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tv   Taini sledstviya-12  RUSSIA1  June 20, 2024 2:05am-3:46am MSK

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kitchens in the area and head of the quality department. it turned out that the food was prepared in completely unsanitary conditions; in total, more than 150 people were poisoned. large-scale exercises of the pacific fleet have begun in kamchatka. naval tactical groups, naval aviation, a marine corps unit and combat crews of coastal missile systems are involved in the maneuvers. ball and bastion. report by mikhail yudaev. there is a first starting point. having received the alarm, the first battery of the coastal missile brigade moves to the training ground, the time is early on the clock it’s 7 am and there aren’t many cars on the roads, but rocket launchers don’t often have to drive on asphalt; their main habitat is dense forests and rocky coastlines of the peninsula, where there seem to be roads, but only military ones. the weight of such a vehicle is about 40 tons, but this does not at all prevent it from moving on almost any off-road terrain, including forest roads and sea roads. earthen fortifications
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in which launchers, transport-loaders and machine control are hidden. the crews immediately begin camouflaging the equipment. the main task of the ball complex is fighting enemy ships, this is exactly what the first battery will do during the maneuvers. the rocketeers will have to change their location more than once, conduct electronic launches against specified targets, practice camouflage and logistics management. as part of fleet formations. mikhail yudaev, news, kamchatka. israel stepped up air operations against lebanon on wednesday. israeli air force planes attacked hezbollah military targets in a city near the cities of tire and hia. the israeli army also announced the destruction of a key figures in the movement of the head of hezbollah's operation in southern lebanon, muhammad ayoub. military operations continued in gaza. at least twenty palestinians died in 24 hours.
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in the uk, environmental activists tried to paint over the ancient stones of stonehenge. several people with paint, loaded with powder fire extinguishers, ran up to the national symbol of the country and began to paint over it and write on it. a group of tourists tried to stop them, but the stones still hit them. the activists represented the same notorious international a movement that opposes oil extraction and fights to prevent global climate change. don't switch. a student of the university of traditional chinese medicine from heilongzian is undergoing an internship at the amur medical academy. using simulators, they practice emergency care skills. and soon students from blagoveshchensk will go to harbin to learn the intricacies of eastern healing. daria stefan will continue. a patient named hal was being treated in a hospital when his heart suddenly seized and he felt dizzy. doctors doing
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round, we noticed the patient is feeling unwell, now we have to determine the cause of the illness. the body structure, organs and even symptoms of a mannequin are like those of a living person. students must make a preliminary diagnosis, they come to the conclusion of acute coronary syndrome, that is, a heart attack. he decided to become a health guardian during the coronavirus pandemic; he believes that doctors are doing a great job on both sides of the amur. in both countries we can help a person feel better. in different ways, you can do it with operations, drugs, and we we will do acupuncture and various herbal decoctions, carry out diagnostics, highlight symptoms, improve the patient’s well-being, such opportunities are available in the simulation center of the medical academy, russian and chinese students have successfully established communication, the medical vocabulary should be appropriate for such a translation, but it doesn’t have any in principle, medical language is international in principle.
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therefore, there are words in latin that they understand perfectly; as soon as you say one word, they already understand the whole situation. such vagma scientific and student exchanges take place regularly. the head of the practice believes that every graduate must be able to provide medical assistance in a short time. diversity will help with this. students will undergo three basic modules - therapeutic hospital, medical assistant, surgical obstetrics and gynecology. they will be crossing with us for several days at a time. until the end of june, then amur second- and third-year students will go to harbin to learn the methods of traditional chinese medicine. daria shtefon, vladislav alekseev, conduct the amur region. all news is always available on the media platform. let's see, see you in the morning on the russia channel. let's start!
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. hello, good morning, wake up, recharge your batteries with us. today is thursday, june 20, in the morning of russia studio, vladislav zavyalov and vera krasova. and here is a solution to your housing problem right from the very morning. not yet in kenya, 3d houses are appearing in place of slums. build them
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lighter than ordinary ones, they are durable, relatively inexpensive, for example, a house with two bedrooms for 2 million rubles. the demand is huge. to solve housing issues in this country, it is necessary to build 2 million buildings. the government of the country plans to build 250 thousand of them per year, but it would be nice to learn how to print roads so quickly and efficiently, in some of our regions the path to knowledge passes through highways and crossings, which is completely unsafe, how to correct the situation by making education literally accessible to everyone , let's figure it out, everything is there on the other side, the hospital is there, the savings bank is there, the school is there, the post office is there, everything is there, everything is there. the railway divides the treasured village into two parts, and getting from one to the other is an almost impossible task, there is an official crossing, but they didn’t provide a sidewalk for it, i have two grandchildren going to school, plus a third at home, if i don’t have anyone to leave with, what to do, take the third one , go, go through the crossing along the roadway,
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however, some prefer to use another route, the most dangerous, we go to school, but we often walk a bullet faster with a similar one. with residents of snt krasnodar-gurstroy also faced this problem even before last year. all schoolchildren were transported to the educational institution by a special bus. however, as summer approached, the parents were pleased: there would be no more transportation, they say, the road was already safe. all you have to do is walk along a busy highway with virtually no sidewalk and go down an unequipped railway crossing. they promised us back in april 2024. please note that it is impossible for children to go to school. fortunately for the indignant residents. heard and promised to return the bus for the school year, but there are many regions where the availability of schools for children remains in question; according to experts, most often the problem is, first of all , the disorganization of local authorities, sometimes they do not think out the approaches or
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entrances to schools quite logically, this is really very important, and if the building is standing school and we understand that... a school bus and it seems to exist, money is allocated, but other components are needed for it, hiring drivers, organizing traffic, who should do this is unclear, the regions purchase them and distribute them to municipalities, everything this falls on the shoulders of school directors or heads of small municipalities; today there are already successful examples. preschool buses are handled not by individual municipalities, but by a centralized body throughout the region; you can also do the same with school roads instead of a long chain of complaints, if the municipality has not responded or , as we say, has written an unsubscribe, then you can contact
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the regional department of education, with the same problem. experts are confident that it is necessary to create a single regional center that will check roads, entrances and approaches to the school, and also respond to... parents, because when it comes to the road to school, every effort must be made to ensure the safety of children. we will talk about children further, only a different aspect, not how they get to school, which we will discuss. experts from the russian public initiative called for streamlining the school uniform standard and including shorts and t-shirts as a daily option. well, for a couple of months a year it’s fine. but today, as a rule, people go to school in classic trousers, skirts and jackets, and given.
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so that, for example, there are natural fabrics, or so that girls do not have to wear skirts in the cold winter, because this is the school uniform for girls, or in the summer boys can wear shorts, this needs to be prescribed so that each school does not have to negotiate this separately, you know, at the level of methodological recommendations and federal recommendations, of course this can be done, here it seems to me that it is necessary to determine not only the length, which must also correspond. cultural aspect, and probably the principle a cultured person, but what is very important
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is the very qualities of the fabrics, which should not create greenhouse effects, but we were promised a uniform according to gost, and apparently these state requirements should have been taken into account ; it is in the process of development taking into account those recommendations which the center can subsequently provide for each educational institution, which, in accordance with this guest, can... and develop its own uniform depending on its weather conditions, and if the school uniform is made of natural fabrics, then, accordingly, the price tag will be different, maybe then there should be subsidies from the state for factories? and i think that this issue will be worked out in this way, moreover, and maybe support from the factories and fabric manufacturers themselves, because the cost of clothing, in principle, one way or another consists of two components: the first is the cost of fabric purchases, the second is... work, yes, if we talk about work, then here it is a question of salaries, maybe, by the way,
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taxation somewhere, if we are talking about that the factory works specifically for children, i think that this will definitely be worked out and supported primarily by our ministry of industry, which today is preparing a whole program that is aimed at supporting childhood, well , the national projects that you know are now and family, education, i am more than sure that this topic will definitely be touched upon there, thank you. we talked about what a modern school uniform should look like with the deputy chairman of the commission on education and training, the public chamber of russia, director of the institute for the study of childhood, family and education, natalya akrya. now do you have it? now you will see a man who will help us get the factory. behind seven seals. premiere. today at 21:20. catch me! if you can, a big music show, let me go, people switched to
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the russia hear tv channel, tomorrow at 21:30, but now unique footage, a video of the starship taking off from as close as possible was posted online, 12 gopros were installed. rates: on what conditions can you get a mortgage on izh? did you find out? this is my dream home in
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it has one floor of 90 square m2. konstantin from izhevsk managed to build a cozy country house thanks to a mortgage on private housing construction. the guy had dreamed of living outside the city for a long time, and with such favorable conditions, he took out a loan without hesitation. i took out a mortgage at 63% per annum, i took it for 30 years, my payment was 31.00 rubles. i took out 5 million for a mortgage; my down payment was 2 million. demand for profit. in russia is growing at a record pace; according to the central bank, in the first quarter of this year alone, banks issued loans for the construction of private houses by 42% more than in the same period period of the twenty-third. you can get a loan for the purchase of a land plot and the construction of a residential building on it using several programs with state support: family, it-mortgage, far eastern or arctic at 6.5 and 2%, respectively, but if the client does not fall into the preferential category, then the loan is standard the rate may turn out to be quite unprofitable, all because banks, firstly, do not trust unverified contractors who will build a house, and secondly, clients often choose non-standard objects, the quality of which is reliable difficult to assess at the excavation stage. these objects are very difficult to evaluate, it is very difficult
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to give a conclusion that they comply with all norms and requirements and in general... will not collapse after construction, such objects are very difficult to sell later, naturally, a bank, issuing a loan, receives this as collateral house is not always ready to provide a loan on good terms, and naturally, the interest rate will be increased. banks can issue money for such an object at a huge 18-20%. at this rate, if the client takes, for example, 7 million on credit for 30 years, the monthly payment will be more than 100,000 rubles. in other ways, you can reduce the high mortgage rate on individual housing construction. firstly, in most cases you will need to enter into an agreement with the developer of the loan. the main thing is that this house can be listed as a residential building, for cadastral registration, also the number of storeys should be no higher than 20 m, because this is a low-rise building, there must be a kitchen, a sleeping area, materials, they must comply with the standards, in addition, the area must be specific or
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lands of populated areas or agricultural lands. by the way, the loan itself is provided in tranches, that is, in certain parts. step by step. a loan is being issued, the first loan issuance is used for the purchase of a plot, then for the construction of a foundation for a wall set, and the fourth tranche is issued for final work, and one more important condition, in order to receive money from the bank, it is necessary to register a mortgage on the land plot on which construction or any other real estate is planned, this is loan collateral, a kind of guarantee return of funds for the bank, the period for issuing the tranche and no more than 2 years, the completion of the loan agreement, after this period the bank’s obligation to issue money is terminated early. further and deliciously beautiful, all these real boom, edible earrings, bracelets and necklaces, well , we’ll show you the effect on the specimens in detail in a few minutes, it’s a pity we won’t eat it, today all our participants are doctors, or something, we selected it for you, the degree of emotions raised, she came out like this and she also
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sang and moved. big music show, if she sings, we're on backup dancers, and if he doesn’t sing, then we sing backup, on friday on rtr, where are you going with the colors, you can tell the colors, it’s not
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my fault, i was driving when the yellow light was flashing. where is the reality scene, maybe you need help? i’m offering you a job, simple responsibilities, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, hourly pay, friendship can’t be bought, i’m deceiving you, i’m a bastard, but take your suitcase and leave, but love is not for sale, that’s where all the normal men are, there’s no love, there is nothing, deception and lies, i was still in a hurry to get somewhere. crossroads, what need to be done, need to act, on saturday on rtr. the only collision in modern history was supposed to show everyone that it was
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germany, the third roy , who would rule the world in the next thousand years, deciding the fate of countries, peoples and civilizations. the united states relied on hitler and a radical solution. standard ol of new jersey invested $120 million in the third reich. gene motors - 100 million. without foreign money, the war would not have lasted 6 years. film by andrei medvedev on saturday on rtr, i died for the men,
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i died, go crazy, there would be no happiness, i predict that something very, very good will soon happen in your life, so good that you will grab your head, but the dress helped, when you wear it, your whole life will change. yes, i don’t know what to change, you are an amazing woman, a woman-dream, a woman-mystery, i actually went through some strange streak, first this artist, then the man on the beach, maybe you ’ve turned yourself into a man, it seems to me that i have roman, who do you have, roman, at your age, well, sashka, one, second, third, third who, dress the color of the sea, premiere, don’t give a fuck, you what? do you want to return to rtr on saturday? cheese and
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butter, food, our cheese slows down the aging of the body by 4%. chinese scientists analyzed data from 2.5 million people. and it turned out that among the lovers of this dairy product there are many more people with good general health. it also turned out that cheese has a positive effect. on mental health and reduces stress, and scientists from harvard said that drinking more than one teaspoon of olive oil a day reduces the risk of death from dementia by a third, it is rich in healthy fats and antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. food can not only bring benefits, but also become decoration. edible earrings, bracelets and necklaces will, of course, not last long, but then they will become an excellent dessert. or a snack. well, my love, how do you like the decoration? wait, wait, what are you doing? i actually
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paid a lot of money for these decorations. tasty, at least. well, big deal, he kept silent about the fact that he bought all these necklaces and bracelets not in a jewelry store, but in a candy store. hot internet trend, so-called edibles decorations. yes, yes, you understood everything correctly. these earrings and rings can simply be eaten after wearing. of course, the simplest version of regular cookies. and marmalade, however, with the same jelly candies you can get creative: take out a suitable silicone mold, put a candy in each compartment , heat it in the microwave or oven, all that remains is to secure it on a chain, try to hold out and not eat them at least until the evening, this is the method already can be classified as high jewelry, you will need it. and several different food colors, pour in we begin to create liquid into a mold, you will definitely not see a second pendant like this on anyone, this guy has become famous
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throughout the internet, using his strictly secret recipe he makes such gems that even a professional cannot always distinguish from real ones, of course, if they decide to try their taste, in general, if a girl hints at a new decoration, do not rush to the store right away, perhaps you have everything you need in your kitchen. what amazes me most is how she hasn’t eaten all this yet, i couldn’t do that. to the favorite of millions, people's artist russia's alexander pankratov black turns 75, on the eve of his anniversary, he is in our studio, as everyone 's favorite estate and veselchak have been living all these years from...
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morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. the news will tell about the main things in russia abroad. in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. vladimir putin is in vietnam today on a state visit. the russian president will meet with three key officials of the country's leadership. president, prime minister and secretary general of the central committee of the communist party. based on the results , a package of documents is being prepared for signing. the visit will end with a meeting with graduates of russian vietnamese universities, as well as a concert at the grand opera house.
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vladimir putin headed out from phinyang, the russian leader’s state visit to the dprk ended with a ceremonial reception, and the official meeting of the heads of state was held at kimersen square, which can accommodate more than 100,000 people. a large delegation of the head of the defense department amida, amin sdrava, the heads of russian railways and roscosmos arrived in the dprk together with vladimir putin. the main result of the meeting was the signing of a comprehensive agreement strategic partnership, which the russian president called. truly a breakthrough document. moscow and phinyaan will counteract the worsening sanctions strangulation that the west uses to maintain its hegemony. the comprehensive partnership agreement signed today provides, among other things, for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this document. i would like to draw your attention to statements by the united states and other nato countries regarding supplies.
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precision weapon systems, large, large radio assistance, f-16 aircraft and other high-tech weapons, equipment for striking russian territory, yes, in fact, this is not only a statement, this is already happening, all this is a gross violation of the restrictions assumed by western countries within the framework of various kinds of international obligations , in this regard , the russian federation does not exclude for itself... the development of military-technical cooperation with the korean people's democratic republic in accordance with the document signed today. korean friends occupy objective, balanced position on the topic of ukrainian settlement, understand the true initial causes of the crisis. the great interstate agreement, which is of a strategic nature, was concluded just 9 months after comrade
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president putin and i signed it in september last year. at the vostochnaya cosmodrome the issue of concluding a new interstate agreement was discussed. vladimir putin thanked the leader of the korean people for his hospitality and presented kim chin-nyong with an aurus car. russian president demonstrated a luxury car and sat behind the wheel. the leaders of the two countries drove several kilometers along the road passing through the park, after which they swapped places and kim jong-un got behind the wheel. 560 american armored personnel carriers and six. on the western sector of the front, the kiev regime lost another 450 soldiers, officers, a tank and two armored vehicles. the borders in the petropavlovka senkovka area of ​​the kharkov region of stalmakhovka and chervona debrava
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of the lugansk republic came under our control. the first of four defendants in the massacre case has been arrested. poisoning with signs of batulism. the decision was made by the moskvaretsky court of moscow. we are talking about a citizen of tajikistan who worked as a cook in a company producing beans. the immediate manager of the company was detained, as well as the detained general director of the kitchen on the district company and the head of the quality department. it turned out that the food was prepared in completely unsanitary conditions. in total, more than 150 people suffered from poisoning. in other news: powerful floods continue in southern china, bad weather has reached the autonomous region of guangxi, on the border with vietnam, megacities and small settlements are flooded, transport links are disrupted. several more landslides occurred in the worst-hit province of fujian. ancient religious buildings collapsed under the pressure of water. authorities have raised the weather danger level to the penultimate level; in fujin it has been at the highest red mark for a week. preliminary damage from the disaster exceeded
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a billion dollars. in chile, a demonstration of high school students turned into clashes with police. law enforcement officers threw stones with paint, the police used gas and water cannons. during the march to the santiago ministry of education building, protesters demanded improved working conditions for security teachers. schools and universities in chile are now experiencing financial problems; students are complaining about an increase in the number of cases of violence and abuse in educational institutions. don't switch. already this fall, the front may receive a completely new type of drones with embedded artificial intelligence, all components are produced at domestic enterprises, with details from the donetsk region. dmitriy ermakov. reconnaissance strike drones have complete supremacy over the earth. she conducts reconnaissance, she makes adjustments, she looks for the enemy’s movement of equipment and, in principle,
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movement. all enemy forces and destruction of the enemy. recently, according to defenders, examples of soviet equipment are becoming less and less likely to be targeted by birds. their place is taken by western analogues. they burn no worse. by the way. at the front they appear before all the mouthpieces announce it, the kiev partners shout, while they approve, he is already flies through the trenches, while they seem to be saying that the ammunition is already here, and in short they are already flying through the trenches. ostap notes that the help does not help the enemy much, some are lost along the way, others are destroyed on the approaches. the fighter himself is from energodar, but has been serving in the gorlovka brigade since 2014. in fact, i have been on the territory of the donetsk people’s republic for 10 years, performing tasks here. i have a house, it’s already here. at the moment, the initiative is in the hands of russia's defenders. in the past week alone, we managed to get control return a number of settlements. this is partly the merit of copters. this is a completely domestic development of ours; they have installed
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new antennas that allow them to more effectively bypass the replyer’s systems. in particular, as the manufacturers noted, it is expected that this year the birds will receive artificial intelligence, a new milestone in the development of unmanned aerial vehicles. any. the enemy's reb is no longer relevant, it will fly to the target at the entrance of any reb, well, that's right, he has already aimed not to interfere with anything, yes, he is already autonomous, he will be the target pursue, no matter how it moves, the estimated delivery dates for the next generation fpv in the fall. by the way, cargo arrives in trucks several times a month, in their backs there are not only domestically produced birds, but also thermal imagers, generators, and construction materials for arranging positions. these are the new atvs the soldiers will receive today. first army corps, they can hardly be called know-how, but they still carry out their combat missions on the front line very effectively. a universal tool that will allow you to deliver provisions to the front line, including evacuating the raning, or, for example,
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rpgs and other weapons can be operated from it. dmitry ermakov, vyacheslav bogaichuk, lead donetsk. large-scale treatment of forests against gypsy moths has begun in the omsk region. specialists use a biological preparation; it affects only caterpillars and is completely harmless to plants and animals. report by alexey grigoriev. along the edge of the forest and strictly in the wind, this is how forests are being processed in the azov region from the main enemy green foliage - silkworm. there are only a few such installations in the whole of russia, and one in the entire omsk region. aerosol generator tornado. there is a mechanism in the device. the turbine is from the mi-8 helicopter, due to this , the drug, which is harmful to insects, reaches the tops of the trees, while such treatment is not harmful for anyone except the silkworm, because the substance used for spraying is not poison. the forest is treated with the bacteria
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lepidocyte scm, which does not affect humans or bees, so it only affects leaf-eating caterpillars. after such processing silkworm trees. is dying, invasions of voracious caterpillars in the omsk region are recorded almost every year. often such a surge occurs once every 5 years and can last for several seasons. the gypsy moth overwinters in the warmest places in the forest, closer to the ground, one might say, in cavities near trees, laying up to 2,000 larvae on one tree. after hatching, the caterpillars actively crawl upward, to where there is more light, warmth and food supply. omsk scientists do not expect an invasion this year.
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the age of the caterpillar, it’s time to poison it, and if last year, and we arrived at the same time, the caterpillars would have already been at more mature, or so to speak, stages of development, they would have been much larger, well, how much larger would it have been, well, twice as large at this point, yeah, that is , the drug would not be so effective, this summer more than 25.00 km of forests in 10 districts of the omsk region will be treated by silkworms, in the south the work has already been completed. alexey grigoriev, egor kireev, lead omsk. all news is always available on the media platform, look at application or website. stay on the russia channel.
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let's start, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more. great, good, so, morning in russia. don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning everyone, good morning, whoever is celebrating this new day, with us, the whole family, over a cup of coffee or tea, well, we vladislav zavyalov and vera krasova this thursday are happy to keep you company, in china we will all gather your family can wear national costumes and go. in the award market in the north-west of the country, muslims celebrate
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korban, the holiday of spiritual unity at the end of lent, concerts are held in the market squares with traditional songs and dances performed. shopping arcades and restaurants serve local cuisine and delicacies. at the fair you can purchase handmade products. the festival lasts 3 days, during which time thousands of tourists flock to the region. but in russia, in order to take tourists on excursions, you have to go through. scheduled certification once every 5 years, the new law should change the situation with uncoordinated tours, which often end tragically. why do the organizers of such dubious activities easily find clients in themselves - dmitry zaitsev understood. going on a hike and getting lost is, at best, a pleasure, but as life shows, if your guide is self-taught, expect trouble. good afternoon, dear friends, denis alimov, senior guide, is with you. such video lectures of his on how to conquer mountains can still
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be found on the internet, but he himself ultimately suffered from these peaks, the investigation accuses the organizer of tours to ilbrus of the deaths of five people, nine more were injured, this happened back in september of twenty-one, then a group of twenty participants was blocked in the mountains due to a snowstorm. that day there was poor visibility on elbrus, wind vapor reached 40 meters per second, and there was still a twenty-degree frost, but for some reason this did not prevent the group organized by alimov from moving to... however, gorigit has not yet received a punishment, a criminal investigation the case was completed back in march twenty-second, but the verdict has not yet been announced, and the first while the suspect was under house arrest, and this is footage of the interrogation of another pseudo-tour guide, a twenty-year-old guy organized walks along the famous st. petersburg roofs in the northern capital, you understood that this was illegal, yes he did, but for a year this student of one of the universities spoke about the safety of his idea i didn’t think about why, if the money itself falls into a thousand pockets. person for a group trip along the parapet and 2,500 for an individual tour. in
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russia, the excursion industry is still a complete mess, the expert believes. criminal article 238 provides services that do not meet safety requirements only to those who are professionally employed in the tourism industry. now there are about 10,000 such people in the country, but what about those who seem to be guides, but apparently aren’t? this, of course, is, in principle, illegal activity, it must be stopped, and there are different ways, this is in fact. activities of law enforcement agencies, these are also those administrators who should be responsible for certain objects, these people should, let ’s say, formalize their activities within the framework legislation. the state has been trying to restore order in this area for several years now, perhaps it will succeed this time. by july 1 , we should have mandatory certification and a temporary register should appear on the recommendation of the tour operator, a specialist should be included in it, now in... however,
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the transparency of such licensing is still in question, and there is still no single regulatory body in the country, as planned authors, initiatives, the process of legalization of official guides and guide instructors should regional authorities will take care of it. the transition period will last until the spring of next year, and it remains to be seen what the illegal immigrant tour guides will do, come out of the shadows, or manage to earn money. on naive tourists. meanwhile , tourists will recognize certified instructors by a special badge on which their personal information will be placed. specialization, type and categories of difficulty, route, as well as the phone number of the organization that issued the certification and qr code. it will take you to a page of the federal register with information about the guide and thereby help you avoid document forgery. well let's talk about these innovations, and not only talk with the vice-president of the russian union of tourism industry, dmitry gorin. dmitry, greetings. then it is unknown
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who is leading the group into the mountains or through the sewers in moscow underground, is someone checking this today? well, fortunately, there are good changes, and tour guides, they are already on a special register, we can now find them on the minecon development website, you correctly said, using the qr code by... last name, there are already a lot of them, 8,160 people, every day this figure increases, with instructors and guides the matter is more complicated, we have just created the lists and... by the way, on june 21, the ministry of economic development will begin to form this list. the most important thing is to understand that certification existed before, but a lot, i agree, was said in the story that the guides are illegal and who have nothing to do with the tourism industry. and
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as for this certification, how the skills, experience, guides, and tour guides are tested . and, probably, yes, there should be a division into categories. if it's a city guide - that's one category, if it's instructor for dangerous routes, mountains, rafting, this is a completely different category, but who checks? yes, tour guides have certification commissions, they have already been working for a year, and here you need to pass both a theoretical and a practical exam, but for guides everything will be much tougher and even more expensive, including more expensive, now certification commissions, in fact, there are only three sports federations . and these are especially dangerous routes, it will be here, you need to understand that certifications generally take place at testing sites, this will be a real test with work interaction with the ministry of emergency situations, because control and supervision is also important here. the instructors will have special equipment and they also have
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medical skills, it is no coincidence that the list of documents that are needed for certification is very, very serious, it actually includes both a doctor and an instructor, well, many functions. is performed by a person, will it be possible then to completely rid the market of instructors, how to identify them, for example, on the same path, on the same route, who will check them and record them? well, now the rules and fines and control and supervision are changing will be carried out by regional executive authorities, we really want that on especially dangerous routes this was done, for example, by the ministry of emergency situations, which can actually check and help in some situation. readers and viewers on the telegram channel are asking a question: now it’s summer, they want to go to the caucasus, they want to go with a professional instructor for their trip, what should they focus on, what is the general algorithm for their actions? well, the algorithm is very simple: do not buy these excursions, so to speak, from illegal guides, but buy
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excursions from authorized tour operators who already have contracts with guides, it is no coincidence that there is a new register that we will see on july 1st. there will already be many professionals in it, and here you need to trust only professional guides, but won’t such trips become more expensive, and the costs, by the way, for certification of tour guides and guides are not significant, this is actually a state duty, and for example, for guides, the cost of certification will reach from 50 to 100 thousand rubles, and these are the costs of a business trip, training ground, transportation costs, but you know, you can’t count. money, when there is a risk of threats to life, this is our safety, and professional guides understand this, and travel companies will help with this. thank you, thank you, we spoke with the vice-president of the russian union of tourism industry, dmitry gorin, about how to protect tourists from false guides. many people thought i was crazy.
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no, that's not true. sometimes mistakes prepare us for the main meeting. i still can’t live without this woman, we’ve been together for more than 19 years, we don’t have children together, but this doesn’t concern anyone, this is our life, and i’m happy with this life, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, tomorrow at 15:00 on the russia channel, today the admissions campaign starts at russian universities, according to forecasts, the number of applicants this year may exceed a million people, but this does not scare the admissions committee. after all, according to the national project for the digital economy, documents can be submitted online on the government services portal, and this makes life much easier for future students, is everything working out for you? yes, everything is fine, all that remains is to secure the olympiad certificate, and this is a matter of a couple of minutes,
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now oleg’s documents are flying to the chosen one university. russian applicants had the opportunity to apply for admission online several years ago, and of course, the future programmer could not help but take advantage of this option, compared to filling out live, but online is still much faster, plus, the document may get lost and you will have to re-register everything instead of god forbid i don’t have time and don’t do it. young people live like this now, they do everything through a computer, everything is fast, it saves time, and of course there is less stress, there is no need to communicate with the admissions committee. the most the main thing is that you can send documents to the university from anywhere, you don’t even need a computer for this, just a mobile phone and an account on government services, it is on this portal that there is a super service for applying to a university online. in my profile, i select those options that i actually want to be available to me for submitting applications. what is meant? secondly, i can indicate my consent to receive
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unified state examination points. eg points will appear in my profile after the school enters them into the rosobrnadzor system. i can deliver consent, for example, to receive additional information about my additional achievements. gto, olympics. the number of applicants who submit documents through the online service is growing rapidly every year, which university admissions committees admit makes them very happy. for us, the documents already arrive fully verified, that is, we see who, what, this is the first, second, we can allow some of the operators who work in a full-time format to be sent for remote document submission services, of course for us this is also optimization, this is the second, but also the third is that all documents arrive quickly and are structured, such a convenient online application service for both applicants and universities was launched under the national project digital economy, you can submit documents online using any form studying at five universities in the country at once, in each educational institution an applicant can choose up to five specialties, he sees himself where he is on the competitive list for all universities, and then he can decide, here
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the closest thing, i, as an applicant, believe that i will get into a technical university, here is my original, and let them tell me what direction i will go there, as practice shows, recently digital specialties are in particular demand among applicants, in last year, it became the most popular area, about 650,000 applications were submitted to it, one of them belonged to yegor daronin, now the young man is completing his first course in digital engineering of transport processes. i can do it here to combine both computer science and mathematics and advance the future at the same time, this seems to me quite cool, especially if you still study for free, and the number of budget places for these specialties, thanks to the national project digital economy, universities is constantly increasing, since 2019 their number has increased by 2 s2 times, this allows more...
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you’re my daughter, i can’t just live if i don’t even try, christina, i won’t hurt you, i promise, you don’t know him, water, what’s your plan, the factory is burning , as it burns, behind seven seals, today on rtr, from the heroes sometimes there are no old times left while we live. we remember the dark night, only bullets are whistling across the steppe, dust is beating under boots,
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burning fires, while we remember, we are singing, flames are raging all around, dokuli, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look on the screen, look at
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me, take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, i thought that everything was kind of more serious here, you sit and think, there’s nothing to think about here, this is all here, to play or... not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when we are talking about fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here, while everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i meant, of course, a bear , when such a stinking little one spoke. a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not will be, zhenya will add his own, what many people use, the strongest love for the game. this is
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a five-for-one program, oops five-for -one on saturdays on rtr, here’s a new culinary trend from south korea, they developed a method of growing muscle and fat cells of cows inside rice grains, yes, the grains were coated with fish gelatin... a safe edible ingredient that helps the biomaterial to better cling to rubber bands, well, all this was left in the petrin cup for 11 days. not appetizing, but it turned out to be meaty rice, this method significantly reduces emissions carbon into the atmosphere, because you don’t have to waste time raising animals. hybrid rice will cost 2 dollars per kilogram, while beef costs 15, and it contains 8% more protein and seven more fat than
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regular grains. well, the question is: is this tasty ?
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for a person, sergei zhukov can spend hours, he generally considers the hive to be an ideal organization of life, where everyone has enough work and food. as for the unsuccessful start to the season, everything can still change by autumn, because beekeeping is essentially the same a risky area of ​​agriculture, such as growing crops in the open air, does not happen year after year. and then the body will say, thank you. how quickly
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will health be restored if you quit smoking and what is the best way to get rid of the bad habit? let 's ask the expert after the news, let's start, let's go with a smile, morning of russia, don't forgive me, the main thing. vietnam meets vladimir putin, and the world discusses the results of the visit to the dprk and the signing of the most powerful treaty in the history of moscow phinyan. unsanitary conditions, first arrest, one of persons involved in a mass poisoning with signs of botulism were taken into custody in moscow. environmental activists reached stonehedge. a few climate fanatics have tried
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to paint over ancient rocks. the news will tell you about the main thing in the vera tarasova studio. hello. vladimir putin is in vietnam today on a state visit, the russian president will meet with three key officials of the vietnamese leadership, the president, the prime minister and the secretary general of the central committee of the communist party. based on the results , a package of documents is being prepared for signing. the visit will end with meetings with graduates of russian vietnamese universities, as well as a concert at the grand opera house. vladimir putin headed to hanoi from phinyang; the russian leader’s state visit to the dprk ended. roscosmos. the main result of the meeting was the signing of a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement, which the russian president called a truly breakthrough document. moscow and phinyan will resist
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the sanctions strangulation that the west is using to preserve its own. hegemony. the comprehensive partnership agreement signed today provides, among other things, providing mutual assistance in case of aggression against one. of the participants in this document, i draw attention to the statements of the united states and other nato countries about the supply of high-precision weapons systems, large, large radio systems, f-16 aircraft and other high-tech weapons, equipment for striking russian territory, but, in fact, this is not just a statement, this is already happening, all this is a gross violation of those taken for...
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after which they swapped places and kim jong-in got behind the wheel. 560 military personnel an american armored personnel carrier and six combat vehicles were lost in one day to ukrainian formations on the southern sector of the front. ours improved
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the situation along the front line near the settlements of mykovka, kalinino, chasovyar and konstantinovka. 10 artillery pieces and two ammunition depots were destroyed. in addition, the vzz fortified area was destroyed. the borders in the petropalovka, senkovka, kharkov region, and stalemakhovka areas came under our control. and chervona debrava, lugansk republic. to increase the volume and pace of production of components for weapons systems, this task was set by mikhail mishustin at a meeting of the coordination council for supporting the armed forces. the prime minister noted that at some defense enterprises modernization production is ahead of schedule. for a number of items , more than 60% of the planned annual volume of especially popular products has already been produced. the first of four defendants was arrested. we are talking about a citizen of tajikistan who worked as a cook in a company that produces beans. the immediate manager of the company was also detained, as well as the general director of the company kitchen in the district and the head of the quality department.
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it turned out that the food was prepared in completely unsanitary conditions; in total, more than 150 people suffered from poisoning. large-scale exercises of the pacific fleet have begun in kamchatka; naval tactical groups are involved in the maneuvers. naval aviation, a marine corps unit, combat crews of the bal and bastion coastal missile systems. report by mikhail yudaev. there is the first starting battery, alarm, alarm, alarm! having received the alarm, the first battery of the coastal missile brigade moves to the test site. the time is early on the clock 7 am and cars not much on the roads. however, rocket scientists don't often have to drive on asphalt. their main habitat is the dense forests and rocky coasts of the peninsula, where there seem to be roads, but only military ones. the weight of such a machine is about 40 tons, but this does not at all prevent it from moving on almost any off-road terrain. even forest roads, the sea coast and even two-meter snowdrifts will not stop the bal complex. the complex occupies
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a positional area. somewhere in the depths of the forest, earthen fortifications are pre-equipped, in which launchers are hidden, transport-charging and machine controls. the crews immediately begin camouflaging the equipment. the main task of the bal complex is to fight enemy ships and... this is exactly what the first battery will do during maneuvers. the missilemen will have to change their location more than once, conduct electronic launches against specified targets, practice camouflage and logistics management as part of fleet formations. mikhail yudaev, kamchatka news. israel stepped up air operations against lebanon on wednesday. israeli air force planes attacked military personnel hezbollah targets in the area of ​​the cities of tire and khiam. the israeli army also announced the destruction of a key figure in the movement , the leader of the operation. the unrest in southern lebanon of muhammad ayoub. military operations continued in gaza. at least twenty palestinians died in 24 hours. in the uk, environmental activists tried to paint over the ancient stones
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of stonehenge. several people with paint loaded into powder fire extinguishers ran up to the national symbol of the country and began to paint over it and write inscriptions . a group of tourists tried to stop them, but the stones got it anyway. the activists represented everything that was also notoriously international. students from the university of traditional chinese medicine from heilongzian are undergoing internship at the amur medical academy. using simulators, they practice emergency care skills ; soon students from blagoveshchensk will go to harbin to learn the intricacies of oriental healing. daria stefan will continue: a patient named hal was being treated in a hospital, when suddenly his heart seized and he became dizzy. doctors, making rounds, noticed poor health.
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operations, medications, and we will do this with acupuncture and various herbal decoctions, carry out diagnostics, highlight symptoms, improve the patient’s well-being, such opportunities are available in the simulation center of the medical academy, russian and chinese students have successfully established communication, medical vocabulary must be appropriate for such a translation, but in principle it’s not difficult for her, the medical language is basically international, so there are words in latin that they understand perfectly well. medical assistance in
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short terms, versatility will help with this. students will undergo three modules: basic, internal medicine, physician assistant, and surgical obstetrics and gynecology. for several days they will move to different hospitals in order to cover different ones.
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, the main thing. good morning, hello, vladislav zavelov, we will be with you until the end of this week, thank you for turning on. june 20, today is thursday. soluble fashion, appeared a device that is capable of producing textiles from gelatin fibers, a printer costing approximately 50 thousand, if in rubles, was created by american engineers, it prints a strong and... elastic thread, from which
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an eco-friendly material is obtained. clothing made from it does not need to be recycled, just soak it in hot water, the fibers will dissolve in an hour, an excellent opportunity to minimize waste, however, scientists still need to work on the chemical composition of the material so that the clothes do not disappear, for example, during a rainstorm, and not wash this. but the russian ones scientists are creating clothing that protects against viruses. the fabric can not only fight infections, but also self-clean, so you can save money. while doing laundry, andrei negro learned how it works. silk, polyester, cotton, even fiberglass. the materials presented here are completely different, but they have one thing in common. all of them are able to repel bacteria and viruses, all because they are treated with a special composition based on titanium dioxide. under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, which is found in sunlight, it turns into a powerful photocatalyst. on its surface produces highly reactive particles that ... interact with molecules or,
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say, microbes, with microorganisms located on the tissue and destroy them. in fact, any organic matter here burns, leaving only carbon dioxide and water, but it is not enough to find a photocatalyst, it is important that it sticks to the material, this is one of the tasks that scientists set for themselves and eventually created a special binder that is perfectly attached to dioxide particles to tissues, the method we developed allows fix this active component on... the fabric so much that even after repeated washing there is no loss of activity, such materials retain their stability and high activity. of course, first of all, experts suggest using them for... medical gowns, but not only the fact that titanium dioxide decomposes any organic matter makes these fabrics not only antimicrobial, they are able to self-clean from many contaminants. at this stage we are looking for the destruction of the dye, this one of these classical methods for determining the ability of materials to
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self-clean, for this we compare uncoated samples and coated samples, now in the role of contaminant. methylene blue, samples with it are placed under a light source and see how quickly titanium dioxide can discolor it. by the way, the most ordinary leds are lit here, and this is the latest achievement of scientists. they managed to make it so that now titanium oxide works not only under ultraviolet light, because in the solar spectrum it is only 5%, and not at all in simple lamps. the modified photocatalyst acts in blue light, which is contained in the radiation of any lamps. the next stage is to learn. it can be fixed not only to fabrics, but also to apply the coating to the surface of the walls; we have a large area of ​​the room that will be cleaned for a long time; it will not be amiss if the walls of operating rooms, laboratories and food production plants receive this ability. while scientists are finding new
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ways to fight viruses with bacteria, russians continue to fight bad habits. for example, the prevalence smoking among our compatriots has decreased. from 24% in 2019 to almost 19% in 2023, this was reported by the russian ministry of health, and although giving up a bad habit is not easy, positive changes in the body, according to experts, occur almost immediately, well, in the first 20 minutes it returns to normal blood pressure and pulse, within 24 hours the body begins to rid itself of carbon monoxide, within 48 hours normal taste and smell are restored, charm yes... well, in the first months the cough and shortness of breath decrease, which is not a motivator to part with a cigarette once forever, to really immediately give up or stretch out this process, we learn from the professor of the department of faculty therapy, pirogov medical university, head of the cardiology department
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of the thirteenth city clinical hospital of moscow, alfred bogdanov, hello, doctor, hello, alfred ravilievich, here for starters, in at what age does addiction appear? is it important at what age it starts? and more, yes, that is, a pack a day, this is already considered a high-intensity smoker, and experience smoking, it is measured in the pack-years index, that is, the average number of packs multiplied by the number of years during which a person smoked with such intensity, and here
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there is also a critical point, very important, yes, this is 40 or more pack-years, in a heavy smoker with a long experience of 30-50 years, are the organs capable of regeneration? to recovery, there are processes that are irreversible, there are processes that are reversible, to the irreversible we can say, for example, the development of massive multifocal atherosclerosis, in this regard the patient will forever remain at risk for vascular complications, there are heart attacks, strokes, amputations, first of all, and the same applies to many structural changes in the lungs, yes, when the bronchial tree is changed, but those processes are... processes like thrombosis, processes like cancer, yes, the probability of amputation as such, these are those risks that either decrease or tend to zero, that is, they are actually completely reversible in patients as soon as they quit smoking, but is it worth doing this at once, sharply, and
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will it not harm the quitter? chicken to your body? this is a big misconception, it is believed that if you quit smoking suddenly, there may be some complications. smoking, for some it’s easier to quit abruptly, for others no one has died from trying to stop ; it’s easier to reduce the number of cigarettes per day, first gradually, this is also a possible way, we know that these don’t have much effect on people who smoke horror stories, scarecrows that are on the packs, they simply don’t see them, but there is some kind of frightening fact: well, you as a specialist or just as a person, with that you have encountered in your life that is really scary, a simple example, for example, our thirteenth hospital, we have a center.
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hello dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes, 60 minutes. today at 11:30 and 17:30 on the russia channel. please
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note there is a charge for this. tetsian's painting with a detective story was put up for auction in london. 16th century, rest on the way to egypt. he was kidnapped twice. first, french troops stole from the belvidere palace in vienna, especially for napoleon, when the emperor abdicated throne, the painting ended up in the hands of a british aristocrat. but after almost 120 years. in which the masterpiece was kept was robbed, and an art detective was brought in to search. after 7 years, he left the inheritance and the thieves, frightened, left their work at a bus stop in london. now they expect to earn $32 million for the painting. the bidding will probably be hot. and our auto expert ivan zenkevich found a real masterpiece of the last century in a museum in st. petersburg. and this retro exhibit was on the move. city bus from the fifties. no. nothing more permanent than temporary, and today i will show you clear proof of this saying:
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the zis-155 bus, which was created as a temporary solution, but stayed on city streets for at least 10 years. we found our copy in the passenger transport museum in st. petersburg. this bus appeared in 1949, when it was time to replace the 154 zis, and the zil-158 was only in the project, that’s why. based on the previous model, they figured out how they could make a new one, but it turned out very nice, you look at such a vehicle and it pleases the eye, graceful lines, round headlights, real retro style. the windshield is unusually located at an angle, the body is a load-bearing carriage, a better solution has not yet been invented. the emblem was popularly nicknamed the herring; it depicts the palace of the soviets, which were to be built on the site of the cathedral of christ the savior, and the soviet flag. b. the passage into the salon through the accordion doors is very narrow, maybe the citizens then were slimmer and more athletic, because the steps
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are very high by today’s standards, there are portholes in the roof on both sides, the seats are soft, designed for 28 people, the floor is plywood, but the plywood is thick, impregnated with a resinous moisture-resistant composition, the driver has his own entrance, the cabin is spacious, light, the seat is soft and adjustable in three planes, but this is some kind of luxury, just a foreign car, probably just that... soviet drivers thought when they got caught the steering wheel of the bus after the zis-5 lorry trucks. at hand is a six-cylinder carburetor engine with a displacement of 5.56 liters and a power of 95 horsepower. while driving, the unit makes noise and smokes, gases penetrate into the cabin. maximum speed when fully loaded is 65 km/h, but cannot reach more than 50 recommended. air brakes will take 13 m to a full stop, but you can get used to it. throughout the 1950s, the z-155 was
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the main city bus in the ussr. he worked in large cities on suburban routes, and in 1957 he was replaced by a longer and more comfortable zil-158. yes, it’s smoky, noisy, shaking, so you have to scream. but this bus is still on the road, as it was made conscientiously and is being stored. carefully in the museum. and then, the dream house. more and more russians are taking out mortgages for individual housing construction. about preferential programs subsidies, we'll tell you in a few minutes. i died for men. she died. holy shit. if there were no happiness, i predict that something very, very good will happen in your life soon . it’s good that you grabbed your head, but the dress helped, when you wear it
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, your whole life will change, but i don’t know what to change, you are an amazing woman, a dream woman, we are talking to you on the eve of the day of sorrow, the day the war began, for me, the feeling of war, of course, became more vivid, in the picture, come look, the merciless truth, which will stay with him for the rest of his life, a full-fledged
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chronicle of the atrocities of concentration camp workers, the footage is terrible, i finished watching it. already at that moment , alexey kravchenko came out as a different person, they told me at the auditions, well, this is the situation, here is your mother lying, she died, of course, i cried, mom-mom, when i looked back, i saw that adults were standing too in tears, everyone says: that's it, that's it, stop, stop, i 've heard many times why this film is needed at all, let's forget it, and what happens to those who forget something, everything comes back.
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mine have arrived, you know each other, have crossed paths , by chance, by the way, there are no coincidences in life, if you need my help, promise that you will call me, you are not indifferent to her, dad, the flower queen needs to be conquered, isn’t it, who i love you, you are my light. you are my light! on friday on rtr. please, acquaintances and roll call can be done without built-in. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea is drunk, how many stories
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are told. i was cocky in a white tuxedo. and i begin. everyone is at home with timur kizikov. on sunday on rtr. the first cloned calf in russia appeared in the krasnodar region. genetic material was taken from a donor cow with record productivity. the chick was named asterisk. she feels great, eats
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hay and grows under the care of farmers. the technology has been developed for 5 years, this breakthrough for... innovation will improve the production of milk and meat, and will also make it possible to breed animals resistant to diseases. ecotourism is also being developed in the krasnodar territory; for example, in sochi you can see alpacas without leaving the city. lets do it let's kiss you. this is how we kiss, right? senior guide irina marshankina knows every furry inhabitant of the alpaca park. the female, named sibi, is one of her favorites. today she was a little worried with us. mood, because they quarreled with the girls, in fact, alpacas are very social animals, the eco-company opened in early may and immediately became popular among townspeople and tourists, excursions take place here every hour, especially many schoolchildren who come to chat with animals, this is our markusha, she runs our telegram, our girl is a celebrity, and also the mother of our bumblebee, the bumblebee has already been touched and stroked, other inhabitants
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of south america live in the park, for example, llamas, because of their slight similarity they are often confused with alpacas, next door valeria braids... all the animals in the park are carefully looked after by the company's employees and veterinarians also monitor the health of the animals and their mood, guests also try to treat the park's inhabitants with care, but do not deny themselves the pleasure of playing with them or take a photo for memory. irina vaushina came to visit the caps with her daughter, the woman is sure that a person needs to develop a love for nature from childhood. i wanted to communicate with animals. very nice, beautiful, wonderful park, i really like everything, we managed to take pictures, fed, hugged, everything is very cool,
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there are more and more such eco-centers at the resort every year, they are quickly becoming a place of attraction for tourists who at the resort want not only to swim and sunbathe, but also to get acquainted with the diversity of the animal world. many people thought i was crazy. no, that's not true, sometimes mistakes prepare us for the main taste. nothing, i still can’t live without this woman, we’ve been together for more than 19 years, we don’t have children together, but this doesn’t concern anyone, this is our life, and i’m happy with this life, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov, tomorrow in 15:00 on the russia channel, catch me if you can, big music show, let me go people! we switched to the russia hear tv channel, tomorrow at 21:30,
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, morning of russia, don’t forgive the main thing. the news will tell about the main things in russia abroad. vera taratsova studios. hello. vladimir putin today in vietnam on a state visit, the russian president will meet with three key officials of the country's leadership, the president. the central committee of the communist party is preparing to sign a package of documents based on the results. the visit will end with a meeting with graduates of russian vietnamese universities, as well as a concert at the grand opera house.
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entrance vladimir putin headed from phinyang for the russian leader's state visit to the dprk ended with a ceremonial reception, and the official meeting of the heads of state was held at kirsen square, which can accommodate more than 100 thousand people. a large delegation arrived in north korea together with vladimir putin. uses to maintain its hegemony. the comprehensive partnership agreement signed today also provides for the provision of... assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this document, i draw attention to the statement of the united states and other nato countries on the supply
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of high-precision weapons systems, large, large radio communications, f-16 aircraft and other high-tech weapons, equipment for striking russian territory, yes, in fact, this is not only a statement, this is already happening, all this is gross... violations of the restrictions assumed by western countries within the framework of various kinds international obligations. in this regard , the russian federation does not exclude the development of military-technical cooperation with the korean people's democratic republic, in accordance with the document signed today. korean friends occupy an objective, balanced position on the topic of ukrainian settlement. understand the true initial causes of the crisis. the great interstate treaty, which is of a strategic nature, was concluded just 9 months after comrade
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president putin and i discussed the issue of concluding a new interstate treaty at the vostochny cosmodrome in september last year. vladimir putin thanked the leader of the korean people for his hospitality and presented kim chin-nyong with an aurus car. russian president demonstrated a luxury car and got behind the wheel. on the way to. passing through the park, the leaders of the two countries drove several kilometers, after which they swapped places and kiimchen got behind the wheel. 560 military personnel, an american armored personnel carrier and six combat vehicles were lost. over the course of 24 hours, the ukrainian armed forces in the southern sector have improved the situation along the front line near the settlements of minkovka, kalinino, chasovya and konstantinovka. 10 artillery pieces and two ammunition depots were destroyed. in addition, the fortified area of ​​the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. on the western sector of the front, the kiev regime lost another 450 soldier officers, a tank and two armored vehicles. the borders in the area of ​​petropavlovka sinkovka, kharkov region, stelmakhovka and chervona debrava, lugansk
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republic came under our control. the first of four defendants in the case of mass poisoning with signs of batulism was arrested, the decision was made by the moskvaretsky court of moscow, we are talking about a citizen of tajikistan who worked as a cook in a company producing beans. the immediate manager of the company was also detained, as well as the general director of the local kitchen company and the head of the quality department. it turned out that the food was prepared in completely unsanitary conditions; in total, more than 150 people suffered from poisoning. powerful floods continue in southern china, bad weather has reached the autonomous region of guangxi, on the border with vietnam, megacities and small settlements are flooded, and transport links are disrupted. in the hardest hit province of fujian, several more landslides occurred. ancient religious buildings collapsed under the pressure of water. the authorities have raised the level of weather danger to the penultimate level; in fujin it has already been for a week. highest red mark. preliminary damage from the disaster exceeded a billion dollars. in
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chile, clashes with police. a demonstration of high school students turned around. law enforcement officers threw stones with paint, the police used gas and water cannons. during a march to the ministry of education building in santiago , protesters demanded improved working conditions for security teachers. schools and universities in chile are now experiencing financial problems. students are complaining about an increase in incidents of violence and abuse in educational institutions. not switch. already this fall, the front may receive a completely new type of drones with embedded artificial intelligence, all components are produced at domestic enterprises, with details from the donetsk region. dmitry ermakov. reconnaissance strike drones have complete supremacy over the earth. she conducts reconnaissance, she makes adjustments, she looks for the enemy, the movement of equipment and, in principle, the movement of all enemy forces and
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the destruction of the enemy. recently, according to defenders, there are less and less birds in sights samples of soviet equipment arrive, their place is taken by western analogues, they burn, they are no worse, by the way, they appear at the front earlier than from all the mouthpieces, the kiev partners shout, approve, he is already flying through the trenches, while they seem to be saying it there , the ammunition is already here, and in short they are already flying through the trenches. ostap notes that the help does not help the enemy much, some are lost along the way, others are destroyed on the approaches, and the fighter himself is with enego.
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including, as the producers noted, it is expected that this year the birds will receive artificial intelligence, a new milestone in the development of unmanned aerial vehicles. any reb from the enemy is no longer relevant, it will reach the target at the entrance of any reb, well, that’s right, it’s already aimed, nothing is stopping it, yes, it’s already autonomous, it will pursue the target, no matter how it moves, the estimated delivery times for the next fpv generations - autumn, by the way, cargo arrives in trucks several times a month. in their body not only first aid kits of domestic production, but also thermal imagers, generators, building materials for arrangement of positions. these are the new atvs that the soldiers of the first army corps will receive today; they can hardly be called know-how, but they still carry out their combat missions on the front line very effectively, a universal tool that will allow them to deliver provisions to the front line, including evacuating a rang, or, for example , you can use it to operate rpgs, as well as other active
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weapons. vyacheslav bogaichuk, lead donetsk. large-scale treatment of forests against gypsy moths has begun in the omsk region. more than a thousand are sprayed per day hectares of green space. specialists use a biological drug. it only affects caterpillars and is completely harmless to plants and animals. report by alexey grigoriev. along the edge of the forest and strictly downwind. this is how the forests in the azov region are being processed from the main enemy. green foliage - silkworm. there are only a few such installations throughout russia. and one for the entire omsk region. aerosol generator tornada. the mechanism of the device even contains a turbine from the mi-8 helicopter. behind. due to this, the drug, which is harmful to insects, reaches tree tops, while such treatment is not harmful to anyone except the silkworm, because the substance used for spraying is not poison, the forest is treated with the bacterium lepidocyte scm, which does not affect humans
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or bees, so it only affects leaf-eating caterpillars, after such processing trees, the silkworm dies, the invasion of voracious caterpillars in the region is recorded almost every year, often such a surge happens once every 5 years and can last for several seasons. the gypsy moth overwinters in the warmest places in the forest, closer to on the ground, one might say, in the roots of trees, it lays up to 2,000 larvae on one tree. after hatching, the caterpillars actively crawl upward, to where there is more light, warmth and food supply. this year, omsk scientists do not expect an invasion of caterpillars, as before, but it all depends on the weather. if the temperature rises, we will again face a year of severe overeating, but after all, we think to a lesser extent than last year. thanks to the frosts, up to 30% of the larvae died this winter; due to the cold and rainy spring, the caterpillars also
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began to develop later, so the timing of processing forests from silkworms this summer also had to be shifted. it is delayed in development, and now we are in the second or third instar of the caterpillar, and it’s time to poison it. and if last year and we had arrived at the same time, the caterpillars would have already been at more mature, so to speak, stages of development, they would have been much larger, well, how much larger would they have been, well, twice as large this year moment, that is, according to her, the drug would not be so effective. more than 25.00 km will be treated this summer from silkworms forests in ten districts of the omsk region, in the south the work has already been completed. alexey grigoriev, egor kireev, vesti omsk. all news is always available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website, stay on the russia channel, let's start,
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let's do it, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great, good. morning of russia, don’t forgive me, most importantly, hello, good morning, wake up, recharge your batteries with us, today is thursday, june 20 in the morning of russia studio vladislav zavyalov and vera krasova. and here is a solution for you in the morning housing problem. not yet in kenya , 3d houses are appearing in place of slums. they are easier to build than conventional ones, they are durable, and relatively inexpensive, for example, a house with two bedrooms for
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2 million rubles. the demand is huge. to solve housing problems in this country, 2 million buildings need to be built. the country's government plans to build 250,000 of them per year. and learn how to print roads efficiently; in some of our regions, the path to knowledge passes through highways and crossings, which is completely unsafe. how to fix the situation is education literally accessible to everyone? let's figure it out. everything is there on the other side, the hospital is there, the savings bank is there, the school is there, the post office is there, everything is there, and we are like hermits, the railway divides the treasured village into two parts, and getting from one to the other is almost impossible.
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was delivered by a special bus, but as summer approached, the parents were delighted that there would be no more delivery, they say the road was already safe, all you had to do was walk along a busy highway with virtually no sidewalk and go down an unequipped railway crossing. they promised us back in april 2024, please pay attention, it is impossible for children to go to school. fortunately, the indignant residents were heard and the bus was promised to be returned for the school year, but in regions where schools are available for children. a lot remains in question, according to experts, most often the problem is, first of all, the disorganization of local authorities, sometimes they don’t think through approaches or... entrances to schools in a very logical way, this is really
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very important if the building is a school, and we understand that along this road the children go to school, there must be a mandatory sidewalk, and if it is not there, there must be a school bus, and it seems to be there, money is allocated, but it requires other components: hiring, drivers, traffic organization, who should do this, it is unclear, their regions. .. buy and distribute to municipalities, all this falls on the shoulders of school directors or heads of small municipalities. today there are already successful examples when school buses are operated not by individual municipalities, but by a centralized authority throughout the region, you can also do the same with school roads instead of a long chain of complaints, if the municipality has not responded or , as we say, has written an unsubscribe, then you can contact the regional one. with the same problem. experts
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are confident that it is necessary to create a single regional center that will check roads, entrances and approaches to schools, and also respond to complaints from parents, because when it comes to the road to school, every effort must be made to ensure the safety of children. he talks about children further, just another aspect, not how they get to school, which we will discuss. experts from the russian public initiative have called for streamlining the school uniform standard. include shorts and t-shirts in the everyday option, well , for a couple of months a year it’s fine, but today, as a rule, people go to school in dress pants, skirts and jackets, and given the mobility of children, such regulations often lead to a deterioration in well-being, especially in hot weather . what a comfortable school uniform should be, we will discuss with the deputy chairman of the commission on education and education of the public chamber of russia, director of the institute for the study of childhood, family and education, natalia akra. hello, natalya, hello! there are three options for school sports uniforms.


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