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tv   Za semyu pechatyami  RUSSIA1  June 20, 2024 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

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still 20% of views, and you know how much per month, this is about 15 million views per month, this is watched by ukraine, and kiev, first place is moscow, second place is kiev in terms of views, right now, you know, well, probably technology, i guess youtube of course won’t allow television there, it will throw ours there, but thank god that the cinema doesn’t close, but in... in my opinion, this is very important, but i mean many things are important in order to still be, it seems to me, some kind of very, well, remember, we talked, well, like gko, yes, planir, planning is necessary, planning must be in place, it seems to me, it is necessary until the fiftieth year, that is , it is necessary, there is a need for some kind of this, you know, i hear a lot about the abilities of the market, this is such a liberal topic, which in st. petersburg i have it heard. so broke through
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that the market will do everything, here he is, he really has done a lot, i won’t argue that much of what we have now is thanks to the market, but the thing is that although i am the head of a state-owned enterprise, i am 25 i have been working in the market for years, i have not received a penny from the state, nor they didn’t take a penny, they didn’t take any loans, they didn’t take anything, they rebuilt the studio, completely modernized it, i have some experience in this sense, i know that the market will go wherever... and it’s expensive, strictly speaking, to transport goods across the border, yes, here are washing powders for dry cleaners, here i am forced to deal with such things with my own, these have become more expensive, and i say, why have they become more expensive, it turns out that all the washing powders there in these pairs are imported, i say, but that 2nd year import substitution, and what is this problem?
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so to speak, so that, since i, of course, am not a supporter of all these laundries becoming state-owned, they won’t be of any use either, but the whole point is that we need to find some opportunities to invest so that they purchase equipment, there, i don’t know, they have established these washing powders, and then they can transfer them into private hands, maybe so, i don’t know, but i just mean that we have to plan such, there are a lot of such things, there, here, here, here... for now
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it all works, but don’t delude yourself, if this goes on for a long time, and it’s clear, i say it will go on for a long time, then these sanctions will begin to work, in this sense we must be prepared for this, again not because we need to be afraid, but because we need to be ready and, as they say , to win in this matter, well , i don’t know about the threshold, that is, i think that just this issue can be solved by the market, if we are talking about large...
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states, an old headache called the middle east in the near future, well, in fact, already now sharply worsened because... northern military command district of israel signed a plan for an offensive operation against hezbollah, but what this will lead to can already be said now, it will be a much bigger war than with, of course, against lebanon, against, well, i, well,
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well, hezbollah is not hanging out in vacuum space , i think one of the tasks that is being developed in israel, they know very well what lebanon is, they are counting on the possible outbreak of a civil war in lebanon, the fact is that in lebanon there is a lot ... it is 15 km from the border with israel and as always it will be stated about the destruction of khazbalah, but this is incredible, it is impossible, and israel should not do it. the situation is quite difficult for itself, the fighting in the gas strip continues, they continue in the north and in the center of the social parts of the gas strip, there are numerous statements from the israeli team that they would win everything, it doesn’t work, it’s a guerrilla war, it’s going on, from where it receives all kinds of ammunition, hamas and its allies
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remain a great mystery as to how they do it at all, but in fact it goes like this, today israel, despite the fact that deployed the largest army, as when they would have deployed, but according to the regular staffing level for deployment, they would have been somewhere around 170-180,000 people, they mobilized 300,000 people, which is a lot for israel, then several tens of thousands mobilized when there was an iranian attack on israel, now 50,000 are still motorized for the war directly with hezbollah, a significant part is involved, of course, in the gas sector, most of the so-called central military district is in a rather serious situation in deployed on the west bank of the jordan river, or according to the israelis, samaria and judea. yes, a huge part is now being pulled up, that means, pulled up to the lebanese border, which means the israelis explain this by the fact that, firstly, they were forced to resettle 80,000 israelis, now maybe even more, from the northern border, there deep into israel, respectively, that means , people
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must somehow return, which means that hazbalah’s attacks are becoming more and more effective, they recently launched a whole series of attacks, over 20 km of israeli territory is burning, fires forest ones, let's just say, here's the famous posting on the internet: the flight of obabil-2 is a reconnaissance drone over one of the largest cities in israel, the most important mediterranean port of haifa, but it flies calmly, takes photographs of strategic places , calmly flies away, so to speak, but the question arises : uh, what happens next? and then i again translate what hasan nasrul promises into ordinary language. he says: "we are prepared for a whole series of surprises." surprises, i’ll tell you what they are now. the thing is, over the past 2 years, i i think there is, uh, in the kukhros guard of the islamic revolution in the kuts system, the so-called team 200. team 200 is exactly the
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team that is engaged in the transfer of modern weapons for khazbalah. i think that if the israelis are now saying that they have such and such missiles, in fact i will not list them all. in fact, already much stronger, more powerful passable missiles, if ababil 2 flies calmly, removes haifa, let's imagine what will happen in the event of the outbreak of war, what missiles, how they will fly there, i have imagined many times spoke to the studio, which means on the radio, their tactical and technical characteristics, this will be a serious, serious blow for israel without any doubt, now in strategic terms, look what will happen now, it means that portoilad, this is the south, the red sea, is actually blocked behind the houthis on yes, that means the border... israel with egypt with jordan, it seems there are diplomatic relations, but the relations are not all that simple: if haifa is blocked, this is the eastern-mediterranean entrance through the mediterranean sea, israel finds itself in blockade now hassan nasrul said: any country that tries to organize assistance to israel to the full extent will be
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regarded as enemies and we will turn the mediterranean sea into a hot sea, but now these americans, in general, have stated that who would doubt that they will be on on the israeli side, the only question is to what extent. yes, the fact that there will be financial support, that there will be military-technical support, well, in itself, i think, number one for them now will be israel, everything else will be relegated to the background, although kirby said the opposite. kirobe said, we’ll give everything to ukraine, and notaniyahu generally says, what kind of helpers are you, you haven’t given us anything for so many months, but now the logs will start working, well, listen, well, we understand perfectly well what israel is, what ukraine is for the united states, well, no comment, they say to the united states, we don’t want this war, that means there was a special envoy in israel, an assistant to the us president for israel, that means holstein, yes, which from...
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surrender, yes, so that means everything goes to big big war and even this war can to go far beyond means lebanon israel why well because firstly it means if the americans stand up not only financially in a military-technical way, they have now sent this aircraft carrier gerald ford and so on, by the way, a base on guam, which is a base for the middle east , don’t forget, it was from this air base that the b-52 planes and other things took off for bombing in iraq, this. they are dumping now, they are customizing it, it is for this, they are customizing it for this business, for the middle east, this is
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what it is intended for there, so say, iran will stand up for hezbollah, because hezbollah is as important for iran as israel is, it is important for the united states, they cannot abandon it and so on, so the war can be very serious, yes, all the more so it is necessary to clearly understand that this time there are losses in israel, by the way, the military-political leadership of israel understands this, but it says that... we will start, but yes, we will pass, we will lose, there will be great losses, and so on and so forth, i think this loss will surpass all the losses that israel suffered for all these wars that happened before, the reason for this behavior of the israeli leadership, which is now already criticizing inside israel, including the former israeli minister of defense, ends up saying that there is no plan for hamas and so on, i think is the following , that partly the military leadership... lives in some kind of memory of the success of the sixty- seventh year of the war, the seventy-third year and cannot understand in any way that the situation
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has changed, now the situation is completely different, the number of troops, the number of weapons, because if we take according to the old scheme, who studied in all military academies, we make a balance of power between the means of israel and khazbala, well, this is laughter and sin, this is an elephant and a pug, yes, well, an elephant, of course israel, this pug should distribute, but we see , that this is absolutely not working now, especially typical in the gas sector, and hezbollah is... dear, what are you doing? i'm
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an investigator, are you an investigator? what kind, like the police? i'm a war crimes investigator, are you a war crimes investigator? this is true? this is true? god my goodness, the level of the show has increased. seriously, it used to be funny, front row first date, but now i'm here to investigate war crimes. what are you working on in ukraine now? ukraine? are you investigating war crimes in ukraine? yes. damn it, dude. are you from the uk? no. where are you from, from israel? are you from israel? great. oh my god. oh my god. you of all places, you can tell, you are a war crimes investigator from israel focusing on ukraine. "i think the call may be coming from inside the house, well translation
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of course it’s terrible, i would send translators to learn english, but the thoughts are clear, advertising, kristina, be my wife, the premiere on rtr, if i were you i would n’t really trust artyom, he’s kind of muddy, and i have no reason doubt your future." what happened between us at night, no one should know about it, i will always be with christina if you offend her, under seven seals on monday on rtr. i think that everything is more serious here, you sit and think, there’s no need to think here, here it is that’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it,
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there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is dangerous.
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than a feather in one place, you swim finely, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, belov, or something, we have been together since first grade, we are also responsible for everything we do together, and in everything this shit, i’m covering for you, team, brake and run out of the car. the whole brigade, we’re just looking at the platform. altai is a majestic mountainous country. nature has generously rewarded this region
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with picturesque green valleys and waterfalls. mountain ridges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in glaciers belukha, a two-headed sacred mountain, where, according to legend, you can find the entrance to shambhala. belukha is the highest point of siberia, and the cradle of the great altai river katun. lake teletskoye, altai has always been a source of legends and myths, and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as many centuries ago,
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sometimes there are no heroes left of the past. while we live, we remember, the dark night, only bullets whistle , the dust settles under boots, fields, while we remember, we we sing, the flames are raging all around until they reach a bullet. and those whose destinies were scorched by the great and terrible war?
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dmitry, yes, well, in my opinion, these are probably very important and important words. no, we’re not ready, this is the, well, answer, this answer is much more important from my point of view than looking there longer or shorter, and... in this sense, the president is very accurate, i think, a week ago, valodi on the program you said that well, we must understand that they came to kill us to rob us, and we
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must proceed from this in our plans, in all of them, that they came here precisely for this, and that the president said this today, i think it’s incredibly important, because the core or the touchstone of our national self-determination should be exactly this question, that we will go to...
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the elections in november were not mentioned, so the blinkins, biden, nothing to say can’t, no matter what they say, but america is the one that exists and which, well, again, i don’t see a big discrepancy here in your words, but which believes that it will definitely win, this is the america that believes that it will definitely she will win is interested, objectively interested in seeing the middle east burn. and i think that this is an objective interest in what biden, and even more so blinken, thinks, this objective interest
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is not interested in what biden and blinken think, it doesn’t matter what biden, blinken and even obama think about this, although obama, i think, well, obama doesn’t speak out about the fact that he wants to achieve peace in the middle east, i haven’t... heard anything from obama, so there’s still a question here, well, i’ve discussed this several times , all i am more convinced that this scheme has the right to life, they sought war in europe through ukraine, they made extraordinary efforts for this, another thing is that when this happened, and we were forced, then everything did not go according to plan for them, that’s all , what has been happening since february 24th goes against all american plans, even...
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the republic of korea has nothing to worry about, because our assistance, in the military sphere, in accordance with the agreement that we
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signed, occurs only if regarding one of the signatories of this document of the parties, aggression will be carried out, as far as i know, the republic of korea does not plan aggression against the korean people's democratic republic, which means they are afraid of our cooperation in this area, there is no need, as for the supply of lethal weapons in the context of military operations in ukraine, then this would be a very big mistake, i hope that this... will not happen, if this happens, then we will also make appropriate decisions that are unlikely to please today's south korean leadership. well, in general, if you want to deliver, well, okay, but you won’t like it very much, this is a decision, it’s very strong for you, by the way, the language is very direct, well, quite frank, in this whole situation, so i consider it as an action in the wrong place of a local nature. which
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obliges north korea and russia to do something together, that we will do something together, which goes without saying, but this is an action of a great geopolitical nature, because it hammers such a crutch that strengthens the situation around the conflict in the far east, very strong, by the way, the president again said in plain text, well, i mean, you guys are kind of strange, well, these are all westerners. you announced that the nato bloc is moving there, you didn’t just announce it, we see it, we see the deployment of nato in asia, this is a direct threat to the security of russia, so under this threat we will work with it, in particular through north korea, with vietnam also more curious, vietnam, here, koron geogic, clarification to what you said, vietnam is an object of amazing, trembling, exciting interest from the outside
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united. about negotiations with vietnam, this is my fantasy, but it seems very plausible to me, vietnam needs one thing, here is a guarantee that everything will be calm, it will be calm, we said it, everything will be calm with neutrality, everything will be calm, the americans won’t let you are needed, there is nothing, there is nothing for the americans to protect you, they
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will come to you now and...
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they will be of the same structural nature, which will lead to strengthening the structure of this very independent eurasia, yes, in which no one can interfere, well, i’m thinking about something, we’ve been preparing for a long time, we’re carefully working out a big strategic agreement with iran, it’s interesting, i don’t know, i’ll give free rein to my imagination,
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will there be a military one? part, where to go, i don’t know, yes, well, well, i know that the agreement is being prepared very carefully, russia is working very carefully.
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this is a question of historical significance, a question of our historical existence, we said it, so we will go to the end, close or short, it will not matter, but to the end, and this is the most important thing that our enemy should know,
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and thirdly, we can take actions of great geopolitical significance, which, well, if they don’t turn over the entire gaming table yet, then at least greatly mix up the cards. alexei. yes, when you say the word geopolitics, this is the real geopolitics, if you want to understand what it is, these are these visits of vladimir putin, and further events, there will be an sco event, then a brix event, this is generally a closure on all directions, ranks here in asia, although the president spoke about some new concept of collective security in eurasia, well it is clear that now, so to speak, from europe only belarus and russia can participate in this, the rest is asia. everyone’s speeches today are very interesting, as they always are, but dmitry gennadyvich’s argument, or rather not an argument, karan georgievich’s discussion, seemed interesting to me, i will say that, as they say, both are right, both are right, that’s why it’s very interesting, because do
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the americans see that something has gone wrong, yes, 100%, are they playing a different game, 100%, are they just playing a different game, it seems like both, that’s how it is, you know, russian hockey, canadian hockey, it seems like both hockey, both with sticks, and both on the ice, well, these are fundamentally different sports. with technology and the rules of the game, it’s the same here, if we look at what the americans are doing, of course, with the vietnam war, everything that is happening today cannot be compared, it was a great geopolitical shame for them, but everything else is a decision of their tactical , strategic, economic, geopolitical tasks, yes, of course, there will be, they need a very big conflict in the near in the east, yes, of course, they would like to weaken china, for sure...
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that means we are splitting into factions, fragmentation of the economy, which is happening before everyone’s eyes, and of course, this path that the chinese paved overland through eurasia is those places where conflicts now arise, and how else could they not be allowed into europe, i must give it to the americans, despite the fact that , of course, when we laugh at biden there, they still understand that it’s not him who is taking any serious decisions and so on, they are still made by people who manage individual areas in one or another segment of the world. america's economy in general in this sense, if they call us autocracies and korea, well, of course they are corporate fascism, but how else? this is such a network of controlling companies in all world segments, in all industries, that
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do not allow anyone into this market, this is their task to control the markets of everyone on the way, what is called hitting them on the head, with europe they did a very interesting trick, on the one hand ukrainian crisis, it weakens him... the flags had already been prepared, but by the way, morgentown was already sympathetic to the soviet union, he wanted the world to be, well, honest, there would be a soviet union, there would be a zone of the united states, great britain, three victorious countries, they would control the world, he if his assistant henry white, who was actually the architect of this plan, was honest and fair, well, in general he was called an american in pro-soviet times, but in relation to germany there was a tough history, well, it’s like an agricultural country no more. all withdraw industry, this is what is happening today, and how skillfully, the conflict in
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ukraine, you tie up russia, you are trying to weaken it, you do not give it the opportunity to engage in other areas, because of course this requires resources, but these are attacks on europe, which, well, remember this friedman george, well, he said in plain text in the fifteenth, guys, we will quarrel between russia and germany, well , he said it openly, he gave a brilliant lecture, not only he, but i just consider him not the stupidest in this case . here, but this is a blow to europe, and therefore china, well, because the main, so to speak, direction for the sales market for all chinese products is europe, what europe is doing today is suicide, and some kind of conveyor belt, in all directions they are shooting themselves in the head or where are they shooting in this situation, but look what they are doing, they are even introducing bans, increasing duties on chinese electric cars, well, what does this mean, this will be a response and... this is the end of all german concerns, the end is simple, but this is 25% their market,
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petrochemistry, oil refining, well, everything in general, including agriculture, european agriculture, this is what is happening just because of a conflict that was supposed to prevent russia in ukraine from europe, they would like the same thing to do with china, with china it is easier than many people think, china has many such pain points, and one of them is the atomic program, they began to impose
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sanctions on them, that is, in a sense, we are correcting this, well, this thing, but it happened historically, we did a lot of things then missed in the early nineties, so yes, this is collective security and correcting a mistake, a large geopolitical changing configuration, by the way, this morning we talked about the strait of melaka, an important artery, i think there will be serious problems there, but malaysia asked to join brix, ah... uh, indonesia, it is also ready to be a new member of brix and is ready to work more closely with yas. right before our eyes , it’s all changing: the economy, transport routes, north-south, aka through russia, azerbaijan, iran, there, exit, so to speak, to the countries of the global south, this, of course, is the transition of absolutely everything such a technological center in asia and, naturally, in defense, as without this, strategy here should, well, accordingly, play a crucial role. strengthening all this, and we see, of course, a military alliance is being formed,
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what are the americans doing, what will they do, did they lose, no, the question is, what is their task, in my opinion, maybe i’m wrong, but the task is to do so, so that now the world is fragmented, so if the ukrainian crisis continues, for them this is the norm, and even if it is in such a semi-frozen hot phase, they would also be happy with that, the better the house, the middle east, of course, they will set it on fire, that’s 100%, and the configuration there can also be different, professionals... will tell you about it , in general, i just see that this is happening before our eyes, and southeast asia, and this replaces one big third world war, so the plan is something like this: they think that they will sit out in america, but because this is the traditional position and strategic policy of the united states, but in this in case they have serious problems, they may not have time to transfer european industry to themselves, and they may not have time to, well, solve the problem of this huge american national debt, because any...
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it seems to me, could still arrange this opportunity for us to develop the way we were supposed to develop, and not the way it happened, but until the fourteenth year, or , more precisely, until the twenty-second year. thank them very much for the sanctions, because so far they only help, but they have costs, there is risk, there is an increase in cost of certain products, there will be powder, everything will be, everything will be fine, in this sense, we will learn to produce it and have already learned to produce something ourselves, but it took us too much time, so thanks to them at least for the sanctions . alexander
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viktorovich, yes, i think a lot about all these deadlines, some are long, some are short, they are going to play for the long haul.
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the president of the osce parliamentary assembly from germany, willy wiemer, who after this conference wrote a letter to gerhard schröder, who was then chancellor of germany, this the letter consists of 11 very important points, this is actually a road map of the long-term plan for the destruction of russia that we are talking about now, i won’t tell you the first six points, they relate to yugoslavia, that is, there is really a question there. which concerns yugoslavia, here are my dear colleagues, a few points, if you allow me, i won’t read out, it’s all in german , i’ll just outline them so that it’s clear what we’re talking about, here in the seventh point, seventh, in the seventh paragraph talks about that all nato's geographical claims, the situation that concerns
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geography from the baltic sea and further to the black sea, it should be regarded as... and nato's zone of interests should be built in such a way that this zone of interests is divided by a red line between russia and nato countries. the eighth paragraph states that for this, poland must ensure that there are peace-loving neighbors around poland, those neighbors who could ensure the security of poland not only from the european union and nato, but also from russian side. to do this, you need to ensure certain steps, take certain steps.
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line from this zone, it will undoubtedly continue, and if this conflict, which we see today in ukraine, is suspended in some part, i
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have no doubt that other conflicts will arise, as the germans say etlank, that is, along this the very line where they will arise, will they arise in kaliningrad, in the kaliningrad region, somewhere there, or will it be connected with finland, by the way, today germany, a very interesting thing has come out in germany the article in which they write, it turns out: finland is no longer afraid of an attack from russia, according to them, russia is not going to attack finland, and the germans are relieved, well, that’s it, at least we won’t fight in finland, but how will all this go in general , well, in general, yes, all this, taking into account the conversations that, the negotiations that i had recently there with some colleagues, what i talked about there and consulted, but absolutely no one has...
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but he they don’t listen, but they don’t listen to him, he can’t be heard. that's all, see you on sunday.
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yes, your boss hasn’t left yet; he’s sitting there, but what is this? well, how do i know, go and ask! what else is this? don't know. len, leonid, len,
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what are you doing? completely crazy, no, it was me, i just wanted to unload the gun, put it in the safe, but the cartridge remained in the chamber, what are you, a green salaban, or something, snotty, the cartridge is in the chamber, well, take a rest, what are you doing, vasilyich ,
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and we’ll figure it out ourselves, motherfucker, leonid, why are we weird, therefore, colleagues, you and i must make every effort to increase the percentage of convictions for in our cases, there’s much more, we already have... for serious and especially serious cases, more than 90%, the national average is 96, yes, yes, in some areas 99%, so colleagues, we have room to strive , this especially concerns lyudmila andreevna kolonkova, but what, our dear lyudmila andreevna, while we are with our colleagues,
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tirelessly. we are discussing indicators, you are somewhere in the clouds, have you fallen in love, have you fallen in love, let me ask you who, if it’s not a secret, don’t worry, nikolai petrovich, not with you, well, this is inspiring, that not in us, so. see you, listen, you cleverly shaved it off, i barely made it to the end of the speech about discipline, but everyone woke up, well done, thank you very much, what are you talking about, and about filonov, did you really fall in love, and look at her, you’re whole day in the clouds, but what is not allowed, but possible, even necessary, who is lucky, but what difference does it make, well, in the sense
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that you still don’t know him. how did you meet? completely by chance, all the best things in life happen by chance, in fact, just like the worst. well what, just a prince on a white horse? only you were supposed to call 5 minutes ago, it still doesn’t call, ah-ah-ah, it’s him, hello, hello, handsome, why aren’t you calling? i'm at work, yes, i'm finishing soon. what is the shooter doing there? the gun is being cleaned. oh, my, what, forgot what? uh-huh, i forgot.
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what the hell, i forgot, why, laziness, hmm, did something happen to you, nothing, no, well, i clearly see, you’re not yourself. “not relevant, listen, maybe i can help, after all, we are friends, whatever you can do to help me, but i don’t know, slow down, maybe you have it, maybe in family, what kind of family, i don’t have
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a family, slow down, lazy!" you haven’t answered yet? and i don’t have to answer you anything. i, you know, don’t owe anyone anything at all. leonid, lazy. eh! go home, and lenya, go, go, listen, lyon, you would, lyon, you, just me, i want everyone to leave me alone, so, lyo, including you, lyon, i wanted to tell you, what the hell, go home, oh, people, he just sat down at the table, but he first asked permission, and since it was a lunch break, there were no more free tables,
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then what? he suggested meeting after work, you agreed, wow, well, he talked so interestingly about badler, i even want to buy a book, but i just can’t get to the store, oh, nice? it’s not the right word, just like from the picture, i just don’t accept what he found in me, oh, don’t be too sad, beauty, okay, that’s it, that’s it, that’s enough, otherwise i’ve already told you a lot, i’m afraid to stare, i’m not ogling, not a word more, that’s all, but when you think about him, the butterflies in your stomach flutter, now he thinks, all the time, well, fly, butterfly, fly, bye, bye. i think that's all it's cooled down, let's say hello, everyone is already at home, yes, we're all waiting for you alone, so i don't think
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it's too late, well, no one is yet, come on, come on, there's just such traffic jams, guys, yeah, for a certified lawyer from mask khilaya, listen, you know it yourself, the city is standing still, spring is just around the corner, here, give me a plate, why are you sad? yes, i’m leaving in 4 days, don’t you want it, no, of course, i’m just used to home again, well, you stay here and study, yes , stay, kostya, come on, yes no, i have friends there, but there is no one here, well except for you, of course, oh well, summer holidays are ahead, they are long, we’ll take them and go somewhere, and lugansk, by the way, promised us a cruise, for sure, so i don’t refuse, i have the avenue. yes, we just need to clarify the dates, we’ll go somewhere for two weeks, and that will be great, from the ship, mom, you won’t run away from us, it’s logical, that’s it, let’s eat, it’s all cold, mashenka, yes, thank you, dear ,
11:20 pm
leonid, lenya, lenechka, lenya, what are you, what are you, do you have a squirrel, or what, a squirrel? are you really a sick person or something, you need to be treated, sorry, sorry, i had a dream,
11:21 pm
damn those, why, it’s so natural for you to dream about it if you sleep on the table, and not like all of us are normal, okay, okay, okay, sorry, fedya,


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