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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  June 21, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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what was shown, and what will be discussed there, suggests that we know where we are going, how we are going and what we will do next, therefore russia was, is, will be in all areas of the world's oceans, which we consider it fundamentally important for ourselves, and of course, fact 3,000, remember again all these ukrainian mantras about miracle weapons. first the jewellins, then the hymers, then the petriots, then later, yes, they were still barracks, everything is brilliant, punishable as always, just an aerial bomb, a planning module for it correction and it turns into the most effective means of fire destruction of the enemy, well , in itself, especially since in the three-thousanders there one spent 1,200 kg, what’s that, describe it?
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what will barrel artillery do, what will rocket artillery do, what will these aerial bombs do, and what will long-range fire weapons do? so they force the unfortunate romanians and others like them to hand over the remnants of these patriots to ukraine, let them hand it over, in order for them to influence our aircraft that use fabs with modules, they must be dragged closer to the front edge, the closer to the front edge, the... greater the likelihood that they
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will be discovered and destroyed. i assure you, the cost of one patriot set, even a locator launcher, is not comparable with the cost of one iskander missile, so let them bring it, we will find a place for everyone. remember how in pushkin, when he talked there about the vets, embittered sons and about the fields of russia, where among the coffins that are alien to them , there will be a place for all of them, there will be. and there will be some for the coffins, and there will be some for scrap metal, we will have to restore it all later, we will need metal, and there it is, in principle, not bad, so it’s a very interesting time, a very interesting time is developing, and then we need to listen to what our president vladimir vladimirovich will say at the press conference, and ... all that remains
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is to hide one’s teeth, well, in conclusion, probably one piece of advice to trump, he needs to do two things before the debate: first, ride somewhere on a motorcycle, at least on a tricycle, at least on a tricycle, so as not to take any risks , and most the main thing is to go to texas, put on a cowboy hat, climb on a horse, climb on yourself, then biden, believe me, has no chance, it’s just a knife in the back for biden if donald climbs on the horse himself. biden confirms the financial times information, all american defense enterprises stop supplying and shipping patriot air defense systems to all customers except ukraine. the white house announces a new decision. the united states
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means that hundreds of interceptor missiles will be sent to ukraine in the near future. systems petriot nasanus, well, that is, they’ve seen enough of putin, they’re just freaking out, they don’t know what to do. professor, our president’s visit to vietnam is, as they say, the pinnacle of political balancing act, or as they correctly say, we have an expression to walk on thin ice, americans prefer the expression to walk on... the razor’s edge, the thing is that china’s relations and vietnam have always been extremely hostile, it is not for nothing that americans call vietnam ukraine for china, this term was coined by the american political scientist charles ziegler, but in in general, by the way, he is a very famous, very serious, respected author, one should not underestimate him, therefore, in vietnam , vietnamese culture is traditionally built on... the state of china. let me remind you that in addition to
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the victory over the united states, the vietnamese still happily celebrate the victory of 79 in the so-called third indochina war. china, so for russia there is always a second point, a very difficult task, how to combine china and vietnam. if we get too close to china, it will cause trouble in vietnam for obvious reasons. although we seem to think that we have no negative aspects in our relationship with vietnam, we do have them. these are gorbachev's times, when we did not support vietnam in its war in cambodia, and it has come. reoriented towards dialogue with china, and vietnam had to leave cambodia, then this caused a very negative attitude towards the soviet union in vietnam , prompting it to get closer first to france, then to the united states. if
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, on the contrary, we become very close to vietnam, then this will cause hostility in china. again, when the americans completely, yes, left vietnam after. we need to watch very carefully how to balance, indeed, a very delicate point, this equation, china and vietnam, because if we develop nuclear energy in vietnam, this always causes painful sensations in china, they openly say that vietnam has the potential to become a nuclear
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power in future, and this is very dangerous for china. if, on the contrary, we agree to military terms with china, then... this will make vietnam feel apprehensive, americans are waiting, they don’t need to sign a military alliance with vietnam, they are waiting for some openly anti-chinese politicians to come to power in vietnam, who can be set against china by war, for example, there was already a pro-american president in vietnam, that’s it, he’s gone, but they didn’t need a pro-american, the main thing for them was that he was aggressively anti-chinese, then they... would be happy to help him, but for a war it’s not necessary for china to attack vietnam, and vietnam to attack china, for example, a clash on the territory, on map of laos. always americans thinking about this or some other similar scenario. therefore, now russia’s task is to become such a mediator between china and
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vietnam so that, well, if not to reconcile them, then at least so that they treat each other with less hostility than before. otherwise we will be faced with a very difficult choice between china and vietnam. june 22, exactly at 4:00 am. day of remembrance and sorrow. once upon a time, the coming soon, in response to what pain? you see?
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remember, after centuries, after years, remember about those who will never come again. remember this the main, the only testament to us from them, those who were gone in the first hour of this most terrible war, hour. in memory of june 22 at 4:00 am on rtr.
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this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, cool, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one. you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, repin, the whole team, we’re just looking at the platform. we
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are talking to you on the eve of the day of mourning, the day the war began, for me the feeling of war, of course, became more vivid, in the picture, come look, the merciless truth that will remain with him for the rest of his life, a full-fledged chronicle of the atrocities of concentration camp workers, terrible footage and... the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov. today on rtr. i died for men. she died.
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holy shit. there would be no happiness. i predict that something very important will happen in your life soon, very good, so good that you will grab your head. yes, the dress helped. you will wear it all yours. will change, but i don’t know what to change, you are an amazing woman, a woman of dreams, a woman of mystery, i’ve actually gone through some kind of strange streak, first this artist, then the man on the beach, maybe if i got a man, i think i have roman, who are you, roman, at your age, well, sasha, one, second, third, third who, dress the color of the sea, premiere, but no... do you want to return to rtr on saturday, today all the participants are doctors , what
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well, we selected it for you, the degree of emotion was increased, she came out like this and she also sang and moved, i’m telling you, they confuse us, but you understand, they are deceiving us here. intuition fails, i only felt like a big idiot at school during a physics lesson, it’s impossible to resist the pressure, i’m against it as usual, but you always do it your own way, but they must make an accurate diagnosis, which of our participants does not sing, you decide , and i will answer, catch me if you can, a big musical show, if she sings, we are backup dancers, and if she doesn’t sing? then we were singing backup, today we are on rtr. right
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now news is coming from vietnam, from hanoi, the president of the russian federation, putin, well, as we announced earlier, leaving the opera house, i got to hanoi airport, from where air force one will soon take off from...
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second, does this concern situation in ukraine, does this relate to the situation in ukraine, and do you allow the possibility of involving the air force, volunteer soldiers from the dprk, in the development of the military-technical sphere, the third question, russia and the dprk are among, well are the only ones on whom so many sanctions have been imposed, does moscow intend to refuse? from all restrictions, including those imposed through international sanctions, and develop cooperation with the dprk, in the military -technical sphere, including to the fullest extent. so, well, you have a whole set of questions, so let’s do it in parts. the first is under what conditions, yes, those parts
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of the agreement regarding mutual assistance in the military sphere will be activated. yes, but the first thing i want to say is what i want to draw your attention to. for some reason not analysts, well maybe me drew attention, i didn’t notice, in any case, and , frankly, there was no time to look, but nevertheless i want to draw attention to this, because this agreement is not some kind of new thing, we concluded this agreement in connection with , that the old agreement ceased to exist, in our previous agreement, in my opinion, in 1962, or something, everything was the same there, there is no nastiness here, of course, in modern conditions... this looks somehow especially poignant, but nevertheless, we have changed almost nothing - and the korean people's democratic republic has similar agreements with other countries, first, further, and regarding the reasons - the provision of mutual military assistance, the same is written in the case of aggression, military aggression. now,
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as for ukraine, the ukrainian regime began aggression, but not against russia, it began aggression against the people’s republics of lugansk and donetsk that we recognized before they were part of the russian federation. now regarding the possibility of somehow using each other’s capabilities in this conflict, but we are not asking anyone for this, no one is asking us for this didn't offer it, so there's no need. and what else was there? yes, one more thing about that. look, as for sanctions, i already said, in my opinion, at a meeting with your colleagues, heads of world news agencies, i then said that some of the sanctions that were imposed against north korea, to put it mildly, look something like very strange, as you know, i come from leningrad, and what
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leningrad experienced during the second world war, during the great patriotic war. everyone knows wars very well, this is a blockade when people were starved, there are losses, as you know in my family on this matter, my brother died practically from starvation during the blockade, got sick there and died, but what is happening now with north korea, you can treat the regime as you like, but introduce , say, restrictions related to labor migration, this...
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might not have expected such a reaction, and what is still behind your decision to publicly name the conditions for a peaceful end to the conflict, which seemed to be expected. become the subject of behind-the-scenes negotiations or still hope for them are now completely unjustified? well, you know, we conducted these behind-the-scenes negotiations, but
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hopes for this really have not yet been justified, as for the reaction of our western, so-called partners, you said that i apparently did not expect, no, quite the opposite, i expected exactly this reactions at the first stage, but what happens later? in europe in the center of europe, well, we ’ll see about that, and i’m not sure that this attitude towards the proposals made,
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the proposals will last forever, the voices of some politicians can already be heard, who say that yes, maybe this is an ultimatum, and excessive demands, but you can’t refuse, you need to think and figure it out, but what was stated by our partners is not an ultimatum, they haven’t come up with any formulas, although there is a result , the result of our negotiations in minsk and istanbul. why doesn't anyone remember this? in the same place, i said this 100 times, if we agreed then and there is a signature of the head of the negotiating group from ukraine, it means that the agreements reached in istanbul were, in principle, acceptable for the ukrainian side, what happened on the ground during the... battle that allows us to put forward some additional conditions that are in no way related to our agreements in istanbul, there are no such, there is nothing
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like that that could somehow change the position the other negotiating country in this case is ukraine, so i don’t think that such nihilism regarding our proposals will remain forever. surely something will change, including our conditions, depending on the situation on earth, russia tv channel, that’s how for a long time these conditions may continue to remain in force, at that very conference in switzerland, there were such numerous signals of a statement that russia should be at the next conference, if it takes place, it should be present, it is clear that there are a lot of nuances, but nevertheless, russia would have responded, but i said so. it was not we who refused to negotiate, the ukrainian side forbade itself to negotiate, not us, we are for it and have never refused this, but not on the basis of
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some ephemeral formulas, on the basis of those the agreements, which i want to repeat once again, were reached during difficult negotiations, almost a month and a half of negotiations in istanbul and minsk, and on this basis we are ready to continue our dialogue with the ukrainian side, and where will they take place? it doesn’t matter, in minsk, in istanbul or in switzerland, how long the conditions are, how long these conditions will remain in force, we have these proposals on the table from our side, please, it’s no longer up to us, when everything interested in these negotiations subjects will take what is on their table and begin these negotiations, even tomorrow, but when they deign to do this, it’s their... business, but i repeat, everything will depend on what is happening in real life, then, of course, we will proceed from this, but, but in principle,
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the principled approach will be like this, yes, now vladimirovich, hello, ekaterina lazarevoru, i have a question about nuclear weapons, you recently said that you admitted the possibility of making changes to our nuclear doctrine , i would like to understand at what circumstances, is this possible, what are the conditions for... new and in any case we know that the potential enemy is working on this, new elements associated with the reduction -


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