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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  June 24, 2024 11:30am-1:57pm MSK

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why, after so many years, anna found her younger sister and what actually happened on that fateful evening, we will find out this week. listen, what kind of material will be, i really envy you, and no one expects such a denouement, the continuation of the intriguing detective series is under seven seals, this evening, immediately after the evening news. ekaterina fralova, ekaterina kolitina, news. a drone operator will come to our program studio today. in the recent past , the athlete alpine skier is now defending his homeland in a special operation zone. watch today in 15:00. vesti monitors developments in russia abroad. stay with us. in the village. ilibyazhye, leningrad region,
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coastal erosion has reached a critical level. a thirty-meter ravine with a steep wall has already come close to the site of local residents. the road to st. petersburg was also under threat. for safety reasons , car traffic had to be restricted on one section of the highway. report by ilya karelin. boris mikhailov literally lives on the edge of the earth. his site is at a thirty-meter cliff. below is the gulf of finland every year it gets closer due to the collapse of the coast. it's hard to believe that it was once there. where is emptiness now, there was a house, we had a house, there is a barn behind the house, yeah, and you could still walk around freely, over the past decades at least a third of the site has disappeared, this is not only offensive, but also dangerous, the risk of falling from a great height more than real, similar incidents occurred, fortunately without casualties, a fence cannot be erected, because it will also collapse, however, in recent weeks, the villagers have been even more frightened by the situation with the road that connects lyabyazhye with st. petersburg.
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driving on the road is scary, because you can, frankly speaking, end up here, right there by the sea, and there is also a bus, a school bus and a shuttle bus, so it’s scary, really scary, there’s heavy traffic here, summer residents and tourists come , it is important for residents, because this is the only road to get there, it is very important, in the spring traffic on the highway was limited, the most dangerous section is 60 m along krasnogorskaya street. now operates in a single reversible lane mode, traffic flows move along queues, in this way the village administration reduced the load on the edge of the road, which is closer to the cliff, however, this measure is temporary, because the bank continues to collapse , the village administration is not able to solve the problem thoroughly, this is quite a costly measure, strengthening the bank and the budget of our municipal education is not enough for this, the amounts are mentioned differently, but after
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the last meeting, the road committee announced to us the amount of 60 million. every year the coast loses several dozen centimeters, already several tens of meters, according to local residents, the edge of the cliff has moved over half a century. the reason for the erosion, they say in the village administration, is the violence of the water element. today the water is calm, in the spring in the fall there are very big storms here, and the water reaches right to the edge where it is. therefore, also the ground inlets wash out the ground a little, the solution can only be complex: install a sheet piling fence at the base of the enemy, lay a geogrid, fill it with soil, and wipe out a layer of turf on top, plus bring out the pipes for groundwater flow. all this was done several years ago by the owner of one of the plots; at its own expense, the village administration has been trying to achieve the same in a comprehensive manner for several years without success, after complaints from village residents and motorists there was a problem. the collapse of the bank,
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according to local administration employees, was taken under personal control by the governor of the leningrad region, alexander drozdenko. he instructed to urgently work out a solution to the issue and take action by the end of the summer. ilya karelin, timofey chikmarev, dmitry dolgov, galina rominskaya, conduct leningrad region. the case of mass poisoning continues to be investigated in moscow. more than 100 people ended up in hospital beds after eating the popular bean dish. many required the help of resuscitators, they were so severe. condition, residents of neighboring regions also suffered; they also used delivery services and ordered the same salad. investigators were able to quickly trace the entire chain, starting from the sykhs where the poisoned food was prepared. your own gastronomic investigation conducted by our irina baranova. for 2 days we could not determine what it was, and then on the second day she began to feel suffocated. diana’s daughter , after studying at the university, habitually ordered food through a delivery service. the next morning
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i felt a severe headache and dizziness, and now i can’t breathe without a ventilator. i want to convey my deep gratitude to all the doctors who are now... saving my child, the doctors are saving igor’s wife, the family used the same delivery service, the order was the same as the student vera’s lobio bean salad, she had i was dizzy, i couldn’t raise my arms, you look into her eyes, they were cloudy, well , in general, that is, they seemed to be looking sideways, the third day in the hospital, but the leak was getting better, only on the fifth day in the hospital, a resident of kazan. i was able to open two eyes at the same time, the facial muscles are paralyzed, the diagnosis is batulism. over the past week, a dangerous infection after eating beans has infected more than 300 people. a total of 2.0 toxic salads seasoned with garlic were sold in the moscow region, kazan and nizhny novgorod. after
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the first victims, doctors knew there would be more. literally the very next day, they gave me serum, the symptoms did not go any further. a disease caused by the ingestion of batholotoxin, one of the most powerful natural poisons. these bacteria can be contained in any canned food, even homemade, if the rules of preparation or storage are violated. the enterprise did not have a centralized water supply; transported water used for cooking was stored on the street, next to a household waste dump. about where and how some dishes are prepared, which are then beautifully packaged distributors offer, one can judge by these. random witnesses, cockroaches, everything else, look what is happening here, cockroaches, stench, dirt, meat that rots wherever it gets before cooking, samples from products are often taken by rats scurrying around everywhere, illegal migrants who work in such industries are often illegal, who have health records didn't even hear. in similar conditions
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, a citizen of tajikistan, karim narmatov, lived and canned beans; he was illegally on russian territory; now he arrested and sent to pre-trial detention while trying to escape. of the country, a violation of the mandatory requirements of sanitary and epidemiological legislation was revealed, and the necessary examinations were ordered for the products seized in all specified regions. to date , employees of the rospotrebnadzor department have seized 200 tons of dangerous products throughout russia. the production facility where poisonous salads were prepared for muscovites is located on the northern outskirts of the capital. the bailiffs sealed the workshop for 90 days to enforce the court decision all this time. will follow in a well-known kitchen food delivery service in the area supplied food to the local kitchen company; food, documentation and even computers were confiscated from its warehouse. general director anton lozin, head of the company’s quality department elena mashkova and vladimir shin, owner of
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a bean processing plant, were detained. enterprises independently established shelf life for non-sterile products of up to 2 months at temperatures ranging from +2 to +25°, which ultimately led to...
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the fact that residents complained about the owners animals are justified, we were convinced by our own experience, almost getting hit by a horse, a second, wait, a second, a second, a second, whoever did not have time to press against the fence in time risks being trampled, the hardest thing is for children and pensioners, she reared up there barely - i barely ran away behind the fence there , hid literally there for seconds, if we had a reason to meet, the victim would have gotten off much sadder. with some serious fear, we tried to complain to the local police officer, to no avail. clients of the anonymous horse farm see a similar picture to the ideal, a plowed field, horses grazing on it, the wrong side goes to the residents of the village of cortino, mountains of garbage and manure. the lane with the name river is about time to be renamed
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konyushinny. you can live in manure; we villagers can live in manure. i was born here, and this is the first time i’ve seen this kind of manure. at this time, the riders are returning from a walk, dismounting, trying to justify themselves. i’m helping here, that means you’re working, well , i’m working for free, our film crew heard exactly the same excuses here in 2008 , supposedly money has nothing to do with it, horses maintained by enthusiasts. we are not millionaires, we have everything, sorry, damn it, but according to local residents, then and now they organize horseback riding here, the cost of an hour is from 2,000 rubles. 15 years ago there was no open confrontation between the parties, i have no right, everyone who lives in a dirty alley experiences a feeling of discomfort every time they leave the door, visitors dictate their own rules, we are filming the hive, why are you interfering in the filming, i say , this is my house, a group of strong men suddenly blocks us into the alleys.
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how are you going? eh, svyachulya! the banks of the yushenko river, which flows next to the stables, have turned into slimy slurry. to our request , the local administration responded that they were aware of the situation, but believed that it was too early to panic. a preventive conversation was held on compliance with fire safety standards, as well as on the proper maintenance of animals and timely removal of animal waste. an appeal was also sent to the territorial. veterinary department number five. who exactly is the owner of the smelly area is not reported. the citizen of panami, who actively
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interfered with our work, first introduced himself as a groom, then declared that he was the owner. the police, by the way, never arrived. and with every minute the master groom behaved more and more defiantly. howe with a pitchfork, intriguing. who do you want to call? listen! as a result, to avoid a brawl, the activists and our film crew had to retreat. residents believe that the time for preventive conversations is over and are preparing an appeal to...
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a visual history of the development of graphics in russia, when artists turn to monumental forms, when they go into miniature, and how the same plots can be presented in different ways. a family portrait of the peasant woman nadezhda matveeva, who lived to be a century old, was presented with a certificate from which it followed that there were three sons, the eldest 75 and a daughter 46 years old. pastel by the danish artist vigilius from 1768, below is a miniature painted half a century later. catherine gave such a piece of history with pastels to grigory orlov, 3 years later this artist created
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a large painting based on pastels, which catherine placed in the hermitage, this is basically the same plot, and life-size figures , a rare opportunity to see a miniature in such quantity and such quality, half of what is stored in the tretyakov gallery’s vaults, on metal, ivory, round, oval, polygonal, but it’s a shame that we didn’t we can show you the miniature from the back side, because when - if you turn it over, for example, this miniature has a piece of the dress in which she posed on the other side, this velvet, it’s on the other side, and this girl has silk, the same pink-raspberry one the dress, it is glued on that side, sometimes it happens that a curl of hair was inserted into the miniature on the reverse side, this is so that there is an idea of ​​what the girl was like, unlike a large pattern, it could be taken with you, it was inserted. as the miniatures were called
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, during the preparation of the exhibition they were restored or conserved, some exhibits were reattributed, their dates and even authorship were rewritten. this legacy of natalia goncharova arrived from paris in carelessly twisted rolls, which were stored, to put it mildly, without trepidation, judging by the fact that a significant part of the drawings was covered with mold and lost.
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and holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, black, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, them they still love you, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero from... his time, beauty, repin, the whole team, we are only watching on the platform, our favorite songs are played in our studio, let's go, birthday, favorite music never gets old, real songs sound, wonderful.
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a tiger is basically made up of three parts, but what does it eat? both horse meat and beef, and i read that he feeds on human victims. no predators were harmed during the filming of the film. mystic. striped flight. on sunday at prt.
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on rtr, can i call you maestro, can i call you maestro, uh-huh, you can, it means he fooled you, and you’re glad, so he needs some fool to be attracted to him, who’s the fool, it’s me who’s the fool, me i would like a number book at your hotel, what are you doing here, this is my room, i paid for it, i paid.
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in the near future , another truck with cargo will be prepared for local residents, which will allow the church to be repaired. report by michael ermishkin. volunteers of the popular front unload slabs of wood, plasterboard and fittings for the restoration of the church of st. nicholas in the poposnyansky district; residents of the village of toshkhovka are repairing the church with their own hands, which was shelled by ukrainian militants. we didn't have windows or doors. the roof was destroyed, this one the chapel was destroyed; volunteers donate tools, a welding machine and a new generator for construction work. we constantly provide humanitarian assistance, and one fine day we came here. we saw this destroyed building, met a local resident, vladimir, who asked for help, the popular front entered into a situation.
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over the course of 2 years, the broken windows were replaced and the damaged walls and roof were repaired. the restoration of the shrine is headed by vladimir norkin, he has been working at the temple for 14 years, a civil architect by training, he moved came here from donetsk, risking his life, did not leave this place during the fighting. as soon as the armed forces of ukraine left here, i still had shells flying here, i ran here to clean up and looked at what could be done here, well, well, i’ve already put so much here, i’ve put so much of my soul that i can’t just leave this temple. in this ancient basement at the temple , the asu militants were hiding, when they escaped, they set this place on fire, there are still black walls here, as a reminder of their presence, these are harry’s traces after the fire. in the future this they plan to restore the place and build here. underground chapel. the local clergyman left the temple at the beginning of the special operation, but residents continue to go to church to pray for peace. we want life to be revived here in
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the village, we are waiting, people are coming, soon, if this whole thing is over, everyone from there will still come to their homeland. volunteers are already preparing a new batch of aid, bricks for the construction of bell towers, plastic panels for cladding the church porch, so the temple will rise from the ruins. mikhail ermishkin. and in mariupol at with the support of the capital repair fund of the moscow region, the first all-russian festival of contemporary street art was organized. artists decorate the facades of houses with paintings of a variety of subjects. these murals will become the hallmark of the city. artyom kuznetsov with details. evgenia takes a can of spray paint with her and the sketch of the future painting rises to the desired height and begins to create. a street artist originally from chelyabinsk in mariupol takes part in the first all-russian art festival. murall's idea was born on the spot. odysseus will serve at home
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pointer. he will point towards the sea, with one hand he will point with his right hand and will point to the greek square, where we actually are. street paintings are created on the facades of houses that are located on the most important streets. murals will become the hallmark of the city. anyone who... visits or transits through mariupol will be able to appreciate the work of young artists from different regions of the country. a person simply walks on his own, they see these drawings on buildings, this already lifts the mood and pleases the eye. we are very pleased that we have this brought beauty. the artists themselves chose the style and theme. all drawings are different, they are not united by a common concept. everyone creates their own story. the festival of contemporary art is supported by the capital repair fund of the moscow region. its specialists have been restoring mariupol for the second year now. when developing the concept of the festival itself, the foundations were laid on basic family principles: love,
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the younger generation, a growing family, we have a russian beauty here, who is just symbolizes the beauty of russian open spaces. here on one of the facades a cat has settled, reflecting the comfort of home. the composition the quiet sea talks about family values. on the builders avenue there is now a colorful collage dedicated to it. to those who are rebuilding the city today. this is a very big project, especially for us and for mariupol, because this is the first time we are organizing such large festivals with so many objects at the same time, simultaneous work. as part of this project , 23 murals will appear in mariupol. the festival will end very soon, the organizers are sure this is just the beginning. next year they plan to come to new regions again and attract even more talented artists. festival. it was a success, the city has changed for the better, it is already changing at an unprecedented pace, and now we have beautiful murals on
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the buildings. artyom kuznetsov and vladimir nikolaev, lead. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, we have all the information by this time, see you. rtr planet, more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly! the loudest premieres. how did i get here? are you having a corporate party, or what? butaki, and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for a murder on a trick,
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i don’t know that it happened on the strip. dogs, exciting tv series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shastakovich’s seventh symphony, those who don’t take risks have no luck, we will succeed, i will do the surgery, i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, no motive for the murder is visible , no connection between the murders, but she there is, and we will find her, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you are a coach, i am a player,
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i’m talking to my wife, i’m leaving, i looked around, she’s already packed my things, peek-a-boo, meetings with stars, what is more difficult, to become a good person or to remain? the question is, of course, interesting, both difficult and different, you are the most understanding program about animals, in the circle of friends, when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens, live story mysterious disappearance, the whole studio discusses the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years, advanced documentary, now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. breaking news, political investigations and impartial analysis. live
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program 60 minutes. going on air. hello, key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin is sitting in this chair in the hall, he, as you and i remember, enters through these doors, everything without which russia cannot be imagined, only on the rtr planet channel. your heart is gone, purity is like a baby’s sleep, purity is in some hertz, the silence doesn’t even breathe, we leave defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts, and to the depths of our souls.
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hello, this is our program. today, more than ever, we understand the true significance of our country's history. immortal feats the liberating soldiers will live not only in our memories, but in the military deeds of their descendants, who today stood up to defend their homeland. i want to say hello to my little one. the forty-year-old head of the family, who went to the front, had a wife and son left in irkutsk, they explained it to the son, accordingly, the son understood everything, but he is still the age of whom a very young guy drew his son, so... the icon
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is already accustomed to everyday life, everything that was needed was arranged, before the svo, vladimir was professionally involved in sports, won more than one tournament in alpine skiing, he got used to it at the front, but the only thing a real badass can’t get used to is the local climate, it’s still winter here, it’s snowing, but here it’s already hot at 30 to 30, we’ll have baikal water water the flowers, stand up for the defense of the homeland, vladimir kovpak had his own reasons, the homeland called us, so we went accordingly, well, another moment, as it were, that my nephew died at the beginning of soo, respectively, and we knew and understood why we were coming here , for which the nephew was awarded the order of courage, why vladimir kovpak took the call sign of the partisans; who will he meet in the studio today? we have
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a participant in our studio. as if that’s why your ancestor took such a call sign cider kavpak, i think it was his great-grandfather, it’s true, wow, volodya, you came to us now, from where you came straight from the front line, how much time did you spend there, we spend a lot of time on the front line, how would be a larger part than even in the rear, well, that’s how much of a trip you have, i’m already lost, it’s a lot, a lot, like a month. we spend days on the front end when you were there for the first time, well accordingly, how we were called up, mobilized, it turns out that we arrived at the northern military district on december 27, 2022, at the time
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mobilization was announced, i already knew that i would be called up, since i already had experience participating in hostilities in the north caucasus, so have you already prepared have you already had experience and combat? i've been involved in alpine skiing since childhood, and the partisans, this call sign from the times, no, it literally appeared, yes, your colleagues and colleagues are asking you about your relatives, well, they're not really interested in that, well, guys, who knows the history, they ask, not everyone just knows such heroes as sidar artemyevich, volodya, i want to ask about the first days on the front line... what do you remember, what struck you? well, this is so to speak, modern combat operations , first of all, there are a lot of copters, well, it’s completely different, i saw another war, as if from the other side a little, before it was not so,
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so to speak, technical, modern, observation copter, no matter how you can hide neither day nor night, drone war, yes, yes, yes, space wars, as we call them, and what did your wife and son say to you when you... gathered there, well, they perfectly understood how to influence somehow, they couldn’t understand, they accepted right away , but there were no objections, they tried to influence, they would have tried to dissuade them, they would have tried to dissuade them, well, you know, some are threatening divorce, well, that’s it’s as if my wife understands me, everything perfectly approved of my choice, and my son was still quite young at that time and didn’t understand what war was, as if where i was going , as far as i was going. when did he understand volodya? probably when i was already flying from novosibirsk to the northern military district, then here he was already i understand, he says that
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there will be a separation for a long time, he misses you, how long have you not seen your wife and son? well, it’s probably been about four months now, let’s see a story about them, my dad, my hero, ruslan kavpak is already... 7 years old and he and his mother made this special issue of the wall newspaper for defender of the fatherland day. dad takes it with him to the bathhouse. dad loves me very much, and i love him very much. i'm very proud of my dad. and here is the verse. when vladimir went to the front, at first i was confused, because half of the male responsibilities remained. behind me. ruslan, at least and small, but still a man. he tries to help his mother in every way he can. i learned how to hold a screwdriver, and , as a matter of fact, i also learned to hold a screwdriver and a hammer, which will help with screwing something in somewhere, or hammering it in somewhere. we
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did the repairs ourselves. there are many things in the house that remind us of the sports past of the fighter with the call sign partisans. this is a personalized figurine, a gift from our friends. and there is even an inscription here, this is daddy’s, when i grow up, he will give it to me, the worst thing is probably the waiting, but we are waiting, we believe, we hope, we know that everything will be fine, that sooner or later it will happen it's over, dad will return to us safe and sound, we are really waiting for him, we love him very much, they are very beautiful, thank you, maybe we can call them, we'll call them, elena, ruslan,
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please come in, they are waiting for you, hello, hello, ruslan, hello , dear, hello, smoke, hello, hello. elena ruslan, hello, len, none of us, of course, worry, don’t sleep at night, len, when the acceptance arises that this is how it is, there are no options, this is how everything is necessary, it will probably never happen, because, yes, i went through all five stages before acceptance. but still not to the end, it’s very difficult, because
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this uncertainty, when it will all end, when he doesn’t get in touch for a long time, it’s impossible to live with it, it’s impossible to get used to it, but pride and respect in large quantities when it appears, that’s for this act, right from the first minutes, that is , can you say that your husband grows in your eyes when he announces: about this, when i met him, got to know him better, i already realized then that this is the man i want to be with , with whom i want to live my whole life, because i am more reliable than a shoulder in mine i haven’t met life, how old are you, ruslan, seven, what do you do, well, i go to school, you go to first grade, yes, what are your hobbies, well, mathematics, the world around you, you often have to talk to your dad, well, when... there and by you talk on the phone, but on your mother’s,
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there is no phone of your own, well, there is, well , it lags, it lags, dim, it lags, that young people lag, i’ll tell you later, then it seems to me that we should give ruslan a phone that doesn’t lag, seriously, yes, let's make such a gift, ruslan, do you want to hold on, my dear, he won’t lie, what is it? it lags, it’s generally decent, but it’s buggy, of course, but this one won’t glitch, it’s new, charged, and your friends ask you about dad, where is he, what is he? no, they don’t ask why? i'm telling you myself, right? well, do they even know that he is nasvelo? well, in my opinion, yes, they know, now you’ll call dad via video and send photos of your diary, only with a’s, okay, agreed, but more?
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this drone has less, and the range is correspondingly less, but that’s already reconnaissance drone, there are ordinary drones, the simplest ones, then shock drones, then there are wings that are already large, they fly at high altitudes and are controlled, respectively , much further, fpv drones, they require a more serious approach to training, it’s the same thing. that to fly a real helicopter, i went through a full cycle of training, i even received
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a profession, well, an operator of unmanned aerial vehicles, we repair ourselves with spare parts, our enemies help us, drones , we who fall on well, on the front line we we still find them, neutralize them , reflash them, which ones will fly back, which ones will be sorted out for spare parts by ordinary people, so they help. everyone has invested a little bit into any drone, a laptop here or there, the same remote control , as if these are all people, at the expense of them we make our victory. ruslan, what do you think this is? this is a drone, why do we have it here, who made it? dad did it. dad, tell me. yes, it turns out to be a drone, komikatsa, it was captured. this is a ukrainian drone. that is, you picked it up, reflashed it,
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restarted it, sent it back, and accordingly, they sent it back, this drone is called fpv, so they carry loads in the form of various thermobolic shells to knock out equipment, infantry, and fortifications. enemy dugouts also have different sizes, flight ranges, the larger the drone, the larger the battery, the more charge we will carry to a further distance, well... then, well, it’s a consumable item, yes, it’s a one-time use, how much can it cost, does it cost one target? spend up to five such drones, and the price of this is on average 30 dash 40,000, 30-40,000 for one drone, that’s what we see now in your hands, and what it can be used for, also 1.5 kg and about
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5-6 km, at the top this is this battery, this is a battery, and a nutrient element. a combat projectile is already attached to the bottom, here already such a battery allows it to work for how many hours , not even hours, it all depends on the flight, on the pilot, how would it be for how many minutes of work, roughly speaking, it is enough, that is, everything needs to be done quickly , but take into account the wind, as i say, there are a lot of nuances, the wind, the direction, well, the place of work, and you reflash it yourself, that’s where you got these skills? yes, you studied, completed training, received a profession, and after victory will these skills be useful to you? - i hope, i hope that they will be useful for peaceful purposes, also at alpine skiing competitions, at the world cup, these drones fly after athletes on the downhill, uh-huh, here in our direction, how many
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of these drones fly here at the time you would be very many, very 100 per a day, but i think it's around that, around that yeah. are there systems to suppress this? there is electronic warfare, special cases on cars such devices are placed so that they won’t be hit by such a kamis drone. yeah, we have protection, thank god , it’s like individual protection, every fighter has it, or is it not yet available for every fighter, it’s expensive equipment, expensive, it’s basically used, well, a portable rapport for a position there, let’s say, so cover. mortars, cannon artillery, all this seems to be just appearing with us now, what kind of damage does these drones cause? different, and quite serious, because the shells heat shells can directly hit tanks, even heavily armored ones, and yes, well
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, accordingly, what does heat shells mean, a heat shell is for hitting armored vehicles, it is accordingly the first. we are now going to the class where pavel studied, i went to parent meetings with pavel, sometimes i had to blush, sometimes they praised him, but he grew up as a calm boy, then from his graduation photo, this is already from
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his own, there is a photo where my son and i are sitting at this desk at last bell, pavel chose, thought, wanted geologically. to enroll, i was present at the opening of the memorial plaque, that is, it was in june, twenty-two, there were his classmates, there were relatives, i’m proud of this, that, as they say, they immortalized him, of course, i was, well, pavel, when he joined the army i went to military service, i didn’t even think that he would sign a contract with me, he was already there, that is, in a sniper platoon, they say that some kind of genes exist, anyway, our grandfather was a sniper, as for me
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the commanders said, pasha says, very much, he says, he shot well, two days before the army, i just got a hair... he sat down and thought, you know, dad, i say, i grew this hair for 3 years, he says, he had the opportunity to refuse to go on vacation, but he refused the vacation and went to the northern military district, i say, you son, be careful there, i tell you and i we still need to build a house, we all dreamed of building a house, well, as a result, we had to do this whole dream of ours alone... in our native studio , vladimir’s older brother, sergey kavpak, hello, sergey, hello, hello sergey, our condolences. please accept, and of course, eternal memory to the hero, your son received the order of courage, yes, for what,
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tell me, they defended mariupol just in april, they held the defense there for 3 days, evacuated the wounded, well, two hundred guys were also pulled out there, that was 30 april, they were deployed, apparently they were deployed, they were moving with their platoon and just arrived, which means the first one immediately hit pavel, well , they recognized everything from his comrade, he was literally five meters next to him, so maybe he saved them all, they say, the first flight was for him and he came, maybe he saved everyone, but how did he...
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he didn’t even go on vacation, he was supposed to come on vacation in the spring, he was also waiting for him, he signed the contract, yes, he signed contract, literally, when i arrived there. to the caucasus, well , i asked, how are you in general, well, dad, i say, i decided so, i loved the mountains, so i say,
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well, you see, you dreamed of going to the mountains, you ended up in the caucasus mountains, that’s where he served, from there, that is, well, you called me, what do you think about me going to the northern military district, after all? he asked for your advice, your opinion was important to him, yes, of course, so what did you tell him? i understood perfectly well that this was war. we had a conversation like this, i was just working in the north and then the text message came that well, like, dad is taking us around, he says, so i found a connection, we talked to him, i said, well, be careful, son, i told him , i say, he tells me, medals are not needed, i say, i say, i need you alive, that’s it this was our last conversation on the phone, in
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the story you talked about genes, about the fact that pavel followed in the footsteps, it turns out, of your great-grandfather, after all, yes, our father, and father, that is, you have this kind of dynastic history, my father worked for 30 years in the ministry of internal affairs, graduated from the sniper school of the ministry of internal affairs, yeah, that is, it’s like, well, he communicated with him often too. already when they came to him, that is, as if he , too, is a holder of a medal for impeccable service, that is, he had all these medals there for 10-15 and 25 years, that is, he and pasha are also there i worked with pasha, they shot at a shooting range or somewhere, well, not at a shooting range, sometimes when they went into the forest, but through cans or bottles, well, yes, he is a hunter for us, that is , he seems to be all of us. .. got used to hunting. volodya, how did you find out about the death of your nephew? my brother called, i was just hunting in the forest,
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this unpleasant news came, i also refused to believe it, at first, well, we kind of waited, so to speak, for more accurate information, but then, unfortunately, it was confirmed, and then you decided to go to the nwo zone, these two events are somehow connected, well, i think so. yes, as it were, there was a push, directly on this occasion, too, well, if the guy is young, he was not afraid, then we must, as it were , fulfill, so to speak, our duty to the end, you are his two brothers and your nephew, your son pavel, you such men, real military men, you just feel such a military streak, did you find out about yours?
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then from putivl to the carpathians , they told about all the raids, all these partisan ones, of course, and the surname is like that , i haven’t met siberia; we all had relatives, that is, kovpaki, well, in the army me too, it’s your name that says it’s not a relative, i say yes, i don’t know , i say my grandfather, my grandfather said that there are half the villages
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, as they say, well, all are relatives. therefore, are there any family legends there, any stories, traditions? my story happened in 1995 or 1996, when i was still working in the police in baikalsk, and my friend and i were there, i had a childhood friend there, he was a driver, here we were in the carriage, well, it was 3:00 at night, we decided to take a peek, they knock on the window, which means there’s a young man with them two girls. it was already about four o’clock in the morning, well, they were like, help us get the car out, like, it’s stuck there on lake baikal, i say, well, let’s drive up, and there the car got stuck, in short, in general, i say, how is this possible? , i see the guy is silent for something, well, let’s call a duty car from the motor transport workshop, so we started talking,
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it turns out he’s german, he took it from someone. rent a car and decided to drive along the shore of lake baikal, yeah, naive, yes, and the pebbles there are such that it’s only 20 meters away drove on his belly there and stalled, in short, well, we pulled him out, he was like, let ’s meet them there, well, i introduce myself to him, i tell him his last name, kovpak, he was so dumbfounded and such a hitler kaput, i was like, there’s only one girl there who’s a translator, yeah you, i say, what does he say at all? yes, he says, he says that he is an anti-fascist, yeah, that is, i was surprised at all, from the same last name of my grandfather it turns out, from the same last name, he had such a reaction right away, hitler is kaput, my friend there laughed like that himself, he says, nothing to myself, he says, they remember, he still talks, he talks about grandfather kovpak, he says, who made a fuss of him there, as they say,
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he’s a fascist, twice a hero, that he’s two. i became a hero later, but you know why he received awards and titles, namely for the partisan formation that he organized, which beat the fascists behind enemy lines, that is, they sometimes took almost entire cities, and the call sign of the partisans , maybe it still has something to do with it, the most direct thing, in honor of my grandfather, we got to the bottom of it to the truth, i immediately understood why brother had such a call sign. well, it’s like a rare, rare call sign for svo, there are plenty of call signs out there, i tried not to repeat myself, later in the program, whoever in the studio hears sincere words of gratitude from vladimir kavpak, now you will personally say thank you, we decided to surprise you and invited you today to our studio, hello, i’m very pleased to see the whole family together, this
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is the most precious thing, i’m glad to see you today. secured today on rtr. catch a fish, big or small? well in general the place chose the right one. have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates? this is where my question begins.
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can tasty foods be healthy? try! i see, how about you make a wish? yes, yes, oh, m, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the formula for food on saturday rtr, katya - this is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent beings in our family, orientalism, this is a parallel agenda, continuation
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of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, the first podcasts we watch, while you live in my house, on my money, you will live by my rules, dad, everyone is laughing at me, sit down, i’m with yulka
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for a reason, i want to marry her, slav, so you ’re married, today you’re married, tomorrow you’re not, i’ll kill you, you bastard, don’t touch , you are not to blame for anything are you getting my books in order? and i’m your personal life, my personal life cannot be put in order, it’s complete ruins, well , it definitely won’t get any worse, in general, i agree, why, well, marry you, to my mother-in-law, on sunday at rta, gal, i’ve already come home, man, i’m not galya, i’m with good news, my salary will be five times more, come in, galya, galya, galya, where did you get such a beauty? in the alcoholic beverages department, there is a huge selection, the highlight of our collection, 38 years of aging, show me this
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the famous giacondo, well, wangok, why do they look like that, it was city day, everyone celebrated. you can have a little more, i’m just starting to come to you, stories of a big country, on friday on rtr, that’s right, i’m divorcing you, i’m divorcing you, on saturday, we’re tomorrow. he gave them such a show that they would forever forget that they wanted to get a divorce, i need to keep an eye on my daughter-in-law, a romantic dinner, with a secret admirer, we need to do something, but first
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we need to understand that divorce comes with obstacles, in saturday on rtr. earlier in the program, drone operator vladimir. kavpak with the call sign partisan came straight from the front line to talk about his heroic family. why partisans? we watched a lot of films about partisans, but the surname matches, so that’s why he took such a call sign. cider kavpak is your great-grandfather, that is, it’s true. it's necessary, right? the long-awaited meeting of vladimir with his wife and son took place in the studio. they are very beautiful, thank you, maybe we can call them, elena, ruslan, please come in, they are waiting for you, hello, hello, ruslan,
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hello, dear future, hello, hello, hello, you recently visited sarat. yes, the tram depot, where sidor artemyevich worked there in his youth, in general i liked the city itself, as they say, very beautiful, so historical. let's see the story about this: in saratov there is a memorial plaque to major general, twice hero of the soviet union, sidor artemyevich kavpak, he worked here at a factory as a tram driver, i am proud that my family bears the surname kovpak. sidor artemyevich kovpak fought for our homeland back in the first world war. he was wounded many times, and nicholas ii himself handed him the cross of st. george. he learned partisanship in civilian life,
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when he served with chipaev, during the great patriotic war he commanded partisan formations, gave a rustle to the fascists in belarus and ukraine. my grandfather tanik came from ukraine with his grandmother in the thirties, and lived on lake baikal, as they say, all his life, when the surname was recognized, many, your famous surname says, partisan well, i didn’t meet kovpakov in siberia even somewhere in the eighties , i think i went there to ukraine, as he told me there were semi-villages of kovpakov there, famous feats, i know him, of course, to create a large army of 1500 people behind enemy lines, this great feat. sidor artemyevich rose to the rank of major general, and was twice awarded the gold star of the hero of the soviet union. do you
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feel this great power within yourself? have you ever thought about it? yes, i thought, as if i was still thinking, books i read, well, i watched films, i study history, well , i think there is something, because with such a surname, if this, yes, if this is something, it helps you in battle, this is the power of the family, that - it helps me, it’s for sure that the situations were like this. we thought that was all, but it turned out that it wasn’t all, our beloved prayers, grandfather sidar kavpak fought in ukraine, and volodya, and now you are fighting in exactly the same place, yes, as if i studied, looked, well, i see where it all happened, in what places, where did he live, where are the monuments, in ukraine, to unfortunately, well... not all ukrainians already know
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this hero, there were just situations, but the russians know, yes, in russia they know him more, i know, the community is very well developed on the front line, that is, if you meet one of your own from some your city, then this is just such a very warm and reverent event, news often arrives from irkutsk, well, in general, our unit is formed precisely from the guys. from the irkutsk region, everyone, yes, yes, does someone from outside come to you from irkutsk? yes, from the popular front, this is the leader people's front, elena vasilyevna subun, comes to us, and, accordingly, also the guys who work in the people's front, and why do they come, they bring humanitarian aid, they pass on news from home, this is important for you, of course, you need this connection.
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with the house first, and how often does she come? well, it happens several times a year, well, again, it’s not always possible to just see each other, it happens that you’re at the front end when we’re just trying to get ready for the arrival, preparing, waiting, waiting, and news from volunteers, yes, let’s see video of how your fellow countrymen support you, i am now standing next to my husband, hugging him for you. we'll be back soon, the siberians who are fighting on the front line are confident that the rear will not let you down, the yerkutsk women elena zubun and zulfiya gelmuddinova literally live in the northeastern district. viktor andreevich drove 9.00 km. we’re going today, we’re looking for
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these roads, there’s no navigator, no connection, yes he’s the one, yes, oh, the heat sight, wonderful, i wish you, baba hedgehog , to knock out as many as possible, heroic women bring humanitarian aid not only to their fellow countrymen, they are rushing to those who need urgent help, we arrived at the hospital, and the needles are like that, yes, those are the needles i told you, these are the ones that are spinal, we pass on, so the guys know that you are stormtroopers there, what do you need this will all come in handy, the fighters have long accepted elena and zulfiya into their military brotherhood, i understand. i volunteered to become a tank crew, who are these beautiful women, zufiya, elena vasilievna, well, they are helping us, but why did they smear their faces? elena vasilievna
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was initiated into tank crew, that is, she is now a tank crew, yes, you can say that, but how do they do they help you? well, they bring the equipment that is directly needed. drones in the first place, the same guys, electronic warfare, well, everything that brings together the residents of the irkutsk region, all those who, it is very necessary, very necessary, yes, it is still a collective work, as if from a civilian to a fighter on the front line, it all must work together, this is a common victory, everyone must do it together, when is the last one? they came with elena vasilievna , we literally saw each other, well, that was in principle, well, not so long ago, this is at the beginning it was last month, then i seem to constantly meet with zulfya in donetsk, there are simply questions there, we help her there with delivery,
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we have local guys with whom i became friends, they provide premises for warehouses, well, they generally help with their own means , as if thanking them very much for this. now you will personally say thank you, we decided to surprise you and invited elena and zulfiya to our studio today. elena zulfiya, please come in. hello, hello, i am very pleased to see the whole family together, this is the most precious thing i have today. glad to see you. oh, hello, my good one. well, my friend, hello, dear, hello, hello, rusichka. hello, how are you, fine, glad that i saw my dad, hello, sergey, listening to you, yes, hello, hello, in our studio we have zulfiya gelmuddinova, a volunteer with the call sign pulya, and elena, zubun, the head of the popular
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front in irkutsk region, hello, zulfiya, where did that call sign come from, when i went, i had it. from baikal, and then i came to the eleventh brigade near kherson, then to melitopol, to mariopol, donetsk, lugansk, and he says to me, where are you ? i was in the last service, he was like, well, a bullet, well , like a bullet you fly back and forth, so mine says, i’m a bullet, somehow the bullet stuck like that. elena, you are the leader of the popular front in irkutsk, i would like to hear first-hand what is needed to help in such volumes as these volumes, how often do you go there,
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tell us right from the very beginning, where does all this help come from? the popular front has a charity project, everything for victory , and... the project has existed since the beginning of the northern military district, but initially the help was for the defender of donbass. when partial mobilization took place, each region had its own regional collection. and i proudly want to say that we are the leaders in collection today; almost 148 million rubles have been collected for the regional collection of the irkutsk region. this is phenomenal. this people, the most common transaction.
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important for those who help. elen, okay, so you buy all this, collect funds, buy it, who brings it? as a rule, we provide all this ourselves, that is, you yourself get behind the wheel and drive? no, the people's front sends there to rostov, or we have a lugansk warehouse there, there are volunteers from the irkutsk region who bring them, we ourselves already, where is irkutsk, where is lugansk? yes, yes, there have already been 15 humanitarian missions, now my colleagues, today we flew out to meet the road train, we same. we are still sending cars, the next train is already on the way, it’s thanks to the russian railways that it is possible to send such necessary cars to the children at the northern military district so far from irkutsk. which is also a consumable, cars are also consumables, yes, yes, well, of course, it’s a lot of
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work and a working day, it’s absolutely not standardized, sometimes for days, and this is working with people, the biggest income comes from business, structures, yes , and i believe that every help should have a face, you tell it when you meet stories and you tell them why, who they are helping, write down targeted feedback from the guys, what you listed. i understand everything that sometimes you are talking about the organization now, yes, you personally,
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this is how it started for you, i saw how hard it was for the families, yes, how hard it was for the guys, and there was simply no moral right not to support them at that moment, these personal acquaintances, i came back to novosibirs, when i was just there, where the collection point was, when the guys still didn’t understand where, when, even then some friendships began relationships, now the guys and i... well, they are all family, it’s just a question, don’t stand, don’t help, they are all family, all the help comes from the heart, so you are now family to them, you are a tanker, well, they dedicated it to me on one of the trips, the first, then i drove the seventy-second tank, on the last trip to the last one, i drove the eightieth tank, i already understood the difference, behind the levers, and what it’s like in the tank, tell me, well, it’s scary, scary, especially when i they said the tank was repaired, i’ll go test it, do you want it? take a ride, well, of course, i think so, yes, such adrenaline, when will there be such
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an opportunity again, when they told me, get out, sit on the tower, we will check the barrel, yes, the gun, how it works, when i was sitting on the tower, and an open field and in general, i think, now some a drone, well, it’s really scary, but there’s such an adrenaline rush from it, well, not every girl can boast that she has merch in fuel oil, of course, but they put on a helmet, and i don’t care either... or this time the helmet this time i came to the tank guys and you know, it’s actually far from the city, it’s in the forest, buried dugouts, and the guys bring me a bouquet, a bouquet of flowers, i think, they’ve been confused, they’ve gone somewhere, and you feel like a goddess, yes, yes, when there are so many, so many men, it turns out that the second bouquet was also given to me from roses, made from spent cartridges, yes, yes, yes, yes, these are the famous ones. when you
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come to us again, yeah, well, that is, even after the first trip, you know, part of the heart, that’s who went there, part of the heart remains there, and it’s impossible, we come back, we leave, we come back to do more, to help the guys, because well without a fight there will be no victory, that is... it has already been proven historically that if the rear forgets about the front, then the front will come to where the rear is. further in the program, what does volunteer elena izulfiya have to face in the zone of a special military operation, at night she woke up from the sound of a chainsaw working, i raised my head like that, and the foreman shouted, lie down, i slipped like that, where i don’t even know, they like under the drawers, where i go under the folding bed, for me it’s actually the worst thing. it's losing guys, that's who we're friends with, who we're with we communicate, we communicate, when you receive
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information that 200 is this, i can’t help but get used to it, i can’t get over it, this is the worst thing, catch me if you can, a big music show, so no one sings by and large like there it’s written down, only a few people sing like that. on friday on rtr, the most cruel aristocrat in history, i am the power here, i am the power, bloody varynya and others. series, only on the platform let's watch,
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please watch, get acquainted. i all give up with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, in sunday on rtr, bralundra,
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tigers are grazing on the ship, the jungle has been created, what kind of actors are working in crypts. i don't want to be a steak. tigers according to the stanislavsky system. the tiger is mainly composed of three parts. what does he eat? both horse meat and beef. i read that it feeds on human victims. no predators were harmed during the filming of the film. mystic. striped flight. sunday on rt.
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what are you doing here? i won’t be long, change seats immediately, my wife will come here now, please don’t attract attention, so you’re the wife, i’m the wife, and who are you?
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it’s you, julia, you gave birth, congratulations, your husband is probably happy, but you’re tired, is everything okay? how can i say, he sleeps lightly, he feels that mom is not around, but we can cope without mom, food brings not only children, only one option, which one, you need to find a woman, great idea, i couldn’t do it myself, wait, listen to the end, you need to get married, love flies on the wings of a stork, let's switch to you, i myself wanted to suggest, hello, otaist on saturday on rtr. the night before, terrible news arrived at sixty in the fifth year of his life, the son of fashion designer vyacheslav zaitsev, yegor, died after a long illness. where will yegor zaitsev be buried where he buried his father near the road next to the toilet, or even after death, the graves
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of fashion designers yegor and vyacheslav zaitsev will be in different cemeteries. the fatal legacy of vyacheslav zaitsev. malach. today on rtr. earlier in the program, vladimir kovpak brought a trophy from the svo zone. in the studio, using the example of the enemy kamikaze drone, the fighter told how it is now used. this is a ukrainian drone, this is an enemy drone, and accordingly, i worked with the same first drone, well, my first. the purpose of the svo, that is, you picked it up, reflashed it, restarted it, sent it back, and accordingly sent it back. up to five such drones can be spent on one target. zulfiya, how did it all start for you? it started on february 24, 2022, i don’t remember on what website i saw a boy
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who was in captivity, and he calls his patronymic names by his last name and... i myself am from the irkutsk region, the village of zalari, and this is a village literally, well, about ten kilometers away, i when i started looking, looking, looking, and i have a lot of very colleagues, i’ve been in uniform for 22 years and... i was scattering information, looking for information, already growing up, and the guys who are here, when i found out all this, we are very much with the military brotherhood of buryatia vkontakte and with their colleagues, many have been fighting since the age of fourteen, well, i knew about this when all this happened, that the layer when they already found out the needs, what is needed, is necessary, i somehow mm, at first i thought it was contacts needed, sitting on...
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at night i woke up from a sound like the chainsaw is working, i raised my head like that, and the foreman shouts: lie down, i slipped like that, where, i don’t even know, they’re
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like under the drawers, where, i’m under the folding bed, i hear something like a whoop nearby so that the ground shook, i think it was generally, very scary, because i saw the eyes of the guys who were already on the front end, who were dying from this. what is it and here is the call sign bulat, he screams, alive, he says alive, because he knew that it was in our direction, a shell exploded, he screams, some soldier girl says, next to, says, lies, this is the very first thing that i felt, and then such specific arrivals began, of course, it’s scary that you’re running after them somewhere, or you’re taking this boy by the hand, like you’re holding your son, or he takes me like a mother, and we run our eyes like that, yes. we run, yes, but you had situations when it was very scary, it was dangerous, so much so that there was no danger at all, somehow the guys went out themselves, we
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choose such points, safer ones don’t risk us, even the guys sometimes you ask, he says no, well, in principle we won’t take you, we still need you, that is, it happens that they simply don’t let you in, yes, yes, yes, they just don’t let you in, but for me, the worst thing is actually losing the guys with whom we are friends, who we communicate with, we communicate, when you receive information that 200 is i can’t help but get used to it, i can’t get over it, this is the worst thing in this whole story, we are ready to help, help, just so that the guys are alive, if we can somehow save even one life, we will do everything for this to happen, you know, we just had an issue about svo member ilya samosudov, he was also fond of skiing. there, like vladimir, in his hometown they organized a competition in his honor, which was attended by our legendary skier, olympic champion, elena vyalbe, he
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was gone, he died. let's see a story about this. he was also wearing this hat, it smells. the story of gennady and natalia samosudov from marshansk did not leave the viewers of our program indifferent. their son ilya died in the northern military district just a few hours ago lived to hear that he would soon become a father. the same letter, but written by his girlfriend diana. she wrote here the deadline, a photo of the uzi. guard senior lieutenant ilya samasudov died on the battlefield saving his comrades, for which he was posthumously awarded the order of courage. in memory of their son, the parents in their native marshansk
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decided to organize skiing competitions, because ilya especially loved this sport, no matter how hard it was for us there, in spite of everything, a lot of people supported us with these skiing competitions, among the first turned out to be the president of the russian ski racing federation, elena vyalbe. who was deeply touched by the story of this family. i promise you that i will find time to come and bring more olympic champions with me so that we can all talk together. and we have already personally thanked you so much for your son, she kept her word, she is a great woman. parents who do this. we have adult children, but just everyone, everyone just had eyes like that, shining with happiness that she was on our land, we are endlessly grateful to our program, this...
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a gift from a legend to our city of marshansk, she charged us all with her energy, and with this energy we will be waiting for her to visit us again. vladimir, are you going straight back there now? yes, through rostov and back service. it has already become a good tradition in the popular front; putin’s team is the real hero to present such an honorary badge. who, if not you, the team of our president, let it be with you, thank you, congratulations, rusik, you are proud of the folder, yes, volodya, we are from your native land for you, for you your colleagues, guys, we brought children’s letters, i know that they simply save many,
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and the guys are inspired. they go into battle bolder and take children’s letters with them as amulets, here someone will even get such a wonderful heart, please pass it on and give it to the children, we will definitely distribute it, thank you very much, come back victorious, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. hello, on the russia tv channel, broadcast in the studio of irina rossius and the main topics for this o'clock: in dagestan, three days of mourning in the republic, a double terrorist attack is being investigated, heads of state are sending their condolences.
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all my birds were 100% on target. primorye paratroopers knocked out another german leopard tank and a maxpro armored car. in odessa, a warehouse with western- made missiles was destroyed, where a group of foreign mercenaries arrived today. doctors flew to sevastopol from moscow on the instructions of the president. the issue of transporting to the capital those who were seriously injured as a result of the missile attack is being resolved. in the city of mourning. neither one international organization did not condemn this terrorist attack.
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the former white house doctor is sure that biden is being given drugs for alzheimer's and parkinson's disease. in dagestan, three days of mourning, terrorist attacks in makhachkala and derbent claimed the lives of more than 15 law enforcement officers and several more civilians, including a clergyman of an orthodox church. another 16 people were hospitalized. the counterterrorism operation in the republic has only ended.
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and went to the church, where proteerius nikolai kotelnik died at their hands. terrorists by according to nak, there were two, both were liquidated, now the police are on duty at the churches, and this is the height of the operation in makhachkala, the special forces had to fight their way into the territory of the assumption cathedral attacked by militants, the parishioners managed to barricade themselves inside. in the church, thanks to the employees who took the fight, people managed to close themselves until the last minute, that is, they were locked in the church, but they were safe, there were shootouts, people were taken out there, they were helped. there's water for someone, there's something for someone, take it there by car. shortly before this is why they set fire to a synagogue in another area of ​​the city and attacked police officers rushing to the scene. the terrorist attack in the capital of dagestan occurred simultaneously with the attack.
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became victims of today's terrorist attack, with arms in hand, defending the peace and quiet of dagestan. several more civilians also died, among them father nikolai, a clergyman for more than 40 years, who served in an orthodox church in derbit. the dagestan authorities are confident that the terrorist attack was carried out with the aim of splitting society and the interfaith world.
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the heads of many countries and international organizations sharply condemned the terrorist attacks in dagestan. the leaders sent condolences to vladimir putin. azerbaijani president ilham aliyev strongly condemned the terrorist attacks, and kazakh leader kasym jamar takayev offered assistance in conducting operational search activities. the head of kyrgyzstan, sadyrov, expressed support for moscow’s efforts to ensure national security. the president of tajikistan, imali rahmon, condemned the inhumane act of violence in dagestan. condolences in connections with terrorist attacks that resulted in casualties among law enforcement officers and civilians.
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from ukrainian social networks, the target of the russian strike was the krayan heavy crane manufacturing plant, where there was a warehouse with western-made missiles, where a group of foreign mercenaries arrived today. and this is footage of the next combat use of a powerful three-ton bomb with a universal planning and correction module. the stronghold of the kiev formations in the kharkov direction was destroyed. in the same area manpower the enemy was destroyed by crews of the uragan group's multiple launch rocket system. in the kherson region , on the right bank of the dnieper, the so-34 crew dropped five hundred kilogram guided bombs on the control post of the armed forces of ukraine. k-52 helicopters carried out a group attack on
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the militants’ camouflaged equipment. and now there is footage of the destruction by an fpv drone of another american maxpro armored car in the ovdeevsky direction in the dpr. well, the coastal paratroopers knocked out another one. german leopard tank, it was destroyed by drone operators. our troops move on atvs, this also allows you to evade a retaliatory strike. report by our military correspondent sergei samokha. the body of the speedy buggy seems small, but all the equipment and ammunition fits into it. antenna repeater, charges and up to twenty attack drones. the crew includes an fpv drone operator and an engineer. the latter has everything. 5 minutes to equip the weapon, this is a target sensor, we have a limit switch, it turns out that we draw plus and minus wires from here with an electric detonator and connect them directly to the drone. combat practice application showed that the most reliable and
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easiest option for attaching a charge is ordinary stationery tape. from the moment it takes off into the air, the drone turns into a highly accurate and effective weapon. sometimes you are already looking for a target, you fly out on a free hunt, you fly along the routes for you. basically, their equipment is moving, now the crews of the fpvidrons of the marine brigade from kamchatka support the offensive of the assault groups in the southern donetsk direction, any obstacles in the path of the advancing troops are swept away by attack drones. the task was to support the infantry work on the strong point, the task was completed, all my birds flew 100% into the target, the dry birds that remained alive abandoned the position and ran away. fpv drone can carry out raids in deep places. rear of the enemy, this german leopard tank was camouflaged in a forest belt 18 km from the front line, this became its last stop, it flew under the tower, the tank caught fire with one charge. naturally, if it is destroyed with one charge, then most likely there was a bc. kamikaze drones
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are also actively used by the enemy, so our equipment is being prepared to meet a swarm of enemy drones. the tanks that are now entering the special operation zone are already made with experience in conducting it. for example, this car is completely protected from kamica drones all-round and even has this special factory grille that protects the engine and transmission compartment. since the effectiveness of fpv drones in... new
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horizons for fruitful cooperation are opening up for russia and the dprk. vladimir putin sent a telegram with these words to kimchen. the russian leader noted that the state visit to pyongyang was of particular importance, as it ensured that relations between moscow and pyongyang were brought to an unprecedentedly high level of comprehensive strategic partnership. the head of state also thanked for the wonderful reception. well, besides, thanks for the unforgettable hospitality. vladimir. putin expressed his words to the secretary general and president of vietnam, noting that the negotiations were truly constructive and productive. the implementation of the reached bilateral agreements will be contribute to further strengthening the existing relations between countries. air traffic was suspended in the kuril islands; in the novosibirsk region, due to bad weather, 2,500 people were left without electricity. stormwalker.
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due to rain floods, several villages are cut off from roads; rescuers are preparing temporary accommodation centers in the affected areas. this is news, this is what will happen next in our program: 21 victims, including 11 children wounded as a result of the attack on sevastopol, will be transported to moscow. first tranche, almost one and a half billion euros in profit from russian assets will go to ukraine next week. and how biden is preparing for the historic debate with trump, you will find out after the commercial. see you. hello,
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dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes today on rtr, love is when you look in one direction. look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see , look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time one two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve? former friend, tear off everything that was ours, which was together,
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what will remain with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what impression does it make today, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr.
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festival of youth in st. petersburg, a thousand shining eyes, thousands of enthusiastic hearts, white nights, red sails of the brig. over the waves of the neva, an unforgettable graduation, scarlet sails 2024, live broadcast from st. petersburg, on friday on rtr, can i call you maestra, can i maestra, yeah, you can, it means
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he fooled you, and you’re glad, here you go him, so that some fool would be attracted to him, who is the fool, is it me who is the fool? i would like to book a room at your hotel, what are you doing here, this is my room, i paid for it, i paid, hold, hold, hold, hold, check us in immediately, one room, oh, one city, st. petersburg, small city, nowhere to have dinner, only love, this...
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is getting closer to the answer, will we have any clues, maybe, maybe this moan is called a song, catch me if you can, big music show, brilliant on friday on rtr, christina, be my wife, premiered on rtr, but if i were you, i wouldn’t really trust artyom, he’s kind of shady, and i have no reason to doubt my future husband, the fact that happened between us at night, no one should know about it. "i will always be there for christina, if you offend her, that natuel you will call, behind seven seals, today on rtr, this is news, we continue the release from
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sevastopol to moscow, 21 victims will be transported, including 11 children wounded as a result of the ukrainian attack. a total of 79 people remain in hospitals, a regional level honor regime has been introduced in the city, today is a day of mourning, all entertainment, cultural and sporting events have been cancelled, flags have been lowered, reporting by yana cherbata. sevastopol today mourns for all those who died in the tragedy in uchkuevka. at the memorial sign of sevastopol on the alley of hero cities there are many colors of toys, nervous-hearted townspeople bring them here today. today is a day of mourning in sivostopol, everyone knows what a tragedy happened yesterday.
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the beach where the tragedy occurred is still closed, operational services continue to work there, the investigative committee has opened a criminal case under the article of terrorist attack. the terrible tragedy claimed the lives of four people, two of them children. i heard this bang, it
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was just, you know, indescribable. i raised my head, looking in the sky, well, something. uh smoke, some voices from the smoke. i was very scared. the ukrainian military hit sevastopol with five missiles supplied to kiev by the united states. as noted, the ministry of defense has flight missions for missiles. are being introduced by american specialists based on their satellite intelligence data, which is why washington bears primarily responsibility for the deliberate attack on civilians. the russian ministry of foreign affairs stated that they would seek a response from international organizations to this crime. yana cherbaty, andrey terentsev, lead sevastopol. almost a day after strike on crimea, there was no international reaction to the terrorist attack. not a single human rights organization or country in the world expressed condolences. the pentagon stated that they are aware of the shelling of sevastopol by american operational-tactical missiles, but the ministry of defense has nothing to say about this.
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congresswoman margerit taylor greene drew attention to the incident. she wrote that there should be no strikes using american cluster munitions based on american satellite data. in her opinion, the us army should protect only your own borders. the first tranche of profits from frozen russian assets. will arrive for help in ukraine next week, barel said. in an interview with the financial times, the head of european diplomacy explained that for a long time the stumbling block was the hungarian veto, but the eu has developed a complex mechanism to circumvent the ban. in particular, we are talking about a certain loophole in the legislation, thanks to which budapest will not be able to influence the decisions of other countries. at the same time, the european union today adopted the fourteenth package of sanctions, which included measures against the energy, defense and financial sectors. immediately after the announcement , officials will begin working on the fifteenth package. hungarian prime minister viktor orban
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spoke in favor of an immediate ceasefire in ukraine. in his opinion, such an initiative should be taken by the united states personally by president joe biden. orban also called for ursulla vonlaen to be replaced as head of the european commission due to her low efficiency. according to orban , ending the conflict in ukraine will be one of the priorities for hungary during its chairmanship of the council. eu, it starts on july 1st. more than one and a half thousand different events, a new series of commercials. that's how biden's campaign plans to highlight his upcoming debate with trump, according to nbc. we are talking about hundreds of parties for group viewing of television sparring and a nationwide mobilization of so-called surrogates, recognizable persons who will campaign for the current president. the strategy itself involves maximum involvement in the fight.
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several events, gets the crowd going in the morning trump manages to visit the us capital in washington in one day. don't tell me, usa, usa, usa, go and vote on november 5th, that's the only way we can make our country.
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this is a fake that our opponents are spreading. the candidates will meet on thursday in atlanta, in the cnn studio, which means that biden will play on his own field, maybe the presenters will play along. liberal channel rapper jake taper has more than once compared trump to hitler and turned off his microphone on his broadcasts. president trump understands exactly where he is going. this will be a debate, three against
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one. joe and a couple of anchors who have been covering up crimes for years. it's interesting that biden will answer questions about the southern border, how he will defend israel, he will be obliged to answer. by the time biden is going to end the war in ukraine, he has lost support among latinos and blacks. polls show him trailing trump in six swing states that will determine the fate of the election. on thursday, the president will have no room for error, otherwise his own people will be taken out of the race for the white house. denis davidov and polina fedorova, vesti. tonight tzahal struck a new combined strike on lebanese territory. it is reported that flare and phosphorus shells were used at the border, among others. meanwhile, the jerusalem post quotes the words of an american general who sees signs of the outbreak of a large-scale war in the middle east and emphasizes that washington will not help tel aviv. this is confirmed at the highest level
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in israel itself. prime minister netanyahu spoke about the sharp reduction.
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the famous victory parade, it took place on june 24 , 1945 on red square. this is massive the event marked the end of the great patriotic war and will forever remain in history as the embodiment of the triumph of the victorious soviet people. preparations for the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the great victory should be carried out in the context of a broad conversation about russia’s place in the world, about our efforts to counter the neo-nazi ideas of the 21st century about the continuity of russian military traditions. it is fundamentally important for our country
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to preserve its historical habit of winning. today immediately after the evening news, look on our channel the continuation of the detective series is sealed. the life of the main character is becoming more and more confusing, the circumstances are becoming more and more complicated. in addition to everything, a secret that one of the family members has kept for many years will also be revealed. ekaterina foralova found out which of the numerous relatives you can trust and who you shouldn’t. he was bribed, he is thinking about how to take the factory away from you.
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“i didn’t want anything like that, you’re better off what happened to me.” while christina is trying to sort out the affairs of the factory that she inherited, guests from the past they are going to take away her most precious thing. are you controlling me and my life? no, i just want to help you, it’s not really working out yet , the sun could get damaged, if i’m so in the way, i can leave altogether, i’m not keeping anyone, everyone is now trying to solve their problems at the expense of their new sister, but there are those who only need truth. she had a diagnosis, but she was being treated." she was looking for new methods of treatment, i’m telling you, she loved life, someone interfered with her. one insignificant clue will set the investigation in motion, which will reveal secrets that have been kept for decades within the walls of the mansion. christina. together with her daughter she will again find herself in the epicenter of events, where her every action can become fatal, you must travel with us, why? we need to interrogate you in the case of the murder of anna nikolaevna sofonova, why? after so many years
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, anna found her younger sister, and we’ll find out this week what actually happened on that fateful evening. listen, what kind of material will there be, this, i really envy you, but no one expects such a denouement, continuation an intriguing detective series: now defending his homeland in a special operation zone, watch today at 15:00, the news is following developments in russia abroad, stay tuned.
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yesterday evening, terrible news came: at the age of 65, the son of fashion designer vyacheslav zaitsev, yegor zaitsev, died after a long illness. he survived his legendary father by only 13 months. by fateful coincidence, yegor zaitsev died on the birthday of the world famous. that it turns out that everyone doesn’t need my art, that it’s not for everyone necessity and joy, i am like the successor of the zamitsev dynasty, my father, in principle, he is my teacher, i am with
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him every day, this is just such work and study every day, egor zaitsev, he is already more than a genius, much, he already somewhere in space beyond the limit, there we are all worldly, there we are nothing at all compared to him. after this television filming, the famous father and son began to be seen less and less often together. later, the zaitsevs admitted that they could not forgive each other for mutual insults. new year i was completely alone, sitting at home, and he didn’t call, i start crying all the time, and this is where our contact breaks out. all. relationships are very difficult. there are tens or hundreds of kilometers between us, and i feel, if i’m starting to have some kind of depressive state, that something is not right, yes, that somehow he thinks, maybe awkwardly towards me, awkwardly , yes.
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i don’t even have words, the land below the wax, where dad worked for 30 years, lived, ate, got sick, recovered, raised two granddaughters, here he should be, and this coincided with his will, and all this year yegor zaitsev fought for millions
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his father, because suddenly other contenders for the inheritance of the red dior showed up with documents in their hands, i say i’ll make it so that in your life he says you’ll have an apartment and a car, then i even have a small... such an argument that i have his will in my hands, i am in this will, this, this is 100%. i am now actually the only owner of the nonsense brand slava za, this is what i now call them , the figure of lieutenant schmit, who are now very active, notaries have already contacted from paris about him there real estate, yes, whatever, all this will belong to the family, if there is no other, let’s say, a will, maybe they talked about it, yes, he definitely wanted to leave it. i kept hearing rumors that vyacheslav zaitsev’s inheritance was cursed, as soon as the deadline came, yegor entered into the inheritance, he fell ill with covid, his health deteriorated sharply, then cancer was discovered. and he ended up in intensive care, he
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was knocked down, like these intrigues, these intrigues, everything until he entered into an inheritance, it knocked him down, now everyone is wondering where he will be yegor zaitsev himself is buried, here, in this place by the road, next to the trash can and toilet near the legendary father, or even after death, the graves of fashion designers yegor and vyacheslav zaitsev will be in different cemeteries, but the most intriguing thing is who will now receive the fatal inheritance of yacheslav zaitsev and what fate awaits them. in our studio we have an assistant to the zaitsev family, who took care of vyacheslav zaitsev for many, many years, and after his death became egor’s assistant, oleg koteli, hello, please accept our condolences, you all this time, all these 13 months, they remained silent, did not give a single interview, as i understand it. for you, too, everything that happens so
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quickly and unexpectedly in or how many weeks or months ago yegor ended up in intensive care yegor ended up in intensive care on sunday, he didn’t get in touch, and before that, always every day, every morning, he was always in touch, they gave everything here we see this one. house, vyacheslav mikhailovich, this estate of his, which he loved so much, cherished in these, everyone who was visiting there remembers these birches, daisies, as i understand it, at yegor there were big plans for this house, yes, yegorislavich wanted to continue it, so that the house would be an estate museum in honor of vyadislav mikhailovich zaitsev, this is the nest of the hares, as vyadislav mikhailovich wanted. and
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even you said that egor wanted to move to kablukova to this house, which he inherited, in the village of kablukova wisla mikhailovich zaitsa, he lived here, it was inherited by egor, his son, the only son of wisla mihai, this is the estate, where yegor came, where he lived. egor sonisla mikhailovich loved this house very much, because this is a family nest, in 2 weeks he was supposed to be here, egor, as if for the entire time that he lived here, said that we would paint the house this summer, how to paint everything, make a plan for what repairs were needed. egor’s assistant andrey and i prepared the rooms, as we did everything to prepare for moving, so that egor would move to. here is the room, the windows of yegor’s room
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upstairs, he works on the third floor, so that where is the boss’s office, like everything else, and in order to continue the work of vyatisla mikhailovich, like himself, he is also an excellent fashion designer, here is their spirit, zaitsevsky, here is yegor, yegor’s favorite place on the street is in the gazebo, covered. he sits down here, the pads are there, within 5 minutes they turned around, drank tea, here yegor was resting, this is tatyana, as mikhalkova gave it to vyacheslav mikhailovich zaitsev, and after that yegor said how she was there, yegor, made such a landscape, a piece of wood, gazebo, well, he’s an artist, everything awaits him, in general he personally worked on the monument. veslan mihai
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himself drew the sketch himself exactly how exactly with bashkiria the granite stone is all this himself no one fit in there he said it should be to deal personally with the family, the house was empty, the land was empty. by a tragic coincidence , yegor zaitsev passed away on the birthday of the fashion house of vyacheslav zaitsev. yesterday there was a big event there, a big event, so we see footage from there, a screening, a reception, a cocktail, tickets were sold at a cost of 10,000 rubles. in our studio there are favorite models vyacheslav zaitsev, dmitry vatlya sovchuk, were you there yesterday? andrey, we haven’t been invited and we haven’t been called for about 2-3 years now, because when vyacheslav mikhailovich was still the living one controlled it himself, let's say. to the fashion house
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he himself did shows, uh, we were always at such events, but when he began to feel bad, egor started doing shows, so we were already... not invited to these events, not invited to shows, for days birthday too, we didn’t come to the fashion house’s birthday either, so yesterday we also didn’t receive an invitation, egor and i have always had such neutral relations, because when vyacheslav mikhailovich had joint shows with egor, well, with egor zaitsev, egor for some reason was categorically against us participating in the show, that is, he was there, well...
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this is of course a big loss, nevertheless for everyone, yes, i was also not invited , and after vyacheslav mikhailovich passed away, everyone stopped communicating with me, somehow from the fashion house, no more invitations came to me either, like to the guys. alexander romanov, today in our studio, you are standing at the origins of this house, and you have all the first documents, and you think knowing that this is, well, let’s say, the main one. designer of the house in intensive care, yes, i know the owner in intensive care, they didn’t cancel the holiday yesterday, you weren’t invited either, as i understand it, but they haven’t called me for a long time, they haven’t called me for a long time, so look, it’s probably about yegor among all those present, i am the most, because egor and i have known
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each other since 1979, which means that at first we met slava, then it means that we went to slava’s house for the first time, after the exhibition, and egor and dima were there, which means to me, here, here, here we are with yegor, that means me. slava said, this is my son yegor, i looked at him, there was something different from him, and there was dima, this was his adopted son, well, we started with him, our first moments began with his friendship, because then he was just i graduated from college at 18 years old, or rather, he just entered college, and i already graduated from college, it started with the fact that when i showed up, well, i asked what i was doing, i said, i’m an athlete, i’ll work in the swimming pool, igor, you can say they will go for a swim, come on, i say go and dimka too it started with the fact that they, by the way , here lera gera is sitting above me with susami, here they are egor, here are the two, they were two friends, so they went to my pool, and we seemed to become friends, and after the pool where did we go , we were going to slava’s place to visit, so how would i become like almost a family friend there, and dima, well, by the way, no, i think why dima is not there, and dima was just photographing this, i think why is it never in the photo no, dimka took photographs of us, with dimka, which means there
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was such a situation that slava, as it were, called him an adopted son, he was studying medical and he wanted it so much, well , he loved movies very much, he had such a friend, so his name was, what was his name, duke, zhora, zhora duke, there was one such smart one, he found out how much i get, i’m enough i got paid well, as i worked in the pool, well, i’m a highly qualified coach, so to speak, a master of the sports class, and so on, and he says: listen, we have a guy there who was such a fool, and we have an administrator who can we should get a ticket, it was very difficult to get there, but we have no money, they are poor students, and i there was money, he says, let’s agree this way, you will take three tickets, and we will take you to the movies with us, and dima and i also became friends, yes, well, there underwear cost 50 kopecks, but for me it was pennies, so he and i also went there once a week with trufaut, gadard, bertolucci, silian, you know, viscontia, wajda, and he kind of introduced me to the cinema, and we were so sick of cinema, but naturally, well, we were already there with the hare, naturally after this movie we also went back to slavi’s house, because before him there
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lived, and it turned out i turned out to be like a friend of the family, just say for a second, i’m sorry, a black cat ran between them, you understand that this is how it is, i understand, now i’ll tell you what’s wrong, look, when he... became already, well, it’s like a dynasty is a normal thing, yes a dynasty, but he seemed to be the first who became a dynasty, because bondarchuk is there, yankovsky is there kiosayan, efremov, then so to speak, did not surface, well, the normal story is that the son continues his father’s work, but what came up next, because i was kind of getting started, because he appeared at the fashion house in 1986, when we had already created a fashion house, we were already working, that’s it, at first yegor after college went to work somewhere, but there they began to give him nightmares, so son means yegor. zaitsev, that means back and forth, he couldn’t stand it there, he came, took zaitsev under his wing, he came, began to make his own collection, so he, by the way, has already changed his image, by the way, there is this not the morning mail, but the ninety-first year, now we see all these shots, well, then he changed his image, which means in the beginning, well, he i started making the first collections, by the way, i brought photographs of the first collection,
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you know, they were like boyish maximalism, well, i’m a director, i don’t seem to get involved in this matter, they gave me a collection, i’ll do it for now, i don’t care, it’s somewhere there there were two releases of the egorovskys, and the site all the time, slava sr. , kept saying that: here is egor, a future talent, there is no analogue in the world, this is some kind of, you know, purely russian maximalism, you know, we have a tsar cannon, which does not shoot himself to a large extent, the king who is big in the world, who doesn’t call, and here he said to build up this... atmosphere, that there is no analogue in the world, so what was his collection, i just watched from the sidelines, it’s none of my business, but he has some kind of sloppy that ’s why the first scandals started, in 1986, 1987, we had a cooling plant, my theater was working with a bang, we earned 800, 2,000 for mannequins, 6,000 we earned a month, well, consider the lada, everything was gorgeous , then the tours started, in general the money there was terrible, and that means for him fabrics are wasted, resources are wasted, hours are wasted, but the collection is not selling, and there is a planned finishing, soorkh, portorkh of steel, that is, money was quarreled, you want to say that yes, yes, yes, and there they started, as if to force the hare,
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he says , why is he making a collection there, and not selling it, the fabrics are infuriating, which means people are working, and the collection is not selling at all , well - well, this, well , such a struggle began, the administration began to put pressure on the hares, yes, it was eighty- seventh, eighty-eighth year, well, i began to defend him, but by the way, here’s a young egor, we have a video where he says that i didn’t spend anything and never asked my father for anything, make sure that chela mikhailovich is in good condition, because if he comes in a bad mood, he will add extreme things to us when i i came to the house as a young man after college, and naturally everyone treated me the same as at the institute, zaitsev’s son there, and the only warmth there was always towards me in relation to volchek, because from the very beginning i saw that she has such a maternal feeling towards me, that’s it the rest of many people, that’s it, it’s a shack and so on, literally the turning point occurred somewhere in the beginning of 2002 and the third year, when we had, to put it mildly, not a very good relationship, and i began
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to draw, draw in a different manner, i combined my graphics with modeling work, some strange monsters began to appear, they began to draw, well, there was some kind of pain, these branches and tentacles appeared, they accuse me that there are some tentacles there, well, i don’t know, i often i stand at the window of the house, let’s say in winter i look out the window or smoke a cigarette there before going to bed, and there were tree branches, what initially came from there, then... i understood, but from collection to collection, the more he cursed at me, maybe criticized me in the process of creating the collection, the
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more he seemed to understand something, on a different level, that is, we understood each other all the time these years, but we had problems mainly not of a personal nature, but at work there, that i’m such a goofball, i’m doing the wrong thing, here it’s a little remains, but he may have seen me from the other side, and here in it seems to me that i have just begun to open up to them, that is, i am now at the beginning of the path, maybe through these monsters, but i took a different path. here is my latest collection of dicks, so bright, these are some bonefaces, here are some mosyans, something else, fish, here at the top the collection is on the contrary , i have such a gloomy one, back when there was no gothic, yes this is a collection , i did this in 2000, for those who turned on the tv, let me remind you that egor died on the birthday of the slava zaitsev fashion house, yesterday there was an event there, our correspondent anastasia knysh went to find out.
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no one is providing anything yet, no memorial, nothing yet, no information at all, that is, this just happened, the fashion house itself is working today, of course, that is, all the employees are here, of course, i saw it for the last time, mine, maybe at the beginning of this year, and he came here a couple of times, he was so biker-style, the employees talked to him well, he was always very friendly, and he said, there’s a fall collection, such deconstructive raincoats, he he told me how he handed it over, so we too, we are all very sad, and you heard about the fact that
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he passed away, the owner of the fashion house, i understand who will now get all this, granddaughter, granddaughters, probably, yes, very it’s a pity, of course, people are leaving, it’s all the same, generations are leaving, it’s a great pity, we, of course, feel more sorry for vyacheslav zaitsev, because we seem to be bigger than him. so, len, call center, i want to give the floor, as i understand it, in the fashion house, you see, there’s not even a photograph, and no condolences, but i want to tell you that apparently, after our visit film crew, after all, the post appeared on the page of the model agency slava zaitsev and the moscow fashion house, so it reads as follows: on june 19, 2004
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, our director, colleague, artist-fashion designer, general director of the jsc moscow fashion house vyacheslav zaitsev passed away. a man with a capital letter egor vyacheslavovich zaitsev. the zaitsev family and the team of the moscow fashion house deeply mourn this irreparable loss; the date of the funeral will be announced later. well, even before this post appeared, many stars reacted to yegor's death. egor, oh, alexander, the surgeon zladostanov wrote that egor was present at the birth of the night wolves club, participated in choosing the name and path, he was devoted to the club from the very first day and was faithful to it until the last, until his death he remained.
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look at the post of a surgeon from the night wolves, he writes that they managed to unction yegor, and the rector of the alexander nevsky church, sergei maslennikov instantly responded at the right moment and was nearby, we see just the moment of unction before yegor’s death zaitseva, we will now switch to a short advertisement, immediately after this fatal one. zaitsev's inheritance, who will get it, one of the heirs is now in prison, after advertising, i hope she will be sufficiently punished for the evil that i have gone too far, but take off your shirt, my god, on saturday, i
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saw everything that you saw, as you jumped around her like a goat, it’s easy to check your feelings. “so, i don’t see any other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and the children shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce, this is terrible, we shouldn’t let this happen, oh, i can’t imagine you without color, well, where, why, well, well, okay, thank you, i ’m warning you, when you’re with her, then we’re with her, but no, this is...” i’m warning you, i have serious intentions, a divorce with obstacles, on saturday on rtr, my favorite songs are playing in our studio, let's go, it's my birthday, my favorite music never gets old,
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real songs are playing, wonderful andrey malakhov's evening show on saturdays on rtr once again for everyone. good afternoon. yesterday the son of the legendary fashion designer vyacheslav
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zaitsev, egor zaitsev, passed away. he outlived his father. for 13 months. now everyone is wondering where he will be buried. yegor zaitsev himself by the road in the moscow region next to the toilet, like his legendary father, or even after death , the graves of fashion designers yegor and vyacheslav zaitsev will be in different cemeteries. let me remind you that after the death of vyacheslav zaitsev, his favorite model , three-time winner of the mr. universe title, eduard krivenko declared himself heir by will and was shocked by where the great couturier was buried. unfortunately, i was not at the funeral on the day of the burial, because i did not want all these strife in circle of his family. his favorite wildflowers, as you have always loved, are vyaseslav mikhailovich. just notice the conditions in which mat was buried? here is a photograph of vyacheslav
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mikhailovich and she looks straight at the open door of the toilet and straight at the highway, where the hum of cars, trucks and truckers is going on, and what kind of peace can there be here? look carefully, i’ll show you, there used to be a path here, it went from there, and here is the grave of vyacheslav mikhailovich zaitsen. well , look, isn’t, well, i don’t know, is this adequate, guys, i don’t understand, maybe this is some kind of personal revenge that yegor had against his father during his life, it continues even after death, the land near moscow, where dad worked for 30 years, lived, ate, was sick, recovered, raised two granddaughters, here he should be, and this coincided with his will, of course you will forgive me, i will demand your reburial, because you... have no place here. nino, you knew both of them, please accept our condolences, but really, this is what
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now, perhaps, we can already say after death, so ruined their relationship that the main thing is...


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