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tv   Soldatik  RUSSIA1  June 22, 2024 1:20pm-2:50pm MSK

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would not have prepared an attack on the ussr. that is why, back in september 1940 , german units arrived in romania to guard the oil fields in ploesti. poland's position is set out in the report of the intelligence department of the main headquarters of the polish army. the dismemberment of russia lies at the heart of polish policy in the east. therefore, our possible position will be reduced.
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almost all the baltic states were aimed at an alliance with germany, they had concluded non-aggression treaties, and things were going to the point that german troops. on september 2, 1938 , the soviet foreign ministry issued a note to the government: representatives of the general staffs of the ussr, great britain, france and czechoslovakia to prepare to repel aggression. on september 29 , delegations from france, germany and great britain meet in munich to decide the fate of czechoslovakia. the soviet union is not invited to the meeting. the czech delegation is not allowed into the meeting room; it awaits its fate. from
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the memoirs of william shirrer. it became clear to many of us who communicated with the english and french delegations. chamberlin arrived in munich is fully confident that no one, not the czechs, not even the french, will interfere with his speedy agreement with hitler. communication was informal . the negotiations, which began at 12:45, in the so-called fuehrerhaus, proceeded calmly. and sooner. they remembered the formal transfer to hitler of what he wanted to receive within the time frame he had appointed. from the nuremberg diaries of the american psychoanalyst gustov gilbert: february 16-17, 1946, the defendant is the former minister of economics of the third reich, hjalmar schacht. for any requests from the vemer the republic, even to the most seemingly innocent allies, responded with their adamant no. we demanded one or two colonies. at least something that would allow
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trade is excluded. we demanded the creation of a trade organization of the union with austria and czechoslovakia, no, when a bandit like hitler is in power, then yes, you can, then you are welcome, if you want austria, take it all. if you want to remilitarize the renin region, for god’s sake, take the whole of czechoslovakia into the bargain. take whatever you want, we have no words let's say. before the munich agreement, hitler could not even dream of taking and adding judge eckreich. chamberlain shoved everything into his paws without a trace. the agreement on the czechoslovak problem, in my opinion, is only a prelude to a larger agreement that will bring peace to the whole of europe.
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nuremberg 1946. question from the representative of czechoslovakia, colonel eger, to field marshal keitel. germany would have attacked czechoslovakia in 1938 if the western powers had supported prague. keitel. of course not. we weren't strong enough from a military point of view vision. munich's goal was to oust russia. from europe to gain time to complete the armament of germany. for 20 years our republic was one of the best and happiest post-war democracies. it was a bright and prosperous state. czechoslovakia will again be a free and independent state in a new and free europe. on september 30, the polish
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government sent an ultimatum to the czech government demanding the immediate transfer to it of the border region of cieszyn in 1900. poland was a country that the allies won, after many generations of partition and slavery, turned into an independent republic and one of the main european powers, now because of such an insignificant issue as teshin, the poles broke with all their friends in france, in england in the usa, which returned them to a single national life, we saw , as now, while the reflection of the can fell on them... germany , they hastened to seize their share in the plunder and ruin of czechoslovakia. at the moment of crisis , all doors were closed to the english and french ambassadors. slovaks, whom germany used as a pawn for chessboard, received precarious
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autonomy. hungary received a piece of meat at the expense of slovakia. winston churchill. head of the bank of england. the dusseldor agreement between the reich in march 1939 was concluded by the reich industrial group and the federation of british industry. it was on this day that the wehrmacht completely occupied czechoslovakia.
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only the gentlemen in the west were not at all embarrassed by this. no one was afraid to get dirty, no one was afraid that this adventure would end in war. half of the czechs should be assimilated mainly by moving to germany as forced labor, the other half, especially the intellectuals, are to be eliminated. adolf gitler. the so-called new order begins to operate. hitler's predilections for ancient german history, the study of the sources of nordic culture before. on the same basis his concept
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of unity with england grew. this unity was supposed to be opposed to the greatest enemy of the west, the communist subhuman. different wars in europe and russia. entering the territory of france, belgium and the netherlands, every wehrmacht soldier has a memo with ten commandments on the conduct of war, in which
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it is prescribed to behave loyally towards the civilian population and not to violate international rules of war. the ss troops are 57% foreigners, 700 french volunteers in the charlem division alone, its fighters fight against the red army until may 2, defending the reich chancellery. in ss divisions. hungarians, danes, dutch, norwegians, swedes, belgians, estonians, latvians, croats, finns, hundreds of thousands of volunteers, posters, together against bolshevism, throughout occupied europe, for these europeans
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russians are also subhumans. the slavs are called to work for us, when will we stop needing them, can they die in peace? reproduction of slavs is undesirable, they can use contraceptives or have abortions, the more the better, education is dangerous. from the speech of ukraine ericho, kiev, 1943. we are a race of masters, and we must remember that the last german worker in racial and biological terms... in total, in the ussr, according to hitler's directive, it is planned to exterminate 30 million
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people. this is after the war, european politicians they will say: “oh, well, we don’t want to have anything to do with hitler.” and then in the thirties in europe, hitler was not considered a monster, not just. portugal has a colony, even small denmark has a colony, belgium has its own belgian congo,
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holland has its own colony, indonesia, huge indonesia, so the european elites in general were in the context of those very discussions about the burden of the white man, about the fact that there are races that are given to manage and who need to be managed, from their point of view, egypt did not say anything new, that’s what really it seemed then to be a problem for the european elite... sealed on monday on rtr, the ox
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is trembling, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room. ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams become reality, no matter how you look at it.
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do you want big changes in your home, every sunday on rtr, i died for the men, i died, awesome, there would be no happiness, i predict that something very, very good will soon happen in your life, so good that you... you’ll grab your head, but the dress helped, when you wear it, your whole life will change, but i don’t know what to change, you are an amazing woman, a dream woman, a mystery woman, i actually went through some strange streak, first this artist, then man on the beach, maybe you 've turned yourself into a man, i think i have roman, who do you have, roman, at your age, well, sashka, one, two, three. and who is the third? sea color dress. premiere. danya trochot. what, do you want
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to go back? today on rtr. for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it's a holiday, then the people. we love traditions and honor our history. we value family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, many large
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german concerns took part in preparation for... diaries of the american psychoanalyst gustav gilbert august 31, 1946, the defendant is the former minister of economics of the third reich, hjalmar schacht. if you blame all those industrialists who contributed to
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the remilitarization of germany, then you should also bring some of your own to justice, he told me. the opel factories, for example, owned your general motors, which produced nothing but military products. as for the automobile industry, it was 70% in american hands. opel was part of general motors. it is on the basis of the opel blitz that gas vans and gas chambers for exterminating people are created. from the report of the commission investigating the mass murder of children using gas chambers. disabled people in the orphanage of the city of yeisk. when excavating the grave, we discovered 214 child corpses, boys and girls, approximately 4 to 7 years old, lying randomly on top of each other. most of them are clasped hands in pairs. some had sticks and crutches in their hands. the head of the company
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is james mooney himself. by the beginning of the second world ford factories were completely the service of the german military-industrial complex stood up. the american owned three more factories in france. after the country was occupied by the nazis, the factories supplied the wehrmacht with 6.00 trucks. until 1945, the ford fellni factories produced
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a total of 78 thousand trucks for the wehrmacht and 14.00 tracked vehicles. the oil market in germany has become part of the western system. 90% of this market was controlled in the us, uk and the netherlands. standard oil will supply hitler's army. oil during the second world war, through the canary islands, from there german tankers will carry it to hamburg. in 1944, germany will receive 48 thousand tons of american oil every month. the international telegraph and telephone company
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also transferred money to the national socialists in the late thirties. in return, itt gained access to german military production facilities such as the focke wulf aircraft plant. 1939, eighteenth party congress, joseph stalin. in 1935 , italy attacked abesinia and captured it. in the summer of 1936, germany and italy organized a military intervention in spain. in 1937. after capturing manchuria, japan invaded northern and central china, occupied beijing, tianjin, shanghai and began to push its foreign competitors out of the occupation zone. at the beginning of 1938, germany captured austria, and in the fall of 1938 the sudetenland region of czechoslovakia. thus, the war, which so
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imperceptibly crept up on the peoples, drew over 500 million people into its orbit, spreading its sphere of action over a vast territory. it was approved by hitler on april 11 , 1939. from hitler's directive before invasion of poland. poles are born from birth
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destined for menial work. in poland it is necessary to maintain a low standard of living. poles are lazy, so coercion must be used to get them to work. it is necessary to close all educational institutions, especially technical schools and colleges, in order to prevent the growth of a new polish intelligentsia. poland will be treated as a colony, the poles will become slaves of the great german reich. the german general staff was preparing a blitz-scream, a lightning-fast defeat of the polish state. moscow knew about the beginning of germany's preparations for an attack on poland. if germany attacks poland. and let’s say he conquers it completely, then most likely he will implement it. the old plan of the nazi leadership to organize a puppet pro-nazi ukraine on the border with the soviet union, because such characters as stepan bander and roman shukhevych
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had been in the abwehr’s pay for a very long time, the ukrainian nationalist underground in poland was purposefully cultivated, financed and trained, this was where seed of future wars. in march, the people's commissar for foreign affairs of the ussr maxim litvinov, through the english ... ambassador in moscow, proposed convening a conference of six countries: the ussr, england, france, romania, poland and turkey in order to prevent further german aggression. at the end of july 1939 , the british and french agreed to conduct military negotiations in moscow. here we have a photograph, this is august 5 , 1939. maisky, our plenipotentiary in the uk is seeing off the english one. and the french military mission from london, the french-english could fly - in the ussr by plane, western negotiators chose
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a slow-moving steamer as a means of transportation, as a result of which they first traveled to leningrad for several days, and only on august 11, 1939 they arrived at the leningrad station in moscow. in his diaries, maisky wrote: and this is at a time like ours, when... in europe the soil begins to burn under our feet. i am increasingly becoming convinced that chamberlain, despite everything, continues to play his game. he doesn't need a tripartite pact, but negotiations about a pact in order to sell this card to hitler at a higher price. the military mission that arrived in moscow in the summer of 1939 for negotiations was very unrepresentative. it was led by semi-retired admiral reginald drax, who did not have the authority to conclude a military agreement. until the last moment , great britain did not abandon its hopes of finding some kind of compromise with the nazis, so it is no coincidence that in parallel with
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the moscow negotiations in the summer of thirty-nine, secret anglo-german negotiations. the kremlin knew this very well, because soviet intelligence had very good positions in london, secured by the so-called cambridge five.
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i cannot even allow any discussion of the possibility of placing part of our territory at the disposal of foreign troops; we do not have a military agreement with the ussr, and we do not want such an agreement. negotiations reach a dead end from the testimony of the foreign ministry lawyer in berlin, friedrich gaus, on march 15, 1946. one day in the early summer of 1939, mr. von ribbentrop, to my surprise, gave me a document to read containing a draft special message from the reich government
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to the soviet union.
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after the conclusion of the molotov-ribbentrop pact, he said that there could be no compromises with hitler, he did not justify the trust of his senior comrades, one might say, he betrayed them. for the first time for the general public, the non-aggression treaty between germany and the soviet union and the secret additional protocol to it on the border of the spheres of interests of the ussr and germany are demonstrated. into the sphere of interests of the soviet
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the unions were leaving. "finland, estonia, latvia, eastern poland, bessarabia." if this treaty had not been concluded, germany’s attack on the soviet union would have occurred from the territory of the baltic states. on these very days, when these negotiations are taking place in moscow, there are battles on khalkingol. and the soviet leadership has no guarantees that the conflict at halkingol will not turn into a full-scale massacre with japan. because japan is at it. time demonstrates itself as a very aggressive state towards the soviet union, of course, it is an ally of nazi germany, in in the year thirty-seven, japan begins a war in china, clearly an aggressive one, the soviet union supports the chinese people, sends its volunteers and military specialists there. england actually recognized all of japan's seizures of chinese territory and guaranteed japan a free hand in the event that japanese aggression went north, that is.
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into the territory of the soviet union, and of course, the soviet union did not want to fight on two fronts, it was a nightmare for the soviet leadership in general, a war on two, on two fronts. this telegram code from the famous soviet intelligence officer rikhodzorgi. he reported that the japanese were very offended by the germans because they signed attack treaties with the soviet union, then in april 1941 the soviet ... japanese non-aggression treaty appeared, the japanese refused to attack the ussr in the far east , when there was a threat of serious danger in moscow. 1,700 tanks, almost 2 million people, over 14 thousand guns and mortars, 1,500 aircraft, hitler throws at moscow. general gun blumen. writes: us
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we were confronted by an army whose fighting qualities were far superior to all other armies we had ever encountered on the battlefield. no matter how terrible the russian winter was, the factor that determined the outcome of the battle was not the weather, but the fierce resistance of the soviet troops, their indomitable will not to give up. it was the molotov-ribbentrop pact that allowed, in particular, the transfer of siberian divisions to moscow, which became an important factor in the successful defense of our capital as a result of the successful counter-offensive of 1941. from a letter german private voltheimer zhenya, december 1941. it's hell here, the russians don't want to leave moscow. they began to advance. i beg you, stop writing to me about the silk and rubber
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boots that i promised to bring you from moscow. understand, i'm dying, i'm going to die. i can feel it. the soviet side is preparing to interrogate one of the most important witnesses. of course, by the beginning of the nuremberg trials , all the actual accused and allies already knew that general field marshal friedrich paulus was alive and in soviet captivity, because he was already spoke on the radio and signed leaflets calling on wehrmacht soldiers to lay down their arms or turn them against hitler. he joined the free germany committee, but... the question still remained open for many: would the soviet country risk attracting as a witness for the prosecution someone who, until the summer of 1944, called himself an ideological national socialist and junior officers welcomed the words of michael hitler . and
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yet, on february 11, 1946, prosecutor rudenko, who was a prosecutor from the soviet union at the nuremberg trials, asks to bring general film-marshal paul into the interrogation room. mr. witness, what do you know about the preparation of armed forces by the hitler government. on september 3, 1940, among
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other matters within my competence, i found an unfinished operational development in which speech. the baltic states should be included in germany, crimea will be completely evacuated and populated only by germans, becoming the territory of the reich.
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100 million. if you add up the investments of 500 us companies that maintained relations with the reich, you will receive hundreds of millions of dollars. without western injections of funds , germany would not have been able to re-arm itself. without foreign money, the war would not have lasted 6 years. on september 1, 1939, germany attacks poland. on september 2 and 3, england and france declare war on germany, but nothing happens. there should be no fighting. during the period from september 1 , 1939 to june 1941, nazi germany captured denmark in 6 hours, luxembourg in one day,
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holland in 5 days, yugoslavia in 11 days, belgium in 18 days, greece in 24 days, poland in 27 days, france in one month. and 12 days, norway in 2 months and one day. june 22, 1941. germany attacks the ussr. the soviet union fought germany for 1,418 days. in the occupied territories of the ussr , more than 14 million civilians were exterminated , and almost 3 million soviet prisoners of war were deliberately exterminated in concentration camps. 2 million soviet citizens died at work in germany. the ussr lost everything in the great patriotic war. 27 million people, including with
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liberation of european states more than 1,1000 people. during the 5 years of the war, the profits of american monopolies in the oil, steel, and chemical aviation industries alone reached $57 billion. diplomatic and economic games of the elites. great britain, the usa, france cost the world 70 million lives. the millennium revolution, proclaimed by adolf hitler in 1933 , lasted 12 years. and the coliseum, which was supposed to symbolize the greatness of the new nazi empire, naturally, after the forty- fifth year, no one began to complete construction. germans in general they wanted to destroy it, but it turned out that this was only done.
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japan had not yet been defeated, atomic bombs had not yet been born, the world was in turmoil, the basis of communication, the common danger that united the great allies disappeared instantly, in my eyes the soviet. has already replaced the nazi enemy. winston churchel. may 8, 1945.
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the russia tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet all viewers, maria se. hello. in russia it is a day of remembrance and mourning. today at 4:00 am, without any declaration of war, 83 years ago, the enemy crossed the border ussr, the great patriotic war began.
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commemorative events are now being held throughout the country beyond its borders. on the anniversary of the start of the war, the ministry of defense launched a multimedia project , the longest day of the year, based on declassified documents. father created such a fist, a fighting fist, that for a month and a half they hammered gudarian’s vaunted troops in the nose. the united states is closing the russian one. the zermat ski resort is being washed away, and in omsk there was hail that looked like dumplings. so, today in russia is a day of remembrance and mourning. smooth 83 years ago, the great patriotic
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war began, the bloodiest and most destructive. nazi germany, which by that time had conquered all of europe, treacherously attacked the soviet union. union. the war lasted 1418 days and nights, saturated with pain, hope and heroism. today is a reminder of those who died in battle, of those who fought for their native land, of those who were tortured in fascist camps and died in the rear from hunger and deprivation. in memory of the feat of our people, thanks to which a great victory was won, throughout the country mass actions are taking place. report by mikhail fedotov. at 4 o'clock, a huge country from distant cities. east to the shores of the baltic in kaliningrad there is a moment of silence in memory of those who did not return. in volgograd, then during the war in stalingrad, which broke the back of the german fascists, a memorial event takes place on the mamayev kurgan, the townspeople with lit lamps in their hands
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lined up at the foot of their mother’s homeland, carrying flowers to the eternal flame. we honor the memory of every hero, we are very proud that we have such a huge country. we must remember. the exploits of our ancestors and must always honor them; if we forget, our state will not exist. on the cathedral square of the main temple of the armed forces in kubinka near moscow , the military of the moscow garrison lined up in the form of the number 1418, the number of days the great patriotic war lasted. lamps were installed along the perimeter of the memory road museum complex. in st. petersburg, the action was dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from...
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we ourselves and our children always remember that we remembered, so many people died, but we won, this a very terrible date, that is, when the soviet union completely rallied, all the people rallied against one single enemy, who very, very much spoiled our lives, that is, there were many dead , count how many millions, here there are millions to the dead, these are terrible things, i i don’t want this to happen again, on the eve of the day of remembrance and mourning a photo exhibition opened at the memorial, it tells about the heroism of soviet soldiers who fought on arzhev land, the names of many soldiers were
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from the great patriotic war, and front-line soldiers help special operations. 4:00 am we will never forget it for them. each of us will remember that what happened on june 22 at 4:00 am. in the donetsk people's republic, commemorative events were held at the saur mogila kurgan. the memorial complex is a symbol of the perseverance and unbending will of donbass. the battle for this height lasted 2 long months, and the victory became one of the key events of the great patriotic war. and in the lugansk people's republic a ceremony was held to hand over a piece of the eternal flame from moscow, in a significant place for all residents of the lpr at the memorial complex in memory of the heroes of the defense of lugansk sharp grave.
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representatives of the popular front, cadets, special operation participants, representatives of the clergy and veterans of the great patriotic war lit candles from the fire. that piece of fire that was taken from the alexander garden. at the tomb of the unknown soldier, it appears on special dates here in lugansk, may 9, june 22, this is a date that is associated with the basic basis of our history, our mentality, then we, our ancestors, survived a difficult, very, very difficult war, which reflected on history, perhaps every family. what about the memory of their heroes in the former soviet republics, in kyrgyzstan, from which everyone went to the front during the war. the resident attended the requiem concert, the beshkek symphony orchestra performed shastakovich’s seventh leningrad symphony. mikhail fedotov, news. a memorial event today, of course, is taking place in brest, on the territory of the brest
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fortress hero memorial complex, and a requi rally was held. about 20 thousand people and about 40 official delegations gathered to remember the victims. and then there was a large-scale reconstruction of the first day of war. hundreds of history buffs have recreated the most dramatic moments of the defense of the legendary citadel. report by anastasia sakhovskaya. the ritual is unchanged, the honor guard carries the state flag, the banner of the brest fortress, this solemn constancy is the whole point of every year on the shortest summer night for brest a bloody dawn comes. that day where it was divided into before and after centuries. the wreaths will be lowered into the border waters. the first to take treacherous attacks across the buk river were the border guards of twenty outposts, almost all brez.
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this sea of ​​tears portraits of the defenders of the fortress were literally razed from the face of the earth by the germans and screens in the hands of the military, but this immortal regiment, which was much more numerous by june , up to 4,500 people remained in the fortress, under the slabs on the ceremonial square there are many unmarked graves, wreaths are laid to them eternal...
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an open-air platform, this is the last peaceful evening in the soviet, more than 350 reenactors from belarus and russia, even the baltic states, lithuania and latvia, where today you need to have the courage to tell the truth. we have to show exactly how she really was. this is the bestial essence of nazism. the first thing they did when they came to this land was to kill civilians. this episode is in the military-historical reconstruction, the assault on the fortress by german infantry and equipment, the defense of forts, casimats snarling with fire, rare weapons. more than 200 mosin rifles, carbines, motorcycles, armored vehicles, a truck and a tank. this is living history, reenactors are checking
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newsreels with archival documents, recalling real episodes of the defense of the chatterbox, which permach planned to take in 8 hours, but it held out longer than entire european countries had resisted hitler before. the brest fortress bled, but did not surrender. exactly 3 years later, on june 23 , 1944, the triumphant operation bogration began, a crushing blow. soviet troops, from which the wehrmacht never recovered. anastasia sokhovskaya, alexander alexandrov, oleg peletsky, ekaterina bobkova. news: fortress hero. brest. and on the eighty- third anniversary of the beginning of the great patriotic war, the ministry of defense launched a new multimedia project, the longest day of the year. it was created on the basis of declassified documents from the central archive of the ministry of defense. testimony of german captured generals, award certificates and personal files of soviet pilots, extracts from operational combat logs. reports, alexey karyev will continue. senior lieutenant ivanov, ivan ivanovich, at 4:25 in the morning in the sky over the rivne
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region, made his ram, the first aerial ram, the great patriotic war. in the army, the pilot’s colleagues will write that he used up all the ammunition when he saw heckel, decided to attack him. 2 months later, senior lieutenant ivanov will be awarded the title of hero. represent the heroic chronicle of the feat of the red army soldiers in the fatal bloody june of forty-one. in the new historical project
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of the ministry of defense, documents from 1941, and the first. these are combat logs, operational reports, descriptions of exploits, or surveys of prisoners of war, high-ranking german officers; until recently , these testimonies were classified as top secret. wehrmacht generals remember strategic and chaotic deployment of its armed forces at the very borders of the ussr. testimony of major general dietrich von. muller, and he just says that the strategic deployment took place at such a distance from the demarcation line that the troops could reach it during the night. the high command of the soviet union deliberately did not bring the troops to full combat readiness, so as not to give hitler a reason to start a war. and only on the eve of the german attack, parts of our border guards received top-secret secrets in sealed envelopes.
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combat alert plans. the documents will be opened. signal storm. the chief of staff of the division at 2:10 on june 22, 1941, ordered to give a signal by storm, raise the rifle regiments on alert and set out on a forced march to occupy sectors of the defense area. german planes bomb cities, tanks go on the offensive, artillery irons military fortifications, but our soldiers in some areas push the enemy beyond the state border, causing serious damage. so the ninth anti-tank brigade is under...
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he decided to pay special attention to tactics air battle, he says that there was so much delight and joy among the population and troops when our fighters met nadgeelev’s six junkers, five of them were shot down in one minute in front of the entire population of the city, the daughter of the legendary military leader, whose account will be smolensk the battle, and stalingrad and the liberation of slovakia, tells:
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loss and legendary battles, but even then, contrary to the expectations of the german command, the blitzkriek did not go at all as planned, thanks to courage and courage immortal heroes of front-line soldiers. alexey karev, sergey velichko, nikita korneev, ivan paevsky, artyom davidov, oleg dubinin, lead. now about the situation on the front line. our aviation carried out strikes on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​responsibility of the center group. the ukrainian formations' camouflaged equipment was discovered by reconnaissance, sent the coordinates to the command post , and the alligators and k-52 helicopters immediately set out on a combat course. they fired unguided rockets. all targets were hit, then the crews escaped the retaliatory fire and returned safely to the airfield basing. clean a lot on the ground
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depends on communications units; they provide command and control of troops and accompany units along all front lines. this is footage of the training of military personnel of the tula airborne forces unit. as part of operational groups, they are the first to move to new basing areas. it is for this reason that signalmen become one of the highest priority targets of enemy artillery and sabotage and reconnaissance groups. there are no impossible tasks for central tankers either. districts, the hottest areas terminator tank support combat vehicles help them advance. formidable and practically invulnerable from the advanced report of the military correspondent of vesti alexei boranov. the tank makes this march after operating near the front line. combat work there today is especially intense. the vehicles of the central military district, having worked from closed
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firing positions, having replenished their ammunition, leave to... carry out the task at the line of combat contact. tankers work with the assistance of combat support vehicles, these are terminators created on the basis of the t-90 tank. always in close proximity to the line of combat contact, here is
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the crew commander's story about the task of ensuring the delivery of assault groups. night departure, so that the column could pass, we took up a combat position with high-explosive fragmentation shells with fire cannons to destroy the infantry, the enemy soldiers, so that the infantry would not stick out, so that our equipment would not be knocked out. we process positions; such interaction, of course, plays a key role in combat conditions. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khalit tankiev, news: donetsk and lugansk people's republics, combat line contact. this june in moscow became the rainiest in the history of meteorological observations, breaking the record of 1942, but not only the capital is slammed with rain. a powerful hurricane hit udmurtia. the wind gusts were so strong that in some villages the storm knocked down trees and blew away greenhouses and roofs
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. several cars were damaged. now rescue services are eliminating the consequences of the disaster. and these are stills from perm. the city was flooded. the volume of precipitation could not withstand the downpours, resulting in formations on the streets. even the trams stopped because that the rails went under water, and nastya was accompanied by squally winds, a similar picture in buryatia, there, due to the flood, in many places the asphalt is not visible; according to forecasts, the rains will not recede for another couple of days. and in omsk there was hail, residents posted photos and videos online the size of golf balls. and nastya. accompanied by heavy rain. russian museums and theaters have already established close ties with the republics of donbass; props, costumes, and scenery are sent to cultural institutions, where they are very much welcome. but the main thing
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is, of course, passionate people, many of them who had to flee from ukraine, where, after the ban on the russian language, many actors and directors were left without work. about one of these people, veronica bogma. theater class -
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the schools are different, the russian school of experience with the ukrainian school of performance gave a very bad result. then there was a move to kherson, management of the regional cultural center, russian spring,
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elections. when the ukrainian army entered the city, georgy ran in with his wife, two children and a suitcase filled with russian flags. it was funny, on the side of the russian army, they they said the young man was a military man. he opened it and said: everything is fine with your brain, i think it’s a shock, it doesn’t seem like there was a shock, i say, everything is fine, and he says, what if you opened all this, well, first. there was a crossing across the dnieper, it was not easy, it seemed like an eternity to them, i started with lena to persuade the boatman, he refused immediately, said: you are a man, your son, an adult, ukraine did this, allowed them to reach the middle of the dnieper, then shot the boat, the boat sank to the bottom. well , of course, when we were sailing, probably our whole life passed before our eyes, then viktor sergeevich nearby, and the son is right. next to me, but
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since he has a black jacket, i have a pink one, but we have a light, light, light head, it was as if i tried to cover his black one with my pink jacket, so that it would not be obvious that these were men, yes , now elena, a primary school teacher, works at the konstantinovskaya school in that same theater fourth g, and also helps her husband in the children's musical and drama theater he organized, who will soon have... his own house, it will be built in the starozolotovsky farm, next to sports and health complex. in the meantime, the theater uses any stage for performances, and goes on tour to neighboring villages and villages. veronica bog, modart lin, vladimir shemakov and denis denisa. news rostov region. a film version of the puppet show was released nationwide, i am sergei obraztsov. viewers in more than 50 cities of our country will be able to see it on big screens. at the heart of the production.
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an autobiographical book on the steps of memory, the story of the master’s life and travels through the entire 20th century, told in simple words. episodes, everyday life, the first doll, creative searches, tours, rehearsals, premieres, the creation of a theater. the great patriotic war and victory day. in fact, this is a one-man show, starring the most exemplary evgeniy tsiganov. he spoke very simply, he had wonderful humor and...
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the oldest in the irkutsk region, he was illuminated back in 1814, after 2 centuries he retained his purpose, not only religious, but also educational. we have dotsans, taking alar means dotsan, they, of course, do a lot of work on development, therefore, on... the traditions of the buryat
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people, and this great importance is attached to the study of the buryat language as a native one. there are tragic moments in the history of the alar dotsan; after the revolution , according to one version, its building was dismantled, a school canteen was built from logs, a kindergarten was opened on the territory, and the religious institution was revived only in 2007. and now the shrines are being returned. for example, this buddha statue was found at a scrap metal collection point; the figure was restored and covered with gold leaf. and a larger statue was accidentally discovered in earth locals 6 years ago. we still haven’t identified this one, we called in tibet, india, mongolia, but we still don’t identify it, but it turned out that our alar grandmother, when the san came, they sat in this gesture and our lama asked why are you sitting like this? she says: our alartsa prays like this, it turns out that in addition to malebn , a festive concert was held in dotsan, as well as a competition in buryat national sports, wrestling...
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and the tread of the divisions was heard, the great tread of the divisions, the iron tread of the divisions, clear the tread of a soldier, towards the thunder of the arrival.
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altai: majestic mountainous country. nature has generously rewarded this region with picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, mountain ranges, and snow-white peaks. and glaciers, especially rich in belukha glaciers, a two-headed sacred mountain where, according to legend, one can find the entrance to shambhala. belukha is the highest point of siberia, and the cradle of
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the great altai river kotumi. lake teletskoe is a pearl among the mountains. altai. has always been a source of legends and myths, and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just like many centuries ago, where are you going on the red line, you can distinguish colors, it’s not my fault, i was driving on a flashing yellow light. where is the scene of jealousy? maybe you need help? i’m offering you a job, simple responsibilities, friendly support, phone calls, decent salary, hourly pay, friendship can’t be bought, i’m deceiving you, i’m a bastard, but
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take your suitcase and leave, but love isn’t for sale, that’s where all the normal men are, there’s no love, there is nothing, deception and lies. i was in a hurry somewhere, solving a bunch of problems, what was the crossroads now, what needed to be done, needed act, today on rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on tour, to all liberated territories, what impression does it make, russia comes and the city lives, boris kopchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, sealed with seven seals in previous episodes, well, let this be my last will, anna safonova, knowing
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about her diagnosis, makes an important statement, i’m transferring all my property to you, yes , this is a responsibility, but you can do anything, i really believe in you. why do you need it? the unexpectedly appeared heiress immediately declare war. now we must stick together and stop this scoundrel from stealing our money from our factory. actually, this prideha is also part of our family. but who is she really, the new owner of the sweet empire? who benefited from eliminating safonov? to whom? elementary, to the one who took her place. you got the charge dropped, you need to sign some papers, an alibi you don’t, i have an alibi, sealed, continuation, we watch on monday on rtr, on the eve of trinity, we sing in this studio about trees, i went to
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first grade in moldova, and everyone there picked grapes, and sometimes instead of lessons , where the shumi maple is, the first chords begin. today launched new massive attacks on the military rear of the ukrainian armed forces. ukrainian channels write about arrivals in the area of ​​the city of lviv region. there's a fire at an energy facility. in addition, explosions occurred in the ivano-frankivsk region. and here are the shots of the new one, already the second one
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impact in fab-3000. russian aerospace forces worked at the point of temporary deployment of ukrainian militants in leptsy, kharkov region. a three-ton high-explosive aerial bomb with a planning and correction module demolished part of the building and covered over seventy militants at once. fap-300 is an ammunition of colossal destructive power. radius of complete destruction. more than 200 m, scattering of fragments over a kilometer. there are no other guided bombs of this caliber in the world. perhaps for this reason, their use by the russian army is now being actively discussed in the world media. the wall street journal writes that with the help of fabs, russian forces are achieving success at the front and are worsening the situation of the ukrainian armed forces. very inexpensive to produce, fas have great destructive power and are very difficult to stop. bad news for ukrainians. the military in the use of high-explosive bombs, says irish journalist chabous, who writes
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that this greatly worsens the situation in the armed forces of ukraine. over the past 24 hours, over 400 ukrainian militants were killed by fighters from the center group, four surrendered, and over 700 more ukrainian military personnel were eliminated by the military. southern group, in the areas of konstantinovka and chasovo yar, they were able to move forward to occupy more advantageous positions. and this is already in the work of the automated scorpion m platform. the ground complex can conduct terrain reconnaissance and detect mines. in addition, it is used to evacuate the wounded and deliver ammunition. in the donetsk sector, they are successfully used by drone squad specialists, russian hawks. the hunt for conscripts in ukraine is happening every day. is becoming more and more fierce, for example, the already familiar footage when the whole crowd is on one, this is a video
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of forceful mobilization in odessa arcadia. tck employees, together with the police, tied the man up and laid him on the ground. there are also so-called public formations in odessa that help to catch everyone . the zelensky regime has also created gangs of militants, and, as they write in the ukrainian media, they also help military commissars beat up aunties. people are forcibly sent to the front. mobilization has led to a catastrophic shortage of personnel in the country. now women will be trained to drive buses. in the meantime, they have to stand up for their men. so in the city of elanets, nikolaev region, they beat off a minibus passenger. even the western press is paying attention to punitive mobilization, the new york times writes about deserted cities, fearing that conscription into the army is a one-way ticket to bloodshed. during the war, men sit at home all day long, all day long.
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meanwhile , a very revealing video is being circulated in the foreign segment of the internet about what hundreds of billions of western military aid to kiev lead to. foreigners we are confident that in the future, the more weapons are sent, the more ukrainians will die. well, let's return again to the main topic of today's issue, the day of memory and sorrow. vyacheslav volodin and deputies. today the duma laid wine and flowers at the eternal flame in victory park on poklonnaya hill. the speaker of the lower house of parliament noted that soldiers, officers, home front workers, they did everything to drive out the enemy and put an end to fascism. a... the leader of a fair russia honored the memory of the podolsk cadets for the truth. in october forty-first, young fighters, at the cost of their
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own lives, delayed the enemy column and made it possible to strengthen the immediate approaches to moscow. sergei mironov , at exactly 4 a.m. at the start of the war, traditionally laid flowers at the memorial. representatives of the regional branch of the party took part in the ceremony. we always bow to the heroes of the great patriotic war. let us remember them and never forget them, glory to our heroes, who today are fighting for the future of humanity, not only for the future of the russian world, precisely for the future of humanity, fronts of a special military operation, victory will be ours. commemorative events are taking place today from the far east to the very western borders; they have begun in many regions. at 4:00 am. across the country , more than a million people have already taken part in them ; everywhere they remember the heroic feat and
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sacrifices of the soviet people, who defeated the nazi war machine. alexander will continue. from kaliningrad to vladivostok today thousands of candles are lit in silence, each of them has its own story, where i was born, here in the village, we had men somewhere, 50 people, and only 12 of them came, that’s why they were wounded, missing a leg, there were five people. in memory of the dead, people bow their heads, almost in memory of the heroes with a minute of silence. the bloody war reached the east of the large country. in the capital of primorye, in memory of the fallen soldiers, a procession was held along the ship embankment to the memorial to the military glory of the pacific fleet. in memory of the tragic date of the beginning of the great patriotic war, an open-air concert was held near the walls of the first fort of the vladivostok fortress.
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among the spectators is eduard aleksandrovich kostitsin. he witnessed the beginning of the war in brest. he was 8 years old, 4 o’clock the first shell hit near the house, my grandmother was screaming, it meant there was an earthquake, an earthquake, and my mother said, nothing like that, this is war. in the novosibirsk region, a memorial alley of 250 spruce seedlings was planted; the garden of memory event is held annually; many came here with their entire families; the andreev family has three children. the kids planted their first trees. we want children to participate. the event is dedicated not only to those who forged victory on the front line, but also to the rear workers who, overcoming themselves, went to the factory to produce the aircraft needed by the front. during the entire wartime, the vehicles of the irkutsk aviation plant did not have a single accident, not
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a single crew crashed due to a malfunction of the vehicle. it is impossible to convey the emotions we experience. a fiery picture of thousands of candles appeared in the urals in yekaterinburg, on defense square. residents and activists depicted a copy of the “gray ural” monument. it was from the defense area that during the war the residents of sverlovsk went to the front. and we promise to remember a feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and we will definitely hold such events. in krasnoyarsk, an exhibition of 500 candles was laid out. in memory of tens of millions of fallen soldiers who gave freedom and peaceful skies, they take place throughout the country. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, ksenia klimina, andrey kolesnikov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva, news. the us authorities decided
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to close the russian visa center, whose branches are located in washington and new york. our diplomats will be deprived of tax privileges. anatoly reported this today antonov. he called the actions of the biden administration a petty dirty attack and assured that consular support for citizens will continue, despite the increased load on russian diplomatic missions. it is noteworthy that the white house decided to further strain relations with moscow on the eve of the biden-trump debate, which is only 5 days away. the local press is already saying that president biden's disastrous public appearance will put an end to his success. election campaign, and the authoritative american journalist seymour horsch expressed the opinion that the democrats would want to change their candidate. the conflict in ukraine was provoked by the european union and nato with their constant expansion to the east. the leader of the british right-wing party, nigel farage, admitted this, which immediately brought down a barrage
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of criticism. however, according to polls, far more britons now trust him than rishi sunak. in a week and a half. parliamentary elections, the prime minister's rating updated its anti-record. report by alexander khabarov. reform party leader nigil farage once again violated the unspoken prohibitions of british politics. in an interview with the bbc, he stated that the conflict in ukraine was provoked by the actions of the west. it was obvious to me that the continued eastward advance of nato and the eu would give this man the opportunity to tell the russians: they are coming at us again, and then they will send us away. the ruling conservatives immediately attacked farage, but their election results leave much to be desired, while farage and his party are confidently gaining points. in this election nigel's reform party farage is not some kind of fringe. she is supported by many who used to vote conservative. and some opinion polls show that
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about a third of voters would like to see her as the main opposition force in parliament. if 20% are ready to vote for the conservatives, then 21% are ready to vote for the reform party. it is not a fact that these figures will materialize into parliamentary mandates for reformers, but in one of the recent interviews. calls for limiting migration, is friendly with he speaks from the position of eurosceptics and former us president donald trump. there is no doubt that opponents will use his criticism of western actions to the fullest against farage, but many people think so. the government says that we are all here for ukraine, but this is not true, many people in my city do not support ukraine, because we know that it is a corrupt
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country. putin is a good leader, he does everything right, putting the interests of his own people first, he would not have started this war, and it’s not even a war, if he wanted, he would destroy ukraine in a week, but the more the west and nato put pressure on it, send weapons there, the more nato creates the ground for the third world war, which will begin. it is possible that the sunok may ultimately lose even in his own constituency. the hopeless situation is causing scandals within the conservative party. two
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tory candidates were caught placing bets with bookmakers on the election date using inside information, which is a crime. person involved in the scandal, head of the electoral conservative party company, was forced to resign. you that if any wrongdoing is found, this man will not only face the full consequences of the law, i will personally ensure that he is expelled from the conservative party. the pettiness of individual candidates is a continuation of the general collapse in the conservative party; 80 conservative deputies refused to participate in the obviously disastrous elections. the politician’s publication writes that prime minister sunok himself may leave for california after his defeat. where he has a house worth... 7 million dollars, the son of the rich british monarch charles ii, he met his wife, the daughter of an indian billionaire, akshata murthy, while studying at the american
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university stanford. during a meeting in san diego last year, the us president joked: “i want to welcome you back to california, this man graduated from stanford, he has a house here, that’s why i enjoy talking to you so much, maybe you ’ll invite me to home to california?" "among supporters, conservatives within " people and tourists on lake powel were bombarded by ice floes flying from the sky. abnormal precipitation caused
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large-scale floods in the swiss and french alps, rivers overflowed their banks, streams of water poured onto city streets, destroying roads, washing away cars, and damaging hundreds of houses. the swiss resort of zermatt was cut off from the outside world. the consequences of unprecedented floods are being eliminated in china; 38 people have already become victims of the bad weather; in anhui province , mudflows near a landslide are demolishing houses; a bridge could not withstand the water pressure. built 700 years ago. and in turkey they are fighting against another element, fire. forest fires have come close to the city of diyar bakir, where almost a million people live. due to the threat to homes, authorities are preparing to make an announcement. evacuation of the population. about the main events of the last seven days, in the news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. watch on sunday, tomorrow at 20:00. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry
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kiselev, watch on sunday. why should we be afraid? isn't it better then to go to the end? how putin's trip to asia changed the balance of power in world. and why did the west fall into hysterics because russia and the dprk were ready to defend themselves shoulder to shoulder? and what is wrong?
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vesti monitors the development of major events in russia and abroad, stay with us. supplying the army with high-tech weapons, including drones, smart projectiles, and communication control systems, is a priority for
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the state. the head of state noted that russia will... report by andrey grigoriev. supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. st. george's hall the large kremlin palace is named after the highest russian military order of st. george the victorious, the names of its gentlemen are embossed everywhere, a symbol of the country's military glory. in difficult battles, the legendary traditions of our military school were tempered, and those qualities were formed that have always distinguished our soldiers from privates to marshals.


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