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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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no, i just realized that he would get change, we got into the car, it means he was taking me home, he always gave me a ride home, so we were going, he said: well, are you silent, are you offended, or what? i say, of course, never beat off women from your friends, in general, we met evgeniy sanovich in 1964, you can imagine when... i entered the theater school at gorkovskoye, which i graduated from, i didn’t know then, evstegneev suddenly arrived to nizhny novgorod, he was born and raised there, evgeniy sanovich, came to visit his mother and arranged a meeting with students, and i sat in the first row, then everyone bowed to the beatles, well, i also let my hair go, i’m sitting with these long hair in the first row, that’s how i... i’m sitting in stegneev
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, the stage rises, vitaly santrovich, joyful, director of the theater, says: dear friends, our guest is a graduate of our theater school, evgeniy sanch evstegneev, actor of the sovremennik theater, well, we are all, everything, suddenly, lepsky says, boy, get up, i get up, i say, yes, what’s your last name, i say , shura pankratov, get your hair cut, then he’ll come. out of the audience, and they kick me out, i i go out into the corridor, cry, the meeting with such an artist fell through, i opened the door slightly, i look, the whole meeting, and evgeniy santovich talked for three hours about the sovremennik theater, about his colleagues, so i listened to it all, that’s it, the meeting is over, he leaves, well the guys rushed up to him there to take autographs and so on, so i came up and said, evgeny savich.
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carriage, restaurant, walk, flaw, from a ruble and up, but everything is free, then he will force us bags there of all sorts of food that does not spoil, because we spent the night at the kursk station, then all the police at the kursk station knew us, from us there was a sofa in the farthest corner, this is a wooden station, then there were these wooden ones, now i don’t know, they’re also wooden, so we spent the night there, and in the evenings... we went to the theaters, i remember, you come to a contemporary, a student card, the administrator was like this, she says, well, boys, we have nowhere to put diplomats, there is no place, and here you threw away the student fuss, and then i said in such a sepulchral voice, tell evgeny aleksandrovichugneev, shura pankratov i came from the city of gorky. well, how
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can you not report him in stegneev, she ran out to stegneev or in a robe or there was a ripple on her shirt , the performance is about to begin, you say shu! where are you, and shura, i’m going to see him, come on quickly, i ’ll take you there, and you’ll find a place there, sit down somewhere, and i watched the entire repertoire of the sovremennik theater, by the way, you were appointed mashkov to the position of chief director of the theater, he now he will be in charge, i am happy for him, because he is almost my fellow countryman, returning to evsigneev, they say that you saw him a few days before him? entrance for the operation, you know, this is the same thing, he suffered a terrible tragedy, he really believed in friendship, and we were very friends, there was friendship, he forgave me everything, i was friends with lilya, after gali
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volchek, his wife was lilya, who herself committed suicide, that’s it, and then he married his student, irochka, that’s the whole thing and... irochka, well, they say different things about her, but she watched him very much, she took care of him, but he suffered a terrible drama , when he wanted to get her into amkhat, into the theater, here is oleg efremov, oleg nikolaevich, with whom i he was also friends, lived in the same house, he refused , he said, then i’ll leave, he says, write a statement.
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and he was leaving the church, and we suddenly met, and i noticed that he was very sad, i said, evgeniy, something happened, but no, sashka, now it’s a trip to london, i said, so why are you sad, so i’m flying to london, i thought the union of theater workers would help, i say who helped, a fan from australia. paid for the travel, and treatment, placement in a hospital in london and so on, together with irochka, evgeniy santovich there, he says, and you know, sasha, i have a bad feeling, i probably won’t come back,
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i never expected this from him, he never said that he had four heart attacks. four heart attacks, he never complained, always with humor, well, my idol, i’m 75, it will be at the end of june, and i ’m trying, yes, svetlana druzhinina, with whom we have also been friends for a thousand years, starred in the last series of these midshipmen, and i jump there, and jump off there, everything is there. we go through this kind of swindler, i’m playing, the shift is over, she says: sashka, how old are you, i tell her, i say, the year seventy-five has begun, she says like this, you jump and run like that, i say, light,
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i take an example from the elders, she says, from whom, i say, from you, so she in heels in general, she’s older than me, but what? this is for the engine on the set, she doesn’t sit, she has a director’s chair, you carry assistants around so that she can sit and rest, no, she commands on her feet, she shows the actors how to play , what to do, how to cut things, i’m just like that my eyes were stunned, can you imagine how much energy there is in her, this after all, such a soviet, soviet school.
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and there’s a drunk man lying there, by the way, we need a drunk man, who? where is he, sanya?
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these are my friends, ilia nikolaevna oktyabrevna. and how, how does your wife yulechka endure these fans all her life. but you know, an artist is an artist, i, well, i don’t want to name, for example, now veterans. well, he’s just walking, he’s barely moving,
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but suddenly a beautiful woman is walking, let’s go, i’m the same, but i can’t help but show your beautiful wife yulia, whom you know since school, you have the same blood type, what ’s that all about, the second group is negative, and that’s a one in a billion coincidence, let’s listen to what she said, he really stood out among... everyone, although he had one single jacket, special, as i remember now, but he looked very elegant in this jacket with his horn-rimmed glasses, we met, he read his poems to me all evening: the main thing is that he is my life, of course, this is my destiny, i felt it, that i i should be there, i felt this, i should be there. no matter what, and maintain this fire that he has, that it never
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went out, i recently had a very serious injury, i didn’t walk for six months, here’s a more attentive, caring person, it was probably worth going through this for this this is how it manifested itself, he was always with me, yes, just like that, then there were many women, and i was alone, yes, modestly. you can’t get away from it, you understand, yes, this is it, this is fate, fate, yes, yes, well, don’t worry, don’t worry, i never remade it, i always perceived it as a whole, that way, but i tried, i tried, i tried, he is still the same, alexander vatievich, well, he has matured a little, a little, we can congratulate you, your granddaughter was born not so long ago, they told me, vladimirovna, they waited for a very long time, my son kept telling me, he says: dad, well wait, i
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’ll start making good money, i’ll start, then we’ll give birth, i say, well, yuli and i gave birth to you, when we were sitting without work at all, well, we made you happy, yes, i’m a happy person now, yes, i’m generally happy, i can’t help but show one story too, i laughed to tears when you told about your mother-in-law who arranged for you head wash and how did the console appear?
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alexandrevich, let’s do a short advertisement now, right after this i wanted to talk to you about the mystery of the death of vasily shukshin and...
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16:30. on the eve of trinity, we sing in this studio about trees. i went to first grade in moldova, and everyone there was picking grapes, and sometimes instead of lessons, where the shumi maple is, the first chords begin, and the girls just fall from the tree. hello, andrei, andrei malakhov’s evening show on saturday on rtr, where are you going with red, you can distinguish colors, it’s not my fault, i
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i was driving on a flashing yellow light. where are the scenes of jealousy, maybe you need help? i’m offering you a job, simple responsibilities, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, hourly pay, friendship can’t be bought, i’m deceiving you, i’m a bastard, but take your suitcase and leave, but love isn’t for sale, that’s where all the normal men are, there’s no love, there was nothing, deception and lies, i was still in a hurry somewhere, solving a bunch of problems. what is the intersection now, what needs to be done, we need to act on saturday on rtr, you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task, all the boards open, we’ll handle it, if you ask, then with a podbokh, the name of which character from
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pushkin’s works everyone knows. how much will it be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much will it be, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, not, pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for headaches, god forbid, now beep-beep, if you win, then... such women are never free, you fool, that’s it it happens, i would
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turn around now, no, a dress the color of the sea, premiere on saturday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, today on rt. once again, good evening, today on the eve of his anniversary, in my studio is the actor, director, people's artist of russia, idol of millions alexander.
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i met with him, well, two or three times, i asked for advice, he always told me, he says, shurka, play the fool, you will survive, and if you find out that you are smart, your life will be shortened, so i still continue to play the fool, with the hope that life will not be shortened, yes. tell me, this is what you can do maybe i didn’t fully understand, but i also have the feeling that in one of the interviews you said that you believe that shukshin is not a samuzh. from life, it was zhora burkov who told me, but i also have a suspicion, i told lady nikolaevna this too, zhora told me, sashka, i told you, but you keep quiet, don’t tell anyone, you’ll talk
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when i’m not there, they’re at night with burkov on the ship they stood on the upper deck and talked for a long, long time, they composed a fairy tale together until the third rooster, laughed, joked, had fun, then vasily makarovich looked at the clock, he says: it’s crazy, look, it’s already morning, he left, and in the morning shukshin doesn’t go out to film, they started knocking on the room, the room was locked, it turns out they didn’t find the keys in the room. vasil makarovich, zhora, he says, was lying across the bed, his feet were on the floor, in shorts, in a shirt, well, like a soldier he was...
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he was neat, he always had everything folded, but here it was scattered, someone was rummaging, which means but the most interesting thing, zhora says, when we opened the cabin, he told me, the smell of cinnamon rushed into my nose, when zhora was filming a detective story, remember, there was a series, he played an investigator there, a kgb general was also a consultant and...
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literally within 45 minutes of an hour he died, but he managed to take off his overcoat, took off his tunic, boots, then i saw photographs, uh, mark volodsky, who was director of the gorky film studio museum, received photographs from somewhere, then these photographs disappeared, where they photographed this cabin from above there and from all sides.
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one birch tree, and the left wheel of the car was all torn to shreds, which means an ice bullet tore the wheel, that’s all, and then they told me
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also that the investigative committee arrived and this mercedes was not found, the car had disappeared somewhere, now this driver, who was blocking the road, was driving ahead, did not allow us to pass, the very same, as was said with his wife and two children, firstly, this there was a concubine, not a wife, and the children were not his, and he had been released from prison for six months, this man, who was a labor shock worker, worked at the beyskaya railway depot, i met with railway workers, with railway workers, they don’t know such a labor shock worker , and haven’t heard the name, everything is interesting,
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stepan afanas. what is your deepest desire? well, so that in the moscow region the atmospheric pressure does not fall below 740°. why else is this? the fish bite better, so i would make a wish. to marry a japanese, why marry a japanese, they have the most advanced technology, yeah, but georgians won’t suit you, otherwise i have one friend, you’re still joking, stepan afanasvich, huh? i'm serious, and you, van,
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and i dream that the comuni from the earth will win, yes, the whole point is that... we were thinking about what to give you, we saw a courier in the film, you sitting in a fashionable, at that time, electronic watch, we decided to find them, started looking, and the most interesting thing is that on the internet they are sold in electronics condition, and the descriptions are exactly the same as in the soviet film "black pankratov" and the frame from the movie.
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imagine, so it’s a pretty penny for you, of course you have beautiful swiss ones, but in memory of your youth, about the film, the courier, let your collection have these funny soviet watches, thank you very much, it’s a penny for you, i was scared. i thought that like zhirinovsky with this very thing, a deputy offered to exchange watches, exchange them, yes, i have a watch, but as they say, for such gifts you have to pay money, i’ll give it to you, oh, i have currency, kazakh money. well
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, i found one ruble, i found it, yes, thank you very much, thank you very much, can i read the poem, of course, the fourth book will already count, i’m writing, vysotsky always laughed at me, he said, sanka, you scoundrel wrote more than you read, here’s just a note in the margins, you named your son in honor of vysotsky and he should, by the way, house 9 on tverskoy, well then gorky street was like a croak when vysotsky predicted, i left the army, the guys borich melnitsky, vanya bortnik, vysotsky gave me a banquet at the wto on gorky street then in a restaurant and noted that i had served everything in the army, and we are going and house
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nine at the first entrance. with the students, well, they laughed, he suddenly made volodya sad, and shuryak says, the time will come, he looks at this house, house nine, and says: and you will live in this house, everyone, all the guys stood, just ha-ha- haha, he says: you shouldn’t burn, take my word for it,
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sashka will live in this house. looks at this first under.


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