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tv   Za semyu pechatyami  RUSSIA1  June 21, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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by the way, when you and tanyusha submit an application to the zachs, well, i’m still kind of married, fedya, and my mother has already talked to whomever she needs to, they will quickly divorce you without a trial period, is something wrong? nadezhda andreevna, i am very grateful to you for your concern, but i would prefer to decide my family affairs myself. well, okay, in that case, i hasten to tell you the following: my daughter is not a prostitute, and i am her cohabitant. i won’t allow that mom, you’ll spend
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your whole life as a girl, i’ve had enough, i want to raise grandchildren, legitimately born ones, well, i i understood everything, it’s good, i wanted the best, so i received gratitude from my beloved children, fedor, fedor! mom, fet, it’s true, mom is trying so hard, don’t you think she ’s trying too hard, she’s always poking her nose into our affairs, as much as you can, tanya, forgive me, i lost my temper, you know, i had a today is a very difficult day, i left my wife, with whom i lived for many years, because i love you very much, you understand, you are my sun, forgive me,
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please, girl, tell me, can you tie the bouquet with green, i think she would be more suitable for the color scheme, yes, of course, as you say, somehow you don’t treat your clients very carefully, but where is the signature smile, tell me, do you always have a florist? and she’s trying to arrange the bouquet as best as possible, please come in, lord, how much can you fuss, such a simple order, you have to work, not make eyes at the men, it’s a nightmare, give me a book of complaints, i ’m sorry, but the thing is that girls drama. her husband left her, and you understand,
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the person is worried, but in general she is a very good professional, with her, here you go, diplomas of awards from various competitions, no wonder, please, with such quickness, you can’t restrain a man, good afternoon, hello, i would like to order a bouquet, please, thank you, but you’ll have to wait a little, how long, forever, let’s go, i’ll offer you something, a good store, they delivered it today, but it’s a florist.
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so what else would you like, listen, i see you have such a busy day today, so many important events, stop disrespecting the florist, take the bouquets and oh, i’ve run away, i won’t take this trash, your service is disgusting, your clients are boorish, andre, if you please, andre, goodbye, so what bouquet should you make?
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i would fire you, positive, efficient people should work in the service sector, and not such a dull amoeba like you, am i not right? thank you, i heard that, yes, you sad amoeba! natasha, of course he is a boor, but you need to pull yourself together, otherwise they will really push you out of work. palin, at least you have pity on me, i pity you,
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good evening. oh, thank you, please, oh, yegor, finally, sorry, late, thank you, yes, well, nothing. ask, please, thank you, close your eyes,
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this is for you, you didn’t like it, no, egor, everything is great. i was just waiting for another gift, you know, i’m not ready for this, i don’t understand what’s stopping you, let’s just not spoil the evening with showdowns, it’s your birthday after all. for you, for us,
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and this is your car, yes, oh, how i love cool cars, but can i give you a ride somehow? it's ready, oh, normal topic, no change needed, thank you, please, all the best, yeah, male, we bet, i took it from my wife and mistress, well why are you doing this? maybe he went to meet the bride's family and took a second bouquet for his future mother-in-law? come on, you yourself believe in it, they are all males, they need to be kept on a short leash, and if you loosen your grip a little, that’s it, it’s gone, wouldn’t you know it, look who showed up, andre, hello again,
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good afternoon to you, ladies, and... sergeevna, i would like to apologize to you for that unpleasant incident, my wife is an emotional person, sometimes too much. yes, i understand everything, don’t worry about anything terrible. andrey vasilievich demidov, forgive me for not i introduced myself right away, but i think we will have the opportunity to get to know each other better if you accept my invitation to lunch. excuse me, but i have work. but maybe we can solve this somehow? will your partner replace you? thanks, of course, but no. natalya sergeevna, you may not be aware, your owner is going to go somewhere far away, but my wife and i
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wanted to buy this store, and i really wouldn’t want to lose such a valuable, experienced employee. like you, i understood you, andrei vasilyevich, but the fact is that i am in this i can stay in the store only as an experienced and valuable employee and nothing more. it’s a pity, i thought we’d become friends, or maybe i’ll keep you company, yeah, well, why not, polina aleksandrovna, especially since the table is booked anyway, i ’m waiting for you, a minute, cover for me, okay , i’ll... i’ll drink coffee, and don’t look at me like that, you need to be friends with your future bosses, andrei
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vasilyevich, let’s go, christina, be my wife, the premiere on rtr, but if i were you, i wouldn’t really trust artyom, what- then it is muddy, and i have no reason to doubt it to my future husband, what happened between us at night about... no one should know, i will always be by christina’s side, if you offend her, that you will call her, under seven seals, on monday on rtr, ox, values ​​​​the resources of the shift , big changes have come. in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we
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are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, our heroes’ living room will soon bloom.
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it's not my fault, i was driving through a flashing yellow light, where the jealousy scene is, maybe you need help, i'm offering you a job, simple duties, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, hourly pay, friendship can't be bought, i'm deceiving you, i bastard, but take your suitcase and leave. but love is not for sale, that’s where all the normal men are, there is no love, there is nothing, deception and lies, i was in a hurry somewhere, deciding a lot problems, that there is now an intersection, what needs to be done, we need to act, on saturday on rtr.
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kostya, you're a zombie, why did we go out in public, we could have stayed at home, what difference does it make where you stare at your silicone women, chris, stop it, i'm watching the news, i saw your news, let's watch it together, listen, calm down,
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well, wow, koroma, yes, the house of my childhood and... sometimes he comes here to suffer, well , it brings back memories, so to speak, here you go, come in, give me your bag, yes, go to the entrance, i ’ll catch up with you, yes, hello , marinochka, hello, no i was waiting, no, well, that means the surprise was a success, like you, it’s fine, but what do you care, listen, i
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was thinking, in short, you’ve already got as much as you can, well, i don’t have it now, so sell your mobed to hipter, it’s at you’ll be fine, but what, i can’t, it’s a waste, yes, but i’m a waste of running after you, yes, i’ll give everything, give me
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a few days, well, mozyain, master, just look faster, bye he himself is alive, but he won’t go anywhere, but will give it away. uh-huh, hello, uh-huh, olechka, don’t stand there like a statue, bring me coffee with cinnamon cream, please, no sugar, not like last time, uh-huh, allah, please tell me why you don’t love other women so much, well, because i
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love men very much, especially one, yes... and you are very tense, which is not surprising , you ’ve been busy with work, yes, for the last 15 years, well, maybe you need to take a time out, go somewhere for a couple of weeks, to the sea with me, where contracts are signed, my daughter is getting married, that is, how does it feel to get married? i’m going to meet the groom’s parents, and i hope you’ve been invited to the engagement party, no, i understand.
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what are you?
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oh, oh, and i recognized you, you, yes, sad little thing, have found time to be offended, sit down, i’ll give you a lift, but don’t bother yourself, you’re probably in a hurry to see efficient, positive people, i ’ll get there somehow myself, you don’t just a sad amoeba, you are stupid, stay happy. danya, uh, look what’s wrong with the knot. that's it , thank you, sunshine, well done, tanyusha, let his
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ex see that your hands are growing out of nowhere, well, what does this have to do with your ex, well , what does it have to do with it, they don’t take you to the engagement party, and his ex will be there, it remains to be seen what them there it will work out, maybe he will want to return to her, you know what, nadezhda andreevna, this is too much. when i get back, i’ll pick up tatyana and we’ll leave for a rented apartment, we ’ll see about that, son, really, maybe you’ll take me with you, it’s even kind of a shame, well, you know, i’d love to, but there could be a scandal , i promised natasha, that’s it, my soul, i have to go. “i love you,
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well, just leave it as it is, i already called a taxi and found out the address, so you, kolya!” trainee lawyer, how are you going to provide for your family? egor andreevich, i i make good money. don't be afraid, dad, we won't sit on your neck. working as a waitress, living in a rented apartment? yes, but on her own, free and independent. so, what i’m suggesting is, get back on your feet, you know each other better, much better, dad, daddy, we
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have news for you, dad, i’m pregnant, yes, you’re smart, i can’t tell you a lawyer, that it makes me happy, but it explains a lot. mine have arrived, mom, hi, listen, where's dad? dad, dad, he's probably late at work, let's go, i'll introduce you. meet natalya sergeevna, my mother, egor andre. here my marina, hello, hello, natalya sergeevna, yes, how did you get there,
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got there well, fortunately the world is not without good people, and you think i’m evil, but no, why not, but you know each other, we’ve crossed paths, by chance, by the way, by chance never happens in life except pregnancy. wait, what a pregnancy, and you know that our children gave us a surprise, yes, you will soon become a grandmother, yes, my dears, my dears, what happiness, like me, do you think that they are ready to become parents, and why not, they are adults, independent people, that's all, i give up, no i want to be in the role of a bad person, as you say , but i didn’t say that you are a bad person. thank you,
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kohl, hello, son, where to go, yegor andreevich, dad has arrived, we need to meet him. natalya sergeevna, we arrived alone, my husband arrived, do you encounter any problems in the family? egor andrech, i have, of course, forgive me, but you better take care of your problems, it seems to me that you have them too, dad, that ’s great, hello, egor andrech. this is dad, dad yegor andreevich, very nice, very nice, nikolai says that you are working architect, what are you designing? eh, yes, but mostly social facilities,
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hospitals, schools. prisons, interesting, i was joking about prisons, hello, fyodor, yes, well, please come into the house, yes, yes, come on, hello everyone, well, hello, who are you? sanya, what are you doing here? well, what? i came to my man. i am the fiancee of fyodor nikolaevich.
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natasha, really, i’m asking you, please, you ’ve got a cold, let’s go, tea, coffee, something stronger, or maybe just water, yeah, tell me, you’ve been hiding your discord from nikolai for a long time, and you remember our first meeting in the store, yeah, i remember. that’s when it all started, only now it’s not a discord, but a divorce, we’ve already managed to get a divorce, you’re holding up just fine, i was also in such a situation, such that i would have destroyed it, if it weren’t for my daughter, not marinka, but now you understand what happiness for i'm worried about the birth of a baby, i have to give my love to at least someone. tanyusha, there’s something i can’t understand, but
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that’s what got into your head, you made yourself look like idiots, it’s mom, what mom, it’s mom who made me, that’s it, how i didn’t immediately guessed it, tell your mother mercy with a brush, the parent said, this is what they will teach you next time. are you going to give me rassinov's poison? you know what, fedya, mom is actually right, you don’t take me seriously, i’ll go home, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, okay, wait, okay, that ’s it, that’s it, okay, calm down, where are you going , stay, since you’ve arrived, come on, i ’ll think of something, i want to stay. here you
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are, i searched the whole house, please come back, talk to your father, he betrayed us, i have nothing to talk to him about, i beg you you, leave me alone, marinochka, hello, hello, what are you doing here? well, what is it, your father called, and what is this, your fiancé? yes, come into the house, i'll go. dad, we've come to see you. hello, egor.
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it's all a bit of an evening for us today. prizes, why did you bring gifts to congratulate the newlyweds, and - introduce yourself, this is alla, my assistant is a close friend of the family, and you are the mother of the groom, i understand correctly, yes, yeah, you and your husband have arrived, or lightly, hello, hello, let's go, i'll show you your room, well, let's go, let's go. let's go to, show me, marin, wait, please forgive me, i lost my temper, i don’t know, i lost it, my father betrayed me, i don’t even know who. “i don’t even know
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who i can trust now, but we won’t change the wedding, yeah, don’t worry, it doesn’t concern you.” it concerns kolya, marish, you, kolya, me, i need to tell you something, of course, speak up, if i. “i love you very, very much, marishka, i love you very much too,
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i want to talk.” you know, i don’t like all this either, but it happened so, fedya is very worried, but maybe we’ll try to be friends, well, as far as this is possible, but how do you imagine it, here you are tatyana, what would you do in my place? no, we won't succeed. i'm not ready for such a high relationship. sorry.
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hello, i'm alla, tanya, excuse me, who are you and your boyfriend coming with? well, it turns out that the bride of the groom's father. wait, so the groom's mother is divorced? well, of course, that is, he is actively searching. yes, it's unlikely. ah...
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9:55 pm
the most cruel aristocrat in history, i am the power here, i am the power! ay, the bloody gentleman and other historical series, only on platform we look, we look, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simple. incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it, oh, your eyes wide open, how delicious everything is, as
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my mother says, eat your godfather, this world is worth seeing, snake charmers are the oldest profession in india, they say a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. saturday at rtf. you have amazing, simply extraordinary beauty, oh, thank you, unexpectedly, this scares me, mom, we must do everything so that this resort affair does not develop into anything, what are you going to do, who is it, what are you doing here, and i’m for you, she is not your property, i should hit you, you try it, the dress is the color of the sea, the premiere is on saturday at...
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well, who prefers what wine, please, natalya sergeevna, take a seat, thank you. so we need a toast, fyodor nikolaevich, and you, as a creative person, the father of the groom, maybe you will say something, well, yes, of course, kolya, son, marina, i congratulate you on this serious thing. and with a responsible step, the decision
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to start a family, may this step lead you to family happiness, i wish that you never doubt each other and manage to create a strong union that will be based on love and understanding, dad, what are you carrying, you are in it yourself believe me, nikolai, shame on you, you... i'm ashamed, tanya. you couldn't find a normal single man, or do you only like married men? kolya, what, kolya, mom, shut your mouth, you brat, i’m a brat, yes, no, he’s still going to teach me, tanya, kolya, please, gentlemen, control yourselves, egor, everything’s fine, what a wedding without a fight, no one else wants to say anything, i want, well... there won’t be a wedding,
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marina, marin, wait, well, you ’ve chosen a family for yourself. marina, kolya, like little children, honestly, they found time to play in order, marina, sorry, egor, kolya, he is so emotional that i don’t know what to do with him, in his place i did the same thing and in general, stop apologizing all the time, egor, go into the house, they won’t go anywhere, let’s do it somehow we'll figure it out without you, okay, i understand. you now have a new assistant, yes, abandoned
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and lonely, great joke, the main thing is on time, if you joke like that again, you will leave here, understand? natasha, kostya, kostya! kostya, my love, i knew that you had not forgotten me, kostya, please leave here, how to leave, where, i ask you, so that no one sees you, even if you go to hell, you just don’t understand, you’re just a fool, i came to you, i love you, i want to marry you, marina, marina, what kind of man, if i’m the father or the child, so who are you, marin, what is he saying, is he and are you deaf?
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i’ll explain everything, i don’t need to explain anything, kolya! i met this kostya in a cafe when
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i was working as a waitress, he made an impression on me then. "cool guy, biker, when i got pregnant, he said: "okay, funny, i disappeared, right, who needs it, a girl with a child, and also a student, a beggar, that is, it turns out he didn’t know about your father then?” “ “no, i didn’t tell him about it, and then i met kolya, fell in love with him at
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first sight, and how did i head and didn’t say anything about the child. “i was afraid, yes, i was afraid, i was very afraid that he would leave me, really, i really wanted to, i was just a coward, god, what did i do? forgive me, please, that’s it ?” , that's it, that's it, calm down, you shouldn't worry at all now, i 'll talk to kolya, do you think he can forgive i don’t know me, you need to rest now.
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thank you, kolya, mom, i’m waiting for you in the car. sorry, i just wanted to say that we are leaving, natasha, wait, i don’t even know
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what to say, but don’t say anything, don’t punish me, daughter, marina was wrong, she ’s suffering. just take care of her, let 's sit down, i'll sit down, sit down quickly, let's go! kolya, kolya, kolya, i love you, kolya, dad, let me go! kolya! kolya! you know, maybe it’s for
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the best that it happened this way, well, judge for yourself, why do you need a ford in the ford, and even with your dad walking? and mother’s chicken, she’s not a chicken, don’t you dare say that, that’s why, did you fall in love with her, allah, go home, what do you say, my love? olga, find the number of the person from the law office who helped them expose these
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scammers from the matrix company. wait a second. here you are. ah, viktor semyonovich. hello. we need your services again. no, not gradov’s company, but me personally, but i need to collect incriminating evidence on one private person, everything that he, or rather she, can hide. i understand that this is not exactly your profile, but i'm ready pay all necessary expenses. thank you.
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good afternoon, good afternoon, how can i help you? i need a good bouquet, no problem, for a celebration or a date, i need a good bouquet. for a very good person, natasha, some nice bouquet, this is for you, natasha, this is unexpected for you. thank you, natasha, i wanted to talk to you, let's
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have lunch today, excuse me, i'm at work, let's have dinner, i'll pick you up in the evening, after work, of course, dinner is also cancelled. "let's just take a walk, chat, please, okay, see you, information from reliable sources, here is her purpose, you see, onka dispensary, your wife is possibly seriously ill, and you left her? but i didn’t know, she didn’t tell me, i would never, you me i’m sorry, i have no right to interfere in
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your family affairs, but you have the opportunity to fix everything, and i hope you will make the right decision, sorry, where did you get this data and why do you care, but this is not my little secret. i can see how good people suffer, all the best, everything, everything, but how... marina, marina is not very good, she is reaping the fruits of her boundless freedom, your son is also suffering, he is completely absorbed in work,
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yes, work, work, the best cure for melancholy, tell me, why did you decide to become a florist, you they love flowers, but actually i dreamed of becoming an architect, like my husband, we studied at the university together, met there, got married, then kolya appeared, we never finished college, yes, i decided that family would come first for me , so i don’t regret anything, and then the flowers are the same architecture, look, the severity of the lines, the slenderness of the form, the combination of colors, only the material is alive, and you know that chorizonthemes are my favorite flowers, and it seemed to me that you are a very delicate, fragile, persistent flower.
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sorry, it somehow happened naturally, i have to go, let's take another walk, no, thanks for the flowers, but i really have to go, i'll give you a ride, natasha, please, natasha, natasha! “i will be waiting for you here, in this place, at this very time. natasha, it’s you, dear, i’m back, you forgot something,
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forgive me, please, you can, i didn’t understand something, i’m back, i’m sorry , but what about tanya, tanya, tanya, there is someone to take care of tanya, her mother can do anything, rip someone’s throat out, take out their brains, yes, that’s why you came back, no, natasha, i came back because of you, i know what you’re like health problems, and i don’t intend to leave you at such a difficult moment, that’s where it comes from? you know, well, alla told me, egor’s woman, hmm, i see, natasha, aren’t you happy with me at all, or what? i'm glad, fedya, i'm glad, well then
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don't look at me like i'm... a microbe, everything will get better with you very soon, no, nothing things won’t work out for us, i mean, because it never would have happened before, never. kostya, i’m cold, catch up, i’m waiting for you, hoo, hello, debtor, forgot about me, so i
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decided to remind you, i. i’ll give you everything down to the penny, just don’t touch it, you’re afraid, it ’s good, otherwise i thought, i’ve become quite brave, you don’t want to pay off your debts, don’t touch it, i ’ll give you everything, i gave you my word, but no, let me go painfully, in short , kostya, you knew me from the good side, from the bad side, if you want, no, give me a week, i’ll find this money, if you want to waste time, then i won’t help you i advise you, i have my own rules, well done, i see, you catch on the fly, take care of yourself, yes, you have 3 days, marinochka, pick up the phone, i ask you, pick up the phone, well, kostya,
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who were you talking to? yes, no one, give me the phone, calm down, let's go, i 'm asking you, who were you talking to, you called that loser again, who is marina, former future or maybe she's real, womanizer, i hate you, don't calm down, krista, they called me by robot, i have nothing with her, you see, i know yours from work, listen, kostya, you watch carefully, otherwise i’ll leave you you without your instrument, chris, let's go to the cafe, let's go, okay. i am proud that i have not betrayed either my pioneer oath, or the party anniversary, or the military squat, on the eightieth anniversary of gennady zyuganov, the advantage of this place, you know what, all the opponents are in the palm of your hand, as long as i have been working in the state duma,
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i have known him for as long, somewhere it will be simple. like a tank, insist on your own. the idea of ​​justice and socialism has been exposed by our thousand-year-old culture. she saved the world from fascism. she allowed us to become ourselves cosmic. and the bravest powers gennady andreevich dzhiganov, he is consistent, principled in his positions, his assessments, he never hid them, solidarity is the main weapon, now we must definitely win, he survived, he survived both as a politician and as a sincere person, era disappear, but he remains. truth of zyuganov, premiere on june 26 on rtr. the most cruel aristocrat in history, i am the power here, i am
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the power, the bloody lady and other historical series, only on the platform we watch, watch. if we have sports, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national holiday, we love traditions, honor our history, value family and strong relationships. and we admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. did you promise
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to take care of me? let's get started. premiere on rtr. you shouldn’t trust artyom so unconditionally. are you worried now? no, you control me and my life. when big money is at stake, pay attention. the survival game begins, they killed, all the evidence points to you, christina is arrested, i i’ll get you out of here, trust me, justice, prison for the murderers, you and i are a factory, behind seven seals, we are now talking about your freedom, just sign it will all end, on monday on rtr.
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hello, oh, you scared me, did we agree to meet, are you here, what are you doing? i'm waiting for you, preparing dinner. well, when you finally understand that i’m ready to wait for you forever, like a dog, there’s no need anymore, why is that? you and i will not meet again, i met another woman, okay, so be it. but let me stay today. please return the keys.


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