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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  June 24, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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as you follow developments in russia abroad, stay with us. pass parcels to lose millions of famous people, among them, actors, writers and distinguished doctors became victims of a new fraudulent scheme. the scammers pose as wikipedia editors and invite victims to make edits to an article about them. what's next? alexey knur talks about this.
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vladimir shcherbakov is used to calls from journalists and telephone interviews. he was not surprised by the video call from the wikipedia editor. the girl introduced herself as olgo and said that she wanted to make changes to the article about the actor. i somehow i came across that some articles on the internet somehow appear with errors, some information is incorrect, i would like to correct it. and with that they bought me. at first , the interview usually consisted of questions about choosing a profession, entering college, working in cinema and theater, but then the editor made an offer that was captivating in its unexpectedness. install an application that will allow vladimir to edit his wikipedia page himself, you just need to follow the link, i followed her recommendations step by step, along the way appeared, windows popped up, there is a danger, do you have an iphone or android, i say android, this is like a conflict of chinese and russian legislation, don’t pay attention to it, it’s okay, vladimir received an sms code to activate the application, and as soon as the program started working , his phone came out from under. control, scammers sent
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malicious software, seized control and wrote off a large amount of money through an online bank, 150,000 rubles were written off. naturally, i turn off the phone, reboot, naturally call, ask to turn it off, block the card, check. the new tactics of telephone scammers are not to intimidate the victim, but to play on trust; now the scammers pose not as investigators as bank security officers, but as wikipedia editors in the zone. risky well-known personalities, about whom there are articles on the resource, among the victims are politicians, public figures, writers and actors, a famous blogger, an honored doctor, sergei senchukov, who is really wikipedia, was drawn there, everything is as it should be, he is now speaking , the program will open on your phone, so you need to enter them, well, i might have screwed up further, but the first program that came to open on the phone was a banking offer.
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it’s easy to gain remote access to someone else’s device, take over personal data or redirect the victim to the desired site - it specialists say, they thus install a program for managing remote access and begin to delve into the mobile device, that is , the person begins to see how other applications, and he is in this moment can no longer do anything, because his phone is controlled by scammers, he has already given up access, stop this process, well , against the wall, unless, as an experiment, we ask cybersecurity experts to create and send us such a link, to everything about everything it takes less than 15 minutes, now i’ve entered my data and press a button, he threw me into government services, yes, and that’s how it should be, yes, that’s how it should be, and these are real government services, these are real government services, they could even authorize government services after this, fake in the same way, and you could enter government services after that, an attack in several stages, first a credit card, then government services, then something else, then the loan went away, but articles on wikipedia without any applications and programs and so: can be edited everyone, say
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the real editors of the portal. one of the main principles of this kind of volunteer encyclopedia is that if you see something wrong, then click on the edit button and fix it yourself. to do this, you do not need to install any other special such applications. alexey knor, valery kupri, andrey yurchuk, oleg dobin, lead. in magadan , the cleanup of nagaev bay from sunken ships is being completed. the most difficult thing remains - to pull out the weight of the niva mother ship from the bottom of the hud sea and dispose of it. this ship is cut into pieces on the shore, the process is not quick, it has long been rusty and is difficult to give in, in addition, inside the trawler is still covered with ice, there is still ice inside, but it has not yet melted, that ’s why i open it, they give heat there and let this melt this ice, now they are sawing several at once this way ships standing on the shore of magadan bay nagaev. they were recently under
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water, they were taken out and are now gradually being sent for scrap. over the course of several years of implementation of the federal project, national cleanup from the bottom of the sea of ​​okhotsk in nagaev bay has already occurred.
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environmental damage prevents the village from fully developing, including from the point of view of navigation. nagaev bay is now one of the cleanest in the far east, while some ships are left at the bottom. these are historical objects general vatutin and
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vybork, who drowned in 1947 due to explosions the explosives they carry. they do not interfere with shipping and attract divers coming to magadan from different regions of russia. lyudmila shcherbakov, alexey gilev, vesti magadan. this year, scientists are fully exploring the waters of the sea of ​​azov. one of the main tasks is to study its salinity, which is already almost twice as high as usual and threatens the local fauna. elena butskova was looking into whether it is possible to stop this process. external changes are almost impossible to notice, but scientists record them at least 20 times a year. that's exactly how much expeditions are carried out by research vessels of the southern scientific. center of the russian academy of sciences monitors the salinity of the sea of ​​azov, in particular the taganrok bay. two flights that were carried out to the bottom of panov, professor panov this year already in april and now in june shows that up to the traverse
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of the chembur spit, that is, this is a little western taganrog, a value of seven ppm is observed, which in principle is quite a lot. according to scientists, these parameters are sufficient to change their theophalus. and other hydrobionts, for example, precisely because of the increase in salinity in cornermouth jellyfish enter togonoga bay, which significantly spoil the mood of vacationers; for the same reason , the distribution area of ​​freshwater fish is greatly reduced. the water was very salty the year before, there were few fish, they went, apparently to the upper reaches of the don, somewhere there, flounder, didn’t come to us before, now there’s a lot of flounder, garfish, black sea garfish, well... these little things there's a little mullet there, something is still coming in there. salinity affects smaller benthic organisms. native species, then there are local ones, they will be pulled into the bottom, and accordingly, the quantitative characteristics of bottom organisms may change, as well as the access of food for fish, as well as
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, accordingly, the amount of shell material that will be deposited on the bottom. another serious problem is that during strong surges of the western wind, salt water can penetrate into the don delta and enter the water intakes of large cities, azov and taganrog. however, according to experts, everything is not so bad. the process of salinization and desalination is cyclical. the plus is that perhaps the peak of salinity has already passed. the downside is that we are living in the longest period of low water on record. fresh water comes into the sea of ​​azov mainly from the bottom, and salty water from the black sea. and it is precisely this ratio that determines the salinity indicator. so, in recent years in the taganrok bay. has almost doubled and one of the main reasons is the low water content of the don. this is also affected by climate change, an increase in average annual temperatures, and a decrease in the flow of spring meltwater into the river. of great importance degree of anthropogenic transformation of the don basin. the solution to the problem is to increase flow, including through competent
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water use in the region. elena butsikova, galina pilipenko, sergei volokonsky, igor zalunin. vesti don, rostov-on-don, taganrok and neklinovsky district. moscow may lose. thought to bring it to modern standards, instead of a unique place with a special atmosphere, you can end up with a soulless remake. is it possible to find a compromise, alexander karpov found out. this is not a barn, this, this is not this cardboard, some kind of house. everyone who came out in defense of chukovsky’s beloved library in peredelkino had been going to it since childhood, and now they already take their children, some grandchildren. we live here in the third generation, my mother went to the fifth, in the fifth generation, my mother went to '.
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the examination showed that the library is in working order, this is written in the documents, that is, it is in satisfactory condition, and no emergency repairs are required here, and how much money has been allocated, as far as we know 16 million, a serious library. the renovation became known after a visit by officials, who stated at a meeting with activists that the building would be dismantled to the foundation and rebuilt, with very minor modifications, determined solely by the requirements of current legislation, this and the requirement for access to people with limited mobility and fire safety requirements. the fear is that an ordinary typical object will appear, just library number such and such, which will in no way be connected either with the name of korney ivanovich or with history. there are libraries the spirit, the spirit of the times, the spirit of korney ivanovich himself , the neighboring site of the dacha, the chukovsky museum is
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an object of cultural heritage, and this unprepossessing house without protected status is in fact korney ivanovich’s favorite creation, the writer’s gift to children, on whom, by the way, he spent all his royalties. the library is happiness, it is pain, it is the life of korni ivanovich, his whole life was serving children, before his death he bequeathed to his daughter: “lidochka, when i am gone, do not leave the care of the library.” well, here we are in 1957, the regional newspaper “znamya ilich”. statement from chukovsky ci. in honor of the fortieth anniversary of the great october socialist revolution, i present to the kuntsevsky executive committee a children's library that i built as a gift. address peredelkina serafimovicha street 3, with all its inventory and book collection. this is where it all started. unique shots. chukovsky, fartu.
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it’s a miracle, there’s nothing you can do about it, it’s a fairy tale, so i’m now inviting you all to a fairy tale. today the library is not formally part of the museum, we are just friends together. it worked because... now, according to the new layout, very well , cabinets with valuable books, well, signed by
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writers, who have been standing here for years, are being removed, these shelves are simply being removed when asked where we can put them, well, wherever you want, it’s a pity for the exhibition of children’s drawings, which i also came up with myself chukovsky, in this reading room a so-called theater barrier was made, and there are photographs where the carnival is captured near this theater barrier, that is, this is such a... theater, i know that according to reconstruction it should not exist after reconstruction, yes, most likely it will be removed, my phone rang, who says elephant, where from, camel, what do you need, chocolate, for whom, for my son, and i got a lot of it, before the photos there are five, after the report in the program to tell the activists proposed to officially submit papers for the merger of the chukovsky library and museum, as a result of which...
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thoughts should be included in the classroom of three dozen guys, but in the first row are charming ladies, before us is the future beauty and pride of the transibo gate, they are desperate, aspiring, not afraid your choice and they are quite seriously aiming to join the locomotive brigades, and they are not looking for easy ways, among all types of modern railway transport they chose the most difficult one, diesel locomotives, girls, why do you
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need this, this is very interesting, if you take any individual part or... speed training is like an express schedule, in less than six months you need to master some of the technical aspects, understand them, they have already heard a lot about prose and poetry in their future profession, well, how can i say, prose is probably a theory, and poetry is a practice, you are more whether you are romantic about your profession or not, what do you think, what kind of romance is there on the railway, first of all, it is beautiful, it is nature, with motivation. there are no problems, it seems that even during the learning process they are not at all in the mood for jokes. they don’t take questions about cosmetic bags, more and more about buttons, levers and other pieces of hardware, they say there is a suspicion that they will easily disassemble their future diesel locomotive and put it back together. of course, our first experience was when women came to study in this profession specifically as an assistant diesel locomotive driver electric locomotive driver. on july 31, they will already
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graduate, they set a fairly high bar, as do... the male sex who study with them, so they show their knowledge, very good, traffic volumes on the trans-siberian railway are growing, traffic jams on its eastern section have become quite common picture: debottlenecking the country's busiest highway is, of course, gaining momentum, but only a reliable personnel support will ensure continuity of traffic. maxim kolenik, maxim molygin, nikolay mareev, vesti primorye. modern technologies help monitor the condition of animals remotely. identify various diseases in the early stages, prevent infection of an entire herd, and now analyze feed for the presence of harmful components. kuban scientists have found a way for neural networks to effectively recognize counterfeits. lev kanavalov understood the intricacies of the process. now we will determine the adulteration of boneless meat flour, we will determine whether there are
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any impurities in it; the employees of this laboratory cannot be fooled by unscrupulous producers. it will be unmistakably determined here. which sample would be an ideal treat for cows and pigs, and which test tube is better to stay away from? when consuming low-quality feed, the animal first of all loses weight, sometimes there is a lack of vitamins in animals, as a result of vitamin deficiency, and because of this the animals feel bad, many die in their eggs, the problem of low-quality feed in agriculture is really quite acute, dishonest ones... often add carboamide to them, as well as ammonium sulfate and bicarbonate. these components allow fraudsters it is much cheaper to achieve the required protein nutrition, resulting in significant losses for livestock farmers. this digital microscope is one of the main tools, how to recognize the catch? on the computer you can see a digital photograph that can be taken, and parts of the falsification will be visible on it.
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for example, here you can see a bright crystal of carbamide, this is urea, which... added to increase the amount of protein in the feed. to speed up the process significantly, scientists from the kuban agrarian university made a real breakthrough. they intend to do so so that the resulting images are analyzed not by a person, but by a neural network. the process of training artificial intelligence for a given task is not fast, but the result should exceed all expectations. the learning process is very resource-intensive, requiring a very powerful machine, but after the training is completed, after that the neural network no longer requires too high computing resources, and after that it can quite easily simply receive the photograph in the form in which it is, determine in her different regions, in her opinion, how many are present there adulterating additives. in the future, the university notes, farmers will no longer
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need to contact special laboratories to conduct expensive electrochemical analysis. with its help, assessing the quality of feed today requires at least 6 hours. the new system will allow the farmer to check the quality of the feed in 5 minutes. this year we want to complete the methodology with a visit to a specific enterprise, or even better, several. there are agreements with several enterprises that they will serve as experimental sites, that is, we we will conduct a blind experiment, our program will work, there will be food unknown to us.
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about how the project participants settled in the forest, what they managed to see and do, a report by pavel prolomov. this is how the morning of the capital's residents begins in an unconventional way. instead of a walk on the moscow patriarchal ponds, a trip to the most honorable bashkir stream, from where the duty officer draws water with buckets for the future breakfast, in the preparation of which each of the volunteers of the expeditionary force participates. one is chopping wood, the other is sawing, the third prepares the food. however, students. this is not for idle recreation, they came to work, our corps is engaged in the fact that we help nature, help people in some remote points, remote places,
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basically we are trying to preserve nature, remove garbage, preserve this property, ours became part of the expedition the film crew, loaded into the so-called loaf, the team went deep into the bashkiria national park, before they had time to drive away, they were already leaving, here is the first obstacle, egor, your way out, fallen trees, scattered... branches, deep holes, frequent obstacles encountered on the tourist route, everything needs to be removed. after just natural disasters, perhaps some hurricanes, bears are also possible, and moose could also be the cause. have you seen bears in the forest? not yet. but the team came across traces of clubfooted animals regularly. bear mail tree, look, bear tinder, they come, rub, and deliberately leave their scent. egor, stand next to me, pay attention, the height, that is, it’s not his head, it’s him rubs his back. that is, that is, he is approximately tall, well, taller by a whole head, no, not three meters, but 2 and a half, somewhere in principle, most of the bears, and most of all here, here is another
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interesting point, if if you get closer, you can see that the fur of the bear, the last 3 km to the destination were walked, continuing to remove obstacles along the way, the volunteers were not afraid of either the terrible heat or the possibility of meeting wild animals, everyone was inspired by the expedition, it was in bashkiria that i came, because it my native republic, and i want to do something good for it too, help friends, help the reserve, everything is interesting, everything is new, i travel around the country helping people. several hours later, the team finally reached the end point, and this is what the volunteers were clearing the way for: an observation deck overlooking sakaska island. agree, it was worth walking several kilometers through a dense forest for such beauty. admire the views and don’t forget about the local inhabitants. in addition to mammals, birds, there are a lot of insects here, including the most two dangerous men grabbed hold of the correspondent, doused from head to toe in anti-tick spray. i caught a tick while filming. therefore , enhanced protective measures and the most
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closed clothing are needed here; you need to walk far through tall grass. but this is only a small part of the walking route called mysterious sumgan, which includes visiting two caves at once. one of the largest in the urals with a length of almost 10 km sumgan kutuk and kutukskaya 4 with unique underground formations and channels. together. attract more and more tourists from different parts of russia. pavel prolomov, ramzi lmigranov, lead bashkartastan. the famous icon of the trinity by andrei rublev returned to its historical place in the trinity of st. sergius and lavra after almost 100 years. the event was timed to coincide with one of the main christian holidays, trinity day. the shrine was delivered from the cathedral of christ the savior in a special van. patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill conducted the liturgy. about how it was - a report by dmitry kaestra. holy day at the ancient monastery of st. sergei radonichsky trinity is a great patronal feast: for the celebration of the divine liturgy
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, a platform was installed on the cathedral square, and a throne was installed in front of the assumption cathedral. believers from all over the country came to the service at the lavra. the open-air service was led by patriarch kirill. let us ask the lord, pray to him, so that he does not leave either the people or the country.
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in the twenty-ninth year, pilgrims from all over the country came to venerate the icon, when it was still only a moscow principality, when it became a huge power between three oceans. only during the last century the image was outside the walls of the monastery, but on the eve of the holiday, with all honors and precautions, it was brought into the holy enclosure. now we are witnessing an incredible, unique operation of its kind, when a priceless masterpiece from a car intended for...
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what is happening now, the holy trinity is returning to its home, these signs of the return of shrines testify to profound changes, including the first, perhaps turn, in the life of our people, the revival of orthodoxy in holy russia. in honor of of this event, i give my blessing to call this day the day of the bringing of the miraculous image. holy trinity in the trinity lavra of st. sergius and always perform polylionic services. long before the solemn event , believers began to gather on krasnogorskaya square in front of the gates of the trinity lavra of sergei. god arranged everything as it should, that this icon actually returned to its home, its historical place, thank god for everything. the emotions are extraordinary, because i
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am glad that... trinity. the icon of the holy trinity should be here, with father sergius, who who prays for our land. the icon was brought to the lavra using specialized transport, which is designed for professional transportation of works of art and is equipped with a climate-controlled shock-absorbing system. the grobar restoration center confirmed that the masterpiece is in stable condition. there is no threat to its safety, and storage conditions comply with all required standards. transportation of the holy trinity icon from the cathedral of christ the savior in trinity to the sergius lavra in sergiev posad near moscow took 2 hours 45 minutes. there is an image in the temple installed in a specially made stationary icon to the right of the royal doors. the icon case maintains the climate necessary for the preservation of the icon. it is equipped with an automatic control system and maintenance of temperature and humidity conditions, as well as
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armored glass. covered with protective layers, including from exposure to ultraviolet rays. the trinity was painted by andrei rublev in the first half of the 15th century for the iconostasis of the trinity cathedral of the lavra at the request of st. nikon of radonich, disciple and successor of sergius of radonich. all subsequently, it was in the cathedral; in 1929, by order of the people's commissariat of education of the rsfsr, the image was transferred to the state tretyakov gallery. a list of the image created by restorer nikolai baranov, the decision to return the shrine to its historical place was made by president vladimir putin in may 2023, in the summer of the same year, the trinity of the sergegiv lavra and the state gallery entered into an agreement to transfer the trinity icon to the lavra. from now on, the rublev trinity will be permanently located in the lavra.
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emergency work will be carried out here this summer. report by maria susi. coming to this place, you are transported as if to the 19th century. the ancient village of pyalma is located on the banks of the river of the same name near the coast of lake anish. a wooden bridge connects three parts of the settlement: zarechnovinka and the northern region. the main shrine of the village, the chapel of elijah the prophet, built in 1720, is visible from all sides
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. our chapel is always open and... at any moment, anyone who has something heavy on their souls can come in, pray, stand, think, remember relatives, a very important place is the center of our village, everything around is clean, orderly, the grass is mown, and... here is an architectural monument that is subject to protection as a national treasure, is being destroyed. the chapel is lopsided, the lower crowns are rotten, the roof is leaking, the ploughshare crosses are in need of reconstruction. local residents cannot carry out any work themselves; the status of the site does not allow it, but their conscience and spiritual ties with the village oblige them to act. the headman of the historical settlement, pyotr potoshev, was looking for an opportunity to save the chapel. found support in kizhi museum and the common cause organization, at the end of july. a team of architects and restorers will come to pyalma, they will carry out urgent emergency and conservation work, strengthen the foundation, roof, porch, entrance group, some of the materials have already been delivered, pyotr alekseevich has already prepared
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a guest house for specialists. here we have a castle like this, you see what it’s like, it’s just that the owner is not at home, he’s just planning everything. the house is about 100 years old, it is the youngest in the village built in the last century. there's no paint at all just scratched. the moss has cut everything off, and here it is, pure wood. the historical village of pyalma is known for its large wooden houses, they are also called house-complexes, when a large family, livestock, supplies, firewood, hay, workshops were placed under one roof; three such giants have a special status, an object of cultural heritage. these residential buildings , built at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the 20th centuries, are architectural monuments with a layout and decor characteristic of the puduz region over the years. some elements and even parts of the house have been lost; buildings need not only repair, restoration. two houses of the putoshev complex in the center of the village attract special attention. the owners are trying to repair the houses as much as they can, replacing the roof in some places, the crowns in others, this will allow the houses to last longer,
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but some elements have been irretrievably lost, for example, the utility part in one and the entrance to it in another. 60 years, 65 years ago, as i remember, even on the ground floor it was possible... the house as a complex, now left without the lower floor of sokolov, was once a full-fledged house without a barn yard, on the main front facade the balcony is still preserved; the only exterior decorations left are towels and elegantly sawn planks up to the porch. for every village house, the crown in it and even the decorative element, the head of the hoop, peter potoshev, has a heartache, he personally is already here...
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i wanted to preserve, save, and, if possible, revive something. the big deal to save the chapel has moved forward, maybe other architectural monuments in the village of pyalma will be lucky. maria suzi, ivan trofimov, andrey izuev, vesti karelia, pyalma, pudozhsky district. the first women's educational institution in russia, the smolny institute of nobles is 260 years old, it was opened on the initiative of catherine ii, who did not like the absence of educated secularists at court. girls, what smolensk residents were really like and how their lives turned out after finishing the boarding school. report by ekaterina gritsienko. alabaster chandeliers in the spans of the colonnade, soaring geniuses of glory, delicate shades in the tone of first
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love. one can imagine how young hearts trembled in the main hall of the smolny institute. gentlemen from the most prestigious were invited to the balls petersburg schools. older girls were allowed to dance with men. there was no girl under 14, so they danced shirashir, as they said in french: dear, with dear, or in the russian version, sherochka with masherochka. but not the lavish balls, the smolensk women adored this hall, only here they could meet their relatives. for adults there was a separate entrance from the street, a parent entrance, conversations were conducted under the supervision of class ladies. the main hall became famous in 1917; it was lenin within its walls. but these events are still far away; the society
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of noble maidens, catherine ii founded in may 1764. first, the institute was located in the prismolny monastery, then in the new building of the architect jacom quarenghe, future ladies-in-waiting, educated wives and mothers were raised there, girls from noble families were taken at the age of six for 12 years, they were not allowed home even on vacation, then they flourished among the nobility rudeness and ignorance. inside the boarding house there was a strict rule, even walking along the endlessly long corridors was supposed to be in formation only accompanied by a classy lady, look, katya is showing you, the right hand is on top, exactly the right hand is on top, hands dropped just a little below the waist, while the shoulders need to be turned back, they all wore whalebone corsets, so there was no need to retract their bellies, the art of walking in pairs. the same craft, the chin is raised, the gaze is only straight, the gait
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is silent and proud, but the most difficult thing is to step from toe to heel without bending your knees, well, well, that’s quite the way it is, yes, that’s the decorous gait, very decorous , very decorously, falteringly, majestically, one might say, although not soon, but the girls got to the classrooms, the main emphasis in teaching, etiquette was based on the word of god, yet the program was... thorough, it included arithmetic, foreign languages, of course, playing music, handicrafts and even experimental physics. smolensk women were considered exemplary brides not only for their upbringing, but for their good health. every morning the girls were doused with ice water around their waists and slept in barracks-type dertuars, the temperature not exceeding 20°. the cool lady watched, the recommended pose should be taken, with your arms extended over the blanket, or pointing. side it was believed that sleeping on the left side was harmful,
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on the right one you can, then you can put your hand under the cheek, like in kindergarten. the color of the dress indicated the age of the pupils, but everyone, without exception, wore white details of the uniform, these will make every girl noble, how can you not try on a snow-white pillerina? you will look like a real student of the institute of noble mottos, these details of the uniform must be changed twice a week, yeah. were fresh, look how good the cape looks, the best graduates received a code, a gold monogram in the form of catherine’s initial, however, a certificate with good grades were already a ticket to life, a girl without special tests could become a home tutor, earn good money, good money, in addition, classy ladies received a pension. unmarried women were hired to serve at the smolny institute; of course, the status of an old maid affected the character of the cool ones. a male teacher, on the contrary , was supposed to be unmarried, ideally elderly
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or extremely unattractive, so as not to lead young people into temptation. the girls called their mentors bruises behind their backs, but outside smolny they felt sorry for them. the abbreviation on the crews of the obd, the society of noble maidens, was deciphered by the poor ladies. the apartment of one of these successful but lonely women came into the possession of lenin in 1917. ilic left a modest environment, but...
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personal approach sergei sobyanin spoke about the strategy for the development of moscow's social protection system until 2030. prescriptions for psychotropic drugs were illegally issued. employees of a private clinic were detained in moscow. the state duma proposed creating
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an electric scooter police, will it come to that? in the meantime, they regularly conduct raids traffic police officers. the reindeer ofone, who went missing during a storm in moscow, has been found. our correspondent participated in the search for the animal. strategy for the development of the social protection system. this year, a single institution for providing support at home, my social assistant, appeared in moscow. currently , about 100,000 muscovites receive assistance under the new standard, and more than 200 thousand receive rehabilitation services. for those who need round-the-clock support on the basis of former boarding homes, inpatient facilities are open. in the next 6 years in the territory
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tinau will open new social institutions. separate programs are provided for special operation participants and their families. in moscow , from the first days we provide individual support for all families whose parents participate in the svo, especially families who have children, this support includes not only some payments, benefits and support measures, but we also try accompany families so that they can put their children on their feet, choose the right track in terms of education and choose the necessary profession. tion center, which will become the leading base of health improvement and support for veterans of the northern military district. there they will present a full range of services in one window mode. residents of the moscow region can again check their health in parks on weekends. since the beginning of summer , about 2.0 people have been examined. mobile teams work in 34 urban
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districts, including balashikha, lobnya and vidnoye. how the inspection takes place and what documents you need to take with you. more details about everything in the report by alexander sanzhiev. a regular walk in the moscow region can be done in two times more useful, for this you need to come to one of the thirty-four pavilions and check your health in the park. they are open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and the examination will only take 30 minutes. some people drop in out of curiosity, others come with purpose. many people simply didn’t care about their own health before. how long have you not been examined before? oh, a very long time ago, i don’t even remember when, probably never, because i’m from lugansk, this was the first time i was examined. nikolai, like most men, until something hurts, don’t go to the doctors, but today i had to. i don’t really like going to hospitals, uh, today my wife and i were walking in the park, we saw it, she dragged me here, it’s very convenient, everything is nearby, everything is absolutely free. mobile teams of doctors work in several urban
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districts of the moscow region, in thirty-four parks, for example, this point in khimki. it is located in the artichoke museum and exhibition complex. the doctors positioned themselves right next to the village. why do you need to undergo a routine medical examination? clinical examination is a screening examination that allows people to identify either the presence of chronic diseases or risk factors. only patients with regional registration can undergo examination in parks near moscow; you need to take your passport and compulsory health insurance policy with you. i really want to get an ecg because i have shunts. stents, in the thirteenth year i had open heart surgery, i need to be under constant supervision. here they also measure height, weight, blood pressure, take blood for general analysis, glucose and cholesterol. doctors recommend doing a blood test at least once a year on an empty stomach. if all
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the indicators are normal, then you can live in peace, but if there is a deviation, then it is necessary to undergo additional studies. you don’t need to go anywhere to get results, they will all come through. however, in most cases , a single dose is sufficient for many. i have two small children, and it’s not very convenient for me to come to the clinic or make an appointment several times, and of course, when i come here, it’s convenient to park, the children play on the rides, i i quickly went, passed everything at once, and this is a park near moscow in a prominent place, here they also hold appointments in mobile
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clinics, i saw that here you can measure your blood pressure, i decided to take care of my health at least once in my life, because i don’t have time at work just by the way. this is a very convenient format that allows you to get a doctor’s consultation in a short time in the fresh air and without visiting a clinic. alexander sandzheev, konstantin veselov, mikhail utkin, alena felatova and dmitry manyshev, lead the capital's police officers detained a group of doctors who illegally issued prescriptions for psychotropic drugs. according to the investigation, employees of one of the private clinics did not examine medical conditions.
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from the parking lot, when they are stopped by police officers, riding a scooter together is prohibited. but sometimes it’s not about fun, it’s about the desire to save seconds, although it will cost a pretty penny, here’s a girl riding a scooter right along a zebra crossing, a violation,
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because no one drives here, and there are no pedestrians, and there are no cars, my leg hurts, i'm home, i'm why did i go on a scooter, because i have difficulty walking, my health turned out to be more important to me than following the rules of the road, although these things are interconnected, so the user did not dismount at a pedestrian crossing, was hit by a car, and this... another accident and also on a zebra crossing, an electric scooter drives into a car at full speed. the capital's police regularly take to the streets of moscow to carry out checks. most people using electric scooters do not dismount at pedestrian crossings, which means they do not follow traffic rules and commit traffic violations. ignorance, but one might say that often. during the last raid, more than 7 thousand violations were identified. those who, for example, do not dismount at pedestrian crossings violate article 12.29 of the administration code. fine 800 rub. however, the service can also fine the user for violating the rules, the amounts are completely different. 500 rub. for an incorrectly
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parked scooter, 1.00 if you did not dismount at a pedestrian crossing, 5,000 if several people were riding a scooter at once. 10 if you gave the electric scooter to a child and about 100,000 if you took the wheel while drunk form. kick-sharing services monitor compliance with the rules through smart cameras; they record the numbers of electric scooters. the rules that are spelled out in the traffic rules are spelled out in contracts. service, which each user enters into when he gets on a scooter, is automatically debited from the bank card that is attached to this or that account, and at the same time, of course, there are situations when there is not enough money on the card, this amount is frozen and when funds arrive funds are debited to the card, they may even block it account, rental scooters today already have sensors that will prevent them from accelerating above the permitted speed; services have already learned to recognize minor users. other technologies are now in development, one of the operators is learning to recognize trips together, this is the so -called anti-tandem technology, the operators
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that are now on the market, and these are mostly it companies, they are continuously there at the stage of it developments that will allow make this transport smarter, computer vision, yes, which is in the future will be able to analyze the surface, for example, recognize a pedestrian crossing there, the state duma proposed creating an electric scooter police to control the movement of sims in public places, whether it will appear or not is unknown, but for now , traffic police officers will catch violators as before, you can’t ride together, you know , i know, no, i don’t know, igor rostaltsev, sergey evdakimov and maryana pepanyan, lead. the last week of june will be marked by comfortable weather in the capital region. light rain, weather forecasters promise for muscovites only on wednesday, and the temperature on weekdays will only slightly exceed 20°. we will find out all the weather news. now at tatyana antonova’s, tatyana, well, we’ll have to enjoy the summer coolness, irina, we’ll have to, because the weather is not comfortable at all for the beach, but for working days
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, 22-23° warm, cool breeze, warming will happen, but closer to the weekend . well, the storm cyclones that tormented the region last week are finally gone. tomorrow in the moscow region, light rain is likely only in the north and east of the moscow region. in dmitrov in sergiev posad and orekhoyev. the temperature background, as... and at the same time , is uniform everywhere - 22-23° and will remain so in the next few days. in moscow, the coming night will be cool, 10-12 degrees warm, tomorrow day 22:24, partly cloudy, mostly without precipitation, on wednesday an atmospheric front will slip through the capital, the probability of rain will increase, but again, no crushing downpours and squally winds, well, from thursday again the weather will clear up on friday +26. irina, we still have two summer months ahead, so... the heat will return, so let's work, tatyana, let's work, thank you, tatyana antonova, about the weather, a touching reunion took place at the shikhovo zoo farm,
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the runaway reindeer afonya was found, who... last week was frightened by a thunderstorm and strayed from the herd. two days later , the farm staff managed to catch the deer. he was found near a neighboring village . our correspondent, oksana maksimova, also took part in the search operation. he was very scared, but his eyes were wild. the small herd of reindeer at the shikhov zoo farm misses its favorite the impressionable aponya was frightened by the hurricane that raged at the end of last week. from the peals of thunder and sparkling lightning , the elk began to run away through. in the field, they only saw him. this animal can walk there up to 25 km calmly in a day, and so, just like they are looking for people, they organize search parties there, this is impossible. messages immediately spread across all social networks asking those who saw them to immediately call the zoo farm, where afonya, originally from the skolz peninsula, lived in love and care with fresh yagil for almost a year. it is from all these he's the smartest deer among us. the one-hectare enclosure with its own forest and river is home to
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four more reindeer. there are always a lot of visitors here. for two days somewhere in the deep forests of the dmitrovsky district, wild dogs could easily have been killed by wild dogs, hit by cars, or eaten to death by horseflies, not wanting to even think about all of these, if the hereditary reindeer herder victor and we go on a search. he cannot spend the night in the forest because there are predators. we are going to the village of the pyachey, it is 20 km from zoufarma, this is where reindeer were seen for the last time. here they are traces, it’s just that he was either on a hike at night, or they are yesterday’s. one could
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only guess in which direction he could go next and whether he would come back. i 'm getting ready now. go into the forest, if suddenly i meet him, that is, i will throw him reindeer moss, check the connection, the operation to search for the deer has begun, before heading into the thicket of the forest, the reindeer herder lures the animal with special sounds, ah-ah, perhaps he can respond, that is, these sounds and came back, before alenivod had time to climb deeper into the forest thicket, when on the other side of the place where we started our search, something white appeared near the lake, walking, walking! before the touching moments of the reunion, we had to watch from afar, that deer afonya came to the watering place again, now what’s happening, now the reindeer herder is trying to bring him back home, now they lassoed him, and he can approach, we were allowed to come closer, destroying the reserves of reindeer moss, the wanderer, bitten to the point of blood by gadflies , finally stopped kicking and calmed down,
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victor, how are you all, i’m very, i’m very happy, i’m very straight... when i saw that tears almost came to me, and i’m 5 years old, in the prime of my life, according to experts, such an adventure could hardly seriously affect my health, but at home on the zoo farm, veterinarians are still a full examination will also be carried out. oksana maksimova, yaroslav aulov, maryana pepanyan and alexander ovsyanikov, news! sealed with seven seals in previous episodes, well, let this be my last will, anna safonova, knowing about her diagnosis, makes an important statement: everything is hers i’m transferring the property to you, yes it’s responsible, but you can do anything, i really believe in you, why do you need this? the unexpectedly appeared heiress immediately declare war, now we must stick together and not let
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this paradise take over our money, our factory, so... behind seven seals. continuation, watch it right now.
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why didn't dad come? i don’t know, sun, maybe something happened, don’t be upset, if we meet again, maybe we’ll go to the park, i don’t know, hello, yes, yur, no, i’m not at the factory,
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but what happened? yes, i'll be there in 20 minutes. “sonya, mom has to go to work, and i heard that in the park in japan you can ride it, mom, maybe a pony, let’s go, of course, well, let’s gallop, gallop, i’m seriously telling you, well, compare anna’s note with the book, i understand, i understand everything, maxim semyonovich, you ’ve probably already lost you at your workplace, you’re in vain in law school, i’ll look at your
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book, come on, let me work, go, yes, i’ve put you there... i put a page in book, you don’t have to worry about this part of the plan, consider that the grant for the development of the factory has already been given, the main thing is that the application for the grant christina signed it, i understand correctly, ivan ivanovich, absolutely right, georgy, well, this will be your first task, the second is to withdraw money, the easier
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it will be to accuse your christina of embezzling public funds. ivan ivanovich, with the money, what should we do in the end, your reward, we only need the factory, you can share it with artyom. everything is clear to me, so i’ll go, don’t bother for a long time, they don’t like to wait there, we’ll do everything in the best possible way, ivan ivanovich, let’s go, i’ll accompany you. "gulya, well, you left the keys in the hallway, sorry, i forgot, i wanted to clean, i forgot, well , don’t forget, please, no keys, no open doors, you must control your mother at all times, be
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close if possible and do not use headphones to hear what is happening in the apartment, okay, and check it every 5-10 minutes, i ask, the watering can is mine, and i..." by the way, i’m meeting with christina now, i think we’ll resolve the issues, we’ll be able to leave tomorrow, just imagine, you and i are on the seashore, happy, free, yur, we already discussed this, but we wanted to postpone trip, let's just live together, like this, we'll live by the sea, and the ghoul will look after my mother, make me coffee, i'm late, after yesterday's escape i'm afraid to leave her.
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we agreed why artyom came, and you ’re worried, yeah, of course, that’s why he ran past me. you were smart enough not to tell him about the abortion? deliver the abortion? dad, is that what you said or not? didn't say, figure it out yourself. you and i are one team, what?
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we will find money for the operation, even if not in germany, then we will do it in russia, the doctor confirmed everything for you, but for now you will to recover, children from all over the region will be brought to you. i don’t want to be a coach, i don’t want anything at all, today is like this, and tomorrow will be a new day, i promise you, you will return to the ice, i don’t care.
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yur, i understand everything, the workshop burned down, nothing further is clear, but running away is not an option, i will sign any documents, i’m not talking about this, but i’m talking about this, i will officially renounce any claims to the factory. christina, i need some money to settle in a new place. hear me, problems will not disappear just because you change the city, i want to start all over again, i will give you money, but i want you to know that you can return here at any time, documents, no documents needed, the factory is common, i hope that we will unite here someday . christina,
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you should know, okunev is a lawyer, he was bribed, he is thinking about how to take the factory away from you, be careful, let's go for a ride, hello, hello, can we go for a ride? yes, of course, sit down, look, hold on to either the mane or the hand, carvelit, let's go, don't be afraid, dad is walking next to you, you won't fall, it's not dad, but uncle grisha, why do you think dad didn’t come? let's give him some time and you will definitely meet.
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lilya, it’s so good that you came, you won’t believe it, christina gave me money just like that, i suggest i go buy tickets, i came to say goodbye, yur, i mean, it’s not even about my mother, i was always with someone, you know, first in front of you, then in front of you, now again in front of you, i’m very... okay, i know you, but i don’t know myself, let’s sort this out at sea, but this is a path to nowhere, some kind of deja vuque. remember, we already had this, i wanted it to you were with me, and you went to my brother, for now, i never left you, neither then nor
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now, this... you are abandoning me, but what actually happened? you’re still asking, are you glad that i’m not firing you under the article , i’m not reporting to the police, are you free? christine, what are you doing here? are you going to vasily to develop another plan on how to take it away? to shoot a factory or a video for my blog, there are few likes, new blood is needed, i want to officially declare that i have no more claims regarding the inheritance, the factory and all other property, in which
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trick? there's no catch, i just need the money, i can't watch the warbler die, i need to give him surgery, get him back on the ice, i can't lose him. robots, creaky pieces of iron are going to take over the safonovskaya factory, is that dad, yeah, can i meet you, baby, dad seems to be sick, well , he came, don’t, sleepyhead, move away, move away, who’s here, yes, hello, hello, hello ,
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aren’t you afraid that i can claim my rights through the court? maybe i want to trust my sister, thanks, now all that's left is to make the glory take the money, we're with him we had a fight, and he’s unlikely to take them from me, i have one idea, now, hello, sleepyhead, i can’t persuade him. who
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? . sonya, sonya, let's go, mom, dad is just sick, hold on, irina, take care of the child, i have so much to do, don't worry, kristina dmitrievna, we 'll go and draw sonechko now. you say dad left? yes, kristina, please forgive me, artyom was right, sonya didn’t need to know mark at all. i think you shouldn’t trust artyom so unconditionally. because you think so? yes, i think so because i'm worried about you. no, you control me and my life. no, i just want to help you. this doesn't work out very well. sonya could have gotten hurt. well, if i'm
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that much of a bother, i might as well leave. i don't hold anyone. bye. looks like... what are you looking for? uh-huh, yes, there is money, there is, uh-huh, let's go. go, this grisha again,
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maybe he and mark are at the same time, don’t make things up, you’re just very gullible, but i’ll offend you i won’t give you any more, but you promise to listen to me, i promise, i said and said that this brand is dangerous, and now i’m saying that i should have called the police. i shouldn’t have, but i’m so tired today, did something else happen? they came to give up their share, and vasily bribed our lawyer to take over the factory from me, wait, who, okunev, seriously, yes, well, okay, i’ll sort this out, i already figured it out, how... i fired him , you promised
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to pick up, let's start, the bells came today, first yura, then yulia, what they wanted me to take some money, maybe they would put up with it, but of course, pepper, please, so they will leave until they achieve their goal. it would be a good dress, christina, well, she has a heart , i didn’t stay at the factory for long, who told you that, the one who will soon become the owner, semyonich, are you completely crazy, but i can’t, this is an order from the management, yes i’ll grind it into powder, and you too, obviously, hello, mark, what do you need, mark, no, tolik, anatoly sergeevich, where is mark, understand? i don’t have, okay, just a little, i
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owe mark money here, let me give it to you, and you tell him, go ahead, tell him the address, where to go, huh? hello, hello, i wrote a list here, should i go to the store or you yourself, please go, what is it, let's go, what is a face, well, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, where, what is it? what happened, girl, yes, that's it, quiet, quiet, quiet, come on, come on, sit down, sit down, i'll rock you,
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like in childhood, come on, my dear, here come on, well, what happened, well what is it, so, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, what happened, my girl, that yurka left, you another woman, no one needs me, mom, i can’t do anything, i don’t know what to do next, no one needs me, i don’t have children, mom, i don’t have any future, no at all, what are you, well that you, everything will be fine, everything, look, you will graduate from college, find a job, then get married. you have your whole life ahead of you, just don’t, don’t
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be discouraged, my dear, my dear girl, don’t be discouraged, everything, everything is fine, everything, my dear girl, everything will be fine, like this, like this, i’m sorry, nothing good , let's go home, let's go.
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where is the guy whose phone he took, he gave it to me himself, paid for the service, set him up with a dealer. what's the matter? wait, wait, i'm not complaining. if you give me the contact of this huckster, you will get money. you go through the arch, there is a blue door on the left, the second floor, they may not open. guy's phone number, come on. cool down, bro, it's more expensive to install. can we file a police report about the theft? do you need it? you can’t trust people, it’s true, i want to come home to you, what happened, sonechka, mom and uncle krisha had a fight over dad, what are you doing,
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mom doesn’t want me to see dad, and you, but i want to, mom says that... dad is bad, and uncle grisha said that he’s just sick, well, if a person is sick, he can be cured, of course he can , my dear, you can cure dad, you will help him, i’ll try, just if dad gets healthy, mom won’t fight, sonechka, i have to go, i ’ll definitely call you, i’ll talk to mom, i kiss you, i kiss you, look, and this is a grant for... for business development, the amount is significant, what a list of documents, this point confuses me, well, just so you nothing bothered me, i will take care of everything, i will go through each point, all that is needed from you is to sign at the end. artyom, to be
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honest, i think we don’t need to participate in this competition yet, we do. put things in order, see what the perch did there, conduct an audit after vasily’s dismissal and in general it’s possible, perhaps, to change course, yes, but one does not interfere with the other, yeah, especially since we need to restore the consequences after the fire, yes, but here it is clearly written that we cannot use this money for repairs, we will have to account for each ruble, it’s not as simple as you think, but nothing seems to me, i just know that this is an opportunity that should not be missed. uh-huh, no, after all, after all, not now, let’s better deal with pressing issues, find a new lawyer who will help us with a grant, for example, then this opportunity simply won’t exist, you know, we’ll handle it on our own, you
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can count the losses after the fire, m m. june 11, 2023, the city of temnikov, the eighteen-year-old son of businessmen evgeniy lugunov causes a fatal accident, he hit denis ochkin, who was riding bicycles with his daughter, the man died from his injuries, for a whole year the wife and mother of the deceased have been trying to initiate a criminal case, in their opinion the case has stalled because of his father-in-law, ivan martenevsky, who has great influence in the city and the criminal trail, all
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the interesting pets, where are you flying after the performance, you're in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr,
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love is when you look in one direction, look. look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, sign, look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes, tomorrow on rtl.
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mark, mark, everything is fine, come on, like this, like this, what the hell, i understand, ivan ivanovich, well, well, of course, i control him. yes, okay, of course, i’ll report, let him come in,
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georgy vitalievich, good afternoon, yes, good, unkind, who will understand him, yes, well, go ahead, report, that is, about the fire. mm, the fire was the fault of kovalenko, semyon potapych, who is that, a repairman there, listen, you’re bothering me with your names, well, there was crime in the fire, there was no crime, but in general, how are we doing, in general, uh, yes, calmly, it seems, we are preparing for city day, here at the station they scared the homeless, well... then come, whoever we are going to lock up there for 15 days, well, closer to the point, uh-huh, here, well, there news, not news, anecdote, i listen, lyalin
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came, well, the head of security, well, i don’t know if lyalina, yes, he says that anna safonova was not herself, but that she was killed, there is a reason, but no, it’s an obvious suicide , the case is closed, apparently he got tired of guarding the gingerbread cookies, and turned to sherlock holmes. well, go ahead and work, but in his opinion, who killed? yes , i didn’t ask if you were quiet, like something was wrong, but it wasn’t me, yes, of course. and about drugs, it’s not me, who am i? i
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was injected, of course, i’m telling the truth, i went into the arch. when i was precise, i saw this and syringe, why anyone needs this, i don’t know, but even if so, you went for the second dose yourself, yes. what should i do now, and you say, give me money, father, i won’t talk to him,
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he will understand everything by his voice, quietly, quietly, quietly, wait, wait, wait, wait, calm down, where are you going, i need to go. now, now, wait, i ’ll give you some money, now i’ll go down to the atm, withdraw it, and i’ll be with you. no, no, no, no, be here, rest, wash yourself, grisha, grisha, grisha, grisha, don’t close it, grisha, grisha, grisha, open, open, grisha, open, open for me
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door, open! door, grizha, open the door, grizha, under no circumstances open my room, my friend is there, he can’t be disturbed now, okay. mark, what's wrong with your phone, where are you? hello, i’m an acquaintance, mark, what happened to him, what happened, he lost his temper, stay with him, if necessary, i’ll pay, yeah, okay.
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it is necessary to assign mark to the clinic, no, he is in ostafyevo, find someone there, but i personally understood everything by checking everything myself. slav, pick up the phone, maybe... something is
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urgent or something happened, i don’t want to talk to him, yul, yes, what do you want from me? it’s necessary, but i mean, what’s there, nice, clear, i understand, yes, come on, he says, money was found for the operation, warbler, i told you, you’re a star, how can the hockey club leave you if you’re a legend of the steel raven? where is it interesting, and not ours, my joy, that ’s it, mom, i wanted to help, but it turned out that i completely ruined my relationship with christina, i feel sorry for sonya, she’s worried, well, no, now.
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she won’t let me near sonya for a cannon shot, yes, well, no, she’ll thaw out, but she forgave you for accusing you of stealing medicine? no, i'll help mark now that’s it, i’ll leave, kristina, well, she’ll be left alone, she now has artyom, uh-huh, and what a guy he is, he takes care of her, and kristina seems to love him, and what do you think about him, what about me? “i don’t like it, artyom, if that’s what you mean, but i generally can’t be objective in this matter, and you haven’t been objective for a long time, i don’t know, but i definitely won’t get between them, it’s clear, that’s it, i kiss you, bye, for now, son, there’s no time, wait, i
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’ll report, georgy vitalievich.” yes, let him in, sit down, what have you got, christina doesn’t want to sign the grant application, why? speaks, that now there are other tasks, that we need to find a new lawyer, you understand what you are saying, if we don’t do what kulishov asks, he will crush us, i understand, well then go make this girl sign. for a grant, i don’t know how, well, do something, i don’t know, persuade, blackmail, find a lawyer, do something to make her agree, okay, i ’ll talk to her again. i won’t talk, but we need to act, artyom, act, what have you got, the pipes in your apartment have burst, forgive me, please, can i go, i understand everything, come on, come on, i'm sorry,
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sleepyhead, stop sulking, nothing will be enough, uncle grisha was wrong, because of him you were in danger, nothing is in danger, it was dad, and he is sick, and if something happened to you - something happened, i can’t trust anyone anymore, you know, but i can, hi, christina, hi, i won’t come, i have a problem. failure, until the plumbing, until i clean everything there, in general, don’t wait, okay, sorry, well, artyom won’t come, well, good,
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hi, this... you didn’t know, you made up about the flood, yeah, why, i miss you, i just i couldn’t call, i couldn’t, you don’t take the cereal because i’m busy, kira, okay, i’ll at least rest since i’m home, and then i ’ll keep you company,
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it’s okay, calm down, come with us, it’ll be soon, everything is fine, let's go, that's it, that's it, let's go, let me in, bitches, let me in! let go, bitch, creature, creature, bitch, let go, forgive me, buddy, may you die, you said that safonov was killed, it wasn’t me who said it, it was lyalin who said it. lyalin, a professional
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in his field, knows what to say, it would be necessary to reopen the case, check the suspects, alebi, hrenalibi, well, it’s not for me to teach you. so suicide, well, note , there are no particular suspects, how is it not, no, don’t you want an asterisk, i want it, but i can, i’ll talk to whoever is needed, i’ll organize it, but you need to think carefully about who benefited from eliminating safonov , to whom? it’s elementary for the one who took her place, i explain myself clearly, but come on , act quickly and decisively, hello,
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“safonov’s case is on my table, so go to the archive, take it and bring it, sonya, get ready, we need to go, that’s me it's almost ready!" good morning, kristina dmitrievna, colonel pyrev, i remember you. with us, why?
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we need to interrogate you in the case of the murder of anna nikolaevna safonova, what other murder? kristina nikatievna, let’s go, mom, now, i’ll call you. give me the phone, this is my phone, give it back. hurt. dmitrievna, let's be nice, mom, mommy, it's some kind of mistake, we'll figure it out, go into the house, close the door, don't open it for anyone , be sure to call grandma, everything will be fine, i 'll definitely come back, sleepy, that means it's you stay and wait.
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we'll watch until the morning, then a non-anatologist look, i’ll understand what’s next, some sweet tea for mommy, something to eat, sister, take it, okay. “well, lie still, don’t run, ker, i have to go, where, on business, business, business, and in the evening what time are you free, yes, maybe in the evening we can
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book a table, or we’ll have dinner at home, what happened between us at night, about no one should know this, we’ll see each other again, yes, of course, we’ll see you, will you have coffee or you can’t, you can’t, we agreed, we agreed, dad, it’s true, and i didn’t do it myself, they injected me with a dose, stop it, mark, it’s disgusting to listen to. “ i swear, i swear, you have no idea what
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it took me to get down, i would never have started on my own, i thought you did it, i did it, dad, i did it, mom, “i really did it, sorry, i was wrong, i i got it done, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, i got it done, they killed themselves, yes, there are good reasons to believe that it was you who did it." "what? why are you here? have you
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been called too? no, she came herself. i'm busy, wait. this is news, damn, justice was done little sister, i told you that our inheritance is returning to us, and that ’s how it should have been, the murderers are in prison, you and i are in a factory, look, why aren’t you taking them off, but i understand, i understand, i understand, are you waiting for me to take the handcuffs out now? listen, what kind of material will there be, this is what i really envy you,
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and hello, hello, i don’t care...
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why did you even think that it was me, all the evidence points to you, what evidence, and this is the secret of the investigation, i need a lawyer will definitely provide one for you, now we will formalize your detention in a pre-trial detention center, because you don’t have an alibi, i do.
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we were in the guest parking lot, svetka, is that your wife? well, one might say, the second wife, but was she also invited? yes, well, you know, women, if they think of something, they will get it out of the ground, she needed money urgently, so she came, great, yes, she will confirm, great, write what and don’t forget to indicate. “surname and patronymic, svetka, yes, of course, and i’m telling you right away about christina, investigative actions were necessary, i hope she will be sufficiently punished for the harm that our family has caused to us, no doubt, she will go to jail for a long time.”
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“hello, my name is galina mikhailovna, i came for you, but i’m not going anywhere, sonechka, your mother was arrested, but you can’t live alone, i’ll call your grandmother, igrishi, they’ll pick me up, they can only pick you up if i i will allow it, but i will not allow it." no, come here, come here, come here, don’t be afraid, come here, come here, sonechka, come here, maxim semyonovich, wait, sign the release form for me, please, that you are resigning, yes, now, but
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what, kristina has been arrested for suspicion of anna's murder, what nonsense, what kind of murder? i don’t know, damn, my phone is dead, can i also look at this ring, katherine, please take it out. now for a minute, yes, i’m listening, well, study, with christina, i decided, now he’ll sign the papers, don’t even doubt it, calm down, katyusha, calm down, please, i said i’ll talk to her, why are you interfering, i just sped it up process, as they will let me know, you will go to the pre-trial detention center with papers,
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where, i will come to you soon, put them in a bag for you? "no, thank you, you must let me call, denis olegovich will come now, ask him, max, vacate the office here." pyrev wants to talk to the girl, i ’ll write a statement against you to the prosecutor’s office, yes please, like girls, like pyrev, like homeless people, like me, denis alevich, they brought sokolova, okay, i’m going. well, how are you? shall we confess, or make eyes? i
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need to call, i’m not supposed to, i’m not guilty of anything, you’re keeping me here for no reason, kristina dmitrievna, you’re suspected of murder, you can be dangerous to society, that’s why. we have every reason to keep you here. you probably have it yourself. children. but my daughter is left alone, i need to find out what’s wrong with her, and i’ll tell you what’s wrong with her, she was taken into custody, in the next few days she will be placed in an orphanage, until the court’s decision, which orphanage, do you have any idea? , give me a phone call, i’ll decide everything, i have someone to stay with, the court will decide what to do with her, give her to relatives or leave her in an orphanage, you can’t do that, duty officer, take her back to her cell. olegovich, it’s right that i’m divorcing you, i’m divorcing you, on saturday, tomorrow we’ll be with you
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we’ll give them such a performance that they will forever forget that they wanted to get a divorce, i need to keep an eye on my daughter-in-law, a romantic dinner with a secret admirer, we need to do something, but first we need to understand that divorce is with obstacles on saturday. on rtr.
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to keep things in order like complete ruins, well , it definitely won’t get any worse, in general, i agree, why, well, marry you, to your mother-in-law for a pancake, on sunday on rtr, a celebration of youth in st. petersburg, a thousand shining eyes, thousands of enthusiastic hearts,
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live broadcast from st. petersburg. in friday on rtr. sonya, sonya. georgy vitalievich, our girl is almost ready, yes, sonya, this is private property, on what basis are you here, the girls are in pre-trial detention, the guardianship authorities are obliged to take care of her, we don’t need guardianship, we ’ll figure it out ourselves while the girl goes with us, if you want to declare pecontism, go to
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court, i will declare it, rest assured. sonya, you are not a relative, you have no chance. sonya, sonya. some kind of barbarity, what kind of methods? but it is effective. i had everything under control, i just had to wait. yes, yes, yes, i've heard that before. and then it starts, she doesn’t sign what should i do. what did you do? christina is in prison, okay, what issues does this solve? this solves many issues, including your personal ones. but this does not concern you. well, how can i say it, but now she will sign anything for freedom, even an application for a grant, let’s start over, sonya, grisha. sonya, i'm here,
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sleepyhead, lord, come, come to me, lord, my god, where did you get into, come on, get out, don't be afraid, everything, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, you won't give it to me, no, no, no, no, me i won’t give it to you, but it’s not up to you to decide, the child was left without supervision, we are forced to take action. i have no supervision, i will take care of her, but who are you anyway? no anya, let's go, let's go, give up the child, we've already lost too much time, what's this, give up the day, what are you worth, call anyone, no, well, this is really disgraceful, i won't give up the child , light, light, i'm in the bathroom, hello, love, undress
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and come to me, uh-huh, there's no time for that now, listen, take this rubbish off of you, you they will call the police for questioning about anna’s murder, and what have i got to do with it, listen, tell them that you and i were together in the car the whole time, and only separated after the fireworks, i understand, what are you doing, you gave me money, well i immediately left to make it to the store, but forget about the store, i was with you during the fireworks, did i understand that i should lie to the police? do you want the factory to be ours? i want to, so lie to the police, they’ve only delayed me for an hour, listen, i need this dress, it’s not for me, it’s for you, we’ll come to you in the evening i’ll like it, okay, i’ll take it off, hold it, that’s it,
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i saw such earrings there, you’ll get both a ring and earrings, that’s it, come on, what are you doing here, i’m getting my things. you
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will have everything, rings and earrings, you need to warn her when you come, i won’t come again, you took the keys from her. tyurin. yay, that’s it, there’s money for the operation, slavka, i congratulate you, i congratulate us, i’ll definitely find this sponsor,
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i’ll get to know him, i’ll directly thank him, yeah, where are you going, i thought we’ll celebrate, well slava, we’ll definitely celebrate , i just need to go, christina accused of murdering anna, what, murder, slav, and what do you want to capture? moment to post your blog, hello, yes, maxim semyonovich, where, i’ll arrive now, that’s it, i ’m off, yulka. yes, hello, yes, it’s me, yes, of course, it’s me, now it’s not very convenient, no, no, give birth, yeah, artyom
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pavlovich, you forgot. so that’s enough, dress the child, galina mikhailovna, wait, wait, i beg you, let’s wait 10 minutes, i’ve waited enough, galina mikhailovna, hello, i’m my dear aunt, girls, i have to take care of her myself, i must.
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you understand that i have an order, an order, who ordered to take the child offline, stop, stop, we are obliged to act in the interests of the child, exclusively in the interests of the child, this could have been removed, thank you, galilinka, i will do the same to you, goodbye, goodbye, you too, let's go.
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“let’s play, you’ll be a princess in the castle, and tomorrow i’ll come and free you, exactly, there’s nowhere to be more precise, that’s it, so you, um, want to say that you left after the fireworks, huh?” and vasily nikolaevich was with you all this time? yes. so how do you like it fireworks? honestly? i didn't even notice him.
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understood. well, you are free. here's your pass. thank you. hello. hello. what is the vow? “hello zhelevich, i would like to talk to kristina, i can’t help you, but you, dial vitavich, he will explain to you, what are you allowing yourself, young man, get out of here, 5 minutes, denis olegovich, duty officer, here one smart guy can’t find a way out of the department, help him, please, thank you, let's pack my things, stay with me for now, i don't understand, but where can i take sonya to my place?
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why do you need unnecessary worries, well, what worries, lichka, what worries, come on, come here, come, go, go, go to your guy, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, let’s go for a walk, let’s go for a walk, yeah, let's feed the cat, sleepyhead, let's go, you'll find the kitten, we'll take it with us, you have a carrier, you'll find it, vasya, you're completely crazy, yes, you're kidding me, i don't understand, do you think you're smarter than me or something? , a? now you take the girl, arrange guardianship, and the factory is yours, right? well, you don’t think that christina really killed anya, and it’s too early to divide the factory, i don’t know, the police are for i took her very seriously, i don’t know, well , don’t get the child involved here, whoever gets involved, i want to help her, are you going to dress her, put on shoes, feed her, and then excuse me, the child is my only trump card, whoever has a problem, that’s it factory, i don’t even understand why we are competing, to own the factory, we wanted everything together. i will take charge of myself, and you will
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lead, a very, very good offer, yulia, very much, just not now, because now everyone is for himself, i understand, you know the way, look, this is my brother, who threatens to hold my niece, well, put away the phone, take the phone, i'm you, well , put away the phone, give me, give me the phone here, give me the phone, that's it, come on, go, go, go, that's it, you! so, what do you want to eat, light, come to the mansion, do it. yes, this
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cannot be, i repeat to you once again, when anya fell, sonya and i were watching the fireworks, vasily saw us, vasily nikolaevich claims that all this time he was with svetlana borisovna loshkina, and svetlana borisovna loshkina, this confirms. i don’t know any lie, they all lie, maybe you're lying, where is my lawyer? a lawyer was assigned to you, but he is on sick leave, appoint another, which means you know that, kristina dmitrievna, it’s not for you to decide what not to do, but for a long time, then we’re late for the theater, the call from the region is very... i can purr, uh-huh ,
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we can congratulate you, but this is not mine, artyom pavlovich forgot, artyom, yeah, probably out of joy, kira, let’s hurry up, we’re late, the news, you know, sokolova was detained for the murder of her sister, what a horror, really she killed, i don’t know , the police will sort it out, i thought, you i considered her a rival, well, in general, here ’s good news, and i also have good news, yes, artyom seems to be getting ready.
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make an offer, yes, they don’t allow you to meet kristina, yeah, and you wanted to film the defeated kristina behind bars, yes, no, slav, i wanted to support her, so this is something new, let’s be more specific, yes, you were right, well i was wrong, there’s no need to make me into some kind of server. christina is a good person, and you know, it’s one thing to ruin lives with petty nasty things, and another to take away a child and put him behind bars. yes i heard on the news they said on the news? yes. sonya, where? vasya grabbed her with a death grip. what's with the phone? do you still have contact information for radio host volodya? certainly. can we dial, we will raise the public. vladimir radio,
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please, hello, volodya, good afternoon, this is! worries, would you like to know the truth about the arrest of kristina sokolova, yes, yes, i can do it tomorrow morning, thank you, well done, oh, hi, would you at least help me carry the suitcase, are you already with your things? well, yes, vai, pay for the taxi, otherwise i spent it all, and what happened to the car, it broke down, again, i told you so, well ok, go into the house, yeah.
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the most important thing for us now is to resolve the issue of my nieces, she locked herself in there, she’s capricious, doesn’t listen, we’ll need to feed her, well , change her, i don’t know what else they do with the children, well, what’s my name, you know, i know, sonya, by the way, she now he will live here with us. vasya, why do we need other people’s children, i’m protecting you from my own? yes, yeah, do you want a factory? yeah, do you want to live in this house? yeah, here it is, this girl will help with this. but at the same time we’ll decide that
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maybe we don’t need our own children, huh? maybe not needed. june 11, 2023, temnikov city. evgeny lugunov causes a fatal accident. he hit denis ochkin, who was riding bicycles with his daughter. the man died from his injuries. for a whole year, the wife and mother of the deceased have been trying to initiate a criminal case. in their opinion, the case has stalled because of lagunov’s stepfather, ivan martenevsky, who has great influence in the city and a criminal trail. all the details are in our investigation. malakov, tomorrow on rtr. “i can call you maestro, i can call you maestro, yeah, i can, it means he fooled you, and you’re glad he needs some fool to be attracted to him, who is the fool, it’s me who’s the fool, i
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’d like to book a room at your hotel, what are you doing here, this is my room, i paid for it, i paid for it”? but hold on, hold, hold, hold, move us in immediately, one number, one city, st. petersburg is a small city, nowhere to have dinner, one love, vasilis, this is vasily, please call me back, i’m looking for a travel companion, on friday on rtr, altai, majestic mountainous country nature has generously rewarded this region with picturesque green valleys, waterfalls, snow-white mountain ranges. peaks and glaciers, especially rich in belukha glaciers, a two-headed sacred mountain, where according to
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legend one can find the entrance to shambhala, belukha is the highest point in siberia. cradle in the great altai river katun. a pearl among the mountains: lake teletskoe. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people just as it did many centuries ago. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir
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solovyov today on rtr. dima, can you send someone from moscow? i don't really trust the locals. i can, i can, grisha. but this is not fast, dima, we need to quickly, we need to quickly, we need to at least through a lawyer understand what is happening here. okay, i understand, i’ll do what i can, but you still try to arrange a date with the police. i'm trying, that's all. come on, bye , that's it, bye, guys, bye, hello, denis, what do you need, and on what basis are you holding sokolova, and i have to report to you, but well, denis olegovich, no, of course, here i also think i shouldn’t, denis olegovich, allow me to meet with kristina for a couple of minutes, no, tomorrow a moscow lawyer is coming, preparing a complaint about illegal detention, what about us? everything is according to the law, there’s nothing to invent here, yes, article 14, paragraph seven, the detainee has the right to
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one telephone call, sokolovy was given a call, they were given a call, and who she called, i didn’t ask her, maxim semyono, it’s a waste to do it right away with the accusations, fuck off, he will never come to an amicable agreement with him, i think, through my connections let's try. yeah, yes, yes, yes, semyonich, but only 30 seconds, yes, hold on, it’s you, who is it, hello, christina, hi, it’s me, grisha, where is sonya, is she with vasilivo? this was the only way to avoid custody, what evidence do they have against you? grisha, no, don’t leave her with
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them, i don’t trust anyone, they ’ll send her to an orphanage, but hello, don’t, how bad is that, sonechka, why don’t you eat, you asked for pasta, i don’t want it. and what do you want? sleep sleep? let's go, i'll put you to bed, now i'll do it myself, you're doing well.
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hello, grandma, sonechka, how are you, my good, grisha told me everything, you’re with uncle vasya now, right? yes, with aunt sveta, she made me pasta. where are you now? in our room. when will mom be back? mom's coming soon. do you want us to talk all night? and sleep? we won't sleep. cool. dad, dad, catch up with me, dad! well, dad, dad, dad, catch up, dad, dad, i'm here, dad, drive!
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topochka, hi, stop calling me, mark, daddy, please forgive me, what do you want to tell me, i already understand everything about you, please, let's talk, i will pay for the clinic, but i don’t want to visit you anymore, take me away from here, i’m tired, please. hello, i came to testify in the case of kristina sokolova, my husband, vasily saponov
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and his mistress, i don’t know the last name, they’re lying, give me a piece of paper, i’ll write everything, that’s it. or to take revenge on your husband, no, of course, well , nice, go home, the last thing i’m interested in right now is your family squabbles, i heard them say that they lied to christina, only so that they could take the factory, i’m ready to testify in court, so that, well, alebi, vasily, well, okay, let’s say you saw christina during the death of anna safonova, and at what time was she killed, what? it was necessary to prove, you are not a witness and goodbye, no, no, no, come, come, i won’t leave, i won’t leave until you take my testimony, i’ll call the duty officer , you will be arrested for 15 days, duty officer, duty officer, put your hands away , good health.
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well, they brought the girl, no, she’s with her relatives, i told her to pick her up, her relatives, they have rights, i’m least interested in their rights, but i had to act in the best interests of the child, right?
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yes, lil, i thought, i’ll write everything now, she’ll be released, lil, calm down, we ’ll come up with something, but what, what will we come up with, vasya is lying, this girl is lying to him, she’ll convince the police, what should we do, lil , do n’t cry, i know what we can come up with, of course, lil, that’s it, i need to run, bye, kudos, kudos, and you know where my old one is
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, did you know that you have a mistress? no, my phone is here, great, can you get all my photos and videos from here? well , i think i can, but why? we need to restore party on the night anna died, every second, every frame, so we can figure out who was next to anna at the time of her death, thank you, so what kind of connector do we have here? dishes, it was you, it was you who came to me with the phone, right? i understand what you mean, please let me call, please, one more time, don’t ask anyone like that again, i beg you one time, and one time, please give it to me, you would eat better.
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oh, we have a new cleaning lady, hello, you yourself are a cleaning lady, what do you need, this is for you, what do you need here, i’m here with vasily, yes, print in show me your passport, or if you want, i’ll show you, vasya, she said, don’t let anyone in. vasya has exactly the same rights here as i do, so let’s move quickly, otherwise it’s disgusting to watch, sonya. sonechka, this is aunt lilya, where are you? sonya,
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so, i know that there are false testimonies, you’re not afraid, yes, but you, you’re not afraid, you lied to the police, you’re trying to take sonya away, but you’re not trying, i want to help christina, right? here she said that she was a murderer, and now you want to help her, somehow i don’t trust you very well, well, anya, she didn’t kill, yes mark, hi, how are you, hi, grishka, i ok, can you help me please? “i need to apologize to kristyusha and sonya, please, forgive me, mark, right now, maybe in a couple of days, grizhda, i
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need it urgently, no, no, sorry, right now there’s no way at all, i can’t talk, i have a second line, yes , hello, bad news,
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dies. today your daughter will be sent to an orphanage, this is a court decision, the next stage is deprivation of parental rights, if... before the deprivation you can still return your daughter, then after, and the girl
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is healthy, pretty, she will quickly will select a foster family, you can’t, we can, there are plenty of reasons, driving while intoxicated, endangering the life of a child, not enough, here is a witness. yes, okay, yes, well, that’s all, our sheriff gave
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good news, sokolova is in the right condition, take the grant papers and go to her, i can’t, why, no. “you can, but you don’t want to, she shouldn’t know that i ’m playing against her, what’s the difference, come on , without these melodramas, come on, come on, come on, come on, sign the papers, divide the money, and the job is done. the most cruel aristocrat in history .


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