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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  June 21, 2024 4:35am-5:00am MSK

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the roof was rolled along the roads by garbage cans. pillars and trees fell on wires. in one of the districts in the north of moscow, tin sheathing got into the current receiver of a tram, the movement was stopped. the townspeople were warned about the impending storm. however, there were no casualties and two people died. more and more footage of the tornado is appearing online; the wind exceeded 25 m/s. the roads turned into rivers in a matter of seconds. don't switch. at the largest kirizhskaya gres in the leningrad region, the new heart of the power unit began operating. due to the increased loads, the old turbine was in need of replacement for a long time. before launch , the new equipment was subjected to extreme tests. no shortcomings were identified. sergey nechay with details. the central control panel for turbines and boilers is the nerve center of the kirizhskaya gress. this is a historic moment for the station , only a few seconds left before the launch of new equipment. decide to start
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increasing the load? i give permission. the start was given by the head of gazprom alexey miller via video link. simultaneously, new equipment was launched at moskovskaya tets. kirizhskaya gres is the largest thermal power plant in the entire north-west, and its two pipes are the highest dominants of the leningrad region. the station supplies light, steam and hot water to residential buildings, as well as industrial enterprises, the largest of which is the local oil refinery. from the moment of launch in the middle. in total it has worked for more than 4000 hours, the time has come for modernization, the new equipment is more powerful and reliable. the turbine was assembled at the leningrad metallurgical plant; before launch , a whole series of tests was carried out, equipment worked non-stop for 72 hours, to check the reliability of the unit, they alternately applied maximum and minimum loads. bearing temperature. noise and
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vibration during the tests, the equipment was checked for a dozen important indicators, and in order to see how the turbine’s automatic protection would work, it was accelerated to a maximum speed of 3,300 rpm; no system defects were identified during test runs. the drivers who sit in the central control room have already managed to get used to the new realities, that’s all, what is happening with the turbine can be seen on the monitor screens, instead of... in order to turn several toggle switches, just one click of the mouse is enough, we control all the processes at once, it turns out, because on the old turbine there you have to go and control everything, there is more time for him it is required to go around everything, inspect everything, report, here we see everything immediately clearly, we replaced the oldest turbine of the kirizhskaya gress within the framework of the state program competitive selection of modernized capacities or abbreviated chest of drawers, under the same program with the stations will replace another turbine that has exhausted its service life, and a new one will be launched
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next year. sergey niche, alexander popovtsev, oleg trennichev and andrey romanov - news from the leningrad region. in zheleznovodsk, volunteers undertook to clear the paint from the entrance portal to the palace of the emir of bukhara. the object does not have the status of an architectural monument, but majolica from the beginning of the last century was discovered under layers of olibaster paint. and they decided to return the object to its original appearance. with details margherita recca. the palace of imir of bukhara is one of the most significant beautiful historical monuments of zheleznovodsk. seit akhmat bagadurkhan often visited the caucasian mineral waters and decided to acquire a summer residence. the customer, emir of bukhara abdulakhan, was present when the foundation was laid. he did not see the completion of construction; he died in 1910, while in bukhara from a heart attack. in 1913 , the palace was transferred to the humane society of empress maria feodorovna to a charitable sanatorium for persons.
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female teaching staff. after the revolution of the seventeenth year in the building a sanatorium was located. exactly a century later , the palace was leased to one of the companies as a hotel. the building is under state protection and is currently undergoing major renovations. the entrance portal, unlike the palace, does not have the status of a cultural heritage site. it belongs to one of the sanatoriums and therefore was not included in the state restoration project. volunteers from the tomsuerfest movement volunteered to help restore the portal to its original appearance. when they started peeling off the layers of paint, they discovered that... the portal is lined with antique majolica facade tiles 1909. it was specially made at that time in the pottery and art workshop of st. petersburg. in soviet times , in the seventies, there was a type of restoration here. the portal has slightly changed in shape. and for some reason the tiles were painted over. they not only painted it over, but also, so that the paint would stick better, it was first coated with some kind of alabaster. or some kind of
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plaster that is very difficult to clean, now we are slowly cleaning it, using restoration methods as carefully as possible, tile by tile. paint carefully remove it with a mixture of remover and non-greasy solvent, wait until it becomes soft, then clean it with special brushes, then a master ceramist will restore the tile and put patches where it has not been preserved. here we met restorers from st. petersburg from the armitage. well, they gave us contacts of restorers and ceramists, they advise us. after clearing one of the areas, an old arabic inscription was discovered. the emir of bukhara greets everyone who comes in with peace. all news is always available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the site, stay with us,
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, okay, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, most importantly, good morning, good morning, today is friday, june 21, this is the day. we meet you, vladislav zavya, vera krasova, join us not only this morning, but throughout the day there are a lot of interesting and funny things on the telegram channel, here’s a task for your ingenuity, probably not for you, but for your pets, a narrow french balcony, long dog body, mine would definitely have found a way out, but this
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dachshund came out to breathe, but ended up back in i couldn’t get into the apartment, several attempts to turn around were unsuccessful, and the owners who watched and filmed this painful scene... were in no hurry to help, let them now dream about this look, and for unscrupulous veterinarians, one silent reproach is not enough. the supreme court recently reminded that moral compensation can be recovered from pseudo-aibolites, how to achieve justice, kristina sorokina found out. here is the back paw, it is now arched, it did not grow together normally, so the cat is limping, and this cat’s suffering is clever. behind negligence of veterinarians, the owner of the animal, elena grigorieva, is sure. 3 years ago , a pet’s back leg was broken when they took blood for analysis. it took not only a lot of time and effort to nurse my beloved umka, but also tens of thousands of rubles, since the nurses did not admit the mistake and refused to help. and they said, and we will insist, that she was trying to escape and
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injured her own paw. well, that is, my word is against theirs. and this problem is far from isolated. every now and then news appears on the internet about mistakes made by veterinarians, and further treatment the victims are forced by their owners, besides, the prices for medical services for pets are almost the same as for people, only for the initial examination you can pay from 400 to 2,500 rubles, get tested from 110 to 1,500, get a vaccination from 500 to 4,000, x-ray from 250 to 5,000 rubles. unfortunately, outrageous prices do not always equal quality, and if it is dubious, then it is necessary to call people to account, lawyers emphasize, according to the law on the protection of consumer rights , the veterinary clinic bears responsibility for... service rendered in bad faith, you have the right demand repeated veterinary care or monetary compensation. you need to start by submitting claims to the veterinary clinic itself in writing addressed to the management; it must be considered within 10 days; if no response is received, the consumer already has the right to go to court.
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often, careless dogs do not admit their guilt, a sad meow will not be accepted as evidence in court, therefore, to prove a medical miscalculation, all receipts, card statements, photos, and videos of the animal’s condition are needed. then after manipulation and most importantly veterinary conclusion of a specialized expert, such an examination costs from 10 to 30,000 rubles, but this is an inevitable waste. the veterinary expert studies and examines all the documents that were included in the case, including all veterinary documents, and based on the results of the study of all submitted documents , he will conclude whether there is a cause-and-effect relationship or not. in 80% of cases, the courts side with the affected country, which means the defendant must... compensate the plaintiff’s legal costs, costs of treating the animal, examination, a fine for refusing to voluntarily comply with the consumer’s requirements, in addition, the pet owner has the right to seek compensation for moral damages, the money must be returned within up to 10 days, if they hesitate, the consumer can also request a penalty of 1%
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for each day of delay, this will definitely be enough a treat for your beloved little ponytail for the experience. pet owners have a lot of worries about their pets. the european commission has already knocked. rules for the importation of animals from russia to europe on september 16 for those traveling with the owners of cats, dogs and ferrets, certificates of testing for antibodies to rabies will be required , and only accredited laboratories will be able to conduct it... and issue a european-style certificate, this norm was introduced due to the exclusion of russia and the list of countries that effectively combat rabies in domestic animals, well, yet another sanctions, but how critical the rabies situation really is, we will look into it with associate professor of the department of infectious diseases of the rdn, sergei voznesensky, hello serge, and that there are more cases of infection in the country rabies? i would say there is stability.
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about 2,000 cases of rabies in animals are registered in russia every year. nevertheless, a downward trend in incidence can be observed, but not everything is so good. in recent years , the incidence of rabies in domestic pets and cats and dogs has begun to increase. where does this disease even come from? what is the source, who can infect pets and how is it spread? the disease is widespread and all mammals can get sick, not only cats, dogs, but also raccoons, and ferrets, and squirrels, rats, even hedgehogs, and the most unpleasant thing is that there are also bats, which are very good at transferring all this from one territory to another, but how is it transmitted from wild animals to domestic ones, through a bite or something else? somehow infection can occur, the main thing is either a bite. or salivation of the wound, there are, of course, more exotic ones, if a rabid animal
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scratches the skin. many pet owners are afraid that they can even bring virus particles home on the sole of their shoes. is this real? well, you know, well, probably here the probability is already negative, the virus is unstable in the environment, and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation it is destroyed quite quickly. how can you recognize that an animal is infected? the animal may... be lethargic, it may be apathetic, it may have lacrimation, it may be aggressive, it may have local or general convulsions, the temperature rises, refuses food, when we can already recognize the disease itself, we can do what - it’s too late, this is the only infectious disease that has a mortality rate of exactly 100%. here you go the coronavirus pandemic has taught us this. that vaccination is everything to us, but now the question arises of what to vaccinate with,
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because foreign manufacturers have left the market, now i’m talking about vaccination of pets, not everyone trusts domestic vaccines, and what is the way out? as for vaccines, the situation here is stable, we have vaccines that are used to vaccinate wild animals, they are scattered in places where they gather near their burrows, we have about. four domestic vaccines for vaccination of children animals, we have killed, inactivated domestic vaccines, which in veterinary clinics can vaccinate for free, and not everyone who wants it, but i would like to note here that this is a mandatory event for those people who keep their pets officially, even within the boundaries city, because many pet owners think: well, if my cat sits there all day, all year. is always in the apartment, which means she doesn’t have contact with anyone, she doesn’t need to be vaccinated, is that right?
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unfortunately, there are cases when homemade an animal, even the most domestic one, can run away, if this didn’t happen yesterday, it’s not a fact that this won’t happen tomorrow, of course, thank you, thank you, we talked with an associate professor of the department about how to protect your pets from contracting rabies infectious diseases roudouin, sergei voznesensky, you have another woman, i... who doesn’t need me, i don’t know what to do next, behind seven seals, premiere on monday, 21:20, world-famous, vedic astrologer from india , bandit samnadh has arrived in russia, he will tell viewers of the live broadcast about important events that will happen tomorrow, there will be problems here, there will be problems here too, devastation, floods, this is not one death, not two, live broadcast, today at 16:30, what about... the cross has reached, prints, boxes and even the new robot human plus from engineers from stanford plays ping-pong;
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the humanoid was connected to a neural network in 40 hours ; it taught it dexterity and coordination using videos of people as examples. at first it didn’t work out very well, but with each new attempt the robot became more mobile, more functional, and even began to master playing the piano. more this iron man knows how to cut vegetables, fold things and sort garbage. ivan zinkevich will tell you how to make your trip as safe as possible. when traveling a long distance, not everyone wants to spend their precious vacation time on an overnight stay, and the routes are freer, but moving in the dark requires concentration and preparation, we’ll talk about it. the main problem
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is poor visibility, so as not to aggravate it, wash your car before driving. mirrors. glass should not give glare, check the functionality of the optics, and take it from it wouldn't hurt to have spare lamps. by the way, if you see a one-eyed vehicle on the road, stay away from it and move to the right. don't forget to set your headlights correctly, because you're unlikely to go on vacation lightly. keep in mind that when the car is fully loaded, the rear part will be loaded, the front part will rise, so the headlights will rise up. use it. when at night someone shines too brightly from the oncoming traffic, do not look at him, but keep the border of the asphalt and the right side of the road in your field of vision, so you will not lose your way, if you are still blinded, turn on the emergency lights , gradually reduce the speed without changing lanes, so that you are not disturbed by the light of passing
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cars, the exterior mirrors can be lowered a little, and the interior mirrors can be moved to the... position using the interior lever. for some models , you can activate the automatic anti-glare mode; it also doesn’t hurt to reduce the brightness of the dashboard and media system backlight. and, of course, try not to create interference yourself. it is necessary to switch the light at least 150 m before an oncoming or passing car, as well as before ascending or before starting a turn. in conditions of limited visibility, where unexpected oncoming traffic may appear. the main thing is to keep an increased distance, as it is at night. the distance to objects seems greater. keep this in mind when overtaking, and don’t overtake yourself. you have much less time to react to a pedestrian jumping out of the darkness or a parked car. but the most insidious enemy on the night road is sleep. therefore, do not drive on a full stomach; on the road, choose green tea rather than coffee or energy drinks. their effect lasts
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not for long, and after that the fatigue only intensifies. in general, if you start to nod off, it’s better. a place to rest, sleep for at least half an hour, and then do five minutes of exercise really helps to cheer up. and then, genetic analysis of the lawn. russian biologists have figured out how to protect football fields from fungal and bacterial infections. we will reveal all the secrets of the technology soon. if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family, strong relationships,
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we admire how... the country is flourishing, ahead, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, i fell in love with another, natasha, i’m leaving for her, get out, get out of my life, today positive, efficient people should work in the service sector, and not such a dull one, amoeba. how are you, dad, i'm pregnant, my friends have arrived, you know each other, you've crossed paths, by chance, by the way, there are no coincidences in life, if you need my help, promise that you'll call me, you're not indifferent to me, dad,
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the flower queen needs help ...wanting to be in the know they watch the week's program, the program for advanced people, the week's show with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr. love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, if you want to look, look. look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign
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, look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, another test flight , this time the flying car was tested in china provinces, the two-seater electric car voyager flew into the air before our eyes. for dozens of spectators , the test flight took place without a passenger, lasted only a few minutes, was capable of being in the air for up to half an hour at speeds of up to 130 km/h,
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that is, suitable for short flights around the city, for example, when you need to get around a traffic jam, the creators say that it does not pollute the atmosphere, you can learn how to operate the device in just an hour, but it seems it’s time to think through the traffic rules for flying transport, the rules of the air movement, right? that's the rule of the musical game show, catch me if you can, invariably. last week, luck was on the side of the stars. they managed to figure out the vocalists and take a tidy sum with them. we will find out who is lucky this time at 21:30 today. the audience is already in place, the director is about to command the engine. hey guys, we're filming an awesome show, catch me if you can. you'll have to catch brilliant pretenders in the new episode of the show. four star players, ivan agapov, yulia savicheva, mikhail politsemak and anna semenovich faces a very difficult task: to recognize which of the players is a real
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vocalist and who is an amateur and cannot sing at all. i am free, which means fear, i only felt like big idiots. at school in a physics lesson, because now i’m completely confused, it’s like at the olympics, the main thing is participation, it’s very interesting, it’s such an exciting experience, it’s such an intrigue, every time you’re so invigorated internally. cinema and variety gurus must make every effort to win, their team of rivals is determined, here's how to determine which of the three copies of the famous daring siberian woman really sings, who skillfully disguises herself, catch me if you can, the only tv game where you can win a very impressive amount for terrible singing, or else i'll be myself, or else i'll salute, and otherwise, i’m telling you
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exactly how they open their mouth, the correct placement of the microphone near the mouth, i hope all this will help me find out, and this will be visible by how the person holds the microphone, because how he behaves on stage, because he it will be... well, even if he doesn’t sing, yes, it will be phonogram, he will get into it, in general, we will watch, we will watch and expose the impostors. will the artists be lucky enough to recognize true talent or will they face a stellar failure in front of the whole country, we’ll find out tonight, catch me if you can, new episode at 21:30, then grandma’s recipe, just a little sour cream, faith, i’ll apply cucumber now, and if you want, i can decorate with... dill, but wait, you’re not preparing a salad, well, not a salad, but multi-layer sun protection, you asked for it yourself, well, i asked for something effective, and not something that
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was poorly stored in the refrigerator, faith, time-tested, the experience of generations, as they say, this experience is outdated, this is how to treat sunburn, let the best expert tell you very soon, the world is slipping, there is another sure way, faith , scarlet on the window, i won’t give you a flower, well, is it standing idle? somehow idle, it’s gathering dust, not gathering dust, how nice it is for you, respect, partnership and payment in national currencies, cooperation between moscow and ho chi minh city is enshrined in agreements during the state visit of vladimir putin in vietnam, an extreme storm and white rain hit moscow, trees were toppled, two people died, dozens were damaged. cars, too many flights, british environmental activists painted over private jets like...


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