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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 20, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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part of krasnogorovka, and kiev lost the core of its defense in the area of ​​​​the city of toretsk, this is the gorlovka direction, russian units at the time of rotation of the armed forces of ukraine were able to make a breakthrough on a section of the front that has remained unchanged for the last 10 years. enemy resources write that russian assault groups also managed to gain a foothold on the southern outskirts of new york, which, god willing, will soon become novgorod again. at the front, look, earth, earth, come on, good fellows, come on, come on, come on, here, here,
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putin has already threatened the west for support ukraine, but also said he wants peaceful negotiations. but ukrainian troops facing the russians on the eastern front say they don't believe the russian leader's words and want to fight on. russia understands only force, say the soldiers. all agreements and signings are just fun. sooner or later russia will fight even harder.
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the command of the ukrainian army decided to create a defense line in the kherson region , approximately 10 km from the dnieper river. which means it does not exclude the possibility of penetration there russian troops, this is the second line of defense, where there are the teeth of the dragon, there is also the first line of defense, on which we control the dniep ​​river itself. a defense line can be built, soldiers can be motivated, but if a guided bomb or missile falls there, it won’t bring much help. recent months have shown that russian troops have a clear superiority in military equipment.
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suggested that the f-16 fighters that will begin operating there in the near future will be based outside of ukraine, there is are there any plans to deploy the ukrainian f-16 in a nato country? the plan is to station f-16s in ukraine. and the bilateral security agreement signed by president zelensky confirmed the thesis that we want to help ukraine gain such an opportunity. this should be a potential based in ukraine. lowering the age from 27 to 25 years is not the last change in the age threshold for ukrainian conscripts. about it. ukrainian lazinsky officially declared, however, no one doubted this, the west clearly stated the task, youth in exchange for weapons and zelensky is fulfilling this task, that the square is literally approaching democratic europe at a frantic pace,
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minister of justice denis malyusko recalled, he listed the services that will now be impossible to obtain without a military id, and this... real estate, business, civil registration, notary services and even international legal assistance, that is, ukrainian men are officially turned into powerless cattle with the only function - to die for the interests of europe and the united states. registration of marriage, registration of the right to this video is being distributed on ukrainian social networks right now. in the footage , ukrainian policemen mock their helplessness.
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an employee of the vinnitsa tc and his son, who, during mobilization, organized a separate , very good business. the father caught conscripts, the son, for 20 thousand dollars, promised to arrange for the conscript to leave the country, that is, abroad, the family contract was exposed by the sbu officers, with whom, apparently, they simply did not share. during house searches businessmen were found with empty summonses and more than a dozen copies of passports of conscript men.
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israel issued an ultimatum to lebanon, and did this through the americans. us commissioner ms hockstein presented an ultimatum to bierutt on behalf of the israeli government, saying that if hezbala does not retreat across the litani river by monday, israel will begin... will return to the production of isotopes to create new nuclear bombs , in general, for a reason,
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the stockholm international peace research institute published a beautiful but scary number the day before: the total world nuclear stockpile is 12,121 warheads, that is, everything that can destroy humanity in a few seconds has been calculated. in connection... another crazy news from britain, where local resident nick gould has been living in a bunker for 8 years, waiting for nuclear wars , and is in a shelter with fifty. friends, in an interview with the sun, gulk said that he was haunted by the idea that everything on earth would be destroyed during the third world war, so he decided to build a shelter that could withstand the consequences of a nuclear strike, chemical attack or biological weapons, not to mention conventional missiles.
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during construction, the man relied on swiss safety standards. in switzerland with technology. the scale is impressive , the entire country is dug up with underground fortresses, beds are installed everywhere, monthly. water supplies are checked. in the event of a nuclear attack, the bunkers can continue to operate underground completely autonomously for several months. at the same time , switzerland officially decided to abandon its centuries-old status as a mediator. the day before , the country's parliament announced preparations for export swiss weapons to ukraine, despite
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neutrality, which they even wanted to enshrine in the constitution, but washington apparently banned. when we hear the word switzerland, the following pictures come to mind, crystal clear lakes, steep valleys and high mountains, but today we will not enjoy the mountain landscapes, we are interested in what lies beneath them.
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the war in ukraine again brought war to europe, and those who believed that bunkers were still needed were only convinced of their opinions, so i met jean rine fournier, who showed a rather unusual bunker to me, this bomb shelter is intended for local authorities and emergency response teams, it is here underground that they can continue to operate in the event of an attack, here is a radio system that operates around the clock for... swiss radio is charged, fuel cans filled, pencils sharpened, they teach very often, how did they influence you?
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the idea of ​​this bunker is that huge doors will block the underground highway on both sides and more than 20 thousand people will be able to escape from a nuclear explosion and this bunker is right here, there are prison cells, a hospital with 300 beds, some part of this shelter is now a museum, but it is ready to save people if something happens, in case of an emergency this road would be blocked.
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events in ukraine have changed the views of many people, some previously believed that it was a waste of money, but the threats that face us today have forced us to postpone the issue of demolishing bunker shelters for many years to come. but now to the american ones, which have already become traditional news, the president of the united states has run out of batteries again, he is shutting down. a new incident with joe biden sticking happened when he was announcing new measures to support illegal migrants in the white house. if earlier , with the help of make-up artists, physiotherapists and, probably,
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sorcerers with tambourines, biden was able to somehow come to his senses on the eve of his speeches, now even ordinary americans understand that the president is ill. non-specialized physician, plastic surgeon from los angeles, sheila nazaryan. i was also able to diagnose baydon, judging by symptoms of parkinson's disease. among the manifestations, memory deterioration, external frivolity, ostentatious foolishness , laughter. do you recognize joe biden? the day before, he said for the third time in a week that he loved ice cream and laughed. also, among the symptoms are slowness of movements, rare blinking, muscle stiffness, trembling of the arms and legs. unsteadiness when walking, shuffling, muttering, sudden freezing. in general, this is really joe biden. protect joe.
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a democratic group of doctors from washington at walter reed hospital immediately rushed in. convince americans are that the surgeon from los angeles, an ardent supporter of trump, and in general everything is fine with biden. and joe is well aware of reality. it's obvious. although it would be possible. just show pictures of the brain of the president of america, everything would immediately fall into place; with degenerative diseases, the brain shrinks, as a rule, by half a percent, but the democrats don’t want to show biden’s mri; as an additional argument, they advise taking a closer look at donald trump, who has father suffered from dementia, and family genetics increases the risk.
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born towards the big seven, and it seemed like he didn't understand where he was, so he didn't really understand where he was, and now he blames it on artificial intelligence, i'll explain why you're
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here. have you ever had dreams that seemed real? how do you differentiate between the dream world and the real world? i don’t know how to differentiate, you want to know artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, it’s everywhere, even now in this room, wow and already everywhere, it blows your mind, everyone has the right to know what happened ai-generated and what not.
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"i have to tell you, obama could have done it differently, he could have done it a little softer, he could have just told him, 'let's go, let's go.' there was no need to grab him and drag him across the stage. dirty joe and his handlers insist that he is in the best shape, they say that the video with dishonest joe, who wanders here and there, is pure fakery. and people rightly wonder: will he have enough strength, to cope with your presidential role? but you don’t see a scenario in which the democrats look at the polls, look at him and say: maybe we should replace biden? no, first of all, logistically and technically it is already too late, we need to get
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into... if joe biden wins the election this year, he will be 86 years old by the end of his second term, how aging affects memory, how to assess what is happening with intelligence , how suitable is it for... not so intense work. i'm looking at pictures of president biden and he has some features that in my opinion look like he is developing early stages of parkinson's disease. his voice is quite monotone, he walks slowly, he does not gesticulate, he has already fallen several times, his face looks like a mask, he does not have the usual facial expression that any person has, all this may indicate some kind of neurodegenerative disease, but biden is a man with enormous
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responsibility. not only for your country, but for the whole world. for several years now, especially in the last few weeks, joe biden they say he must take a cognitive test, do you think he will pass such a test? anyone applying for this position is required to take a cognitive exam. now we conservatives must move to the next level. i'm not saying that we are all against joe biden here, because there is a possibility that he will not be a candidate for us president. let's be. we are not just a movement, we are not running away from something, but we are moving towards a goal, like americans, we are heading towards a country where you are judged because you have you in your head, and not by the color of your skin, by your character traits and by your deeds. i am convinced that today is the new year 1776, and donald trump -
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and again some absolutely incredible footage from phinyang, a concert in honor of putin at the sports complex and chiyuk won. the leaders of russia, the kander, are sitting nearby, every now and then exchanging phrases; almost the entire hall is filled with spectators dressed in the colors of the russian flag. they are waving small flags of russia and north korea. the main part of the concern and program, soviet songs, holy war, why the homeland begins, of course, katyusha in... in russian, korean singers sing practically without an accent, a composition was also heard that makes birches in russia rustle from a modern shaman, and then the anthem of russia, it was sung in two languages ​​at once, russian and korean . at that time , huge flags of our country and north korea were unfurled on the stage, it looks impressive.


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