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tv   Za semyu pechatyami  RUSSIA1  June 20, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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verkhovna rada deputy from the opzzh party oleg voloshin, he comes to your studio, so, oleg, he recently sent me the number of bills for which his former colleagues voted, now there is no opzzh, there is a party there, in short, there is such yuriy boyko , who heads the party, the faction, which today will support all of zelensky’s initiatives, my hair stood up, he once pretended to be like that, he was pro-russian, he’s here.
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you shouldn’t trust artyom so unconditionally, i ’m worried about you, no, you’re in control me and my life, when big money is at stake, be careful, the game of survival begins, and they killed? all the evidence points
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to you, christina has been arrested, i will get you out of here, trust me, the justice of the sisterhood, the murderers are in prison, we are a factory, behind seven seals, we are now talking about your freedom, just sign it will end, on monday on rtr, we... we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, we’ve been warned, that means armed, any means has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, health, we dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to, for each risk factor there should be:
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from monday to friday on rtr. so , did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, we have a big day today, a big holiday. it's been a while since we've seen each other. you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one. i'll fall in love with them. who cares, wife?
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or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, that’s all i am. yes, he is responsible for his words, a hero of his time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look, please, introductions and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea have you drunk? how many stories he tells, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i start, then mark anatolyevich zakharov goes into ore, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, so many secrets have been told, i’m like
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a man who is a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now... i’m just doing everything, i’m giving up everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home, with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, where are you going on red, you can distinguish colors, it's not my fault, i was driving on a flashing yellow light. where is the stage of reality? maybe you need help? i offer you a job, responsibilities simple, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, hourly pay, friendship can’t be bought, i’m deceiving you, i’m a bastard, the suitcase goes away, but love
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isn’t for sale, that’s where all the normal men are, there’s no love, there’s nothing, deception and lies, i i was in a hurry to decide something. the problem is that now there is an intersection, what needs to be done, we need to act, on saturday on rtr, i’m looking at the work schedule of the leadership of our country, well, we saw it, today, by the way, i read this from dmitry gennadivich, very accurately. what a fantastic thing, but now it’s vietnam, tomorrow morning there is an official meeting in the kremlin, and look, today they showed a government meeting, a number of people who were in the korean people's democratic republic are already working in moscow, that is, no one wastes a second, everything
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is clear, clear, on business, the time is like this, this is the end of a big asian tour, vladimir vladimirovich vietnam met our president with... special hospitality, the visit program included putin’s communication with all representatives of the country’s top leadership, the number the negotiations between the country of vietnam speaks for itself; as a result, the parties signed more than ten documents on cooperation, and also adopted a statement on the further deepening of the comprehensive strategic partnership. at the grand opera house in hanoi, vladimir putin spoke with graduates of soviet and russian universities, and after that a gala reception took place on behalf of the president. vietnam. the great statesman of vietnam, ho chi minh city, said: in any business, think, first of all, not about yourself, but about compatriots, about all the people. be in the forefront when it comes to hardship, take the back seat when it comes to rewards.
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we will try to follow these traditions. and in our interactions with vietnamese friends, we will certainly follow this wise advice. all our joint efforts are directed.
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the end of the thousand-year history of the russian state, i think this is clear to everyone, but then the question arises, why should we be afraid? isn’t it better then to go to the end, this is elementary formal logic, this is very it definitely fits, but why such a world in which there is no russia, putin’s statements several years before? they ask a lot of questions about nuclear doctrine, are we going to change it? you know, we, i think i said that we are now thinking about...
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with a decrease in the use of nuclear weapons, with a decrease in the threshold for use, in particular , ultra-low-yield explosive nuclear devices are being developed. and we know that in expert circles in the west there are ideas floating around that such weapons could be used, and there’s nothing special about it there is nothing terrible, there may not be anything terrible, but we are obliged to pay attention to this, and we are paying attention to this, my statement is connected with this that we are thinking about possible changes in our strategies, we do not need a preventive strike yet , because in response to the oncoming...
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pacific ocean, although just the day before the american embassy presented claims to the iranian authorities in connection with the visit of the russian president. the west, of course, is disgusted by how quickly we manage to find a common language with asian partners, especially they they are worried about the new agreement between russia and north korea, which talks about mutual military support in the event of a military attack from third countries, although vladimir vladimirovich said that it is more than that. in this regard, we simply returned the agreement that was in the early sixties. cooperation in the field of
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defense and security was discussed at the negotiations in vietnam. against this background, the united states deployed a group of strategic bombers to an airbase on the island of guam, in the western pacific ocean. a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the us navy also arrived there. ronald reagan. well, if anyone doesn't remember, he died. sorry, this is a joke, a bridge from yesterday's show. in nato, the presence of its armed forces. in the asia-pacific region they traditionally pass it off as defending freedom and democracy, that’s what the nato secret lady says, who will soon be expelled and replaced by a dutch one, a scoundrel, i hope. i won’t be kicked out of the russia tv channel for using the word shmara, i just found out that it turns out that this offends a group of social stratum of girls with low social responsibility, they complain about some our colleagues working on other channels. authoritarian forces are uniting more and more, they support each other like
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never before. the fact that putin went to north korea, that... authoritarian regimes like north korea, china, iran and russia, it is more important that we must become more united, countries that believe in freedom and democracy, this is important now, as never before, but alzheimer's really tormented him, he's really shaking,
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why are you twitching like that, don't shake, herring, you'll ruin the spicy sauce, but tv presenter...
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popular, is it your president, yes, here he is, as he is immersed in the car, everyone is clutching his heart, ugh, they couldn’t get into the car, ugh! this is not what you are afraid of, this is putin’s phrase that you are really afraid of, because with this phrase putin is burying the sanctions regime against the korean people’s democratic republic, so i already said, in my opinion, at a meeting with your colleagues, the heads of the
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world news agencies, i then said that some of the sanctions that were imposed against north korea, they... to put it mildly, somehow it looks very strange, as you know, i come from leningrad, and what leningrad experienced during the second world war, during the great patriotic war, everyone knows very well, this is a blockade, when people were starved, there are losses, like you know, in my family about this, my brother died practically of starvation during the blockade, got sick there and died, but... but what is happening now with north korea, you can treat the regime as you like, but introduce, say, restrictions related to labor migration, it looks somehow strange, this is what does it lead to? leads to the fact that families, even if they are in a very difficult financial situation, do not have the opportunity
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to earn money somewhere and feed their children, this does not resemble anything, and is this humane, therefore... they honestly inspire us, and not because there are loud statements, i will start with the most important thing, we will now reveal all this point by point by military standards -
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i will remind you that even our soyuz rocket, which we are used to seeing our cosmonauts put into low-earth orbit, at one time stood on combat duty with nuclear warhead directed towards our main enemy. the third point, which is extremely serious, is that ensuring interaction between our states provides enormous opportunities for both north korea and the russian federation.
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our liberals, with the support of their masters , began to make jokes about how, how can it be, this is russia skander - these are unknown to china, there are fifth, tenth, everything else, well, this is
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stupidly designed, no one does such things without a prior agreement, especially today it is extremely clear that everything they work in the same direction, there’s no getting around it. vietnam is extremely important when we talk about the fact that there are some relations with china there, there were, but nevertheless today i think the relations are quite good neighborly, we remember, yes, that there was a situation when china tried to fight with vietnam, including in my native transbaikal, there planes came to manzhuri, it all happened, but we passed it a long time ago, this is already history, according to which there is no need to remember, you have to think that someone here is stupider than everyone else, today interaction with vietnam is extremely important, there will be a base in kamran, there will not be a base in kamran, but 10 agreements have been signed, they are like defense agreements... according to which it simply says they are defense, yes, everything else remains outside the brackets, let it be so, time will tell, these decisions will still manifest themselves on their own, but today the task is to
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unite our economies so that what needs to be given to vietnam, we can give it, vietnam wants to have its own hydrocarbons, which we will help them get from their shelf, this is even quite a normal story is very worthy, i believe, which will not only strengthen our interaction, but... vietnam itself will give a good impetus to its development, i would probably pay special attention to personal relationships, the world is ruled by personal relationships, and the relationship between the leader of north korea and between the head of vietnam and our president, they are clear, but as for stoltenberg’s statement, everyone else, well, let’s really say that they are panicking, this is shaking, this is not... it’s panic, crazy panic, we are now urgent let's give everyone a patriot, we'll take these ones, we'll give them to those, come on, friends, the president said one thing,
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let's go.
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but the language was broken, he says, but the problem is very complex, that is, it does not depend on any one person, that is, there is no such situation, the first, most important thing, probably, is the attack warning system that should exist today, it is clear that this small-sized low-altitude targets, that is, today we need to clearly build a system for detecting the movement of just such targets, because fipi is one thing, but flying into our territory is different much larger dimension. you can see them in any way, you just need those points, you need the means that are available, and this applies not only to the border strip, well, or roughly there at 1.00 km to the front, today, probably, this is relevant for the entire territory of the russian federation, because each time the range will increase, unfortunately we also have enemies all over the circle, you can’t escape them, and this says the first thing we come to, but little by little, we left
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the troops at one time pv of the country. before, of course, there were other threats, before each regional center was practically covered, these were necessarily anti-aircraft missile systems that were available, and at least there was a regiment, well, mig-23, mig-21, fighter, which completely covered the airspace, especially in economically important areas, all - air defense, yes, he was the commander-in-chief of the vspo, that is, there was a whole type, probably it is necessary today, the threats are different, the means are different, the means of armed struggle are being developed, the time is probably coming, now it has come, when this type needs to be created, the fourth, but besides this we have after all, every facility has, well, either an owner or a manager, whatever you want to call it, so we see that now it is clear that they are hitting the fuel complex and energy facilities to the utmost, but i am far from thinking that it is rosneft there, lukoil there, whoever you want, they have a lot of
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tension with money.
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well, everything won’t end soon, it won’t end at all, it won’t end soon, it will be constant, and this will have to be carried out, including in peacetime, knowing full well that today the west is in its throes. but really into the fire, that's it judging by the panic, the fire, yes, western europe is dying there joyfully, they will still try to crap, one way or another, these moments, these are the key ones for today, probably, which i wanted to draw attention to, well, the last thing may not be today the topic is what it is, but we were talking literally just now with our guys, like from the front, it’s clear that they don’t always manage to watch what we say, that’s it... we publish it on the telegram, we try where it’s possible -the internet catches everything else, but they they say that in new territories much does not reach, television does not work everywhere, and of course, without complete information, but still i understand perfectly well that for 30 years we were under the control
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of all this fascist nazi bastard, we probably need to pay attention to this, but the most the main thing he pays attention to, he says, is the commander, well, in our units, father and son fight, well, that’s how it is. there is, well, you should film a second episode, father of a soldier, well, for god’s sake, do it, but , unfortunately, our girls are dragged out and die, damn, well, make a second episode, about the dawn , they are quiet here, well, we men show heroism, yes , do it, they fought for their homeland, well , today karan georgievich is here, i understand, this is not a reproach to him, it probably should be some kind of a targeted, severe program of our ministry of culture, which should go to all film studios.
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yes, it is necessary to film, but this is not enough, i believe that in the border areas, well, next to the combat zone, it is necessary to introduce a special regime, because today i talked with the guys who live, they say that, for example, in the same rostov region there are a large number of people who came, among them there are very different, absolutely, this is where we need to work and dvkr, smersh and the fsb, we need to establish a special regime, we need to look, because our humanism, in relation to those people got into...
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the decision was made to protect the facilities of the fuel and energy complex, and reform the armed forces of the structure of the armed forces, for example, well, we all saw these pictures and photographs from the time of the great patriotic war, local air defense, shastakovich in it participated, so the mahatovites, the artists, the great artists of the bolshoi theater took part in it, they extinguished these lighters. that’s how it all happened, but only because then there was a clear understanding that, firstly, this would last for a long time, it should end not with some kind of another pass-out, it should end
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in victory, all these people worked for victory, that’s it the main psychological barrier that, unfortunately, we have not yet overcome, by the way, is this technology of sending refugees. well, listen, i have a lot in common with leningrad, in including during the blockade period, and this was the sending of a massive number of saboteurs with refugees, this was the tactics of the german special services, which, alas, especially at the initial stage of the blockade, gave very negative and serious results, but again we need to return to the fact that this is a long time everything will be...
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in general, it’s like a reaction to the visits, at first it was like it was, well, i went to the outcasts, an outcast with a goy there, you know, a year ago this... the americans only now, after the end of
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the visit to vietnam, began to get nervous, they are really freaking out, yes, well, this girl here, which they said goodbye, what do you care, what do you care, well, they said goodbye, well , they talked well, they found something in common, well, you ’re nervous, but you’re sick, because, and they’re sausage, because these are americans, this after all, people with some... and so on, and under which is the ball, or maybe under all
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the balls, how do you know, so in this sense it begins to reach the americans, the europeans, it does not begin, by the way, to the question of , that we are not this most important thesis is that we will not give the opportunity to convey, to inflict a strategic defeat on us, let's then we’ll do it beautifully, now we’ll intrigue everyone immediately after the advertisement, we’ll continue so as not to interrupt in the middle of thoughts. you have amazing, simply extraordinary beauty, oh, thank you, unexpectedly, this scares me, mom, we must do everything so that this resort affair does not develop into anything, what are you going to do, who is it, what are you doing here, and i behind you, she is not your property, i should hit you, you try, dress the color of the sea - premiere, saturday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking,
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big changes have come. to the new season with the new repairs. with a slight movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this room with absolutely no faces. ideas are overflowing. we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them in your home, big changes, every
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sunday on rtr. i fell in love with someone else, natasha. i'm going to her. get out, get out of my life. on friday. positive, efficient people should work in the service sector, and not such a dull amoeba like you. dad, i'm pregnant. mine have arrived, do you know each other? we crossed paths by chance. by the way, there are no coincidences in life. if you need my help, promise to call me. you are not indifferent to her, dad, the flower queen needs to be conquered, isn’t it, who should win you too? you are my light. you are my light! on friday on rtr. we are speaking to you on
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the eve of the day of sorrow, the day the war began. for me the feeling of war, of course, became more vivid in the picture, come look. a merciless truth that will stay with him for the rest of his life. a chronicle of the atrocities of concentration camp workers, the footage is terrible, i finished watching it, by that time i came out a different person, they said, well , this is the situation, here is your mother lying, she died, of course, i cried, mom-mom, when i looked back, i saw that adults are also standing in tears, everyone is saying: that’s it, that’s it, stop, stop, i’ve heard many times why this film is needed at all, let’s forget it, and what’s going on with those who forget something, everything
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comes back, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, on friday on rtr, i don’t remember the supreme commander-in-chief using this term in a political speech, a probable enemy, but you wanted a rollback in confrontation to the times before , not even 1991, but i would say 887, well, you are a potential
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opponent, it doesn’t sound any different, in this sense... this is such a very important thing, i would like to finish it with two, don’t limit yourself, no, i do this, i dose it very carefully my meager thoughts, it’s necessary, yes, it’s not all so to speak to shoot at once, so i look at what the europeans and americans are doing, no, they are of course much more careful and i think that we are some kind of trick from the americans in we will definitely see you there in the next 3-4 weeks. guys, they are dangerous, they might turn on, no, if they don’t lose, in this sense, the americans have something because they are starting to realize that they can turn on, so thank god, but in general, in this time pressure of approaching, defeat, oh, i i think there’s no need, you can’t relax with them, but the europeans, i look at what they
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’re doing, these sanctions on gas, on everything, but they’re doing business. to a very serious one, i will not call it a crisis, i will call it a spasm in key market segments, in the hydrocarbon market, in the payments market, they are generally on the verge of a liquidity gap, which will already be like this in operational mode and the mission cannot be closed, they are and they do it without consciously, they have broken this connection between cause and effect, but here i... i would like to say one thing, and we, with persistence worthy of the best, in my opinion , application, well, or the worst, it depends on how you look at it, we are trying to keep them from it, and we say: no, don’t, well, why take it out sanctions, it will be worse for you, or maybe we don’t need to keep them, maybe we ourselves should better
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prepare for the fact that there is a crisis, and a global systemic crisis, which will begin with an unpredictable place where this spasm will be.
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part yes or give the whole, i’m like bender, i would take it in parts, but i need everything, but in in this sense, some kind of strategic...
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quite dangerously located for them, they went through cuba, went to venezuela, and there is also nicaragua, that is, we can create real centers in which for them it will not just be there, but oh well, what is there in europe, and guys, maybe it will come to you and come back harshly, then the question will not be considered: well, a local nuclear war in europe is not terrible for america, no, here we will have to think completely differently, well, maybe i’m not...
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this studio with this molten boiling metal and we stood there for 10 m there was a partition and the engineer was in charge there, they throw in scrap all the time there, there are some other materials and he said the following phrase: you guys know, he says, if i pour a bucket of water here now, then it will all explode so much that no work will be done , no factory. there will be nothing left, so i took it, i liked this image, but i kept thinking that this
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was it, the beginning of it, this bucket poured into this bucket, so it rushed, now i think, no, maybe it’s still and didn’t rush, it’s quite possible that everything is still ahead, maybe it’s starting there, he’ll say there on... that he still plays, plays, that this is all, he takes advantage of it, no, it’s my fault, i was mistaken, he doesn’t play, no, it’s no longer possible
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to play, then i have a question, okay, you say that autocrats are in our country, there in korea, somewhere else they are governed, but what ’s better, what, so that this, this, this, this, this is completely broken.
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returning to the visit, i think, yes, of course, i won’t be here, i won’t discover america, it’s an important visit, and it seems to me, you know, north korea, i, as a soviet person, fully support, in general, everything i did, i did yeltsin and his company, it is of course complete madness, to abandon all their allies, and north korea, it was created by the ussr. it was a product of the soviet union. and i must say, they were always devoted and faithful. in my opinion, they
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even wanted to join the ussr at one time.
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conditions and you still have to swim to venezuela, and strictly speaking, korea is what you need, it’s the border, it’s nearby, therefore, therefore, in this sense, it seems to me that this is a very successful - a strong argument, this is a plus to this the feeling that this is still some kind of first step towards the creation
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of some kind of real military-political union in asia. that in my opinion, although we have always denied this, and china denies this, but it seems to me that time already suggests that this needs to be done, listen, well, it is not by chance that our opponents are creating these alliances everywhere, so it seems to me that this one such a first step, as it were, will be more difficult with china, but i have a feeling that it will inevitably come to this, the world will simply be divided in this sense. uh, so i want to argue with mine friend, dimitri justaf, on the one hand, to argue, on the other hand, to support, that means, to argue, whatever i want with you, well, it’s not like an argument, you know, but we say, they, they feel that lose, well, no, don’t deceive yourself, you take their place, well, let’s take your place, you’re an american, you’re in the us congress,
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i don’t know, so to speak, where is it? i can't get burned if i'm an american, well you, you, you, you, you're talking about how they feel that they might lose, they don't feel it, no, they don’t feel it, but they have a lot of trump cards from their point of view, well, why deceive yourself, for them, for them it’s, they, they, they have a powerful coalition, i must say, very, very so, as if united , but if they... there really is the us ambassador to vietnam, who is not included in their zone of interests at all, he seems to be indignant that vietnam is hosting putin, the president of the russian federation, by the way, in this sense, maybe we need learn from our, so to speak, partners who allow themselves, we know, all sorts of isms, maybe
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at least express your outrage.
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let him be negative, what he thinks, i assure you that they believe that they are going to victory, and another question, in which i absolutely agree with you in this regard. for them it’s a long game, for them it’s a game, that’s how they treat it, they, they don’t mean that for them what’s happening in ukraine, firstly, they can support it for a long time, so i think that no one would be elected there, this policy would continue and support ukraine, arms supplies, and what here there is no, well, again, take their point of view, well, it’s you...
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it’s nonsense there, well, they chat, then they chat, that’s it, they talk quite cleverly, then they have orban like a desident, they tolerate him, why? yes, because to show the whole world, well
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, look, we have this here, please, this is this, when necessary, all this will be slammed, i mean, not to - shake with fear, this is not necessary, but besides , that we need to really understand who we are dealing with and what their plans are. in this sense , i completely agree with you that this game will last for a long time, we need to be prepared for this. and from this point of view, of course, much of what tovarich general said, so to speak, is absolutely, indeed, television is the most important thing, in my opinion, we must make sure that our television is seen not only by the liberated, but also by those regions perhaps, probably in modern times it is possible to do this so that...
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probably youtube of course will not allow television there to throw ours there, but thank god that the cinema does not close, but in my opinion this is very important, but i mean many things are important in order for there to still be, it seems to me, some kind of very, well, remember, we said, well, like gko, yes, planner, planning is necessary, planning should be had, it seems to me, it is necessary before the 50th year, that is, it is necessary, it is necessary in some sense in this sense, you know, i hear a lot. about the abilities of the market - this is such a liberal topic, which i heard in st. petersburg, it broke through so much that the market will do everything, here it is, it really has done a lot, i won’t
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argue much of what we now have thanks to .


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