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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  June 20, 2024 11:20pm-2:06am MSK

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what, is he really a sick person, or something, leonid, lenya, lenechka, lenya, what, you, you have support, or something, squirrel, you need to be treated, forgive me, forgive me , i had a dream, what the hell, it’s so natural you 'll dream if your muzzles are on... sleeping, and not
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like all of us are normal, okay, okay, okay, sorry, fedya, what are you looking for, here it is, you finished your drink yesterday, okay, wait, i'll be right there, where are you going, you’ve been sitting here all night, and now you’re about to run away, i have business to do, ugh, would you at least have something to do with your business, murder? in the park on gangutskaya 15 minutes i received a phone call back, the patrol officers arrived, confirmed it, they said there was a gunshot, okay, now let me through in 5 minutes.
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hello, hello, why are you sad, and where is yesterday’s optimism, disappeared along with my prince, promised to call in the morning, still nothing, oh, my god, the problem, you didn’t call because i didn’t have to tell you anything, well yes, because it’s always like this, when... you share your happiness with someone, it immediately flies away, please stop, maybe something happened to the person, you never know, well, what could have happened to him, i don’t know, well , the phone was stolen, well, i forgot the phone, i lost it, wait, but if his phone was stolen, how will he find me, he doesn’t know where i work, you’ll put me on the wanted list, masha, come on in god what's going on in this show is cheating because there's one on the line. to hit the big jackpot, they
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have to stay on top, they're so tough, she 's really smart, look, you've already said, so much can hit, you know, there's a lot to fight with, catch me if you can, big music show, friday on rtr. i died for the men, i died, go crazy, there wouldn’t be happiness, i predict that something very, very good will soon happen in your life, so good that you match the headline, but the dress helped, when you wear it, your whole life will change, yes, i don’t know what to change, you are an amazing woman, a dream woman, a mystery woman, i’m actually kind of strange. let's go, first this
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artist, then the man on the beach, maybe you 've got yourself a man, it seems to me that i have roman, who is you, roman, at your age, well, sashka, one, second, third, third who, sea-colored dress, premiere, give me a second chance, do you want to come back, on saturday at rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him. just kidding, he will come to your house himself, let's start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese , this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan... for potatoes for lard, a knitting needle,
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that’s how a child sleeps, but you don’t do that i recommend a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on sunday on rtr, where are you going with red, you can distinguish colors. it's not my fault, i was driving through a flashing yellow light, where there are scenes of jealousy, maybe you need help, i'm offering you a job, responsibilities, simple, friendly support, phone calls,
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decent salary, hourly pay, friendship can't be bought, i'm deceiving you , i'm a bastard, take your suitcase and leave, but love... is for sale, this is where all the normal men are, there is no love, there is nothing, deception and lies, i was in a hurry somewhere, solving a lot of problems, and now there is a crossroads, what needs to be done, we need to act, on saturday on rtr.
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give me your way out, and you take care of the witnesses, i’ll be there now, and what’s wrong with him, and the devil knows, yeah, well, let’s get acquainted, so, lastly, reports by department must be submitted no later than friday, 14:00,
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luda, people, why are you so worried about some call, not some call, listen, you’re not 16, he probably isn’t either, thank you for reminding me, i’m not talking about this, maryaevna, the murder on gangutskaya, take this case for yourself, orly ed. is already there, so you come, take this case and, as always, so that...
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she had a hood like that on her cloak, and i i looked from the side and didn’t see, that is, you didn’t see her face, we pass, there’s no point standing here, we leave, we disperse, okay, but what height was she, height, well, somewhere like that, well, 175 cm, somewhere, where are you from? i saw it, i was probably walking from the fontanka, crossed the road here, here, wanted to walk to gagarinskaya, and then to the metro, you came from there, right? yes, and they already they stood near that bench, talking about something, and he seemed to smile at me, smiled, well, that ’s what it seemed to me, that is, they weren’t angry, i didn’t hear any words, it seemed like no, so, well, what’s next, what’s next,
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then she somehow ended up with a pistol in her hand, i didn’t even see where she got it from, then bang, bang, bang, bang, she shot four times, i think so, but i don’t remember exactly, and... then he fell , fell backwards, and the people who were in the alley ran away, who went where, how did this happen, that is , were there any more witnesses? yes, but they ran away as soon as the shooting started, and i didn’t immediately understand what happened in... so quickly and these shots were like from a toy pistol with caps, don’t worry, don’t worry, what happened then, then she wanted to shoot it again when he had already fallen, but apparently he had run out of cartridges, a revolver or something, i couldn’t see very far, yeah, okay, let him go, and then she turned around and left, that is, they threw it back to you, yes.
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hello, hello, dim, hello, mashenka, i’ve been here for a long time, yes, probably about 40 minutes, but where is the ship? korablev was, was here, but he went off somewhere, and kurochkin, there he is, question the witness, uh-huh, well, what’s interesting? but there’s nothing interesting, he doesn’t have any documents on him, but he has a mobile phone, he has a mobile phone, there’s a mobile phone, but it has a hole all the way through it, well , it’s unfortunate, so it’s unlikely that we ’ll get anything out of it, we’ll have to crawl, the money with it means 3.00 , you know, the money doesn’t have a name written on it, yes, yes, there is no card, no credit card, so i say, the money is this holey mobile phone, so 17, 18, where is koralev, right? strange thing, it was, like, it seems, right here, and then since he’s not here, it’s strange, strange, strange,
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strange, i’ll go and chat with the chicken, don’t go far, now we’ll look for evidence, okay, i’ll call you later, we’ll need to have all the testimony officially documented, now i can go, yes, of course, goodbye, all the best, witness, well, in general, yes, yes, nothing special, so he says, they stood, talked, this one even smiled, they didn’t quarrel at all. then four times broads and queens, but i’ll scan it, i’ll show you everything later, hello, hello, where did you go, everyone is looking for you, i’m not missing anywhere, i’m here, uh, i went to buy water, someone wants it, i haven’t drunk much yet, you interviewed the witness, interviewed him, took his mobile phone, well, yes, show me, that’s the way out “your witness called 5 minutes later, there was a woman before him,
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this number was identified, uh-huh, come on, well, the task is clear, come on, chicken, come on, no independence, are you sick, are you feeling normal, normal, why are you all attached to me, who is attached to you, who needs you, drunkard? marya sergeevna, marya sergeevna, come here, i found something here, look, yeah, well, here it is, most likely and there is a murder weapon, so it’s bigger, well done, uh-huh, hello,
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hello, tsyplyonkina, marina valerievna? yes, are you from the police? that’s right, i’m from the police, my last name is kurochkin, fyodor mikhailovich, zanetskaya rvd, sorry, it’s probably nerves, it’s just very funny, what ’s so funny, well, you’re a kurochkina and i’m a tsyplyonkina, and i’m a tsyplyonkina, yes, funny. funny funny, okay, citizen to tsyplyonkina, why didn’t you give your wonderful last name to the duty officer when you called, i was scared, what? well, what if she finds me too and shoots me, why? a why, let's agree that if they shoot at you, we will protect you, who? i personally, yeah, but if you remember in detail all the details of what you saw, then we can catch the villain before she kills a few more people and... so, what did you see? well, look, there, yes, yeah,
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four bullet storages, three of them are fatal, and one, well, well, that too. mitya said that it went completely through the mobile phone. yes, that is why we cannot establish the identity of the murdered man. shot in the heart, point blank, because traces. gunpowder and microburns on the neck, on the chest, well, where the skin was open, the witness confirms this, but the shooter was most likely right-handed, she fired. apparently it was a woman. do you already have any special signs? you know, no obvious ones, no tattoos, no scars, sleek hands, but obviously he didn’t carry bags, although you know, he’s physically developed, he didn’t smoke. of course,
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it doesn’t go through the base; if it went through the base, i would start our intellectual conversation with you. with last name, first name and drive. ok, we will wait for statements from relatives. i didn't mean to upset you, but most likely yes. oh, i still have marshmallows, but why are you silent? so you were going to work? yes, well, yes, i walked to work through the park, i walk there all the time, it’s so beautiful there, well, or rather , i used to go, yeah, but a woman, can you describe this? probably not. why? well, you understand, she stood sideways to me, and next to her there was a man, like in the magazine, well, i just looked at him, killed? well, why was he killed, he was still alive then, but he was very handsome, such a student was still in i had a meeting, don’t you remember? yes, well
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, a student is like a student, it’s immediately obvious that he lives in a dormitory, he passed by, but the one who stood next to her, he, you know, is like a goal-scoring actor. so dark, but just a sight for sore eyes, very handsome, and you are also handsome, yes, well, i’m handsome, yes, your eyes are like that, no, well, i’m generally handsome, yes, eyebrows, yes, and dimples, very handsome, citizens chicks, let's talk about things on the merits, about personal topics, then somehow, well, to the point, so what? she shot at him, bang, and my heart went straight to my throat, jump, she was in she was still shooting at him, but she misfired, she threw away the gun, she bent over, but she bowed her head so much that she didn’t look at you directly, but why look at me, no, you know, she when, when she adjusted her glasses, she so she looked a little sideways at me, glasses, yes, she, that is, she had glasses, the glasses were so big from the sun, but i just
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remembered them, uh-huh, uh-huh, yes, uh-huh, yes, you said that we you... we'll have cash, why talk, well, yes, well, yes, why, well , when cash, citizen tsyplyonkina, in the evening, cash, in the evening, all the best, to dates.
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hello, hello, mash. why doesn't he call? well, let's go and pour you some tea. you were probably right, the phone was either broken or stolen. well, whoever it doesn’t happen to, hold it. come on, i ’ve been calling him all day, but he’s temporarily unavailable, call me back later. what, he didn’t leave any coordinates? maybe a business card? there is nothing. so interesting, it turns out you can lose a person by simply losing his mobile number, let's go have some tea, damn, i don't know, i don't know, another 40 minutes for sure, i'm lazy, where are you going, lunch or something, i'm going, well yes, seriously, but you were drinking, and why are you supposed to monitor whether i drank or not, i
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can’t understand why you’re driving drunk, well, i’m a little bit. to get some medical treatment, what to get some medical treatment, then come to our canteen, but not the metropolis , of course, but the food is healthy and cheap, listen, but leave me alone, but i have things to do, i have things to do, then go to the bus, that in a drunken state, to the car , listen, i’m not drunk in any way, stop talking, what are you doing, where are you going, to the bus, so, my dear, where are we working, i mean, do you have a phone number? there is? uh-huh, and that you didn’t try to get through the owner by number, oh, masha, well, this is elementary, well, i’ve completely lost my head, thank you very much now. you're welcome, hello, veronica, hi, this is kolonkova, listen, can you give me one phone number,
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yes, yes, yes, yes, write it down, 8924 649, 6197, yeah, i'm waiting, eh... "hello, yes, who, who, who, citizen tyuplyonkina, yes, kurochkin, of course, kurochkin, fyodor mikhailovich, yes, uh, citizen tsyplyonkina, i’ll definitely see you, of course, i ’ll call you when i call you, i don’t know when there will be time, maybe this evening, or maybe tomorrow morning, but see you, see you, see you, i still need to draw up a protocol, yes, he’ll probably be surprised how i found him, but i won’t tell him,” and you aren’t you afraid, what? well, we can find out this about him, oh, just please, don’t do this, it’s ready,
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yes, it’s me, wait, that’s for sure, wait, i ’ll check the phone now, 8924, everything is right, everything is right , what do you say? abdulkhamidov rauf ilyasovich? where does he live? thank you, your prince from? central asia? what are you saying, is he a russian guy? maybe i got the wrong number? no, i called him constantly, 20 times, and so did he. wait, i’ll try to get through the fms database. “well
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, handsome, are you kidding me? yes, especially since this guy left for uzbekistan six months ago, but if he bought a sim card on the market, this is not a crime, yes, but this complicates our search, and i will order triangulation of the hundredth operator over the past week, based on movement, one can determine a person’s place of residence.” well, yes, do you know that a court decision is needed? nothing, i something will think. listen, can i help you? my fat is now restoring my sim card for today’s case, one man was killed there, but that doesn’t matter. yeah, so, i can ask for a sample through the court. why do i need your man? well, tell me that he had two devices. masha, i will be grateful to you, the grave of life. come on, when will your fat be born? now we'll find out. and here, by the way, is this man. hello, mitya, hello. listen, i asked you to work on that sim card. so, just wait, i
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'll call you back. lud, what are you doing? and what happened to him it happened? his woman shot him. what was his name? albert, we'll come, we've met before, huh? our volyn, yeah, well, the gentlemen brought a bullet, i’m treating it, so how? well, apparently, he was killed with this pistol that i found. are there any fingerprints?
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there are no fingerprints, the killer wore gloves. were you able to determine anything from the number? and the number was cut down, the number was cut down. and the pistol, you know, is actually a conversion from a gas pistol. they bring them from the caucasus in boxes because it is the cheapest option. disposable, well , practically yes, shot four times, fifth the cartridges are already stuck, you know, well, that is, about 10 times everything is falling apart, and there is something else, what else, the upolin fabrics on the clothes, apparently, they were shot at point-blank range, but panov reported this already in his conclusion, so this is not news, no, well, here’s the phone, the phone, of course it’s broken, but i’ll get some information out of it, i promise, i’ll get it out, the identifier is determined, the serial number. it’s under the battery here, it’s intact, obviously it’s intact, fix it, compare the sim card, make a request, of course, to this cellular operator, well, this is a whole lot of red tape,
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in short, it will take time. at least a day, or maybe more, i’ll go upset shvetsova, she’s still going to arrive in an hour, okay, okay, let’s say everything is fine, yes, let’s do it like that, okay, okay, okay, he said, okay, yes, okay, ok, yes, citizen tsyplyonkina, i understand you, i understand you, the only thing is that it’s not evening yet, i ’ll call you in the evening and wait for my call, we’ll talk in the evening, yes, bye, citizen, how... citizen tsyplyonkina, and citizen tsyplyonkina is a witness in today’s case. so what did she tell you? come on, come in i'll tell you. well, marya sergeevna, albert. albert is, of course, not vladimir, not alexander, but on the other hand, in st. petersburg , albertov is also, in principle, like brazil’s wild monkeys. yes, i understand, it’s not enough to establish an identity. not enough? it's simply
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impossible. when he works his magic with the phone, when we locate the house where he appeared at night, when we go through the residents with photographs, then maybe we’ll figure something out, but weren’t we looking for missing people with those names? i don’t know, i looked at the reports, but to be honest, it’s still early, because in the morning it just disappeared, that means, but it will be gone sometime in the evening, but what about the signs of the killer? well, a woman, height 175, dressed in jeans, a long jacket, no one could see her face because of the hood. there was a big gun in her hands, but she threw it away later, well , i mean, maybe a purse, citizen tsyplyonkina claims that there wasn’t, by the way, yes, yes, hello, hello, citizen tsyplyonkina, just not today , but because i said so, no, that’s it, i said no, that’s it, go home, by the way, citizen tsyplyonkina, in she had something in her hands, huh? i understood everything,
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i understood everything, yeah, all the best, citizen tsyplyonkina, she kept one hand in her pocket and adjusted her glasses with the other, glasses? yes, full-face sunscreen. yeah, okay, so we’ll wait for statements from relatives. where is koralev? well, i rushed off somewhere on business. okay, he’ll come back, let him call me. thanks for the tea, yeah. yes, dimochka, hello, i’m going home, yes, of course, i’m going, but what ’s wrong? the car is broken, when will it be fixed? and your driver? oh, do you want me to take it? okay, but somewhere? so, what are you doing there? business games, what are they? oh, well, okay, now i’ll drop by the office and then pick you up. let's. forget yourself, let's start,
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the premiere on rtr, you shouldn't trust artyom so unconditionally, i'm worried about you, no, you control me and my life, when big money is at stake, be careful, the game of survival begins, and they killed, everyone the evidence points to you, christina has been arrested, i will get you out of here, trust me, justice, little sister, prison for the murderers, you and i are a factory, for the family seals, now it’s about your freedom, just sign it will end, on monday on rtr, the only conflict in the modern history, was supposed to show everyone that it was germany, the third century , that would rule the world in the next thousand years, deciding the fate of countries, peoples and civilizations , with the help of foreign countries, hitler could not untie. until
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the last moment, great britain did not abandon its hopes of finding some kind of compromise with the nazis; secret anglo-german negotiations were conducted. the united states relied on hitler and a radical solution. standard olof new jersey invested $120 million in the third reich. gene motors - 100 million. without foreign money, the war would not have lasted 6 years. the great, unknown war. said, we know for sure that liberation for the peoples of europe and the german people, including from the nazi infection, was brought by our soviet people. film by andrei medvedev on saturday on rtr. i fell in love with someone else, natasha. i'm going to her. get out, get out of my life. on friday.
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positive people should work in the service sector. tropnaya, and not as sad an amoeba as you, dad, i'm pregnant, mine have arrived. you know each other, you met by chance, by the way, there are no coincidences in life, if you need my help, promise that you will call me, you are not indifferent to her, dad, the flower queen needs to be conquered, isn’t it, who am i you, you my light, you are my light, on friday on rtr hello, hello, hello, limousine, yes, thank you, hello, wait, you invested in a recruitment
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agency, you know, it seems to me that this topic is now very promising, you know, if in at least something will change in this country, it will need a lot of people capable of moving things forward, and i will already have a scheme and... and that there are some orders, now i am selecting new, so to speak, personnel for my companies, you you know, we are expanding, and these people are already working for you, we are creating a business together, and i get the best personnel for free, lugansk, well, i have always admired you, your ability to find a simple but effective solution, wait you are my genius, you can watch this , yes, i have a disk with the last experiment, let's go, let's go. masha, attention, they are given a certain task, they must find a solution to it in a short time, what is the difficulty, have they either found it
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or not? the difficulty is that it is almost impossible to solve this problem in the allotted time. then what's the point? it is important to understand who reacts and how in stressful situations. can we have a look too, yes, let's just quickly, sit down, can you hear me, some people are just too slow to think, unlike you, i at least suggested something, damn, what the not bad, why out of all the possible candidates i got the stupidest ones, look at yourself, all you can do is whine and talk about how brilliant you are, that’s enough, “shut up, shut up everyone, hear you, hysterical, what, what did you say? this is from - everything went wrong for you, it was you who came up with this stupid scheme, which we then cheated on en masse, i suggested at least something, but you
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are not capable of anything, losers, sheep, what did you say, who is here, no one of them did not pass the test, the group, you fell apart, he is a psychologist, his task is ruin the work of the group, i don’t want to talk to you at all, shut up, smart guy, unbearable, nightmare, i hate you all, i even know who it is, who, who, this is the one who called everyone sheep, look further, this is a group of psychologists , len, in my opinion, we succeeded, here he is, the provocateur, or rather she, the girl in blue, i’m ready to repeat, be stunned, and she’s an actress, no, she’s also a psychologist, but she played
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very convincingly, that’s because well done guys, it's well played, it's well organized, and it's not for nothing that i invested in it money, well done, that’s it, when i grow up, i’ll go to psychology, yeah, that’s it, that’s it. the first reasonable thought in many years, what’s wrong with him, kont?
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masha, hi, hi, lyud, is there anything new on this case, not much, but what is there? well, i can’t really tell you anything, you’re an interested party, you understand, it’s a secret investigation, do you suspect me too? no, of course not, what are you talking about, your reinforced concrete alibi can be confirmed by almost all the investigators, and even fillonov. it turns out that while we were... listening about disclosure, this happened during
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operatives, hello, hi, hi, fet, hi, i'll go, i'll catch up with you, yes, let's go, girl, what happened, nothing happened, i was just passing by, i see you standing, i think that means i'm on time, i'm from zhirova, and what, he took it out of the phone, no, he hasn’t taken anything out yet, but what does he say, oh, marya sergeevna, she says that only cats will be born quickly, but since you are an influential lady and quite pretty. woman, put some pressure on him, let him move, okay, i’ll call you now, let’s go have some tea, no, marya sergeevna, there’s not a minute of time, okay, tell me what’s wrong with koralev, and you also noticed, yes, yes, it seems to me that there’s something wrong with his head, i mean, well, i mean, he started a shooting in his office the day before yesterday, what a shooting, has he gone crazy, dark story, dark, but in my opinion the old concussion was stirring in his head, oh, not funny, you know it shook him well then, but that’s it was a long time ago, but i know, well , maybe the cat just got sick,
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uh, get up, come on, well, get up, come on, what did i say, uh, oh well, got up, got up, come on, now he’s back on his feet,
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that’s it, get in, he’s arrived, he’s gone forward, you’re yours, come on, come on, come on, why, it seems like he’s coming to his senses. uh, do you understand what they're saying here? - yes, do you have documents? you don’t recognize me, or what? no, we, of course, have personnel whom we even know by name, but you are not one of them yet, now, there are documents, now, in another pocket, now a bribe.
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i'll just stay here with him for now, yeah, and i 'll go to the boss, yeah, listen, you, and the certificates, allow me, yeah, come in, hello, hello, they told me that you may have some information, sit down, vadik, please tell fillonov that i can’t come to the operational meeting, i have a witness, okay, what’s your name, galina stanislavovna. zortseva. yes. can i have a passport? yes, sure. i'm listening to you.
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my husband has disappeared. husband, husband well, we are not married, but we have been living together for more than a year. yes. but the police said that the application could only be accepted after 2 days. absolutely right. and then they looked at some. the papers said that i need to contact you, but what is your husband’s last name? cloudberry albert vladimirovich, do you have a photograph of him? with himself, yes, i’ll show you another photo now, something happened to him, koralyov,
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koralyov, where? you're gone, the subscriber is unavailable, leave a message after the beep, okay, lenka, hello, who? hello, hello, citizen tsyplyonkina, well, see you, see you, see you, definitely, see you, i’ll call you, what do you mean you promise, i told you, i’ll call, that means i’ll call, all the best to you, yeah,
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i drove, please, but you don’t know where? he was getting ready the day before yesterday morning, he was all the time he left either in the morning or in the evening, he had to because of work, and who did he work for? he worked as a financial consultant for a large company and advised private clients, well, he was registered in some organization, maybe a bank, i don’t know, i i wasn’t interested, i don’t understand anything about it. and who do you work in the housing and communal services sector, it’s clear, but he didn’t tell you about any threats, but maybe you heard in the conversation, but i ’m saying that i don’t know anything, oh well, but he did something told me how things were going with him
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lately, yes, everything seemed fine, he he was so cheerful lately, he said that he would earn... a lot of money, from what? i don’t know, i’m telling you, i made plans, said that he would buy a villa abroad, said that he would make me rich, he offered to invest my money, and you agreed, well, yes, what’s wrong, we went to the notary, registered some papers, but he didn’t have time. you know what, i must suggest you go to the morgue to complete the identification procedure, if, of course, you have the strength to do so. let's get this over with all at once. well i
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i'll call a car and then they'll take you home. vadik, please show the girl and call the car. well, thank you very much. wait in the corridor and leave the photo, uh-huh, goodbye, yes, goodbye, hello, fedor, listen, please tell me everything you can find out about moroshka, albert vladimirovich, uh-huh, no, it can’t be , right now, i’m waiting, yes, yes, marya sergeevna, i understand, cloudberry. cloudberry, yes, eh, korablev, well , korablev hasn’t shown up yet, okay, i understand everything, i’ll tell you, uh-huh, well, well, well, frosty, ice cream, where to start, cloudberry, june 22,
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exactly. 4:00 in the morning, on the day of remembrance and sorrow, someday coming, how soon, in response to what pain, you see, the proudest came out to meet you, it seems to me sometimes that a soldier... black black, well are you silent, black stone? did you want this, did you once dream of becoming a tombstone for the grave
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of an unknown soldier, remember, through the centuries, through the years, remember, about those who will never come again, remember, this is the main, only testament to us from them. those who were gone the first time the hour of this most terrible war, the hour of remembrance, june 22 at 4:00 am on rtr, where are you going, you can distinguish colors. not my fault, i was driving when the yellow light was flashing, where is the scene of jealousy,
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maybe you need help? i’m offering you a job, simple responsibilities, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, hourly pay, friendship can’t be bought, i’m deceiving you, i’m a bastard, but take your suitcase and leave, but love is not for sale, that’s where all the normal men are, stay with him for life, a full-fledged chronicle of the atrocities of concentration camp workers, footage
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creepy, i finished watching it, at that moment i came out a different person, alexey kravchenko, they told me at the audition, well, this is the situation, here is your mother lying, she died, of course, i cried, mom-mom, when i looked back, i saw , that adults are also standing in tears, everyone is saying, that’s it, that’s it, stop, stop, since i heard why this film is needed at all, let’s forget it, and what happens to those who forget something, everything comes back, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, on friday on rtr, galina stanislavovna, yes, let's go, i i’ll walk you to your car, hello, hello, woman, why are you looking at me like that? m, no, nothing, it seemed, let's go, you throw, like those, it's just
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where you edit your pack, what about greed, i always had seals, chicken, right? i would like to talk to the director, the director is not there, she will be there later, but what time? yes, probably closer to six, yeah, evgeny, why do i have strangers in the hall, who is this angry woman? owner, who are you?
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operative officer kurochkin, zanevskoye atm, and what does operative officer kurochkin need? yes, in essence, that everyone authorized would like to chat, please, thank you. maybe you want something, maybe i do want it, a glass of water, sashenka, please, citizen, general, captain kurochkin, a glass of water, okay, can you tell me, someone like that worked here for you, cloudberry, albert vladimirovich, excuse me , how... moroshka, albert vladimirovich, thank you, i don’t remember, maybe when? well,
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judging by the world'. from the tax office, he left you, well, about four years ago, oh, what are you talking about, during this time through my restaurant a lot of people passed by, i don’t remember, well , i mean, don’t remember, no, i don’t remember, why should i remember, he killed someone, almost, well , i mean they killed him, it’s sad, come see me, tomorrow at about 4 will be my secretary, he’s in charge of personnel, yeah, i’ll pop in, but i don’t owe anything for water, of course not, all the best, oh, sorry, i’m always so clumsy, wait for me in the park across the road in 10 minutes.
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i heard you talking about albert, yes, where is he, what’s wrong with him, and what do you know about him, yes, he and i arrived at the restaurant almost at the same time work, you knew him well, this is not relevant, where is he? he was killed, tomorrow, yesterday, i don’t know, he and i lived together until this bitch laid eyes on him, excuse me, bitch,
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this is, ah, i understand, the owner. yes, tamara, she bought it as an item, and then used it for almost three years, well, that is, they, i didn’t tell you anything, well, are you ready? yes, well look.
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listen, marya sergeevna, maybe not everything is lost for me yet, maybe i ’m interested in why you left when you realized that she was lying, well, you could have burned the waitress, there, such an aunt would fire her without batting an eyelid, you know what, we should find out something about her, marya sergeevna, why do you think the wife ran to the police only a day later, i don’t know, she says that
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in principle he never disappeared anywhere , always on time. in case he called, in short, she knew exactly where he was, that everything was clear, an ideal husband, so, valieva tamara grigorievna, article 11, part two b, 4 and a half years, causing grievous harm to health, yeah, and with particular cruelty , as soon as i saw this, i understood that he would kill me and won’t blink an eye, wait, i’ll write down the case number, and you find albert for me, try, eh. well, mara sergeevna, look, it’s almost clean, almost, but what, fraud, a criminal case was initiated, but closed due to lack of evidence, who initiated it, well, there’s a certain panomaryova, yulia valerievna, there’s an address, we’ll find it, go find
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it, talk to her carefully, and i ’ll visit our tamara, the restaurateur. i think she would rather tell me the truth. where is koralev? marya sergeevna, i don’t want to interfere in his personal life. am i asking? listen! it’s so good for you to rest, well, i thought i’d never get out, yulia, you deserve this rest, you work and work all day long, even though you’ve developed a little, i’ll hang it in my office, i’ll admire how good it was there, so take another week , um, it won’t work, but i ’ve been saving up for this trip for almost 2 years, hello, hello, hello, we’re having lunch, there’s a sign on the door. yes, i would like to see yulia valerievna panomaryova. it's me, what are you talking about? i'm talking about it, but we would like to see eye to eye
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talk. well, first tell me, what issue are you talking about? i’m on the question, i’m on the question of albert vladimirovich marushka, but why on earth? who are you anyway? i’m actually a bit of a chicken, fedor. mikhailovich, zanevsky rvd, i have nothing to talk to you about, you see how it happens, you have nothing to talk to me about, but i have accumulated questions, i haven’t seen this man for a very long time, i repeat, i have heard nothing about him i don’t want to, but you won’t hear anything after our conversation, he was killed.
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i loved him, i loved him in a way that never happens in life, no, well, it probably happens, but only
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once, forgive me, it’s really very difficult for me to talk about this, listen, well, i don’t know, well , if you want, i’ll bring you some water, no, no, thank you. for about a year everything was very good, and it was the best year of my life, he was very caring, he literally carried me in his arms, and then, and then another one appeared, no, you didn’t guess, then he started having problems at work, seriously, yes, listen, where did he work then, you don’t know, he’s a private realtor, a realtor, yes, yes? well then what's the problem? well, i don’t know for sure, there were some houses with imperfections, money was needed to complete the work, but now i understand that it was all complete nonsense and he was just hanging on my ears, well,
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money, so i i understand, of course he began to ask you, no, he is proud, he is a real man, he solves all his problems himself, i myself. i gave everything to him myself. hello, today i already had your detective, i told him everything. let him come to my secretary tomorrow, his personal file is already ready. hello, tamara grigorievna. indeed, captain kurochkin told me everything, except for one very important detail that you hid. but this is curious and interesting. the fact that the murdered cloudberry albert was your lover for a very long time. sasha, yes, tamara grigorievna,
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bring me red wine. maybe you? no, then only me, you know which one. okay, i got it, so what? christina, be my wife. premiere on rtr, but if i were you i wouldn’t really trust artyom, he’s kind of a guy. why are you calling tuvel? behind seven seals in monday on rtr. there is no time left from the heroes of bygone times, while we live, it is a dark night, only bullets whistle through... now the dust is beating
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under boots, burning fires, while we remember, we sing, the flames are raging all around, from those whose destinies were scorched by the great and a terrible war, which means we need one victory.
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try it, a sea-colored dress, premiered on saturday on rtr, collected everything i had, sold my car, took out a bank loan secured by my apartment, i gave everything to him, yes. ok, so you gave him all the money, and what did he do? at first he became furious, shouted, that he won’t take them from me, that he is a real man, that he must solve all his problems himself, and imagine, i even begged him to accept them, listen, what are you, you didn’t even take a receipt from him, what are you what receipt? i, i loved him, he
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was everything to me, well, yes, i, i couldn’t think, i couldn’t imagine that he could do that, that is, he took the money, well, he didn’t take it, he accepted it, said that surely in a month he will return everything to me, what is this, well, this is an investment, what else do i have from this investment? dividends are due, and you lived together for a long time, we didn’t live together, he lived with me, a handsome boy, right, didn’t you?
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i called all the hospitals, morki, i went to the police 3 days later, and there they told me that he was alive and well, he just didn’t want to communicate with me, he was a mayfly, i wrote a statement to the police, but that was only later, when you get paid this money, then after i went through all this shock. since then , it was as if the lights had been turned off in my life, i couldn’t get the money back, no, i didn’t have any documents in my hands, but the investigator later told me that albert denied that he had taken any money from me. listen, how are you now? that 's it, i'm paying. he is borrowing for his own
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apartment, i hope that in 15 years i will pay off the bank, you say he lived with you, but i think you understood what i said, yes, i supported him, mm, that is, it was not love, but depending on what you mean by this word love, he liked living with me, he liked my money, my beautiful life. dear resorts, i took it with me everywhere, yeah, you made a deal, that means some kind of agreement? it turns out that yes, yeah, money in exchange for sex and publicity.
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but you suspect me, right? i ask this question to put the answer on record, i wouldn’t kill him, i loved him too much,
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this year, it was the best thing that happened to me in my entire life, my husband died, i’m free. i can do whatever i want, but you got the restaurant from your husband, not only the restaurant, my husband was ivan cherkov, vanya cherok, yes, his friends sometimes called him that, well then you probably had common themes, you mean my criminal record, yes, yes no, well what are you talking about, this is stupidity, because i was young, i fell in love with a guy. the guy was taken away by my best friend, i ambushed my friend at the entrance, a criminal record, well then, excuse me for being direct, i like to answer direct questions directly, then another direct question, yes, please, did you fire albert or did he leave on his own? albert
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left on his own, i fired him retroactively, for what? first i made him a waiter, then i made him a teacher, then a manager, he stole the money and ran away. he stole a lot, around three million, and you forgave him, at first you were very angry, then i remembered that my husband always told me that a sucker is not the one who stole, but the sucker is the one from whom it was stolen, yes, there is such a concept, then one more question, but you probably want to know what i did the day before yesterday, i’m interested in the morning , from 9 to 10, from 9 to 12 i would be at home alone, i fired my last young lover 2 weeks ago, the driver came for me at 12, and, sorry, i don’t have an alibi, so i’m wondering, you want to ask, i did you kill him, no, i ’ll call you, yes, i understand, when you fill out
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the protocol, that’s for sure, but i’ll definitely come to you i’ll come, especially since i really like you, thank you, please, goodbye, okay. “hello, marie sergeevna, listen, you have brought up such details about our albertik, yes, you’d better jump up, okay, okay, i ’m already approaching, yeah, i’m waiting, hello, who, citizen tsyplyonkina, and i was just about to call you, yes, yes, yes, of course, of course, i’ll be there in 10 minutes, yes, yes, yes, drop by, drop by, i’m waiting! that’s it, vasilyevich, so the boss didn’t show up? no, i haven’t been yet, leonid nikolaevich, how did you get to such a point in life, it doesn’t happen to anyone, it can happen to everyone
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happen, but you are an officer and not the last figure in our system, colonel, you can reflect all this in your rapport. i can, of course, just tell me how you managed to do it, and what kind of need is it to get drunk like that, it looks like i’ll have to leave my organs, why? head, i had a concussion, i began to feel reality, i got scared, so why did you decide to cure it in this way? no, it was just scary. as scary as ever, listen, but this, it’s not you then
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i climbed into a hostage’s apartment to save, in my opinion, you were still awarded then, but what ’s the point of awards, i think, after all, i passed all the examinations, the medical examination, for how many years nothing. it wasn’t, here, i won’t write a report, but it’s not a matter of getting so drunk even for personal reasons, decide for yourself, i’m not a doctor or an adviser here, thank you, thank you, comrade colonel, i’ll decide with your head if it will get worse, i’ll leave on my own, i promise.
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so, in october, in october he moved to his last common-law wife, whom he met in september, yeah, now with his last woman, the meeting turned out to be fatal, well, not quite the last one, i mean, there was someone else, yes, he met with a beauty here for about two weeks, you know her, kolonkova. then it’s one of them, but it’s clear that it’s one of
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them, because kulonkova’s alibi, she sat with me on filonov’s ram, that’s who? you know? we can conduct an experiment tomorrow, marya sergeevna, what kind of experiment? well, is it possible? hello! please, come along, citizens of the village, where should i sit, i think it’s right here, thank you, yeah, have a seat, captain kurochkin, good luck. goodbye, hello,
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maybe it would be better if i give you a lift, comrade major, but no, thank you, i’ll get there myself. i have never given them such tasks before. experiment, well, it will work out, okay, no, let's go our usual way, yeah, okay, i'm calling anton, and
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i can be present, no, no, what are you saying, just a second, okay, there's a big exception, okay, i'm calling anton, well, now i have your phone number, call me at any time, i’ll be glad, yes. thanks, with this girl with glasses, what will happen to her? well i will decide as i want, so it will be, yes, you know, work doesn’t really scare me, i love work, of course, it’s great, well, here we are, it was all over somehow quickly, what did you think, that we will sit there at the police station half the night, the testimony was taken and dispersed, well, you see, while i walked you home here, yes, thank you, and this is our job, maybe come to me? i baked a cake and drank some tea, citizen tsyplyonkina, what do you think? hmm, hens, well, are you little
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or what, what do you think, that i will pounce on you and rape you? hmm, i think so. you think right, well, let's go? for tea, if only? for tea, but with pie, ha, well, let's go, let's go, oh, vasilvich, great, great, laziness, where have you been, everyone here searched for you, that's what i said, there were things to do, yes kurochkin was already here, he said that they're waiting for you from the street, where, let's go to you... i have it recorded there, let's go, i'll show you, yes, we have everything ready, the recording will go from all cameras, yeah, great, well, where soon, should soon come over, people, i understand how hard it is for you, i’m sorry that i told the whole truth, how could you do otherwise?
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refuse, i’ll go myself, no, no, especially since i could be next. this will help us keep in touch with you. ok, thank you. like this. yes. can not see. yes. what are you all doing here? look, lenechka is back. hello. i don’t understand what kolonkova has to do with it. leonid, have you missed so much? the investigator is still busy, yeah, she asked you to wait here for a while, only if it’s not for long and they woke you up before dawn. come on in, tell her it's
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tamara. tamara. hello, is there a contact? hello, you were also asked wait? yes, their investigator is busy. i don’t understand why they called so early? and what kind of place is this anyway? don't know. i was also called here on one matter. yeah, come on in. hello. the queue is growing. hello, hello, tell me, is this business of yours connected with a boy named albert? with whom? judging by the portrait you drew, she should become the dominant one. our kolonkova herself will drive anyone she wants into a corner, this
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is not necessary, i warned her, her role is a provocateur. let's figure it out. why are you doing this? startled? or does this name also mean something to you? what does all of this mean? what does that mean too? ay, yes, boy! ay, yes, well done! we'll have to wait a little, hello! hello! and you have a seat, otherwise i ’m afraid there won’t be enough space soon. and who are you? well, i guess we all know albert, to varying degrees of intimacy. alberta, did you all know alberta? well, i don’t know about you, i personally slept with him, and why did we all go quiet? wow, should we have this aunt in the group? wait, wait, what group are you not needed? i think we all we are talking about one albert, the one who was killed the day before yesterday. ai-ai, boy, well done,
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i must admit, he has acquired taste. you are all very good. and you’re the same bitch from the restaurant he told me about, now i’ll ask you to be a little quieter, and quieter, okay, i wonder, what else did he tell you about me? well, i think he told me about you all, well, i wonder what, for example, you know about me? yes, yes, who are you? are you the one he robbed and abandoned? or the one you were just planning? how do you dare say that? what i experienced during these 2 years, oh-oh-oh, oh, what a comprehensive answer, wow, albertik never forgot how to live at the expense of women, listen, don’t you dare talk about him like that, albert couldn’t do that, yes he could , my dear, as best he could, he personally cheated me out of 3 million, what are you even talking about now, i don’t understand, forgive me,
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how much, what difference does it make, how much, albert acted vilely, he... left me with debts without money, excuse me, but by chance you haven’t mortgaged your apartment yet, thank god, i didn’t have time, what does money have to do with it? i suggested that he do it myself, i also thought that i myself, young ladies, well, you give, and the last money, an apartment, and that it’s all because of some doll, what does doll mean, listen, in my opinion this conversation is not in it went in the right direction, maybe someone can explain to me what kind of movie we are watching, i’ll explain it to you later, try to put pressure on feelings, aggravate the situation, my god, my god, wow, was i really such a fool ? oh, girls, as my late husband said, it’s better to see the light in time than to die a fool, thank you, no, well of course, you can say whatever you want, and
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i will say what i want, interesting, yes , because albert and i loved each other, oh, yes, for real, no, it was he who loved me for real, and you only just a minor affair, why did you get the idea, he didn’t tell you about his exes, he wanted a child from me, but baby, baby, this is completely impossible, why, why? because albert was infertile, i checked it, girls are very beneficial to have a barren lover, you don’t have to be afraid of anything and never not to use protection, but that doesn’t matter, we could take the child from the orphanage, that’s also impossible, albert is no longer there, we would take the girl, but you wouldn’t take anyone, because he was going to leave you to go to me, you’re nervous, i watched.
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i must apologize to you, it was a cruel experiment, forgive us, you know, i... “i’m even grateful to you for it, because albert was like a drug for me, i gave him everything, everything i had, and you know , i didn’t regret it at all, but if i knew that he was cheating on me with someone else, let me do it myself, no, but of course i couldn’t kill, and most importantly i’m grateful to you, because today i got off this needle, and now i can live on without being judged.” i don’t even want to remember this about this person, i’ll be smarter, well you? i, but for everything that happened here,
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of course, i forgive you, you played everything very correctly, but, but, but this doesn’t make it any easier for me, why? but it was i who raised the monster, rtr-planet. than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen of the planet. let's fly! how did i get here, what did i get through? what are you, and you don’t know bender well,
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you don’t need a motive for murder using cunning, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, it’s a dog in my opinion, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra, we’ll perform shestakovich’s seventh symphony, who doesn’t take risks? but luck is not smiling, we will succeed, i will operate, i am scared, as if it were me, not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but there is one, and we will find it, i i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you coach, i’m a player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, i don’t even know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music, blogger, hope , russia relies on songs,
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in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, i poured a bowl of hot water on myself , i’m glad, i tell my wife, i’m leaving, i looked around, she’s already packed my things, peek-a-boo, meeting the stars , and what is more difficult? become a good person or stay? the question is of course interesting, both difficult and different, you are the most understanding program about animals, in the circle of friends, when difficult experiences come into our lives.
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i was fired, my husband went to see his secretary, and there are lodgers living at home. i lived with a married man for a year and a half and i think it’s my husband, my boyfriend left me, sometimes you have to lose everything to find what’s important, if it weren’t for this accident, we would have we didn’t meet you, but
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i... bumped into it because i was going there, and i left because someone didn’t learn the colors. crossroads on saturday on rtr.
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thus, natasha, the fragments that we found at a construction site in konkov, they are completely identical to the fragments that were found in the sewer on vavilova street, from which we can safely conclude that hello, listen, nikita, you interrupted us, we are working by the way, okay, i’ll wait . and we
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are almost finished, yes ksenia olegovna, thank you very much, i completely agree with your conclusions, we will think about how to solve this riddle, okay, natasha, sit down, listen, you can join me on saturday, nikit, you and i we've already talked about this, you haven't to my taste, but what does taste have to do with it, you know, well, i need to meet. with one of my old friends, a major like you? yes, but those who value becoming a millionaire, you know, you need to come to this meeting plus one. ugh, where's your redhead? i don’t have anyone, so i ask you as a colleague. nedit, what a restaurant, look at me, especially since i don’t want to be present when two men are talking, who’s talking about a restaurant? we 'll go to the racetrack, you know, to the races, to
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the racetrack, right? "listen, i've played almost every sport in my life except equestrian and sailing, which means next time he will take you to the yacht club, but now i’m taking her to the hippodrome. well, natasha, you'll go, i'll go, just no hints, pestering or suggestions, i swear on my honor, from the horse, in my opinion, number one, hello, hello, nikit, well, this is a cafe, well, at the hippodrome, but i think i’ll at least watch the races, listen, well, there’s a projector, a tv, let’s go. let's go, come on, sit down, i haven't even changed, natasha, i'm sorry, natasha, thank you, natasha, natasha, you feel so good, niki, let's not
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let’s talk about this, and by the way, you promised me to meet your friend, oligarch, well , i’ll introduce him, he’s there now in the banquet hall, but tell me about him, so what? grigory troyanov, my former boss, has now climbed to the heights of russian business, the business is connected with horses, but no, the horse is all a hobby, but by the way, it is very profitable, today his horse, a baby, is participating in the race, and the other horse is a bay, owned by mr. laparidze , so they made a bet for a million dollars, wow, these are men, i understand, listen, glory. let's go you and i will also bet on someone, of course i’m sorry dear, but i didn’t take a million dollars with me, well, that’s understandable, you know, nikit, and i’m ready to bet 100 dollars, well
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, i’ll bet you 100 dollars, great, then i i bet on the baby, because trajan is my friend, then i bet on the baby, bring him a drink. hello, hello, listen, where is the betting shop? at the ticket office at the hippodrome on the left you will see, well, who to bet on, baby, oppression, well, the chances are good, kill the horses, well , you play yourself, no, they let me, okay, no allowed, the party is closed there, sorry, okay, got it, old man. great, it’ll be something to wash it down with, come on, yeah, well, sorry, i can’t keep company while driving, and i don’t need your company, well, listen, they didn’t let me into the banquet hall, i didn’t miss anything, but
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look how handsome these guys are, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, so come on, don’t work too hard, well, don’t be jealous, come on, come on, come on, there is, no, that’s it, honey, 100 bucks, okay, then i’ll give it back, and i’ll drink out of grief, listen, grisha will go let's go celebrate, you said that they don't let you into the banquet hall, but into the stables lets go, let's go, thank you, wait, wait, yes, i'll say thank you again to the baby, well... well done, handsome, handsome, well done, well done, well done, that's it, grigory korolovitch, the baby is tired, yes, yes, of course, lead, lead, lead, lead, lead, we’ll wait here for the official results, oleg, oleg, my
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baby won, well, you heard, you heard, gregory, come on, organize something for us here, well, there’s fruit, champagne, just me i brought mine there, don’t mix it up, everything will be done, great, and the nightingale, congratulations, my baby won, you saw it, listen, only by telly, how about you, why won’t they let you in, oh, it’s me, i forgot to warn you, forgive me, well , forgive me, so, well, you know, ask the lady for forgiveness, girl, forgive me, forgive me, the old fool, but only about the baby i thought, i forgot about everything, and the million that you won, well, a million, what a million, ugh, the main thing is victory, the main thing is participation, imagine me, lady, some kind of consolation for an old man, and look, when it’s like this, then it turns out, so guys, listen to me carefully, now the oligarch is resting, everything must be at the highest level, we understand, smile, smile, where, at the box, where,
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the tip will be generous, if everything goes without problems, i’ll have a bonus, baby and, this is a lopori. where is vasily, where is the groom? he likes to drink, but
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he deserves it today? well, he’ll come and have a drink, and besides, he doesn’t prefer champagne. well, we ’ll find something to treat him with. vasily, vasya, come to us. okay, i'm not proud, i'll go myself. alina has come, oh, alina, alina, come to us, come. hello. hello. alina, have a drink with us. then, gennady karlovich, business first. oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. vasily, us please call. well, friends, champagne is warming. and i offer you a drink, i want to tell you, the kid did more today than just won the race, he pulled out a lucky ticket today not only for himself, but also for me, well, i want to say thank you to everyone for coming, so to speak, for witnessing , gennady karlovich, vasily is lying there, it looks like he’s dead, like dead, i don’t know, i’m a veterinarian, of course, but he’s not breathing, so we all... here, i need to work, let’s go,
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don’t let anyone come in, excuse me, i have to work necessary, yes, go, well, the skull is broken, blow applied from behind. well, yes, but only with what? it could be a hoof. this sometimes happens when a horse is hot after a race. yes, all this is strange, he was an experienced groom, and then he was hit in the back of the head from behind. well, you need to call ksenia olegovna. yes, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, good one, who is good to me. ksenia olegovna, good day, slavya
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is bothering you, yeah, oh my god, but you couldn’t just go to the hippodrome, well, i understand that it wasn’t on purpose, okay, yes, yes, i’m going, of course i’m going, why did this happen like that? day, so, you say, that’s all that worries you, but no, of course not, but if this... was done by the kid, we don’t think so, while it’s preliminary, but it seems to us that someone killed romanov, and it was not a horse, but who, why, doping was found in the baby’s blood, in this case, victory could not be awarded to him, i knew it, i was sure, the bay won. did you hear, bot? vasily, it’s a pity
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, yes, of course, but we won, you understand, all the agreements are in force, prepare the money, grisha, yes, damn you, dax, calm down, listen, don’t you think that this could be somehow connected, you think, nikita, figure it out, you have no idea what ’s at stake, so, calmly, we’ll investigate the murder, this doping, no one could, why, the kid could do it himself, he heard, calm down, that’s it, comrades , you need to leave the scene of the incident and not touch anything with your hands, and the champagne table, well, you’ll have to postpone your holiday, but we’ll go to the buffet, great, everyone stays in the buffet, doesn’t go anywhere, now you’re all suspects and everyone who leaves the buffet will be considered escaped and thereby confirmed their participation in the incident, i state clearly, oleg, oleg? well what can i say? death was
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the result of a traumatic brain injury, and most likely occurred instantly. could it be a horse's hoof? then there would be some marks left on the hoof. well, yes, but could he have received such an injury in a fall? the injury was on the back of his head; he was lying face down. nikita, roll over on your own. he couldn't, there are no traces in the stables. who would want to kill a groom? why did the groom need this syringe? where did you get it? u him in his pocket, in front of ambelotserkovskaya. they are now gathering at the track. let's. he will wait for her. come on in. i just ask you not to touch anything. now he's coming to... specialists will take prints, so let's start, right here,
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here we have the medicine, here too. understood, please pay attention. here about 300 dollars, i wonder where the groom with his salary got such a lot of money, please write down, yes, marya lvovna, what’s new, well
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, what can i tell you, in romanov’s room, there are no foreign traces, except for the prints of romanov himself i found that there are few of them. well, that’s normal, he lived here for only 4 days, she came for the races, wait, what ’s happening is that we wasted all this cloud of people, jacquets, waiters, why, there will be something to compare with, sooner or later we’ll find the killer, natasha, and you are more than sure that the killer is one of them. it turns out that the murder of the groom occurred in the interval between the time he brought the horse to the box and the arrival of the orlova veterinarian, and this is approximately 5 minutes, i think everyone will agree with me that the killer celebrated the baby’s victory with everyone, well
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in this case, you and i are also suspects, and i don’t remove suspicion from you, so in what was found... well, troyanov, of course, for a million loparidze. we need to find out all this. nikita ilyevich, the equestrian oligarchs were invited to us, yes, and they are already here. greetings, are you going to cross-examine us or separately? you first, grigory karlovich. please understand,
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it's not about the money. don't worry, speak calmly. what else is the matter? this? qualifying race, the winner of the race will go to competitions in england, stanfasher, well, yes, wait, i don’t know what kind of competition is being held in stanfordshire, these are the biggest horse races in the world, queen elizabeth herself is present at them, okay, the second, well, not the first, the prize there is not a million dollars, it’s bigger there, but it’s not about that, it’s about prestige, it’s about status, as i understand it, they didn’t find any doping in the blood of laporidze’s horse, right... the bay is clean, so that means he won the trip? it turns out, no, i don’t believe it, of course, but everything is leading to a direct benefit for him. i don't know what grisha was counting on, but he gave doping your baby. not sportsmanlike behavior. grisha, i was expecting a lot from
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the competitions in england. and you, me too, of course, but for me there was no light there. and for grisha, and for troyanov? it looks like yes, yes, but you’re going there, yes, i’m glad, of course, but i would n’t be very upset if i didn’t go, i saw you were upset, trayanov couldn’t help but bring up that doping would be discovered, of course, but he also understood that the baby would win. decided to lose beautifully, exactly, the murder of the groom, in your opinion, it’s beautiful, i’m convinced that death vasya is an accident, if we assume that this is the work of laparidze, damn it, why, god, why, so what, for
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him, in general, it’s not as important as for me, okay, i’m a million , yes, what... lately he has been very close to this rider, well, the jacquet bato and chinaev, he says that he is like a son to him, promised to pick him up in the assembly, let's start, the premiere on rtr, you shouldn't trust artyom so unconditionally , i 'm worried about you, no, you control me and my life when big money is at stake, be pay attention, the game of survival begins, they killed, all the evidence points to you, christina
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is under arrest, i will get you out of here, trust me, justice, the murderers are in prison, you and i are a factory, behind seven seals, we are now talking about your freedom, just sign it will all end on monday on rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose are you? soldier, whom you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, yes, i wanted gnedok to win, but...
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well, yes, but not enough to poison the horse. could chianaev have done all this on his own initiative? chinaev? no, chinaev, he ’s real. and when does a real person choose between kalmykia and moscow? so, what are your impressions? thank you. you needed a fresh look, ivan mikhailovich, and so, in my fresh opinion, both are worse, both oligarchs could order, well, pull off such a dirty trick,
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anyone, but what if the jockey did do it, well, on his own initiative, not right away, and then, i thought about it, after losing the baht , i could easily go into the stable to give an injection to disqualify the kid’s victory, and romanov, who was spinning in boxing, eliminate, just don’t forget, please, that the murder of the groom may have nothing to do with... in the horse’s blood, well, yes, we are working on romanov’s entourage, but we won’t discount the jacquet, who was threatened by kalmykia, for now, that bad in kalmykia, i was there, it was very ok, finish your coffee for work, i ’ll pay, but tell me, alina, did you know romanovo well? no more than everyone else, a drinking groom, who cares, but did he have a family there,
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children, friends, well, friends are only drinking buddies, he once had a wife, but as far as i know, she was not divorced for long, as for children, even if they were, he didn’t communicate with them, he drank heavily, well, he was a quiet alcoholic who always lacked money, the fact that he could give an injection to a baby for money, i’m not into it i believe, why? because he was devoted to troyanov, but what if troyanov was the orderer of this case. why does gennady karlych need this? in my opinion, this is too subtle an intrigue. well, okay, abata chanaev, could he do it, jacquey, for an apartment? how do you know about the apartment? yes, everyone knows about this apartment, loporidze generally doesn’t know how to keep secrets, and neither does troyanov. so what could do it? no, what are you, no, in general, why are you talking to me like that, why should i make any
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assumptions, how do i know who could do what, who couldn’t, and if you have no more questions, then i guess i’ll go, there are questions, but then, i didn’t do it, all words, just words, well, i would have found a way, a rich, influential man, well, to hell with him, i would have left, you know, i love my homeland and there’s nothing frighten me with my home, quietly, quietly, chinaev, are you tired, do you have evidence, show me, no, excuse me, you never left boxing after the horsemen took the horse away, nowhere, stood
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next to him all the time ruslan vakhtangovich, you can check. we'll check, we'll check, but for now you'll have to stay with us, because that while you have the most convincing motive, the devil knows that i’ll definitely leave, i’ll go to hell as soon as all this is over, that is , it wasn’t the groom who gave the injection, but if he was killed, and not as a performer, why kill him at all, he could to catch someone who was giving an injection to the baby, and this was after the race and before the sampling, it was after the race that we saw vasily bring. stuck, we need to return the victory to him, do you just want your money back? no, i just want to get to the bottom of the truth, but if vasily romanov was killed as an extra witness, it means that the one who killed him gave an injection to the baby, and who benefits from it, after all, he’s a jockey, his rank is, but if you want a non-standard move, look for a woman, amazing, maybe... someone didn’t want
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to let chunaev go to kalmykia, the wildest of all versions , but far from the most impossible, yes, and you rent an apartment in moscow, well, not all the time in the stables, i rent an apartment, but i told you, and who has the address? don’t be a khlostyatskaya apartment, it’s good to be young and unmarried, unmarried for now, yes, when the apartment appears in moscow, i’ll get married, but what the bride has already been looked at, oh, otherwise you don’t know who my bride is, well, i don’t collect all sorts of rumors, i just wanted to hear from you, alina orlova, veterinarian, that you are pretending as if you don’t know, everyone knows, we don’t from whom we are not hiding, okay, okay, chinaev, don’t
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get angry, i know, i just wanted to hear from you. an interesting twist, it means that chinnai orlova is not just related, they are practically husband and wife, it was orlova who took a sample from the baby, but she could not be the killer, she came later, but she could bribe romanov before, well, yes, she could have done everything earlier, by the way, this... before the murder, that’s why she behaved so strangely when we found the corpse, you know, it seemed strange to me too, she came and continued going about her business, like nothing had happened, as if a corpse was a common thing for her, besides, the murder weapon had not yet been found, she could have taken it out, she came with a suitcase, we’ll find out now, no, i didn’t do anything like that, well why do i need
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all this, i love it? he loves me, i don’t care where we will live, i’m in kalmykia is ready to go for him, he knows this very well, everything was so good with him, now everything hangs by a thread, i can’t live without him, you know, i can’t, i don’t care about all these idiotic races of yours, your money, prizes, everything will go to waste, well, calm down. i understand you, you don’t understand anything, you’re like everyone else, you don’t understand anything, you’re just wandering in the dark and taking whoever comes to hand first, you have your own version of what happened, no, well , you must agree that your logic also looks like very strange, why would i inject the baby with doping, or why would i kill the groom, why,
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if i can just give the necessary analysis for... prohibited substances in samples, everything is quiet, calm, without any risk, logical, but not everything in life always happens according to the laws of logic, this is all, excuse me, a verbal balancing act, only our fate is at stake, and not your abstract reasoning, you understand, but check, we, we are not to blame for anything, neither i nor button, there is no our fault. well, in general, there is logic in alina’s words, she i really could have done the whole doping operation much easier without much risk. what are you saying? i say, the risk was great for chinaev and alina, but in the end it turned out that way, they were the first to be suspected. yes, it's a risk. nikit,
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what i’m thinking is, who else could have suffered serious losses? well, serious enough to commit murder. who else bet on the race? yes, anyone. you, for example, nikita, but i’m serious, we are talking about big bets, well, for example, i found out that there are two favorites, i bet on one of them, i won, great, no, i do a trick with doping after the race, but before the sample collection, the kid is disqualified, oppression gets first place, i’m in chocolate. well, this is all great, of course, but then this person, you must, firstly, be very well versed in this business, and secondly, there must be a performer who has an approach to a special box for the winner of the race, i don’t understand what
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the problem is , that such people do not exist in nature, well, of course they do, you and i just don’t know them, here’s nikita, there is something to strive for, forward. managed to find out something on sweepstakes? of course, they didn’t tell us everything, but we found out something interesting. so, here you go. typically, rates are divided into segments: economy, business and vit. in short, economy is enough dollars, business up to half a million vip without restrictions. we checked the most extraordinary bets. oh yes, interesting fact. shalnov, an employee of the hippodrome restaurant and a waiter, bet half a million rubles in cash.
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she bet $1000 on your race , and if it weren’t for this doping story, who would have paid for her loss? who i would pay, i would pay, who else, why does she need money? you don’t support her well, why does she need money? for a beautiful life, of course, why else? i just don’t understand what’s beautiful in her life, she’s confused with who the hell knows? “no one is interested in this, the eternal conflict between fathers and children, neither family nor children, flutters away as if on orders, now she’s with whom, imagine, i don’t know, she was an artist,
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she was a football player, she was a conductor, i don’t have time to remember them anymore, honestly , do you think it’s her, right?” "it wouldn't even occur to her, she maybe she won’t come, one of those who is next to her could well be planning to do this, well, well, well, guys, calm down, the police, it’s a public park, so please don’t disturb me, calm down, boys, no need for excesses , dad will be..." i’m happy, calm,
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what do you need, say that you’re charming , everything, well, ask you a couple of questions, ask, usually i don’t answer the police’s question without a lawyer, but you’re such a charming young man, i’ll do it for you exception, where were you at the historical moment? my lawyer will contact you with everything possible will tell you, and he will think about how to make sure that unnecessary information does not leak out, this option will suit you quite well. but i
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beg you very much, it will take an hour at most, of course, we agreed, listen, well, in short, i checked everything, by the way, tamara was not at the races, and her lover doesn’t give a damn about all this, he doesn’t deal with such trifles, the major league, what else , she knows how to choose lovers, by the way, she also liked her, so why are you lost? go ahead, even if you leave me behind, you’re daydreaming, but what are you doing? yes, i confiscated the batons from the guards, i want to give them to ksenia to match the injury, the subject of traces of blood and then i’ll go to the racetrack. by the way, will you eat with me? listen, i just need to write a certificate for checking tamara laparidze, let me do everything, i’ll dial it, if you’re there, i’ll come. how are natasha’s batons doing? no way,
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the murder weapon is not among them, there is no blood, nothing else, maybe they washed it thoroughly? no, it ’s not about the marks, these batons, neither in shape nor in material, have anything to do with the wound, well, with the injury, it was inflicted by something heavier and of a larger diameter, like what, are you walking? one by one you ask, natasha also came running, like what? well, i don’t know, well , like a champagne bottle, okay, i ’ll go.
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and now the most important question: who knew that the laporite promised an apartment to chunaev? but how do i know who he was bragging about, well, ruslan too, grisha, we are not asking about your assumptions, about whom do you know for sure? yes
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, everyone who was in the cafe at the time when ruslan and i agreed on which cafe, what kind of cafe, ours at the hippodrome, ruslan, well, don’t argue, my baby is faster, it’s not for nothing that he is the favorite of the race, what a favorite check-in, this is a mistake or a deception, the bookmaker was appointed this way to raise money, yes, i bet. a million dollars, mine will come first, i answer, oleg, where are you, i’m here, bring the champagne, we need to wash off our bets, so grigory karlovich, come on, open it, i’ll get some air. bata, you come first,
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the two-room apartment in moscow is yours, if you lose, you’ll go to hell in kalmykia, understand me, master, don’t worry, i won’t lose, and you won’t lose, well, look, shalnov heard all this, of course, he did it all i was nearby, setting tables, wait. made a big bet on oppression, just a minute, mari levovna, hello, this is a nightingale, what have you got, great, well, i’ll come to you for an examination, that’s it, see you, well, belotserkovsky claims that there is romanov’s blood on the bottle and the print is crazy.
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boris, boris, run here, what boris, what happened here, who was rummaging here, this woman is from the police, she found some kind of bottle, the left one, forced us all to sign a protocol about its seizure and left, a long time ago, about two hours -three ago, i don’t know, maybe more, but what you say she confiscated the champagne, which... at the race, obviously,
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and your car is preventing me from leaving, could you remove it? yes, please, quickly, just, uh, thank you, so where are you, and we rushed to the restaurant? you, having learned that the apartment was shining for his rank, decided that he would do everything in order to win, bet on the nest a huge amount for you, which was accumulated, and the nest lost, i don’t know whether you yourself came up with this plan, or you someone suggested, it doesn’t matter anymore, taking advantage of the celebration, you, carrying champagne, they entered the stable.
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what else is this, what are you doing here? come on, give it here, now i'll take you. stream, and then you put money in romanov’s closet, fortunately it was not far away, they calmly returned to the buffet table, no one was even missing you there, but the bottle of champagne let you down, what are you
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doing, you need to be more careful, i forgot, left it and forgot it, about this groom, romanov, i didn’t want to kill him. true, i didn’t want to kill him, it happened by accident. bata, bata, beloved, you have been released, everything will be fine with us ok, do you hear? i just ask you, let’s go somewhere, even to kalmykia, even to magadan, anywhere, together. we'll leave with you, hey guys, wait, alina, we didn't agree on that, what is it, my whole team was going to run somewhere, and i'm talking about the stables, about the race, a two-room apartment in moscow, by the way, i lost, you
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you won in the main thing, in the most important thing in life, you haven’t tarnished your honor, and that’s worth a lot, and you and i will still win the race, the race, right? "my dears, so what shall we do? what to do with all this wealth, we have champagne, no one drinks except you, a bribe, a prize, a fee, who knows, rayanov brought it, but no, well, of course, he didn’t bring it himself, he just gave the order, ordered to put it here he left, but i, a weak woman , did not fight with him, especially with his guard. that’s right, he will be useful to us while he’s still alive, the security guard will also be useful, that means the matter is over, absolutely, the victory was returned to troyanov’s little one, loporit gave a million to troyanov for it, and paid another one he lost, so it’s a complete victory, but no, by the way, now i’m returning the wrongly
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earned winnings and admitting my complete defeat, no, well... mine, of course, my horse, well, in short, with victory. good evening on the air from st. petersburg in the news studio igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing. the court took the driver into custody due to his fault, as investigators believe, a fatal accident occurred. rebirth in the leningrad region , the oldest kirizhskaya gress turbine was modernized. elections of the governor of st. petersburg in the city government committee started accepting documents for registration
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candidates. the first women's educational institution in russia, the smolny institute for noble maidens was founded 260 years ago. driver who, according to investigators, is guilty of a fatal accident on the primorsky shosse. terrible footage immediately after the accident: a demolished concrete support and a flaming foreign car. it was established that the suspect, an inspector of the traffic police service, was driving. he lost control. the car crashed into a pole at speed and caught fire. three passengers in the cabin died on the spot. the driver was practically unharmed. in his ethanol was detected in the blood. if proven guilty, he faces up to 15 years in prison. a clandestine drug laboratory was dismantled in the leningrad region; operatives raided one of the private
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houses in the lumonosovsky district. according to law enforcement officials, prohibited substances were produced there; containers with mephedrone and canisters of liquid were found at the site; a forty-four-year-old chemist organized a business. together with an accomplice, they sold drugs through stash houses. prohibited substances were seized, suspects were detained, criminal charges were initiated case. a new kirizhskaya gress turbine started operating in the leningrad region. report by sergei nichai. central control panel for turbines and boilers brain center of kirizhskaya gress. this is a historic moment for the station , only a few seconds left before the launch of new equipment. may i begin to increase the load? i allow it. the start was given by the head of gazprom alexey miller via video link. it is focused on the growing needs of electricity and heat consumption in russian regions. federation, i note that all the new equipment that we have installed at the stations, this is
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domestically produced equipment. kirezhskaya gres is the largest thermal power plant in the entire north-west, and its two chimneys are the highest dominants of the leningrad region. the station supplies light, steam and hot water to residential buildings, as well as industrial enterprises, the largest of which is the local oil refinery. since its launch in the mid-sixties, the key unit of gres has been the steam turbine. number one, in total it worked more than 400,000 hours, it’s time for modernization, the turbine worked here since 1965, it has generated about 30% less electricity and heat, now you can calculate how many more years it will be a reliable source of heat and electricity here, well, kirishi wins the most. the new turbine was assembled at the leningrad metallurgical plant and tested before launch. a whole series of tests, the equipment worked non -stop for 72 hours, the temperature of the bearings,
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the level of noise and vibration during the tests , the equipment was checked for a dozen important indicators, and in order to see, how the automatic protection of the turbine will work, it was accelerated to a maximum speed of 3,300 rpm, during test runs no system defects were identified, everything that happens to the turbine can be seen on...
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under the same program , another turbine will be replaced at the station, which has exhausted its own resource, a new one will be launched next year. sergey nicha, alexander popovtsev, oleg. facts from the biography, information about income, on official forms, in addition to standard property, there are also so-called support sheets, on which there are 162 signatures of municipal deputies, the maximum number possible. the commission staff checked the set of documents, stamped all copies and took them away for more in-depth consideration.
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alexander biglov was given a notice of the start of the inspection and was reminded that the decision was by law. registration of a candidate for the post of governor will be accepted no later than in 10 days, this is a great responsibility, this is not just a service job there, this is a responsibility for a large metropolis, how it will develop, how they will feel, live residents here themselves, by this you take on great personal responsibility, including not letting you down, solving all the necessary issues, coming to an agreement with the federal center, it is very important that... and on may 27, on the birthday of the northern capital, the chairman of united russia dmitry medvedev proposed the current head of the city to become a candidate from the party. he noted that alexander beglov has all the skills to manage such a giant
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metropolis as st. petersburg. this is a completely natural result of the development of political situations. i am not the leader of the current election race in all respects, now we see the complete consolidation of society within the framework of a single federal agenda, this is a victory in a special military operation, this is a victory in resisting western sanctions pressure, and the unity of the vertical of power is now supported by the population, so support for the current governor - this is, of course, a logical move that we see in the current campaign; in total , 21 candidates are currently vying for the post of governor of the northern capital, nine nominated from them. started operating in the primorsky region, they will produce various drugs for colds, a new plant for the production of drugs for intestinal, vascular and many other
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diseases, they will also begin to create analogues of foreign drugs, those that were not previously produced in the country, in almost a year... st. petersburg noted, the city supports investors; over the past 3 years, 14 pharmaceutical enterprises have been opened. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast, in the studio leonid petrov,
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clouds and rain in the east of the region, dry and clear in other areas and st. petersburg, it will be on friday. no matter what the weather at 585 gold discounts up to 70% on everything, and also an additional 40% discount on gold and 30% on silver and a guaranteed gift using the summer promotional code at 585 gold summer discounts at 585 gold more jewelry more discounts up to -70% on everything and additionally up to -30%. decorate your summer with 585 gold supplied by hydra center. on june 21, in the leningrad region, partly cloudy weather, short rains and from 19 to 21 ° above zero during the day in the rook field are expected, the same situation will develop in tikhin and baksitogorsk, also humid, a degree warmer in volkhv and kireshi, no rain and no colder than +18 in gadchina and vyborg, in st. petersburg weather forecasters
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do not promise precipitation, but promise a lot of sunshine and some.
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ceremonial hall in 1917, it is within its walls, lenin declared: comrades, the work of the christian revolution, the need that the bolsheviks were always talking about, has happened, but these events are still far away, the society of noble maidens, catherine ii founded in may 1764, first the institute placed at the smolny monastery, then. in the architect's new building giacoma quarenghe, future ladies-in-waiting, educated wives and mothers were raised there, girls from noble families were taken away at the age of six for 12 years, they were not allowed home even on
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vacation, then rudeness and ignorance flourished among the nobility, inside the boarding house there was a strict rule, even walking on endlessly long the corridors were supposed to be in formation only accompanied by a classy lady, look, katya is showing you, the right hand is on top, exactly the right hand is on top, the hands are lowered slightly below the waist, while the shoulders need to be turned ago, they all wore whalebone corsets, so there was no need to retract their bellies, the art of walking in pairs is a difficult craft, the chin is raised, the gaze is only straight, the gait is silent and proud, but the most difficult thing is to step from toe to heel without bending your knees , well, well, that’s quite like it. yes, this is such a decorous walk, very decorous, very decorous, the main thing is to forget, majestically, one might say, although not soon, but the girls got to
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the classrooms, the main emphasis in teaching did on etiquette and the word of god, yet the program was thorough, it included arithmetic, foreign languages, of course, music playing, handicrafts and even experimental physics, smolensk women were considered exemplary brides not only for their upbringing, but for good health, every morning the girls were up to their waists they doused them with ice water, slept in barracks-type dertuars, the temperature did not exceed 20°. the color of the dress indicated the age of the pupils, but everyone, without exception, wore white details of the uniform, these will make every girl noble, no matter how you try them on snow-white pillerina, you will look like a real graduate of the institute of noble mottos, these details of the uniform must be changed twice a week. however, a certificate with good grades was already
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a ticket to life, a girl without special tests could become a home tutor, earn good money, good money, in addition, classy ladies received a pension. unmarried women were hired to serve at the smolno institute; of course, the status of an old maid affected their character. cool ladies, the man, the teacher opposite, was supposed to be unmarried, ideally elderly or extremely unattractive, so as not to tempt young people. the story is one and a half centuries long, and jokes about muslin young ladies still live. of course, the girls left the boarding school disconnected from life; for example, they could admire the cow they saw for a long time, and take an invitation to dance for a marriage proposal, while among the graduates of smolny there are many strong and famous personalities. harpist ksenia erdeli, the first russian balloonist proskovya gagarina, doctor of chemistry vera bogdanovskaya, there are many other brilliant names on this list, it’s not for nothing that from childhood smolensk girls were taught to keep
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their backs straight under any circumstances. ekaterina gritsienko, vyacheslav rakov, andrey tarasov, maxim lapin, lead st. petersburg. this was the news from st. petersburg, all the best. the tv channel my planet presents, let's introduce a beautiful italian, some kind of friend of yours, beatrice, beatrice, i don’t know, well, who do you know, maria, maria, yes, maria, tell me, if you would like to introduce maria to russian cuisine, what dish would you offer her? this is suppi borsh, borsh, maria.
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recibe tac, oh perfetto, perfetto, aspetta unton, aspetta, mettiamo un po' di olio basilico, un po' di olio di basilico, sì sì, olio basilico, guarda. ok, yes, it’s a pity that russian legislation does not allow marriage with pasta, i would immediately propose, so bright salad with mozzarella and fruit, handmade pasta with meat sauce and herbs, mama mia, i think i ’m starting speak italian, but there is still dessert ahead, just look at
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this, and chocolate cake is my planet, what lovely lorenz, i want to give away the padare, tv channel, my planet, bravo, miyo planet, miyo planet, and we will whine, yes, friends, now i have done a little, musica u buongiorno italia gli spaghetti al dente e natalia come presidente con la tua radio sempre nella mano destra un canarino sopra la finestra viva italia vivallow incredible this cake is good to eat together you tort.
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who proposes the question, let's find out, people mostly come here as animal lovers, those who either have allergies and cannot have animals at home, or, like us, are cat lovers, but at home there are a lot of little animals, but i want to find them all,
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everyone, everyone, and how... do raccoons get along with people? raccoons are very curious and get along with people quite well, as you can see, all you have to do is give them something tasty to eat and they are interested in you. but, but, calm down, let's not quarrel, i'll share it with everyone. there are cat cafes all over the world, but i have never seen the raccoon cafe before.
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gathered for a conversation like never before. stepan lazarevich drew attention to seventeen-year-old alexandra fedorovna kanovalova. so, between several figures quadrille and the fate of stepan lazarevich and alexandra fedorovna was decided. looks like it was love at first sight. stepan wooed alexandra's parents, but they said that they wouldn't give up their daughter so easily, they first wanted to see how rich the groom was. the bride's father himself was a wealthy man, he had his own leather business, but even his house
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shook stepan sergin. by the standards of zaonezhie, this is a real palace. alexandra feodorovna’s father agreed to the marriage, but with one condition. so that the husband does not bother his wife with any heavy work, and stepan kept his word, it was a real family idyll, as their granddaughter later recalled, my grandmother was as if planted in a garden.
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respect, partnership and payment in national currencies, cooperation between moscow and ho chi minh city was enshrined in agreements during vladimir putin’s state visit to vietnam. an extreme storm and white rain hit moscow, trees were toppled, two people were killed, and dozens of cars were damaged. too many flights. british environmental activists painted over private planes, as singer taylor swift believed, but they were wrong.
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a new day begins on the russia channel. the main news in the vera tarasova studio. hello. relations between russia and vietnam are developing in the spirit of mutual respect, and the strategic partnership will be strengthened. channels of credit and banking cooperation.
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last year, the share of transactions in russian rubles and vietnamese dong provided more than 40% of the volume of bilateral commercial transactions, in the first quarter of this year it was already almost 60%. our countries firmly defend the principles of the supremacy of international law, sovereignty, and non-interference in internal affairs of other states. during the discussion of the situation in the asia-pacific region , a statement was made. mutual interest in building a reliable and adequate security architecture in the military-technical region on the principles of non-use of force and peaceful settlement of disputes, in which there will be no place for a closed military-political bloc. we will not enter into alliances with third countries so as not to harm each other's independence and sovereignty and will contribute to peaceful cooperation in the region. russian leader. laid wine at the memorial to fallen heroes in in the northern part of the capital, i visited the mausoleum
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of the founder of the vietnamese state of ho chi minh city. vladimir putin also invited the president of vietnam to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the victory in moscow. after the official part , vladimir putin spoke with graduates of soviet and russian universities. the meeting took place at the grand opera house in hanoi. the president noted that more than 3,000 vietnamese citizens are currently studying at russian universities, and russia will continue to promote the development of student exchanges. a group strike with precision weapons was carried out by drones our troops at ukrainian energy facilities, this was a response to the attempts of the kiev regime to cause damage to russian energy. in the swa zone, aviation and artillery hit the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in hundreds of areas. our units gained a foothold on new frontiers, near konstantinovka, chasov, yar and kurakhovka of the donetsk republic. our fighters have improved the tactical situation in the area of ​​nevsky, lugansk republic, senkovka, kharkov region and grigorovka, donetsk republic. magatte inspectors arrived at the destroyed
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ukrainian armed forces under the luch station in energodar. according to authorities, it cannot be restored. the city of sputnik zaporozhye nuclear power plant and several nearby villages remain without electricity. the shelling of peaceful settlements by ukraine does not stop now. a resident of slavyansk in the kuban region died. a ukrainian drone destroyed her private home. residents of makeevka and gorlovka were injured. moscow was covered by a megastorm with a thunderstorm and heavy rain. capital region. the thunderstorm has been tormenting us for a week, but such an extreme storm has never happened before. the streets instantly turned black, the wind knocked people off their feet people, felled trees, tore down billboards, rolled house cladding and roofs, and rolled garbage cans along the roads. poles and trees fell onto wires. in one of the districts in the north of moscow, tin sheathing got into the current collector of a tram. traffic was stopped and the townspeople were warned of the approaching storm. however, there were no casualties and two people died. more and more new footage of the tornado appears. the wind exceeded 25 m/s. the roads
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turned into rivers in a matter of seconds. emergency crews are eliminating the consequences. construction of a new building is nearing completion in ulyanovsk suvorov school with educational buildings, two sports complexes, a swimming pool and an ice skating rink. report by artyom petrov. just last fall there was a bare field here; construction and installation work on the territory of the future suvorov military school in ulyanovsk began in november in just 8 months. already. they built a real city within a city, the construction itself is divided into two stages: at the end of this summer, 560 suvorovites will receive an educational and administrative building and two dormitory buildings, a spacious dining room and a number of other facilities have already been built. sports complex, second sports complex the complex will have a swimming pool and an ice skating rink, a first-aid post, a canteen with 620 seats, a football field, four grounds, universal for sports games, and from the corridor, where else... construction is underway, even today you can get into
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the residential blocks, which are already ready to accept suvorovites a...


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