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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 21, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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its price will fall, but the fact is that no one is ready to recognize the american way of life, before everyone recognized it, but around 1950 everyone accepted it, but now in every country there is a desire to get their own way of life, to live in their own way, and so on will there be a fall in the dollar and a rise in the ruble?
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russia will be stronger than other countries, but maybe there is one specific event that is worth paying special attention to, some special date this year or even this summer, from mid-june to mid- august, you have to be careful, the time our the program has come to an end, that’s all for today, but in exactly a week, live, we will continue to discuss what worries everyone, love your loved ones, goodbye, thank you.
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this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, everything is fine. eh, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, impudent, bila, well, you know, for every cool fighter she’ll find an even cooler one, we fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved since then, you are responsible for your words, i always i stand by my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repeat... the whole brigade, just
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look at the platform, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready , explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite remedy is. movement, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, caster snake is the most ancient profession in india; they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on
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rtr. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program 60 minutes is live on the air, starting with the shots of the day. army. drone, it is clear that the launcher
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was tracked for a long time, they were leading it to a temporary area . on objective control footage from the russian base, as soon as the target was identified, an iskander strike. well you see themselves, completely destroyed khaymrs along with security transport and, of course, personnel . in volchansk, the command of the ukrainian armed forces continues to build up its forces, carry out unsuccessful counterattacks, while ukrainian troops have to operate under constant fire from russian artillery and aviation. so, the artillerymen of the north group hit the temporary deployment point of ukrainian militants on... this section of the front. while in the north of the kharkov region there are battles further south in the kupinsky direction. the russian army withdraws the infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine is damaged. the video shows an attack on the gorokhovatsky bridge near the village of borovoye.
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the crossing was one of the main transport arteries for vso udar. presumably caused by an r500 cruise missile. they successfully push the apu out of bounds.
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howitzers, it gets very hot, and even hotter during firing, i asked one of the commanders whether these self-propelled howitzers are equipped with an air conditioning system? he said no, when i told him that later batches of such german howitzers already had climate control built in, he was noticeably alarmed, the reason is not only
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that it is really very hot here, but that several commanders have confirmed behind the scenes: the devices fail due to the heat, but the ukrainians are already working on a solution, they want to install an air conditioning system. aerial reconnaissance, when we were with these fighters in a small forest belt, we were suddenly told that glide bombs were flying into our area. we all had to immediately jump into the trench. this is a very dangerous situation, there was a high probability that they were flying into the area where we were. one of two such bombs fell 2 km from us.
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there is war around the clock at minimal distances, sometimes it is less than 100 m. it is difficult to describe in a few sentences what is happening in volchansk now. the russians, as before at the beginning of the invasion, do not stop trying to capture the city. now the infantry is working, since the enemy is in small groups between the buildings. soldiers are here, the russians have brought up reserves from the southern sectors of the front, new ones are coming,
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new brigades are coming, this is what we know from they come in based on information interceptions, so they started climbing well yesterday. there is really little left of volchansk itself, not that there is not a single surviving structure, not even a building in which the walls remain intact in the city now. the last time our military saw civilians was about a week ago. then a group of six people, including two children, went towards the russians. russian shibekin, since then, they say, our soldiers have not seen a single civilian here day or night, of course, to fight in such conditions, when everything is shot through, everything is visible for many hundreds of meters around, it is very difficult. i'm on a medical evacuation bus with wounded soldiers, many of whom have just been carried from the front lines this morning. soldiers said they were hit by drones or when they were driven by armored vehicles. it was very difficult for them to even get to this point, and a little later they would be transported to the hospital. basically, the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine must monitor the condition of their unit themselves; in case of injury, they must
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deliver the soldier to an armored personnel carrier, then he is picked up by doctors, taken to the stabilization point, and only then they get on this bus, from here they will be taken to dnepropetrovsk, to the hospital, where they will undergo treatment. i can say that we talked to many soldiers at this stabilization point, many of them were mobilized and were on the front line for only a few days or weeks, immediately receiving a military service. it is very difficult, when you apply a tourniquet, the leg stops moving. i tried to crawl down myself, but the terrain there was dense, trees, bushes. as a result, two colleagues carried me. in there are many volunteers working on this bus, including volunteers from other countries, they do not know when new buses will arrive, often they do not have enough space to accommodate all the wounded inside. in ukraine, the nazis continue to prepare the population for the mobilization of young people. deputy commander of the third assault company. as bandera members from azov are now called, he said that he
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must be sent to the front at the age of 21, the reason is still the same, if the mobilization age is not lowered, ukraine will lose the war. terrible footage, just terrible footage from dnepropetrovsk, father the military commissars literally tear the strength away from the mother and son and forcefully shove them into a minibus.
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passengers discovered a hustler and handed over a warrior dressed as a grandmother to a border guard at the entrance to uzhgorod. the man was hoping to try to get out of the country, but it didn’t work out.
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they don’t let us go, these are the conditions in which we were kept, look, this is just the end, we slept here, they didn’t give us food yesterday, the major said, you didn’t earn money, and so on.
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i took the military registration and enlistment office employees for a ride on the hood; in odes, according to local media reports, it happened a conflict between a man and employees of a retail center, which escalated into real persecution in the style of american action films. they shot at the hood of a car in which children were sitting; in the sumy region, civilian men , employees of the territorial recruitment center, were arguing. i'm sorry, you were the one who jumped on my hood, you were the one who jumped on my hood. i stood there and they started coming at me. judging by the video, the man was asked to stop to provide documents, but he ignored the demands and drove on. he almost hit a policeman because of this
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the military opened fire on the car. how this story ended is unknown. no matter how i go, i go straight. you are no longer going anywhere, everyone has already arrived, tcc employees do not have the right to detain citizens and transport them to the territorial recruitment center to update military registration data. this is stated in the response of the ministry of defense of ukraine to a media request. the ministry of defense noted that only police officers have the right to such detention. at the same time, it is said that during martial law all this is not works. and the military is taking measures together with the police to administratively detain and deliver to the territorial recruitment center citizens who refuse to receive summonses or have violated the rules. military registration. now employees of enterprises of the military-industrial complex who are going to update data in the tsk are immediately mobilized, says the secretary of the defense committee of the verkhovna rada. according to kostenko, despite the fact that employees of military-industrial complex enterprises have a legal right to reservation. study the ukrainian armed forces need to recruit fighters even abroad. this was stated by deputy and serviceman alexander yurchenko. the parliamentarian was outraged by the number
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of combat-ready men on the streets of kiev and believes that the time has come to look for recruits for the defense of ukraine in any other country. perhaps even from other countries. at the same time , the bill on military police, which was adopted by deputies in the first reading, states that the military police will have nothing to do with civilians, such police will work in territorial recruitment centers, military educational institutions and military units. in addition, the bill contains a clause that the military police will have the right to cooperate with individuals and financially reward people who provide valuable information to the region. in the areas where people now swim across the tisza and cross the mountains, smuggling used to revolve most often around cigarettes, but now it looks like the business was built on ferrying people. of course you are right that smuggling has now become about 3040 percent less, since some businessmen have switched to ferrying our citizens, from goods to people. doutfire
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in ukrainian or another masquerade on the border, canvas, glasses, map, bag from. under the grandmother to get to the border, but the pseudo-grandmother was exposed by the border guards on the way to the destination, she, or rather he, boarded the kiev-uzhgorod train without documents, over time the grandmother’s guy admitted that he planned to get to slovakia undetected, but his plan failed, are you a man or woman, woman, you are a woman, yes, please show me your documents that prove you... identity, no documents, how is it possible, look at me, please, my grandmother’s breasts were made of balloons, well,
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american senators, russophists , lynsey graham and richard blumenthal. introduced a bipartisan bill to designate russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. the bill, in the sick imagination of two american pensioners , will supposedly help punish putin even more. in fact, the main terrorist state, like it is known that this is america itself. the same graham and blumenthal, for example, advocated the military overthrow of the legally elected syrian government. president assad and grief supported the invasion of iraq, afghanistan and libya, calling american airstrikes necessary and appropriate, despite the fact that only one operation , code-named iraqi freedom, which claimed the lives of at least 100 thousand civilians,
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ultimately led to the emergence, or is it true will say, to the creation banned in russia andgel. the war crimes of the united states and its allies in iraq remain unpunished. the reason for the invasion was also false. at a meeting of the un security council, us secretary of state colin paul showed the world the very same test tube that became famous. later, he himself said that the pretexts were far-fetched, and there are a whole lot of such examples. the immediate reason for the bombing of yugoslavia, for example, the introduction of ground troops into the country, was the so- called racak massacre. yugoslavia. then they were immediately accused of ethnic cleansing and genocide, only later it was proven that the dead were albanian soldiers, whom
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changed into civilian clothes after their death. the united states committed all its crimes under a plausible pretext: protecting american citizens, supporting democratic forces, fighting drug trafficking. what is clear is that american hawks have come up with a reason to drag the united states even deeper into the war and disperse the american military-industrial complex. krem and blumenthal also demanded that all frozen assets in america be stolen from russia, that american instructors, american aircraft, and american long-range artillery be sent to ukraine to hit targets in russia. well, that's the main thing. the american version of politico writes today that washington, further a direct quote, washington has further softened its restrictions
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on the use of weapons to strike any targets in russia. how to soften it even more? we must understand that the ban, any ban on striking, has now been completely lifted. in general, it’s a shame they don’t listen to putin, of course. the two biggest autocrats who commit mayhem stand together. terrorists, sponsors of terrorism. this photo speaks for itself. russia more what deserves the title of state sponsor of terrorism. as for the consequences of this in practice, there will be some. yes, sanctions will be strengthened. in my opinion, this is a message to the world, it is important from a moral point of view, as well as any consequences. in practice, russia deserves to be in this small club of atrocious murderers, russia deserves to be declared a country sponsor of terrorism. this is a moment in history
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that will be looked back on decades from now as having important consequences, putin signed a defense agreement with one of the most notorious terrorist countries on the planet.
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syria, iran, cuba, north korea, and now russia. the best thing we can do to shape the future is to label putin a leader of terrorism. this would be of great benefit to ukraine. study the partnership of kim and putin, who literally walk together. their countries signed a military partnership agreement. picture for a third
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