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tv   Pesni voennikh let  RUSSIA1  June 23, 2024 5:10am-6:25am MSK

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we choose the truth, vladimir putin sits in this chair, he, as you and i remember, enters the hall through these doors, everything without which russia cannot be imagined, only on the rtr planet channel. hello, we again have the main stories that happened nearby, my name is yaroslav krasienko, this is a week in the city, this is how our correspondents saw it. immersing, usually the shoulders, the beans are not to her taste, why popular canned food poisoned 300 people, on the second day she began to suffocate. how not
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to order delivery to intensive care? maxim oparin opens canned food. it can be seen that there is even a castle, which the researchers had to cut down. lead plates will protect this room from radiation. renewal of st. vladimir. how will the oldest children's hospital in moscow change? major construction work is currently nearing completion. and when will the new medical complex accept its first patients? we found out everything. builders offered specialists several. options carniman captured near this theater barrier, i’ll swallow it, i won’t have mercy, why moscow may lose the unique chukovsky library, what do you need, chocolate, and is it possible to defend the cultural value, alexander karpov is going to peredelkino, with all its inventory and book fund. so, less than
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a month remains before the opening of the new, largest children's hospital in the moscow region , the ten-story leonid rashal medical center in krasnogorsk. it was built in just 3 years, despite the fact that the clinic is truly huge, multidisciplinary, and the work has reached the final stage this week. governor of the moscow region andrey vorobyov personally reported to the president of the country. and, of course, not only this, vladimir putin traditionally pays special attention to the fastest growing region of russia. what else were they talking about in the kremlin? olga armyakova knows the details of the dialogue. in terms of population growth , the moscow region is the leader in the country. almost 100 thousand new residents every year, and this is a challenge for the regional authorities, because infrastructure must develop at the same pace, but the head of the moscow region begins his report to the president with what is most important now. we are now, of course, paying attention to families, whose, husbands, sons. fathers defend our
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country, we provide a whole block of activities with families, and support, kindergartens, vouchers, various things that cannot be written down in decrees or orders, also widely help the sponsored regions in donetsk, which every day, under attack from the armed forces of ukraine, builders near moscow are rebuilding houses, schools in mariupol, destroyed bridges are being rebuilt, kilometers of new roads are being laid, over 1,700 objects in total. large road construction projects have taken place in the moscow region so that trains and electric trains do not interfere with automobile traffic. we are transporting small towns to the area, building overpasses and tunnels; by the end of the year , traffic will be launched along two sections of the m5 ural highway , bypassing populated areas, which will double the transport accessibility of the southeast of the moscow region. a little less than 3 weeks left, it will be opened by the regional children's clinical hospital in krasnogorsk. it will become the main center for children's health care of all. region, every year
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over 15 thousand small patients will be able to receive high-tech care here, this is in hospitals, another 150 thousand children will be able get medical advice or undergo diagnostics. the construction of this hospital was once supported by the president, as was the construction of a regional hospital in balashikha with 1,135 beds. the work there is planned to be completed in 3 years. there are always many questions, one of them is, of course, the outpatient department. the possibility of visits, it is necessary, of course, to increase the possibility of visits, this is probably the most important thing for citizens to eat, 100%. the housing and communal services system requires attention; a large-scale modernization program has started in the region, just this year will repair 36 boiler houses and about 200 km of heating networks. this will affect about 60% of the population, that is, this is a large program of both the regional budget and concessions, mainly gazprom and the federal program
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also helps us here, payments, payments, of course, yes, the program for updating housing and communal services systems in the moscow region is designed for 5 years. olga armyakova, sofya melnichenko and... news. replenishment awaits the moscow healthcare system. one of the largest and oldest children's clinics in the city, st. vladimir's hospital. will celebrate its upcoming 150th anniversary not just updated and the transformation will be radical. now on its territory the construction of a multidisciplinary complex, a huge building, where the highest degree of comfort will be provided to everyone, both patients and doctors, continues. doctors are already preparing for the big move. old hospital buildings do not correspond to modern ones. standard, so they are really looking forward to the housewarming party, when the new complex starts accepting small patients, we went to the construction site and found out everything. the new complex of the st. vladimir children's hospital has grown in just a year and a half, with more to come a lot of work, but the scale of the medical center
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is difficult to overestimate: six floors, not counting two underground, 56,000 km. this is not another hospital building, this is essentially a new hospital under construction. according to the latest technologies, despite the fact that this looks like an ordinary room, there will be a long and expensive finishing process, which will allow this equipment to be placed here without harming the neighboring rooms and neighboring patients, that is, some kind of special finishing, will there be? yes, there will be special protection of the wall from radiation so that this radiation does not penetrate into the neighboring one premises. one of the oldest children's hospitals in moscow, it was opened back in the seventies and nineteen. century will become one of the most modern, 20 departments will move to the new complex, including neurosurgery, traumatology, urology, intensive care for newborns and a unique hemodialysis center. ultra-comfortable wards for parents
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with children, they were thought out together with the builders, with medical technologists, the slightest nuances, how the child gets, excuse me, to the toilet, how to wash a small child in... in the ward, without leaving anywhere, then this was thought out down to every detail, down to the centimeter, practically together with medical technologists, here there will be 15 operating rooms alone with the most modern equipment, here you can already see what the future wards will look like, the builders offered the specialists several options, this one turned out to be the most successful standard ward for three patients, very spacious, very bright and... very cozy, the emergency department will work according to the new standard, when from the patient's admission to the start of the operation not minutes, but seconds pass. one of the most key facilities in the field of children's healthcare, modern, comfortable, convenient,
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all types of treatment, from diagnostics to surgery, will be located under one blood. the main construction work is currently nearing completion and is underway. installation of utilities, the stage of finishing work has arrived. the renovated st. vladimir hospital should accept its first small patients next year. there are dozens of apartments in moscow that, after the death of their owners, were legally required to be transferred to state property turned out to be re-registered to members of a gang of so -called black realtors. the capital's real estate market is traditionally teeming with businessmen and swindlers of all sizes, but the scale of the activities of this group. it’s really amazing, the bribery of officials, the network of their lawyers, many dummies, ingenious fraudulent schemes, there is everything in the case, and the leaders of this organized crime group were finally detained, despite the fact that they operated with impunity for almost 15 years, actually stealing apartments from people on the waiting list. why did the scheme work for so long?
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and how was it revealed? our alexander karpov also took part in the investigation. are your neighbors drowning us? the special forces arrived at 5 am, visiting forty addresses in moscow and the moscow region at once, they detained members of a gang of communal workers who stole escheat housing, that is, municipal apartments, which after the death of the tenant, by law, go to the city, everything is here, vasily nikolaevich, good morning, the attackers retroactively entered false registration information into the municipal apartments of the participants. tenants who have already died. the imaginary employers changed their passports due to damage, after which they signed social rental agreements. the leader of the group, vist larin, employees of management companies and even the head of the kuzminki district mfc were detained. deceased tenants were retroactively married,
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given in marriage to accomplices, and non-existent grandchildren and nephews were registered for them. then the apartments were rewritten and registered without any problems through their people, with whom. were acquired with the help of informants from the housing estate of the kuzminka districts and textile workers, and also, the head of the migration department of the police who joined them, the case of real estate seizure was put on stream. the gang methodically knocked out the housing stock intended for those on the waiting list street by street, sometimes two or three apartments in one building. there are nine addresses on volgogradsky prospekt alone, on yunykh lenintsev street there are 15. please tell me, how long have you been living here? young man, who lived in this apartment before? aunt masha. there is even a suspicion
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that, let’s say, the people who bought the apartment and those who came here had nothing to do with her. the investigation has so far counted 68 stolen apartments. the investigation will certainly ensure that this property is seized and returned to state ownership as soon as possible. but here everything is very difficult, since apartments that manage to be resold several times end up. for bona fide purchasers, the lawsuits regarding svetlana gladysheva’s apartment, which turned out to be one of those, lasted 8 years. the city property department filed a lawsuit to reclaim the apartment and evict me and my minor son onto the street, and the trial was lengthy, more than 8 years, fortunately, the supreme court came to the defense of the bona fide purchaser. considering that 68 apartments is only what has been established today, and the first are the crimes of the gangs. committed back in 2010, the total number of stolen apartments could be in the hundreds, and the damage could amount to
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billions of rubles. alexander karpov, ilya novikov, ekaterina cherusheva, oleg dobin, news. and in mytishchi near moscow, residents of one of the districts early in the morning, when they left home, we saw a completely creepy picture: the entire yard was strewn with dead pigeons, like silence in thrillers. later, alarming messages began to arrive from neighboring streets; something happened there too. whose apocalypse, it became simply scary to walk with children on the playgrounds, the carcasses, of course, were removed, but how can you forget this? suspicion fell on unknown hunters, these are called bird hunters, and experts put forward completely incredible versions of this pestilence, so what happened, our oksana maksimova tried to make out the bird’s language, this is a bluish naked one, a picture in the style hitchcock, gloomy, leaving the house in the morning, the residents of letnaya street... trees, there are so many of them,
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one, two, three, somewhere around two dozen, all this frightened the local residents so much that even adults are now afraid to walk in this area , about twenty meters away, the playground is now empty, after what i saw, parents prefer to walk with their children further away from here, the child dropped his teether, right here on the asphalt, i’m now... standing and afraid to even touch the child, well, because it’s really unclear, what it’s the residents of mytishchi who are wondering what caused the mass death of birds. dead birds were recently found in several blocks of the city, a total of one and a half hundred pigeons were counted, only three were saved. a pigeon falls from a tree, i run up, grab it, wash the crop with water and polysorb, some lasted longer, others died within 2 minutes, an autopsy showed that the pigeons died from gunshots, death was due to... mechanical injury caused by a projectile fired from a pneumatic weapon with low destructive force, or
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impacted tangentially by a ricochet. residents of letnaya street paid almost 16,000 rubles for an independent examination in a private laboratory. but they do not agree with the conclusion; they do not allow the idea that someone fired more than 100 shots; no one heard them in the quiet courtyards. the plumage is clean, of course, there are no entry holes from bullets. 150%, this is poisoning. to this thought. local residents were aroused by suspicious-looking croup, which they began to find in clearings, along paths near trees, right where the beetles have their feeding places, usually like this bird hunters and bird hunters are operating in cold blood, the police are involved in the case, the dead carcasses will again be sent for examination, this time the local administration will monitor the results, the state laboratory will conduct a pathological autopsy, then they will make a decision based on the results, flocks of pigeons have chosen the mytishchi quarter ... is getting larger every month, veterinarians warn that uncontrolled population growth can be
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dangerous for people, including. pigeons are carriers of various diseases, among which ornithosis, clemoniasis, bird flu, helminths are dangerous to humans, but this is still not a reason to destroy flocks in a socially dangerous way, the fact that this is not a natural death of birds is already clear, the latest test results showed that dead pigeons were not carriers of infections . this week in the city, the most interesting stories, as always, are ahead, our advertising is a little short, but you will have time to pour some tea or coffee. you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, there’s a catch, last name what character from pushkin’s works does everyone know, how much is 7,8, 7,8,8, how much, huh?
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who speaks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then with humor, i chop oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches , god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one. oops, today on rtr.
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catch me if you can, a big music show, no one sings like that , by and large, as it’s recorded, only a few sing like that, on friday on rtr, under seal
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in previous episodes, well, let it be... last will. anna safonova, knowing about her diagnosis, makes an important statement. i transfer all my property to you. yes, it's responsible, but you can do anything. i really believe in you. why do you need it? the unexpectedly appeared heiress immediately declare war. now we must stick together and prevent this pride from taking over our money, our factory. actually, this praidoha is also part of our family. but who is she really? the new owner of the sweet empire, who was it is beneficial to eliminate safonova, for whom it is elementary for the one who took her place to have the charges against you dropped, you need to sign some papers, you have an alebi, no, i have an alibi, sealed with seven seals, continuation, look on
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monday on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came. it’s still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i’m giving up everything, with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, today on rtr,
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this is a week in the city, the main stories that happened nearby, so in moscow they continue to investigate. case of mass poisoning , more than 100 people ended up in hospital beds after eating lobio, a well-known very popular bean dish. many required the help of resuscitation specialists, the condition was so serious. residents of neighboring regions also suffered; they also used delivery services and ordered the same salad. investigators were able to quickly trace the entire chain from the shops where food was prepared to the heads of all the companies involved. what happened in the kitchens catering our maxim oparin conducted his gastronomic investigation into why beans suddenly became deadly. this is a hospital. on artificial ventilation. 2 days ago, having returned from the institute, she ordered food through the scooter delivery service, a cutlet, salad and beans, signs of poisoning appeared the next morning. severe
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dizziness and double vision began, and there was a severe headache. for 2 days we could not determine what it was, and then on the second day she began to feel suffocated. igor's family used the same delivery. wife felt bad the next day at work, also ate a salad with beans , ended up in intensive care, she was dizzy, couldn’t raise her arms, you look into her eyes, they were cloudy, well , in general, that is, they seemed to be looking askance, because in the apartment igor repairs, he did not have time to take out the garbage, representatives of rospotrebnadzor confiscated the remains of the ordered products for examination, the affected citizens ate salad, lobby, manufacturer llc local kitchen salad with tuna, apple and beans, manufacturer llc gastro. port turnover products from these manufacturers are suspended. the local kitchen company supplies products to a well-known ready-to-eat food delivery service in the area. it hasn't been working since yesterday.
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the local kitchen warehouse was searched. they confiscated not only food, but computers and documentation. there is information that employees tried to destroy dangerous goods. behind this door, searches took place here for several hours; it is clear that there is even a lock that the investigators had to cut down. now the room is sealed, no one is inside. they let me in. as of this hour , more than 100 people have already applied to the capital’s clinic with symptoms of poisoning. 55 of them are hospitalized, some in extremely serious condition. the investigative committee opened a criminal case under the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. all victims are provided with medical assistance. a number of necessary examinations have been appointed, including those on product control and quality. establishing the circumstances of the incident, the progress of the criminal investigation, as well as the results of the epidemiological investigation for control. at the moscow city prosecutor's office. batulism is a serious disease caused by the ingestion of butolotoxin, one of the most powerful natural poisons. these bacteria can be contained in any canned food if
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the rules of preparation or storage are violated. ideal conditions for their rapid reproduction without an oxygen environment. the salads that the victims ate contained canned beans and tuna. the specialists with whom we were able to talk are confident that they were the cause of the poisoning. if the heat treatment of the product was not observed , the entire volume was filled within the time specified, again in the recipe, to avoid botulism, you should not buy canned food from hand in
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unverified places, and when choosing ready-made salads, make sure that they do not contain canned ingredients. simbaev, dmitry belous, ilona agasieva, news. capital telephone scammers are reaching a new digital level; they have begun to use the latest computer technologies to deceive their victims. the so -called ones are in action. fake video images artists, tv presenters and even politicians were recently convinced to part with a large sum of money by the digital double of the mayor of moscow, the former head physician of a children's hospital; the doctor did not even think that he was being deceived, while old, much exposed schemes bring success to swindlers. alexey karev studied the rapid evolution of criminal techniques. seeing an alarmed pensioner at an atm in a large shopping center, the operatives immediately. suspected something was wrong, a fraudster over the phone, introducing himself to intelligence officers, tried to lure out an elderly woman money, allegedly criminals are trying to take possession of her funds, so you need to withdraw
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160,000 and give it to the courier. approached her, introduced ourselves, until recently she did not believe that we were real police officers, she claimed that she was fighting scammers, now she was about to give the money, all this time her son tried to contact the pensioner, but the phone was constantly busy, the victim the criminals are now looking for them and... they were processing them the whole day, i want to say a huge thank you to the police who showed professionalism and did not pass by non-standard, incomprehensible behavior of a person, in the case of another victim of scammers, the famous pediatrician nikolai vaganov, the deception scheme turned out to be more sophisticated, an 82-year-old pensioner received a video call allegedly on behalf of the mayor of moscow, an eminent doctor... replacing
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the person’s voice and image, establishing all the circumstances of the fraud , as well as those involved in it under control at the cheryomyshkinsky interdistrict prosecutor's office. as experts say, with the help of artificial intelligence and virtual fakes, technologies to deceive the gullible citizens have reached unprecedented heights. the technology is called deep fake, you can, in principle , additionally train an already trained neural network for the voice of a certain person, generate a video with him, and let’s say, send it to friends ; it’s especially easy to create virtual doubles of famous people who often appear on screens and whose voice and manner are well known, at our request , it specialists are conducting an experiment, creating a deep fake of the famous singer grigory leps. hello, alexey, we invite you to our concert, we will be glad to see you on the set group, see you, supposedly the artist himself addresses us by name, facial expressions, gesture and
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voice, everything is very... you don’t need to be a programmer, developer, that is, you just need to know about these services so as not to fall into the trap, experts advise do not trust calls from unknown numbers, do not disclose your personal data and, of course, do not give out codes from sms messages. aleksekareev, gennady talochkin, oleg dubin, lead. moscow may lose one of the most unusual libraries, the repository of books by korney ivanovich chukovsky, the same one. legendary children's poet and writer in the middle of the past. centuries spent all his savings on it and personally took part in the construction, and then regularly replenished the library with books, this building has been preserved, it’s easy to guess where it is, no alterations have been made, of course, but now they are planning to bring the library to modern standards, usually this promises only good changes, but in a special case, you can slowly build a soulless remake instead of a unique place with a unique atmosphere, but is it possible to find a compromise, how
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go to this library? and this unprepossessing house without protective status is in fact korney ivanovich’s favorite creation, the writer’s gift to children, on whom, by the way, he spent all his royalties. well, here we are in 1957, the regional newspaper znamya ilch, a statement from chukovsky k-i. in honor of the fortieth anniversary of the great october socialist revolution, i present as a gift to the kuntsovsky executive committee a children's library that i built. address peredelkina serafimovicha street 3, with all its equipment.
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book fund, that’s where it all started. unique shots of chukovsky in an apron personally painting the library walls. i’ve been writing my fairy tales for 60 years, and of course, i’m never surprised if some miracle happens in front of me, there’s nothing you can do about it, it’s a fairy tale. we live here in the third generation, my mother was in the fifth, in the fifth generation, my mother went to chukovsky at his bonfire, yes, well, i went here when i was little. to the library, my child, he sits, he goes here, on all holidays, the capital’s department of culture confirms, the overhaul project has been approved. the main task in relation to the chukovsky library is to preserve the interiors and carry out major work; this is both a requirement for access for people with limited mobility and a requirement for fire safety. we were told that we would not make concessions to you, we would dismantle the library,
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they said it would first be dismantled down to the frame, but since the frame is possible. trust, we are looking down to the foundation and how much money has been allocated, as far as we know , 16 million, seriously, formally, everything is according to the law, but there are no lines in it about the spirit of korney ivanovich and happy childhood memories, and this is the main treasure of the library, here we have a shelf with books by chukovsky, especially for children, you see how low it is made, they can take books, read, here in the corridor we have books, books , which were sent at the request of kornya ivanovch chukovsky, authors from all over... readers did not find in the new project, as well as exhibitions of children's drawings. the so-called theater barrier was made in this reading room, and there are photographs showing the carnevan near this theater barrier, that is, it is like a mini-theater. i know that according to the reconstruction it should not be there after the reconstruction, but most likely it will be removed, like many others. my phone rang. who says elephant, where from camel? what do you
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need chocolate for? for my son. defenders of the library believe that it should be given protected status, then it will not be possible to simply dismantle it. it looks like even more tourists from china will come to moscow, polite, organized, always so sincere. right now the days are passing in beijing the russian capital, these include concerts, exhibitions, and various presentations, and the two megacities have been sister cities for almost 30 years, actively exchanging experiences, technologies, specialists and travelers. we. the cities signed a new cooperation agreement this week, so beijingers and muscovites can expect new projects and pleasant surprises from the chinese capital, where our tourists are always welcome. alexander baletsky. against the background of beijing skyscrapers, it immediately stands out
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with its moscow profile. beijing vdnh and built, because soviet specialists were at the dawn of the formation of the prc, which moscow recognized as the first in the world. but in the year of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, both capitals are looking more to the future. in 1995, beijing and moscow officially became sister cities. for 30 years , we have provided each other with strong support, and we are ready to deepen this cooperation. moscow and beijing see great potential in digitalization, mutual investments, they grew by more than 40%, as well as science and tourism, only last year a quarter million chinese tourists landed at the airports of the russian capital. kremlins,
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assumption cathedrals, archangel cathedrals and others. russian tourists are no less welcome in beijing. there are even special tourist clusters open for guests from russia near beijing. there is a sculpture for travelers from moscow. they say here that there is a mosyk nearby, specially in russian, to make it easier to navigate, the city infrastructure is now being actively developed, each other’s experience can be very good, by the way, just take the traffic, the evening rush hour everything goes, with from a development planning point of view, beijing is very similar to moscow; by the way, chinese companies are actively helping moscow build new stations, the most striking example being the large ring station. moscow showed an example of organizing an electronic city system. services to develop it, the leaders of the two capitals agreed to continue. the beijing mayor and i have developed a new program for cooperation between our cities. this program covers almost all spheres of life in our cities. these issues
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are related to ecology, urban planning, transport. with your support, this program will give a serious impetus to the development of relations between our cities. here. all education and health care, at the height of the pandemic, doctors shared their experience, they continue to do so today, and of course, culture in the moscow zoo, living symbols of the celestial empire, pandas ruyi and ding-ding katyusha, already born to the couple, are the main favorites of the public. well, in the chinese capital this evening there is a performance by the gzhel ensemble, a bright start to the days of moscow in beijing. alexander baalsky, evgeny kunonov and nikolai petrov. news from beijing. in china of course have. this tourist destination is definitely worth a closer look. it's been a week in the city, we 'll be back in exactly 7 days to tell the stories that happened near us. see you.
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when everyone stays at home, forgetting about business, there will be a feeling of such familiar warmth that everyone has known since childhood; our world takes on the dimensions of the table we have set when everyone is at home. when the house is quiet, songs suddenly appear , guitars ring, awakening voices, and that
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little house rises in the sky among the adults, not childishly it becomes very beautiful why they didn’t know you. what level is this? my songs are not on television channels, but they are all on the internet, and there are millions of views there. what does it mean to be russian among everyone? discord, to be russian means to love the greatness of every people, mouth and gloomy to repel an almost tortured victim, to be russian means to be strong, let us fight according to my superiority, we will be crushed and crushed, but the world will fade away without russia, to be russian means to be equal. in any indomitable force
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, to be russian means to live life to be looked for our children, the answers to these questions, what is it to be russian, and what is it to be russian? the century of may with an immense blue, in russia there is something not to love, but you can’t not love russia, why? well done! good morning! the family-strengthening program “when everyone is at home” is on air. and today, to our great joy , andrei kuryaev receives us. please introduce your loved ones. let's start with fedor. this is son. fedor andreevich. this is a beautiful woman, she gave it. a poet's dream. it’s such a miracle for me, blue-eyed. and this beautiful woman was given by her mother, larisa.
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lugansky, and in this house we strive only to realize what has been given to us, to realize it in full. well, firstly, i write a lot of songs, and secondly, nadezhda, she is the producer of a children’s channel, animators, artists, and animators work under her leadership. and i, too, by the way , am under her leadership, as the author
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of children's songs, there is a magical country, it is not on the map, it is all full of children, it is in the stars , at any time in september in march, a holiday all year round, i have been composing all my life songs, for as long as i can remember, there are a huge number of them the number, i think, is somewhere around... songs that are not viral, because in soviet times, when there was a war, some bright songs were written, however, when the war began, i lost my dad and sister, then i say, it is necessary but we try to create good positive lives to move on, fedya appeared when you went through a tragedy, you don’t want to suffer, you want light on the contrary, don’t fight the russians, these are also anti-war songs, but for some reason some people... they perceive it as why- then the aggressive song of the russian people, what
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aggression, firstly, and secondly, the words bismarck's ottaphon, set to music, composed by me, is popular wisdom, if you argue with a fool, then there are already two fools, so i never argue, and i just saw one article that bismarck wrote a warning that do not fight with the russians, don’t borrow from them when i come, don’t borrow when they come.
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the world is ready to open fire, all the foundations have collapsed, the taboo has been erased by time, do not fight with the russians, again madmen are eager to fight, with companies without mustaches, to find out the epiphany of pain, do not fight with the russians, again evil spirits are here and there. annoying muscles, that means new boilers, don’t fight with the russians, you’re so fucking born, with hollywood lions, the course of the battle is predetermined, don’t fight with the russians, dormant dawn, over
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the sad fields, don’t wake up the fever, don’t fight with the russians, i want to listen, listen, and it seems to me that people are finishing their compositions, they are and yes, just such quatrains as chistushki, there are successful ones, there are successful ones, there are some from the heart, there are just more biting ones, in the twenty -first year i decided by may 9... to write which one some patriotic song, but i already felt the approach of this thunderstorm, it was already in the air, so i found these poems, took the guitar, and i wanted to write something unofficial, not ceremonial, but something like okudzhav’s with a guitar, and
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you know, that’s how it happened, i found the poems at home , and i found the poems, thank god they were far away, if you remember the songs of children and youth? you know, for example, there’s this one, my favorite one, what year was she born, here she was born in 1984, can you imagine, that means she’s a fourth year student at the polytechnic institute, polytechnic, yes, already my dear friend is dawning, the simple muse of russian trees, that... you cry out the sad separation , calling for a new day on the road, and seeing off the birch trees on the way with a flock of foggy foxes, there is no man between
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me and you. on the highway, then you could only ride a horse, or there was only a horse, the mud was knee-deep, there were no asphalts, roads, a school, the school was ten years old in our village, we had a very large village, very, from other villages, with villages, we have children, 10th grade, who wanted to finish, they came to you, came to our village, and
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there was a small felsch station, and an old felshr worked there, an old pre- revolutionary felshr, who had a very big influence on me. grandmother, because she delivered babies, she later told me, i sometimes accompanied her and this is an interest in life, why one lives so long, why i went to gonel myself, entered medical institute, i studied excellently, how fate thanked my grandmother for such a noble cause, how long she lived, 104 years, that’s the prize for her, and that means you dreamed of being a doctor, and what kind of doctor, then we just knew? therapist-surgeon, but when i came to the school, i was still so young, a little girl, you can say that for me gynecology was generally like... the discovery of space now, and you weren’t afraid of medical procedures, because this is not everyone is given this, that’s exactly what, when
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they first started teaching us about blood transfusions, taking blood tests, many people fainted, i just felt dizzy, i survived, and then i was generally very good at embroidering and i couldn’t tell where the skin was, i very good i sewed, that is, i was not afraid, now you are embroidering what beautiful pictures and now larisa gona just produces such masterpieces, how many plots you have for stories, you can’t even count them, you can tell about everyone, i wrote three novels, but they probably no one will read it, because they are very large, i included stories from my life, and my children are wonderful, my son is a colonel in the kazakh service in lugansk, a teacher at the cadet school, college, his... she gave birth to me because he was taken to afghanistan , she decided that there would be suddenly a boy, to be safe, and across the field, and
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across the field there are dandelions, and the boys are walking along the pavement again, come back, come back, our boys, come back, you go home victorious, all episodes of our program... you can watch on the internet, in the app or on the website when everyone is at home? so, you have two children, how do you know, the script says, mom, this definitely can’t happen, at that moment i was single four times, set the table, i’ll be there soon, 2:00 am. the gray haired man rushed towards me and screamed so loudly that it was right out of my hands. the hammer fell out, humor, humor, humor,
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premiere, today on rtr, can i call you maestro, can i, maestro, yeah, can, it means he fooled you, and you’re glad, so he needs some fool i was in awe of him, who's the fool, i'm the fool.' i would like to book a room at your hotel, what are you doing here, this is my room, i paid for it, i paid, hold it, hold it, i hold it, hold it, move us in immediately, one room, oh, one city, st. petersburg is a city small, nowhere to dine, only love, this vasily, please call me back, i’m looking for a travel companion, on friday at rtr, the floor is shaking,
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the walls are shaking, big changes have come, into the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are out of this room. into zones, ideas are overflowing, we want faceless ones, we’ll make three different functional ones , turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes soon real stone flowers will bloom after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become: reality as you look at it, let it into your home, big changes, today on rtr,
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give me your neck, like that, i’ve gone too far, take it off with my shirt, my god, on saturday. “i saw everything that you saw, how you jumped like a goat near her, it’s easy to check feelings, so, i don’t see any other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and the children shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce, this is terrible, we shouldn’t allow this, oh, your thoughts are not without flowers.” well where, for what? well, well, thank you. i'm warning you, when you're with her, we're with her. no,
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i'm warning you. my intentions are serious. divorce. with obstacles on saturday on rtr, those who want to stay in the know, watch the week's program, program for advanced, week's show with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr, when everyone is at home, when the shadow of an ominous swastika was creeping across the world, we were standing... the victory scorers were nearby day, the hungry blockade fighters turned black to the snow, but the quilted jackets did not surrender to the well-groomed enemy, thieves and safecrackers buzzed in taverns, at this time the quilted men gave a plan in the shops, and there in the fields vultures circled over
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the stubble, where the quilted men died for their... native home, guardsmen and penal battalion soldiers, leaders and men, saved europe in the otniks, from the river of fire, when people they start to do something, decide to do it, they are faced with the question of where? for them to go further, an interesting question, but least of all for me, probably, she has developed a talent for promoting her creativity, yes, but nadezhda has everything in her stride, now, for example, this process is streamlined with the internet, with everything, well, that is, it
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has already been delivered, thanks to the hope for... a professional basis, and before, i remember, the first time was from ulyanovsk, i was born in ulyanovsk, we wrote songs that people liked, and we somehow managed to get on the phone with the melodiya company, we even got an appointment, what year is this, in my opinion, it’s actually the nineties some year, yes, we were still young, young and played something like that like pop-rock, songs were composed in this way, well, also social songs, there’s hello to the country. the rising sun, from the land of descending orders, we had such powerful themes, just when perestroika exploded, daring, and the melody company met with us, they said that the songs were not bad, there was something in them, as usual, here we are let's call, yes, and some guy was sitting in the yard, looking and looking at us, then he came up and said,
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well, do you want to get loose, can i introduce you? with one guy, we are from there how they rushed, that’s it, they arrived in ulyanovsk, so i think, okay, we’ll continue to write, so, well, somehow, you know, life turned out so that i graduated from the ulyanovsk polytechnic institute, worked for 3 years as a young specialist in a design bureau, then from then on i was practically free, as... a writer of songs for children, for adults, and somehow my life turned out that well, i never went hungry, then i moved to moscow, here in moscow i worked in a restaurant, about three years ago, i started doing some programs in clubs, in general, the path is very long, but i was never in a hurry, i always liked to compose something, talent also has an age,
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definitely, definitely and... you know, the longer fate does not give recognition to a talented person, a gifted person , he, like me, tries to maintain creative longevity or sings, milk or thicker, or disappears, but he doesn’t let me sing, my family, thank you, so you can only sing, yes love, give me two wings, love, so that love can be lit in the lights of a dream, for him to retreat eyes, love, give me two wings, love, so that this night can sing, love, i want you to come, love,
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what is your musical education? i have a yard guitar, yard music, you went musically, the only thing that came from such an education was... i studied the accordion for 5 years at a music school, and before that i studied for one year on the clornite, i was 7 years old, i i wanted to learn the guitar, i showed my mother a note in the newspaper with my finger, my mother said, i want to come here, she’s under the visor, the commission came there, i passed all the exams, they asked us to leave, then my mother called us, they said, we won’t let him play the guitar, this is a crime. so he had to take either the violin or the piano, such an ear, and such abilities, they forced him to play the violin, but it turns out that at that time i was a rather stubborn
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boy, not like now, and i burst into tears, said, i’m not in any way i’ll study the violin, the piano, only the guitar, they say: okay, we’ve discussed it, come in, we go into the classroom on a table, on this one, on a desk. different, different wind instruments are laid out instruments, beautiful flutes, a shiny quarnet, a golden saxophone, well, in general , my eyes are like this, my head is spinning, my eyes are running wild, for some reason i pointed to this clarinet, it’s so black with such silver keys, and i say: here it is i’ll learn from this, they beat me around like that, but i didn’t regret it, i really liked the clarinet and this is the first year i ’ve been...
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this duet called don’t leave, it always unites us, what ’s going on, we don’t know ourselves which of us is leaving, who is abandoning whom, who is fighting whom off, who is known to whom. who the actor is, who the spectator is, it doesn’t matter if, and if it’s anyone,
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let’s not rush, and if it’s love, the south won’t sing for long, and if it’s love, then it’s standing on the ground. family, if you rewind from moving into this house, nadezhda, after all, the chronology of your creation from moving into zaks to the moment of meeting, first acquaintance, first meeting, we were introduced by our mutual friend, andrey and i collaborated at first, he did the arrangements, i did the music wrote.
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fundamentally, he will never go against himself, well, there are really few such people, despite the fact that there are few such people, no, there is only one such person, no, there are no more such people, let’s stop there, hope, when fate brought you together and there were some arrangements, then what kind of songs did you record, what kind of music, oh, it was a wonderful song, i i really like it, a masterpiece song, thank you, come on, come on. thank you for being with
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me, she says that i have you, thank you for the night, thank you for the day, thank you for being yours, thank you for being you! thank you for being yours, thank you for being there, there are 10 more i put together such, well, very beautiful, beautiful songs, they exist, no one hears them, well, yes, and at the same time there is some holiday, a concert, another series, the mummies are returning, what is this? well, why, and children's songs, not early ones
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specifically, but inspired by fyodor, there are nadya singing a lot of lullabies, which i composed, she is also for a children's channel, thanks to fedya, nadya and i are making a children's channel, fedya tells us the theme, which one - then he, as they say, blurts out the word coca-boca, for example, coca-woka, they call him coca. become a star, then chuchka and kardazik, this chicken, chicken, which means striving , was also invented by fede, two bugs, here he is modest, he left, he could tell a lot, yes, a lot of songs are written, they are arranged, immediately put into production, cartoons are drawn on them, posted on the channel, like this, so that we can sing them somewhere and learn them - probably, this has never happened before, yes, well
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, yes, well, by the way, we can sing it, this is one of the first songs, the bear suits the police, it’s so funny, of course it’s made in such a dance arrangement, but i'll try, bear he walks through the forest, collects pine cones, the bear sings songs in pink pants, you are pine cones, don’t approach the bear, because of the cones on the bear’s forehead. big bumps, bumps, you're big shots, don't fall on the bear, bumps give the bear big bumps, you have to remember everything, put it out there, thank you, we'll learn now, when everyone is at home under seal in the previous episodes, well, let this be my last will, fonova
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, knowing about her diagnosis, makes an important statement: i am transferring all my property to you, yes, this is responsible, but you you can, i really believe in you, why do you need this, the unexpectedly appeared heiress immediately declare war, now we must stick together and not let this rascal take over our money, our factory, in fact, this pridehoha is also part of our family, but who is she in fact, the new owner of the sweet empire? for those who benefited, eliminate safonova, for those it was elementary, for those who took her place, in order for the charges against you to be dropped, you need to sign some papers, you don’t have it, i have an alibi, sealed under seven seals, we'll watch the continuation on monday on rtr, you don't need to sign up for it. joke, he will come
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to the house himself, we start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support, a bowl of pasta with cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or... fried potatoes with lard, i sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. will you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov, today on rtr, and what are you doing here, i
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won’t be long, change seats immediately, my wife will come here now, please don’t attract attention, you’re the wife, i - that's the wife. and who are you? this is julia alive, she gave birth, congratulations, your husband is probably happy, we got divorced, and you look tired, is everything okay? how can i say, he sleeps lightly, he feels that mom is not around, but we can cope without mom, the stork brings not only children, there is only one option, which one, you need to find woman, great idea, i couldn’t do it myself. wait, listen to the end, you need to get married, love flies on the wings of a stork, let's move on to you, i myself wanted to suggest, greetings from the stork, on saturday on rtr, good
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morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, for me, through the rains, the flowers that have been preserved still live in me; some kind of fantasy morning mail with nikolai baskov today on rtr,
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when everyone is at home with raspberries. check, raspberry days, raspberry tea, raspberry shadow, raspberry heart, raspberry dreams, raspberry cedi, crimson moon, summer, summer, this planet, this planet, crimson, summer, summer, this planet, this planet, crimson. do you think that as parents, a person himself discovers his abilities and talents, or is it still the family, adults, lovers, looking closely at the little man, who determine what is inherent in him, it seems to me that a person is born with some kind of data, but our
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task is to discern precisely this gift, the talent to help, why the hell are you looking at everything, what is already visible, what is already felt? in him, he has a very good memory, he learns poetry very well, from the age of three he recited chuka-geek by heart, in whole books, and chuka-geek was his favorite book for a long time, he listened to it carefully when he fell asleep, when i suddenly - improvising long-familiar paragraphs he read in his own way, well, he left some words or changed them, he opened his eyes and said dad, as if he was calling me exactly. exactly the word that should have been there on some two hundredth page, it sounded that since the age of 3, fedya, now you are already what, five, that means you know even more, you know how, what you remember from poetry, you remember and can even tell, tell me about may 9, even then we were not in
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the world, when lands were being sowed from end to end, soldiers gave you to the planet, a victorious, great may.. may, we thank you, soldier, for life, for childhood and spring, for silence, for a peaceful home, for the world in which we live. how can parents make sure that their children’s joint works are loved by other people? this is very important. i often think about this, and i came to the conclusion that very little, unfortunately, in schools, kindergartens, and so on. in institutes they teach you to just be happy, no matter what, to believe that everything will be fine and enjoy life, i teach you to enjoy nature. this life, out of everything you can find some kind of core that will hold you in this
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life, it seems to me that if parents instill this love for life, no matter what, a person is created such a full-fledged person, he will love those around him , and accordingly those around him will give him warm, my mother often tells me that you are very trusting, but i am trusting, but despite this i always came across good people, of course... i was, how to raise a child so that he is loved, but by others, we want towards him
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at least in part, how we treated others, in my opinion, well, then he grows up, i ’ll explain to him, it seems to me that you just don’t need to crave this love of others too much, then everything will grow together when a person expects too much love from others, demands her too much, wants her too much, people turn away from such a person, he there should be a little bit. regardless of this, and at the same time a person needs recognition, i don’t want to say glory, but recognition, so that people around him appreciate what he does, it seems to me that if you do your job very well, this recognition will come, no matter where, television itself will come to you, there’s no need to get him, i thought so too, the fact that you are visiting us confirms it, this is ours, our initiative, we are the recognition that came on its own, andrey, and you explain to fedya how you for your little self?
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registering children so scrupulously is not it was, that is, the books were very good, the cartoons were very good, and the music school, artistic freedom, so my children are all excellent, all well-mannered, i can handle any mountains for friends, and how to get around mountains is full of ideas, without friendship it is very difficult live in the world, so yes... let's all be friends if we're nearby.


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