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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  June 22, 2024 8:20am-8:35am MSK

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the girls from belarus performed well, we are very glad that we were invited to these competitions, to the international association, this is another platform for the development of our wonderful sport, rhythmic gymnastics, all the performances, she is next to them, watching the successes of the academy students, so that support, finds the right words, in a good mood and just do the elements, from start to finish, no trifles, fight for every element, it’s clear they fought. here are the seniors, a team from nizhny novgorod, coming out on the carpet, the most spectacular exercise - three ribbons, two balls, easily, gracefully, with endless charm, impeccable accuracy, highest score, team of ladies of heavenly grace, first in the all-around, it was a pleasure to perform, incredible support, immediate motivation, desire to do the exercise, show all your character , our team showed all its character in the final matches. fencing,
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gold in the women's rapier and this is the first team victory, followed by the men's epee, again a meeting between russians and belarusians, everything was decided in the last battle, they followed each other teams on points, but our artyom sargsyan did what seemed impossible, he played eight injections in three seconds. another injection from artyom sargsyan, 34:26, 50 sets of awards were played out today in kazan, there are two more days of competition ahead: finals in boxing, judo, football... wrestling and acrobatic rock and roll, but in the overall medal standings, the russian team won ahead of schedule. olga armyakova, alena osipov, oksana serzhantova and vitaly marchenko, lead. in kolyma we celebrated the vevensky new year, hebdenek. it is celebrated at dawn, this is the time of awakening of nature after a long, harsh winter, it is at the end of june, beginning of july, that the first red fish, a traditional treat, begins to enter the sea of ​​okhotsk and the rivers of the magadan region. with
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unites people in camps, warms the traditional feeding of the fire. a bonfire in the long cold winter, now it is customary to thank it and ask for good luck in the new year. any food is suitable for serving prayers for the day of conversion, asking for a good future life.
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they go to make a wish, tying ribbons, everything was peaceful, everything is fine with us, eats himself, inside his voice, so that everything is fine, as it should be, guests are greeted with treats for the new year, each district of the magadan region has its own yurt, at the entrance to severoevenskaya guests are offered two dishes at once, green soup, salmon soup, fish soup, meat venison soup from eleven. we probably cooked for up to 3 hours. at habda, kovno housewives try to set the tables following traditional recipes: fish, red caviar, dishes that are served in the herding camps. when you arrive at a camp, there is always meat, broth, fish, stroganina, well, this is what we have, in the camp there are always flatbreads, because there is no bread, they always make flatbreads. magadan is currently hosting the shining from the north festival, which brought together participants from different northern regions of russia. oksana baschenko and vasily
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kuratov from sektavkar decided to get acquainted with the traditions of the evens at the magadan hepdenek. we practice folk dance and work with children. and now to see that it really is, that it really is all real, and it’s just very cool, it’s very impressive. how do you like the treat? the treat was very tasty, we seemed to have eaten a little, but we were full so quickly, we ate the soup, yes, we tried the fish. the evyansky new year is celebrated when the first red fish enters the kolyma rivers and the sea of ​​okhotsk. it is believed that the success of the upcoming big fishing will depend on the hospitality and hospitality at khpdnek. lyudmila shcherbakova, alexander feshchenko, host magadan. vesti monitors developments in russia and abroad. stay with us. from the heroes of bygone times.
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they whistle across the steppe, the dust blows under our boots, while we remember, we sing, the flames rage all around to the coolies, the great and terrible scorch we need alone. al altai, a majestic mountainous country,
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nature has generously rewarded this region with picturesque green valleys and waterfalls. mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers are especially rich in belukha glaciers, a two-headed sacred mountain where, according to legend, one can find the entrance to shambhala. belukha is the highest point of siberia, and the cradle of the great altai river, kotumi. lake teletskoye, altai has always been a source legends and myths, and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just like many centuries ago, you can’t help
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but see colors. it’s not my fault, i was driving through a flashing yellow light, where there are scenes of jealousy, maybe you need help, i’m offering you a job, simple duties, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, hourly pay, friendship can’t be bought, i’m deceiving you, i bastard, but take your suitcase, leave, but love is not for sale, that's where everyone is? all normal men, no love, no nothing, deception and lies, i’m still going somewhere i was in a hurry, solving a bunch of problems, but now there is an intersection, what needs to be done, we need to act, today on the rtr, the floor is threatening,
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the hay is shaking, big changes have come, a new season with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand we create three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without a face, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i generally a plant maniac, from the living room of our heroes soon real stone flowers will bloom, after dismantling, a lot will become... clear, and dreams become reality, as you look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, sealed with seven seals in
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previous episodes, well, let this be my last will , anna safonova, knowing about her diagnosis, makes an important statement, all her property, i’m transferring it to you, yes, this is responsible, but you can do anything, i really believe in you, why do you need this, the unexpectedly appeared heiress immediately declare war, now we must stick together and not let this freiduk does not want to take over our money , our factory, in fact, this scoundrel is also part of our family, but who is she really, the new owner of the sweet empire, who benefited from eliminating safonov, who? it’s elementary for the one who took her place, in order for the charges against you to be dropped, you need to sign some papers, you don’t have an alebi, i have an alibi, sealed with seven seals, continuation, we’ll watch it on monday on rtr.
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we continue to broadcast the broadcast; at least 47 people, according to the latest data, have become victims. thousands of houses hundreds of square kilometers territories, transport links were disrupted and the strongest in modern history, power supplies were flooded, schools, kindergartens, shops and government organizations were not working, hundreds of thousands of residents were evacuated, even according to preliminary data, the damage from the disaster will be calculated. coastal areas of mexico are trying to cope with the consequences of hurricane
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alberta, which passed along the atlantic coast, reporting at least four deaths and dozens of injuries. the water subsided quite quickly, but many roads were washed away, hundreds of houses and cars were damaged. natural disasters in the country this year have affected the harvest, with many crops destroyed. in addition to mexico, the hurricane also affected the coastal areas of the us state of texas. it was flooded there. after a short lull in kamchatka, the karymsky volcano woke up, despite its small size, about one and a half kilometers above sea level, the giant is one of the most active in the world; over the past 100 years, scientists have recorded at least twenty eruptions, due to such activity and potential danger karymsky under constant supervision of volcanologists. and chukotka air ambulance doctors performed a complex operation; they evacuated the sailor from the deck
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of a trawler located in the bering sea; the victim received a serious leg injury and needed urgent surgical intervention. footage of rescuers working in a report by veronica takmacheva. almost 2 hours in the air and now in the berening sea a large fishing trawler is already visible, mechanic sezov, on board there is a person who needs help, air ambulance specialists are in a hurry. must be delivered as quickly as possible patient to the chukotka district hospital, a rescuer descends from a helicopter directly onto the deck along a cable, slowly carry the patient here with his head over there. the sailor was seriously injured, he was given first aid on board the ship, they put a splint on him, bandaged him, gave him painkillers, worked in the hold, rode on a conveyor belt and between the conveyors he got his leg chewed, they gave him first aid, and put him on it. the iv splint was punctured, the pain reliever was punctured, the helicopter was called,
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the man was carefully placed on a stretcher and lifted into the air for a rescue operation the team and, of course, the crew of the helicopter, which is hovering above the deck, are closely watching, minutes and patients are already being accepted on board, and here they are being examined by a felcher of the aeromedical team. the journey by sea, air and land is behind us. in the chukotka district hospital , the patient is examined by traumatologists and a decision is made on emergency surgery. a man has fractures due to traumatic skin detachment on his leg. the first day in the early postoperative period he received intensive care in the intensive care unit. at the moment the patient's condition is average the severity is stable, nothing threatens life. feels satisfactory. now the 26-year-old man is already actively recovering. his life is not in danger. i thank the district staff. at the hospital for the prompt assistance provided, they explained everything very well, very good specialists.
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the air ambulance rescue doctors did an excellent job. since the beginning of the year, this is the third such case when patients have to be delivered directly from sea vessels. the specifics of the region are as follows: chukotka is washed by the east siberian, chukotka and bering seas seas, and this is also a large, inaccessible territory, so air ambulances always have work here. only. over the 5 months of this year, air ambulances carried out 287 flights in chukotka, and for the entire last year, 573. these are not just numbers, behind them are hundreds of people who needed medical help, they received it. veronica takmacheva, roman malykhin, vasily, alexander kuzminov, lead chukotka. agronomists in buryatia are actively introducing unmanned aerial vehicles to work in the fields. agrodrone has become an indispensable tool. cereals crops, vasily korenev will talk about how farmers use its advantages.
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a few seconds before takeoff, the iron assistant is being prepared for work. canisters with a volume of 20 liters are already filled with chemical pesticides against weeds. despite its impressive size with six blades, the drone is mobile and maneuverable. this is an agrodrone, or as they also like to call it, an iron bird. it is quite easy to control; first you need to stand up. special agent in the compartment and do not forget to put the battery, also here take control on the controller. on the screen of the control panel there are areas of fields where seed crops are grown, you just need to set the coordinates, the drone will automatically cultivate the area. spraying with this drone can be done manually.


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