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tv   Sto k odnomu  RUSSIA1  June 22, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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victory day, how far it was from us, how coals were melting in a fire, there were miles and miles of scorch. washed, we brought this day closer as best we could, this day of victory, the city disappeared, this is a holiday, with light on the streets, this is joy with tears in our eyes, victory day, victory day.
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they took us away, we brought this day closer as best we could, this day of victory, disappeared like gunpowder, this is a holiday, gray hairs on the scales, this is joy with tears in our eyes, a day of victory, a day of victory.
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victory day, hello mom, not all of us have returned, let’s run through the dew, half of europe squander. and half the earth, we brought this day closer as best we could, this day of victory, disappeared like gunpowder, this is a holiday, in the balance, this is joy, with tears in our eyes, the day of victory, the day of victory, the day of victory, geta
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zen pabeda, porapada, this holiday, gray hair on the weight, geta with tears in the eyes, day of celebration, day of celebration.
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good, my dear, why are you bothering yourself, it’s not hard for me, but why this nasty thing, lord, let me help myself. well, why are you, oh, you can’t have a cat, but why a cat, why, we know why, we need to make the room habitable, and we we’ll send the mother earring forward instead of the cat, move, sergey, quietly, katya, katya, where did you go, oh well, never mind,
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hello new guys! halya, halina, god, she’s already dirty, well, well, that’s why our house, i see, we’re already shooting ourselves, my god,
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it wasn’t enough for us to end up in a hooligan yard, mom, why help, oh, sergei, well -ka, give me a portrait, on... dad, they're knocking, oh, behind the wall, hold it, let's, hold it, hold it, hold it, don't, don't need it, don't need it, i myself, come on, myself, myself, myself , hold it, that’s good, serafin. now this one, you are no longer for me needed, ksenia nikolaevna, i myself, and you wash your hands and have lunch, you still have rehearsals today, go, go, go, go, go, go,
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come on, make way, make way, oh, where are you going, oh, girls, now he’ll jump, either way, there ’s a rock there, no, no, it’s flowing, but no, jump, here.
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but you don’t go, but how? like this, well, how, like this, don’t go and that’s it, dress quickly! let's go, boy, boy, why are you laughing, you understand that in this form you cannot go to the music, whose boy is this, girls, whose boy is this, dad, well, my, you don’t know what? go, go, go, go, go, well, you’ll tear off your ear,
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but i still have to sit here for a long time, until the new veins arrive, until then you’ll sit, oh well, well, i’ll sit here, please, i’ll sit here that's it, okay, so i... i'll go, father, as you wish, go, the driver who transported us, come in, please, come in, good afternoon, hello, excuse me, here... oh, thanks for remembering, just even
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they didn’t tell you what to call me, nikolai, i’m walking, and he ’s looking for someone, looking around, but i remembered, you were upset about the cat, and in general, let me i think i’ll come in and see how things are settled in the new place, sit down. no, thanks, i 'll get up, put on my jacket.
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i’ll soon say goodbye to the lorry, it’s transferring to a passenger car, red, good. who are you? yes, i served my time here, but go free. hello, hello, we are neighbors. so i came to meet you, and you come in, come in, koshirya, dmitry fedorovich, and i
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’ll store davidov’s contratin, it’s very nice, but where are your things, it’s all here, that’s it, that’s it, i’m a geologist. then i 'll give you a folding phone, i have one, hello, hello, this is mine, are you sure that i'm sure, look, charge. palace, what are you doing, so mom did it so that
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these tables would stay with you for now, thank you very much, that means you are our neighbor, davidov, yeah, sergei, sergei, and hang him at your uncle’s, but there is nowhere to tell him, on a nail, and there is no nail, i'll give you a nail now. oh, thank you very much, come on, come here, hold on,
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there’s iron somewhere nearby, interesting, interesting, to be a geologist, you know what you need, i know, you need to learn speed well, look, what a quick-witted ice-cream, but besides this, you also need to be able to get up early, when everyone is sleeping, when it’s cold i don’t want to get up, brush your teeth, brush your teeth well, and hit the road, go now, if you’ll excuse me, please, go wash your face, how do you want to be dirty to people, goodbye, excuse me, please, that’s it for your crap, this is not disgusting, this is radiant pyrite, come on sergei, come here, yes,
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what are you doing, give in, yes wait, don’t turn around, well, you don’t have to turn your head, i can, well, just wait. go seryozha 1935 1941 are you small seryozha or something wait a minute i need to point out my rubbish has been laid out here again a napkin is also a mineral rubbish he’s been doing all his life and good things never happen at home.
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you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he ’ll come to your house himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train, how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to a helmet, how to take medicine correctly. a bowl of macaroni and cheese will always support you, it’s a pan of dumplings or a pan of fried potatoes for lard, a knitting needle, that’s how a child sleeps, but you shouldn’t do that i advise you to have a doctor who you can trust 100%, you will be happy, but i can’t
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guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. dr. myasnikov on sunday on rtr, where are you going on the red line, you can distinguish colors, it’s not my fault, i was driving towards the flashing yellow light, where the scene of jealousy is, maybe you need help, i’m offering you a job. simple duties, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, hourly pay, friendship can’t be bought, i’m deceiving you, i’m a bastard, but take your suitcase and leave, but love is not for sale, this is where all the normal men are, there is no love, there is nothing, deception and lies, i
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was in a hurry somewhere, solving a bunch of problems, what is now an intersection, what needs to be done, we need to act, today on rtr, but now i’m going back, i won’t go anywhere else , i promise you, you hear, i promise that nothing will happen to me, and i don’t want you. i feel sorry for myself, you know, it’s hard, let’s go. goodbye, yes, goodbye, goodbye, dmitry fetrovich, i’ll see you off, okay, here you go, where’s your mother, in the yard, mom, well, happily, katyosh,
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thank you very much for leaving again, again, well, let me give you a lift, no, no, no, feed the owner, let’s go, where from? dad did it, well , you’ll feed it, stickleback, take it yourself in the kitchen, what, i’m going to die, well, 25 again, i’d try that myself. it doesn’t start at all, well, it’s not right away, well, lida, i’ll be there soon,
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you idiot, but goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, well... we spent it all the time, for a long time now, i don’t know, maybe for a month, or maybe one and a half, it’s great, after all, sand, karakum, azis, it’s interesting to live like this, really, well, it depends on whoever, it starts with katya. can i carry you, mom, that already yes, yeah,
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naka, allow me citizen, nothing, nothing, don’t worry, mom, nothing, go, come, here, here, please, oh, mom, maybe everything will suck again, mom, why is he rushing me? i ’m a husband, go, husband, katya, katya, you’re sure to come with a note, oh, how good, why are you lagging behind, little darling, it’s time to get one of your own, it’s all a consolation, i’ll have time, yes, how... mother, can i be late for you, kalochka, that’s how you ’ll be late for class, i’m going, hello, hello,
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why don’t you want to go to music today, but don’t go, well, yes, music for actresses is almost the most important, and what kind of actress, you are a belly, yes, yes, if you want to know, people grow up to 25 years old, maybe i wonder who will be born to us, a boy or a girl? that's it, girl, i was there, well, 4 kg, 150 g, a lot, a little, good, above the norm, lord, how can i recognize you, go, little ring, go, honey, sit down, sit down, now you need to eat, well, highlight , “it’s all the nannies like that,
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well, hello, little sister, excuse me, excuse me, i need to go to the davidovs, to the davidovs”? and this katkin is possible, again this was born to us
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today. 4 kg 150 g, is it a lot or a little, above the norm, oh, hero, yes, no, girl, still a hero, well done, and i ’m red-haired, why are my niece sitting on the dofma, of course, i was staring at water, give it here, give it here, you’ll wait , mock me,
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and you are alidka, also drop everything and come to celebrate with us, thank you, but as they named their granddaughter, after all, t-shirt, t-shirt is a good name, oh, that suits the father.
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for the grandmother, for the baby, i’ll be completely drunk, but don’t drink, don’t drink, bush, in the wild steppes of transbaikalia, where the gara are digging for gold. the tramp is cursed by fate, dragging his bag on shoulders, the tramp is cursed with fate, the dragster is
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a sumoin. what, seryozhenka, ludion, well, let’s drink to dmitry fedorovich, thank you, this is my husband, it’s a pity that he’s not here, otherwise he would also drink to the t-shirt, go to bed, i’ll go, leave already, yes, i have to get up early , all the best, good night, goodbye, good night, seryozha, take your son. now mom.
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kostinka wasn’t smoking, you won’t be able to breathe, okay, we’ll smoke in the corridor, whatever. yes, yes, i won’t interfere, no, it’s okay, i’m sporting, nothing, please. sit down,
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nothing, nothing, don't worry. and you in general are you on vacation? yes, two months old, i’m going to go to the sea in sochi, to the rkk sanatorium, i’ve never vacationed in a sanatorium, it’s very interesting, but for now i’ll stay here for two weeks with the old people, maybe where is kostya, he’ll smoke, he’ll come, go to bed. but i have no one in moscow, my mother and little brother live in stary oskol, near kursk, and when i arrived in moscow, i immediately entered medical school, why do you smoke so much, forgive me, i won’t,
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well, well, i entered medical school, well, isn’t it interesting, interesting, i learned a lot in my second year. it became difficult, but i gave up, i took a job with artistic painting of fabrics, i like it, but i like it, but i don’t want to
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become an artist, a real one, oh, like you . i loved to draw as a child, i dreamed of a lot of books. radioactive method for determining the absolute age of minerals, these are not my books.
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and i love her, clearly, it doesn’t matter, you have a ticket to sochi, so go, hello, why are you standing here, but our physicist is sick. well, here you go, i wanted to ask you, well , ask, let’s say you were an adult woman, you had a husband who would
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i loved him very much, but not you, woman, and why not me, well, i’m serious, okay, okay, i won’t. well, he would love you, and then leave for a while, and another person would start courting you. man, in general, what would you do, i don’t know, hello, well, you don’t know, excuse me, seryozha, i’m in a hurry to nikolaevna, to the artist, yeah, and you know what an actress is, she has an unhappy love on stage, people pour tears for her. she comes home and sits down to dinner, she dies for real,
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she immediately gets up and bows to the applause, how safe it seems profession, but every role is a piece of your own heart, it’s a difficult profession, not at all that safe, well, i didn’t know anything before that, i wasn’t yet 16 years old. and you have already played, yes, but i still have so much to learn to learn while i am, how slowly time passes, how quickly time passes, take your time, girl, read, but what to read, well, what do you want, a poem, a monologue? “no,
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read, i’m not coming to my senses, i’m guilty, i’m listening, i don’t understand, as if they still want to explain it to me, i’m confused, i’m expecting something with my thoughts, a blind man in whom i was looking for the reward of all my labors, i was in a hurry, flying, trembling, wait, wait, wait, i know he’ll be surprised why i ’m suddenly reading a monologue, but it’s not that bad, like chatsky’s, but that it’s pompous, well, you can’t read this usually, from him such feelings, such feelings, and you know, it occurred to me that why people don’t fly, i say, why people don’t fly like birds, you know, sometimes it seems to me that i’m a bird when you’re standing on a mountain. .. you are so drawn to fly, it
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seems like you would take a running start, raise your arms and fly, try something now, try this also a monologue, and you believed it, lida. “hello, hello, thank you, you don’t know where you went, my mother was, well, come to us, thank you, but here’s my wife, lida, lidushka,
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my beauty, what ugly, normal, give the child some peace.
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well, okay, she’ll come from the resort, we’ll talk, and now let’s shine, sleep, and don’t hurt her, i’m still young, i did this, well , i didn’t, well, i didn’t, you need to sleep, i can’t see her without you now, black stone. ,
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black stone, why are you silent? did you really want this, did you ever dream of becoming a tombstone for the grave of the unknown soldier, are the stones to blame for the fact that somewhere underground soldiers, nameless soldiers, have been sleeping for too long. local soldiers, altai is a majestic mountainous country, nature
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has generously rewarded this region with picturesque green valleys and waterfalls. mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in glaciers belukha, a two-headed sacred mountain, where according to legend the entrance to shambhala can be found. belukha is the highest point of siberia and the cradle of the great altai river katun. edigor: teletskoye lake. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as it did many centuries ago.
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can i call you maestro? can? maestro? yes. can. it means he fooled you, and you’re glad. what he needs is for some fool to be attracted to him. who is this fool, it’s me, fool, i would like to book a room at your hotel, what are you doing here, this is my room, i paid for it, i paid for it, and hold, hold, i hold, hold, move us in immediately, one number, oh, one city, peter, a small city, there is nowhere to have dinner. one love. vasilisa, this is vasily. please call me back. i'm looking for a travel companion. on friday on rtr.
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mom, i’m already 17 years old, big, big, come here, well, why, why, i like it so much. in general, congratulations, here's a book for you, and this is to study music, thank you, please, who's there, tick, i thought this earring was guests, a subtle move, how nice, seryozha, come in, he's gone, well, go
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catch up with him, mom , i’m not a girl to... run after him, vadim, tick, well, the guest himself decided to return, thank god, another donku, igor, congratulations, hello, thank you, congratulations, thank you. come in, come in, i am, this is probably the litochka with her husband, we promised, people. they’re coming, well, i’m ready, well, put on the carcass, are you
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at work, what didn’t happen, don’t forget to take some perfume, or maybe we ’ll give the jackdaw a book, and give it? this is how we geologists walk the earth. well , tell me, it happens to geologists that
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some mortal danger awaits them. happens. oh, girls, how lovely! i’m renting, drop ksenia nikolaevna off, at least
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not for long, i can’t, my friend, in 40 years i have never been late for a performance, and today is farewell, and will you never, never play again, well, go, go, they are waiting for you, i wish you happiness, dad, please stop, phone, i'll read. i'll stop. why?
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diction exercise. and those who are not interested can go out into the corridor. the girl is just raving about the scenes. greetings. 7 years of no reciprocity. why don't people fly? i say, why don’t people fly like birds? sometimes it seems to me that i am a bird when you stand on the mountain, so you it wants to fly, like this, it seems, it took off, raised its arms and flew. well, further, further, tick, everyone is listening, we ask, we ask!


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