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tv   Za semyu pechatyami  RUSSIA1  June 24, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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here is the realization of the feat of this man, he is worthy of all the highest awards that the secular authorities have, i am a man, i am not a christian, so i do not meddle in the affairs of the church, that is , they know there, but it’s easy to understand how he accepted this death as a martyr, from whose hands, because those who killed him. but these are the princes of the dagestan nobility, these are not beggars, deprived of everything, lost souls, no, these are well-fed, well-groomed children, local nobility who had businesses who did anything, at their service there were various mma clubs, at their service were any car, any money, their parents felt great.
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but i think that he regrets that they didn’t kill enough, in fact, in translation it’s a regret, because for them to rock our society, to add, that would be happiness, but let’s , well, let’s face it, stop flirting, there’s the great abrahamic religion islam, there are wars. excellent,
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amazingly demonstrated themselves on the front line, a variety of nationalities, but their religion is muslim, i met a lot of them, they are both chechens and there are a lot of dagestanis and tatars, this is not a question at all, it will not be possible to cause discord here, but there are terrorist cells that are sponsored, which are supporters of the ideology, i have a question, where is the work of the competent...
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special forces of the russian guard, but at the same time they are not have the right to carry out operational activities, i cannot make a claim to the ministry of internal affairs, knowing what salaries people have, how difficult it is now, i’m certainly not going to make a claim to the federal security service, which is involved there a colossal amount of work, but in fact i see what happened.
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trends in euro-maist religions were destroyed, they were brought here, there was no talk of diasporas, of incomprehensible preachers, of secret painting houses, of secret clubs where training in incomprehensible directions is conducted, that’s enough, that’s just enough, this will be... in our country it shouldn’t, we could lose the country like this, and we talk about this many times, and we shouldn’t turn a blind eye, interethnic relations, respect for religions are mandatory, but what we’re talking about we say, this is terrorism, we know how to fight terrorism, we need to remember how we fought terrorism during the entire time we were in power, he managed to stop
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international terrorism in the caucasus, look how someone likes and doesn’t like the methods of ramzan akhmatovich kadyrov, these questions. they were deprived of the chechen republic, they were decided very harshly, very precisely, and of course, it’s clear that dagestan needs help, but because when the anti-semitic attack took place, everyone came out and said that they should be pitied, well, how many of those who were pitied turned out to be now in the ranks of terrorists, all those who bailed them out don’t want to answer now? how the investigation into more than strange behavior, illegal, criminal, in essence, ended with nothing, ridiculous fines, so they felt that everything
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is possible, you know, in our country there can be any kind of power, except for weak ones, including in the localities , everlasting memory. heroes who, fulfilling their official duty, gave their lives in the fight against international terrorism, here is the adviser to the muftiate of dagestan, aina gamzatova, published a video with portraits police officers killed in the terrorist attack. almost all of them are young local guys, muslims. isn’t this what the koran calls for, yes, never, never, we need to draw conclusions, understand, by the way, don’t try
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to talk about such things, we need serious and systemic conclusions, very serious systemic conclusions, but what is happening. either former or retired, that is , retired british diplomat craig marey. it is no coincidence that nusra and isis never attack israel, because they expose israel and the cia. well, of course, for this right there will be declared an enemy of israel, well, this is no stranger to it. and
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former deputy director of national intelligence betsan on cnn, they immediately give a version convenient for them. the north caucasus has always been something of a birthplace of islamic extremism, and the only way russia has dealt with it there before is with chechnya, two bloody wars in which many, many russian soldiers were killed, as well as chechens. as you know, this is extremely difficult to manage, especially in such a diverse region. one of the things they did was force many...
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i wasn’t in derbent, by the way, i was in makhachkala immediately after the events at the airport, and i can tell you that the people i talked to there were very uncomfortable with these events, they were very embarrassed by them, they are very
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proud of their fellow countrymen who heroically fight in the zone of a special military operation, they are proud of their scientists. by the way , there were physicists at the all-union level, at the dagestan state university, but it seems to me that... this boomerang, which was launched then without being stopped without being, as they say, publicly convicted, having been, well, extradited for some kind of petty hooliganism, well, they got into a fight while drunk at a disco, well, what’s the matter, what ’s the point of imprisoning them now, well, this is what’s happening, and i’ll tell you so i will say that it is absolutely clear that this is...
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here is our enemy, whom the president called
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a probable enemy, and this is a very strong, such fixation, he calls it war, he does not hide the decisive goals of this clash, and we continue to live inside, that this is a time of peace, that it is possible somehow in different ways, yes, we need to be gentler, there is no need to scare society with a police state, but what better way to scare society with such terrorist manifestations, which can happen in almost any city, well, let’s still go out, our society is very mature in reality, let's not be afraid to talk to society seriously, openly, including about the threats it faces. here we need to understand one more thing, if you look at everything that
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the collective west does, then in fact russia is the last, the last country, which is truly a stronghold, the guardian of interethnic and interreligious peace, yes, we have allies, belarus, and iran, and many places, but from large multinational ones...
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this is written openly, including in very reputable american expert journals,
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they all time they write about some kind of offensive in august, in september on the ukrainian front, do they really think that in their current state the armed forces of ukraine are capable of organizing something there, they adequately perceive the armed forces of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine are capable of filling up the first trench with meat, like this it’s customary to say from...
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not out of nowhere, these are the pain points that we covered up with brilliant green and thought that they would go away, we had to open them up, we had to open up the issue of migration and we had to open it up a year ago, now these points are their focuses, their attention, the focus of applications, their efforts, so i think that we must realize, firstly, that this is really ... a decisive offensive of the west, it is important for them from what point of view, no matter from what point of view, by the way, it fits very well into this story of aggravation of the situation in the near future in the east, in the zone of arab-israeli confrontation, i won’t go into it too deeply now , but there will be a colossal religious moment there, colossal, you can’t
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escape it, this is decisive for them...
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in my opinion, a very decisive time is coming, this is a very decisive time it must be realized also within our society, i don’t have any special recipes, i just know that this problem faced our country, it was solved, a lot of what was used then is now, in my opinion. .. quite applicable, there are several points that i would like to draw your attention to, i would like to remind you that when the events at makhachkala airport took place, all the information preparation and incitement of passions were taken over by telegram channels, which were directly linked to the ukrainian special services, that is, they were working then, after that, look,
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we have a tragedy in coruka city, our... islamic ones, here is radical islam, russia has bad relations with islam, which is an absolute lie, they are hitting this point, that’s why now they are starting to throw two bombs.
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terrorist groups, as a rule, stands above one and above the other , these are the british intelligence services, that is , the hand of this behind-the-scenes master who likes to arrange all this is visible here, that is, that is why i would raise it to a higher level, and the recipes, well, except those, there are also very simple ones, if you don’t want terrorists to commit a terrorist attack a second time, introduce the death penalty, a good option, that’s simple, because, for example, if there was the death penalty, then ... absolutely , and i’m grateful to you for what you have them they said, it seems to me that this is important, as for my attitude, so to speak, i will say on my own behalf, as an orthodox christian, an orthodox priest,
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an absolutely wonderful man, an elderly man, who had never done harm to anyone, really died, they killed him cruelly, brutally, so to speak, yes, and i would say, so to speak, mockingly, yes, but i’ll tell you what, to all those who think to intimidate us and so on, i, as an orthodox christian, can say, for me... this is only a confirmation of the correctness of my faith, if you think that so to speak, killing him there priest, this, you will convince us that your faith, as it were, or your convictions are correct, you are mistaken, you are mistaken, i see that against orthodox christianity the american, so to speak, these same imperialists, satanists, yes, i see , that european homosexuals are against orthodox christianity, i see that against orthodox christianity there are various, so to speak, extremists, bandits, i see that against orthodox christianity...
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they become martyrs, the difference seems obvious to me to any normal person and not you have to do it, what do you know, there are all sorts of these other things, so to speak, no, i think it’s obvious, as if this is the first, second - just yesterday in your studio there we talked about american satanists, and i absolutely i’m sure, by the way, that these people who worship evil are really seizing power throughout the west, by the way, yes, maybe it looks like something, you know, someone will grin, but nevertheless... people who deliberately worship evil , sooner or later they come to the idea of ​​human sacrifices, human sacrifices, and in no other way, i
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don’t know, maybe they have already agreed somewhere in their stinking basements, have already sworn allegiance to the devil and decided to sacrifice the entire planet to him, who knows, maybe they really want to say so the sacrifice of all people, as it were, on the planet, but this is also not excluded, but yesterday we talked about some, and today about others, i am absolutely convinced, no matter what slogans. people did not hide behind, no matter what flag they acted under, yes, especially if they are, therefore, cynical, and to me it seems vile, they use the name of the creator, yes, if they deliberately kill the defenseless, if they are drawn to kill, if they want to kill, if murder, violence, aggression gives them pleasure, they are satanists, they serve the devil, they serve evil, so that they are there they didn’t talk about themselves, but what they are covering up is...
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what kind of motto do you use, it seems to me, justifying your craving for lawlessness in the name of god is the most vile excuse you can come up with, that’s all, that’s it important, but how nice it really is to justify internal filth in the name of god , to dirty it in this way, to kill it in this way, because this is important, this is important to understand seriously, as if yes, here again among muslims, so to speak, god, he is characterized by what words, yes, that is, merciful and merciful, wants to ask their bandits, where is mercy and mercy, at this moment, when you were killing people, where is mercy and mercy, do you really think that the creator, who is absolutely
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omnipotent, needs someone to shed everything time is blood, his mercy and mercy is that someone sheds blood all the time, the devil needs to shed blood all the time, so he needs to destroy human souls and these bandits as well, because... their souls are also destroyed by this very , as it were, devilish thing to say ideology, it is important to understand that if any person, no matter what religion or nationality he is, so to speak, answers this question honestly, sits down with himself honestly and answers, he will understand that this is how it is, that this is how it is there is, and it seems to me that this is extremely it’s important, but the next point, so to speak , about the connection between these terrorists and the west and so on and so on, well, listen,
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you helped the american satanists, you helped them, it’s connected there, it’s not connected, let the special services sort it out, but according to in essence, in essence, you are at the same time with them, this is a completely obvious thing, the next point is about extremism, listen, i know that sometimes muslims are offended there, so to speak, but there is nothing to be offended by , it seems to me that the presence of radical extremism is a fact inside a huge islamic world, but it is stupid to deny it, it
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exists. it exists, unfortunately, it exists, and it seems to me that the task of the muslim community, mind and so on, is to get rid of it, this is one of the main challenges facing those people who believe that islam is a religion of peace, to me , for example, this phrase, islam, religion and peace, is much closer, but this phrase must be proven by deeds, and if you don’t prove it by deeds, then, so to speak, it turns out that it kind of hangs in the air, that’s closer to me these people, but what is inside the islamic world, you... extremism, extremist ideology, this is obvious, and in general extremism of all kinds, starting from terrorism and ending there, relatively speaking, in principle, justifying some kind of aggression, this is criminal and so on etc., this is, this thing exists, yes, when they object, but they are not true muslims, i agree with you, i think so, but they call themselves true muslims and hide behind the name of god, here we are, who are not muslims we are how do we figure this out? you have to
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figure it out first and foremost inside. islamic community, you must reject these people so that no one can even think that this has anything to do with you at all, that’s what’s important, you vladimir said, these same people, they have their own views, i i’m sure they showed it somehow, set it out, prepared somewhere, what they were preparing for, someone knew about it, knew it and said, well, okay, as if this wasn’t a problem, but why? but because i sympathized internally, that’s the problem, so i personally, just so to speak, believe that this... religious peace is a huge value, and people who really adhere to traditional islam, as it were, are a statement that islam is a religion of peace, these people, yes, undoubtedly are much closer to us in any case, but to deny the presence of extremist ideas that are widespread, so to speak, among some layers of people, is simply stupid and says, well, you know, this is it, well this is it so to speak is nonsense, that's how to say it, well, in general, it's better that way
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don’t say, because you understand that... they are not real believers, and i can’t determine whether they are real or not, it’s none of my business, because i’m not a muslim, i can’t determine, give an assessment, whether they are real or not, i met with people like this, everyone says that they are real, so in fact this problem must be solved from the inside and russian sovereignty is very important here, because as it was correctly said, this extremism is brought in first of all from outside, it was originally brought from outside, foreign preachers from with which they flirt... so to speak, yes, and many continue to flirt, yes, and the locals, so to speak, are also different smart people who pick up these things, this too, this is also true, sovereignty, including spiritual, if i may say so, yes we believe that russia - this is an original civilization, one of the foundations of which is, inter alia, interethnic and interreligious peace, then in this area there must be sovereignty, an independent interpretation, so to speak, of all, all important, therefore, dogmatic things within the muslim
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community, so that we can see , yes? what is this this way, and not that way, otherwise they will be judged by their actions, by their actions, you know, so he calls himself, which means this and that, he hides behind the name, so to speak, of god, and what action he does, then we will to judge only by actions, the latter, it is also extremely important to understand, and to the question of risks and so on, these are all especially widespread, which means, unfortunately, the mood among the huge mass of migrants, they come from central asia in this central asia to in fact, there are problems with...
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he wants to say, but ideologists, for example, our migration policy, i have always said, our migration policy is a function of the globalist migration policy, in principle, this is globalism, these transparent borders, let everyone go wherever they want, the main thing is money, money, money
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, money, where is the money, the idea, everything will rot there, everything will be sold, the economy, the economy, all this is important, no doubt, but you understand that your economy can be covered with a copper basin if the country begins to be torn apart, and this is a very real prospect, so to these... here so, too, let's keep quiet, and you keep quiet, and you keep quiet, everything will be fine, but it won’t be, unfortunately, it won’t be, so these things, as if yes, should be taken not only under strict control, so to speak, this should become one of the first priorities, especially moreover, i conclude that it really is completely indifferent to our enemies how to blow up russia, in general they don’t care what slogan you speak under, what you think there, so to speak, what you are talking about and so on, so on, so on, that’s theirs in general absolutely, so to speak, doesn’t care at all, right? are you ready, so to speak, well done, and you are ready, and you, and you too will do, i think that these things need to be understood very clearly, advertising, i am proud that i have not
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betrayed either my pioneer oath, or my party card, or my military crouch, on gennady’s eightieth birthday zyuganov, this place has an advantage, you know what, all the opponents are in full view, as long as i’ve been working... i’ve known him for so long, but somewhere he’ll just insist on his own like a tank, the idea of ​​the justice of socialism was put forward by our thousand-year-old culture, it saved the world from fascism, she allowed us to become the most space and the bravest power. gennady andrevich zyuganov, he is consistent, principled in his positions, his assessments, he never hid them. solidarity is the main weapon; now we must definitely win. survived, he survived both as a politician and as a sincere person, the era disappears, but he remains. truth of zyuganov, premiere on wednesday on rtr. can i
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call you maestro? can? maestra? yes. can. so he fooled you. and you are glad. what he needs is for some fool to be attracted to him. who is this fool? this? i would like to book a room at your hotel, what are you doing here, this is my room, i paid for it, i paid, hold, hold, hold, hold, check us in immediately, one room, oh, one city, st. petersburg, small city, nowhere to have dinner ,
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we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health. we dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation . therefore, the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important thing, from monday to friday. on
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rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it works out. so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the first podcasts we watch, what are you doing here, i won’t be long, change seats immediately, my wife will come here now, please don’t attract attention, like you’re a wife, i’m a wife , who are you, this is alive , she gave birth, congratulations, my husband is probably happy,
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we got divorced, but he loves your mouth, everything is fine, but how can i say, he sleeps lightly, he feels that his mother is not around, and we are without a mother we can handle it, but eating brings not only children, only one option, which, you need to find a woman, great idea, i couldn’t do it myself, wait, listen to the end, you need to get married, on the wings of a stork. love is flying in, let's switch to you, i myself wanted to suggest, greetings from aest, on saturday on rtr, we have forest sports, then with records, if it's a holiday, then folk, we love traditions, we honor our
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history, we value family, strong relationships , we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the exhibition russia. of course, time is speeding up, everything is happening against the backdrop of a colossal change in the political landscape, and guess what, when do grandfathers fight? at 9:00 in the evening, well, this is their time, so this is not so common in nahan, but at 5 in the morning, now of course i wildly like how south korea has legs. teaches that they don’t like the fact that our relations with north korea, with the korean
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people’s democratic republic are being built, and when dmitry spoke about sovereignty, i directly recalled our conversation and thought that this is juche sovereignty, like since what is true sovereignty, we generally live, of course, in a world where, well , the confrontation actually already has a character, well , probably so deeply ideological, that even all external ones -
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their vision of the future is a neoliberal, unrecognizable europe, where every city becomes like brussels. ugly, dirty, unsafe, with zero social cohesion, where buildings are constantly being built and never seem to end. ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the new world order. and what is the antidote? strong, a christian europe made up of sovereign
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nation-states? this is why we need to firmly reject the lie that nationalism causes war. this is expansionism, and where in europe can we find it currently? in one place only in one place - brussels. isn’t it funny that the same people who are destroying our national sovereignty and love to do it, leaving everything to the eurocrats there, are now telling us that we should spend billions and billions of euros on the national sovereignty of ukraine.
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on the other hand, to create a barrier or such a gap between russia and the peoples of europe, some of their representatives, as we have seen , still have common sense; as for the sanctions themselves, they contain several new elements, which i would like to draw attention to,
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firstly, firstly, we note that the pause between the 13th and the current round of sanctions was a record long one, more than four months in europe... having adopted the thirteenth package of sanctions in mid- february of this year, they overwhelmed it with some technical details, in general , they probably wanted and maybe even achieved some goals from a point of view, but they were busy, they needed to listen to all the tracks recorded by polina gagarina and shaman to watch all the films with khlabystin in order to make a decision on including them in the sanctions list, which these are phantasmogorical european idiots, absolutely. in reality, the deplorable state of the european economy, its such a strategic decline in comparison with other centers of power, let's say, everyone paid attention to the sanctions regarding lng, they seem to
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two types, and on the one hand, sanctions regarding the inability to use european ports for further sales of the cis. the market has run out of supplies or almost there have been reduced to a minimum by more than 3/4 of the supply of russian gas directly through ukraine or through turkey, so now the europeans are organizing these sanctions in the 14th package, they actually force russia to sell lng only to them, what if the supplies lng to europe is not limited in any way, then
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transshipment from europe further to other ports is precisely the subject of sanctions, that is. concerns technologies that are prohibited from supply, otherwise navatek was indeed a little romantic, apparently referring to his partners, his partners were not only the french, but also the chinese, but we know that the chinese came out of the sanctions, so on the one hand, of course, novatek will have problems with the construction of these two plants, which they named near yamalo, arctic spg and near murmansk, but on the other hand there are technologies just for us, in fact. in any case, miller last year at the st. petersburg forum clearly stated that
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gazprom has 100% of the technologies that are needed for the production of living natural gas in small complexes, like what is now near vyborg, which is why i don’t understand well, i still have a technical education, yes, in what is the secret in technology, we need some powerful pumps, powerful engines, which we do not produce yet, but what one person came up with, another can always steal. no, i understand that this does not apply only to the front axles of the niva, which is now on 156 years of niva’s existence, it suddenly became clear that there was an incredible secret, the stock from soviet times had run out, so now there are no more zacialists, where to go, the latter was called out of retirement, but if not to talk about... about what cannot be talked about speaking in polite society, i mean about these people who are involved in our automobile industry, then what is the problem here,
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at one time we had a whole direction t, which was remarkably skillful, everything that the enemy is trying to hide, pull out and deliver, yes well this is not enough, it’s true that no, if they say that we have problems, i don’t know, produce one moment, and not know the technology, i don’t understand this part, westerners understand technology first of all, of course. the entire cycle, including production, so we can’t steal it, oh-oh, maybe the most honest people work in our business, because stealing is bad, why didn’t they say right away, but i think, well, for sure, of course , well, somehow yes, in general, in the end, now novotech has built or created capacities that allow us to double the production of lng russian gas by 29, well, that’s already a problem. for us is that liquefied natural gas projects are being implemented simultaneously in katera, in australia, in the united states, in the russian
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federation, and that now the obvious shortage of lng in 3 years may turn into a different situation, so everyone needs to hurry up, we really need to move faster, so the europeans, on the one hand, remember about themselves, they want russian lng to go to the european market, and we, with all our if we don’t want to do this, we may end up in a situation where there is nowhere else to supply it, but that’s what they think. well, the second option delays the moment when there will be a lot of lng on the market, among other sanctions, you know, there are quite a lot of them, so it seems to me that the section on sanctions on charter road transport was written either by the new anary de balzac, or by thomas man, because this point is described very romantically, despite the fact that the official document that the european union is concerned that rich people in russia will fly on planes on their own somewhere in the mediterranean and so , well... no, well, i’m ready to fly to my villa on lake coma, i can even use the necessary military aviation for this, well, to
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fight off enemy nato planes that prohibit me from flying over any point of the european territory there of the european union, they are like they still found someone here who has planes, who is not under their sanctions, or what? well, since that episode, there have been sanctions against singers and artists, but you know, although we , again, have... attitude towards the consequences sanctions or their study is sometimes quite lightweight, but still, what struck me were the sanctions announced against the pener camp artek, and despite the fact that here, too, you can probably smile, but when we look at or know european history from their mechanisms , you know, the deprivation of human essence, and other people, or what is usually called...
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the very fact that they announce some kind of sanctions surprises me much less than the fact that we are selling our real ones, for theirs, not having no meaning, euro or dollar, which we can’t even implement, we can’t buy anything that we need and bring, yes, i completely agree, these are the measures that i brought regarding the issue regarding the transit transportation of goods by cars, these are the measures with which they are trying to force us to serve them economic interests, so the faster we don’t know the technology, but come to the st. petersburg mining industry well, okay,
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the idiot barel believes that as a result of this our economy has become worse, although according to statistics it’s the other way around, let’s lead against them finally sanctions, just calmly cut everything off and goodbye, but the chinese themselves invented everything, as you know, everything they do is written history, i’m not, 400 years, 50 years in general, i won’t be surprised at anything, maybe more one story, a good little bit about another, at the end of last week the fifth russian-azerbaijani meeting took place in baku. expert council, the first, i have been a member of this council from the first day of its work, in the fall of twenty -one, this council met for the first time and the task was to propose to our relations with azerbaijan, some format that would take into account the peculiarity of the two countries, first of all , what was important for us was the peculiarity of azerbaijan as such a special state and a state with
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energy resources with a strict attitude towards sovereignty, on the other hand... and a state that was clearly under some kind of more or less strong control of great britain, let me remind you that british petroleum still holds the oil industry of azerbaijan by the throat, and although the coverage is weakening, it nevertheless remains quite strong, that’s when we proposed, and then the highest authorities of russia approved this very model, we called it about allied interaction, not about an alliance, not about partnership, about allied interaction in 3 days. before the start of the special military operation , a declaration was signed, when the president of azerbaijan flew here to moscow, now we can observe that russia-azerbaijan are developing such a mudusvi, a type of relationship with each other, when we have problems, of course, in the south caucasus in other areas, but at the same time, we have managed over these years since at least the adoption
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declaration and since this is already the fifth meeting. very frank direct discussions with the participation of people from the presidential administration with the highest level, well not the highest, but the head of the foreign ministry from russia from azerbaijan, to develop a type of relationship with azerbaijan where respectful relations at the political level are accompanied or continued by rapid economic growth, record growth rates trade or trade turnover, last year you traded almost 4.5 billion. yes investments and accumulated investments, new investments, russian industrial capital comes to azerbaijan, that is, this is kind of a positive story of how we build relations with the state, which in general could be given up and given up and placed under the influence of england, in any case , great britain probably really wanted this, what we see now in armenia, by the way , is also happening that maybe for armenia it would also be necessary to somehow offer some
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new option for cooperation, maybe i won’t do anything. talks about what needs to be offered to armenia, i would like the armenian the people simply remembered and returned both their religion and their great history, of course, and looked at who controls them now, it would be very nice, a visit to north korea, as i understand it, this is such an earthquake, and autoshocks are still going on around the world political arena, they are coming, because this visit, if we remember. putin’s article in nodong sinun was positioned not just as a visit to a country that has been demonized even more than russia, and is a member of the nuclear club, it is an element of building some kind of new world order, which putin called a world order based on justice, as opposed to the so-called
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world order based on law.
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was filmed by the cooperation of moscow and pyongyang, despite the fact that the arguments presented were a combination of propaganda stuffing indirectly.
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the maximum possible freedom of hands for the current moment in the russian and chinese directions, it is no coincidence that on june 5, vladimir putin noted that we respect and understand
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the position of south korea, which has not yet crossed the red line in the form of direct supplies of weapons and military equipment to ukraine. yes we are we know that south.
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you won’t like how to answer, it’s already the twenty-third, zhangho jin again makes a statement in which siul, on the one hand , gives back, on the other, becomes public,
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the second.


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