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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  June 22, 2024 8:35am-9:01am MSK

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korenev. a few seconds before takeoff. the iron assistant is being prepared for work. canisters with a volume of 20 liters are already filled with a chemical preparation with pesticides against weeds. despite its impressive size with six blades, the drone is mobile and maneuverable. this is an agrodrone or, as they also like to call it, an iron bird. it is quite easy to manage. first you need to insert a special tool into the compartment and do not forget to put the battery in. also here and take control on the controller, on the field area control panel screen, here grow seed crops, you just need to set the coordinates, the drone will automatically process the area, spraying with this drone can be done manually and can also be done automatically. along a given trajectory,
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the agrodrone hovers at a height of 3 m, this is how the product is sprayed evenly, its consumption is much less if the treatment was carried out by a tractor. another advantage is that, let’s say, we have 300, from 150 to 300 liters per hectare - liquid, working fluid, here per hectare there is a total of 20 liters per hectare, well from 10 to 20. in a few minutes, the iron bird processed 2 hectares. buryad farmers intend to master other advantages of the aircraft. the drone can scatter seeds, scatter solid fertilizers in the form of soil. there is no contact with crops, which eliminates their damage. in an hour of operation, the agricultural drone flies about 12 hectares. this method, scientists are sure, will help increase productivity in the republic’s agriculture. vasily korenev, vyacheslav serdyuchenko, lead buryati. in yamal
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, on the territory of obdorsky ostrog, the the permafrost site is being reconstructed. at the same time, scientists are conducting archaeological research into cultural layers. we have already managed to find unique artifacts. specialists from tyumen came to solihart for this work. lala hasanova met with them. for the average person , they look like ordinary stones, but they are at least 6.00 years old. for example, an anvil, and this is an arrowhead. and these are finds closer to our time. perfume bottles, circa 20th century, some even retained liquid. the excavation area is said to be 66 m2. let's imagine a puff a pie where each layer is a whole era, then there is a conventional center, and there is even more delicious filling, the eniolite period, also known as the copper or copperstone age. on the territory of the abdor ostrog, these are the very first traces of ancient people’s habitation. at the bottom we have now begun to uncover the ocher.
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curling irons, that is, this is such an interesting tradition, covering the floor with red paint, so the paint turned out, this is mineral paint, that is, it is actually burnt limonite of iron, it is known, it was very widespread at different times, which means that at the bottom of the house we we find a very large number of finds, olga pashekhonova has been looking into the past for almost 20 years, each time the archaeologist is in anticipation of even more...
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the profession is already a candidate of science. every summer , instead of relaxing on the beach, he prefers to dive into the past with a shovel in his hands. the girl dreams of going to explore the krasnoselkupsky district. for archaeologists there is a real treasure trove of knowledge, like the whole of yamal. the earliest finds are 6.00 years ago, there is a remarkable preservation of ceramics, there is a very amazing production of stone guns all found exhibits will be sent to tyumen for detailed study, and after that they will be transferred to storage in the named museum. in the omsk region, large-scale treatment of forests against silkworms has begun, specialists use a biological preparation, it affects only caterpillars, and is completely harmless to plants and animals, report by alexey grigoriev. along the edge of the forest and strictly downwind, this is how forests in the azov region are being processed against the main enemy of green foliage - the silkworm. such installations throughout there are only a few in russia and from... the entire omsk
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region, there is a tornado aerosol generator, in the mechanism of the device there is even a turbine from the mi-8 helicopter. this is our sock drain, there is a turbine here, which means we get air. through the compressor, which means that everything burns in the combustion chamber, the turbine rotates and we have a very large flow of air coming out through the sub-ventilator, due to this the drug, which is harmful to insects, reaches the tops of the trees, while this treatment is not suitable for anyone except the silkworm harmful, because the substance used for spraying is not poison, the forest is treated with lepidocyme bacteria, which does not affect humans or bees, so it only affects leaf-eating caterpillars. after such treatment of trees , silkworms die; invasions of voracious caterpillars are recorded in the omsk region almost every year. often such a surge occurs once every 5 years and can last for several seasons. the gypsy moth overwinters in
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the warmest places in the forest, closer to the ground, one might say, laying up to 2,000 larvae in the roots of trees on one tree. after the caterpillar is actively hatching. upward, to where there is more light, warmth and food supply. this year, omsk scientists do not expect an invasion of caterpillars as before, but it all depends on the weather. if the temperature rises, we will again face a year of intense overeating, but after all, we think to a lesser extent than last year. thanks to frost, up to 30% of the larvae died this winter; due to the cold and rainy spring , the caterpillars also began to develop later. therefore, the timing of processing forests from silk.
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second, third age to youngest poison this summer , more than 25,000 km of forests in ten districts of the omsk region will be treated by silkworms. in the south , work has already been completed; bolsherechensky, gorky, and tara districts are ahead. alexey grigoriev, egor kireev, vesti omsk. the arctic team arrived in bashkartastan. these are members of the student expeditionary force from the russian technological university. they will be preparing tourism. route in the bashkiria national park, together with them in a deep forest, far from civilization, our correspondent, pavel prolomov. this is how the morning of the capital’s residents begins in an unconventional way: instead of a walk on the moscow patriarchal ponds, a trip to the purest
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bashkir stream, from where the duty officer draws water with buckets for future breakfast. each of the volunteers of the expeditionary force participates in the preparation. one is chopping wood, the other is sawing. the third is preparing food, but the students are not here for idle recreation, they came to work. our corps is engaged in helping nature, helping people in some remote points, remote places. basically we are trying to preserve nature, remove garbage, preserve this property. our film crew also became part of the expedition. having loaded into the so-called loaf, the team went deep into the bashkiria national park, and before they had time to drive away, they were already leaving. here is the first obstacle: egor, your way out. fallen trees, scattered branches, deep holes, frequent obstacles encountered on the tourist route, everything needs to be removed, after just natural disasters, perhaps some hurricanes, it is also possible bears, and moose may also be the cause. did you see a bear in the forest? not yet. but
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the team came across traces of clubfooted animals regularly. bear mail tree, look, bear tinder, they come, rub, and deliberately leave their scent. egor, stand next to me, pay attention. height, that is , it is not his head, it is he who rubs his back, that is , that is, he is approximately tall, well, taller by a whole head, not, not a meter, but 2 and a half, somewhere in principle, most bears, and most of all here, here’s another interesting point, if if you get closer, you can see that the fur of the bear, the last 3 km to the destination were walked, continuing to remove obstacles along the way, the volunteers were not frightened , not by the terrible heat, not by the possibility of meeting a wild animal, everyone was inspired by the expedition, it was in bashkiria that i came. .. help friends, help the reserve, everything is interesting, everything is new, i travel around the country helping people. several hours later, the team finally reached the final point, and this is what the volunteers cleared the way for, an observation
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deck overlooking sakaska island, you must agree, for such beauty it was worth walking several kilometers through a dense forest, admiring the views, and don’t forget about the local inhabitants, in addition to mammals and birds.
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what is the secret, olga durnykh found out. ordinary teenagers chatting with each other playing games on the phone, smiling. you can’t say that this is, perhaps, the smartest, gifted class in the physics and mathematics school. this year , more than 40 graduates scored 100 points on the unified state exam, 12 of them are geniuses. mathematicians, classmates, this is a record in the entire history of the exam, the guys say the secret in sincere love for the queen of sciences. she often shows us how it is applied in life, well , we maintain friendly relations with our teacher, we just have a lot of fun being in class, discussing not only mathematics, but sometimes such everyday topics, she gave us chupa chups for exams so that we were especially joyful, so that we would get in the mood, everything would be great, well... it worked, yes , apparently, of course, of course, these are chubachi from marina viktorovna, they are magical, like
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the training system itself, really marina viktorovna he says there is no special methodology, even the lesson plan sometimes changes to suit the situation or the mood of the children. he is very proud of his students, even after winning the olympiads, which for many already guaranteed admission to a university, they did not relax and counted only on themselves. and cheat sheets won’t help much there, but why? well, if only you have some formulas, i forget that it’s possible. nobody expected that there would be so many perfectly working heads in one class; the record now risks turning into a global tea party. i promised everyone a cake, here it is now i need 12 cakes, but there are still those who received 99 points, i understand that one point is not so little and not so much, and i will also have to put them in total... this is what satisfied teachers say, not a point at the end
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of school life, but a bold exclamation point, the next issues have no way out, a record is a record to break. olga durnykh, sergey serodyukov, host novosibirs. the drone control tournament is the final test of the summer engineering school at tomsk university. students master drones and get the opportunity to feel like real designers. vladislav. otmakhov talked with young engineers. schoolboy arkady zakirov, without looking at the joystick , immediately overtakes his opponent by a lap. his drone overcomes obstacles and returns to its original position at rapid speed. he is not the most experienced pilot, but he can give lessons himself. we need to settle down. it's very difficult at first. there is a button to the side, tilt left and right, turn left and right. while some are competing in speed, others are working on technique, learn to maneuver with help. metal cage with holes, my first time flying a drone, but
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it will take time to master this skill as young competitors. miniature drones are issued for training to quickly master flight skills, they have guards installed on the propellers to provide additional safety, but the first dive is always through a pilot simulator. at the site of the summer school on drones gathered those who today are interested in drones from creation to piloting, obtained skills will be useful in any field. will be useful, starting... with some simple shooting, yes, video advertising and so on, right up to the same geodesy, archeology, any, any direction, engineering, this is understandable, assembly, now, unfortunately, it has come unstuck hand, now i’ll tidy it up. in the next room of the engineering school, children are busy creating a hydraulic arm, using the movement of water through the tubes, the device performs an action. the hydraulic arm works by pumping liquid into it; it cannot handle heavy loads. will handle it. with a cardboard cup, it’s quite good; if you make such
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a device from metal, it will be able to perform complex and useful tasks, but the operating principle is the same. if it were not made of cardboard, then it would be possible, for example, to lift building materials to some floor with the help of a hand. schoolchildren come here not for diplomas, but for practical knowledge; some have even learned how to make drones with their own hands; perhaps, thanks to such training, young talents in the future will become... world- famous engineers. vladislav otmakhov, andrey stepanov, leading tomsk. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website and to this. that's it, we are monitoring developments. see you! dear friends! on the air of the russia tv channel, a festive concert dedicated to victory day. on stage is the russian national
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youth symphony orchestra, conductor alexey rubin. state academic choir named after yurlov. state academic russian choir named after sveshnikov. artistic director of groups, people's artist of russia, gennady dmitryak. honored artist of russia, ildar abdrazakov. songs of victory. the apple and pear trees were blooming, the fog floated over the river, they came out onto the bank, kotyusha, onto the high
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bank above the gruta. turn the boy on a high day to a steep day, she went out and started a song, about the steppe gray eagle, about the one she loved, about the one whose letters she took care of, about the one she loved, about the one, the story is very written, oh, you are a song, a song derichka, you are an ice... and beyond the clear light of the sun, say hello to the fighter on the far border, from katyosha, you are a fighter from the frontier guard, open your ears and say hello, let him remember the girl in between, let him hear her sing, let him
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protect his native land, and save katyusha’s love, let... i want to invite my colleague, my friend, to this stage , this is a wonderful musician, kuraist, this is a folk musical
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instrument of bashkiria, robert yuldashev.
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roads, dust and fog, cold, anxiety, and steppe storms, we cannot know.
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oh, dears, the dust of the datums, the cold, the anxiety, and the steppe storm. he fires a shot, the conversation
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circles, my friend lies in buryaan, lifeless, and the road continues to rush. fog, cold, anxiety, and a steppe storm,
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the edge of the pine trees, the sun is rising. here at the porch of the native, the mother is waiting for her son, she is closed with curtains, canopies, fire pits, and is suffocated by a furnace.
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osobis nie.
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let’s sing, friends, because tomorrow we’ll go on a hike, we’ll go into the pre-dawn fog, let’s sing more cheerfully, let the battle captain sing to us in the hay.


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