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tv   Versiya  RUSSIA1  June 21, 2024 3:45am-4:36am MSK

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on the coast of the sea of ​​japan until +11-16 , not everyone will be lucky enough to be on the black sea coast, and those who are not lucky enough to swim in the rivers can, well, if we talk about the rivers of the russian plain, the water also warms up well, on average about. it’s quite shallow and therefore it doesn’t warm up for swimming, that’s the glory, you asked about lake pleshcheyevo, you know, it’s unique, it’s almost worse than the black sea, that is, the temperature is quite comfortable for lake pleshcheyevo 23-24°, this is for you a real expert on the pleshcheego coast told about this lakes, well, thank you, vadim, we will focus on yours.
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the leading specialist of centrafobus, vadim zauchenkov, told us about the weather. it’s so nice to feel the flavor of oriental tea drinking in the morning. tart black tea, tanning tea with bergamot and soft black tea with thyme. morning is the time to brew ozercay. catch me if you can, is our artist whining worse or? a tooth about dentists or good or nothing, today at 21:30, such women are never free, you fool, anything happens, i would turn around now, no, dress the color of the sea, premiere, tomorrow at 21:00 on the russia channel, battle of the hats, this name is more suitable for the annual royal races in the british mascot, perhaps someone will...
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hold and not offend anyone, the owner of the most striking image will be chosen by the queen for the first time, it will be camilla, but also a hat meanwhile , it perfectly protects against the summer heat, otherwise, excessive use of sunbathing threatens with burns, what can and cannot be used to treat them, alena kashtanova learned, and my dexterity, sour cream in elena’s family is used for other purposes, with the beginning of the hot season it serves as a remedy for sunburn, chooses... blacker, and at the same time on the table.
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traditional russian folk sour cream, we try to use farm products; if the skin suddenly turns red, we smear it on it. perhaps sour cream in folk medicine is the most popular social remedy to combat the effects of sunbathing and the absolute leader among fermented milk products. sakvasha helps me a lot. most often we spread it with sour cream, because since childhood i’ve already gotten used to it, and my grandmother used to spread it with sour cream at the dacha, and my mother also taught me to use sour cream. and the phenomenon of its popularity is easily explained. first of all, this is the right product. which is always in the refrigerator, and secondly, it does temporarily relieve pain, but only because it is chilled. the first thing that comes to the average person’s mind when a sunburn appears is to spread the area with something richer and cooler, and usually the first thing that comes to hand is sour cream, however , it is believed that any oily fatty compound can worsen heat transfer and aggravate the inflammatory reaction process , when using them, a film appears on they obviously do not penetrate the surface or deeper. applies to all fermented milk
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products, also because they contain a large number of microorganisms. microorganisms, sitting on damaged skin, can cause an inflammatory process, in this case there will be a complication of our condition, for example, a bacterial infection, the second most popular remedy among the people is aloe juice, doctors allow it to be used with caution. aloe juice actually has a regenerating effect, but apparently, a more therapeutic effect will be at... the last stages of the disease, when the first symptoms have already passed, that is, when damage occurs, at the stage when the skin is already restored, at this stage aloe can be used. such a compress is acceptable if the burn is not severe and the skin is only slightly red. for more serious cases, children's methods are not suitable. moreover, there are much more effective and modern products that are available in the form of creams, ointments and rosols. most often in the treatment of sunburn with external means are used. creams based on dexpanthenol,
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light steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example hydrocortisone, dexpanthenol or provitamin b5 stimulates the regeneration of the skin and prevents excess sweat... an important discovery was made by scientists from the university of cambridge, they discovered that t cells are white blood cells that help the body in the fight against antigens, acts as a unified army of healers. previously , it was believed that their populations were scattered and limited to certain parts of the body. an experiment on mice showed that t cells.
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bacterial infection in the early stages, when the coating can still be saved. andrey alekseenko, more about this. lawn grass is sick like a person. there are hundreds of types of dangerous bacteria, viruses and fungi. the consequences of the death of, for example, a football pitch can be very serious. the cost of replacing the coating is measured in millions of rubles. to prevent this, geneticists have developed a method of rapid genetic analysis. allows you to isolate the dna of all living things that are in the sample. and immediately identify all the organisms without selecting them. specialized environments. all you need to do is provide biologists with a sample and send it by mail. for analysis, you need to collect a few grams of the topsoil. it’s okay if roots or leaves of plants get into the sample. the sample can be taken even in bad weather, for example, in rain, like now.
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within a few days, scientists will isolate the dna into separate libraries, then compare them with a database and identify pathogens that harm plants. for the uninitiated person, the result looks incomprehensible. red circle on computer screen. and a lot of names in latin, here the phytopathologist comes into play, he is the one who translates from the scientific language into russian, we go through the list, analyze it, and we write directly in the report what it means and highlight it, but these bacteria were found, they are there pathogenic, conditionally pathogenic, because of these , the lawn most likely dies, and there are some dependencies, we also show, based on the results obtained, agronomists will be able to decide how to treat infected grass, if previously only people had access to genetic analysis professionals, then now about...
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and then, illegal fishing. with the onset of summer , poachers have become more active throughout the country. we'll soon tell you how to protect fish from them, especially non-spawning ones. god, what ’s going on in this show, it’s deception, because there’s 1 million rubles at stake. to hit the big jackpot, they need to stay on track. they're so stupid, she 's really cunning, look, you've already said so much, she can hit so much. there’s something to fight with, catch me if you can, a big music show, today on rtr, i ’m dead for the men, i’m dead, wow, it wasn’t
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i wish you happiness, i predict that something very, very good will soon happen in your life, so good that you’ll lose your head? everything and the dress helped, when you wear it your whole life will change, but i don’t know what to change, an amazing woman, a dream woman, a mystery woman, i actually went through some kind of strange streak, first this artist, then a man beach, maybe i got myself a guy, it seems to me that i’m having an affair, who are you having, an affair, at your age, well, sasha, one, two, three. who is the third? dress sea ​​colors. premiere? don't bother. what, do you want to go back? on saturday, on rtr. please, acquaintance and roll call, possible
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without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea have you drunk? how many stories have been told? i was cocky. this is told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, i was fired, my husband went to see his secretary, and there are tenants living at home, i lived with a married
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man for a year and a half, and i think it’s my husband, my boyfriend left me, sometimes you have to lose everything to find the main thing, that’s if if it weren’t for this accident, we wouldn’t have met you, but i hit you, because i walked away from the blow, but i walked away, because whoever didn’t learn the colors is an intersection. on saturday on rtr. rage rooms, boxing, jogging will help me let off steam when it hits me; all this will not only not save me from anger, but will only increase aggression. to this a team of american psychologists came to the conclusion after analyzing one and a half hundred studies. they believe that during indignation the body is already under tension. and physical exercise or throwing an object at a wall only adds adrenaline. experts advise that the best way
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to calm down is to slow down. activities that relieve anxiety, such as meditation or yoga, are great. they will relieve stress and allow you to come to your senses. but again, you won’t have to break dishes and break things with a cool head. it's better to solve any problem. and also it’s better to retire somewhere with a good book. review of worthy new products. good morning, there are still a lot of strange things in life, for example, the author of this book, he was dyslexic, that is, he had problems with reading and writing, it would seem that the author of the book was also dyslexic, but lewis , for example, was dyslexic carol, agatha christie, and nothing in the book , including vladimir mayakovsky, wrote his book loudly. selected poems of the poem, as a community, as such a proletarian
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poet, mayakovsky, of course, is known by almost everyone, this is how poetry, few, let me at least line your departing step with the last tenderness, vladimir maikovsky, you can’t help but read, two books about a man about whom you can talk, in my opinion, endlessly, this is not the first publication, but in this format.
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subtitle, as all children like it, i'm sure there will be no lessons, author victoria liderman. this is our fourth n. another book, the same author. the adventure of svetlik tuchkin. these are books for those who go to school, and this book is for those who have already graduated from school. victoria liderman, freshman. i highly recommend it to you. and be happy,
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let's start, let's go with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so. morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing. respect, partnership and payment in national currencies, cooperation between moscow and ho chi minh city was enshrined in agreements during vladimir putin’s state visit to vietnam. an extreme storm and white rain hit moscow, trees were toppled, two people were killed, and dozens of cars were damaged. too
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many flights. uk environmental activists allegedly painted over private jets singer taylor swift, but they were wrong. the news will tell you about the main thing in the vera tarasova studio. hello. relations between russia and vietnam are developing in the spirit of mutual respect, and the strategic partnership will be strengthened. cooperation in the field of defense and security is increasing, countries are switching to payments in national currencies. moscow is ready to establish long-term direct supplies of hydrocarbons to ho she minh city; a schedule for a nuclear science and technology center being built with the participation of rosatom has been approved. these are just some of the results of the negotiations during the state visit vladimir putin.
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provided more than 40% of the volume of bilateral commercial transactions, in the first quarter of this year already almost 60%. our countries firmly defend the principles of the supremacy of international law, sovereignty, and non-interference in the internal affairs of other states. when discussing the situation in the asia-pacific region , mutual interest was expressed in building a reliable and adequate security architecture based on the principles of the btr. the use of force and peaceful settlement of disputes, in which there will be no place for closed military-political block. we will not enter into alliances with third countries, so as not to damage each other's independence and sovereignty, and will contribute to peaceful cooperation in the region. the russian leader laid wine at
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the memorial to fallen heroes in the northern part of the capital and visited the mausali of the founder of the vietnamese state, ho chi minh. vladimir putin too. invited the president of vietnam to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the victory in moscow. vladimir putin met with graduates of soviet and russian universities. the meeting took place at the grand opera house in hanoi. the president noted that there are now more than 300 vietnamese citizens studying at russian universities. russia will continue to promote the development of student exchanges. at the end of the official part of the state visit , vladimir putin spoke with representatives of the press. journalists' questions related to negotiations in both vietnam and the dprk. interested.
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our dialogue with the ukrainian side, and where they will take place, it does not matter, in minsk, in minsk, on this basis we are ready to continue in istanbul or in switzerland. these proposals are on our side of the table. please, it is no longer up to us when all the subjects interested in these negotiations will take what is on their table and start these negotiations, even tomorrow. vladimir putin recalled western arms supplies to the vzo and noted that in such a situation, russia reserves the right to transfer its weapons to other regions of the world.
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group strike with precision weapons and drones. our troops at ukrainian energy facilities, this was a response to the attempts of the kiev regime to cause damage to the russian energy sector. in the nvo aviation zone artillery hit ukrainian armed forces positions in hundreds of districts. our units gained a foothold on new frontiers near konstantinovka, chasov yar and kurakhovka of the donetsk republic. our fighters have improved the tactical situation in the area of ​​nevsky, lugansk republic, senkovka, kharkov region and grigorovka, donetsk republic. magat inspectors arrived at the destroyed ukrainian armed forces. under the luch station in energodar. according to authorities, it cannot be restored. the city of sputnik of zaporozhye nuclear power plant and several nearby villages remain without electricity. shelling of civilians points from ukraine are not stopping now. a resident of slavyansk in the kuban region died. a ukrainian drone destroyed her private home. residents of makeevka and gorlovka were injured. moscow was covered by a megastorm
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with a thunderstorm and heavy rain. the capital region has been plagued by thunderstorms for a week now. but such an extreme storm has never happened before. the streets became dark, the wind knocked people down, knocked down trees, tore down billboards, roofing of houses, and rolled over garbage cans. poles and trees fell onto wires. in one of the districts in the north of moscow, tin sheathing fell into then... the tram receiver, the movement was stopped, the townspeople were warned about the impending forest, however, there were no casualties and two people died. more and more footage of the tornado is appearing online; the wind exceeded 25 m/s. the roads turned into rivers in a matter of minutes. emergency crews are eliminating the consequences. more than 1,600 trucks were stuck at the chile- argentina border for a week. cars cannot cross the mountain pass. the only road between the countries was blocked. snow. in some places its level reached almost 2 m. opportunities cars are waiting to pass not only from argentina, but also from brazil, paraguay and uruguay. so much snow has fallen that the road has not been
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cleared for 8 days. in england, environmental activists decided to take action against american singer taylor swift. according to their data, the star who flies too often is now in the lead in the ranking of harmful emissions from private aviation. ecology fighters made their way onto the airfield and painted it over. several private jets that they believed belonged to taylor swift. the vandals were detained by the police; the airport reported that they were not at all singer's planes. don't switch. the blueberry harvest has begun in the astrakhan region. this northern berry can withstand temperatures down to -50. but they helped her adapt to the hot climate. specialist of the astrakhan nursery with details galina pustokhailova. these bushes, hung with blueberries, beads, and blueberries, are able to withstand very low temperatures down to 50°
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below zero; in southern latitudes the plants require special care. in the astrakhan nursery , the northern berry has been producing a harvest for the second year in a row, successfully surviving the hot summer. all it's a matter of proper care. in hot conditions , constant but light watering is needed, and in order to ... moisture, it is important to mulch the soil and cover it with the bark of coniferous trees. sawdust can be used instead of pine bark, but it absorbs the nitrogen needed for blueberries. the soil for growing blue berries should be acidic, enriched with potassium, and varieties should be selected suitable for the astrakhan climate. blue gold, duke and bluec are not so whimsical, and their yield is high. the difficulty of growing northern berries in a southern climate lies in the lack of acidic soils, so you can’t do without...imported peat, but the generous astrakhan sun allows you to get the maximum harvest from blueberry bushes. productivity, by the way, will increase annually. now you can
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collect more than 1 kg from one bush. and if you consider that blueberries in open ground can grow up to 100 years, then it’s not difficult to imagine how many seasons you can harvest a large harvest of this delicacy. another advantage of blueberries is uneven ripening. this allows you to collect it within a month or even. longer. yesterday we measured the sugar content of our blueberries the reference literature indicates that the percentage of sugar in blueberries is from 6 to 9%. for us, she showed a result of 10:11. this only confirms that with proper care , the northern guest feels great in the southern astrakhan region. galina pustokhailova, viktor novoseltsev, alexey palyakov, conduct the astrakhan region. all news always. available on the media platform, watch in the app or on the website, meet the morning on the russia channel.
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let's start, let's go with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so. morning of russia, no sleep through the main thing, good morning, hello, june 21, friday has arrived vera krasova, vladislav zavyalov this morning. have a wonderful day to those who are celebrating this day with us, bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, here you go, cricket salad, fern meatballs, i just
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wished bon appetit, i decided to spoil it. artificial intelligence will look like our menu in 30 years, neural networks generated the ecoration of the future, it turned out at least useful, but not very attractive. a smart machine predicts that by 54 the dish on our tables will change dramatically, instead of beef and chicken, insects, or meat grown in the laboratory, and also cutlets, sweets printed on 3d printers, but this will all reduce the carbon footprint, well, it looks like we’ll have an appetite in the country, well, by the way . not bad at the height of the beach season, but not only vacationers and fans of illegal fishing became active on the reservoirs. yes, it doesn’t stop poachers, even the spawning ban, during which fishing is punishable by increased fines, sergei was looking for ways to systematically deal with the problem egorov. stand still, detainee, realizing that they were caught red-handed, poachers who have been illegally supplying fish to the nizhny novgorod markets for many years are launching into hand-to-hand combat,
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unwilling to end up in the hands of fisheries protection. and the other has 10 or 12, namely pure sterile, they hunt there because the fish is expensive and especially in demand, poachers often take not so much the high cost of the fish as the volume of production from such lovers of illegal fishing. the water bodies of the murmansk region often suffer, where in recent years there has been a massive migration of pink salmon, people they come here with refrigerators, that is, they buy a trailer, two freezers of 400 liters each, a power plant to come over, that is, when people were detained, people openly say, i have to pay for my journey, i came from nizhny novgorod there or from moscow or from st. petersburg, in the moscow region , they managed to cope with systemic poaching, large groups
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of violators operating nets in industrial... on a large scale are almost never found here, however, thousands contribute to the pooling of water resources amateur fishermen, when, for example, spinning fishermen, not realizing that the pike perch is sitting on the nest, protecting its offspring, pulling it off with lures, thereby ruining the future generation of a valuable species of fish, and do not think about future generations who may not see it, and such examples , dozens of species are already at risk of extinction, while due to barconiers, in addition to catfish and pike perch, sterlids also find themselves in danger of relatively ordinary species. species of fish, roach, which was caught in 200,000 tons, not so long ago, in the foreseeable historical future, supplied the region, saved russia during the period of civil vobla, it was there instead of bread, now it is gone, experts are sure that there is little hope for the self-awareness of poachers, it is much more effective to hit the ruble, making illegal mining as unprofitable as possible on whatever scale it was carried out. the first thing to do is to at least extend the fines... up to
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the actual damage caused, and for the spilling of illegal fish, that is, for illegal fishing. in an amicable way, the next, next stage is to account for the damage caused to the environment, at least so that there is money for to make a compensatory release of fish. moreover, toughening will only become effective if the punishment is inevitable, and for this, fisheries inspectors must at least not be inferior to poachers in terms of technical equipment. otherwise, future generations, including descendants. those who engage in illegal fishing today will only be able to see some types of fish on the pages of encyclopedias. on the same pages, it is likely that the salt we are used to will also appear. the world health organization has declared war on sodium chloride. experts called for a reduction in its consumption in order to save 900,000 people by the thirtieth year. so many people, according to their estimates, suffer from cardiovascular diseases that arise from excessive cravings for salty foods. well,
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that’s what the organization is for. proposed to introduce restrictions on the use of salt in finished products, including food sold in public places, but how terrible is this food additive, as they say about it, we find out from the doctor in the studio, the chief specialist of the therapeutic service, the monkey hospital with polyclinic of the presidential administration oleg gaisyonok, hello, oleg vladivich, good morning, white death, white poison, as soon as salt is not called, by the way, sugar too, but how direct is the relationship between. salt consumption has been proven dependent and the increase in cases of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, this has been clearly proven, a large number of studies have already been conducted over the past decades, reducing salt in the diet made it possible to significantly reduce the level of blood pressure, and in hypertensive patients who suffered from hypertension, this the decrease was even significantly greater than in non -hypertensive patients and reached about 11 mm
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of mulberry. bring hypertension, in our country there is a colossal number of people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, yes, and not only them, but also diseases such as diabetes mellitus, kidney problems, for them salt can be the trigger that aggravates the course of their diseases will lead to complications, but you certainly can’t give up salt completely, this can also have some consequences, just like in the soviet years an international study of intersalt, our country participated in it and then there was still about... 10 g of salt was the average results obtained for consumption per person in our country, so now in this study there are similar figures. it is recommended to limit who to 5 grams, we initially consume more, so to say that if
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someone consumes little salt, there is no need to give them false information, this will not be beneficial to society, but we will not do this, we are just we want to understand how this achieve the norm of 5 g if salt is everywhere. in semi-finished products, in ready-made food, moreover, it should be contained in bread, in milk, of course, in other products, so that this is not good wishes, how do you calculate these 5 g for us? this is why the world health organization recommends that most products indicate the actual ingredients, yes, which some fast food restaurants do, yes, but what they do, they indicate the content of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, the situation with salt is worse, the manufacturer.. .and pink and himalayan, and black, and this, and this, and it is safer in this form, or is this
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a publicity stunt, well, these are some kind of myths rather than reality, probably, if we discuss different types of salt, then it is important what to focus on in first of all, because in many regions even... on the one hand, and on the other hand, the type of salt that is probably richer in microelements is sea salt, which is made naturally, by evaporation, but the standard is 5 g, of course, thank you , thank you, and salt, her pose is harmful, we spoke with the chief specialist united therapeutic service.
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today at 15:00 on the russia channel. the summer season has begun and travelers can appreciate the convenience and service of hundreds of new hotels built with the support of the national tourism and hospitality industry project. one of the key goals of the hotel construction program is modular hotels. to develop tourism , it was recently decided to increase subsidies to the regions by a third. elena is in omsk for the first time, but has already managed to see its main points of attraction, she is an experienced and picky traveler, and also a museum worker, can professionally evaluate the cultural attractions of the city. the historical architecture is amazingly preserved, it’s very
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clean, sunny, there are restaurants, there are hospitable people, there are wonderful museums, and there are hotels, there really are more hotels, just last year 26 new ones opened, such as this hotel in... in the center of omsk , built with the support of the federal investor tourism.рf corporation. sergei was lucky to become his twenty thousandth guest, now he came for work, but the experience of independent travel also has considerable there are a lot more interesting places, a lot of new hotels are appearing. tourism has definitely been developing in our country in recent years; the disadvantages of our tourism are its cost. the cost problem should be solved by the construction of small hotels and campsites. and glampings, such non-permanent buildings are cheaper and are built much faster than large hotels. the omsk region receives support, federal support, for example, for the implementation of a project such as the construction of modular accommodation facilities. to
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by the end of 2024, plus 112 rooms should appear, that is, these are the rooms that will be located in glampings. you can see how this will look using an example. this costs us 120. a federal subsidy was allocated for the construction of glamping, and regional authorities found an investor and hotel operator. we are now seeing through an example how the combination of federal and regional measures works again, what we are talking about is competently combining measures to develop the number of rooms, measures on attractions, yes, well, that is, why a person will come, as it were, yes, that’s the point attractions, transport, just last year with the support of the national project tourism, hospitality industry. 12,500 new rooms in hotels and glamping sites appeared in the country,
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an increase of 10% per year, by the thirtieth year another 167 hotels with almost 60,000 rooms will be commissioned, one of them in tobolsk, here, with the support of the state corporation turism.rf , construction of a hotel with a spa began complex. by the way, this is an investment not only in tourism, but also in the entire local economy. one workplace in the hotel additionally creates up to five jobs due to supply and service. and the flow of tourists in tobolsk is growing every year. it is necessary to create not only hotels as such - this is an important topic, yes, but also points of attraction. the first stage was the completion of the development of the upper part of the city of the historical kremlin, now they are moving to the passage, where a master plan has already been drawn up. the master plan precisely provides for the comprehensive development of the entire tourism infrastructure. hotels, points of attraction, restaurants, transport, even a panoramic cable car is planned that will connect the tabola embankment with the kremlin at the top cities. and then, good doctor aylit,
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not every veterinarian treats you like in a fairy tale. we will find out soon whether it is possible to recover compensation for such medical errors and how to do this. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you. in this program, zhordynka gets not only songs, but also wishes, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kan after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, you borscht horseradish, what have you done, how could you, taxi, taxi, so much , song play oleg gazmanov at full volume, only when it rains. morning
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mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday. hey, it's been a while since we 've seen each other. czech. bela, you know, but for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one. they fell in love. yes, who is more valuable to you, your wife or your boys. don't ask stupid questions now. he still loves them. you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible
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for my words, a hero from my time, beauty, repen, the whole brigade, we just look at the platform, from the heroes of the past... their times are gone sometimes, while we live, it’s a dark night, only bullets whistle across the steppe, dust beats under our boots, while we remember, we sing.
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you promised to take care of me, let's start, the premiere on rtr. you shouldn’t trust artyom so unconditionally, i’m worried about you, no, you control me and my life, when big money is at stake, the game of survival begins, and they killed, all the evidence points to you,
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christina, i’ll get you out of here, trust me, justice, prison for murderers, behind seven seals, we are now talking about your freedom, just sign it will end, on monday on rtr, medicinal dishes at the jade dragon restaurant in macau serve not just delicious, but also healthy food. when creating recipes, the chef consults with a doctor of traditional chinese medicine together. they decide which medicinal herbs to add to please not only the clients' taste buds, but also improve their overall health . soups are at the top, they can remove heat, remove toxins, cleanse the liver and even improve vision. the michelin inspectors were so impressed by the miraculous properties of these
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dishes that they awarded the restaurant three stars. but you can arrange interesting experiments in your garden. here is a family from crimea. grows asparagus, rhubarb and brussels sprouts . let's get a look. brussels sprouts seedlings are prepared for planting in open ground so that they can freely grow to the desired size. just a few years ago, such a plant was exotic for the peninsula. she is appreciated for her large set beneficial properties, for example, compared to white cabbage, brussels sprouts have several times more protein and vitamin c. and this is how cabbage is planted. this year it was not possible to plant a lot of cabbage; the growth and development of seedlings was affected by the changeable mood of the weather. the sharp frosts, which reached 19-20°, were frosty, it suddenly froze and rotted. without
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leaving the garden, you can put together a full-fledged vitamin cocktail or salad from various, including those atypical for the peninsula. vegetables, onions, celery, broccoli, rhubarb asparagus. most of these types of vegetables are not yet ripe, but asparagus is already producing a harvest. initially, the kordalevsky family planted it for themselves. it turned out to be very popular, we didn’t even expect it ourselves. so we started planting it, planting it, and we’re already harvesting some pretty good harvests. for asparagus, the crimean climate turned out to be favorable, it is unpretentious, that’s all. that you need to water and weed in time, then the harvest can be harvested several times a week during the spring. this is what ripe asparagus looks like and tastes sweet green peas, and if they are overripe and not picked on time, then bushes grow that can also be sold; florists often use them in their flower
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arrangements. such large rural estates are looked after by the whole family, from the spouses alexei and lyudmila to theirs. this is how we get an environmentally friendly product with love from the village. and then a rabies vaccination. after the news, we will discuss how to protect ourselves and our pets, what vaccines are needed, with an expert. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. the news will tell about the main things about russia abroad in studio vera tarasova. hello. relations between russia and vietnam are developing in a spirit of mutual respect, and the strategic partnership will be strengthened. cooperation in the field of defense and security is increasing. countries are switching to payments in national currencies. moscow is ready to establish long-term direct supplies
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of hydrocarbons to ho chemin, a schedule has been approved for construction with the participation of rosatom, the center for nuclear science and technology. these are just a few. firmly defend the principles of the supremacy of international law, sovereignty, non-interference in the internal affairs of others states when discussing the situation in
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the asia-pacific region, mutual interest was expressed in building a reliable and adequate security architecture for the eastern pacific region on the principles of non-use of force and peaceful settlement of disputes, in which there would be no place for a closed military-political bloc. "we will not enter into alliances with third countries, so as not to damage each other's independence and sovereignty, and we will contribute to peaceful cooperation in the region. the russian leader laid wine at the memorial to the fallen heroes in northern part of the capital and visited the mausale, the founder of the vietnamese state of ho chi minh city. vladimir putin also invited the president of vietnam to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the victory in moscow. after the official part , vladimir putin spoke with graduates of soviet and russian universities. the meeting took place at the grand opera house in hanoi. the president noted that more than 3,000 vietnamese citizens are currently studying at russian universities.
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russia will continue to promote the development of student exchanges. a group strike with high-precision weapons was carried out by drones our troops at ukrainian energy facilities. this was a response to the attempts of the kiev regime to cause damage to the russian energy sector. in the area of ​​​​their aviation, artillery hit positions hundreds of areas high. our units gained a foothold on new lines near konstantinovka chasovo. as teaching aids , the gagarin aviation plant donated the su-80 cargo-passenger aircraft and the b-103 amphibian aircraft to komsomolsk state university. disassembled, they had to overcome the path through the entire city. alina leontyeva with details. along the streets airplanes are heading to a new duty station in komsomolsk. even for a city of aircraft manufacturers , this is a curiosity. the frame, wing, beams, keel - separately, this is the only way to safely navigate the cargo-passenger su-80 through the streets. the wingspan is equal to the width of a six-lane road;
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even the compact amphibian b-103 aircraft folded its wings during the journey. having passed through the entire city, the cortege reaches the main regional forge of engineering personnel for the aircraft manufacturing industry. and then a complex assembly operation, jewelry-precise work, all fastenings must fall into place so that in the end the plane turns out. the same as it was, with the exception of some filling that had to be dismantled, mainly electrical and hydraulic systems, well, since the plane , let’s say, won’t fly anymore, they won’t really be useful. the development of projects for both aircraft began in the nineties, and production began at the beginning of the century. after many years of inactivity , the winged aircraft are back in service, and now future aircraft manufacturers will study from them at the laboratory site. alena leonteva, alexander gorelov, leading khabarovsk. moscow on the wing. a storm with a thunderstorm and heavy downpour, the capital region has been tormented by a thunderstorm for a week, but there has never been such an extreme storm, the streets instantly turned black, the wind knocked
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people down, knocked down trees, tore down billboards, roofing of houses, rolled garbage cans and poles along the roads , trees fell on wires, in one of the areas in the north of moscow, tin sheathing got into the tram's current collector, traffic was stopped, citizens were warned about the impending storm, thus at least two people were injured. died, more and more footage of the tornado is appearing online, the wind exceeded 25 m/s, the roads turned into rivers in a matter of seconds. don't switch. at the largest kirizhskaya gress in the leningrad region , the new heart of the power unit began operating. due to the increased loads, the old turbine was in need of replacement for a long time. before launch, the new equipment was subjected to extreme tests. non-sensor. the central control panel for turbines and boilers is the nerve center of the kirezh gres moment for the station
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