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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  June 24, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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for me, this was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i , as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack, my dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much was still to come, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions, we honor our history. we value family
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, strong relationships, we admire how the country is flourishing. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend?
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premiere on rtr, if i were you, i wouldn’t really trust artyom, he’s kind of shady, and i have no reason to doubt my future husband, what happened between us at night, no one should know about it, i’ll always be there for you baptize her if you offend her, under seven seals, today on rtr, i am proud that...
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russia chinese women are laughing at biden, said trump at a rally in philadelphia. the former us president said that the whole world is amazed at the invasion of migrants that the current administration allowed. trump also notes that under him, mortgages were five times cheaper. under biden, ordinary products in some cases have risen in price by 100%, so even the traditional fried bacon for breakfast is supposedly no longer possible for the presidential candidate himself.
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inflation is our disaster, it’s a real nightmare, a real nightmare is happening in the country, that girl asks what we can do about it do, just stop eating, even i can’t afford it anymore, bacon, it’s too expensive, i said here to milania, honey, now i would like some brisket, but she doesn’t, i’m sorry, it’s too expensive, on the very first day of my new administration, we throw it away and immediately replace it with... poor, unfortunate donald, please, two terrorist attacks in one day, of course, this is not a coincidence, because, as the classics say, war is a continuation of politics by other means, terrorism is also a continuation of politics by other means. the question is what they want to achieve they want to subordinate the same sources of financing and organizing these terrorist acts. russia's will,
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in fact, this is what everything is aimed at, and on the basis of this we need to evaluate the events taking place, it seems to me that in our country, well , there are fewer and fewer people who doubt that... they are attacking some objects in dagestan and in exactly the same way this terrorist missile attack is being carried out, why exactly on this day was it done, well, of course, firstly, because the trinity, you and i know that the kiev the regime always chooses, and those who stand behind it, some holy dates in order
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to commit some crimes, so sunday is trinity, what happens is what unfortunately happens, how to react to it, well, here now ... a lot of all kinds of ideas, but it seems to me that it is obvious that this terrorist attack is a manifestation of his extreme dissatisfaction on the part of the world hegemon in relation to russia’s diplomatic successes, only our president went to asia, concluded an important agreement and how right there organizes let's say this terrorist attack, what to do with the american drones that are flying, well, here is the decision of the political leadership. i would like to say a little about something else, so that there is no feeling that it doesn’t matter, there is a military component, and there is a diplomatic component of the post-war settlement of some new world, because all these anglo-saxons, the united states, they are not
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going anywhere, they are going nowhere they won’t go away if we win, they will still remain in some form, they will pursue their own goals, great britain will not go anywhere, will not go anywhere... europe will disappear, the world will change, but it will still remain approximately the same as we see it now, and our neighbors will be approximately the same, what are we talking about, these neighbors, these western ones , they always think in terms of money, despite the fact that they have good and bad geopoliticians, this means that having stolen our 240 dash 300 billion, they are still going to bill us for trillions, this will definitely happen, in this settlement, which sooner or later...
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after that all claims are for nationalized property, for lost profits, bourgeois, somehow, you know, they dissolved, why did i remember this now, now the governor of sevastopol said that all destruction, injuries, damage will be recorded, everything will be scrupulously recorded, this must be done. on a national scale, i really hope that this is being done, every shot by western missiles and shells should cost them not only their taxpayer now, but then with these claims of ours for western diplomats, let's come back for the family
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seals in previous episodes, well, let this be my last will, sofonova, knowing about her diagnosis, makes an important statement, i’m transferring all my property to you, yes, this is responsible, you can do anything, i really believe in you, why should you this is possible, the unexpectedly appeared heiress immediately declare war, now we must stick together and not let this scoundrel take over our money, our factory, in fact, this prideha is also part of our family, but who is she really, the new owner of the sweet empire? who was it’s beneficial to eliminate safonov, for whom it’s elementary, for the one who took her place, in order for the charges against you to be dropped, you need to sign some papers, you don’t have an alibi, i have an alibi,
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sealed with seven seals, continuation, we’re looking at rtr today, we go... the doctor takes up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy... has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to be good landing, you need to warm up before that. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so get examined. the whole family needs it. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your
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complex body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr.
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there are places that fascinate you because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer. the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, this world is worth it... seeing it is a snake charmer - this is the most ancient profession in india, they say that
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a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, according to secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, give me your neck, i’ve gone too far, take off your shirt, my god, on saturday. “i saw everything that you saw, how you jumped like a goat near her, it’s easy to check feelings, so, i don’t see any other way out, you just need to file for divorce, and the children shouldn’t know anything, mom and dad want to get a divorce, this is terrible, we shouldn’t allow this, oh, you don’t have a thought without flowers, where, why? well, well, okay, thank you,
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when you are with her, then we are with her. i warn you, my intentions are serious. divorce with obstacles. on saturday on rtr. festival of youth in st. petersburg. a thousand shining eyes, thousands of enthusiastic hearts, white nights, scarlet sails of the brig, russia over the waves of the neva, unforgettable graduation, scarlet sails 2024, live broadcast from st. petersburg, on friday on rtr. so, there are 3 days left before the american debates, biden is intensively preparing at the residence, according to
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cnn rules there will be no spectators, the duel will last 90 minutes with two commercial breaks, during of which trump and biden are prohibited from communicating with employees, no cheat sheets, only a pen, a sheet of paper and a bottle of water. trump will be the last to speak, it is impossible to interrupt callers, as neworgkpost writes, trump will try to take advantage of this and anger biden so that he begins to swear and behave inappropriately. biden has a long list of weaknesses, including a declining temperament. cognitive abilities, this could be used by trump during their first debate on june 27. about it people who have previously competed with biden report that what i tried to do was frustrate him, he gets angry easily, this was the basis of our entire tactics, recalls john buris, former leader of the delaware house of representatives, who lost to biden, the senator's seat us congress. during the 2019 democratic primary, biden was infuriated by a question about
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his son hunter's ties to ukraine. then joe biden called the voter a damn fool and a fat guy, something like that. such a straightforward person as trump can make joe very angry and upset,” burris added. i don't think it will be a very pleasant sight, sighs burris. i think that trump will try to make him out to be an old man, incapable of heeding the fact and will put pressure on him. i watched part of his debate with trump 4 years ago, it is obvious to everyone that he is not the same person as he was 4 years ago. we are all not the same as we were 4 years ago. igor naimushin, subcorrespondent of ria novosti in washington , is in direct contact with us from the united states. igor. hello, the us ambassador has been summoned to the mfa, a protest was expressed to her, it is obvious that the attack on sevastopol carried out by american weapons is directly related to american specialists, but so far from washington we see only a reaction to your question, pentagon, nothing that
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deserves attention, apparently, washington is in this attack . does not see. evgeny, colleagues, hello. indeed, the reaction of the american authorities is more than indicative. the white house and state department remain silent. the pentagon responded to our request that they had nothing to say at all about about this. they saw the message period. the american media wrote about everything that happened in sevastopol, wrote in their characteristic manner, materials were published on cnn, on fox, on bloomberg, on the washington post, on other key mainstream publications, but... where there is not the slightest hint of condemnation of ukraine , moreover, even the very fact of using atakons missiles is called into question, and this is not surprising, because ukraine is now increasingly seeking from the united states to lift the ban on their use for strikes deep into russian territory, at a distance up to 150 km, one gets the feeling that no one here really wants to raise this topic,
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simply because it once again leaves a negative imprint on what is now happening within the framework. discussions between kiev and washington. as for the debates that are about to take place, to what extent can they affect, i don’t know, the change of candidate for the democrats in the upcoming elections, or the votes of american citizens? we don't know what biden will look like at the upcoming debate on june 27, because the american president is simply disappeared from the radar of news publications, he is nowhere to be found, obviously. that he is now preparing at camp david and is preparing very intensively, we must honestly admit that trump, although he says that biden will be pumped with substances before leaving the stage, as was the case with his recent address to congress on the state of the nation, but in his last days the rhetoric has changed in some way, the rhetoric of his allies, there is still no doubt that they will
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put pressure on biden’s capacity, on biden’s age and will try to piss him off, but at the same time same time... everyone understands perfectly well that biden has more than 50 years of political career in the united states, he was elected to the senate in the seventy-third year, and from then until 2009 he was a senator, before actually moving to the post of vice president of the united states under obama . what will happen now, we will find out very soon. thank you very much, igor naimushin, ria novosti correspondent from washington, live . i think biden, of course, has 50 years behind him, the question is that he remembers these last 50 years, there is a big problem with this. you know, it seems to me that in order to effectively confront the west,
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we need to get rid of the illusion that this confrontation is of some kind of temporary nature. many people think that this is all somehow temporary, at some stage, early or later we will sit down at the negotiating table, agree on something and return to the normal life in which we lived until recently, it seems to me that this is a very big illusion that we need to get rid of, because this the confrontation is not just for a long time, it is a confrontation forever, regardless of who will be the president of russia and who will be the president of the united states of america, so we need to prepare... for the west throughout the entire period of russia's existence, but they hope on the new gorbachev and yeltsen, well, perhaps so, but even in this case, all the same, you
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understand, all this cannot be resolved at the negotiating table, so in this regard i have absolutely no illusions, well, perhaps, based on this, the search, so to speak, making optimal decisions that will not lead to peace negotiations in the future, maybe we are just this process. now we are watching in the search, in the search for such solutions, because everyone understands that negotiations will still take place in some format at some time, they will definitely take place, but this, these will not be negotiations about eternal peace, that’s for sure, negotiations so that each other will not destroy everything, yes, yes, you know, zhen, i think that we still need to get rid of illusions, try to please the west, but this seems to me an absolutely useless thing, but the whole history of russia shows that russia was feared in the west, yes... respected in the west? yes, well, it seems to me that we must proceed from the fact that the option is for someone there to like us, someone there to love us, and it doesn’t matter, it will be the left,
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the right, the centrists there, and so on, there in looking for some kind of our sympathizers, they will never love us, let them be afraid, that’s enough for us, well, they don’t want to be afraid, let them respect us, we are ready to live with it, love, let them keep it for themselves, let them love themselves on tuesdays, wednesdays or on thursdays and fridays, no for us.
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they all communicate in russian, you understand, what is the meanness of these people, is that in the public sphere they impose on the entire ukrainian society that they are fighting for
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freedom, independence of ukraine, for the ukrainian language and so on, while they themselves make money from this huge money during the war, absolutely calm inside the family and outside it with their comrades, communicate absolutely calmly in russian, it doesn’t bother them, especially people who have received an education and... “i will always be close to christina if you are her you will offend that you will call natuel, behind seven seals, today on rtr, catch me if
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you can, a big musical show, so no one sings by and large, as it is recorded, only a few sing, on friday on rtr brothers, alundra, the ship. tigers are grazing, the jungle is in disarray, what kind of actors are working in the crypt, not i want to be a beefsteak, tigers according to the stanislavsky system, a tiger mainly consists of three parts, but what does it eat, both horse meat and beef, and i read that it preys on human victims. no predators were harmed during the filming of the film. mystic. striped flight. on sunday on rte. i said, i want a white
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cat, here he comes, he likes to grab, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, then guys, should i feed the hamster, you’re in circle of friends. in a circle friends, a program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not
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a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform watching. substation. the first podcasts we watch. there is no need to go to him sign up. joke. he will come to the house himself, we will start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or
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a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard. knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. while you live in my house, on my money. you will live by my rules, dad, everyone is laughing at me, sit down, i’m with yulka for a reason, i want to marry her, slav, so you’re married, today you’re married, tomorrow you’re not, i’ll kill you, you bastard, don’t touch him, he won’t which is not your fault, you put my accounting in order, and i put your personal life in order, my personal life cannot be put in order, it’s complete ruins, well
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, that’s worse... it won’t be, in general, i agree, what, well marry you, to your mother-in-law for a pancake, on sunday at rta, remarkable a statement was made by an american observer, she said that ukraine has always been a laundry for america, right now the united states is conducting a corruption operation of its own interests. it is clear that this is simply a money laundering operation, it is clear that we have been lied to for a long time about what is happening in this region. ukraine has always been a money laundering laundromat for america. even the new york times talked about how corrupt zelensky was just a couple of years before the war. now he has canceled the elections, he closed churches, and now he calls young christians to certain death. and what is she wrong about? look, they were. all the best,
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goodbye. hello, on the russia tv channel irina rossius will present in the studio and the main topics for this hour. the death toll as a result of the terrorist attack in dagestan has reached 20 people. at this moment , a search is underway for generalized terrorists who staged attacks in makhachkala and derbent. words of condolences come from different countries. a warehouse of western missiles and a detachment of foreign instructors were destroyed in odessa and shot down.
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the military stronghold was destroyed, and fierce fighting is taking place near the settlements of volchansk, baykovo and leptsy. the russian mit put forward a demarche to the us ambassador in the kremlin. they promised not to leave the attack on civilians in sevastopol unanswered; more than twenty victims of the rocket attack were sent to moscow for treatment, including 11 children. vtb will open branches in new regions and will operate in crimea under its own brand. vladimir putin called on the bank to work more actively in this direction. and the eu found a loophole to bypass hungary’s veto next week ukraine will receive almost one and a half billion euros. income from frozen russian assets, and the european union today adopted the fourteenth package of sanctions, which included liquefied gas for the first time. vladimir putin is in constant
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contact with the security bloc and doctors regarding the situation in dagestan. this was announced today in the kremlin; the republic is in three days of mourning for the victims of the terrorist attack. in makhachkala and derbent , 20 people were killed, among them 15 employees of the ministry of internal affairs and an orthodox priest. the counterterrorism operation in the republic was completed by morning, six militants have been eliminated, their identities have been established, and a search is underway for accomplices who could have been trained, including abroad. report by sarkar magomedov. this is where they get the main kick. the head of dagestan is shown the consequences of the attack on the main jewish temple of derbent. derbent synagogue, now it looks like this. this is how part of the building burned down, the main one, it was there that services and prayers took place, in addition, there were holes in the gate itself, at the time of the attack none of the parishioners were inside, only the guard, whom the criminals killed and set the building on fire, come on, go, then they fired at the police and
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went to the church, where proteerius nikolai kotelnikov died at their hands, according to nak there were two terrorists, both were eliminated, the investigative committee continues to investigate the criminal case, terrorist acts in the republic of dagestan. on june 23, members of an organized group carried out armed attacks on religious buildings located in makhachkala and derbent. during the suppression of criminal activities, five persons involved in the attack were eliminated. their identities have been established. attack on derbend occurred simultaneously with the attack on makhachkala, in which a synagogue and a church were also targeted. the parishioners of the holy dormition cathedral managed to barricade themselves inside. the security guard entered into battle with the terrorists. and died heroically, he fired back to the last bullet, helped us, that is, he gave us the opportunity to hide somewhere, escape, distracted the attention of the terrorists, and
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thanks to him we remained alive, both groups of attackers were eventually eliminated, but at the cost of the lives of police officers, more than 15 police officers were killed today... with arms in hand, defending the peace and quiet of dagestan. several more civilians also died, among them father nikolai, a clergyman for more than 40 years, who served in an orthodox church in derbend. the authorities of dagestan are confident that the terrorist attack was carried out with the aim of splitting society and interfaith peace in the republic. the connections of terrorists are being checked, both abroad and within. preliminarily, among the attackers there are children of one of the heads of the regions of dagestan. the republic has announced a three-day mourning. the memory of the victims was honored at the ministry of internal affairs; today there are portraits of killed policemen, they bring flowers to the churches that came under attack. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov and abdulla
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magomedov, lead dagestan. vladimir putin has been receiving words of support and condolences all day today from the leaders of many countries, including the cis. we strongly condemn the inhumane attack on religious sites. in dagestan, the purpose of which was to intimidate people, sow panic and mistrust, president of belarus alexander lukashenko said in his telegram. condemning terrorist attacks the leaders of azerbaijan, ilham aliyev, tajikistan and memali rahmon spoke, as well as the head of uzbekistan, shavkat mirziyoyev, by telephone. the presidents of kazakhstan, kasym dzhamar takaev, and the presidents of kyrgyzstan, sadyr japarov, immediately offered their help. armenian prime minister nikol pashinyan conveyed words of sympathy to the families of the victims. china and iran, that there can be no justification for terrorism, said the sco secretary general, chizhan min. condolences to the people of russia and the families of the victims of the terrorist attack in dagestan were sent to israel. russian armed forces
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this morning they launched a massive attack on military infrastructure in odessa. 10 of them were liquidated. immediately after arrival , a cloud of black smoke rose into the sky, and the detonation of ammunition began in the warehouse. the explosions did not stop for several hours, the building was completely burned out. meanwhile, on the southern sector of the front alone, our units destroyed more than 600 ukrainian militants in one day. in addition, it was possible to improve the situation along the front edge of the bvu contact line in the areas of the settlements of konstantinovka and kurakhova in the dpr. the enemy lost an american british
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howitzer there. in the avdiivka direction, the fpv drone knocked out another american maxpro armored car. and this is footage of the next combat use of a powerful three-ton bomb with a universal planning and correction module. the stronghold of the kiev formations in the kharkov direction was destroyed. there , the enemy's manpower was destroyed by crews of the hurricane multiple launch rocket system of the north group of troops. fierce fighting broke out in the regions on this section of the front. x kherson region on the right bank of the dnieper so-34 crew they dropped five-hundred-kilogram guided air bombs on the ukrainian armed forces control center, and the coastal paratroopers knocked out another german leopard tank, which was destroyed by drone operators. our units move on atvs, which allows them to evade retaliatory strikes. report by sergei samokha. the body of the high-speed buggy seems small,
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but all the equipment and ammunition fit into it. antenna repeater, charges and up to twenty attack drones. the crew includes an efvedron operator and an engineer. the latter has only 5 minutes to equip a weapon. this is a target sensor, we have a limit switch, we draw plus and minus wires from here with an electric detonator and connect them directly to the drone. combat practice. showed that the most reliable and easiest option for attaching a charge is ordinary stationery tape. from the moment it takes off into the air, the drone turns into a highly accurate and effective weapon. sometimes you are already looking for a target, you fly out on a free hunt, you fly along routes where their equipment mainly travels. now calculations of fpvidrons marine brigades from kamchatka support the offensive of assault groups in the south donetsk direction. any obstacles in the path of advancing troops are swept away by attack drones. the task was to support the infantry,
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to work on a strong point, the task was completed, all my birds flew 100% into the target, the sushniks who remained alive abandoned the position and ran away. fpv drone can carry out raids deep behind enemy lines. this german leopard tank was camouflaged in a forest belt 18 km from the front line. it has become his last resting place. it flew under the turret and the tank caught fire. from one charge, of course, if from one. the charge was destroyed, which means that most likely there was a bk. kamis drones are also actively used by the enemy, so our equipment is being prepared to meet a swarm of enemy drones. the tanks that are now entering the special operation zone are already made with experience in conducting it, for example, this vehicle is completely protected from kamica drones all-round and even has this special factory grille that protects the engine and transmission compartment. because the the efficiency of fpv drones is approaching 90%.
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only during this change in crew count two enemy support positions and a machine-gun firing point, after replenishing the ammunition, the platoon of attack drones will continue to support the murpekhs in the southern donetsk direction. sergey samokha, oleg sokolchuk, lead. btb will open branches in new regions and operate in crimea under its own brand, andrey kostin reported this to vladimir putin at a meeting in the kremlin. the chairman of the bank's board spoke about the results of the work of the most promising areas, including support for high-tech industries, how are the results of the work? this means that it seems to me that there is really enough productive work, we have fulfilled all our plans, received a record profit, the main directions, they remain the same, are... lending to the real sector of the economy, first of all, high-tech and
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import substitution, this is work with small-medium business, and this is active work with the population, including in the regions, we have put this at the forefront for the next 3 years, the campaign seems to be more active in the regions, today our bank covers approximately 50 million citizens with its network, in 3 years we plan to have 100, we want to open 300 new offices in these 3 years, of which 200 in the places where we are today no. this is mainly in small medium-sized cities, and thus, by the end of this three-year period we plan that our offices will be in all 89 regions of the russian federation. and in about 700 cities, andrei kostin also told the president that, as part of the new three-year strategy for separating vtb will appear in crimea, where the bank’s subsidiary currently operates. we heard your call, we are opening this year, and i
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would also like to say about crimea, we have a subsidiary bank there, it is the largest in crimea, it is called rnkb, we are... it has approximately 2.5 million clients and about 100 thousand small medium-sized businesses, so it was decided that we will merge this bank, because the tasks are growing, the crimean region is developing rapidly, so from the new year we will now have vtb instead of rnkb directly present in crimea already. the urals found itself at the epicenter of the cyclone ; several regions immediately fell into the zone of heavy rains. a real storm raged in gurgan; in several areas the electricity was cut off during the thunderstorm; the wind gusts were so strong that trees were easily knocked down and roofs were torn off. eyewitnesses talk about many damaged cars. due to the abnormal amount of water, travel is difficult even on central streets. cars are sailing in
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the perm region today. the main impact of the disaster fell on the city of cheykovsky, which is located on south of the region. in the chelyabinsk region, where there is a storm warning. another day, the water was rising so quickly that public transport was blocked on the roads, and people had to be evacuated by the ministry of emergency situations. the left wings couldn't cope with the load. in primorye, due to rain floods, 25 sections of roads were flooded, transport links were disrupted, private houses in dalnerechensk were damaged, people returning from work can barely walk along streets that are more reminiscent of deep rivers. we're going home, here we go. there is water, there is water, there are bags on you, how much is it arrived, according to the ministry of emergency situations, more than 40 household plots have already been flooded in the red army district, which suffered the most, a state of emergency has been declared. this is the message, this is what will happen next in our program. russian honey, the us ambassador, the kremlin promised not to leave the attack on civilians
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in sevastopol unanswered. more than twenty victims of the rocket attack were sent to moscow for treatment, including 11 children. the european union today adopted a 14. package of sanctions, which included liquefied gas for the first time. about forced mobilization in ukraine, meets resistance, but the military commissar is taken in numbers and about this and not only after the advertisement. see you. premiere on rtr. you shouldn’t trust artyom so unconditionally. i'm worried about you. no, you control me and my life.
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i thought that here everything is more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, here there are questions, how is everything it’s neglected, i really want to check it out, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let’s go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is
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the five-on-one program, yaho, five-on -one on saturdays on rtr, and what are you doing here, i won’t be long, change seats immediately, i have a wife come here now please don’t attract attention, you’re the wife, i’m the wife, and who are you, it’s you, yulia, you gave birth, congratulations, your husband is probably happy, we got divorced, and you... is everything okay? how can i say, he sleeps lightly, he feels that his mother is not around, but can we cope without our mother? the stork brings not only children, only they... what, you need to find a woman, great idea, i couldn’t do it myself, wait, listen to the end, you need to get married,
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love flies on the wings of the stork, let’s switch to you, i myself i wanted to suggest, hello, ataisto, on saturday on rtr, catch it, ribka, big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count fats as carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant? science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes, yes,
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m, m, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, food formulas, on saturday on rtr , can i have you call the master. it’s possible, my sister, yeah, it’s possible, it means he fooled you, and you’re glad, so he needs some fool to be attracted to him, who’s the fool, it’s me who’s the fool, i ’d like to book a room at your hotel, what are you doing here, this is my number, i paid for it, i paid for it, but hold on, hold on! i’m holding, i’m holding, check us in immediately, one number, oh, one city, st. petersburg, a small city, nowhere to have dinner, only love, vasily, this is
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vasily, call me back, please, i’m looking for a travel companion, on friday on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. at these moments a large fire is being extinguished in fryazino near moscow ; an administrative building caught fire on the territory of the platan research institute. a huge column of smoke can be seen from different parts of the city. rescuers work at an increased third rank of complexity. more than 70 people are fighting the fire. the fire area has already exceeded 2,000 m2. four floors are on fire. judging by the footage taken by eyewitnesses, there are still people inside the publication. they knock out. windows to avoid suffocation from smoke. the ministry of emergency situations reported that they had already begun evacuation. one the person was able to be taken out along
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the flight of stairs, and according to the department, nine more people may be trapped due to the fire. a new bloody crime by the kiev regime, patronized and armed by washington, became the reason today for summoning the us ambassador to moscow to the foreign ministry. the foreign ministry called the states a country of conflict. the attack on sevastopol was carried out by atak missiles with cluster warheads . and the ministry emphasized that such actions by washington will not go unpunished. the kremlin also noted us involvement in hostilities. the president's press secretary called the terrorist attack on sevastopol, directed by american specialists , barbaric. we understand perfectly well who is behind this; just last week, the president repeatedly spoke about who was doing the trick.
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two injured as a result of the attack on sevastopol, among them 12 children. the aircraft is equipped with modern equipment and special medical modules that allow you to provide the necessary assistance during the flight. doctors accompany patients centros detachment, psychologists and specialists from the ministry of health. today is a day of mourning in crimea. flags on administrative buildings have been lowered, all entertainment events have been cancelled, reporting by yana shcherbaty. sevastopol today mourns for all those who died in the tragedy in uchkuevka. on the memorial sign of sevastopol on the alley of hero cities there are many colors of toys; caring citizens bring them here today. today we have a day
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of mourning in sevastopol, everyone knows what tragedy happened yesterday, we remember how... that we are with all the residents of sevastopol, to support our relatives, to support us all, there is a great sadness in my soul, there is some kind of emptiness, hopelessness, you don’t know how to help people, there is some kind of emptiness in the city, some kind of atmosphere is slipping, of great sadness, great sadness, children of small tightenings, in in the city of mourning , flags have been lowered on administrative buildings, all entertainment and sporting events have been cancelled, and in the hospital. there are dozens of people, out of 153 victims of the ukrainian missile attack, more than eighty are hospitalized, including children, how are you feeling, fine, thank you first in all, to the doctors, our special ones, of course, i would like to say words of gratitude to the fourth hospital, indeed, and soon to the ambulance specialists, our work there was organized, all despite the fact that on a day off from different parts of the city everyone quickly
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arrived at their workplaces and organized the work, our specialists there who... arrived, they also generally rated this first stage of assistance as high. a state of emergency has been declared in sevastopol, vuchkuevka beach is still closed, there may still be unexploded cluster munitions there, the territory continues to be examined by sappers and divers. the terrible tragedy claimed the lives of four people, two of them children. i heard this bang, it was just, you know, indescribable, i raised my head, looked in the sky, well, something. smoke, some voices from the smoke, i was very scared, there was a lot of panic on the beach, the beach lifeguards helped people, covered them up, hid them in a shelter if possible, showed people where to run. the ukrainian military hit sevastopol with five missiles supplied to kiev by the united states. as noted, in the ministry of defense assigns flight missions for missiles to american specialists based on
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their satellite reconnaissance data, which is why washington bears primarily responsibility for a deliberate strike on civilians. the russian ministry of foreign affairs stated that they would seek a response from international organizations to this crime. yana cherbata and andrey terentsev, lead sevastopol. the barbaric missile attack on civilians in sevastopol was strongly condemned by the president of kazakhstan. as reported by the kremlin press service, kasym jamar takaev called vladimir putin today to express condolences and solidarity with the russian people. both sides emphasized their readiness to build up. on action to combat terrorism, the russian president also informed his interlocutor about the results of his recent visits to phinyang and hanoi. new horizons for fruitful cooperation are opening up for russia and the dprk. vladimir putin sent a telegram with these words to kimchenyn. the russian leader noted that the state visit to phinyal was of particular importance as it ensured the withdrawal relations between moscow and pyongyang to
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an unprecedentedly high level of comprehensive strategic partnership. the head of state also thanked him for the wonderful reception. in addition, vladimir putin expressed gratitude for the unforgettable hospitality to the secretary general and president of vietnam, noting that the negotiations were truly constructive and productive. the implementation of the achieved bilateral agreements will contribute to the further strengthening of relations existing between the countries. mobilization in ukraine is covering ever new areas of life. there are universities in the volyn region. they will provide lists of those expelled directly to the tsk, on ​​the streets, the policeman, please, steal a person, well , it doesn’t matter to them, the forced recruitment of troops meets resistance, but the military commissars take numbers by force, in these footage in lvov , a future recruit’s legs were practically broken when he didn’t want to get into the car, look at what you are doing with your legs, help
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him, they are breaking his legs. the situation in kyiv centers complete tense, the basements are more reminiscent of a prison, although even for criminals, as opposed to a draft dodger. they provide mattresses. it is now almost impossible to offend, since security cordons are set up on key roads and check everyone. the first tranche of profits from frozen russian assets will go to help ukraine next week, barel said. in an interview with the financial times, the head of european diplomacy explained that for a long time the stumbling block was the hungarian veto, but now a complex mechanism has been developed to bypass it. in particular
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we are talking about a certain loophole in the legislation, thanks to which budapest. will not be able to influence the decision. at the same time, the european union today adopted the fourteenth package of sanctions, which included liquefied gas for the first time. we are talking about re-exporting fuel through european ports and to third parties. countries, while there are no restrictions for europe itself, but brussels has banned its businessmen from connecting to the financial messaging system, our analogue swift, and exchanging money transfers with companies that use it. not there were no further restrictions and freedom of speech. the eu has closed europeans' access to a number of russian media. tonight, the idf launched a new combined attack on lebanese territory. it is reported that they were used at the border, including lighting. phosphorus shells. meanwhile, the jerusalem post quotes an american general who sees signs of the outbreak of a large-scale war in the middle east and emphasizes that washington will not help tel aviv. this is confirmed at the highest level
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in israel itself. prime minister netanyahu said about the sharp reduction in war aid from the united states , he said that he was ready to conclude only a partial truce deal with hamas. today, immediately after the evening news, watch the continuation on our channel. detective series is under seven seals, the life of the main character is becoming more and more confusing, the circumstances are becoming more and more complicated, in addition to everything, a secret that one of the family members has kept for many years will be revealed, which of the many relatives can be trusted and who should not? ekaterina foralova found out the details. he was bribed, he is thinking about how to take the factory away from you. be attentive. always be on guard and rely only on yourself. this is what christine is left with instead of feeling the newfound support.
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christina and her daughter will once again find themselves at the epicenter of events, where her every action can become fatal. you have to come with
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us, why? we need to interrogate you in the case of the murder of anna nikolaevna sofonova. why did anna find her younger sister after so many years, and what actually happened on that fateful evening, we will find out this week. listen, what kind of material will it be? this is me i really envy you, but no one expects such a denouement, the continuation of the intriguing detective series is under seven seals, already this evening, immediately after the evening news. ekaterina fralova, ekaterina kolitina, news. vesti is following developments in russia abroad, stay tuned. follow the link to lose. millions of famous people, including actors, writers and distinguished doctors, have become victims of a new fraudulent scheme. scammers pose as wikipedia editors and invite victims to make edits in an article about them. what's next? alexey
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knur talks about this.


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