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tv   Za semyu pechatyami  RUSSIA1  June 21, 2024 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

10:20 pm
hello, oh, you scared me, did we ever agree to meet, are you here, what are you doing, i’m waiting for you, preparing dinner, but when will you finally understand that i’m ready to wait for you forever, like a dog. no longer needed, why? you and i will not meet again, i met another woman, okay, so be it, but let me stay for today, return the keys, please.
10:21 pm
here you go, just make sure that you don’t return them to me with an apology, we have a contract signing tomorrow, a very difficult day, well, you are egor. cracker, who can you fall in love, you callous cracker, stay happy.
10:22 pm
hello marin, hello! kolya, i wanted to, i brought you the keys, answer, answer, well, answer, answer. come on, kostya, i don’t
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want to talk to you, kolya, kolya, wait, kolya, let’s talk, please listen to me, talk to him. again, get away from her, i understand, fuck you, puppy.
10:24 pm
marinochka, you have to give me a second chance, go away, marinochka, i love you, yes, then i didn’t want a child, but i realized everything, forgive me, marinochka, get up, forgive me, you see, i, i’m lying around with you at your feet, stand up it’s sickening to look at you, i don’t love you, i never loved you, i didn’t love you, but, but love is a gainful thing, you, don’t forget that you, that is, we are waiting, waiting for a child, this is my child, no, this our baby, marinechka, i won’t rush you, but i have one small request to you, marinochka, i really need money, who, this is a matter of life and death, now go away, thank you, marinochka.
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marina, could you lend me the same amount, get out, i ’ll give you everything, i said, i said, get out. marinochka, thank you, dear, chris, come out, chris, thank you, do you hear, sheep? leave kosya alone, this is my man. oh, god, how tired of you all are to me, and... can you even hear me? just make sure i don't hear you anymore. understood me? yes, some kind of fool,
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hello, egor, and i was afraid that you... would come, i came, i came to say that we don’t need to see each other anymore, why? because my husband came back to me, because you also have someone, the salyms broke up, and you have absolutely nothing to do with it, because i i think that you can’t stay with a person you don’t love, but you still love your husband, i knew it, natasha, listen to me, you have to stop. sacrifice yourself, all kindness has a limit, it’s time for you to think about yourself, thank you for your concern, but i don’t owe anyone anything, take better care of your daughter, i think that kolya will forgive her, but he needs time, she’s
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very hard, wait, take my business card, if you need my help, promise that you will call me. okay, hello, marin, hello, you're already home, i'll be there now i’ll come for you, which means you won’t go anywhere, no one will ask you. dad, you don’t understand me, i won’t go anywhere with you, you will live with me, this issue is resolved, but i said no, you want
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to get freedom, you already got it, get independence in all its glory, you understand, what is it like to raise a child alone, it’s torn between before... and work, you understand, you won’t improve, i didn’t cope, it’s my mistake, but i want, i want to fix it, you understand, how you want to put me at home, like when - i put my mother in prison, you didn’t you're afraid that i'll run away too, please don't touch mom, dad, i love you very much, dad, but this is my life, and i won't allow either... you, or kostya, or anyone else to interfere with it, i i’ll decide everything myself, you understand, please go away, okay.
10:29 pm
hello, natalya sergeevna, marina, come in, you’ll forgive me for intruding , i just don’t have anyone else to come to, you know, i grew up without a mother and it’s very difficult for me to understand some things. things, the father was probably right, i can’t cope, i ’ll be a bad mother for this child, from an unloved person, he will remind me all my life of my mistakes, of my broken happiness, probably before it’s too late,
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it’s better to fix everything, start life from scratch, you’re wrong, there will be no life from scratch, it will be even worse, you’re not alone, understand, you have a father, you have me, i will always help you, i’m not afraid, it’s difficult. “i ’m afraid that i’ll hate this child, i ’ll ruin his life, i’d rather hate myself, i deserve it, don’t you dare say that, and don’t even dare think that, and i’ve already decided everything, so this is what, you’ve come to for me a blessing for abortion, or what? no, that won’t work." listen, we need to, we just need to calm down now, let’s drink tea and decide
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what we’ll do next, wait. thank you, good afternoon, good afternoon, who are you seeing? i’m seeing yegor andreevich. are you by appointment? no, i’m not by appointment, but i really need it urgently. kolya, make some stronger coffee. what are you doing here? i really need yegor andreevich, but he’s not available at the department. i can tell you. help with something? i think not. the question concerns his daughter. did something stupid. well, much more, you know, marina is an adult girl, she is able to solve her problems herself, yes, but, but i
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will definitely inform yegor as soon as he is free to find marina, that’s all i can do for you at the moment , all the best, i understand, thank you, yes, please, your coffee, olechka, i signed the documents, signed, signed, thank you. i’m so glad that i immediately, drink, i don’t want,
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but what do you want, but i don’t want anything, no one needs me, this is my life, it ’s not true, i need you. come on, get dressed let's go home, get up, come on, come on, come on, marina, marina, mom, she's nowhere to be found. kolya,
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look, what is this? this is a medical center, i took her there for a consultation. let's go, let's go. girl, have you read the contract, will you sign it? we will not perform any manipulations without your signature. where, young man, man, should i stand, man, you have already been told, marina, well, let me go. kolya, young man, well, let me know
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if you're crazy, kolya, marina, marina, wait, calm down, we're leaving now, okay, marish, mararishka, let's go, let's go. let's go, from the hero!
10:36 pm
so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday. will find it even cooler,
10:37 pm
you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin , the whole crew, just on the platform we look, “catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people think proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy
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? yes, m, m, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula on saturday on rtr oh , marinochka, i ran, i have to go, that’s it, come on, yeah, i’ll accompany you, yes, come on, let's go, so if this guy comes around again,
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call me right away, got it? yes, yegor andreevich, nikolai, i’m glad that you’re back, and so am i, hello, dad, hello, maryana, well, i ’ll probably go, i’m late for work, come on, that’s it, marish, bye. goodbye, come in, uh-huh, dad, you'll have coffee, sit down, come on, come on now. dad, forgive me, please
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, forgive me too, it’s all because of me, let’s not talk about this anymore, natasha saved me, and that’s the most important thing, natasha, she, she’s very good, if i were her, i’d have eyes for someone else tore it out, she, she saved me, yes, natasha, she is amazing, she... usually, you are not indifferent to her, dad, well then why are you inactive, in my opinion, the flower queen needs to be conquered. isn't it, the flower queen got her king back, that's why the fairy tale ends, dad, what are you doing, but you
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understand perfectly well that natasha will not be happy with him, you are wasting precious time together, please promise me that you will talk to her , let's! you also promise me that you won’t do anything stupid, i promise, we’ll drink coffee, come on, come on, oh, here are the new owners of our store, hello, darling, give you...
10:42 pm
you can be charged for non-compliance, you can . it’s as simple as that, we decided not to fire you , write at your own request, we’ll come back later, i hope you’re already here by this time there won't be andre, yes, dear. natasha, polina, don’t even tell me anything, no, well, you could ask somehow, but there, and i’m not going to ask anyone to humiliate themselves, don’t worry, i won’t get lost, hello, hello, lord, and you are what is here you do, it's a child. fedora, yes, yes, natasha, calm down, girl,
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go away, please, take this, go away , please go away, natasha! tatyana, wait, everything will be fine, you hear, everything will be fine. fyodor, you already know, well, yes, and what are you going
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to do, natasha, i don’t know, i’m confused, my son despises me, you, stanius, you are both dear to me , she’s pregnant and lives with that family terrorist nadezhda andreevna, and you, by the way, how was your examination? everything is fine, there are a few tests left, but i’m sure everything is fine, so come on, fedor, take your things, take tatyana, and build your life, and i will build mine, you ’re sure, yes. i'm a charysanthemum, why? no, nothing, with kolya, just have a heart-to-heart talk,
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he will understand. hello, good afternoon, who would you like the bouquet for? where is natalya? hello, hello! natalia no longer works here, the new owners of the store fired her, how did they fire her, for what? because she is beautiful and proud, she didn’t please either the owner or the owner, if you understand what i mean, more than anything, could you give me the contacts of these owners, of course, please, andrey vasilievich, thank you. all the best, goodbye, what? yeah,
10:46 pm
oops, hi, dad, well, i warned you, get away from her, and get away yourself, kostya, kostya, let him go, let him run, kostya said, get away, let him go, get out, get out of here, let's leave from here, come here, kolya, come here, kolya, stop it, sit down, are you like, i'm fine, are you like, it's all good, and you're on time, yes, at least once in your life, what's here, to talk, i wanted
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to talk, what to talk about? "i returned to tatyana, you will soon have a brother or sister, congratulations, just great, stop it, don’t you understand that this will be better for everyone now, and i don’t understand anything anymore, let’s go, let’s go, kolya, maybe we...” let’s have some tea, let’s go, why are you up, thank you , of course, only the cake is a little wrinkled, it’s okay, since you’re like, kostya, kostya, kostya, kostya, are you leaving me, going to this loser, i’m tired of you all, leave me alone, you kuskies, hello, kostya, i. eh,
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no, dear, that won’t work, debts must be repaid, hello, hello, what the hell are you doing? let's go, i want to pull you out of the abyss of the belt, let's go, are you laughing or something, why am i laughing, really, i want to help, polina , so much has fallen on me, let's go, i say, wait, something happened, happened, in general, our new owners, they are no longer owners, the store has a new owner, let's go, you! must go back to work, who is this new owner? you, really, congratulations, oh, how interesting, i hope you don’t forget your friend, natul, egor, egor.
10:49 pm
hello, hello, i didn’t expect to see you here, but i’m selling the house, my daughter says, dad, stop living in the past, marina is right, we don’t need to cling to what doesn’t allow us to move forward. even if our past turned out to be ideal for us, listen, egor, i am very grateful to you for your gift, but i can’t accept it, why? because it's strange, because it's indecent, who and you, you are my light.
10:50 pm
“you are my beloved woman, thanks to you i realized that i can be happy again, i love you, natasha, natasha, natasha, natasha, natasha, yeah.” well, we woke up, give me your hand, we can fly into space, why are you my dear are you scaring your husband like that? which husband? i don’t know, he’s standing in the corridor, should i call him? wait, doctor, what about my tests?
10:51 pm
everything is fine, are you healthy? but what about my fainting spells? well, i don’t know why they happen to you, it’s better for you to know whether it’s from grief or joy. yes, you can, oh, here’s your husband, they admitted, in general, i won’t detain you any longer, your wife’s performance is like that of an astronaut, thank you, thank you, you’re welcome, can you imagine, well, they didn’t want to let me in, i had to pack it up, i i realized, well... let's go home, astronaut, let's go, yeah.
10:52 pm
let's be careful, natasha, have we already arrived, that's it, we've arrived, yes, you've already prepared everything, yes, the cake is ready, the room too, your hair is disheveled, and you're feeling very overwhelmed, give us balloons, flowers, oh, well, here we are, hello! hello, hello, hello, hello, yegor andreevich, yes, congratulations, congratulations to you, oh, beautiful, yes, so serious, all like dad, well, it’s understandable, what they called it, natasha,
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there wasn’t even a doubt here, my girls, well what, let's celebrate, let's celebrate, yes, definitely. and we have news for you, what, what, wow, wow, we congratulations, congratulations, thank you, happiness, dad, happiness.
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10:55 pm
it’s good, a break, why are you renewing yourself, it’s not hard for me, but why this crap, lord, let me help myself, why are you, and
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oh, you can’t have a cat, but why... why a cat, why, we know why, we need to make the room habitable, and we’ll send the mother earring ahead instead of the cat, move, sergey, quietly, seryozha, katya, katya, where are you going? seryozha, it’s gas!
10:57 pm
the new ones have arrived, kalya, kalina, my god, she’s already dirty, well, well, that’s why our house, i see, oh, it’s already shooting, my god, it wasn’t enough for us to end up in the hooligan yard, mom, what can we do to help? oh, sergey, come on, give me a portrait, on dad, they’re knocking, oh, behind
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the wall, hold it , come on, i’m holding it, i’m holding it, i’m holding it, don’t, don’t need it, don’t need it, i myself, come on, myself, herself. yourself, hold it, it’s so good, seraphima, now this one, i don’t need you anymore, ksenia nikolaevna, i myself, and you wash your hands and have lunch, you still have rehearsals today, go, go, go, go, go, go,
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here, hold it, nuka, make way, make way, oh, where did he go, oh, girls, he’s coming now i think he’ll jump there towards me, no, no, antika, no, no, jump.
11:00 pm
oh, how reluctant i am to go to the music, but don’t go , just like that, well, well, like that, don’t go and that’s it, get dressed quickly, let’s go. boy, boy, why are you laughing, you understand that in this form you cannot go to the music, whose boy is this, girls, whose boy is this, well, i don’t know, nothing, i sit, go , go, go, go, you’ll tear your ear off, but how long do i have to sit here, until the new tenants arrive, until then you’ll sit.
11:01 pm
the driver who transported us, come in, please come in, right? good afternoon, hello, excuse me, thank you for remembering, but they didn’t even say what my name was, i’m nikolai, i’m walking, and he’s looking for someone, looks around, but i remembered, you were upset about the cat, and in general, yes,
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i think i’ll come in and see how things are settled in the new place. sit down, no, thank you, i ’ll stand, put on your jacket. i’ll soon say goodbye to the lorry, it’s transferring to a passenger car, redheads, good one!
11:03 pm
who are you? yes, so, i served my time here, but go free! hello, hello, we are neighbors, so am i i came to meet you, and you come in, come in, koshirin, dmitry fedorovich, and i ’ll be davidov’s counter, it’s very nice, but
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where are your little ones, that’s all here. that's it, that's it, i'm a geologist, then i'll give you a folding bed, i have it, hello, hello, this is mine, are you sure that it's yours, i'm sure, oh, look, palace, what are you doing, here's my mother, that you still have these stood for a while. thank you very much, that means you are our neighbor, davidov. yeah, sergey. sergei, my uncle has
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a story, but there’s nowhere to hang it. but for a nail, there is no nail. now i'll give you a nail. well big thank you, come here, hold it, sergey davidov, what is this? and this is radiant pyrite, such a mineral, where did you find it? on the banks of the volga. he has this kind of work, he walks all over the earth and looks for stones, well, yes, yes, this kind of work, you know what nails are made of, what, iron, that’s right, but whoever finds iron, geologists, a geologist on earth will find it such a thing and he will say to himself, and somewhere nearby there is iron, interesting, interesting, this and that,
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but to be a geologist, you know what you need, i know, you need speed. study, look what smart little lenushka, but besides this you also need to be able to get up early when everyone is sleeping, when you don’t want to get up in the cold, brush your teeth, brush your teeth well, and hit the road, seryozha, go now, excuse me, please, go wash, how about you want to go to dirty people, goodbye, excuse me, please, here you go on your muck, this is not muck, this is radiant pyrite, come on sergey, come here, dad, why are you choking. yes, wait, don’t turn around, well, you don’t have to turn your head, i can, well, wait, go, seryozha
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1935, 1941, what are you, earring, little or something, wait, i need to point out, i laid out my rubbish here again, also minerals, rubbish. dmitry fetrovich has been dealing with this rubbish all his life, rubbish, and what ’s good never happens at home, and this is not necessary, you promised to take care of, come on , why, the premiere on rtr, you shouldn’t trust artyom so unconditionally, now i’m worried about you, no, you control me and my life, when big money is at stake, be careful, the game of survival begins, they killed, all the evidence. they point at you. christina has been arrested. i'll get you out of here. trust me. justice of systemic
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fear. prison for murderers, factory for you and me. behind seven seals. we are talking about your freedom now. just sign it will be over. on monday on rtr. so, you have two children. how do you know? it's written in the script. this definitely can’t be, at that time i was single four times, lay it on the table, i’ll be there soon, at 2:00 a.m. my neighbor rushed up to me, screaming so loudly, the hammer drill fell out of my hands, humor, humor, humor, premiere in sunday on rtr, i'm for the men died, died. holy shit, there would be no happiness, i predict that something very, very good will soon happen in your life, so good
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that you will grab your head, but the dress helped, when you wear it, your whole life will change, but i don’t know what should i change, you are an amazing woman, a woman of dreams, a woman of mystery, i actually went through some strange streak, first this artist, then a man on the beach, maybe you’ve turned yourself into a man, it seems to me? i have roman, who do you have, roman, at your age, sasha, one, two, three, third who, dress the color of the sea, premiere, give me a second chance, you want to come back, on saturday on rtr. but now i’ll come back , i won’t go anywhere else, i promise you, you hear, i promise that nothing
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will happen to me there, and not you, i feel sorry for myself, you know, with difficulty, let’s go, goodbye, davidovs, goodbye, i i'll accompany you, okay, here you go! where's the mother? in the yard, mom, well , happily, katyusha, thank you very much for leaving again? again, well, let me throw it in, but no, no need, feed the owner, let’s go, where did daddy come from? well, you'll feed me, stickleback, take it i’m in the kitchen myself, what are you saying, i’m going to die, here we go again, 25,
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i’d try that myself, it doesn’t start at all, well, it’s not like that. right away, well, lida, i ’ll be there soon, it’s a suitcase, and goodbye, goodbye, seryozha, goodbye, dmitry, well, here we are again, for a long time now, i don’t know, maybe for a month, or maybe for a month and a half, great , after all, sand, karakum, azis, it’s interesting to live like this, isn’t it? well, who cares? katya’s
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starting to feel like it might hurt you, mom, that’s already yes, yeah, naka, allow the citizenship. nothing, nothing, don't worry, mom, nothing, go, come, here, here, please, oh, mom, it’s okay, go, maybe everything will resolve itself, mom, why is he making me laugh, you go with her, i’m a husband, go away, husband, katya, katya, you they definitely came, they definitely came, oh,
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how good. why are you lagging behind, little darling, it’s time to start your own, all about consolation, i’ll have time, but who knows, i might be late for you, little girl, you’ll put it in class like that, i’m going, hello, hello, yes, what don’t you want today go to the music, but you don’t go, well, yes, music... the actress is almost the most important, but what kind of actress is you, you’re a belly, yes, yes, if you want to know, people grow up to 25 years old, maybe you wonder who was born to us, a boy or a girl, everything, girl, was there, well, 4 kg, 150 g, good, a lot, a little, more than the norm,
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god, you who knows, go, little ring, come, my dears, sit down. now you need to eat, well, all the nannies are like that, well... hello, little sister, just, excuse me, i need to go to the davidovs, to the davidovs there, please forgive me, it’s okay, it’s okay, you were born in a line,
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11:16 pm
well, , put it there, i’ll clean it up, let’s go, yes, sorry, hello, litochka, meet me, this is my eldest, yes, we have already met, wash, wash, yours, and you , alidochka, also drop everything and come to celebrate with us, thank you, and how... did you name your granddaughter, after all, t-shirt, t-shirt is a good name , oh, my god, the devil looks like his father,
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and a t-shirt. and now for katyusha, i don’t need it anymore, for, no, no, for our katya, for grandma, not for the baby, irina, i’ll be completely drunk, but don’t drink, don’t drink, ku, bastards,
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cursing for fate, dragging along with intelligence on his shoulders, that seryozhenka, ludion, well, let's drink to dmitry fedorovich, thank you, seryozh, this is my husband, it’s a pity that he’s not here, otherwise he would also drink to the t-shirt, go to bed, it’s time, thank you, candidate, i’ll go, leave already, yes, i have to get up early. all the best, good night, goodbye, good night, seryozha, and bring the folding bed son, now mom,
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kostenka won’t be able to breathe in the smoke, okay, let’s smoke in the corridor, where are we going?
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i won’t interfere, no, it’s okay, i’m with a cigarette, it’s okay, please sit down, it’s okay, it’s okay, don’t worry. did you even come on vacation? yes, two months old, i’m planning to go to the sea in sochi, to the rkk sanatorium, never before i didn’t relax in the sanatorium, it’s very interesting, but
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for now i’ll stay here for two weeks with the old people, ma, where is kostya?


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