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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  June 24, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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ukrainian power operators say this is the eighth major attack, they in turn are having an impact, as you know, power outages are planned across the country to deal with... kiev will not be able to recover. ukrainian officials have also expressed what they need to defend against increasing russian attacks, asking for increased air defense capabilities so they can stop drone missile strikes. and it is obvious that such attacks are the main part of moscow's strategy. they are trying
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to destroy critical ukrainian infrastructure, especially energy facilities. two monstrous terrorist attacks took place in dagestan, in verbent, terrorists attacked an orthodox church and a synagogue. in makhachkala, a traffic police post was attacked and a synagogue was set on fire. according to the latest information announced today by the head of dagestan sergei melikov, 15 security officials were killed as a result of the attack, and another 17 were injured. civilian deaths, among them a church guard in makhachkali and orthodox priest nikolai kotelnik, his brutally killed by terrorists during an attack on the church of the intercession of the blessed virgin mary in derbent. protereus nikolai from stavropol came to dagestan back in the eighties. it is father nikolai who is depicted on the monument to the brotherhood of three religions in the center of derbent. the sculpture of the level, the priests and the mules howled from the living originals. the deceased was 66 years old, all
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terrorists, according to the national anti-terrorism committee, five of them were eliminated, according to the decree signed by the head of dagestan on june 24, 25, 26, declared days of mourning in dagestan, telegrams to russian president putin with deep condolences in connection with the terrorist attacks on dagestan were sent by the president of uzbekistan merziyoyev, the president of azerbaijan aliyev, the president of tajikistan rahmon, the president of kyrgyzstan jafarov, the president of kazakhstan takaev condemned. terrible terrorist attacks in china. chinese foreign ministry spokesman maoning expressed condolences to putin over the loss of life. all the latest information from the southernmost region of russia is in the report of my colleague sarkhar magomedov.
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naz had to fight his way to territory of the assumption cathedral attacked by militants, parishioners managed to barricade themselves inside. in the church, thanks to the employees who took the fight, people managed to close themselves, and until the last, that is, they were locked in the church, but they were safe. shortly before this, they set fire to a synagogue in another area of ​​the city and attacked police officers rushing to the scene. the terrorist attack in the capital of dagestan occurred simultaneously with an attack on a church and a synagogue in derpent, whose residents had to flee from bullets. let's! soon both gangs were blocked, their participants were neutralized, the militants tried to escape, so in makhachkala the chase ended on the city beach, there were still two, here it is, like this, like this, work, yours, three, three, work, brothers, work derpen synagogue, now it looks like this so, part of the building burned down, the main one, it was there that services and prayers took place, in addition, the gate itself was broken; at the time of the attack, none of the parishioners were inside. only the guard, whom
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the criminals killed, set the building on fire, then fired at the police and went to the church, where proteerius nikolai kotelnik died at their hands. according to nak , there were two terrorists, both were eliminated, and now the police are on duty at the temples. more than fifteen police officers were victims of today's terrorist attack, taking up arms to defend peace. several more civilians. people also died, among them father nikola, a clergyman for more than 40 years, who served in an orthodox church in derbeni. the dagestan authorities are confident that the terrorist attack was carried out with the aim of splitting society and the interfaith world. connections are being checked terrorists both abroad and within the country. preliminarily, two of the attackers are the children of the head of one of the regions of dagestan. three days of mourning have been declared in the republic. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov and abdulla magomedov.
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news dagestan. russia is developing nuclear anti-satellite weapons that, if detonated, will destroy all american satellites, and low orbit will be unsuitable for satellites, at a minimum. year, said the head of the us intelligence committee, mike turner. he referred to pentagon experts who told the intelligence committee that russia already has nuclear weapons in space. they say, no matter what they say in the kremlin, the threat is real, and not only for the economic national security of america, but also for all us communications systems. moreover, the american general saltsman from the pentagon space command directly stated: if the weapons are russian.
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historical parallels certainly emerge, but trump is definitely not kennedy; he has repeatedly stated that he will contain russia solely with the help of the strength and power of the united states. the space age began when russia launched sputnik in 1957, the whole world looked to the skies wondering how space and
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technology would change life on earth, the space age will end when russia launched its nuclear asat weapon into orbit, general saltsman, commander... .
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military space capabilities and called for warnings that russia is already ramping up its president biden to reveal the status of the russian program. he blames the biden administration for inaction and is heading toward what he calls an irreversible day zero. the day russia will launch its nuclear anti-satellite weapons into orbit. the day after that, he said, no one will be able to rely on space. this crisis is a caribbean missile crisis in space and the us administration is tolerating it. bad luck, if there is something that will affect every person on the planet, then this is probably what should be considered first on the agenda : a list of threats that, according to some, is growing every day. russia launched a satellite into low earth
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orbit. according to the united states, he most likely a space weapon. recently, the united states announced that the new satellite launched by russia is, in fact, a space satellite. to destroy or disable satellites in orbit. there are only four countries in the world that have successfully tested anti-satellite weapons, namely the usa, russia, china and india. india is the latest member of this elite club. if you just look at russian tactics. which it has used several times in the past, for example, as in july last year, russian aircraft flew dangerously close to american drones over syria, firing flares, or how a russian su-27 flew dangerously close to an american drone and dropped fuel on it
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last march. in general, although russia has denied the us accusation that a russian satellite was chasing an american one in the same orbit, it would be reckless to believe that it would not use the same tactics that... the us would be afraid to challenge russia in europe with nuclear weapons right off the coast florida. if khrushchev could hold the us hostage to the nuclear threat from cuba, vladimir putin will hold the world's space assets hostage to resist efforts to stop the resurgence of the soviet union. there is a precedent in russian-american nuclear weapons control treaties that provided for the dismantling of destabilizing weapons. inspection regime and deployment ban, but such treaties are negotiated using force,
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which the biden administration seems unable to do in order to avoid doomsday, the administration biden must urgently declassify all information related to the russian program to create nuclear anti-satellite weapons. confrontation with russia carries certain risks, and the biden administration is extremely reluctant to take any actions that could lead to escalation. according to him, there are about twenty such organizations in the city, and today the regional council
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asked the cabinet of ministers to allow reservations for 50% of security agency workers. balgan connects these organizations, public formation of security companies, because some of them have the same names. on the maidan, remember, that’s what the lords called them in the forties, policemen. now in ukraine the ts are true patriots. new york times. publishes a report on the life of ukrainian hustlers. one of the interlocutors was vlad from kiev. according to the kiev draft dodger, at first he stopped going to the center of kiev, then he stopped working out in the gym, and now he sits at home all the time. ttc agents say that they are everywhere; those they take to the front become cannon fodder in the literal sense of the word. at least a dozen ukrainian guys confirmed to the nyt that mobile was lucky. it is considered at least five weeks of preparation before being sent to the front, the situation in kiev
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conscription centers looks like this: people are kept like a gathering in a basement, the video is published by kiev blogger valentin ban. ironically, the blogger was caught by the military commissar when he was conducting a survey among kiev residents about their attitude towards the work of lure catchers. the latter are now looking for future abrams mechanical drivers, drivers for hymers installations in a mask. with pistols, but the collective west in this scheme remains just bring new tanks, shells and missiles, and this is also a profitable business. bloomberg reports that western investors from washington to donkey are now eager to pour billions into the defense industry. even in oil and gas-producing norway, new missile factories are being built that will meet the needs of not only the troops of nato countries, but also the armed forces of ukraine. in a small norwegian one. bloomberg reports that
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norwegian missiles are absolutely universal and can be placed on various military vehicles, used around the world, under the whole world, of course, means ukraine. you drive through norwegian mountains, fjords and valleys and end up in a small sleepy town where you just... built a new missile factory, this is kongsberg, this is one of the largest defense contractors in europe, and this is exactly what they are building here, these are naval strike missiles, as well as combined attack missiles, and this really kind of puts things on stream, all these the defense conversations we 're having in europe, all the politicians are saying we need to build up forces, we need to build up strength, it costs a lot of money, this new facility we are standing on has just been built, again it is starting to work today, investments... today we
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supply our missiles to 13 countries, including norway, mainly nato and allies that are asking for that capability, so i think obviously we awarded the contract to the us federal migration service in 2018, and then we're now seeing the f-35 come into service, and that's a capability that more and more countries would like to have. yes, obviously there are some restrictions on a certain part of us. type of product, but in principle we can do it. in australia we are going to open a partial assembly line where all the parts of the rocket can be made. and there's something else we have to do here in norway, but definitely we...
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allied countries are providing ukraine with significant funds to support it in the fight against russian aggression, we need to replenish our supplies, at the same time we need to be able to continue support ukraine and build our own armed forces, and we are completely recently, just last week, they adopted a new twelve-year plan to build up our armed forces. this is a very ambitious
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plan, and for this plan to be successful, we need industrial capacity to match the new level.
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sovereign wealth fund, but don't forget the war in ukraine, it has benefited hugely financially from rising oil and gas prices, it is the only seller in europe, so it is doing very very well, but it is also very progressive socially company that cares about making the right decisions in terms of ethical investing, for example, the sovereign wealth fund will not touch any defense company related to nuclear missiles, so there is a bit of a contradiction here, in norway, also the nobel peace prize is awarded, but they decided to change course regarding military expenditures. this year they want to reach 2% for nato. by 2030 they are going to reach the level of 3%. and by 2036 they are going to spend 4% of gdp on defense, so for norway this is a very serious problem, especially in relation to the border with russia, not necessarily because of the military
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invasion, but because of their oil and gas fields, which, as we know, have become a mess. for drone and other attacks, which are of great concern to the country's government. right-wing british politician nigil farage, in an interview with the bbc, said that the constant expansion of nato and the eu to the east gives putin a reason to tell his people: the west has plans for russia. according to farage, these plans include war with the russians. the leader of the reform party touched upon the war in ukraine. said that the west has left russia no choice but to start the northeast military district, he admitted. that russia was provoked. to reassure the audience, farage clarified: he does not like putin, but admitted that he admires him as a politician. now the leader of the reform party, british hawks and russophobes, who will soon be thrown into the trash heap of history, are called russian spies, demands to be urgently removed from politics. prime minister sunok, foreign secretary cameron, are screaming that only
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the west can be right, not putin, if paraj thinks otherwise, he has no place. it's time for tanya, and together with party, move to moscow. perst armer, the leader of the laborists, also did not miss the opportunity to trample on his competitor. he called what forage said a disgrace for the entire once great britain. nigel farage was sharply criticized by both home secretary james cleverley and former defense minister ben wallace. it’s obvious where this hysteria comes from. the party was ahead in ratings in june for the first time in history. the ruling conservative party of prime minister rishi sun, and parliamentary elections in britain on july 4. at the same time, the british oppositionist never took back your words. repents. does not meet with local russophobes. a big fuss arose over nigel farage's statement about
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why russia started the war in ukraine. in 2014, i declared in the european parliament that a war would break out in ukraine. why did i make such a statement? yes, because it was obvious to me that with their expansion to the east, nato and the european union gave to this person. boris johnson, this is what he wrote on his page on social networks, this is yet another ahistorical nonsense. i'm incredibly happy
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that boris johnson made such statements in a timely manner, and he expressed his point of view simply perfectly, however, his position on ukraine was always excellent when he was prime minister and boris johnson said everything correctly, the latest statements of nigel farage absolutely. he places all the blame on the west and thereby plays into the hands of putin, forash is playing putin’s game, he has been doing this for a very long time, the situation is not improving because of this, it is only getting worse. let's be honest, this is nothing more than an attempt to reconcile with russia, but in during the cold war, we called such people as farash useful.
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in unison, our media literally brought our political class because of what farage said, but whether you agree with him or not, it cannot
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be said that farage does not make such statements from the bottom of his heart, it cannot be said that he does not go against the prevailing views in our country, this explains why so many young britons support him, it is part of a much larger phenomenon that is currently taking place. throughout europe, and i will explain why this is happening. we zoomers generation z, for example, i was born in 2001, we grow up and, so to speak, wake up, we begin to realize what the world really is, and we begin to understand that we are being deceived. exactly 3 days remain until the main comedy show of all time. the leader of the free world, biden, has begun preparing for the debate. it is known that self-propelled joe trains to stand on his feet for 90 minutes without a break, memorizes the necessary talking points so that they bounce off his teeth, and
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actively trains to remain calm when insults are thrown at him. to do this, biden sat down at his country residence in came david with a team of advisers. according to abc's kula white house correspondent, selina wang, the preparations are more like simulating a real debate, during which. the debate is another insight and another direct quote: sleepy joe will come in with a chip on his shoulder. according to trump, biden will allegedly
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receive an injection. quote: in the ass so that he doesn’t fall asleep on the stage. with less than a week left before the debate, president joe biden has gathered his best advisers at camp david to prepare to confront donald trump. how did we manage to find out the president.
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campaigns are sometimes compared to a job interview, the voters are the hiring committee that selects the candidate, but we already know both joe biden and donald trump to see if they will defend the constitution, how they handle critical situations, and do they have the personal qualities for the position, we can look at what... they've already done, so what's the point of having this debate? first, the debate demonstrates candidates' ability to speak in public, as well as warmth and command, and while we've seen these two candidates perform frequently, candidates have a chance to change the minds of voters who weren't particularly interested in them. in addition, the context changes during a presidency. in 1983, ronald reagan was the sitting president, but at that time he was 73
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elected. show, look, you have an hour and a half long debate, no assistant notes, when the microphone is off, you have to be silent, this an opportunity for former president donald trump and the current president to speak to the public for them to make a choice, president biden without his assistants will have to act on his own, we have already witnessed how joe biden periodically does not act during such speeches if he falls into a stupor for seconds 10 during the debate, that will be the end
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of it...
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somewhere, of course, before the debate, each of the candidates prepares, and believe it or not, they decided to talk to us before such huge events, let's ask them a couple of questions, starting with president biden. mr. biden, when did you start preparing for the debate? this was back in 1987, i think. oh, very interesting, i wrote it down, so the debate stage will not have chairs, the candidates will stand for more than 90 minutes. mr. biden, how long can you stand? 3 seconds. it's clear.
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the president's press secretary just spoke at a briefing about the events in sevastopol in dagestan, president putin on sunday. constantly received reports, gave instructions in connection with what happened in both regions. russia understands perfectly well who is behind the barbaric missile attack on sevastopol; the involvement of the united states in hostilities, as a result of which
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russian civilians are killed, cannot but have consequences. our correspondent in crimea, yana shcherbata, is in direct communication from sevastopol from the very beach that was attacked by the ukrainian armed forces the day before. hello, yana, over to you. yes, evgeniy, welcome, but we are located next to the beach where the tragedy occurred the day before, so you are behind me you can see the entrance there, you can’t get any closer now, they don’t let anyone in at all, including journalists, and this is due to security issues, the fact is that it’s still almost the second day on the beach, sappers and divers continue to work, they are examining both the sandy shore and the seabed near the vuchkuevka beach, the fact is that the missile that was fired at sevastopol was filled with cluster munitions, there were hundreds of them, and there is a possibility that they are still somewhere in the water or in the sand there may be unexploded ammunition, so before letting people in here, of course, you need to make sure that it is absolutely safe
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, there is nothing else like that here, according to the latest data, four people became victims of the ukrainian attack on sevastopol, two adults and two children, including a two-year-old baby , they died, more than 150 people were injured, 80 of them are still in... in hospitals in sevastopol. on the eve of the night, on instructions from the president, specialists from the federal center arrived in the city, these are specialists from the center disaster medicine, rescue psychologists arrived here to help sevastopol doctors, all night they examined the wounded, examined the victims, helped carry out various operations, right now at these very minutes they are continuing this work. what is known at the moment: 21 people will be transported from sevastopol to moscow by the air ambulance, 11 of them are children, these are people with various...
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are dealing with this issue, but it’s worth noting, recalling that ukraine fired five missiles at sevastopol, attacks that filled, as i already said, with cluster munitions, and of course they did. they do this not without the participation of the united states, because these missiles are produced and delivered to kiev by the united states, on the eve of the tragedy, an american drone was located near crimea, surveying the territory of crimea, so american participation in this tragedy, of course, is absolutely not there is no doubt. the completely vile attack took place on a weekend. the weather in crimea is now wonderful, sunny, very warm, a large number of people, of course, rested here. first of all. these are women, these are children, these are elderly people, plus everything, sunday, a day off, a holiday, a huge number of people were here on the beach, especially uchkuevka, this is one of the most popular, favorite beaches among sevastopol residents, where there are always a lot of people, there were a lot of them the day before, they helped
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immediately after the shelling - the wounded, despite their injuries, helped each other, saved those who had more serious wounds, the bus drivers helped, transported people from here, very ambulance teams quickly arrived and took away all the wounded. in the hospital, but the investigative committee has already opened a criminal case under the article of terrorism, no details have been given yet, it is known that an investigation is underway, evgeny, thank you very much, yana cherbata from sevastopol, from the very beach that was attacked with ballistic missiles the day before the armed forces of ukraine, with the help of the united states, which aimed these same missiles, also aimed from drones, which are constantly above neutral underlines. they fly across the waters, they collect information about their targets, here, of course, this question is acute now, what to do with these drones, because they fly there incessantly every day, in fact
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around the clock, probably the first thought that comes to mind is - to shoot down, on the other hand, neutral waters, won’t our planes suffer after that? who fly in international waters, in general, this is such a level of escalation that, probably, already now there is nothing that would be difficult to imagine, but... there is a problem, it needs to be solved. please, yuri vecheslavovich. yesterday two terrible terrorist attacks were carried out against our country against the citizens of our country. and, of course, i would like to express my condolences to the families of the dead and the wounded. in fact, it is obvious that behind the crime in sevastopol, in crimea, there is a clear american trace, you understand, of course. crimes of the zelensky junta, well, formally, on the other hand, we
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understand that in fact they are only a transport component, yes, that means american specialists on missiles, that means intelligence data, lay down the data, actually launch it with their hands, provide it, that is , in fact, this is the position of the anglo-saxons, in fact, on the other hand, they don’t have
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emotional statements and tactical telegram channels, many different such nuclear weapons in kiev and almost on the other hand, i read yesterday in european capitals and it means that some more nato planes will be shot down, well, it’s obvious that there are no simple solutions. in such a situation, the best solution is to systematically destroy the armed forces of ukraine, which are carrying out these terrorist attacks mean destroying the military infrastructure on the territory of ukraine, developing your defense-industrial complex, creating new types of weapons that protect, including the air defense system, generally strengthening the state and achieving victory, how difficult this victory is. were knocked down during the great patriotic war,
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there is no other scenario, yes, there is a discussion, the possibility of creating a no-fly zone, yes, within a certain radius, but the same threats that you are talking about are also present, so systematic work, but understanding, what's against us the next terrorist attacks are being prepared, and serious vigilance is needed here. by the way, touching on the terrible terrorist attack in dagestan, last week, when we discussed here... including this meeting 7, yes, these were the statements of the president of finland, the same, that means, duda said, european officials, i drew attention to this, decolonization of russia is needed, given that there are no colonies in russia, according to their understanding, decolonization is the destruction of our state, the destruction of our state, including an attempt to sow interethnic, interconfessionalism.
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tragic terrorist attack, orthodox church, synagogue. why against dagestan? this is the most multinational republic of the russian federation, more than thirty indigenous peoples living from more than 110 nationalities who live in peace and friendship on the territory of dagestan. of course, the main goal is obvious, and they find and recruit people.
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we must take a more united and more responsible approach to solving any government problems, and evgeniy, of course, this is the entire international agenda of the usa and great britain. against the backdrop of terrorist attacks against our country, he is in third or fourth place, but i can’t help but say about farage, because in fact, when they say that he just said so, he said, of course, for a reason, the election campaign does not imply simple statements. obviously, foradch chose the line of an anti-establishment party, which, in principle, achieved high
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results in both france and germany and so on, he challenges, on the other hand, this challenge, if suddenly there will be some great success. we don’t believe it, because everything western is the enemy of our country, who are trying to destroy us, but the fact that this community is already on the agenda, especially the anglo-saxon one, is that the western world is present, a more objective assessment is an indicator of a change in mood, this cannot be ignored, indeed there is simply a demand for such theses, that’s why he wants to win the elections, he throws them into society, it’s not at all accidental here... there is no mistake, and once again he doesn’t take back his words. urgent the news comes from us ambassador allen tracy, who was summoned to the russian foreign ministry in connection with the strikes on sevastopol. she was told that washington’s actions aimed at encouraging the pro-nazi authorities of ukraine to continue hostilities would not go unpunished,
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the ministry of foreign affairs noted. peskov's statement, let's listen, president. works in the kremlin, today, well, of course, he continues to receive information about how assistance is being provided to those injured as a result of the missile attack on crimea, as it turns out, assistance is being provided to those who were wounded, relatives, those who lost their relatives as a result of an attack by criminals in dagestan. you know that yesterday the president constantly received reports, gave the necessary instructions, the president deeply sympathizes with all those who lost their loved ones.
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they are allowed to strike only at a distance of 100 km, they want to make sure that strikes are delivered to any point where they can reach, in washington, as if, according to information from western newspapers, it is resisting, but here, of course, it is only a matter of time when these restrictions, if they exist at all will be removed. let's listen. military commanders of the ukrainian army are demanding the lifting of restrictions on long-range missiles, they say that without the ability to use longer-range guided missiles such as atacoms, their hands are tied, we can target the command posts of russian brigades the entire northern group because they are located in 100-150 km from the front line,
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says the commander of an artillery unit in the kharkov region, they cannot be reached with conventional ammunition, with long-range ammunition we can do a lot to destroy their... control centers. until now, the biden administration has not lifted restrictions on ukraine prohibiting the use of us-provided atacoms systems to launch strikes inside russian territory, according to three us officials. this discourages attacks on airfields and military infrastructure deep behind russian lines, underscoring a common ukrainian claim that western allies fear a possible escalation with russia, thereby undermining ukraine's ability to fight effectively. us no one has expressed sympathy or condolences in the west and will not, this is a war that is being waged to destroy russia, therefore, from the point of view of the ideologists of this war, london and washington, all means are acceptable and good,
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we are faced with a double terrorist attack, i am absolutely convinced of that the events in sevastopol in dagestan... are not interconnected, they are controlled and coordinated from one center. we can, of course, be indignant now, send a curse to our opponents, call for punishment on their heads, you know, we need not words now, but practical matters, no comments. the most effective, i said it, i will repeat it again, is a means of responding to the supply of long-range western ones. weapons systems in ukraine is the destruction of the enemy’s energy infrastructure, everything that ensures the stability of the rear in the ssu. it is necessary to categorically prohibit attacks on these transformer substations, these are not the same targets, it is necessary to destroy power generation,
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that is, halls with turbines, just one hit by an h69 missile or caliber there makes further operation impossible and electricity generation, it takes from four to 5 years, completely dismantling, so choose priority goals. strike them systematically. i repeat once again, we have about 4-5 months before the delivery of the f-16, during which the russian armed forces must solve the main task, to bleed the rear in the mtr, and not allow it to function effectively in the system of state military command of ukraine. this requires the destruction of energy generating facilities without announcement.
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council of security bodies and special services of the cis countries, in his speech, the director of the fsb of russia, bortnikov, very clearly explained how the work of the us and british intelligence services today is structured to channel terrorist activity from states adjacent to post-soviet countries, in particular from afghanistan. on the territory of russia and the cis member countries,
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also important attention was paid to the fact that the emphasis is on training terrorists from among persons who have not previously come to the attention of the security authorities and do not pass through relevant accounting, here is a classic illustration of what was said, the event in dagestan, therefore it is necessary to greatly... strengthen coordination, interaction, exchange of information with our friendly cis countries, within the framework of this format, certain decisions may be necessary, related to joint efforts to exterminate and destroy any terrorist cells in the post-soviet space, of course, with the exchange of relevant operational intelligence information, well, without disclosure, of course, sources, we must understand that... that the goals of the west in relation to russia, in relation to any other sovereign, stable countries of the cis, are generally the
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same, therefore terrorism, as a tool used by the west against sovereign, independent states, it remains and does not go away. two formats: terrorism and color revolutions. it is in these areas that we need to strengthen coordination and work in the post-soviet space. of course, with the involvement here, of course, of the special services of the people's republic of china, because that it is clear that the activity of the cia and mi-6 in the central asian direction is aimed at working not only against russia, but also, of course, against china. it is necessary to jointly stabilize the situation in afghanistan. there were various proposals from meade regarding recognition or interaction with the current regime that is taking place in kabul. their authority, well, probably, if the russian foreign ministry and special services come out with an agreed proposal on this issue, obviously
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it must be accepted, because i will repeat it again, we must be guided by the old proven, say, method and slogan, the enemy of my enemy is our friend, probably not in the format of a public speech, a public discussion. and we must say how we will and should respond to these terrorist activities, fueled by washington and london, but it is quite obvious that this must be done in a closed, calm mode, with a stamp of caution, so that they are accepted and implemented, most importantly decisions were effective, if the enemy is working against us, if he is trying to destroy us, you know, in modern...
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russian security forces and special services will act in such a way as to respond to the enemy, this is firstly, and secondly, to minimize, ideally eliminate, any terrorist manifestations against our country. what exactly is a direct connection between derbent and sevastopol is that these are tourist centers, now is the height of the tourist season, planes fly to derben now like to st. petersburg, it seems to me that they are there every hour, every... its sights, its history , in this sense, there is a huge tourist flow, of course, it is obvious that the targets for
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sunday's terrorist attacks have been chosen. absolutely not by chance, but on the other hand, we know perfectly well how the people of dagestan react to terrorist attacks, and the dagestanis have already shown all kinds of scum many years ago that they do not accept any destabilization of attempts to split, break away from russia and take any other destabilizing steps, as for... countermeasures are working systematically, then cnn pays attention specifically to attacks on the energy infrastructure and wonders about the main purpose of these attacks. let's get a look. ukraine's energy grid has been firmly in the crosshairs of russian missiles since the start of the war, but this year moscow began targeting electricity facilities, thermal power plants,
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hydroelectric power plants and even energy storage facilities. a noticeable shift in tactics. compared to the previous winter, at a ukraine reconstruction conference in berlin in mid- june, president volodymyr zelensky laid out the scale of destruction from the first six attacks. russian missile strikes drone strikes they've already destroyed 9 gw of capacity, while ukraine's peak power consumption last winter was 18 gw, so half of it no longer exists, he said. ukraine will not be able to avoid power outages in winter. officials and energy company executives admitted. they know that it is no longer possible to avoid power outages this winter, now the task is simply to minimize them. russia is putting enormous pressure on ukraine's energy system. in addition, the russian army began to use more a perfect weapon for attacks on ukrainian energy facilities. the company warned that the amount of damage to power facilities in the country is extremely large. power plants and substations are operating at their limit. ukrainians were asked
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to save light. wall street journals. now he writes that the sea drones of the armed forces of ukraine, they are called sea baby, began to lay underwater mines near the coast of the crimean peninsula, who are these mines intended for, the military has means of recognition, mining, and means of combating mining, of course, this is again an attack on the civilian population, on ordinary russians. we'll be back.
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“i will get you out of here, trust me, justice sister, murderers in prison, we are in a factory, behind seven seals, now we are talking about your freedom, just sign it will end, today on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task open the whole scoreboard, right?" "if you ask, then with a smile. everyone knows the name of which character from pushkin's works, how much is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i'm doom
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would, chop, not, pinch, problems with water, light. housing and communal services, i don’t know what else. geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now. if you win, then... and 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, can i call you maestro, can i maestro, yeah, you can, it means he fooled you, and you’re glad, so he needs to, what is there a fool who was attracted to him, who is the fool, is it me who is the fool? i would like to book a room at your hotel, what are you
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doing here, this is my room, i paid for it, i paid, hold, hold, hold, hold, move us in immediately, one room, one city, st. petersburg, small city, nowhere to have dinner, only love. “vasily, this is vasily, please call me back, i’m looking for a travel companion, on friday on rtr, every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down on the floor of a passer-by and said: “i’ll stay here, the military should have been stationed aware that animals were simply dying there, he fired very hard." dondon, but we decided to be at the wedding out of spite, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon theirs, from monday to thursday on rtr, while you live in my
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house, with my money, you will live by my rules, dad, everyone is laughing at me, sit down, i’m with yulka, for a reason, i want to marry her, slav, so are you married? today he’s married, tomorrow he’s not, i’ll kill you, you bastard, don’t touch him, he ’s not guilty of anything, you put my accounting in order, and i’ll put your personal life in order, my personal life cannot be put in order, it’s complete ruins, well, it’s definitely not worse it will be, in general, i agree, why marry you, to my mother-in-law on sunday at rta,
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well, what’s criminal here, it would seem, i would call irochka, i would ask her a question. pronunciation is good, getting into the text is not good. i'm afraid of making a mistake again, to be honest, catch me if you can, great music show. he destroyed my format of generally perceiving everything. on friday on rtr. seven latvians have ordered another 500 russians to take an exam in the latvian language in order to renew their residence permits, this is required by an amendment to the immigration law initiated by the ruling coalition. moreover, in
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the country is preparing a law according to which medical care will be provided only in the state language, and russian-speaking pensioners will go to the clinic with translators, but the first lady of ukraine, alena zelenskaya, said that now she... is unpleasant to speak russian, although it is for her and her family, she added that russification is to blame for all the troubles of ukraine. i just hope to live until the moment, i hope to live just until the moment of victory in my right mind. it's my dream that we won't come to this so exhausted, that they could not rejoice.
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in the region, effectively resuming long-standing military operations on the korean peninsula, writes the american publication. so officials in siuli and tokyo, described as sworn enemies of the dprk, have started talking about strengthening their defenses and getting closer to the united states and each other. meanwhile, putin thanked him chen-in for the wonderful reception and cordial hospitality during his visit to the dprk. this is stated in the official one. in a telegram sent by the kremlin to henyang. russian the leader noted that the state visit to the ndr was of particular importance and ensured that relations between moscow and finian were brought to an unprecedented high level. according to the washington post, russia has already handed over 1,600 thousand artillery shells. in official documents they are designated as explosives . in total there were 11 thousand containers with...
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the american aircraft carrier roosevelt arrived in busan to participate in pre-planned exercises with south korea and japan. the country appears to be indeed ramping up military training in the face of growing threats from north korean side. russian president vladimir putin met with kemchanin in pyongyang and the leaders agreed that they would help each other in the event of aggression. roosevelt's scheduled stop in busan will take place in. 7 months after
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the port call of another us aircraft carrier, the us military exercise with south korea and japan called freedom's edge has long been in the making, but in fact it is another sign of growing cooperation between the countries. seoul and tokyo are increasingly willing to put their differences aside to counter threats in the region, including the aggressive policies and growing military arsenals of china and north korea. the south korean military said that roosevelt's arrival...


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