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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  June 20, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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i am convinced that today is the new year 1776, and donald trump is the new george washington. and again some absolutely incredible footage from phinyang, a concert in honor of putin at the iyu kwon sports complex. the leaders of russia kender sit nearby, every now and then exchanging phrases; almost the entire hall is filled with spectators dressed in the colors of the russian flag. they are waving small flags of russia and north korea. main part. why do the birches in russia make such a noise from a modern shaman, and then the anthem of russia, it was sung in two languages ​​at once, russian and korean. at that time , huge flags of our country and north korea were unfurled on the stage.
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we are transported to north korea, we are transported to pyongyang, our political observer, alexey glovko, is in direct contact from the geun susan residence, where, in fact, hello colleagues, this day in pyongyang brought, of course, very important, very bright news. vladimir putin and kimchen signed an agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership, one article which stipulates that states will come to each other’s aid in case of attacks, too. vladimir putin said that
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russia does not exclude military-technical cooperation with the korean people's democratic republic. in general, many experts wondered: why is the russian president going so far, to his ally? why, in order to strengthen the already close partnership ties, now foreign political and military-technical, we know how difficult this asia-pacific region, here is the new formation of aucus, quite hostile to both the people's republic of china and of course, the north and north korea, here is south korea, which is constantly on whose territory american bases are located, and this is of course a threat to the north korean state, but now russia, with this agreement, once again confirms that this region is for it also a sphere of strategic interests, she, of course, is not going to leave here under any pressure, in general today was a very bright day, we talked a lot about how vladimir putin was greeted in the capital of pyongyang on the square... named after kimersen, tens of thousands
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people were greeted with songs and flags, there was a fireworks display, there was a parade. vladimir putin and kimchenun rode across the entire square in a convertible, they were greeted by both students and military personnel of the chinese, excuse me, in the case of the korean, of course, army, in general, it was such a busy day , it ended with the russian president and the head of north korea visiting the monument, called the liberation monument, this is just in memory. about the soldiers of the red army who died who liberated the korean peninsula during the second world war, this was already the final phase, here the japanese kwantung army was defeated, and the soviet people gave their lives for the independence of the korean people, here in north korea, of course , they remember this very well, which cannot be said about south korea, where, probably, such monuments are not common now, and one more thing there was an important, bright event today - this is a grandiose concert , we know how in north korea they love
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to respect russian culture, russian songs, and today they played a variety of music, in general, it was a real bright show, it was such a final point in this two... an epoch-making treaty on strategic partnership, we are now officially, according to the fourth article of this treaty, military allies with north korea, this is what
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lavrov said about this, against the fourth article on assistance in case of aggression, the treaty on a comprehensive strategic partnership between russia and the dprk , may object. only the one who plans it in relation to one of the countries, this, of course, is a signal not only to the united states, but also to its neighbors, siul, who, if they intend to attack pyongyang, they will receive a rebuff not only from the dprk, but now also from russia, according to the new signed agreement, the same applies to the north. korea, which, as putin said, does not exclude military assistance to russia. ask. indeed, look, there is a real holiday in korea, the joyful faces of the children, the residents of pinyang, they welcome the russian
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president, the russian delegation, the strengthening of our relations. by the way, just recently, a week ago, the residents of havana also had joyful faces when our warships and submarine entered. to the port of govan, and indeed this is sincerity, but we, russian communists are twice as joyful, because at one time in the nineties and two thousand, led by gennady andreevich, they did a lot to preserve these relations and develop. i don’t want to offend europe or the united states once again, but look, these states were created thanks to our country, the soviet union, victory over militaristic japan.
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from the point of view of the threat there and from the dprk, well, listen, the dprk has not participated in any wars over the past decades, unlike united states. how can you not strengthen the defense potential when there are actually predators nearby who dream of seizing this state, so i think that the potential, but not only the military-technical one, look at the composition of the delegation, yes, the transport logistics system, yes, that means industry. which means energy issues, and roscosmos, that is , there are many areas where we can cooperate fruitfully, let them guess what kind of exchange, around what, and so on and so forth, although everything will become clear, and there is also a very important point about sanctions, at the end of this year,
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the un security council is scheduled to vote on extending sanctions against north korea, which they imposed in 2006 and 2009.
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partnership partnership means that powerful legal-political, legal mechanisms, elements of allied relations have appeared, from this it follows that at least two or three such military-political, military -international directions, results, effects, the first, well, the first, apparently, the most important one, this kumsungan agreement, i would call it that, or rather a gift from kim and... putin, the united states, their allies, so to speak, he
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, of course, caused a shock, and will continue to evoke the most serious emotions for a long, long time. that is, the kumsungan treaty is actually the materialization of the eurasian security system that putin proclaimed, the iranian option is being looked at, is being looked at, let’s see what will be signed in vietnam and so on, that is, this. the system is, well, let’s say, in quotes, somewhere semi-ally, somewhere close strategically, somewhere of other formats. second point, external measurements, but now quite clearly, within the framework of the fourth article, there seems to be a certain formalization, legalization of some individual important elements of russian-north korean military-technical relations within the framework of this operation, since there is an article four, there is an agreement and so on, and i yesterday i said, i’ll repeat again, this is the horizontal line. where we have, on the one hand , belarus within the framework of a union state, and on the other hand, north korea, these are actually
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our closest allies within the framework of this operation. the third point is, of course, well not just strengthening the opposition of the troika of the usa, japan, south korea, but in fact it is a blow to them, so to speak, but if not a knockout, then a knockdown for sure. they planned to sign a military agreement, materialize agreements, today the russian-north korean one. the bundle is a powerful military bundle, i remember january 24 of this year, when north korea successfully tested a strategic solid-fuel booster rocket with a multiple hypersonic warhead, this is the latest cutting-edge technology plus 1,200 and so on further, the north korean army means that there is a deterrent factor and a powerful protective factor. the third point, china, of course, many experts in the west write. experts that china is indignant, china is irritated, nothing like that, not irritated at all. putin and kim
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did not improvise, in may, i think that the korean part of sidinpin, putin was in some sense agreed upon, defined, and this triangle, sidinpin, putin, kim, it works, somewhere china is not so obvious, but this is a whole system of agreement, this is not improvisation at all, this was all in may, of course, the korean agenda was also pro-tumgan, by the way.
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russia and china signed, yes, right... that we are against vetoing against tightening, but the way out of this mechanism is not so simple, that is, it is clear that we are kind of against tightening, as putin said quite rightly that... an urgent regime of sanctions needs to be reconsidered, that is, apparently, as part of the preparation of this agreement , an exit mechanism has already been laid down, or is being laid down, possibly stage-by-stage, using a combination of different instruments, official, unofficial, but this is not easy cutting the gordian knot with a sword is a separate topic, not an easy one, well, i also
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think this mechanism will be implemented gradually, and if not about sanctions but about people, north korean soldiers?
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capitally strong such a powerful deep stereotypical volumetric process of russian-north korean relations without completing, of course, you know, this image arises, so we watched a brilliant concert by gin, and you know, there’s just a feeling that a powerful russian wind fills the north korean sails, not very large, but stable boats with a forty-year-old captain, which, with the help of russia, will... successfully bypass all the reefs, the traps will successfully move further according to the model of its development and modernization. do you have any idea where the north korean captain got so many shells from? well, if the americans cite statistics that the european union was able to survive half a million, kim allegedly put 5 million in moscow.
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any deposits, reserves? what do we know about this?
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christina, i won’t hurt you, i promise, you don’t know him, i don’t care what your plan is, the factory is burning, as it burns, behind seven seals, today on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him,
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it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train. how to walk on ice correctly will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, a bowl of macaroni and cheese will always support you, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, so your health will definitely increase. dr. myasnikov on sunday on rtr, where are you going on red,
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you can distinguish colors, it’s not my fault, i was driving on a flashing yellow, where the scene of jealousy is, maybe you need help. i offer you a job, simple responsibilities, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, hourly pay, friendship can’t be bought, i deceived you, i’m a bastard, but take your suitcase and leave, but love is not for sale, that’s where all the normal men are, there is no love, there is nothing, deception and lies, i was always in a hurry somewhere, solving a bunch of problems, what now intersection, what should i do? you need to act on saturday on rtr. altai is
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a majestic mountainous country. nature has generously rewarded this region with picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, and snow-white peaks. and glaciers, especially rich in belukha glaciers, a two-headed sacred mountain where, according to legend, one can find the entrance to shambhala. belukha is the highest point of siberia, and the cradle of the great altai river katun. a pearl among the mountains, lake teletskoe. altai has always been a source of legends and myths, and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just like
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many centuries ago. we are talking to you on the eve of the day of sorrow, the day the war began, for me the feeling of war, of course, became more vivid, in the picture come look, there is a merciless truth that will remain with him for the rest of his life. a full-fledged chronicle of the atrocities of concentration camp workers, the footage is terrible, i finished watching it, and at that moment i came out a different person. alexey kravchenko, at the audition they told me, well , here’s the situation, here’s your mother lying, she died, of course, i cried, mom, mom, when i looked back, i saw that the adults were also standing in tears, that’s it they say: that's it, that's it, stop, stop, i 've heard it many times, why bother? this film is needed, let's forget it, but what happens to those who forget something? everything comes back. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov. on friday
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on rtr. now the american shock content - a transgender person, who a year ago shocked americans by exposing his artificial breasts on the lawn of a white house, has been accused of sexual assault. pervert, biden's friend, ross mantoya raped at least five people, but the biden administration, of course, concluded they didn’t do anything, refused to comment, and invited a new freak to the white house. a bearded man in a dress, grimacing, tried himself in the role of press secretary of the white house, a worthy successor to the black lesbian karin jan. welcome to the white house, let's get to the questions: i want to ask, yes, yes, is this your real hair?
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yes, i can confirm this information, this is not a wig. next question: do you use your own cosmetics? yes, i have been using only natural cosmetics for more than four years. next question: while donald trump is fuming over the murder of a mother of five children by immigrants, the biden administration in the person of kamela haris has more important things to do.


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