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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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friend, in the event of aggression , roosevelt's planned stop in busan will take place 7 months after another american aircraft carrier enters the port. the us military exercise with south korea and japan called freedom's edge has long been in the making. but in fact, this is another sign of growing cooperation between countries. seoul and tokyo are increasingly willing to put their differences aside to confront threats in the region, including china's aggressive policies and growing military arsenal. their firm readiness respond to growing threats from north korea. siul also summoned the russian ambassador to protest the defense agreement with north korea. south korea is also warning that it may consider sending weapons to ukraine to help defend it from a russian invasion. during putin's luxurious trip to north korea. kim jinneung
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expressed his full support and solidarity with russia over ukraine, and putin thanked kim for his continued support. i don’t know, vladimir vladimirovich, what should i do? i’m breaking down the ukrainian language, gornishe, nizhinka of the president of ukraine. the fact is that you understand, i myself am shocked by this statement of hers, that is , how much one must not know the history of one’s land, yes, one’s country, where she grew up and was born, i understand. he and zelensky grew up in a russian-speaking region, yes, where the lion’s share, people like them, were freed from the ukrainian language, it’s just that the parents themselves wrote, which means that now they say that the damned empire would have russified them, if only she knew history, she would have known that in these absolutely russian-speaking territories, the imposition of the language in the twenties and thirties of the last century, the so-called stalinist ukrainization, was the most severe, she would tell something about...
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they say that supposedly their empire is there did something to them, but in general they hate the inhabitants of these same russian-speaking regions, these shellings that they periodically carry out in the donbass, there in those territories that they allegedly still consider to be the territory of ukraine, including crimea, are confirmation of this, you are absolutely right, this shelling of the beach, the most popular beach near sevastopol, yes, this is not the first such crime.”
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there are a lot of people there, it’s clear that it’s no coincidence, only earlier they were in zugres, they fired from old, former soviet multiple launch rocket systems, and now yes, now in essence this is a crime at the hands of the americans, and you know when putin said that us involvement cannot but have consequences, we must understand that the terrible military atrocity that was committed yesterday americans with the help of ukrainians. let's
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call the veche by its proper name, it really brings us closer, makes even closer the possibility, the terrible possibility of a world war, that is , we are not this, we are not the ones who want this, we are not doing this, but again they are escalating the situation more and more, more and more create reasons for a harsh answer, which we are trying to avoid, now yes, i really agree, what kind of harsh answer we are trying to avoid, you understand, here i completely agree that... not everything needs to be voiced, revenge is a dish, which is served cold, we must weigh all possible symmetrical and asymmetrical responses, and not only ukraine, of course, it should be painful for those who commit atrocities against us, in the end they must feel e in different parts of the globe, what it is, as he said there is boris johnson, and poking a bear with a stick, that is, but voicing this on the air of a state channel, you yourself understand, creates reasons
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for further, well, to put it mildly, not the most impartial comments from westerners the media, you still pay attention to these unpleasant comments. moreover, today, you know, what i’ve been doing all morning is leafing through, but i practically leafed through newspapers, the main newspapers of all western countries this morning, you know, i tried to find, on the front pages, somewhere at least a line about this terrible crime on the beach in sevastopol. the only newspaper that brought this to the front page was the italian pacifist newspaper, elfatodiana, who really always call for peace and demand to really stop.
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regarding these terrible atrocities, they simply stuck their tongues into the very place where, according to trump, biden is going to get an injection on the eve of the debate, well, i’ll put it mildly, and they are silent, you know, they seem to understand how serious this is, but that’s why they are silent, this well, and if they are not silent, then they try to find reasons, not there, so you say that this is russian propaganda, hides that derbent and makhachkalo were attacked by isis, that it is a terrorist. we’re not hiding it, no, these are americans, but it’s clear who is attacking and by whose hands, we we understand perfectly well, but, but in the case of sevastopol, we also understand that these are americans, yes, they are generally silent about it, they don’t talk about it, at best they talk about it, but in russia there is something there, propagandists
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say , zelensky went on air just a few hours later yesterday, yes, knowing about this attack, perfectly, yes, understanding, and with a satisfied look he began to say, we must be given... permission to carry out such attacks deep into russia, the territory that they consider russia in any case, that is he liked it, he is pleased with the results of this atrocity, once again, i’m not afraid of this word, and you know, when they talk about punishing russia, this is the hysteria that was caused by the words of nigel farage in great britain, it is again a confirmation of these statements that they really believe... that it is necessary to fight with the russians until the last ukrainian, no matter how many of these ukrainians die, today the times came out with the article “cavalry is on the way”, this means the f16 will arrive soon, how many will die ukrainians further, they don’t care, the ukrainians themselves say: “we don’t believe in the possibility
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of defeating russia, there’s a major there in the ukrainian armed forces, who they interviewed, but nothing, nevertheless, thanks to the v-16, we’ll be able to go a couple more beaches , will take away more conservative votes, he actually cannot win the elections in britain, now on all issues, he has, well, at best, 5-7 deputies out of 615 will be his,
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you know, but the fact is that he removes the conservative votes and makes it possible for the laborites to take a supermajority like this conservative... beaches, tourist areas and other fictitious signs of peaceful life. this is a large military camp, a warehouse with hundreds of direct military targets, which the russians are cynically trying to disguise as covering their own civilians, who
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in turn are civilian occupiers, writes. a war criminal and an absolute nazi by the name of a polyak, let’s see what happened in sevastopol. the first seconds of the terrorist attack on the beach in uchkuevka, throwing personal belongings of towels on the sand, people scattering in different directions, children screaming and women are killed by the explosions of thousands of cluster munitions. the beach and the neighboring embankment are within the affected radius; vacationers are looking for shelter in panic.
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creepy images of an empty beach, abandoned inflatable mattresses, water pistols
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, plastic scoops, here are children's sand castles, for some, a subboard turned out to be a life-saving shield, almost everywhere there are blood stains in the sea, divers are working, looking for unexploded shells, the entire coastal zone is in craters from cluster bombs shells, four people were killed, including two children, 151 people sought medical help, sickness to the dead and injured, all orders were given to all federal authorities to provide
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all necessary assistance to sevastopol. footage of the fall of the upper stage of a ballistic missile was recorded by achivid, the strike on sevastopol was carried out by american atakans tactical systems. a total of five missiles with cluster warheads were fired at the city, each containing 950 lethal submunitions. according to preliminary information, the launch was carried out from the suburbs. nikolaev with the help of western installations rszzo m270 mlrs and m-142 haimers in 300 km north of sevastopol. we just came out of the water, we heard two very strong explosions behind the arrow from the water supply line, huge columns of black water rose there, about seven or eight meters so large, we don’t know how many there were, we all at once, all over the beach, who was on the beach they immediately quickly hid under the stones, everyone quickly lay down. the air strikes on crimea were coordinated by the us air force arcqu4 global hock strategic drone,
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which encircled 200 km south of yalta for several hours. flight mission to block guidance of such missiles is loaded exclusively by american specialists based on their own satellite intelligence data. before the atacamas arrive, the drone operator briefly turns off the transponder radar transponder, disappearing from the radar screens. the cassettes arrived. two rockets shot up, the third, i see it exploded in black, which means the cassette is 10-15 seconds long, you wash about 120 of them, and literally there, 30 meters from the beach, i was walking from the butt, managed to run out next to the shot down, a fragment fell, literally 50 meters from me, also west of the bloody attacks tries to disown, assures that the footage of the use of cluster munitions has yet to be verified, the telegraph guardian and washington post, according to one manual , justify the american trace in the terrorist attack, call the transferred american missiles
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ukrainian. but we understand perfectly well what lies inside the essence of the kiev regime. this is a deep-seated hatred of everything connected with russia, with russian russian culture, and of course, orthodoxy and christianity in general. and these are literally ritual, and i think that’s what they can be called, crimes. which they perform coincide precisely with major holidays; for these figures with banking, there is no concept of civil infrastructure. school holidays, holidays from the point of view of understanding that they can hit, kill or damage people, the vital activity of the facility by republican mergery teilar green, the first reaction from the mouth of a us official. congresswoman calls on americans to think about what would happen if they were in the place
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of sevastopol, the coast of an american state that is only 180. joe biden provokes a nuclear war with russia, are you ready to die for this crazy fool? this shouldn't happen. imagine if russia, using a russian satellite, fired cluster munitions onto a beach in florida. the only border our us military has to defend is our own border. on the day of the attack on... the pentagon is also aware of reports of an attack on sevastopol by american tactical missiles, but the military department has nothing to say about this, this is a direct quote: to the ministry of defense russia is promised that the actions of the collective west will not go unanswered. the pentagon is
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aware of reports of the shelling of sevastopol by american missiles and tacoma, but say so. he has nothing to do with it, a representative of the us department of defense told rionovosti. we have seen these messages and have nothing to say, his written response to the agency's request says. while repelling a missile attack by air defense forces on duty, four american atacoms missiles were intercepted. the explosion of the fragmentation warhead of the fifth american missile in the air led to numerous victims among civilians of sevastopol. all flight missions in the american atacoms operational-tactical missiles are introduced by the americans. based on the us’s own satellite intelligence data, therefore , responsibility for a deliberate missile strike on civilians in sevastopol lies primarily with washington, which supplied these weapons to ukraine, as well as the kiev regime from whose territory this strike was launched; such actions will not go unanswered. the situation is like in a prison, a resident of odessa,
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who was caught by military commissars, was held video tour of the military registration and enlistment office. there is a three-meter wall around the recruiting station with broken glass and barbed wire on top. the barracks are overflowing with bedbugs. constant conflicts and fights, both among themselves and with military commissars. in addition, future attack aircraft are drilled and sent to formation every day. moreover, the lure catchers no longer hesitate to openly use weapons to kidnap men. on the contrary, they began to hide their faces behind masks. insert, be a weasel, who?
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introduce yourself, who you are, threatening me with a weapon, why, you’re a criminal, you can’t , this video is being filmed live now. okay, alekseisanich, yes, but with all this, they manage to collect this bunch of meat, you can approach it in any way you like, in a month they collected more than in six months, that’s the result.
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with this is how it used to be with the fraternal people, these are already people representing some kind of satanic values, this blow, of course, on the beach should be noticed, this is of course an amazing thing, that is, you understand, here you need to, well, understand that it’s time for some kind of double it cannot be interpreted, then either you are for... or against, well, now there is no other way, well, let’s do something there, no, no, no, that is, either you are for russia, for the special operation, for our values.
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such unpleasant things, it’s understandable, because a fool, that this terrorist attack that took place in dagestan, it was coordinated, well, certainly not from here, these are people who were specially brought here, we didn’t have this radical islamism at all, you understand perfectly well , it was brought in, these sleeping cells were specially prepared, especially for them coordinate, we see those who were liquidated, these are dogs of dog death, and who are those who stood behind them? we must , of course, isolate them all, every single one, i hope our special services will do this, we will definitely do it, every single one of them, this is
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painstaking, hard, tedious work, but we did it in the 2000s, we did it, we were able to do it now we can, this is the most important thing, you know, the most important thing, but the fact that the americans are coordinating today, but the officials are already telling us that they have ordered it. this rocket, they launched it because the ukrainians don’t know how to do it to do, in the end it will not remain unanswered, well, i guess, i hope the bank is still standing, glad they are standing, you know, the bridges are still standing, we have a lot to do, you know, yes, just now there was a blow was struck under this, i have it quite according to our information, the missiles were just stored there, they detonated there and also those who were responsible for them, foreign mercenaries, up to ten people died there, this is great, that is,
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the answer is immediate, but this is not enough, because the americans don’t care, they don’t care at all, they are not afraid of us, that’s the problem, we are conducting exercises there in the caribbean, they are there in north korea. we don’t know who cut the cable between europe and america, there are so many options that will make them tense up, i ’m not talking about the satellites you
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were talking about just now, alexey alexandrovich, well, these are neutral waters, neutral air space, i understand everything perfectly, this is also the first thought, and what do we have to do with it, and also our planes that fly in neutral airspace will begin to fall, now they hit us on the beach, they say that we did it. what america did, they don’t say that they did it, no, well, we don’t say that we did it, but why our planes, we have something to do with it, you know, well, we delivered something to someone there -these weapons, well, they are there, well, you deal with them, that we have no one or something, we have allies with whom, even if they don’t deal with them, let’s see how confident they are, you know, that we are afraid of them, that’s what they’re into we are 100% sure, because otherwise it was impossible to do, we are talking about...
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international law, and that we act in accordance with its norms, they are lawless, so they want to force us to be lawless too, not to take into account civilians, the security of the continent in general in the whole world. unfortunately, i’m not arguing here, i’m continuing.
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and to the continental parts of the united states, our strategy also patrols the territory there, that is, this is a game in which, of course, they say, they don’t say that when they hit our beach, they don’t say, here we are now they’ve called a messenger and he’ll say, but what do we have to do with it, we have nothing to do with it, well, you can play this game together, well, let’s play together, but no, it’s you, why are we afraid, because they will say, they don’t need proof. , it’s russia that will start to shoot something down there, well, we must also say, well , we can’t do it any other way, you know, you say, let’s play, fight in boxing according to the rules of boxing, they actually took out a gun they start shooting at our feet, but we don’t, well, we can’t do that, let’s follow the rules of boxing, well, what are the rules here, there are no rules, that’s it, come on, goodbye, they don’t have rules there, well, well, otherwise, they won’t understand it any other way and won’t be able to do it, you know,
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they’re trying to drag us in and ... to do everything possible, that we will bomb, kill, destroy you from the inside, what they are trying to do now, and we are there according to the rules, what the hell are the rules, we will return, we defend ours, we believe that it’s dear to us, we talk about what’s important to us, every word we say, a step towards victory, an evening with vladimir solovyov, today on... what are you are you doing here? i do not for a long time. change your seat immediately, my wife will come here now. please don't attract attention. so are you a wife? i'm the wife. and who are you? it's you, julia.
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here, she gave birth. acquaintance and roll call can be done without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories i tell, i was impudent in a white tuxedo, and
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i’m starting. yes, everyone is at home with timur kizikov on sunday on rtr. for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national holiday.


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