no, no, no, now for you. well , we saw how everything happened, we saw, did anyone see what happened, no one saw, okay,
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now i, now i’ll take you home, how can she, you are relatives, yes, i’m talking about her, but no, no, i’m from the investigative committee , here’s a comrade from the police, does anyone know this woman, no, i don’t know, well, she has a traumatic shock, possibly a concussion, she will live, we’ll take you, we’ll find out where you’re taking us, to the sixth, okay, so, after the locals arrive , then go around the residents and tell them that this is our business we’re taking it for ourselves, what do you think, they’re connected, it looks like that’s it, guys, let’s go home, wait, marya sergeevna. this is the only witness, well , i can somehow handle interviewing these witnesses myself, at home, at home, let's go, girls, why aren't you at school, stop looking, when you speak, yours
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have arrived, excuse me, for god's sake, i now, oh, what is this, yes, you don’t leave, write, write, write, no, i’ll go away, yet. so, dear citizens, i, for example, have no doubt that you are now watching me very carefully, and that it’s especially nice, you all have passports with you, you watched everyone more attentively , please come here, i, yes, yes, yes, come, come, and you too, come, come, let me introduce myself, kurochkin, fyodor mikhailovich, zanevskaya orvd.
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hello, oh, finally, and i see masha is at home, and no one is opening the door, i’ve already started taking out my keys, what happened, my mother is going to interrogate us here, what to interrogate, what have you done, what’s wrong with you, we are witnesses, okay, so, i see you have here... seriously, hello, hello, do it please let us have tea, and then i ’ll cook dinner, and can i find out what’s going on? children witnessed a robbery attack on an elderly woman, perhaps this is connected with the case that i am now leading, well, you weren’t hurt, no, no, but you weren’t hurt
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, who are you listening to, you should have seen their faces when i they came, honest mother, what are you talking about, all this is not foolish, of course, now you will interrogate them, well... well, not interrogate, but interrogate, well, yes, your own children, listen, it’s better this happens here than in the prosecutor’s office, and i’d rather do it than someone else man, so i congratulate you, dear children, you have entered adulthood, you are lucky with the investigator, stern but fair, i know from myself, go make tea, but first i have to make a call, who is the lawyer, protect the children, hello, who , hello, be quiet, hello? lawyer, hello, i printed it out, yeah, thank you, but you can’t tell me, this is an extract from this cash register, of course, so, well,
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nesmetova, kerin, lavrentyev, here is the ural rt, but you won’t have her address in the database there should be data, but not place of residence, registration, no, how much do you have written here, how much do you have to pay, yes, thank you, yes, goodbye, yes, let's go, how much is there in full. i didn’t print it out, i wrote off the monitor, yeah, look, great, but you have some other questions for me, otherwise my work day is ending, yeah, of course, there’s some for you, please sit down, be careful, i have at least three questions for you. firstly, what time are you
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going to leave work today? well, another 15 minutes and i'll get ready. seriously? yes. what is your name? sveta. that's all. svetlana ilinichna kondracheva. which is better? svetlana personal, counter-narrative. third question. where are you going after work? will you be there now? home, they ruined everything, they started so well, they gave the wrong answer to the third question, how did you end up in that yard, if your house is completely in the other direction, i don’t know anything, we didn’t see anything, we weren’t in the yard of that house, we don’t remember anything , dim, what are you teaching children, that’s what i’m teaching them, i’m teaching them how to communicate with law enforcement agencies, okay, and you know that interrogating children in the absence
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of their parents or lawyer is, of course, prohibited, and who do you think i am? and you are an investigator of the investigative committee, you and these are two different things. please go and don’t interfere with my work. so, zlata, what were you doing in that yard? i refuse to answer this question. lugansky, zlat, what kind of business is this, i’m your mother, and lugansky said that you are an investigator, kostya, but you are an adult, you understand that this is serious, this is not a joke, refer to the fifty-first article of the russian constitution, listen, you here i am referring to the fifty- first article, and you know what kind of article this is, no, article 51 gives you the right.
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well, you scared me when you started throwing questions at me, which questions were the simplest and most innocent ones, yes, just by the looks of you, you were very stern, and which ones were innocent? let's pass. so, the first innocent question. do you have a husband, but most importantly, does your husband have a gun? no, i don’t have a husband or a gun, seriously, listen, it’s somehow easier, it always somehow brings you closer, so, and now i’ll ask questions, yes, who’s the investigator here, well, i’m the most innocent, innocent , maybe you have a wife and children, they are innocent, yes, okay, i’ll answer, no i don’t have a wife or children, you’re lying, you’re an honest policewoman, okay, i’ll believe you, since we’ve established complete trust and mutual understanding, i suggest we go somewhere and have a drink for the burdershaft, great. otherwise i don’t know your name, i read on your id that you are an investigator of some rvd, but there is no name, which means my name
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is very simple, fedya, fedya, fedya, fedya, oh, bear, well, i asked , let’s go, the voice task is... kostya, you take zlatik home straight away, okay. no, i wanted to go to a design exhibition. ok then, just be careful, let's pick her up from school. well, if i have time, of course, i’ll pick it up. we need to be on time, no movies, go home after school to do homework. i won't write notes to teachers anymore. russian took took. as for the cinema, it has not been proven. guys, look, we have a family lawyer here
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. yes. bye. bye bye. i also want to go to the exhibition, well, you heard mom, school is straight home, yeah, but we won’t tell you, if he gets away with something, well, you should let them be together, since we can’t do skating, my dear dimochka, the end of the quarter is just around the corner, she has a triple it shines in russian, well, after all, family is more important, the c can be corrected, i... bye, right, bye, bye, no, well, the bandits are understandable, they don’t sleep at night, you bankers, why should you get up in such an area , i found a banker, our clients are also not sleeping, they are guarding who, who knows, we
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probably come to work every day when everything is still closed, they stand, wait, especially now that we are starting to issue pensions. well, everyone needs money, yes, then yes, and you’ll come to meet me in the evening, i can come by during the day, but you just need to come up with a reason, what are we going to do during the day, during the day, well , i don’t know, we can have lunch at lunchtime, let’s better have dinner, dinner, then let’s have breakfast tomorrow, and why didn’t you like breakfast, well... well, you have to think about it, you bastard, listen, do you make this kind of tea from tea bags? well, no, i can dilute the brew, okay, okay, it seems, it seems, it’s your stop, come on, come on, okay, come on, i’m off to work, bye, bye, i can’t. “so,
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the survey of residents didn’t give anything, no, it didn’t give anything if she had at least screamed, but that’s all it happened quickly, and cameras, and what kind of cameras, we have a hard time with this case, i know, you have them everywhere, but also not everywhere, listen, are you taking the case or not, let’s do it this way, if the examination is based on the weapon of the crime.” to my color, i’ll take it, but if not, listen, your friend from the investigation is passing through the same children, okay, i’ll take it, well, that’s great, let’s go, i’ll give it to you, listen, and you’re a good guy, maybe you’ll take a couple more of my hangers, i
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looked through the cases that... i conducted in the last years of my work, alas, the version will have to be placed exclude, with a probability of 99%, most of those who were imprisoned on his business have already left, the most frostbitten ones, they will never be there again, but you looked well at the last year, well, i looked at it first of all, but five people got out, but no, no, they don’t even match their age, how many years old are they, 35, 40, over 30, but definitely up to 40, here the youngest is already over 55, oh well, a negative result is also a result, okay, you keep me in in the know, of course, goodbye,
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oh, hello, korablev, oh, hello, sir, and i i thought i couldn’t wait for you, i left it with the duty officer, the conclusion, oh, well, why lavrentev, you yourself sent me yesterday to this woman in the hospital, well , who was attacked, well, how could she, how could it be worse? , the blow was very strong on the back of the head, i saved a bun, you don’t know, a bun of hair, plus a scarf, because with the evidence , as you understand, i’m most concerned about the weapon , most likely a stick, short, round , i... didn’t cut the beam, i already sent it to spectrography, let’s see what we need will it? well, if the microparticles match, then the crime weapon is the same, will it be ready today? i hope, well, if the equipment doesn’t break, okay, bye people. bye, lena,
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hi, hi, why are you sad? should i quit? no, you don’t have to quit, why? what nonsense? you know, if you send him, he won’t let you live, and if you don’t send him, then wow, it’s terrible, listen,
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he’ll be afraid of your father, he won’t do this, don’t worry, yes, wow, it’s easy for you to say, oh, quietly , i see everything is assembled, hello, hello, oh my beauties, here they are, yes, good afternoon, marya sergeevna, uh-huh, darling, and good morning, and good morning, nikolai petrovich, well, well, my girls, don’t be late for work, remember, i told you, there is such a word, discipline , discipline, uh-huh, marya sergeevna, the case you are currently working on is taking an extremely important turn for us, very much, yesterday they called me from the prosecutor general’s office, they took this case under special control, you know, they will report to me in the evening. definitely, lyudochka, be prepared to stay late, today , yes, after surgery, tell me about your current affairs, i promised to help you
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clear away your overwhelming mountain, yeah, and so, girls, let’s get to work, yeah, let’s go, let’s go, yeah, my dear. grandma, let me bring you a bag, help, he’s robbing, who’s attacking, i didn’t rob you, i just wanted to help, but i wanted to help, i wanted to help, i wanted to hit you on the head and take the money, but the police, what is this?
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yes, this is just from the police, come on, but what about the police now, pensioners carry bags home, they do, but not all employees, only the most responsible ones. so what, as far as i understand, you are with us, rais timofeevna uralskaya, yes, but how do you know, yes, i know everything, i know that yesterday, for example, you stood in line at the savings bank for your pension, well, you stood and what’s wrong, yeah, you don’t remember the man who stood in front of you in line, yes, i remember, he was so impressive, he was pleasant, courteous, in general, they killed him, what? yes, just like that, when he was walking back, don’t you remember the guy who tried to jump the queue, you also attacked him here, like me,
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now, you don’t remember, of course, i remember, you come to berkasa for a pension, they walk away, they climb, they climb out of line, as if our old people have nothing to do at all, it’s hard to stand, that man, that one, oh, how well he shaved him, god, how sorry for him, i understand , listen, i remember the face, i remember it. you can describe it, such an impudent face, a bandit, just like a bandit, but i’m interested in such special signs, there’s height, there’s eyes, hair, height, height, taller than yours, angry eyes, hair, well, there’s more, okay, you know what, let’s then i’ll bring your purse to you now. and then we’ll go for a ride in our clothes, that’s another thing for what? well, how do you need to draw a sidewalk, oh, uh-huh, what a pity man, yes, lord! well, what's
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there? well, we're stuck, so what? and what? nothing, we arrived, how did we arrive, how did we arrive? in 30 minutes the general office will call me, i need to be there, let me catch a taxi, don’t stand there, catch it! how can you catch it here? somehow, we won’t make it in half an hour! oh, bus, what? what bus? well, take the bus? am i on the bus? well, yes. buy a ticket from the conductor, what is 21 rubles? i have a license, what stop? third stop, third stop, let's go, we'll give you the fare, hello, my dears, well, well, where are you pushing, there's nowhere to breathe anyway, and i 'm standing here, and you're pushing, pushing, well, where, well, well, excuse me, the next one gets out, to the next one comes out, i'm on the third one.
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i’m going out, i don’t know what your third one is, well , skip it, well, just open your eyes wider and make them angrier, but to make them angrier , well, to make a villain, you have some kind of normal person, listen, in red i’ll color them later with a felt-tip pen, so somehow, well, i guess so, but i then without... there was, listen, i don’t understand, why are we here then? yes, yes, it looks like, it looks like , it looks like, it looks exactly like it, i saw it without glasses, okay, thank you very much, all the best, then i’ll now arrange for you to be taken to the police station car, thank you, thank you again, yeah, car i 'll call you now, hello, hello,
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hello, hello, fet. goodbye, goodbye, i came to find out what's new on the case, koralyov is here, well, not yet, we 'll be here in a minute, come in, well, let's go, oh, who's that pictured here, and that's the same guy from berkasy, which we are looking for, yes, listen, print it out for me, please, i’ll show it to the children, honestly, marya sergeevna, i would n’t trust this identikit, why, well, because the woman doesn’t see very well, besides, she wasn’t wearing glasses, but i'll try anyway. hello, hello, thank you very much, marya sergeevna, our neighbors passed the case on to me, no matter how it turns out that we got a hangover, it depends on you, it’s up or down, it’s like an identikit, yeah, make me a printout too, moment , i ought to tell you, let them print it too, well this is right for someone, it’s old news or something, but who else will you tell it to, you’re communicating with him,
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i’ll be honest, i haven’t seen him for a long time, stop, fedor! just don’t get drunk there, oh, mom, that’s right, and where are you from, mom, why are you so early, no, don’t talk to me about where you’re coming from, where you went, wait, what about the school bag, what are you we weren’t at home, but what about classes, call lugansky, listen, it’s the end of the term, and you’re hanging out somewhere, quickly go home,
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the united states has relied on hitler and a radical decision. standard olof new jersey invested in the third reich - 120 million dollars, gene motors - 100 million. without foreign money, the war would not have lasted 6 years. the great, unknown war. no matter what anyone says today, we know for sure that our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe and the german people, including from the nazi infection. film by andrey
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medvedev. on saturday at rtr, i was fired, my husband went to see his secretary, and there were tenants living at home. i lived with a married man for a year and a half and i think it’s my husband, my boyfriend left me, sometimes you have to lose everything to find the main thing, so if it weren’t for this accident, we wouldn’t have met you, but i hit you, because i walked away from the blow, and i walked away because i didn’t learn the colors, the intersection on saturday on rtr
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, who else may have information about who and what pension does he receive? well, in the pension fund , in the social security service, yeah, in social security in general such bastards work, especially in ours, there is such a ritka kharitonov, what a creature she is, seriously, why? what are you doing? oh well, it’s a long story, no, well, tell me, tell me, right? i won’t tell you anything, but just remember, if there there is someone who will start. then this is ridka kharitonova, he is our bus, so today you were caught right at the crime scene, mash, well, not at
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the crime scene, but on the way home, at the crime scene, well, this has not been proven, mash, there is irrefutable evidence in the form of a school backpack with books and notebooks that had not even been opened since the last bell. say something, your lawyer is silent, what is it? something to offer? i suggest writing a sincere confession and indicating that you have realized your guilt, repented, sometimes this softens the sentence. i thought that everything could be sorted out somehow, lawyers in movies always have a lot of tricks, yes, yes, this is in the movies, but this is life, and even in our country, do you know, dammit, that we have a guilty verdict? almost 100%, and an acquittal of one and a half, by the way, let’s be serious, look carefully at this composite photo, this man attacked a woman in the yard, i don’t remember exactly, everything happened there very quickly, and i only
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saw him from the back, yes , is it him, are you sure, yes, he is when he picked up the bag, looked at us with a bone, yeah, his face was directly imprinted on me, it even came off yesterday. look carefully, it’s really serious, he, only his eyebrows were thicker and his nose was wider, so, come on, go ahead and get angry. when you get home, call me right away, i need to know for sure that you are at home and doing your homework, how long will this last, what do you mean, how long? well, every punishment has a term, don’t you know that, just don’t say it’s for life, so, lugansky, what are you teaching children, i have enough of this at work, i don’t have to come home, but on the contrary, mom, we
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make sure that you have as much fun at home as at work, then you ’ll come home earlier, what comedians you are, how funny, yes, dimochka, you send me to work, and then you’ll meet me, well, how can i refuse you , thank you, that’s it, bye, bye, good luck, hello, great, that’s also very good, super, thank you, well, what’s the news, i’ll call you right away, bye, at least some good news , yes, yes, staroseltsev called, can you imagine, kurochkin gave him a portrait of the killer, and so the identikit will be in the room today, yeah, and it will also be shown on tv, it’s amazing, can you imagine, may i? so wait, i came in, you went somewhere,
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you can ask the duty officer, did you see, lucy, smartly, yes, why, lucy, i’m talking about a case that is under special control at the general office. i have to find out from the newspapers from the prosecutor's office, and when they call me from the general office, i have to bleat and mumble something indistinctly in response to them, but why were you bleating, nikolai petrovich? "so, now even the most insignificant details in this case, immediately report to me, you understand, you understand, you can go, yes, go, but you understand everything, i understand, that’s it, nikolai petrovich, i’ll go harder, no, no, lucy, you stay late, we’re not finished yet, marya sergeevna, free, well..." here's lucy, here's
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your case, that's what immediately catches your eye, what can i advise? you probably chose this profession on purpose to bother your wife, but i don't have any wife, but i don't it was never, future, listen, i can fool my head even without work, it’s true, but not for you, with you, everything is serious with us, seriously, but seriously, so don’t fool me, i don’t believe you, okay, in fact , i have to run to work, and in general, they’ve already been waiting for you, nothing, wait, come on, come on, let’s go to work.
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so it’s even more interesting, according to the results of the examination, the weapon is the same, just... yeah, and you’re not mistaken, marya sergeevna, well
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, intuition, plus the similarity of the crime scene, well, not very much, however, this gives us practically evidence no, an identikit, but there are also examples of handwriting, these are chickens from the savings bank, i found them in a garbage can, what is this for obscenity, i think no one would write anything just like that, and he needed to display some scribbles on a piece of paper, but he definitely didn’t do it once... the prints were checked, of course, but they were poorly preserved on such paper, if he i dropped my fingers in ink, if you don’t get to the point, so wait for the next one, but no, i’m still hoping for an identikit, today they should show the tv, hello, hello, where were you walking, didn’t walk anywhere, by the way i was studying the territory near the crime scene, what, what, what, there the grandfather was killed, oh, in short, he could have ended up in
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the yard, earlier than the grandfather, there is no way to get into the cell, there is another way through the construction site, but the passage is blocked, so how could a person with a stick not hobble, but a healthy person is quite, yeah , which cuts a lot, well, i think i would have had time to smoke while my grandfather was hobbling, that is, he could act alone, theoretically he could. why are you sitting here? mash, if i smoked, i went out to smoke, what? i feel so uncomfortable about all this. darling, one call to your father, and he will calm down this lout. well, you know it’s also somehow embarrassing to call my father and talk about it, especially since we had an argument with him, with whom? with father? yes, we haven’t
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spoken for 2 weeks, why? well, this has nothing to do with the matter, but to call and ask him for something now, i don’t even know what ’s better, this or you coming to me? yes, marya sergeevna, is there a visitor to see you about some portrait in the newspaper? oh, you know that you will detain her so that she doesn’t go anywhere, now i’ll come up in a second, okay, mash, can i sit with you, please, otherwise filonov will call, well, i can’t do it anymore, thank you. poor thing, yes, excuse me, you can, yes, of course, come in , come in, have a seat, please , thank you, hello, hello, so, are you talking to us about an identikit, yes, uh-huh, here,
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please take a look, it’s him, he’s shameless . well, wait, don’t be upset, tell me first where you saw him and what he did to you, he came home, showed me his id, and then robbed me, calm down, please, let’s just start from the very beginning, this exactly him, yes he is, he is this fillon, who? dafilonov, nikolai petrovich. “i wrote off his name and position from the id. so, listen, for some reason nothing else came to my mind. yes, you’ve already
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received too much, social security, the passport office, the pension fund, most importantly, it’s just not clear at all who look there. let's get our bearings. i'm... i'm going to the pension office, and you're going to the passport office, ha, so it turns out that i'm going to two, and you're going to one, fyodor, i'll try, across the whole city ? , and you're in area practically on foot, at a walking pace, especially since social security and the passport office are actually located in the same building, that’s how you, how you get out of any situation, there’s a feeling that you’re taking the situation and, as it were... under you’re pushing yourself out of it, well, that’s why i’m here in the first place, hello, yes, yes, svetlana , hello, well, no, we can’t win, the bosses have loaded me with work here, i also need to go to social security at the passport office, where to the passport office, i say, but nowhere before that, but
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no, it seemed to you, okay, everything is fine, when i'm free, i'll call you, bye bye. pieces of paper, who is this, yes, yes, love, let's see, okay, let's see you, maybe in the evening, maybe . the only collision in modern history was supposed to show everyone that it was germany that would rule the world in the next thousand years, deciding the fate of countries, peoples and civilizations, without the help of foreign states hitler could not have unleashed.
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this topic is taboo in germany. until the last moment, great britain did not abandon its hopes of finding some kind of compromise with the nazis. people. film by andrei medvedev on saturday rtr. i fell in love with someone else. natasha. i'm going to her. get out. get out of my life. on friday.
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positive, efficient people should work in the service sector, and not such a dull amoeba like you. dad, i'm pregnant. “my guys have arrived, you know each other, you’ve crossed paths, by chance, by the way, there are no coincidences in life, if you need my help, promise that you’ll call me, you’re not indifferent to her, dad, the flower queen needs to be won, isn’t it, who am i, you, my light, you? my light. on friday on rtr. it's late afternoon came. showed his id. and you let him in, well, what if he’s from the investigative committee, why did you decide that he’s from the investigative committee, it
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was written on his id, well, you never know, my god, my god, i know that there are a lot of crooks , that's it, she said that i would check, they checked, checked, yes, she called, asked, yes, they said that one of them works, only now he is not there, he drove off, yes, and how did he explain his visit? well, he said that he was investigating fraud in the social security department, that they were not paying me extra pension, it was illegal, i was for my husband i receive the deceased’s pension, yeah, it was assigned to me after he died from the academy of sciences, so he needed something from you, so he started asking for various documents, i showed everything, and then, when i went to another room for the award ... books, here, here , here he probably stole, but what
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is missing from you? 80,000 rub. all savings and a jewelry box. where were they? well , in the same place, in the same place as the documents he looked at. yeah, when did you discover it was missing? straightaway. i started cleaning everything up, i saw that i cried all night, please calm down, calm down, we'll take a piece of paper now, we'll carefully write everything down, what happened in my office, why, mash, you know that i can snatch this from you with my hands, yes people, let's go, let's go,
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"hello, lenechka, listen , you won’t remind me of the social security address, i lost a piece of paper. how, how? yeah, i understand, thank you, well, i’ll go look for it, if everything is in order, then write it down, it’s written correctly from my words. , and i read it. uh-huh. i ticked it, sign it. yes, please, will you find him, well, this filonov? of course, of course, we will find it. well, jewels, not all of them, are just precious as a memory. yes. there's a gold ring there. yes. my mother also wore it. don't worry, i think we will find everything and return it to you. here. everything is fine. when you are recognized as a victim, you will need to come again and sign the order. okay, we'll call you, okay, i can go, you can go, bye,
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bye, bye.
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hello, hello, are you klide timofeevna? of course, if she's the boss, the fact is that she's not here right now, she's at lunch, maybe i can help you with something, ho, i’m sure you will, but who are you? i am her deputy, and you, i, uh, me, zanevsky rvd. kurochkin fedor mikhailovich. killed someone? every day someone is killed. is your name fedor? fedya. and you, margarita. what do i know about margarita? margarita kharitonova. how do you know this? the police know everything. what else do i know? margarita kharitonova didn’t have lunch today? no. let's have lunch. i'll. i invite you, and during lunch you will tell me some details about your work, i didn’t know that the police were gallant,
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courteous men, you know, that is , right? then you will also clarify something for me, okay, i need to get dressed, just a second, and lyusya, nikolai petrovich, i was just about to invite you to my place, what are you talking about, yes, listen, how wonderful you are. thank you, thank you, and i was just on my way to see you, but great, great, please, you look amazing, but what are you, what are you, so to speak, i love you, so no, let’s do your business first, nikolai petrovich, i have my passport i won’t ask you,
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i’ll write down the data tomorrow in the hr department. passport, i didn’t understand something, please remember where you were yesterday, around 7:00 pm, yesterday, uh, at 7 pm, uh-huh, - well, you were probably at home, at home, wow, great, can anyone confirm this, why, oh, why, you you are being interrogated as a suspect in the okrybe case. the case was initiated at the personal request of citizen evdakimova and after carrying out
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priority investigative actions, among other things. here at home at around 7:00 pm you were alone, but no one can confirm this, yes, that’s how i write it down, wait, lyusya, are you kidding me, what kind of lucy am i to you, please, you, researcher kolonkova, can you show me your service id now, that is, i
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can show you your service id, please, right now, i’m waiting, i ’ll show it to you now, i’ll show it to you now, so, so, so, now , now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now. that i don’t understand anything, i forgot the house or maybe they didn’t find nikolai petrovich, but i think he
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forgot it at home, yeah. this means that you cannot present your official id right now, citing the fact that you forgot it at home, that’s all, luda, where are you running from? i went to get something to eat, do it, bring it back. no, tomorrow after the final bet with the victim, are you kidding, seriously, well, like ours, have you ever seen little green men? no, go and look at filonov, so where else would you go, where would you go, to the accounting department, why do you need to go to the accounting department, rumors are most likely spreading from there, that’s it, i’m off, stop it.
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okay, thank you, this is my little professional secret, uh-huh, so you won’t tell me where it’s from? you know my name, well let you remain my professional secret, reptile, reptile, light, svetlana, again you're taking my man away from me, creature, svetlana, i don't understand, how do you even find out about them, are you following me or something, light, light, light, but i don't need them, light, she doesn’t need them, but they themselves run away from you like the plague, they run away on their own, i have nothing to do with it, i don’t understand why you treat me this way, how i ’ve liked life all my life from school itself, remember kindergarten, yeah, and i remember, you ’ve been eating carrion ever since you were born, i apologize, who’s the carrion, what did you say, and you’ve been eating carrion ever since, my dear mine, and a loser, it’s clear, i’ll kill you, don’t, what are you, light, listen,
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you’re crazy, you even realize what you’re going to report, but she’ll kill, now, she killed one yesterday, she’s lying there dead, yes , problems you have problems, but no, i... i don’t need them, especially after you, and i don’t need this one either, it’s clear that you’re a fool, what a bastard you are, keep it, which means we have something in the bank, the size of the pension, but there are no photographs; at the passport office it’s just the opposite. in the pension fund to get personal files, we need a high clearance, what remains is social protection, and there is just one thing and another, kurochkin will now tell us everything, what is and what
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is, come on, sit down, what can you see, come on , sit down, what happened, nothing happened, that i got into a fight or something, i never fight at all, raise your head, where did you manage to do that, is there vodka, no, why not, well, there is cognac, give me cognac, okay, raise your head, are your teeth intact, intact? well, you give, and what hurts, but it doesn’t hurt, drink it, whatever it is, nothing, sew it together, nothing, it has nothing to do with the matter at all no, i was in love, i was, by the way, you can say that i wasn’t, what happened, come on, if i was disappointed in love, i ’m telling you for sure, only a jealous husband could straighten out the tarets like that. where does this knowledge of jealous husbands come from? i’ve been living for a long time, you can give me a ride to the social security office, i don’t have a car today, no problem, sit down, i can wait for you, no, no, then i’ll run to the passport office, find out who’s taking care of the elderly there, and
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whether they’re doing it at all, no more than half an hour, good good. sorry, nothing.
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hello, where are you timofeevna, i'm going to to the head of the department, she won’t be there today, maybe i can help with something, i’m her deputy, well, maybe, maybe. now, here i am from the investigative committee, investigator shvetsova, yeah, one of the police was there today, yes, and what happened to him, but i don’t know what happened to him, what question are you on? well,
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maybe we can sit down somewhere and talk? have a seat, thank you, that means, as i understand it, each of the... yes, each employee manages the affairs of the employees, the affairs are assigned according to house numbers, territorial principle, for each several blocks are assigned, but to whom is it assigned? on the cart, we need to find out, uh-huh, hello, oh, ir, are you at work today? yes, but i was going to leave soon, i feel very bad. tell me, please, are you driving the cart? yes, i am, and you can print out all the data on your tenants and more cards for me, please bring them. okay, okay, thanks. please tell me exactly why. what interest? well, i
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can’t say that, it’s a secret investigation, you know? is your job interesting? yes very interesting, but not simple, here’s to the girl from the investigative committee, please give it to ir, why are you going to work so sick, please tell me, it’s scary to look at you, i can go, go. she’s a good girl, but lately she’s been getting sick a lot, we keep saying, she went to get checked out, suddenly something serious happened, she doesn’t want to, yeah, yeah, and she’s been sick for a long time, yeah for six months, probably, uh-huh, suddenly she has something really serious.
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oh, excuse me, tell me, here under the performer, is that her last name? yes, for what is this a punishment for a person? in what sense? yes, i’m talking about irka, you know, her boyfriend was imprisoned, she is already... waiting for him, and now this disease has become attached to her, and why was she imprisoned? there is some very dark story there, irka says that there is something unfair there, like robbery and they gave me 5 years, tell me, can i call her again, i want to talk to her, but, of course, no one will take it, hello, ir, is that you?
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where is irka? uh-huh, she left, okay, thank you, she has already gone home, that’s right, i see, well, it’s time for me too, thank you very much for your help, goodbye, all the best, uh-huh. well, listen, you’ve been standing for a long time, for what, 10 minutes, i’ve been standing, i haven’t seen, i haven’t passed by, there’s this girl here, very small, thin, blonde, yes, yes, yes, she almost tore down my door, she didn’t hit me as fast as she could, that means she was in a hurry to get somewhere, ma'.
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i just wanted to say that she leads the area where old people were robbed, and she is also a drug addict, well, i should have said right away, i have the address, now we’ll get through it. somewhere here, uh-huh, yes, well, maybe we’ll get up, no, we’ll wait for the outfit, that’s enough one wounded chicken, there really is some kind of dark story with him, oh, i just saw this dark story, yes, yes, look where i know where to sit here
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, wait, wait, they will shoot. everything is fine. chili with his feet, stand, go, wait, well, death
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has come, ink, i could live.
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there's a pandemonium here, you have nothing else to do because this is a colleague, there won't be a confrontation so why are you gathered here anyway and why are you shveytsova detained a real criminal yesterday. nikolai petrovich, come to see you, no, no, lyudmila andreevna, just be okay official necessity. good good.
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the attack was carried out on a car with security, transporting a large sum of money, so it’s not a cash-in-transit car, no, the transportation was provided by the bank’s own security service, we should probably take an interest in this bank, continue, four guards and one raider were killed, the attackers fled in the car, after all, the numbers are now
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being punched, yes, one of the attackers is wounded, a pursuit is underway, and how many were stolen, according to preliminary data, more than 10 million, the amount is being clarified, something has arrived, there is data, well, that means... stas, come on, come on, come on, quickly, come on, saved, corporal, let's go, come on, stas, come on,
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help, brother, i can do it. sorry.
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so look, he left here, the only possible option, just teach him, he is a lawless man, he finished off his wounded driver, second, he has a heavy bag with money with him, he can leave with it, or he can throw it somewhere and bury it in boiled water,
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so keep in mind, that means, yes, when criminals appear, we work to kill, run , march, well done, a real man, commander specific, so there are no losses among his fighters, we bury the boys under the orchestra, where are these experts, are they walking or something, why are you making noise, they’ll come up now, by the way, are you a photo of this murdered man? how can i get it off this camera, or what? problem. is this the dead raider? yes, pershin sent a photo. his name is stas sidorov. you are sure? absolutely. i knew him very well, he is angelica’s brother, well, in the sense of vera sidorova. well, remember the call girl? and this is the one who was like your informant, like this, this is her brother,
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i worked as a taxi driver, and the guy seemed to have been finished off, shot in the head, at point-blank range, yes, it looks like that, listen, this changes a lot, let ’s go, where, where to anzhelika, well, i mean to sidorova, she should be in the know things to do, there ’s also death here... let’s try to use this, comrade captain, maxim has lost the trail, the devil is gone, so get down quickly, search, search, come on, search, so, well, we’ve examined everything here, that’s it, let’s leave from here. ver, yes, you understand who the corporal is, what he did to you, that
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you defend him so much, dragged your brother into a criminal gang, or set him up for a bullet, why are you defending him so much? guys, leave me alone, and don’t treat me, i don’t know any copral, i don’t know where my brother is and what he’s doing now, you don’t know. no, i don’t know, if you want, i’ll tell you where your brother is now and what he’s doing now, come on, tell me, since you ’re so smart, you know everything, he’s now in the morgue, with a bullet in his head, the corporal provided this bullet for him there, like that , and you sit here and wait for them to come to you with big money, to tell you, what are you waiting for, if only you could i waited in my head, like your brother? you understand that you are expendable material, you are cannon fodder here, it’s not true, it
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’s not true, you’re lying, it’s not true, it’s not true, no, sit down, calm down, now you’ll see everything for yourself, no, it’s not true, look, no, it’s not true , bring some water, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, well, when she gave the injection, she needed to sleep, let her rest, they grew up with stas, he was like a father and mother to her, everyone wanted to rise up, get rich, so here we go got rich, look, i dug up something here, from this computer someone paid for electronic tickets, which means the tickets must be here, i just can’t find them yet, look in the mail, yes, they’re not there, in the folder personally or mine, now wait, are they personal, look, they ’re there. so a ticket for stas, here, here, here, a ticket for kopralov, his flight is in
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half an hour, let's go, wait, but the young lady can't leave her alone, come on, you're here, and i'm going. i promise you, i’ll come later and help you sort out your emergency, that’s it, now i’ll send you everything, there’s all the materials, photos and dossiers,
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great, well, they detained me, great, alas, i must disappoint you, this is your corporal at his headquarters and not... how can this be? i don’t know how, but this is a fact, my operatives checked everything thoroughly, they even visited the cabin of the plane, checked every passenger, he was not on the plane, well, he passed registration, he passed registration in the landing zone, it was recorded, then he disappeared , we checked all the nooks and crannies, there is no sign of him, where could he have gone from the arrival area, and i myself am amazed, although purely theoretically, it is possible to get out of the area, but for this you need to try hard and know corresponding clever moves and exits, so what? what to do now, okay, i'm off, wait, you promised to help me with my serious bodily problems, you gave your word, by the way, you also promised me, where is the bandit, listen, well, we were plowing anyway, but oh well, you were plowing, but not they told you what you need, in general, the victim was taken to the central hospital, you are now in the city, well, at least conduct the first interrogation, because i have to drive my man, well
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, i’m up to my neck, you’re not up to my neck, he’s also he's making money for you, come on, give me your data, yes, there is no data, unknown... well, you’ll find it there, especially since he was taken from the airport, that’s it, i understand, well, we did everything we could, the patient has a severe traumatic brain injury, brain contusion, will there be amnesia or not, it’s still unclear. what kind of conversations are there, what forecasts? yes, no predictions, if he comes back in an hour or two, well, maybe he will draw a verbal portrait of the offender, but if not, then he will be a vegetable for the rest of his days. in short, from zero to infinity. well, as they say, two cubits on the map. i understand that
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i have to ask and i know the answer. and you don't are you going back? and what do you have here , everyone is walking in heaven, playing along with themselves on the harp, figuratively, bravo, bravo, no, well, of course, we don’t have gardens, but it can’t be compared with your work, we call it a service, yes, you told me about this, igor borisovich, apparently i’ve already stopped chasing crooks for the rest of my life, but maybe i’ll just give up on all this?
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oshyr said that the victim came to his senses from the airport, he can talk, you’ll go, listen, give me a round, we’ll call him, let him send his people there, so who swears gave, let's go, by the way, i have an idea where the corporal went from the airport, i'll tell you on the way. well, holobschik, i
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think that you are absolutely healthy, look at natalya sergeevna, a completely unique case, just yesterday. with unpredictable consequences, and today he’s as healthy as a cucumber, all green with pimples, uh-huh, natalya sergeevna, i have a convincing request to you, don’t tire the patient, okay, gennady andreevich, you can talk to me, okay, i’m from the police, senior lieutenant burkha natalya sergeevna, i really talk now for now.
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photographs of different men, maybe you don’t bother, i’ll show you now , recognize any of them, look. this, this is him, i recognized him, you are absolutely sure.
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and there are lodgers living at home, i lived with a married man for a year and a half and i think it’s my husband, my boyfriend left me, sometimes you have to lose everything to find the main thing, if it weren’t for this accident, we wouldn’t have met, and i wouldn’t have met you hit, in that she escaped from the blow, but escaped because he didn’t learn the colors, intersection. on saturday on rtr.
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in general, smolyanitsk checked in for a flight to belgorod. since the flight departed without any comments, it means that all passengers boarded after check-in. that is, your corporal flew to belgorod instead of smolinsky. the next flight there is in half an hour. are you flying? herself? you’ll send it yourself, of course, you ’ve disclosed serious bodily injuries to us, and you’re also flying after the criminal yourself, i have to help at least with something, and practically to my own unit, of course i have to, uh-huh, the number understood what you prefer, but that’s not what i had in mind i mean, generally juice, undiluted, freshly squeezed, okay. major peshin, viktor kirillovich. major, vyacheslav
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grigorevich bykov, you know, i was warned about your visit, sit down as soon as you arrived, listen, colleague, come on, maybe straight away, without ceremony, after all, i’m the head of the opera, well, of course, the head office of the ministry of internal affairs didn’t sneeze, listen , i don’t carry out inspections, and it’s not the police who came here to cheat, so... we’ll work, we’ll, sit down, so while you were flying, the operatives gave all the feasts. all the local police officers were raised, only one stuck, the day has already passed, so your corporal could have already wandered out of the city, it’s possible, but he got here by accident, so let’s assume that he’s still here, since he got there by accident, it means he has no connection where he could lie down, it’s a problem again, we have a big private sector, good grandmothers, so take off the corner to skim the aran, come on, mother,
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come on, then look, if from the side of the old city, the guys go to the station correctly, straight to the right, you can’t go wrong there, thank you, just a minute, sasha, police lieutenant bobkov, show us your documents, please, what's wrong, guys, you're looking for someone, documents, we were just late for the station, i said documents, well, documents, so documents, pyotr petrovich ragozhnikov, take off your cap, where are you going? , i’m telling you, i’m going to the station, to moscow, i’m late, i’ll go, and you’ll have to go with us to the police station for a more thorough check,
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there are no objections, but what kind of objections are these? it’s necessary, that means it’s necessary, listen, i’ll just call my people, otherwise they’ll be worried, hello, march, listen, right here, don’t yell, wait, yes, it's quite a task. well, where to look for him here, to start a total inspection of the entire private sector, it’s a dull and unpromising thing, so i suggest we close the railway station, of course he won’t go by train, but by train you can get to moscow in even less than a day, easily and naturally, and without control, but i’ve already talked to the transport line officers, they will let the squads into the
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train cars. glory, trouble, two patrolmen were shot at the station, everyone was on alert there, damn, i'm telling you, you write it down, i was over there, of course, then, what happened next, what did i hear, like a bang, doctor, well, he’ll live, right? don’t bother me, the bullet went straight through, the damage is unknown, he’s bleeding heavily, he needs to go to the operating room urgently, excuse me, leave, well, the first one was right there, i heard the second one, so they tried to detain them and he, listen, it’s not the same one, he came for someone, it’s very possible that there are witnesses, well, they’re working with them, an interception was announced in the city, now the whole city is on
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the ears... it will stand, damn it, if i catch him, i beat myself without any yakakh, okay, let's go to the hospital, maybe this guy will have to behave like his bobkov, vadim olegovich, the second, damn, i don't remember, let's clarify, let's go, he was wounded sergeant bobkov died, before his death he managed to identify the copral from the photo and report that during the arrest he presented documents addressed to pyotr petrovich ragozhnikov. in belgorod , it was not possible to obtain any information about the copral, apparently he was really planning to leave the city and he has no connections there, just at the station he detained, but did he have things? apparently not, otherwise the witnesses to the incident would have definitely noticed, which means there is no big money on him, apparently the money taken during the raid remained in moscow, the corporal will definitely return for it. well, this is understandable, the question is how soon and how many more people he can kill during this time. there are specific proposals. there is a consideration. ask. the corporal is sure that
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the patrol. they died in belgorod, which means he won’t throw off narogozhnikov’s documents. next: the corporal did not get this passport in belgorod, in moscow through his connections. a why then, after the robbery, was he going to escape using his old passport? well, i think he was counting on the success of the raid or didn’t want to reveal new documents, but that’s not the main thing. the main thing is who made him this new passport? this could be a clue. agree. hammer, anton andreevich. and one more proposal. the corporal attacked the gray collectors, right? certainly. it’s not for nothing that we still don’t know the exact amount of the stolen money, suggest we use this, send information through the network of informants that the money is shared and announce the reward officially television, let it come to that. the criminals will get involved, and we will see at the right moment that we will seize the initiative. interesting, good, accepted, i’ll take the tv people, go ahead. hello oshtokha, thanks to your
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efforts, it’s time for us to have a funeral. in 2 hours, yes, yes, now, it seems to me, i forgot something, i can’t understand that stas’s documents, i have them, tell me where he will be buried, he will be cremated, and then you yourself will decide where his urn is bury, come on, let's go, we have to go, wait, can i go alone, it will be easier for me, listen, well, you know that no one of ours was not involved in stas’s death, the only one interested is the corporal, he was the one who removed the witness, but understand, i can’t let you alone in such a situation, i
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understand everything perfectly, but this doesn’t make it any easier for me, let’s go, huh then we will be late, as if it were possible to be late for a funeral.
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he won’t break through, others can start, the thread will be pulled up, who will do what? oh, okay, what is a point without an ace, we’ll figure it out, don’t worry, i’ll think about it somehow, i’ll advance this topic, and you go ahead, go, don’t worry, i don’t i worry about myself, about you. “that’s why i appreciate you, that’s why i’m working with you, okay, enough of this, let’s go, come on, i have a funny little man, let’s go, it’s
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interesting, very useful!” “you, how did you get here? you gave me the keys yourself, that’s how i ended up, i couldn’t come to the funeral, there were cops there, they probably came to you every centimeter after.
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i believe you! i don’t want to, thank you, well, we’ll do it what to do, it’s dangerous here, there are your portraits on every pillar, you need to urgently go... from moscow, wait somewhere,
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sit out until everything calms down, why? moscow is a big city, it’s easy to get lost, especially with money, we are now left alone, there is no one to share with, so everything is now ours, you know, no matter how much money you have, it still won’t be enough for your whole life, depending on how you live , there's more information there. a hundred lemons, if you live normally, don’t become proud, that’s enough for two lives, oh, i wish i could buy some land, or crush some town, that’s how the pushchevskys held it, they would still hold it if they hadn’t gone crazy, so we would too, but for now you need to lie down for one, and then the queen you’ll become mine, but who did you take the money from, they didn’t...
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at different ticket offices in moscow, using the passport of pyotr petrovich rogozhnikov, seven different tickets were purchased for different trains departing from different stations at the same time, bought by an unidentified woman. so what do you think this is? was the corporal really planning to leave, or was this a deception? i think the maneuver is to put us on the right track, to convince us that the corporal has left moscow, no matter how we control the stations, trains, there is still a chance. that's why he counts, and nevertheless, it is necessary
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to form groups and send them with trains, although i also think that this is a dummy, where a smart person hides a leaf in the forest, the easiest way to hide is in moscow, especially with a large amount of money, well, people will be needed in groups, we need to work things out, i’ll resolve this issue with management, prepare a plan, there’s something, so what’s up? can i have a look? no, wait, don't move. i'll take some photos now and then you can see. look at me. smile. everything is possible. no, wait. let's do it again. look. here, now you can. oh, look, it's not bad. you are my stylist. now you can take a walk, otherwise you’re already tired of sitting in huts. i also bought you a new suit and
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boots, not like the cops, no one will know, listen, what kind of hut is this, a reliable hut, 100% clean, the girls and i rented it for vip clients, the local policeman here has his own, money he regularly eats and doesn’t interfere with anything, but you’re great, well , wait, wait, go change your clothes to meet us, and i’ll follow you, first things to do, and then everything else. fourth, i’m listening to you, the train was inspected, the object was not found, it is customary to accompany the train to the first station, then return, the end of communication, while everything is deaf, nothing like a corporal, well, actually, as expected, well, there are still three trains left, suddenly it will hatch, there is little chance, but let's wait, fifth, i’m listening to you, the train was inspected, the object was not found, accepted, accompany the train to the first station, then return, no connection, two left, which means it’s still
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a dummy, wanted to divert attention or was being checked, or both, what are you talking about says, yes, that he’s not going anywhere in moscow is going, but let's wait for the end of the check, all the most interesting things always happen at the end, suddenly, if at all, the seventh to the first, yes, the seventh, i'm listening to you, everything was examined, the object was not found, accepted, accompany the train to the first station, then come back, the end communications. such women are never free, you fool, everything happens, i would turn around now, no, a dress the color of the sea, premiere on saturday on rtr, many thought i was crazy, no, that’s not true, sometimes mistakes prepare us for main meeting, i still can’t live without this woman. we have been together for more than 19 years, we have no
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children together, but this does not concern anyone, this is our life, i am happy with this life, the fate of a person with... i made sure that you are you, and not the cops or the fsb, what do you need whatever, i need documents, well, i understand that it’s not cosmetics or potatoes, specifically what you need, specifically, you need a passport and a license, but the main thing is that it’s of a higher standard, well, the higher the standard, the higher the price, what you’re asking for, will cost 3000, huh? rubles, of course, i know, i’m a patriot for my money, i’m kidding, it’s just that ours is more difficult to fake, it’s good, it’s good, only payment is strictly based on the result, plus i need a guarantee that in at least a year the product will not turn into fluff, the guarantee is delicious, this is quite
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enough so that in case of any problems complications, they knocked on the door, you understand me, and you... are a serious person, or rather the one who sent you to me, that’s great, you said, i heard you, it seems that’s exactly what i said, and you’re right we heard, let's take photos, tomorrow it was all here, at the same time. well, what did you say? he announced 300 grand, i don’t have that kind of money, think for yourself. damn, i don’t have that kind of money, i’ll have to take a risk and go
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to the hiding place for money. okay, i'll go in the morning. i just need a car, can you get it? i think, yes, okay, let's go, okay, boss, the turtle called, what kind of turtle, tortilla, or something, you should still be joking, there 's no time for jokes, people were making a fuss, they were looking for the corporal, they were pulling the door to account , whoever helps thanks, whoever refuses or covers, is immediately expended. corporal, this is the one who took the money from obshchikovsky, yes, he is the one, his they declared all this to be a lawlessness. and who is in the know, with whom to talk, although wait, i
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know it myself, well, let’s go, quickly, before it starts, he would keep making jokes, there is far from time for jokes, as if he wouldn’t get into trouble. well , tell me, if you came, people told me that the thieves have an interest in one person, they stole his name, yes, there’s a terrible mistake on him, he took public money and killed people, but i heard that he killed collectors, strangers, therefore not people, but suckers, fat bankers , tickled. oho, you heard, and wrong, you i heard that this bank is obshchikovsky, respected people hold it, podvorod protection, whoever gives a tip on the copral, a bonus, and then
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protection, i personally am a lemon in this place. i give you my word as a thief, why have you come? talk or empty? koutir, dear, did i ever come to you with bullshit, i’m always strict, specific, well, what can you say, what’s wrong? and you don't believe me? i believe, of course i believe, but it’s never harmful to hear for yourself, but speak, listen, today it was a few hours ago, yes, and you serious man? or rather the one who sent you to me. the corporal is 100 pounds, i recognized him. i recently did the paperwork for him, and he, apparently, did not directly decide not to show up, but through bixa, she found me, said the word, we met, well, i promised her by tomorrow, they shot the arrow.
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that means so. don’t go to the arrow, forget the proxies, i’ve gone through everything, if everything is in price, the money will be there, go, don’t come yourself, i’ll find you myself, what about you, when i let loose like a fish , well, go. corporal, well, time and place of meeting
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known, this is a summer cafe 15:00, i think it is possible to make an arrest. anton andreevich, do you support the plan? no, it seems to me that our old plan is better and safer, the cafe is the most inconvenient place to be detained. a lot of people, a street, a passer-by, and then, we have no guarantee that the copral will come to meet us again, he could be watching from afar somewhere, i agree, viktor kirillovich, what do you think, i agree, an apartment and a cafe are not suitable for such a detention, i think this meeting would only be good for something unforeseen, well, no, let’s plan everything so that nothing unexpected happens, we’ve had enough, so we’ll act on the first option, i agree, i agree. okay, then proceed, nightingale and borch, i’ll let you know, there is,
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well, thank god, why is it taking so long, and why are you twitching, yet calmly, you know, careful. protects, and not the careful, menst protects, i heard this saying, i haven’t heard it and i don’t want to hear it, i brought the car, here are the documents, here are the keys, it’s at the entrance, well done, where did i rent it, by the way, simple and tasteful, but if something goes wrong, let’s say it’s been stolen, where, well, you’re like wild at the box office, nothing, you’ll live for a couple of years like a normal person, you’ll understand, you’ll get used to it, so okay, you get ready for now, eh i ’m looking for money, otherwise it’s really somehow dangerous here, but i feel sorry for my house, after
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all, it was bought with big money, it’s okay, we’ll sell it, we’ll buy another, that’s it, i left. the object came out to get into the car. accepted, remove the observation, do not pursue the object, i repeat, do not pursue the object, remove the observation, understood, remove the observation.
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corporal, by chance you ’re not looking for a bag with money, it’s not there, don’t even think about it, immediately the lethal fire slowly turned around. come to me, weapons on the ground, on the ground, hands behind your head, well done, otherwise i’ve
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become kind of nervous, reacts to any movement, top! well, what are you doing, well, everything is fine, it’s already over, let’s go, you’re great, do you hear, you accepted. a very correct decision, the most correct one in your life, you can’t even imagine how much i want to live a normal life, i want to live like normal people, i want to be just a faith, not this stupid angelica, well, live like that, who ’s stopping you, but angelica is not stupid, she’s the marquise of angels.
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good evening, broadcast from st. petersburg, in the news without fears studio, briefly about the main thing. ships, submarines, missile launchers the international naval show opened in kranstatt. five sorting stages near kinggesep are preparing to launch the region's first waste treatment facility. free kindergartens, extension of the regional maternity capital program. social day palace. marching along the palace graduates of military schools, suvorov, nakhimov and cadets received certificates.
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petersburg today. an international naval show opened in the center of world attention in kronshtat on fortov island . zhanna skvartsova talks about the first day of the forum. the russian knights kept the intrigue until the last, but they did not wait for the weather over the sea, the wind is certainly not scary for the russian aces, but this is not a combat or training flight, a real aerial performance, and low clouds could hide aerobatics from the audience, but they were lucky . under the cradle of the russian fleet a world-famous aerobatic team: heavy-class fighters under the control of pilots maintain a distance of only 3 meters with pinpoint precision. the ultra-maneuverable capabilities of the newest su-35 are embodied in spectacular figures, petlyanesterov, the bell, dissolution, the spectacular opening of the naval salon. participants of the salon will be able to demonstrate innovative developments, new design solutions and advanced
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technologies of the military-industrial complex, the largest. russia, different countries. the island became the new home for the naval salon fortov, a citadel of innovation that embodies the appearance of kronstatt. this is not only a popular tourist cluster, but also an example of careful preservation of the history of the russian fleet. the restoration of the forts is underway, the last year of restoration, i hope that in the twenty-fifth year the forts will open their doors to tourists. when at the walls of the bastion of fort peter ii they talked about the future of the ambitious restoration project in the congress and exhibition. center, where the legendary nuclear submarine k3 stands, there was already a demonstration of the achievements of the maritime industry, and if not by the legendary, then at a minimum, many developments can be called unique, here is the future of the russian submarine fleet - a small submarine, capable of conducting covert patrols even in shallow waters, and this is an unmanned robotic hydrographic boat, has successfully passed tests and is ready to patrol coastal zones, is being demonstrated to foreign
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customers for the first time, it is really very interesting to follow the scope of technical innovations in your industry and in particular the russian fleet is impressive. more than 200 leading russian companies presented their developments foreign companies. st. petersburg confirmed its leadership in domestic shipbuilding. today in st. petersburg, almost 40% of all ships and vessels are built at our shipyards. st. petersburg is a shipyard city. continues. the st. petersburg concern with a century-old history has already supplanted foreign radar stations; it is now working on ice monitoring systems for the safe passage of ship convoys along the northern sea route, and the legendary hydraulic device represents the most promising a torpedo, it will be able to stop even underwater drones and uninhabited vehicles. the product’s homing system allows it to be aimed
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at both a surface ship and an underwater one. this year's trend is unmanned systems; the russian invention market is now focusing on them. designers of leading concerns present their options, and not only military models are in demand, but also civilian ones, a universal droneport, a takeoff and landing platform where an unmanned aerial vehicle can leave cargo and a person can enter a special code to pick up your parcel. the advantage of this droneport is that... and here is the calling card of the northern capital, new meteors are collected in nizhny novgorod, but you will see all the stuffing from st. petersburg. you can not only behind glass on a miniature scale, it is enough to go to the shore of the gulf of finland, where high-speed ships ply, and at the pier of ust slingshot small missile and landing ships, military boats,
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submarines, a guarding corvette are lined up, everyone can see with their own eyes the power of the domestic fleet, on weekends the pier is open to the public. zhanna skvortsova, sergey nechay, sergey skripkin, vyacheslav rakov, maxim lapin, lead st. petersburg. senior. the policeman was arrested in that area of ​​the forty-seventh region. he is suspected of taking a bribe; the case was conducted by employees of the investigative committee of the leningrad region, fsb operatives of the internal security department. the detainee worked in a group that was investigating illegal banking activities. according to investigators, the suspect, being an official, included in the investigation team . crimes in the field of illegal banking activities, during the interrogation of a witness in a criminal case , he demanded a bribe from him in the amount of 500 thousand rubles for not bringing him to criminal responsibility, fearing threats from
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a police officer, the man agreed and gave him the bribe. the collection of evidence continues, and investigators are determining whether the suspect is involved in other similar crimes. in the lomonosov region there is a fire at a solid waste collection site. with the rescuers dealt with the open flame quickly, but it took several hours to clear it up. the regional prosecutor's office took special control of the investigation into the causes of the fire. on behalf of the prosecutor of the leningrad region sergei anatolyevsky, the prosecutor's office of the lomonosovsky district, an inspection was organized into the fact of the ignition of solid household waste at a specialized landfill located near volkonsky highway, the vilovsky urban settlement of the lomonosovsky district. rosprirodnadzor, the owners of the site did not have the right to store waste on it, their license allowed only the transportation of construction waste.
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the company does not have the right to dispose, dispose of or neutralize waste at the site specified in the permit document. after establishing the circumstances of the incident and receiving information in accordance with the requests, the department will make a procedural decision. by 3 p.m. the fire at the site was complete. extinguished. waste processing enterprises will help to avoid emergencies and preserve the environment. the region's first waste recycling complex will appear in the leningrad region. the plant in the kingesep district has already been built, all sorting lines are ready for launch. the cost of the object is 4 billion rubles. three of which are federal investments, the rest is money from waste management companies. one such complex will help relieve several landfills. for understanding , the entire leningrad region. last year generated 735.00 tons of waste per year, that is , this is approximately a facility that can process and sort up to 40% of the total volume of all waste in the leningrad region. advanced production technology
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organic waste will be converted into useful technosoil; it will be used in road construction or landscaping. the launch of the enterprise is scheduled for september. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov, windy, a little humid, definitely not cold, it will be in the st. petersburg region on thursday, no matter what the weather is at 5.85 gold discount up to 70% on everything, and also an additional 40% discount on gold and 30% for silver and a guaranteed gift using the summer promotional code of 585 gold ; summer discounts of 585 gold. more jewelry, more discounts up to -70% on everything and additionally up to -30%. decorate your summer in 585 gold. according to the hydrometeorological center of st. petersburg, on june 20 in the leningrad
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region it will be cloudy with clearings, in the daytime the temperature in the field is expected to be about 18° above zero, the air will warm up to +20 in tihar and baksitogorsk, vokha and +17-19, also from 16 to 20° celsius, will hesitate. thermometer in kirishak gadchini and vyborg. in st. petersburg during the day there will be light rain in places, at least +18 degrees and the sun will definitely come out. friday night precipitation it won’t, but it will be 12-14° with a plus sign. have a nice day, whatever the weather. social day at the marinsky palace, about a meeting of the city parliament anastasia larionova. what governor alexander beglov spoke about a month ago in his annual report, city deputies began to implement in adopted laws. we are talking about several initiatives to support families with children.
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makes kindergartens for free, and this is true, just in case, there are 260,000 children, so of course, there may be a fee, it was a small one, but there is an additional 2-300 rubles, well you can buy there, i don’t know, two books. another bill concerns regional maternity capital, the program is extended until 2030, and the allocated money, now 2030 rubles, will be given not only for the third child, but for all subsequent ones. also, at
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the suggestion of the city authorities, deputies revised payments to parents with many children, who received an honorary title for their services in raising children. now for the first degree there is a bonus of half a million rubles. by the way, earning this title is not easy, the decision accepted by a special commission, the chairman of the legislative assembly, alexander belsky, shared his experience: a certain package of documents is being prepared, including information about the family , including even recording it.
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it will be exactly on the day of the city of mariupol, that is, it will be one day, the day of the city of mariupol, and accordingly we have a holiday in st. petersburg. the agenda included a question about the city’s budget; vice-governor alexey korabelnikov finally reported on how much they earned and what they managed to spend money on in the past year. 80% of all funds went to five key programs: development of the transport system, education, health care, social support, as well as provision of affordable housing and housing and communal services. residents of
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st. petersburg. the main thing is not volumes. the main thing is that as a result of budget execution, we managed to make our city even more comfortable, social, smart and open. and today, according to many indicators, st. petersburg occupies a leading position in the country. deputies always carefully study the city's main financial document. this time it was the same. some parliamentarians noted smolny's caution in spending and called on the authorities to be more risky. speaking generally about the budget, 350 billion rubles were in bank accounts every day, it seems to me that sometimes it’s easier to live in debt, but investing in city infrastructure, sometimes you have to take risks in order to drink champagne, so i would say this, we need to invest in the economy invest. by the way, the deputies representing the communist party of the russian federation in the legislative assembly in the morning, even before the meeting, decided to change the leader of their faction, and now it is irina.
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june 22, exactly at 4:00 am. on the day of memory and sorrow. once upon a time, how soon will it be, in response to what kind of pain, you see, the proudest ones came out to meet you, it seems to me, at times, like soldiers, a black, black stone. why are you silent, black stone, did you really want this, did you once dream of becoming a tombstone for the grave of an unknown soldier, remember, through
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the centuries, through the years, remember about those who will never come again. yes, remember, this is the main and only testament to us from them, those who died in the first hour of this most terrible war, memorial hour, june 22, at 4:00 am on rtr. since childhood, all my life i have been drawn to
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industrial objects, as a child i was drawn to abandoned places, i admit, probably like all of us, then i saw, in my opinion, it was in... a lady of incredible beauty, an industrial zone, and in general, always passing some kind of a huge enterprise, huge metal colossuses, but honestly it’s just mesmerizing, you want to go there and look, as far as i know, in our country now more than a thousand enterprises have opened their doors to such industrial tourists and lovers of industrialism, like i will talk about it today. olya, hello, good afternoon, do i understand correctly that this is some kind of initiative on the one hand of enterprises that have opened their doors, on the other hand of a certain body that organizes all this, you represent this institution, yes, what kind of institution is it? is engaged in the popularization of industry, because
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it is difficult to call it anything else, it is both art and industry, well, in fact , the agency for strategic initiatives is engaged in far more than just popularization industry, yes it is. and the development institute is a project office that is engaged in taking leadership projects from the ground, initiatives from the regions, yes, helping them grow into some large, global, large-scale initiatives. industrial tourism was one of these initiatives, one of these leadership projects, which was supported 3 years ago, then we talked about the emergence of a certain methodology.
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well, just those same lovers of tourism, and the inquisitive boys of yesterday who i’m still wondering what’s going on behind the entrance door, and behind the gates and turnstiles, this is the process, we put on a helmet, walked through and signal vests and saw how everything was moving, spinning, metal was pouring, and being produced, conveyors were moving, along conveyors there are either giant... dumps or smaller cars, or chocolates, who cares, again, yes, all this is industrial tourism, but these are often sensitive objects, how can you get to a sensitive object if you are just a tourist? well that's it what we are doing, yes, is that we , together with enterprises, are working out those
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routes, scenarios taking into account safety precautions, how you can get to a sensitive facility, if you are a tourist, you can get to any enterprise, it is not at all necessary. interesting, fascinating, with an emphasis on either architecture or the technological process, without revealing any strategically important data and certainly not letting tourists into places where it is unsafe. well, i was somehow lucky enough to visit such an object, and i was taken there as part of a very small group, and they told me which direction you can take pictures, which way you can’t, how to deal with this, right?
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i go to some website and say i want to go to a metallurgy facility and a foundry to
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a metallurgy facility, you go to the site on this site there is a wonderful section with the same name everything to the plant, and there you find yourself in this world of amazing excursions , you look, select the region, the enterprise that interests you, sign up and go, moreover, there is also a very interesting resource, this is a mobile... application on the vkontakte network open industry, oh, very interesting, and you follow the statistics, how many people visited the enterprises, for example, during the reporting period there, and maybe there are some - any leaders who visited the largest number of enterprises, do you have any record holders, do you know, yes, of course, the dynamics are very positive, yes, that is, if we were talking about 800 thousand tourists who visited industrial enterprises in the twenty-second year, then in twenty-third - that's 1,400 tourists. at the same time, enterprises, i read that there were just about 400 enterprises, you corrected me that there are already
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more than a thousand of them, this is an increase of more than 2.5 times, yes, yes, enterprises understand why they are opening, enterprises understand that and the media effect, yes, that, let’s say, a change in a positive image, yes, well, well, a change, or rather a negative image to a positive one, yes, yes, yes, after visiting enterprises, when they evaluate, yes, for example, there. .. residents of the regions rated the products of enterprises there at 6.5 points out of ten, and after industrial excursions by 8.3, 8.9 points, yes, this is the growth after the visit, so enterprises are opening, yes, but returning to the statistics, in the twenty- third year there were 1,400 tourists, that is, we calculated that every hundredth a russian visited an industrial enterprise in the twenty-third year, but of course this is not the limit, this is just the beginning, god forbid there was more, success to you, thank you very much for doing this, i’ll probably go to the site
1:39 am myself and i'll see where i can get in? thank you very much, you are doing a great job, i will definitely go, thank you very much, see you, i want to continue today. analyze the works for the presence of crimes in them, through the eyes of our expert, lawyer, ruben. hello. good afternoon. let's talk about dead souls. as far as i understand. from the point of view of a lawyer, it is during the action itself that is being described whether a crime is committed, or whether it was committed at the moment of its beginning.
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in gogol's work itself about chichikov's very idea about this fraud, it is in at the beginning nothing is said, there is a poem, this one, a novel, so structured that you don’t understand why he buys them, these dead souls, and the children and i, when we teach lessons at school, yes, first i tell, what is fraud, how does it differ
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from another type of theft, such as theft, robbery, i give an example with these dead... souls, and i also understand that children, having read it, do not understand, in fact, what is it, well, maybe maybe because they don’t read everything to the end, because google described it there, but even the simplest elementary question, who was chichikov at the time when he bought these dead souls, even teachers don’t answer this question, but who was he, retired maybe, well, as gogol says, he from high society, from such a more or less decent state , he fell again. into the dirt and even became an attorney, what is an attorney? an attorney is essentially a lawyer in private practice, and he stooped to such lowness, how to become an attorney, the idea of ​​acquiring dead souls came to him just at the moment when he was carrying out orders from one of the landowners, not these ones we know about, a completely different one, when he simply went to the board of trustees and tried
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to mortgage the estate to get a loan , the meaning of the fraud that... chichikov started was to acquire, dead souls in order to pledge them as living ones to the board of trustees, there in tsarist russia, in the kherson region after the russian-turkish war there was a lot of free land, he had such a good scheme that he received a loan secured by this he probably buys real peasants later, gives this loan to a decent captain, earns it, or it is obviously irrevocable, it is clear that he, if he was not going to give it back, then it is clear that... irrevocable, another thing is that such a hint, that he, in principle, receives such a large capital, with this money you can buy living ones, and accordingly, somehow pay off, well, google will blur this out a little, gogol doesn’t talk about this, yes, but the difference is at least 100,000 rubles, i think what chichikov could get, this is the diagram, it’s in in general, remains behind the scenes when studying this work, and from this angle we
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discuss with the guys, the question we pose is whether chichikov is a scammer, these landowners. if at a minimum, here we are looking into this, because some people think that, well, landowners are what this crime is called today, somehow victims, almost victims, but i say, what if they are still accomplices? well, at least sobakevich definitely understood that the deal he was entering into was illegal, but nazduryov he may not be very strong...
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that, in general, he was caught with this, that’s what concerns the landowners, they didn’t agree with me, we usually avoid responsibility with children in this lesson, the box is torn, but it’s torn, because it’s not an atom at all, and he didn’t sell anything, he everything is just the opposite , he tried to defraud chichikov, so he is forgiven for this, the box contributed to solving the crime, sabakevich is usually
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recognized as a participant, because he knew for sure that this deal was illegal, and plus... the fact that he committed implicate actions that directly aimed at committing a crime is enough. the question is, what if he changed his mind, and we would know for sure about it, yes, by the way, this is also one of the questions. who was in our lesson, a person who voluntarily refused to commit a crime, he is not responsible, but we don’t know whether he refused or not, because in the first volume, in these
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dead souls, you and i know that he was caught, so his voluntary refusal to commit a crime, well, in general, will not be considered, most likely his they should have been punished for the assassination attempt, now the last question, an official who didn’t look, to put it mildly, perhaps...
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there is probably one main place in our country where i would dream of a dacha, of course, both the north and siberia beckon, altai, but crimea is a magical place for me and well... and one can say that historically it so happened that my grandfather had a dacha there, and there were dachas not only for my grandfather, but also for people of no lesser magnitude, and something about us i was drawn there all the time, as if it was such an unfulfilled dream of every russian and russian citizen, to somehow be there, and to be filled with strength and energy, not only at barbecues in the moscow region and... or in another region, but still in crimea there, there is something especially dacha there. andrey, good afternoon, hello, yes, for me, for now, the hope and prospect of having a dacha in
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crimea is small. dacha crimea, can it exist, did it once exist? in general, it seems that dacha is where you can go and find yourself there in an hour or four, depending on the traffic, on friday, he was not only there, he was the main topic of conversation, so to speak. all enlightened russia during the first two decades of the 20th century, everyone was talking about the resort boom in crimea, the resort boom, dachas, dachas, dachas, dachas and summer residents, here is the book that i just published, it’s called dachas and summer residents of the russian riviera , that’s when this special phenomenon of crimean dachas began to take shape, it lasted only two decades, because first the war happened, then the revolution, and all this began to take shape...
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i’m writing about this in this book, here are the beautiful photographs of my friend crimean women lydia dzhebesashvili accompany this book, she has lived there since birth and, so to speak, very well conveyed this atmosphere of the dacha crimea, so to speak, in fact, this is what these dachas are like, they are now in such a semi-ruined state, but this very interesting phenomenon, what is a dacha in general, in fact, i wanted to ask provesis dacha. not connected with a dacha, with a gift, yes, initially it was an estate that was given to nobles, this, by the way, is the first version of the swallow’s nest, he was like that, yes, but the dacha, as we know it,
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here... in the current understanding, this word is like a place for a short pastime outside the city, yes, that is, the lack of a nobleman, where farming is carried out, where peasants grow something , large fields open up, a dacha, where people come to relax there, yes, on vacation, for a weekend or to the sea, this phenomenon just took shape at the end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th century, what is its uniqueness, why is there no such phenomenon anywhere else in the world, because it turns out that at the same time it adds up this middle class, the middle class, is what develops an urban culture, but since our city is still a territory where aristocrats and nobles still rule the roost, then this urban culture, it is not like in paris, it develops there the boulevards of paris, where there is chantana's cafe, so to speak, the world that turus latek describes, these are all prayers, magazines, newspapers, and here we have this middle-class doing
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all this. he seems to be going out of town, that is , this is a russian paradox, that is, urban culture is modern, it develops behind a city where these people of new russia are close in spirit, they go out, unite into such dacha communities and there , among their own, they seem to enjoy this enlightened life, which turned out to be so advanced at that time, this is a cluster that this is a cluster in translation, it means a bunch, it’s like they were gathered in clusters. people enjoyed it, that is , they didn’t enjoy it for long, unfortunately, because when you read, of course, i worked in the archives, when this was all, i restored it, when you read archival files, of course, what these people were all faced with when soviet power came, but this is, of course, a deplorable story, because i directly held in my hands the archival files, where , for example, one of the dacha owners was conducting correspondence, which amounted to 150 pages of archival files , where they ask to give her things from
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the closet under the stairs. which was nationalized along with the dacha, which had three floors, you know, that is, we first moved her into one little room, then kicked her out altogether, she writes, and she says something like this the bureaucratic machine, the monstrous soviet one, answers there for 150 pages, maybe it has some of its own, well, this is terrible, of course, that is, you generally understand the scale of the tragedy that happened to our country, when all this happened, but nevertheless less, since we seem to have returned to these times when we actually have a private one. when this middle class and urban culture are being formed again, it seemed to me important to remember this, to sort of write it down, to write it down, because well, some things from there are not it would be a good idea to borrow, for example, there were very clear rules for organizing the territory in these dacha settlements, development, that’s how it was carefully spelled out, that is, you can’t just buy a dacha, you must definitely build there with a contract, and development with a contract, you must
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build it according to this kind of fashion, right?
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the theater house of the dynamo society on lubyanka, well, this is our outstanding master, so he developed a huge garden city in laspa, there should have been embankments and hotels and a casino. very interestingly, just standard designs for vila, vila were developed, they took into account what is most curious, such as neoclassical motifs characteristic of the crimea, you just need to take it and, so to speak, take it and do it, as if you took it, that is, everything everything has already been developed, it just needs to be updated, thank god, these materials are now increasingly appearing, being put into circulation, but don’t think that you know how robinsonson is. on a desert island, there have already been people before you, and you don’t have to strive outdo your neighbor, and there is no need, before you there were already people who tried to sort of create a kind of summer cottage paradise for themselves on the south coast, they
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succeeded, so to speak, so take advantage of the experience of your ancestors, and you will be happy, thank you, until new meetings, happy.
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vietnam meets vladimir putin, and the world discusses the results of the dprk's visits and the birth of the most powerful agreement in the history of moscow and pyongyang. unsanitary. the first arrest of one of the defendants in a mass poisoning with signs of botulism was taken into custody in moscow. environmental activists reached stone hedge. a few climate fanatics have tried to paint over ancient rocks.
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they are starting to broadcast a new day on the russia channel. the main news in the vera tarasova studio. hello. today, on a state visit to vietnam, vladimir putin will meet with three key officials of the vietnamese leadership: the president, the prime minister and the secretary of the central committee of the communist party. based on the results , a package of documents is being prepared for signing. the visit will end with a meeting with graduates of russian vietnamese universities, as well as a concert in big opera house. vladimir putin arrived in hanoi from phinyang, the russian leader’s state visit to the dprk ended with a ceremonial reception, and the official meeting of the heads of state was held at kina square, which can accommodate more than 100 thousand people. a large delegation, the heads of the defense ministry, the ministry of health, the heads of russian railways and roscosmos, arrived in the dprk together with vladimir putin. the main outcome of the meeting was the signing of a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement, which the russian president called for real.
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the comprehensive partnership agreement signed today also provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this document. i would like to draw your attention to the statement of the united states and other nato countries on the supply of high-precision weapons systems. large, large radio surveillance of f-16 aircraft and other high-tech weapons, equipment for striking russian territory. yes, actually, this is not just a statement, this is already happening, all these are gross violations, assumed by western countries, restrictions within the framework of various kinds of international obligations. in this regard, the russian federation does not exclude the development of military-technical cooperation. with the democratic people's republic of korea in accordance with
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the document signed today. korean friends take an objective, balanced position on the topic of ukrainian settlement. do they understand the true initial causes of the crisis? a great interstate treaty of strategic nature, concluded just 9 months after comrade president putin and i discussed the issue at the vostochny cosmodrome in september last year. on the conclusion of a new interstate agreement. vladimir putin thanked the leader of the korean people for his hospitality and presented kim chin-nyong with an aurus car. the russian president demonstrated a luxury car and got behind the wheel himself. on the road passing through the park, the leaders of the two countries drove several kilometers, after which they swapped places and kiimchen got behind the wheel. 560 military personnel, an american armored personnel carrier and six combat vehicles were lost in a day by... ours improved
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the situation along the front line near the settlements of minkovka, kalinino, chasov-yar and konstantinovka. 10 artillery pieces and two ammunition depots were destroyed. in addition, the fortified area of ​​the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. on the western sector of the front, the kiev regime lost another 450 soldiers , officers, a tank and two armored vehicles. the borders in the area of ​​petropavlovka and senkovka, the kharkov region, stelmakhovka and chervona debrava, and the lugansk republic came under our control. increase volumes and the pace of production of components for weapon systems, this task was set by mikhail mishustin at a meeting of the coordination council for the support of the armed forces. the prime minister noted that at some defense enterprises modernization production is ahead of schedule. for a number of items , more than 60% of the planned annual volume of especially popular products has already been produced. the first of four defendants in a case of mass poisoning with signs of botulism has been arrested. moskvoretsky made the decision. moscow court is talking about a citizen of tajikistan who worked as a cook for a
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bean company. the immediate manager of the company was also detained, as well as the general director of the company kitchen in the district and the head of the quality department. it turned out that the food was prepared in completely unsanitary conditions; in total, more than 150 people suffered from poisoning. large-scale exercises of the pacific fleet have begun in kamchatka; naval and naval tactical groups are involved in the maneuvers. aviation units of the marine corps and combat crews of the coastal missile systems bal and bastion. report by mikhail yudaev. there is the first starting battery, alarm, alarm, alarm! having received the alarm, the first battery of the coastal missile brigade moves to the test site. the time is early at 7 am and there are not many cars on the roads. however, rocket scientists don't often have to drive on asphalt. their main habitat is the dense forests and rocky coasts of the peninsula, where there seem to be roads, but only military ones. the weight of such a machine is about 40 tons, but this does not
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prevent it from moving on almost any road. off-road, various forest roads, sea ...


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